Commit Log

commit description author date
3ec7448dc603 Fix the CP437 in MakerLisp Steve Losh 2019-04-25
87eadbc9344d Please end my life Steve Losh 2019-04-25
116d65dfdb35 More Steve Losh 2019-04-22
4a5c3d4626d4 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-04-22
7452a4fd1499 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-04-20
aa1cc443308a Makerlisp Steve Losh 2019-04-20
62f9cb575c0f More Steve Losh 2019-04-22
994750f7b6dd Merge. Steve Losh 2019-04-18
855cbad5f857 Makerlisp stuff Steve Losh 2019-04-17
ad00851f9411 Fucking computers Steve Losh 2019-04-13
b892847fa264 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-04-13
07fcefed6b88 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-04-13
a99f17704db4 More Steve Losh 2019-04-13
9dcc4278dc41 Add enscript bullshit Steve Losh 2019-04-13
ef75870a1f30 Update adopt uis Steve Losh 2019-04-02
58bd4107ba30 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-03-27
c6e6e4b4d601 eq Steve Losh 2019-03-27
9336c053ff7a More Steve Losh 2019-04-18
7d4add588cc3 More Steve Losh 2019-03-26
188c44d7247c Better st-edit behavior Steve Losh 2019-03-14
ba6a5cb2dc59 Go folding and more Steve Losh 2019-03-13
80f5ec3932ae More Steve Losh 2019-03-12
f01b60ea69c5 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-02-28
fba717445635 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-02-26
958e380d20f0 More Steve Losh 2019-02-26
fd1ced257076 More Steve Losh 2019-02-28
172cfe406bd4 more Steve Losh 2019-02-25
4befa7736844 Back Steve Losh 2019-02-20
270d58497577 More Steve Losh 2019-02-06
6f429206629f Fucking broken garbage hg-git is hosed for https mercurial urls and I have no idea why Steve Losh 2019-02-02
406297f067eb Update to Steve Losh 2019-02-02
d436478438d9 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-02-02
634d093b174a More Steve Losh 2019-02-02
2316eb128101 72 Steve Losh 2019-02-02
bf58a9cfeff2 Merge. Steve Losh 2019-02-01
7de8b091e613 More Steve Losh 2019-02-01
f6d35d12a2a5 Rename to render the damn thing Steve Losh 2019-02-01
d3cf0122bca6 Try out Steve Losh 2019-02-01
ea3cc427437e More Steve Losh 2019-02-01
52107888f30a Merge. Steve Losh 2019-01-14
c3b026046776 More Steve Losh 2019-01-11
3e8af1c65b8c More Steve Losh 2019-01-11
7bcae6fc1b59 more Steve Losh 2019-01-02
46c7c92011de More Steve Losh 2018-12-26
f1959eb4c678 Clean up Steve Losh 2018-12-22
8324a5a60426 Reimplement grep Steve Losh 2018-12-21
a8a82a63b876 More Steve Losh 2019-01-14
159c993863c4 Less Steve Losh 2018-12-21
f84403802761 More Steve Losh 2018-12-21
11bce44c17e9 More Steve Losh 2018-12-21
e3f5572c7738 Oh god Steve Losh 2018-12-21
c6afac579697 More Steve Losh 2018-12-20
6ee2d1d3d487 Whops Steve Losh 2018-12-19
c2c6f95f5635 More Steve Losh 2018-12-19
db75783ac258 More Steve Losh 2018-12-19
384770359545 More Steve Losh 2018-12-19
a9e85b8e5f66 More Steve Losh 2018-12-19
deda525820e3 Merge. Steve Losh 2018-12-19
76c25760f62f Rewrite the fucking clhs thing with adopt Steve Losh 2018-12-18
b7b3976d4c83 more Steve Losh 2018-12-19