`reduce` has a `:from-end` arg2017-02-15, by Steve Losh
Problem 182017-02-13, by Steve Losh
Problem 172017-02-13, by Steve Losh
Problems 15 and 162017-02-13, by Steve Losh
Problem 142017-02-12, by Steve Losh
Problem 132017-02-12, by Steve Losh
Problem 122017-02-12, by Steve Losh
Problem 11 (ugly)2017-02-10, by Steve Losh
Fuck a `LOOP`2017-02-10, by Steve Losh
Modernize repo2017-02-10, by Steve Losh
Problem 10, Miller-Rabin, etc2016-04-11, by Steve Losh
Add scratch.lisp to .hgignore.2016-04-11, by Steve Losh
Problem 92016-04-10, by Steve Losh
Problem 82016-04-10, by Steve Losh
Problem 7, and add a test suite2016-04-10, by Steve Losh
Problem 62016-04-10, by Steve Losh
Problem 52016-04-10, by Steve Losh
Problem 42016-04-10, by Steve Losh
Add comments with the Project Euler problem text2016-04-10, by Steve Losh
Problem 3, and fix up utils.2016-04-09, by Steve Losh
Start repo.2016-04-09, by Steve Losh