author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Mon, 25 Sep 2017 20:39:56 -0400 |
parents |
072186c1d12e |
children |
31594a0e0439 |
(in-package :euler)
(defmacro-driver (FOR var ITERATING function SEED value)
(let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
(with-gensyms (f)
(with ,f = ,function)
(,kwd ,var
:initially (funcall ,f ,value)
:then (funcall ,f ,var))))))
(defmacro-driver (FOR var IN-LOOPING list)
(let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
(with-gensyms (l remaining)
(with ,l = ,list)
(,kwd (,var . ,remaining)
:next (if-first-time
(if (null ,remaining)
(defmacro-driver (FOR var KEY function &sequence)
(let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
(with-gensyms (i f)
(with ,f = ,function)
(generate ,i ,@(losh::expand-iterate-sequence-keywords))
(,kwd ,var :next (funcall ,f (next ,i)))))))
(defmacro-driver (FOR var IN-DIGITS-OF integer &optional RADIX (radix 10))
"Iterate `var` through the digits of `integer` in base `radix`, low-order first."
(let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
(with-gensyms (i r remaining digit)
(with ,r = ,radix)
(with ,i = (abs ,integer))
(,kwd ,var :next (if (zerop ,i)
(multiple-value-bind (,remaining ,digit)
(truncate ,i ,r)
(setf ,i ,remaining)
(defmacro-driver (FOR var IN-CSV-FILE filename &optional
KEY (key #'identity) DELIMITER (delimiter #\,))
(let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
(with-gensyms (line)
(generate ,line :in-file ,filename :using #'read-line)
(,kwd ,var :next (mapcar ,key (cl-strings:split (next ,line) ,delimiter)))))))
(defmacro when-first-time (&body body)
(progn ,@body)))
(defmacro unless-first-time (&body body)
(progn ,@body)))
(defun digits-length (n &optional (radix 10))
"Return how many digits `n` has in base `radix`."
(if (zerop n)
(values (1+ (truncate (log (abs n) radix))))))
(defun digits (n &optional (radix 10))
"Return a fresh list of the digits of `n` in base `radix`."
(iterate (for d :in-digits-of n :radix radix)
(collect d :at :beginning)))
(defun digits-to-number (digits)
(if digits
(reduce (lambda (total digit)
(+ (* total 10) digit))
(defun extremely-fucking-unsafe-digits-to-number (digits)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(if digits
(declare (iterate:declare-variables))
(with (the (unsigned-byte 62) result) = 0)
(for (the (integer 0 9) d) :in digits)
(setf result (the (unsigned-byte 64) (mod (* result 10) (expt 2 62)))
result (the (unsigned-byte 64) (mod (+ result d) (expt 2 62))))
(finally (return result)))
(defun palindromep (n &optional (radix 10))
"Return whether `n` is a palindrome in base `radix`."
(let ((s (format nil "~VR" radix n)))
(string= s (reverse s))))
(defun-inlineable sum (sequence &key key)
(iterate (for n :in-whatever sequence)
(sum (if key
(funcall key n)
(defun-inlineable product (sequence &key key)
(iterate (for n :in-whatever sequence)
(multiplying (if key
(funcall key n)
(defun-inlineable mutate (function list)
"Destructively mutate each element of `list` in-place with `function`.
Equivalent to (but can be faster than) `(map-into list function list)`.
(declare (optimize speed))
(loop :with function = (ensure-function function)
:for l :on list
:do (setf (car l) (funcall function (car l))))
(defun sort< (sequence)
(sort sequence #'<))
(defun unsorted-divisors (n)
(iterate (for i :from 1 :to (sqrt n))
(for (values divisor remainder) = (truncate n i))
(when (zerop remainder)
(collect i)
;; don't collect the square root twice
(unless (= i divisor)
(collect divisor)))))
(defun-inlineable divisors-up-to-square-root (n)
(loop :for i :from 1 :to (floor (sqrt n))
:when (zerop (rem n i))
:collect i))
(defun divisors (n)
(sort< (unsorted-divisors n)))
(defun proper-divisors (n)
(remove n (divisors n)))
(defun count-divisors (n)
(+ (* 2 (iterate (for i :from 1 :below (sqrt n))
(counting (dividesp n i))))
(if (squarep n)
(defmacro-driver (FOR var IN-COLLATZ n)
(let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
(,kwd ,var :next (cond ((null ,var) ,n)
((= 1 ,var) (terminate))
((evenp ,var) (/ ,var 2))
(t (1+ (* 3 ,var))))))))
(defun collatz (n)
(iterate (for i :in-collatz n)
(collect i)))
(defun collatz-length (n)
(iterate (for i :in-collatz n)
(counting t)))
(defmacro-driver (FOR var IN-FIBONACCI _)
(declare (ignore _))
(with-gensyms (a b)
(let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
(with ,a = 0)
(with ,b = 1)
(,kwd ,var :next (prog1 ,b
(psetf ,a ,b
,b (+ ,a ,b))))))))
(defun fibonacci (n)
"Return the first `n` Fibonacci numbers as a fresh list."
(iterate (repeat n)
(for i :in-fibonacci t)
(collect i)))
(defun binomial-coefficient (n k)
"Return `n` choose `k`."
(iterate (for i :from 1 :to k)
(multiplying (/ (+ n 1 (- i))
(defun factorial (n)
(iterate (for i :from 1 :to n)
(multiplying i)))
(defun perfectp (n)
(= n (sum (proper-divisors n))))
(defun abundantp (n)
(< n (sum (proper-divisors n))))
(defun deficientp (n)
(> n (sum (proper-divisors n))))
(defun multiplicative-order (integer modulus)
"Return the multiplicative order of `integer` modulo `modulus`."
(iterate (for i :from 1)
(for v :first integer :then (* v integer))
(finding i :such-that (= 1 (mod v modulus)))))
(defun number-spiral-corners (size)
"Return a list of the corner values of a 'number spiral' of size `size`.
`size` must be odd. The order of the corners in the resulting list is
Note that the \"spiral\" of size one has just a single \"corner\": `1`.
(assert (oddp size))
(if (= 1 size)
(list 1)
(let ((leg (1- size))
(final (square size)))
(list (- final (* 0 leg))
(- final (* 1 leg))
(- final (* 2 leg))
(- final (* 3 leg))))))
(defun truncate-number-left (n amount &optional (radix 10))
"Chop `amount` digits off the left side of `n` in base `radix`."
(mod n (expt radix (- (digits-length n radix) amount))))
(defun truncate-number-right (n amount &optional (radix 10))
"Chop `amount` digits off the right side of `n` in base `radix`."
(truncate n (expt radix amount)))
(defun concatenate-integers (&rest integers)
"Concatenate each integer in `integers` and return a big ol' integer result."
(values (parse-integer
(format nil "~{~D~}" integers))))
(defun pandigitalp (integer &key (start 1) (end 9))
"Return whether `integer` is `start` to `end` (inclusive) pandigital.
(pandigitalp 123) ; => nil
(pandigitalp 123 1 3) ; => t
(pandigitalp 123 0 3) ; => nil
(equal (irange start end)
(sort< (digits integer))))
(defun pandigitals (&optional (start 1) (end 9))
"Return a list of all `start` to `end` (inclusive) pandigital numbers."
(map-permutations (lambda (digits)
;; 0-to-n pandigitals are annoying because we don't want
;; to include those with a 0 first.
(unless (zerop (first digits))
(gather (digits-to-number digits))))
(irange start end)
:copy nil)))
(defun permutations (sequence &key length)
(gathering (map-permutations #'gather sequence :length length)))
(defun combinations (sequence &key length)
(gathering (map-combinations #'gather sequence :length length)))
(defun-inline digits< (n digits)
"Return whether `n` has fewer than `digits` digits."
(< (abs n) (expt 10 (1- digits))))
(defun-inline digits<= (n digits)
"Return whether `n` has `digits` or fewer digits."
(< (abs n) (expt 10 digits)))
(defun adjoin% (list item &rest keyword-args)
(apply #'adjoin item list keyword-args))
(define-modify-macro adjoinf (item &rest keyword-args) adjoin%)
(defun mv* (matrix vector)
(with (rows cols) = (array-dimensions matrix))
(initially (assert (= cols (length vector))))
(with result = (make-array rows :initial-element 0))
(for row :from 0 :below rows)
(iterate (for col :from 0 :below cols)
(for v = (aref vector col))
(for a = (aref matrix row col))
(incf (aref result row)
(* v a)))
(finally (return result))))
(defun pythagorean-triplet-p (a b c)
(= (+ (square a) (square b))
(square c)))
(defun pythagorean-triplets-of-perimeter (p)
(with result = '())
(for c :from 1 :to (- p 2))
(for a :from 1 :below (min c (- p c)))
(for b = (- p c a))
(when (pythagorean-triplet-p a b c)
(adjoinf result (sort< (list a b c))
:test #'equal)))
(finally (return result))))
(defun map-primitive-pythagorean-triplets (function stop-predicate)
(let ((u #2A(( 1 2 2)
(-2 -1 -2)
( 2 2 3)))
(a #2A(( 1 2 2)
( 2 1 2)
( 2 2 3)))
(d #2A((-1 -2 -2)
( 2 1 2)
( 2 2 3))))
(recursively ((triple (vector 3 4 5)))
(unless (apply stop-predicate (coerce triple 'list))
(apply function (coerce triple 'list))
(recur (mv* u triple))
(recur (mv* a triple))
(recur (mv* d triple))))))
(defun squarep (n)
"Return whether `n` is a perfect square."
(and (integerp n)
(= n (square (isqrt n)))))
(defun cube (n)
(* n n n))
(defun build-cube-array ()
(with arr = (make-array 819 :initial-element nil))
(for mod in '(0 125 181 818 720 811 532 755 476
1 216 90 307 377 694 350 567 442
8 343 559 629 658 351 190 91 469
27 512 287 252 638 118 603 161 441
64 729 99 701 792 378 260 468 728))
(setf (aref arr mod) t)
(finally (return arr)))))
(defun slow-cubep (n)
(= n (cube (truncate (expt n 1/3)))))
(defun cubep (n)
(and (integerp n)
(svref #.(build-cube-array) (mod n 819))
(slow-cubep n)))
(defun triangle (n)
"Return the `n`th triangle number (1-indexed because mathematicians are silly)."
(* 1/2 n (1+ n)))
(defun trianglep (n)
"Return whether `n` is a triangle number."
;; A number is triangular if and only if 8T + 1 is an odd perfect square.
(let ((x (1+ (* 8 n))))
(and (oddp x)
(squarep x))))
(defun pentagon (n)
(* n (- (* 3 n) 1) 1/2))
(defun pentagonp (n)
;; We can ignore the - branch of the quadratic equation because negative
;; numbers aren't indexes.
(dividesp (+ 1 (sqrt (1+ (* 24.0d0 n)))) 6))
(defun hexagon (n)
(* n (1- (* 2 n))))
(defun hexagonp (n)
;; We can ignore the - branch of the quadratic equation because negative
;; numbers aren't indexes.
(dividesp (+ 1 (sqrt (1+ (* 8.0d0 n)))) 4))
(defun heptagon (n)
(* n (- (* 5 n) 3) 1/2))
(defun octagon (n)
(* n (- (* 3 n) 2)))
(defun parse-strings-file (filename)
(-<> filename
(substitute #\Space #\, <>)
(defun letter-number (char)
"Return the index of `char` in the alphabet (A being 1)."
(1+ (- (char-code (char-upcase char)) (char-code #\A))))
(defun set-equal (list1 list2 &rest args)
(null (apply #'set-exclusive-or list1 list2 args)))
(defun orderless-equal (list1 list2 &key (sort-predicate #'<))
(equal (sort (copy-seq list1) sort-predicate)
(sort (copy-seq list2) sort-predicate)))
(defun irange (start end &key (step 1) (key 'identity))
"Inclusive `range`."
(range start (1+ end) :step step :key key))
(defun length= (n sequence)
(= n (length sequence)))
(defun reverse-integer (n)
(digits-to-number (nreverse (digits n))))
(defmacro labels-memoized (definitions &body body)
(let ((caches (mapcar #'gensym (range 0 (length definitions)))))
(flet ((build (cache definition)
(destructuring-bind (name lambda-list &body body) definition
`(,name ,lambda-list
(ensure-gethash (list ,@lambda-list) ,cache
(progn ,@body)))))))
`(let (,@(iterate (for cache :in caches)
(collect `(,cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))))
(labels (,@(mapcar #'build caches definitions))
(defun subsequencep (needles haystack &key key (test #'eql))
"Return whether `needles` is a (possibly non-contiguous) subsequence of `haystack`."
(ctypecase haystack
(every (lambda (el)
(let ((result (member el haystack :key key :test test)))
(setf haystack (rest result))
(let ((p 0))
(every (lambda (el)
(setf p (position el haystack :start p :key key :test test)))
(deftype matrix (&optional (element-type '*))
`(array ,element-type (* *)))
(defun transpose-matrix (matrix)
(check-type matrix matrix)
(iterate (with (rows cols) = (array-dimensions matrix))
(with result = (make-array (list cols rows)))
(for-nested ((i :from 0 :below rows)
(j :from 0 :below cols)))
(setf (aref result j i)
(aref matrix i j))
(finally (return result))))
(defun rotate-matrix-clockwise (matrix)
(check-type matrix matrix)
(iterate (with (rows cols) = (array-dimensions matrix))
(with result = (make-array (list cols rows)))
(for source-row :from 0 :below rows)
(for target-col = (- rows source-row 1))
(dotimes (source-col cols)
(for target-row = source-col)
(setf (aref result target-row target-col)
(aref matrix source-row source-col)))
(finally (return result))))
(defun rotate-matrix-counterclockwise (matrix)
(check-type matrix matrix)
(iterate (with (rows cols) = (array-dimensions matrix))
(with result = (make-array (list cols rows)))
(for source-row :from 0 :below rows)
(for target-col = source-row)
(dotimes (source-col cols)
(for target-row = (- cols source-col 1))
(setf (aref result target-row target-col)
(aref matrix source-row source-col)))
(finally (return result))))
(defun geometric-pmf (success-probability trials)
"The probability mass function of the geometric distribution.
Returns the probability that exactly `trials` trials will be required to see
the first success in a series of Bernoulli trials with `success-probability`.
(* (expt (- 1 success-probability) (1- trials))
(defun geometric-cdf (success-probability trials)
"The cumulative distribution function of the geometric distribution.
Returns the probability that `trials` or fewer trials will be required to see
the first success in a series of Bernoulli trials with `success-probability`.
(- 1 (expt (- 1 success-probability) trials)))
(defun round-to (number precision &optional (rounder #'round))
(coerce (let ((div (expt 10 precision)))
(/ (funcall rounder (* number div)) div))
(type-of number)))
(defun vec2 (x y)
(vector x y))
(defun vx (vec2)
(aref vec2 0))
(defun vy (vec2)
(aref vec2 1))
(defun vec2+ (a b)
(vec2 (+ (vx a) (vx b))
(+ (vy a) (vy b))))
(defun vec2- (a b)
(vec2 (- (vx a) (vx b))
(- (vy a) (vy b))))
(defun vec2-dot (a b)
(+ (* (vx a) (vx b))
(* (vy a) (vy b))))
(defun barycentric (a b c point)
"Return the barycentric coords of `point` with respect to the triangle `abc`.
`a`, `b`, `c`, and `point` must be `vec2`s.
The resulting `u`, `v`, and `w` barycentric coordinates will be returned as
three values.
(let* ((v0 (vec2- b a))
(v1 (vec2- c a))
(v2 (vec2- point a))
(d00 (vec2-dot v0 v0))
(d01 (vec2-dot v0 v1))
(d11 (vec2-dot v1 v1))
(d20 (vec2-dot v2 v0))
(d21 (vec2-dot v2 v1))
(denom (- (* d00 d11) (* d01 d01)))
(v (/ (- (* d11 d20) (* d01 d21)) denom))
(w (/ (- (* d00 d21) (* d01 d20)) denom))
(u (- 1 v w)))
(values u v w)))