--- a/vim/autoload/delimitMate.vim Thu May 13 20:33:15 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
-" ============================================================================
-" File: autoload/delimitMate.vim
-" Version: 2.1
-" Description: This plugin provides auto-completion for quotes, parens, etc.
-" Maintainer: Israel Chauca F. <israelchauca@gmail.com>
-" Manual: Read ":help delimitMate".
-" Utilities {{{
-function! delimitMate#ShouldJump() "{{{
- let col = col('.')
- let lcol = col('$')
- let char = getline('.')[col - 1]
- let nchar = getline('.')[col]
- let uchar = getline(line('.') + 1)[0]
- for cdel in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- if char == cdel
- " Closing delimiter on the right.
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- if b:delimitMate_expand_space && char == " "
- for cdel in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- if nchar == cdel
- " Closing delimiter with space expansion.
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- if b:delimitMate_expand_cr && char == ""
- for cdel in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- if uchar == cdel
- " Closing delimiter with CR expansion.
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- return 0
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#IsBlockVisual() " {{{
- if mode() == "\<C-V>"
- return 1
- endif
- " Store unnamed register values for later use in delimitMate#RestoreRegister().
- let b:save_reg = getreg('"')
- let b:save_reg_mode = getregtype('"')
- if len(getline('.')) == 0
- " This for proper wrap of empty lines.
- let @" = "\n"
- endif
- return 0
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#Visual(del) " {{{
- let mode = mode()
- if mode == "\<C-V>"
- redraw
- echom "delimitMate: delimitMate is disabled on blockwise visual mode."
- return ""
- endif
- " Store unnamed register values for later use in delimitMate#RestoreRegister().
- let b:save_reg = getreg('"')
- let b:save_reg_mode = getregtype('"')
- if len(getline('.')) == 0
- " This for proper wrap of empty lines.
- let @" = "\n"
- endif
- if mode ==# "V"
- let dchar = "\<BS>"
- else
- let dchar = ""
- endif
- let index = index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, a:del)
- if index >= 0
- let ld = a:del
- let rd = b:delimitMate_right_delims[index]
- endif
- let index = index(b:delimitMate_right_delims, a:del)
- if index >= 0
- let ld = b:delimitMate_left_delims[index]
- let rd = a:del
- endif
- let index = index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, a:del)
- if index >= 0
- let ld = a:del
- let rd = ld
- endif
- return "s" . ld . "\<C-R>\"" . dchar . rd . "\<Esc>:call delimitMate#RestoreRegister()\<CR>"
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#IsEmptyPair(str) "{{{
- for pair in b:delimitMate_matchpairs_list
- if a:str == join( split( pair, ':' ),'' )
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- for quote in b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- if a:str == quote . quote
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- return 0
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#IsCRExpansion() " {{{
- let nchar = getline(line('.')-1)[-1:]
- let schar = getline(line('.')+1)[:0]
- let isEmpty = getline('.') == ""
- if index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, nchar) > -1 &&
- \ index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, nchar) == index(b:delimitMate_right_delims, schar) &&
- \ isEmpty
- return 1
- elseif index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) > -1 &&
- \ index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) == index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, schar) &&
- \ isEmpty
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
-endfunction " }}} delimitMate#IsCRExpansion()
-function! delimitMate#IsSpaceExpansion() " {{{
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if col > 0
- let pchar = line[col - 1]
- let nchar = line[col + 2]
- let isSpaces = (line[col] == line[col+1] && line[col] == " ")
- if index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, pchar) > -1 &&
- \ index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, pchar) == index(b:delimitMate_right_delims, nchar) &&
- \ isSpaces
- return 1
- elseif index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, pchar) > -1 &&
- \ index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, pchar) == index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) &&
- \ isSpaces
- return 1
- endif
- endif
- return 0
-endfunction " }}} IsSpaceExpansion()
-function! delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() "{{{
- let cur = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 2 )
- return delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( cur )
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#WriteBefore(str) "{{{
- let len = len(a:str)
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if col < 0
- call setline('.',line[(col+len+1):])
- else
- call setline('.',line[:(col)].line[(col+len+1):])
- endif
- return a:str
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#WriteAfter(str) "{{{
- let len = len(a:str)
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if (col) < 0
- call setline('.',a:str.line)
- else
- call setline('.',line[:(col)].a:str.line[(col+len):])
- endif
- return ''
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#RestoreRegister() " {{{
- " Restore unnamed register values store in delimitMate#IsBlockVisual().
- call setreg('"', b:save_reg, b:save_reg_mode)
- echo ""
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegion() "{{{
- return synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)), 'name')
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegionIf(char) "{{{
- let col = col('.')
- let origin_line = getline('.')
- let changed_line = strpart(origin_line, 0, col - 1) . a:char . strpart(origin_line, col - 1)
- call setline('.', changed_line)
- let region = synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col, 1)), 'name')
- call setline('.', origin_line)
- return region
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#IsForbidden(char) "{{{
- if b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_enabled = 0
- return 0
- endif
- let result = index(b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegion()) >= 0
- if result >= 0
- return result + 1
- endif
- let region = delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegionIf(a:char)
- let result = index(b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, region) >= 0
- "return result || region == 'Comment'
- return result + 1
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#FlushBuffer() " {{{
- let b:delimitMate_buffer = []
- return ''
-endfunction " }}}
-" }}}
-" Doers {{{
-function! delimitMate#JumpIn(char) " {{{
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if (col) < 0
- call setline('.',a:char.line)
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- else
- "echom string(col).':'.line[:(col)].'|'.line[(col+1):]
- call setline('.',line[:(col)].a:char.line[(col+1):])
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- endif
- return ''
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#JumpOut(char) "{{{
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if line[col+1] == a:char
- return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
- else
- return a:char
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#JumpAny() " {{{
- " Let's get the character on the right.
- let char = getline('.')[col('.')-1]
- if char == " "
- " Space expansion.
- "let char = char . getline('.')[col('.')] . delimitMate#Del()
- return char . getline('.')[col('.')] . delimitMate#Del() . delimitMate#Del()
- "call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- elseif char == ""
- " CR expansion.
- "let char = "\<CR>" . getline(line('.') + 1)[0] . "\<Del>"
- let b:delimitMate_buffer = []
- return "\<CR>" . getline(line('.') + 1)[0] . "\<Del>"
- else
- "call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- return char . delimitMate#Del()
- endif
-endfunction " delimitMate#JumpAny() }}}
-function! delimitMate#SkipDelim(char) "{{{
- let cur = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 3 )
- if cur[0] == "\\"
- " Escaped character
- return a:char
- elseif cur[1] == a:char
- " Exit pair
- "return delimitMate#WriteBefore(a:char)
- return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
- "elseif cur[1] == ' ' && cur[2] == a:char
- "" I'm leaving this in case someone likes it. Jump an space and delimiter.
- "return "\<Right>\<Right>"
- elseif delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( cur[0] . a:char )
- " Add closing delimiter and jump back to the middle.
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- return delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
- else
- " Nothing special here, return the same character.
- return a:char
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#QuoteDelim(char) "{{{
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.') - 2
- if line[col] == "\\"
- " Seems like a escaped character, insert one quotation mark.
- return a:char
- elseif line[col + 1] == a:char
- " Get out of the string.
- "return delimitMate#WriteBefore(a:char)
- return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
- elseif (line[col] =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9]' && a:char == "'") ||
- \(line[col] =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9]' && b:delimitMate_smart_quotes)
- " Seems like an apostrophe or a closing, insert a single quote.
- return a:char
- elseif (line[col] == a:char && line[col + 1 ] != a:char) && b:delimitMate_smart_quotes
- " Seems like we have an unbalanced quote, insert one quotation mark and jump to the middle.
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- return delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
- else
- " Insert a pair and jump to the middle.
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- call delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
- return a:char
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#MapMsg(msg) "{{{
- redraw
- echomsg a:msg
- return ""
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#ExpandReturn() "{{{
- if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() &&
- \ b:delimitMate_expand_cr
- " Expand:
- call delimitMate#FlushBuffer()
- return "\<Esc>a\<CR>x\<CR>\<Esc>k$\"_xa"
- else
- return "\<CR>"
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#ExpandSpace() "{{{
- if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() &&
- \ b:delimitMate_expand_space
- " Expand:
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, 's')
- return delimitMate#WriteAfter(' ') . "\<Space>"
- else
- return "\<Space>"
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#BS() " {{{
- if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair()
- "call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- return "\<BS>" . delimitMate#Del()
-" return "\<Right>\<BS>\<BS>"
- elseif b:delimitMate_expand_space &&
- \ delimitMate#IsSpaceExpansion()
- "call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- return "\<BS>" . delimitMate#Del()
- elseif b:delimitMate_expand_cr &&
- \ delimitMate#IsCRExpansion()
- return "\<BS>\<Del>"
- else
- return "\<BS>"
- endif
-endfunction " }}} delimitMate#BS()
-function! delimitMate#Del() " {{{
- if len(b:delimitMate_buffer) > 0
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.') - 2
- call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- call setline('.', line[:col] . line[col+2:])
- return ''
- else
- return "\<Del>"
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#Finish() " {{{
- let len = len(b:delimitMate_buffer)
- if len > 0
- let buffer = join(b:delimitMate_buffer, '')
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.') -2
- "echom 'col: ' . col . '-' . line[:col] . "|" . line[col+len+1:] . '%' . buffer
- call setline('.', line[:col] . line[col+len+1:])
- let i = 1
- let lefts = ''
- while i < len
- let lefts = lefts . "\<Left>"
- let i += 1
- endwhile
- return substitute(buffer, "s", "\<Space>", 'g') . lefts
- endif
- return ''
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#RmBuffer(num) " {{{
- if len(b:delimitMate_buffer) > 0
- call remove(b:delimitMate_buffer, 0, (a:num-1))
- endif
- return ""
-endfunction " }}}
-" }}}
-" Mappers: {{{
-function! delimitMate#NoAutoClose() "{{{
- " inoremap <buffer> ) <C-R>=delimitMate#SkipDelim('\)')<CR>
- for delim in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#SkipDelim("' . escape(delim,'"') . '")<CR>'
- endfor
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#AutoClose() "{{{
- " Add matching pair and jump to the midle:
- " inoremap <buffer> ( ()<Left>
- let i = 0
- while i < len(b:delimitMate_matchpairs_list)
- let ld = b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]
- let rd = b:delimitMate_right_delims[i]
- exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . ld . ' ' . ld . '<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpIn("' . rd . '")<CR>'
- let i += 1
- endwhile
- " Exit from inside the matching pair:
- for delim in b:delimitMate_right_delims
- exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#JumpOut("\' . delim . '")<CR>'
- endfor
- " Add matching quote and jump to the midle, or exit if inside a pair of matching quotes:
- " inoremap <buffer> " <C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim("\"")<CR>
- for delim in b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim("\' . delim . '")<CR>'
- endfor
- " Try to fix the use of apostrophes (de-activated by default):
- " inoremap <buffer> n't n't
- for map in b:delimitMate_apostrophes_list
- exec "inoremap <buffer> " . map . " " . map
- endfor
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#VisualMaps() " {{{
- let VMapMsg = "delimitMate: delimitMate is disabled on blockwise visual mode."
- let vleader = b:delimitMate_visual_leader
- " Wrap the selection with matching pairs, but do nothing if blockwise visual mode is active:
- for del in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_left_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- exec "vnoremap <buffer> <expr> " . vleader . del . ' delimitMate#Visual("' . escape(del, '")') . '")'
- endfor
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#ExtraMappings() "{{{
- " If pair is empty, delete both delimiters:
- inoremap <buffer> <BS> <C-R>=delimitMate#BS()<CR>
- " If pair is empty, delete closing delimiter:
- inoremap <buffer> <expr> <S-BS> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<Del>" : "\<S-BS>"
- " Expand return if inside an empty pair:
- if b:delimitMate_expand_cr != 0
- inoremap <buffer> <expr> <CR> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandReturn()\<CR>" : "\<CR>"
- endif
- " Expand space if inside an empty pair:
- if b:delimitMate_expand_space != 0
- inoremap <buffer> <expr> <Space> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandSpace()\<CR>" : "\<Space>"
- endif
- " Jump out ot any empty pair:
- if b:delimitMate_tab2exit
- inoremap <buffer> <expr> <S-Tab> delimitMate#ShouldJump() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpAny()\<CR>" : "\<S-Tab>"
- endif
- " Fix the re-do feature:
- inoremap <buffer> <Esc> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Esc>
- " Flush the char buffer on mouse click:
- inoremap <buffer> <LeftMouse> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><LeftMouse>
- inoremap <buffer> <RightMouse> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><RightMouse>
- " Flush the char buffer on key movements:
- inoremap <buffer> <Left> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Left>
- inoremap <buffer> <Right> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Right>
- inoremap <buffer> <Up> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Up>
- inoremap <buffer> <Down> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Down>
- inoremap <buffer> <Del> <C-R>=delimitMate#Del()<CR>
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#UnMap() " {{{
- let imaps =
- \ b:delimitMate_right_delims +
- \ b:delimitMate_left_delims +
- \ b:delimitMate_quotes_list +
- \ b:delimitMate_apostrophes_list +
- \ ['<BS>', '<S-BS>', '<Del>', '<CR>', '<Space>', '<S-Tab>', '<Esc>'] +
- \ ['<Up>', '<Down>', '<Left>', '<Right>', '<LeftMouse>', '<RightMouse>']
- let vmaps =
- \ b:delimitMate_right_delims +
- \ b:delimitMate_left_delims +
- \ b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- for map in imaps
- if maparg(map, "i") =~? 'delimitMate'
- exec 'silent! iunmap <buffer> ' . map
- endif
- endfor
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_visual_leader")
- let vleader = ""
- else
- let vleader = b:delimitMate_visual_leader
- endif
- for map in vmaps
- if maparg(vleader . map, "v") =~? "delimitMate"
- exec 'silent! vunmap <buffer> ' . vleader . map
- endif
- endfor
-endfunction " }}} delimitMate#UnMap()
-" Tools: {{{
-function! delimitMate#TestMappings() "{{{
- exec "normal i*b:delimitMate_autoclose = " . b:delimitMate_autoclose . "\<CR>"
- exec "normal i*b:delimitMate_expand_space = " . b:delimitMate_expand_space . "\<CR>"
- exec "normal i*b:delimitMate_expand_cr = " . b:delimitMate_expand_cr . "\<CR>\<CR>"
- if b:delimitMate_autoclose
- for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_left_delims))
- exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]. "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<BS>|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . " |"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . " \<BS>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual-L: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Visual-R: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<CR>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
- endfor
- for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_quotes_list))
- exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: "
- exec "normal A". b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]
- exec "normal a\<BS>|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " |"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " \<BS>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
- endfor
- else
- for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_left_delims))
- exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<BS>|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . " |"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . " \<BS>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual-L: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Visual-R: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<CR>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
- endfor
- for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_quotes_list))
- exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<BS>|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " |"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " \<BS>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
- endfor
- endif
- exec "normal \<Esc>i"
-endfunction "}}}
-" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4
--- a/vim/delimitMate.vba Thu May 13 20:33:15 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1379 +0,0 @@
-" Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Jr., Ph.D.
-doc/delimitMate.txt [[[1
-*delimitMate* Trying to keep those beasts at bay! v.2.1 *delimitMate.txt*
- ========================================================================= ~
- ==== ========= ========================== ===== ===================== ~
- ==== ========= ========================== === ===================== ~
- ==== ========= ===================== === = = ========== ========= ~
- ==== === === == == = = === == == == == === === === == ~
- == == = == ====== ======= === ===== == = === === = = ~
- = = == == == == = = == === === ===== ===== === === = ~
- = = == ===== == == = = == === === ===== === === === ==== ~
- = = == = == == == = = == === === ===== == = === === = = ~
- == === === == == = = == === == ===== === === === == ~
- ========================================================================= ~
- 0.- CONTENTS *delimitMate-contents*
- 1. Introduction____________________________|delimitMateIntro|
- 2. Functionality___________________________|delimitMateFunctionality|
- 2.1 Automatic closing & exiting________|delimitMateAutoClose|
- 2.2 Expansion of space and CR__________|delimitMateExpansion|
- 2.3 Backspace__________________________|delimitMateBackspace|
- 2.4 Visual wrapping____________________|delimitMateVisualWrapping|
- 2.5 Smart Quotes_______________________|delimitMateSmartQuotes|
- 3. Customization___________________________|delimitMateOptions|
- 3.1 Option summary_____________________|delimitMateOptionSummary|
- 3.2 Options details____________________|delimitMateOptionDetails|
- 4. Commands________________________________|delimitMateCommands|
- 5. Functions_______________________________|delimitMateFunctions|
- 6. TODO list_______________________________|delimitMateTodo|
- 7. Maintainer______________________________|delimitMateMaintainer|
- 8. Credits_________________________________|delimitMateCredits|
- 9. History_________________________________|delimitMateHistory|
- 1.- INTRODUCTION *delimitMateIntro*
-This plug-in provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets,
-etc., besides some other related features that should make your time in insert
-mode a little bit easier.
-Most of the features can be modified or disabled permanently, using global
-variables, or on a FileType basis, using autocommands. With a couple of
-exceptions and limitations, this features don't brake undo, redo or history.
- 2. FUNCTIONALITY *delimitMateFunctionality*
- 2.1 AUTOMATIC CLOSING AND EXITING *delimitMateAutoClose*
-With automatic closing enabled, if an opening delimiter is inserted the plugin
-inserts the closing delimiter and places the cursor between the pair. With
-automatic closing disabled, no closing delimiters is inserted by delimitMate,
-but when a pair of delimiters is typed, the cursor is placed in the middle.
-When the cursor is inside an empty pair or located next to the left of a
-closing delimiter, the cursor is placed outside the pair to the right of the
-closing delimiter.
-Unless |'delimitMate_matchpairs'| or |'delimitMate_quotes'|are set, this
-script uses the values in '&matchpairs' to identify the pairs, and ", ' and `
-for quotes respectively.
-The following table shows the behaviour, this applies to quotes too (the final
-position of the cursor is represented by a "|"):
-With auto-close: >
- Type | You get
- ====================
- ( | (|)
- –––––––––|––––––––––
- () | ()|
- –––––––––|––––––––––
- (<S-Tab> | ()|
-Without auto-close: >
- Type | You get
- =====================
- () | (|)
- –––––––––-|––––––––––
- ()) | ()|
- –––––––––-|––––––––––
- ()<S-Tab> | ()|
- 2.2 EXPANSION OF SPACE AND CAR RETURN *delimitMateExpansion*
-When the cursor is inside an empty pair of delimiters, <Space> and <CR> can be
-expanded, see |'delimitMate_expand_space'| and
-Expand <Space> to: >
- <Space><Space><Left> | You get
- ====================================
- (|) | ( | )
-Expand <CR> to: >
- <CR><CR><Up> | You get
- ============================
- (|) | (
- | |
- | )
-NOTE that the expansion of <CR> will brake the redo command.
-Since <Space> and <CR> are used everywhere, I have made the functions involved
-in expansions global, so they can be used to make custom mappings. Read
-|delimitMateFunctions| for more details.
- 2.3 BACKSPACE *delimitMateBackspace*
-If you press backspace inside an empty pair, both delimiters are deleted. When
-expansions are enabled, <BS> will also delete the expansions. NOTE that
-deleting <CR> expansions will brake the redo command.
-If you type shift + backspace instead, only the closing delimiter will be
-e.g. typing at the "|": >
- What | Before | After
- ==============================================
- <BS> | call expand(|) | call expand|
- ---------|-------------------|-----------------
- <BS> | call expand( | ) | call expand(|)
- ---------|-------------------|-----------------
- <BS> | call expand( | call expand(|)
- | | |
- | ) |
- ---------|-------------------|-----------------
- <S-BS> | call expand(|) | call expand(|
- 2.4 WRAPPING OF VISUAL SELECTION *delimitMateVisualWrapping*
-When visual mode is active this script allows for the selection to be enclosed
-with delimiters. But, since brackets have special meaning in visual mode, a
-leader (the value of 'mapleader' by default) should precede the delimiter.
-NOTE that this feature brakes the redo command and doesn't currently work on
-blockwise visual mode, any suggestions will be welcome.
-e.g. (selection represented between square brackets): >
- Selected text | After \"
- =============================================
- An [absurd] example! | An "absurd" example!
- 2.5 SMART QUOTES *delimitMateSmartQuotes*
-Only one quote will be inserted following a quote, a "\" or an alphanumeric
-character. This should cover closing quotes, escaped quotes and apostrophes.
-Except for apostrophes, this feature can be disabled setting the option
-|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'| to 0.
-e.g. typing at the "|": >
- What | Before | After
- =======================================
- " | "String| | "String"|
- " | let i = "| | let i = "|"
- ' | I| | I'|
- 3. CUSTOMIZATION *delimitMateOptions*
-You can create your own mappings for some features using the global functions.
-Read |DelimitMateFunctions| for more info.
- 3.1 OPTIONS SUMMARY *delimitMateOptionSummary*
-The behaviour of this script can be customized setting the following options
-in your vimrc file. You can use local options to set the configuration for
-specific file types, see |delimitMateOptionDetails| for examples.
-|'loaded_delimitMate'| Turns off the script.
-|'delimitMate_autoclose'| Tells delimitMate whether to automagically
- insert the closing delimiter.
-|'delimitMate_matchpairs'| Tells delimitMate which characters are
- matching pairs.
-|'delimitMate_quotes'| Tells delimitMate which quotes should be
- used.
-|'delimitMate_visual_leader'| Sets the leader to be used in visual mode.
-|'delimitMate_expand_cr'| Turns on/off the expansion of <CR>.
-|'delimitMate_expand_space'| Turns on/off the expansion of <Space>.
-|'delimitMate_excluded_ft'| Turns off the script for the given file types.
-|'delimitMate_apostrophes'| Tells delimitMate how it should "fix"
- balancing of single quotes when used as
- apostrophes. NOTE: Not needed any more, kept
- for compatibility with older versions.
-|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'| Turns on/off the "smart quotes" feature.
- 3.2 OPTIONS DETAILS *delimitMateOptionDetails*
-Add the shown lines to your vimrc file in order to set the below options.
-Local options take precedence over global ones and can be used along with
-autocmd to modify delimitMate's behavior for specific file types.
- *'loaded_delimitMate'*
- *'b:loaded_delimitMate'*
-This option prevents delimitMate from loading.
-e.g.: >
- let loaded_delimitMate = 1
- au FileType mail let b:loaded_delimitMate = 1
- *'delimitMate_autoclose'*
- *'b:delimitMate_autoclose'*
-Values: 0 or 1. ~
-Default: 1 ~
-If this option is set to 0, delimitMate will not add a closing delimiter
-automagically. See |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
-e.g.: >
- let delimitMate_autoclose = 0
- au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 0
- *'delimitMate_matchpairs'*
- *'b:delimitMate_matchpairs'*
-Values: A string with |matchpairs| syntax. ~
-Default: &matchpairs ~
-Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered
-matching pairs. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
-e.g: >
- let delimitMate = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
- au FileType vim,html let b:delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
- *'delimitMate_quotes'*
- *'b:delimitMate_quotes'*
-Values: A string of characters separated by spaces. ~
-Default: "\" ' `" ~
-Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered as
-quotes. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
-e.g.: >
- let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\" ' ` *"
- au FileType html let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\" '"
- *'delimitMate_visual_leader'*
- *'b:delimitMate_visual_leader'*
-Values: Any character. ~
-Default: q ~
-The value of this option will be used to wrap the selection in visual mode
-when followed by a delimiter. Read |delimitMateVisualWrap| for details.
-e.g: >
- let delimitMate_visual_leader = "f"
- au FileType html let b:delimitMate_visual_leader = "f"
- *'delimitMate_expand_cr'*
- *'b:delimitMate_expand_cr'*
-Values: 1 or 0 ~
-Default: 0 ~
-This option turns on/off the expansion of <CR>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
-for details.
-e.g.: >
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = "\<CR>\<CR>\<Up>"
- au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = "\<CR>"
- *'delimitMate_expand_space'*
- *'b:delimitMate_expand_space'*
-Values: A key mapping. ~
-Default: "\<Space>" ~
-This option turns on/off the expansion of <Space>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
-for details.
-e.g.: >
- let delimitMate_expand_space = "\<Space>\<Space>\<Left>"
- au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_expand_space = "\<Space>"
- *'delimitMate_excluded_ft'*
-Values: A string of file type names separated by single commas. ~
-Default: Empty. ~
-This options turns delimitMate off for the listed file types, use this option
-only if you don't want any of the features it provides on those file types.
-e.g.: >
- let delimitMate_excluded_ft = "mail,txt"
- *'delimitMate_apostrophes'*
-Values: Strings separated by ":". ~
-Default: No longer used. ~
-NOTE: This feature is turned off by default, it's been kept for compatibility
-with older version, read |delimitMateSmartQuotes| for details.
-If auto-close is enabled, this option tells delimitMate how to try to fix the
-balancing of single quotes when used as apostrophes. The values of this option
-are strings of text where a single quote would be used as an apostrophe (e.g.:
-the "n't" of wouldn't or can't) separated by ":". Set it to an empty string to
-disable this feature.
-e.g.: >
- let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
- au FileType tcl let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
- 4. COMMANDS *delimitMateCommands*
-:DelimitMateReload *:DelimitMateReload*
-Re-sets all the mappings used for this script, use it if any option has been
-changed or if the filetype option hasn't been set yet.
-:DelimitMateTest *:DelimitMateTest*
-This command tests every mapping set-up for this script, useful for testing
-custom configurations.
-The following output corresponds to the default values, it will be different
-depending on your configuration. "Open & close:" represents the final result
-when the closing delimiter has been inserted, either manually or
-automatically, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Delete:" typing backspace in an
-empty pair, see |delimitMateBackspace|. "Exit:" typing a closing delimiter
-inside a pair of delimiters, see |delimitMateAutoclose|. "Space:" the
-expansion, if any, of space, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Visual-L",
-"Visual-R" and "Visual" shows visual wrapping, see
-|delimitMateVisualWrapping|. "Car return:" the expansion of car return, see
-|delimitMateExpansion|. The cursor's position at the end of every test is
-represented by an "|": >
- Open & close: (|)
- Delete: |
- Exit: ()|
- Space: ( |)
- Visual-L: (v)
- Visual-R: (v)
- Car return: (
- |)
- Open & close: {|}
- Delete: |
- Exit: {}|
- Space: { |}
- Visual-L: {v}
- Visual-R: {v}
- Car return: {
- |}
- Open & close: [|]
- Delete: |
- Exit: []|
- Space: [ |]
- Visual-L: [v]
- Visual-R: [v]
- Car return: [
- |]
- Open & close: "|"
- Delete: |
- Exit: ""|
- Space: " |"
- Visual: "v"
- Car return: "
- |"
- Open & close: '|'
- Delete: |
- Exit: ''|
- Space: ' |'
- Visual: 'v'
- Car return: '
- |'
- Open & close: `|`
- Delete: |
- Exit: ``|
- Space: ` |`
- Visual: `v`
- Car return: `
- |`
- 5. FUNCTIONS *delimitMateFunctions*
-delimitMate_WithinEmptyPair() *delimitMate_WithinEmptyPair*
-Returns 1 if the cursor is inside an empty pair, 0 otherwise.
-DelimitMate_ExpandReturn() *DelimitMate_ExpandReturn()*
-Returns the expansion for <CR>.
-e.g.: This mapping could be used to select an item on a pop-up menu or expand
-<CR> inside an empty pair: >
- inoremap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ? "\<c-y>" :
- \ DelimitMate_WithinEmptyPair ?
- \ DelimitMate_ExpandReturn() : "\<CR>"
-DelimitMate_ExpandSpace() *DelimitMate_ExpandSpace()*
-Returns the expansion for <Space>.
-e.g.: >
- inoremap <expr> <Space> DelimitMate_WithinEmptyPair() ?
- \ DelimitMate_ExpandSpace() : "\<Space>"
-DelimitMate_ShouldJump() *DelimitMate_ShouldJump()*
-Returns 1 if there is a closing delimiter or a quote to the right of the
-cursor, 0 otherwise.
-DelimitMate_JumpAny() *DelimitMate_JumpAny()*
-This function returns a mapping that will make the cursor jump to the right.
-e.g.: You can use this to create your own mapping to jump over any delimiter.
- inoremap <expr> <C-Tab> DelimitMate_ShouldJump() ?
- \ DelimitMate_JumpAny() : "\<C-Tab>"
- 6. TODO LIST *delimitMateTodo*
-- Automatic set-up by file type.
-- Make visual wrapping work on blockwise visual mode.
-- Limit behaviour by region.
- 7. MAINTAINER *delimitMateMaintainer*
-Hi there! My name is Israel Chauca F. and I can be reached at:
- mailto:israelchauca@gmail.com
-Feel free to send me any suggestions and/or comments about this plugin, I'll
-be very pleased to read them.
- 8. CREDITS *delimitMateCredits*
-Some of the code that make this script is modified or just shamelessly copied
-from the following sources:
- - Ian McCracken
- Post titled: Vim, Part II: Matching Pairs:
- http://concisionandconcinnity.blogspot.com/
- - Aristotle Pagaltzis
- From the comments on the previous blog post and from:
- http://gist.github.com/144619
- - Vim Scripts:
- http://www.vim.org/scripts
-This script was inspired by the auto-completion of delimiters of TextMate.
- 9. HISTORY *delimitMateHistory*
- Version Date Release notes ~
- 2.1 2010-05-10 - Most of the functions have been moved to an
- autoload script to avoid loading unnecessary ones.
- - Fixed a problem with the redo command.
- - Many small fixes.
- 2.0 2010-04-01 New features:
- - All features are redo/undo-wise safe.
- - A single quote typed after an alphanumeric
- character is considered an apostrophe and one
- single quote is inserted.
- - A quote typed after another quote inserts a single
- quote and the cursor jumps to the middle.
- - <S-Tab> jumps out of any empty pair.
- - <CR> and <Space> expansions are fixed, but the
- functions used for it are global and can be used in
- custom mappings. The previous system is still
- active if you have any of the expansion options
- set.
- - <S-Backspace> deletes the closing delimiter.
- * Fixed bug:
- - s:vars were being used to store buffer options.
- 1.6 2009-10-10 Now delimitMate tries to fix the balancing of single
- quotes when used as apostrophes. You can read
- |delimitMate_apostrophes| for details.
- Fixed an error when |b:delimitMate_expand_space|
- wasn't set but |delimitMate_expand_space| wasn't.
- 1.5 2009-10-05 Fix: delimitMate should work correctly for files
- passed as arguments to Vim. Thanks to Ben Beuchler
- for helping to nail this bug.
- 1.4 2009-09-27 Fix: delimitMate is now enabled on new buffers even
- if they don't have set the file type option or were
- opened directly from the terminal.
- 1.3 2009-09-24 Now local options can be used along with autocmd
- for specific file type configurations.
- Fixes:
- - Unnamed register content is not lost on visual
- mode.
- - Use noremap where appropiate.
- - Wrapping a single empty line works as expected.
- 1.2 2009-09-07 Fixes:
- - When inside nested empty pairs, deleting the
- innermost left delimiter would delete all right
- contiguous delimiters.
- - When inside an empty pair, inserting a left
- delimiter wouldn't insert the right one, instead
- the cursor would jump to the right.
- - New buffer inside the current window wouldn't
- have the mappings set.
- 1.1 2009-08-25 Fixed an error that ocurred when mapleader wasn't
- set and added support for GetLatestScripts
- auto-detection.
- 1.0 2009-08-23 Initial upload.
- ... |"| _ _ . . ___ ~
- o,*,(o o) _|_|_ o' \,=./ `o . .:::. /_\ `* ~
- 8(o o)(_)Ooo (o o) (o o) :(o o): . (o o) ~
----ooO-(_)---Ooo----ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo- ~
-plugin/delimitMate.vim [[[1
-" ============================================================================
-" File: plugin/delimitMate.vim
-" Version: 2.1
-" Description: This plugin provides auto-completion for quotes, parens, etc.
-" Maintainer: Israel Chauca F. <israelchauca@gmail.com>
-" Manual: Read ":help delimitMate".
-" Initialization: {{{
-if exists("g:loaded_delimitMate") "{{{
- " User doesn't want this plugin, let's get out!
- finish
-let g:loaded_delimitMate = 1
-if exists("s:loaded_delimitMate") && !exists("g:delimitMate_testing")
- " Don't define the functions if they already exist: just do the work
- " (unless we are testing):
- call s:DelimitMateDo()
- finish
-if v:version < 700
- echoerr "delimitMate: this plugin requires vim >= 7!"
- finish
-let s:loaded_delimitMate = 1 " }}}
-let delimitMate_version = '2.1'
-" Tools: {{{
-function! s:Init() "{{{
- let b:loaded_delimitMate = 1
- " delimitMate_autoclose {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_autoclose") && !exists("g:delimitMate_autoclose")
- let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 1
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_autoclose") && exists("g:delimitMate_autoclose")
- let b:delimitMate_autoclose = g:delimitMate_autoclose
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_matchpairs {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_matchpairs") && !exists("g:delimitMate_matchpairs")
- let s:matchpairs_temp = &matchpairs
- elseif exists("b:delimitMate_matchpairs")
- let s:matchpairs_temp = b:delimitMate_matchpairs
- else
- let s:matchpairs_temp = g:delimitMate_matchpairs
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_quotes {{{
- if exists("b:delimitMate_quotes")
- let s:quotes = split(b:delimitMate_quotes)
- elseif exists("g:delimitMate_quotes")
- let s:quotes = split(g:delimitMate_quotes)
- else
- let s:quotes = split("\" ' `")
- endif
- let b:delimitMate_quotes_list = s:quotes " }}}
- " delimitMate_excluded_regions {{{
- if exists("b:delimitMate_excluded_regions")
- let s:excluded_regions = b:delimitMate_excluded_regions
- elseif exists("g:delimitMate_excluded_regions")
- let s:excluded_regions = g:delimitMate_excluded_regions
- else
- let s:excluded_regions = "Comment"
- endif
- let b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list = split(s:excluded_regions, ',\s*')
- let b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_enabled = len(b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list) " }}}
- " delimitMate_visual_leader {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_visual_leader") && !exists("g:delimitMate_visual_leader")
- let b:delimitMate_visual_leader = exists('b:maplocalleader') ? b:maplocalleader :
- \ exists('g:mapleader') ? g:mapleader : "\\"
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_visual_leader") && exists("g:delimitMate_visual_leader")
- let b:delimitMate_visual_leader = g:delimitMate_visual_leader
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_expand_space {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_space") && !exists("g:delimitMate_expand_space")
- let b:delimitMate_expand_space = 0
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_space") && exists("g:delimitMate_expand_space")
- let b:delimitMate_expand_space = g:delimitMate_expand_space
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_expand_cr {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_cr") && !exists("g:delimitMate_expand_cr")
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = 0
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_cr") && exists("g:delimitMate_expand_cr")
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = g:delimitMate_expand_cr
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_smart_quotes {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_smart_quotes") && !exists("g:delimitMate_smart_quotes")
- let b:delimitMate_smart_quotes = 1
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_smart_quotes") && exists("g:delimitMate_smart_quotes")
- let b:delimitMate_smart_quotes = split(g:delimitMate_smart_quotes)
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_apostrophes {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_apostrophes") && !exists("g:delimitMate_apostrophes")
- "let s:apostrophes = split("n't:'s:'re:'m:'d:'ll:'ve:s'",':')
- let s:apostrophes = []
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_apostrophes") && exists("g:delimitMate_apostrophes")
- let s:apostrophes = split(g:delimitMate_apostrophes)
- else
- let s:apostrophes = split(b:delimitMate_apostrophes)
- endif
- let b:delimitMate_apostrophes_list = s:apostrophes " }}}
- " delimitMate_tab2exit {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_tab2exit") && !exists("g:delimitMate_tab2exit")
- let b:delimitMate_tab2exit = 1
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_tab2exit") && exists("g:delimitMate_tab2exit")
- let b:delimitMate_tab2exit = g:delimitMate_tab2exit
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- let b:delimitMate_matchpairs_list = split(s:matchpairs_temp, ',')
- let b:delimitMate_left_delims = split(s:matchpairs_temp, ':.,\=')
- let b:delimitMate_right_delims = split(s:matchpairs_temp, ',\=.:')
- let b:delimitMate_buffer = []
- call delimitMate#UnMap()
- if b:delimitMate_autoclose
- call delimitMate#AutoClose()
- else
- call delimitMate#NoAutoClose()
- endif
- call delimitMate#VisualMaps()
- call delimitMate#ExtraMappings()
-endfunction "}}} Init()
-function! s:TestMappingsDo() "{{{
- if !exists("g:delimitMate_testing")
- silent call delimitMate#TestMappings()
- else
- let temp_varsDM = [b:delimitMate_expand_space, b:delimitMate_expand_cr, b:delimitMate_autoclose]
- for i in [0,1]
- let b:delimitMate_expand_space = i
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = i
- for a in [0,1]
- let b:delimitMate_autoclose = a
- call s:Init()
- call delimitMate#TestMappings()
- exec "normal i\<CR>"
- endfor
- endfor
- let b:delimitMate_expand_space = temp_varsDM[0]
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = temp_varsDM[1]
- let b:delimitMate_autoclose = temp_varsDM[2]
- unlet temp_varsDM
- endif
- normal gg
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:DelimitMateDo() "{{{
- if exists("g:delimitMate_excluded_ft")
- " Check if this file type is excluded:
- for ft in split(g:delimitMate_excluded_ft,',')
- if ft ==? &filetype
- "echomsg "excluded"
- call delimitMate#UnMap()
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- try
- "echomsg "included"
- let save_cpo = &cpo
- let save_keymap = &keymap
- set keymap=
- set cpo&vim
- call s:Init()
- finally
- let &cpo = save_cpo
- let &keymap = save_keymap
- endtry
-endfunction "}}}
-" Commands: {{{
-call s:DelimitMateDo()
-" Let me refresh without re-loading the buffer:
-command! DelimitMateReload call s:DelimitMateDo()
-" Quick test:
-command! DelimitMateTest call s:TestMappingsDo()
-"command! DelimitMateRegions echo s:excluded_regions
-" Turn
-" Run on file type events.
-"autocmd VimEnter * autocmd FileType * call <SID>DelimitMateDo()
-autocmd FileType * call <SID>DelimitMateDo()
-" Run on new buffers.
-autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter * if !exists("b:loaded_delimitMate") | call <SID>DelimitMateDo() | endif
-" Flush the char buffer:
-autocmd InsertEnter * call delimitMate#FlushBuffer()
-autocmd BufEnter * if mode() == 'i' | call delimitMate#FlushBuffer() | endif
-"function! s:GetSynRegion () | echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)), 'name') | endfunction
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 2754 1 :AutoInstall: delimitMate.vim
-" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4
-autoload/delimitMate.vim [[[1
-" ============================================================================
-" File: autoload/delimitMate.vim
-" Version: 2.1
-" Description: This plugin provides auto-completion for quotes, parens, etc.
-" Maintainer: Israel Chauca F. <israelchauca@gmail.com>
-" Manual: Read ":help delimitMate".
-" Utilities {{{
-function! delimitMate#ShouldJump() "{{{
- let col = col('.')
- let lcol = col('$')
- let char = getline('.')[col - 1]
- let nchar = getline('.')[col]
- let uchar = getline(line('.') + 1)[0]
- for cdel in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- if char == cdel
- " Closing delimiter on the right.
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- if b:delimitMate_expand_space && char == " "
- for cdel in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- if nchar == cdel
- " Closing delimiter with space expansion.
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- if b:delimitMate_expand_cr && char == ""
- for cdel in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- if uchar == cdel
- " Closing delimiter with CR expansion.
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- return 0
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#IsBlockVisual() " {{{
- if mode() == "\<C-V>"
- return 1
- endif
- " Store unnamed register values for later use in delimitMate#RestoreRegister().
- let b:save_reg = getreg('"')
- let b:save_reg_mode = getregtype('"')
- if len(getline('.')) == 0
- " This for proper wrap of empty lines.
- let @" = "\n"
- endif
- return 0
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#Visual(del) " {{{
- let mode = mode()
- if mode == "\<C-V>"
- redraw
- echom "delimitMate: delimitMate is disabled on blockwise visual mode."
- return ""
- endif
- " Store unnamed register values for later use in delimitMate#RestoreRegister().
- let b:save_reg = getreg('"')
- let b:save_reg_mode = getregtype('"')
- if len(getline('.')) == 0
- " This for proper wrap of empty lines.
- let @" = "\n"
- endif
- if mode ==# "V"
- let dchar = "\<BS>"
- else
- let dchar = ""
- endif
- let index = index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, a:del)
- if index >= 0
- let ld = a:del
- let rd = b:delimitMate_right_delims[index]
- endif
- let index = index(b:delimitMate_right_delims, a:del)
- if index >= 0
- let ld = b:delimitMate_left_delims[index]
- let rd = a:del
- endif
- let index = index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, a:del)
- if index >= 0
- let ld = a:del
- let rd = ld
- endif
- return "s" . ld . "\<C-R>\"" . dchar . rd . "\<Esc>:call delimitMate#RestoreRegister()\<CR>"
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#IsEmptyPair(str) "{{{
- for pair in b:delimitMate_matchpairs_list
- if a:str == join( split( pair, ':' ),'' )
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- for quote in b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- if a:str == quote . quote
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- return 0
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#IsCRExpansion() " {{{
- let nchar = getline(line('.')-1)[-1:]
- let schar = getline(line('.')+1)[:0]
- let isEmpty = getline('.') == ""
- if index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, nchar) > -1 &&
- \ index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, nchar) == index(b:delimitMate_right_delims, schar) &&
- \ isEmpty
- return 1
- elseif index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) > -1 &&
- \ index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) == index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, schar) &&
- \ isEmpty
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- endif
-endfunction " }}} delimitMate#IsCRExpansion()
-function! delimitMate#IsSpaceExpansion() " {{{
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if col > 0
- let pchar = line[col - 1]
- let nchar = line[col + 2]
- let isSpaces = (line[col] == line[col+1] && line[col] == " ")
- if index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, pchar) > -1 &&
- \ index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, pchar) == index(b:delimitMate_right_delims, nchar) &&
- \ isSpaces
- return 1
- elseif index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, pchar) > -1 &&
- \ index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, pchar) == index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) &&
- \ isSpaces
- return 1
- endif
- endif
- return 0
-endfunction " }}} IsSpaceExpansion()
-function! delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() "{{{
- let cur = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 2 )
- return delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( cur )
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#WriteBefore(str) "{{{
- let len = len(a:str)
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if col < 0
- call setline('.',line[(col+len+1):])
- else
- call setline('.',line[:(col)].line[(col+len+1):])
- endif
- return a:str
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#WriteAfter(str) "{{{
- let len = len(a:str)
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if (col) < 0
- call setline('.',a:str.line)
- else
- call setline('.',line[:(col)].a:str.line[(col+len):])
- endif
- return ''
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#RestoreRegister() " {{{
- " Restore unnamed register values store in delimitMate#IsBlockVisual().
- call setreg('"', b:save_reg, b:save_reg_mode)
- echo ""
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegion() "{{{
- return synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)), 'name')
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegionIf(char) "{{{
- let col = col('.')
- let origin_line = getline('.')
- let changed_line = strpart(origin_line, 0, col - 1) . a:char . strpart(origin_line, col - 1)
- call setline('.', changed_line)
- let region = synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col, 1)), 'name')
- call setline('.', origin_line)
- return region
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#IsForbidden(char) "{{{
- if b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_enabled = 0
- return 0
- endif
- let result = index(b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegion()) >= 0
- if result >= 0
- return result + 1
- endif
- let region = delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegionIf(a:char)
- let result = index(b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, region) >= 0
- "return result || region == 'Comment'
- return result + 1
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#FlushBuffer() " {{{
- let b:delimitMate_buffer = []
- return ''
-endfunction " }}}
-" }}}
-" Doers {{{
-function! delimitMate#JumpIn(char) " {{{
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if (col) < 0
- call setline('.',a:char.line)
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- else
- "echom string(col).':'.line[:(col)].'|'.line[(col+1):]
- call setline('.',line[:(col)].a:char.line[(col+1):])
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- endif
- return ''
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#JumpOut(char) "{{{
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.')-2
- if line[col+1] == a:char
- return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
- else
- return a:char
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#JumpAny() " {{{
- " Let's get the character on the right.
- let char = getline('.')[col('.')-1]
- if char == " "
- " Space expansion.
- "let char = char . getline('.')[col('.')] . delimitMate#Del()
- return char . getline('.')[col('.')] . delimitMate#Del() . delimitMate#Del()
- "call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- elseif char == ""
- " CR expansion.
- "let char = "\<CR>" . getline(line('.') + 1)[0] . "\<Del>"
- let b:delimitMate_buffer = []
- return "\<CR>" . getline(line('.') + 1)[0] . "\<Del>"
- else
- "call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- return char . delimitMate#Del()
- endif
-endfunction " delimitMate#JumpAny() }}}
-function! delimitMate#SkipDelim(char) "{{{
- let cur = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 3 )
- if cur[0] == "\\"
- " Escaped character
- return a:char
- elseif cur[1] == a:char
- " Exit pair
- "return delimitMate#WriteBefore(a:char)
- return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
- "elseif cur[1] == ' ' && cur[2] == a:char
- "" I'm leaving this in case someone likes it. Jump an space and delimiter.
- "return "\<Right>\<Right>"
- elseif delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( cur[0] . a:char )
- " Add closing delimiter and jump back to the middle.
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- return delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
- else
- " Nothing special here, return the same character.
- return a:char
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#QuoteDelim(char) "{{{
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.') - 2
- if line[col] == "\\"
- " Seems like a escaped character, insert one quotation mark.
- return a:char
- elseif line[col + 1] == a:char
- " Get out of the string.
- "return delimitMate#WriteBefore(a:char)
- return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
- elseif (line[col] =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9]' && a:char == "'") ||
- \(line[col] =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9]' && b:delimitMate_smart_quotes)
- " Seems like an apostrophe or a closing, insert a single quote.
- return a:char
- elseif (line[col] == a:char && line[col + 1 ] != a:char) && b:delimitMate_smart_quotes
- " Seems like we have an unbalanced quote, insert one quotation mark and jump to the middle.
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- return delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
- else
- " Insert a pair and jump to the middle.
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
- call delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
- return a:char
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#MapMsg(msg) "{{{
- redraw
- echomsg a:msg
- return ""
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#ExpandReturn() "{{{
- if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() &&
- \ b:delimitMate_expand_cr
- " Expand:
- call delimitMate#FlushBuffer()
- return "\<Esc>a\<CR>x\<CR>\<Esc>k$\"_xa"
- else
- return "\<CR>"
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#ExpandSpace() "{{{
- if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() &&
- \ b:delimitMate_expand_space
- " Expand:
- call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, 's')
- return delimitMate#WriteAfter(' ') . "\<Space>"
- else
- return "\<Space>"
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#BS() " {{{
- if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair()
- "call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- return "\<BS>" . delimitMate#Del()
-" return "\<Right>\<BS>\<BS>"
- elseif b:delimitMate_expand_space &&
- \ delimitMate#IsSpaceExpansion()
- "call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- return "\<BS>" . delimitMate#Del()
- elseif b:delimitMate_expand_cr &&
- \ delimitMate#IsCRExpansion()
- return "\<BS>\<Del>"
- else
- return "\<BS>"
- endif
-endfunction " }}} delimitMate#BS()
-function! delimitMate#Del() " {{{
- if len(b:delimitMate_buffer) > 0
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.') - 2
- call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
- call setline('.', line[:col] . line[col+2:])
- return ''
- else
- return "\<Del>"
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#Finish() " {{{
- let len = len(b:delimitMate_buffer)
- if len > 0
- let buffer = join(b:delimitMate_buffer, '')
- let line = getline('.')
- let col = col('.') -2
- "echom 'col: ' . col . '-' . line[:col] . "|" . line[col+len+1:] . '%' . buffer
- call setline('.', line[:col] . line[col+len+1:])
- let i = 1
- let lefts = ''
- while i < len
- let lefts = lefts . "\<Left>"
- let i += 1
- endwhile
- return substitute(buffer, "s", "\<Space>", 'g') . lefts
- endif
- return ''
-endfunction " }}}
-function! delimitMate#RmBuffer(num) " {{{
- if len(b:delimitMate_buffer) > 0
- call remove(b:delimitMate_buffer, 0, (a:num-1))
- endif
- return ""
-endfunction " }}}
-" }}}
-" Mappers: {{{
-function! delimitMate#NoAutoClose() "{{{
- " inoremap <buffer> ) <C-R>=delimitMate#SkipDelim('\)')<CR>
- for delim in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#SkipDelim("' . escape(delim,'"') . '")<CR>'
- endfor
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#AutoClose() "{{{
- " Add matching pair and jump to the midle:
- " inoremap <buffer> ( ()<Left>
- let i = 0
- while i < len(b:delimitMate_matchpairs_list)
- let ld = b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]
- let rd = b:delimitMate_right_delims[i]
- exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . ld . ' ' . ld . '<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpIn("' . rd . '")<CR>'
- let i += 1
- endwhile
- " Exit from inside the matching pair:
- for delim in b:delimitMate_right_delims
- exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#JumpOut("\' . delim . '")<CR>'
- endfor
- " Add matching quote and jump to the midle, or exit if inside a pair of matching quotes:
- " inoremap <buffer> " <C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim("\"")<CR>
- for delim in b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim("\' . delim . '")<CR>'
- endfor
- " Try to fix the use of apostrophes (de-activated by default):
- " inoremap <buffer> n't n't
- for map in b:delimitMate_apostrophes_list
- exec "inoremap <buffer> " . map . " " . map
- endfor
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#VisualMaps() " {{{
- let VMapMsg = "delimitMate: delimitMate is disabled on blockwise visual mode."
- let vleader = b:delimitMate_visual_leader
- " Wrap the selection with matching pairs, but do nothing if blockwise visual mode is active:
- for del in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_left_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- exec "vnoremap <buffer> <expr> " . vleader . del . ' delimitMate#Visual("' . escape(del, '")') . '")'
- endfor
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#ExtraMappings() "{{{
- " If pair is empty, delete both delimiters:
- inoremap <buffer> <BS> <C-R>=delimitMate#BS()<CR>
- " If pair is empty, delete closing delimiter:
- inoremap <buffer> <expr> <S-BS> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<Del>" : "\<S-BS>"
- " Expand return if inside an empty pair:
- if b:delimitMate_expand_cr != 0
- inoremap <buffer> <expr> <CR> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandReturn()\<CR>" : "\<CR>"
- endif
- " Expand space if inside an empty pair:
- if b:delimitMate_expand_space != 0
- inoremap <buffer> <expr> <Space> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandSpace()\<CR>" : "\<Space>"
- endif
- " Jump out ot any empty pair:
- if b:delimitMate_tab2exit
- inoremap <buffer> <expr> <S-Tab> delimitMate#ShouldJump() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpAny()\<CR>" : "\<S-Tab>"
- endif
- " Fix the re-do feature:
- inoremap <buffer> <Esc> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Esc>
- " Flush the char buffer on mouse click:
- inoremap <buffer> <LeftMouse> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><LeftMouse>
- inoremap <buffer> <RightMouse> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><RightMouse>
- " Flush the char buffer on key movements:
- inoremap <buffer> <Left> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Left>
- inoremap <buffer> <Right> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Right>
- inoremap <buffer> <Up> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Up>
- inoremap <buffer> <Down> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Down>
- inoremap <buffer> <Del> <C-R>=delimitMate#Del()<CR>
-endfunction "}}}
-function! delimitMate#UnMap() " {{{
- let imaps =
- \ b:delimitMate_right_delims +
- \ b:delimitMate_left_delims +
- \ b:delimitMate_quotes_list +
- \ b:delimitMate_apostrophes_list +
- \ ['<BS>', '<S-BS>', '<Del>', '<CR>', '<Space>', '<S-Tab>', '<Esc>'] +
- \ ['<Up>', '<Down>', '<Left>', '<Right>', '<LeftMouse>', '<RightMouse>']
- let vmaps =
- \ b:delimitMate_right_delims +
- \ b:delimitMate_left_delims +
- \ b:delimitMate_quotes_list
- for map in imaps
- if maparg(map, "i") =~? 'delimitMate'
- exec 'silent! iunmap <buffer> ' . map
- endif
- endfor
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_visual_leader")
- let vleader = ""
- else
- let vleader = b:delimitMate_visual_leader
- endif
- for map in vmaps
- if maparg(vleader . map, "v") =~? "delimitMate"
- exec 'silent! vunmap <buffer> ' . vleader . map
- endif
- endfor
-endfunction " }}} delimitMate#UnMap()
-" Tools: {{{
-function! delimitMate#TestMappings() "{{{
- exec "normal i*b:delimitMate_autoclose = " . b:delimitMate_autoclose . "\<CR>"
- exec "normal i*b:delimitMate_expand_space = " . b:delimitMate_expand_space . "\<CR>"
- exec "normal i*b:delimitMate_expand_cr = " . b:delimitMate_expand_cr . "\<CR>\<CR>"
- if b:delimitMate_autoclose
- for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_left_delims))
- exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]. "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<BS>|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . " |"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . " \<BS>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual-L: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Visual-R: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<CR>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
- endfor
- for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_quotes_list))
- exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: "
- exec "normal A". b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]
- exec "normal a\<BS>|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " |"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " \<BS>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
- endfor
- else
- for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_left_delims))
- exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<BS>|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . " |"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . " \<BS>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual-L: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Visual-R: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<CR>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
- endfor
- for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_quotes_list))
- exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<BS>|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " |"
- exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " \<BS>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]
- exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>|"
- exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
- endfor
- endif
- exec "normal \<Esc>i"
-endfunction "}}}
-" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4
--- a/vim/doc/delimitMate.txt Thu May 13 20:33:15 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
-*delimitMate* Trying to keep those beasts at bay! v.2.1 *delimitMate.txt*
- ========================================================================= ~
- ==== ========= ========================== ===== ===================== ~
- ==== ========= ========================== === ===================== ~
- ==== ========= ===================== === = = ========== ========= ~
- ==== === === == == = = === == == == == === === === == ~
- == == = == ====== ======= === ===== == = === === = = ~
- = = == == == == = = == === === ===== ===== === === = ~
- = = == ===== == == = = == === === ===== === === === ==== ~
- = = == = == == == = = == === === ===== == = === === = = ~
- == === === == == = = == === == ===== === === === == ~
- ========================================================================= ~
- 0.- CONTENTS *delimitMate-contents*
- 1. Introduction____________________________|delimitMateIntro|
- 2. Functionality___________________________|delimitMateFunctionality|
- 2.1 Automatic closing & exiting________|delimitMateAutoClose|
- 2.2 Expansion of space and CR__________|delimitMateExpansion|
- 2.3 Backspace__________________________|delimitMateBackspace|
- 2.4 Visual wrapping____________________|delimitMateVisualWrapping|
- 2.5 Smart Quotes_______________________|delimitMateSmartQuotes|
- 3. Customization___________________________|delimitMateOptions|
- 3.1 Option summary_____________________|delimitMateOptionSummary|
- 3.2 Options details____________________|delimitMateOptionDetails|
- 4. Commands________________________________|delimitMateCommands|
- 5. Functions_______________________________|delimitMateFunctions|
- 6. TODO list_______________________________|delimitMateTodo|
- 7. Maintainer______________________________|delimitMateMaintainer|
- 8. Credits_________________________________|delimitMateCredits|
- 9. History_________________________________|delimitMateHistory|
- 1.- INTRODUCTION *delimitMateIntro*
-This plug-in provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets,
-etc., besides some other related features that should make your time in insert
-mode a little bit easier.
-Most of the features can be modified or disabled permanently, using global
-variables, or on a FileType basis, using autocommands. With a couple of
-exceptions and limitations, this features don't brake undo, redo or history.
- 2. FUNCTIONALITY *delimitMateFunctionality*
- 2.1 AUTOMATIC CLOSING AND EXITING *delimitMateAutoClose*
-With automatic closing enabled, if an opening delimiter is inserted the plugin
-inserts the closing delimiter and places the cursor between the pair. With
-automatic closing disabled, no closing delimiters is inserted by delimitMate,
-but when a pair of delimiters is typed, the cursor is placed in the middle.
-When the cursor is inside an empty pair or located next to the left of a
-closing delimiter, the cursor is placed outside the pair to the right of the
-closing delimiter.
-Unless |'delimitMate_matchpairs'| or |'delimitMate_quotes'|are set, this
-script uses the values in '&matchpairs' to identify the pairs, and ", ' and `
-for quotes respectively.
-The following table shows the behaviour, this applies to quotes too (the final
-position of the cursor is represented by a "|"):
-With auto-close: >
- Type | You get
- ====================
- ( | (|)
- –––––––––|––––––––––
- () | ()|
- –––––––––|––––––––––
- (<S-Tab> | ()|
-Without auto-close: >
- Type | You get
- =====================
- () | (|)
- –––––––––-|––––––––––
- ()) | ()|
- –––––––––-|––––––––––
- ()<S-Tab> | ()|
- 2.2 EXPANSION OF SPACE AND CAR RETURN *delimitMateExpansion*
-When the cursor is inside an empty pair of delimiters, <Space> and <CR> can be
-expanded, see |'delimitMate_expand_space'| and
-Expand <Space> to: >
- <Space><Space><Left> | You get
- ====================================
- (|) | ( | )
-Expand <CR> to: >
- <CR><CR><Up> | You get
- ============================
- (|) | (
- | |
- | )
-NOTE that the expansion of <CR> will brake the redo command.
-Since <Space> and <CR> are used everywhere, I have made the functions involved
-in expansions global, so they can be used to make custom mappings. Read
-|delimitMateFunctions| for more details.
- 2.3 BACKSPACE *delimitMateBackspace*
-If you press backspace inside an empty pair, both delimiters are deleted. When
-expansions are enabled, <BS> will also delete the expansions. NOTE that
-deleting <CR> expansions will brake the redo command.
-If you type shift + backspace instead, only the closing delimiter will be
-e.g. typing at the "|": >
- What | Before | After
- ==============================================
- <BS> | call expand(|) | call expand|
- ---------|-------------------|-----------------
- <BS> | call expand( | ) | call expand(|)
- ---------|-------------------|-----------------
- <BS> | call expand( | call expand(|)
- | | |
- | ) |
- ---------|-------------------|-----------------
- <S-BS> | call expand(|) | call expand(|
- 2.4 WRAPPING OF VISUAL SELECTION *delimitMateVisualWrapping*
-When visual mode is active this script allows for the selection to be enclosed
-with delimiters. But, since brackets have special meaning in visual mode, a
-leader (the value of 'mapleader' by default) should precede the delimiter.
-NOTE that this feature brakes the redo command and doesn't currently work on
-blockwise visual mode, any suggestions will be welcome.
-e.g. (selection represented between square brackets): >
- Selected text | After \"
- =============================================
- An [absurd] example! | An "absurd" example!
- 2.5 SMART QUOTES *delimitMateSmartQuotes*
-Only one quote will be inserted following a quote, a "\" or an alphanumeric
-character. This should cover closing quotes, escaped quotes and apostrophes.
-Except for apostrophes, this feature can be disabled setting the option
-|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'| to 0.
-e.g. typing at the "|": >
- What | Before | After
- =======================================
- " | "String| | "String"|
- " | let i = "| | let i = "|"
- ' | I| | I'|
- 3. CUSTOMIZATION *delimitMateOptions*
-You can create your own mappings for some features using the global functions.
-Read |DelimitMateFunctions| for more info.
- 3.1 OPTIONS SUMMARY *delimitMateOptionSummary*
-The behaviour of this script can be customized setting the following options
-in your vimrc file. You can use local options to set the configuration for
-specific file types, see |delimitMateOptionDetails| for examples.
-|'loaded_delimitMate'| Turns off the script.
-|'delimitMate_autoclose'| Tells delimitMate whether to automagically
- insert the closing delimiter.
-|'delimitMate_matchpairs'| Tells delimitMate which characters are
- matching pairs.
-|'delimitMate_quotes'| Tells delimitMate which quotes should be
- used.
-|'delimitMate_visual_leader'| Sets the leader to be used in visual mode.
-|'delimitMate_expand_cr'| Turns on/off the expansion of <CR>.
-|'delimitMate_expand_space'| Turns on/off the expansion of <Space>.
-|'delimitMate_excluded_ft'| Turns off the script for the given file types.
-|'delimitMate_apostrophes'| Tells delimitMate how it should "fix"
- balancing of single quotes when used as
- apostrophes. NOTE: Not needed any more, kept
- for compatibility with older versions.
-|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'| Turns on/off the "smart quotes" feature.
- 3.2 OPTIONS DETAILS *delimitMateOptionDetails*
-Add the shown lines to your vimrc file in order to set the below options.
-Local options take precedence over global ones and can be used along with
-autocmd to modify delimitMate's behavior for specific file types.
- *'loaded_delimitMate'*
- *'b:loaded_delimitMate'*
-This option prevents delimitMate from loading.
-e.g.: >
- let loaded_delimitMate = 1
- au FileType mail let b:loaded_delimitMate = 1
- *'delimitMate_autoclose'*
- *'b:delimitMate_autoclose'*
-Values: 0 or 1. ~
-Default: 1 ~
-If this option is set to 0, delimitMate will not add a closing delimiter
-automagically. See |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
-e.g.: >
- let delimitMate_autoclose = 0
- au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 0
- *'delimitMate_matchpairs'*
- *'b:delimitMate_matchpairs'*
-Values: A string with |matchpairs| syntax. ~
-Default: &matchpairs ~
-Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered
-matching pairs. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
-e.g: >
- let delimitMate = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
- au FileType vim,html let b:delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
- *'delimitMate_quotes'*
- *'b:delimitMate_quotes'*
-Values: A string of characters separated by spaces. ~
-Default: "\" ' `" ~
-Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered as
-quotes. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
-e.g.: >
- let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\" ' ` *"
- au FileType html let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\" '"
- *'delimitMate_visual_leader'*
- *'b:delimitMate_visual_leader'*
-Values: Any character. ~
-Default: q ~
-The value of this option will be used to wrap the selection in visual mode
-when followed by a delimiter. Read |delimitMateVisualWrap| for details.
-e.g: >
- let delimitMate_visual_leader = "f"
- au FileType html let b:delimitMate_visual_leader = "f"
- *'delimitMate_expand_cr'*
- *'b:delimitMate_expand_cr'*
-Values: 1 or 0 ~
-Default: 0 ~
-This option turns on/off the expansion of <CR>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
-for details.
-e.g.: >
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = "\<CR>\<CR>\<Up>"
- au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = "\<CR>"
- *'delimitMate_expand_space'*
- *'b:delimitMate_expand_space'*
-Values: A key mapping. ~
-Default: "\<Space>" ~
-This option turns on/off the expansion of <Space>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
-for details.
-e.g.: >
- let delimitMate_expand_space = "\<Space>\<Space>\<Left>"
- au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_expand_space = "\<Space>"
- *'delimitMate_excluded_ft'*
-Values: A string of file type names separated by single commas. ~
-Default: Empty. ~
-This options turns delimitMate off for the listed file types, use this option
-only if you don't want any of the features it provides on those file types.
-e.g.: >
- let delimitMate_excluded_ft = "mail,txt"
- *'delimitMate_apostrophes'*
-Values: Strings separated by ":". ~
-Default: No longer used. ~
-NOTE: This feature is turned off by default, it's been kept for compatibility
-with older version, read |delimitMateSmartQuotes| for details.
-If auto-close is enabled, this option tells delimitMate how to try to fix the
-balancing of single quotes when used as apostrophes. The values of this option
-are strings of text where a single quote would be used as an apostrophe (e.g.:
-the "n't" of wouldn't or can't) separated by ":". Set it to an empty string to
-disable this feature.
-e.g.: >
- let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
- au FileType tcl let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
- 4. COMMANDS *delimitMateCommands*
-:DelimitMateReload *:DelimitMateReload*
-Re-sets all the mappings used for this script, use it if any option has been
-changed or if the filetype option hasn't been set yet.
-:DelimitMateTest *:DelimitMateTest*
-This command tests every mapping set-up for this script, useful for testing
-custom configurations.
-The following output corresponds to the default values, it will be different
-depending on your configuration. "Open & close:" represents the final result
-when the closing delimiter has been inserted, either manually or
-automatically, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Delete:" typing backspace in an
-empty pair, see |delimitMateBackspace|. "Exit:" typing a closing delimiter
-inside a pair of delimiters, see |delimitMateAutoclose|. "Space:" the
-expansion, if any, of space, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Visual-L",
-"Visual-R" and "Visual" shows visual wrapping, see
-|delimitMateVisualWrapping|. "Car return:" the expansion of car return, see
-|delimitMateExpansion|. The cursor's position at the end of every test is
-represented by an "|": >
- Open & close: (|)
- Delete: |
- Exit: ()|
- Space: ( |)
- Visual-L: (v)
- Visual-R: (v)
- Car return: (
- |)
- Open & close: {|}
- Delete: |
- Exit: {}|
- Space: { |}
- Visual-L: {v}
- Visual-R: {v}
- Car return: {
- |}
- Open & close: [|]
- Delete: |
- Exit: []|
- Space: [ |]
- Visual-L: [v]
- Visual-R: [v]
- Car return: [
- |]
- Open & close: "|"
- Delete: |
- Exit: ""|
- Space: " |"
- Visual: "v"
- Car return: "
- |"
- Open & close: '|'
- Delete: |
- Exit: ''|
- Space: ' |'
- Visual: 'v'
- Car return: '
- |'
- Open & close: `|`
- Delete: |
- Exit: ``|
- Space: ` |`
- Visual: `v`
- Car return: `
- |`
- 5. FUNCTIONS *delimitMateFunctions*
-delimitMate_WithinEmptyPair() *delimitMate_WithinEmptyPair*
-Returns 1 if the cursor is inside an empty pair, 0 otherwise.
-DelimitMate_ExpandReturn() *DelimitMate_ExpandReturn()*
-Returns the expansion for <CR>.
-e.g.: This mapping could be used to select an item on a pop-up menu or expand
-<CR> inside an empty pair: >
- inoremap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ? "\<c-y>" :
- \ DelimitMate_WithinEmptyPair ?
- \ DelimitMate_ExpandReturn() : "\<CR>"
-DelimitMate_ExpandSpace() *DelimitMate_ExpandSpace()*
-Returns the expansion for <Space>.
-e.g.: >
- inoremap <expr> <Space> DelimitMate_WithinEmptyPair() ?
- \ DelimitMate_ExpandSpace() : "\<Space>"
-DelimitMate_ShouldJump() *DelimitMate_ShouldJump()*
-Returns 1 if there is a closing delimiter or a quote to the right of the
-cursor, 0 otherwise.
-DelimitMate_JumpAny() *DelimitMate_JumpAny()*
-This function returns a mapping that will make the cursor jump to the right.
-e.g.: You can use this to create your own mapping to jump over any delimiter.
- inoremap <expr> <C-Tab> DelimitMate_ShouldJump() ?
- \ DelimitMate_JumpAny() : "\<C-Tab>"
- 6. TODO LIST *delimitMateTodo*
-- Automatic set-up by file type.
-- Make visual wrapping work on blockwise visual mode.
-- Limit behaviour by region.
- 7. MAINTAINER *delimitMateMaintainer*
-Hi there! My name is Israel Chauca F. and I can be reached at:
- mailto:israelchauca@gmail.com
-Feel free to send me any suggestions and/or comments about this plugin, I'll
-be very pleased to read them.
- 8. CREDITS *delimitMateCredits*
-Some of the code that make this script is modified or just shamelessly copied
-from the following sources:
- - Ian McCracken
- Post titled: Vim, Part II: Matching Pairs:
- http://concisionandconcinnity.blogspot.com/
- - Aristotle Pagaltzis
- From the comments on the previous blog post and from:
- http://gist.github.com/144619
- - Vim Scripts:
- http://www.vim.org/scripts
-This script was inspired by the auto-completion of delimiters of TextMate.
- 9. HISTORY *delimitMateHistory*
- Version Date Release notes ~
- 2.1 2010-05-10 - Most of the functions have been moved to an
- autoload script to avoid loading unnecessary ones.
- - Fixed a problem with the redo command.
- - Many small fixes.
- 2.0 2010-04-01 New features:
- - All features are redo/undo-wise safe.
- - A single quote typed after an alphanumeric
- character is considered an apostrophe and one
- single quote is inserted.
- - A quote typed after another quote inserts a single
- quote and the cursor jumps to the middle.
- - <S-Tab> jumps out of any empty pair.
- - <CR> and <Space> expansions are fixed, but the
- functions used for it are global and can be used in
- custom mappings. The previous system is still
- active if you have any of the expansion options
- set.
- - <S-Backspace> deletes the closing delimiter.
- * Fixed bug:
- - s:vars were being used to store buffer options.
- 1.6 2009-10-10 Now delimitMate tries to fix the balancing of single
- quotes when used as apostrophes. You can read
- |delimitMate_apostrophes| for details.
- Fixed an error when |b:delimitMate_expand_space|
- wasn't set but |delimitMate_expand_space| wasn't.
- 1.5 2009-10-05 Fix: delimitMate should work correctly for files
- passed as arguments to Vim. Thanks to Ben Beuchler
- for helping to nail this bug.
- 1.4 2009-09-27 Fix: delimitMate is now enabled on new buffers even
- if they don't have set the file type option or were
- opened directly from the terminal.
- 1.3 2009-09-24 Now local options can be used along with autocmd
- for specific file type configurations.
- Fixes:
- - Unnamed register content is not lost on visual
- mode.
- - Use noremap where appropiate.
- - Wrapping a single empty line works as expected.
- 1.2 2009-09-07 Fixes:
- - When inside nested empty pairs, deleting the
- innermost left delimiter would delete all right
- contiguous delimiters.
- - When inside an empty pair, inserting a left
- delimiter wouldn't insert the right one, instead
- the cursor would jump to the right.
- - New buffer inside the current window wouldn't
- have the mappings set.
- 1.1 2009-08-25 Fixed an error that ocurred when mapleader wasn't
- set and added support for GetLatestScripts
- auto-detection.
- 1.0 2009-08-23 Initial upload.
- ... |"| _ _ . . ___ ~
- o,*,(o o) _|_|_ o' \,=./ `o . .:::. /_\ `* ~
- 8(o o)(_)Ooo (o o) (o o) :(o o): . (o o) ~
----ooO-(_)---Ooo----ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo- ~
--- a/vim/plugin/delimitMate.vim Thu May 13 20:33:15 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-" ============================================================================
-" File: plugin/delimitMate.vim
-" Version: 2.1
-" Description: This plugin provides auto-completion for quotes, parens, etc.
-" Maintainer: Israel Chauca F. <israelchauca@gmail.com>
-" Manual: Read ":help delimitMate".
-" Initialization: {{{
-if exists("g:loaded_delimitMate") "{{{
- " User doesn't want this plugin, let's get out!
- finish
-let g:loaded_delimitMate = 1
-if exists("s:loaded_delimitMate") && !exists("g:delimitMate_testing")
- " Don't define the functions if they already exist: just do the work
- " (unless we are testing):
- call s:DelimitMateDo()
- finish
-if v:version < 700
- echoerr "delimitMate: this plugin requires vim >= 7!"
- finish
-let s:loaded_delimitMate = 1 " }}}
-let delimitMate_version = '2.1'
-" Tools: {{{
-function! s:Init() "{{{
- let b:loaded_delimitMate = 1
- " delimitMate_autoclose {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_autoclose") && !exists("g:delimitMate_autoclose")
- let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 1
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_autoclose") && exists("g:delimitMate_autoclose")
- let b:delimitMate_autoclose = g:delimitMate_autoclose
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_matchpairs {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_matchpairs") && !exists("g:delimitMate_matchpairs")
- let s:matchpairs_temp = &matchpairs
- elseif exists("b:delimitMate_matchpairs")
- let s:matchpairs_temp = b:delimitMate_matchpairs
- else
- let s:matchpairs_temp = g:delimitMate_matchpairs
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_quotes {{{
- if exists("b:delimitMate_quotes")
- let s:quotes = split(b:delimitMate_quotes)
- elseif exists("g:delimitMate_quotes")
- let s:quotes = split(g:delimitMate_quotes)
- else
- let s:quotes = split("\" ' `")
- endif
- let b:delimitMate_quotes_list = s:quotes " }}}
- " delimitMate_excluded_regions {{{
- if exists("b:delimitMate_excluded_regions")
- let s:excluded_regions = b:delimitMate_excluded_regions
- elseif exists("g:delimitMate_excluded_regions")
- let s:excluded_regions = g:delimitMate_excluded_regions
- else
- let s:excluded_regions = "Comment"
- endif
- let b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list = split(s:excluded_regions, ',\s*')
- let b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_enabled = len(b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list) " }}}
- " delimitMate_visual_leader {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_visual_leader") && !exists("g:delimitMate_visual_leader")
- let b:delimitMate_visual_leader = exists('b:maplocalleader') ? b:maplocalleader :
- \ exists('g:mapleader') ? g:mapleader : "\\"
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_visual_leader") && exists("g:delimitMate_visual_leader")
- let b:delimitMate_visual_leader = g:delimitMate_visual_leader
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_expand_space {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_space") && !exists("g:delimitMate_expand_space")
- let b:delimitMate_expand_space = 0
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_space") && exists("g:delimitMate_expand_space")
- let b:delimitMate_expand_space = g:delimitMate_expand_space
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_expand_cr {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_cr") && !exists("g:delimitMate_expand_cr")
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = 0
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_cr") && exists("g:delimitMate_expand_cr")
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = g:delimitMate_expand_cr
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_smart_quotes {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_smart_quotes") && !exists("g:delimitMate_smart_quotes")
- let b:delimitMate_smart_quotes = 1
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_smart_quotes") && exists("g:delimitMate_smart_quotes")
- let b:delimitMate_smart_quotes = split(g:delimitMate_smart_quotes)
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- " delimitMate_apostrophes {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_apostrophes") && !exists("g:delimitMate_apostrophes")
- "let s:apostrophes = split("n't:'s:'re:'m:'d:'ll:'ve:s'",':')
- let s:apostrophes = []
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_apostrophes") && exists("g:delimitMate_apostrophes")
- let s:apostrophes = split(g:delimitMate_apostrophes)
- else
- let s:apostrophes = split(b:delimitMate_apostrophes)
- endif
- let b:delimitMate_apostrophes_list = s:apostrophes " }}}
- " delimitMate_tab2exit {{{
- if !exists("b:delimitMate_tab2exit") && !exists("g:delimitMate_tab2exit")
- let b:delimitMate_tab2exit = 1
- elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_tab2exit") && exists("g:delimitMate_tab2exit")
- let b:delimitMate_tab2exit = g:delimitMate_tab2exit
- else
- " Nothing to do.
- endif " }}}
- let b:delimitMate_matchpairs_list = split(s:matchpairs_temp, ',')
- let b:delimitMate_left_delims = split(s:matchpairs_temp, ':.,\=')
- let b:delimitMate_right_delims = split(s:matchpairs_temp, ',\=.:')
- let b:delimitMate_buffer = []
- call delimitMate#UnMap()
- if b:delimitMate_autoclose
- call delimitMate#AutoClose()
- else
- call delimitMate#NoAutoClose()
- endif
- call delimitMate#VisualMaps()
- call delimitMate#ExtraMappings()
-endfunction "}}} Init()
-function! s:TestMappingsDo() "{{{
- if !exists("g:delimitMate_testing")
- silent call delimitMate#TestMappings()
- else
- let temp_varsDM = [b:delimitMate_expand_space, b:delimitMate_expand_cr, b:delimitMate_autoclose]
- for i in [0,1]
- let b:delimitMate_expand_space = i
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = i
- for a in [0,1]
- let b:delimitMate_autoclose = a
- call s:Init()
- call delimitMate#TestMappings()
- exec "normal i\<CR>"
- endfor
- endfor
- let b:delimitMate_expand_space = temp_varsDM[0]
- let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = temp_varsDM[1]
- let b:delimitMate_autoclose = temp_varsDM[2]
- unlet temp_varsDM
- endif
- normal gg
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:DelimitMateDo() "{{{
- if exists("g:delimitMate_excluded_ft")
- " Check if this file type is excluded:
- for ft in split(g:delimitMate_excluded_ft,',')
- if ft ==? &filetype
- "echomsg "excluded"
- call delimitMate#UnMap()
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- try
- "echomsg "included"
- let save_cpo = &cpo
- let save_keymap = &keymap
- set keymap=
- set cpo&vim
- call s:Init()
- finally
- let &cpo = save_cpo
- let &keymap = save_keymap
- endtry
-endfunction "}}}
-" Commands: {{{
-call s:DelimitMateDo()
-" Let me refresh without re-loading the buffer:
-command! DelimitMateReload call s:DelimitMateDo()
-" Quick test:
-command! DelimitMateTest call s:TestMappingsDo()
-"command! DelimitMateRegions echo s:excluded_regions
-" Turn
-" Run on file type events.
-"autocmd VimEnter * autocmd FileType * call <SID>DelimitMateDo()
-autocmd FileType * call <SID>DelimitMateDo()
-" Run on new buffers.
-autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter * if !exists("b:loaded_delimitMate") | call <SID>DelimitMateDo() | endif
-" Flush the char buffer:
-autocmd InsertEnter * call delimitMate#FlushBuffer()
-autocmd BufEnter * if mode() == 'i' | call delimitMate#FlushBuffer() | endif
-"function! s:GetSynRegion () | echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)), 'name') | endfunction
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 2754 1 :AutoInstall: delimitMate.vim
-" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4