Commit Log

commit description author date
ef04c7b3d0b8 Problem 10, Miller-Rabin, etc Steve Losh 2016-04-11
d4b651730553 Add scratch.lisp to .hgignore. Steve Losh 2016-04-11
7c2948c7ec11 Problem 9 Steve Losh 2016-04-10
20c03264a55e Problem 8 Steve Losh 2016-04-10
3512c67e0138 Problem 7, and add a test suite Steve Losh 2016-04-10
37bd082d9946 Problem 6 Steve Losh 2016-04-10
2e707232cee0 Problem 5 Steve Losh 2016-04-10
5dc80bffbecc Problem 4 Steve Losh 2016-04-10
a0f494350896 Add comments with the Project Euler problem text Steve Losh 2016-04-10
8d552510fe9d Problem 3, and fix up utils. Steve Losh 2016-04-09
330b4236a18e Start repo. Steve Losh 2016-04-09
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