--- a/src/euler.lisp Sat Feb 25 17:20:04 2017 +0000
+++ b/src/euler.lisp Sat Feb 25 17:42:31 2017 +0000
@@ -28,11 +28,9 @@
(defun digits-to-number (digits)
- (iterate (with result = 0)
- (for d :in-whatever digits)
- (mulf result 10)
- (incf result d)
- (finally (return result))))
+ (reduce (lambda (total digit)
+ (+ (* total 10) digit))
+ digits))
(defun palindromep (n &optional (radix 10))
@@ -297,6 +295,15 @@
(squarep x))))
+(defun pentagon (n)
+ (* n (- (* 3 n) 1) 1/2))
+(defun pentagonp (n)
+ ;; We can ignore the - branch of the quadratic equation because negative
+ ;; numbers aren't indexes.
+ (dividesp (+ 1 (sqrt (1+ (* 24 n)))) 6))
(defun parse-strings-file (filename)
(-<> filename