--- a/src/primes.lisp Thu Oct 12 21:29:54 2017 -0400
+++ b/src/primes.lisp Fri Oct 13 01:32:55 2017 -0400
@@ -28,7 +28,15 @@
(defun prime-factors (n)
- "Return the prime factors of `n`."
+ "Return the prime factors of `n`.
+ The result will be a set of primes. For example:
+ (prime-factors 60)
+ ; =>
+ (2 3 5)
+ "
(let ((result (list)))
(iterate (while (evenp n)) ; handle 2, the only even prime factor
@@ -45,7 +53,15 @@
(nreverse result)))
(defun prime-factorization (n)
- "Return the prime factorization of `n`."
+ "Return the prime factorization of `n` as a flat list.
+ The result will be a list of primes, with duplicates. For example:
+ (prime-factorization 60)
+ ; =>
+ (2 2 3 5)
+ "
;; from http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/print-all-prime-factors-of-a-given-number/
(let ((result (list)))
(iterate (while (evenp n)) ; handle 2, the only even prime factor
@@ -60,6 +76,33 @@
(push n result))
(nreverse result)))
+(defun prime-factorization-pairs (n)
+ "Return the prime factorization of `n` as a list of prime/exponent conses.
+ The result will be a list of `(prime . exponent)` conses. For example:
+ (prime-factorization-pairs 60)
+ ; =>
+ ((2 . 2) (3 . 1) (5 . 1))
+ "
+ (let ((result (list)))
+ (iterate (while (evenp n)) ; handle 2, the only even prime factor
+ (if-first-time
+ (push (cons 2 1) result)
+ (incf (cdar result)))
+ (setf n (/ n 2)))
+ (iterate
+ (for i :from 3 :to (sqrt n) :by 2) ; handle odd (prime) divisors
+ (iterate (while (dividesp n i))
+ (if-first-time
+ (push (cons i 1) result)
+ (incf (cdar result)))
+ (setf n (/ n i))))
+ (when (> n 2) ; final check in case we ended up with a prime
+ (push (cons n 1) result))
+ (nreverse result)))
(defun expmod (base exp m)
"Return base^exp % m quickly."
--- a/src/problems.lisp Thu Oct 12 21:29:54 2017 -0400
+++ b/src/problems.lisp Fri Oct 13 01:32:55 2017 -0400
@@ -2084,6 +2084,57 @@
(for (row . col) :in (euler.hungarian:find-minimal-assignment matrix))
(summing (- (aref matrix row col))))))
+(defun problem-346 ()
+ ;; The number 7 is special, because 7 is 111 written in base 2, and 11 written
+ ;; in base 6 (i.e. 7_10 = 11_6 = 111_2). In other words, 7 is a repunit in at
+ ;; least two bases b > 1.
+ ;;
+ ;; We shall call a positive integer with this property a strong repunit. It
+ ;; can be verified that there are 8 strong repunits below 50:
+ ;; {1,7,13,15,21,31,40,43}. Furthermore, the sum of all strong repunits below
+ ;; 1000 equals 15864.
+ ;;
+ ;; Find the sum of all strong repunits below 10^12.
+ (iterate
+ ;; Let's start with a few observations. First, 1 is a repunit in ALL bases,
+ ;; and 2 isn't a repunit in any base.
+ ;;
+ ;; Next, EVERY number `n` greater than 2 is a repunit in base `n - 1`,
+ ;; because it will be `11` in that base. So every number already fulfills
+ ;; half the requirements of the problem. This means we only need to find
+ ;; and sum all the numbers are repunits in at least one more base, and
+ ;; they'll be of the form `11[1]+` in that base.
+ ;;
+ ;; Instead of iterating through each number trying to search for a base that
+ ;; it happens to be a repunit in, it's faster if we iterate through the
+ ;; possible BASES instead and generate all their repunits below the limit.
+ ;; Observe how new repunits can be iteratively formed for a given base `b`:
+ ;;
+ ;; R₁ = 1 = 1
+ ;; R₂ = 11 = 1 + b¹
+ ;; R₃ = 111 = 1 + b¹ + b²
+ ;; R₄ = 1111 = 1 + b¹ + b² + b³
+ ;; ...
+ ;;
+ ;; We can use a set to store the results to avoid overcounting numbers that
+ ;; are repunits in more than two bases.
+ (with limit = (expt 10 12))
+ (with strong-repunits = (make-hash-set :initial-contents '(1)))
+ (for base :from 2 :to (sqrt limit))
+ (iterate
+ ;; To check a particular base we'll start at number 111 in that base,
+ ;; because we've already accounted for 1 and 11 in our previous
+ ;; assumptions.
+ ;;
+ ;; This is why we only iterate up to √b in the outer loop: the first
+ ;; number we're going to be checking is `111 = 1 + b¹ + b²`, and so any
+ ;; base higher than √b would immediately exceed the limit. We could
+ ;; probably narrow the range a bit further, but it's plenty fast already.
+ (for n :first (+ 1 base (expt base 2)) :then (+ 1 (* base n)))
+ (while (< n limit))
+ (hset-insert! strong-repunits n))
+ (finally (return (hset-reduce strong-repunits #'+)))))
(defun problem-357 ()
;; Consider the divisors of 30: 1,2,3,5,6,10,15,30. It can be seen that for
;; every divisor d of 30, d+30/d is prime.
@@ -2301,6 +2352,7 @@
(test p315 (is (= 13625242 (problem-315))))
(test p323 (is (= 6.3551758451d0 (problem-323))))
(test p345 (is (= 13938 (problem-345))))
+(test p346 (is (= 336108797689259276 (problem-346))))
(test p357 (is (= 1739023853137 (problem-357))))
(test p387 (is (= 696067597313468 (problem-387))))
--- a/src/utils.lisp Thu Oct 12 21:29:54 2017 -0400
+++ b/src/utils.lisp Fri Oct 13 01:32:55 2017 -0400
@@ -290,11 +290,20 @@
(remove n (divisors n)))
(defun count-divisors (n)
- (+ (* 2 (iterate (for i :from 1 :below (sqrt n))
- (counting (dividesp n i))))
- (if (squarep n)
- 1
- 0)))
+ ;; From *Recreations in the Theory of Numbers: The Queen of Mathematics
+ ;; Entertains* by Albert Beiler.
+ ;;
+ ;; To find the number of divisors of n, we first find its prime factorization:
+ ;;
+ ;; p₁^k₁ × p₂^k₂ × ... × pₓ^kₓ
+ ;;
+ ;; The divisors of n are each formed by some combination of these numbers. To
+ ;; find the total number of divisors we take ∏(k+1) for each exponent k in the
+ ;; factorization. This is because there are k₁+1 options for how many of the
+ ;; first prime to include (because 0 is an option), k₂+1 options for the
+ ;; second prime, etc.
+ (iterate (for (nil . exponent) :in (prime-factorization-pairs n))
+ (multiplying (1+ exponent))))
(defmacro-driver (FOR var IN-COLLATZ n)