
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 12 Jan 2011 23:16:01 -0500 (2011-01-13)
parents 39e5e5925483
children 00cbde40f730
branches/tags (none)
files config/fish/config.fish config/pianobar/config vim/.vimrc vim/syntax/fish.vim


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/config/fish/config.fish	Wed Jan 12 23:16:01 2011 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+set tacklebox_path ~/lib/tacklebox
+set tacklebox_theme prose
+set tacklebox_plugins directories python django misc web osx
+set tacklebox_short true
+. $tacklebox_path/tacklebox.fish
+# Useful aliases -------------------------------------------------------------
+alias j       'z'
+alias fab     'fab -i ~/.ssh/stevelosh'
+alias oldgcc  'set -g CC /usr/bin/gcc-4.0'
+alias tm      'tmux -u2'
+alias c       'clear'
+# Environment variables ------------------------------------------------------
+set -g EDITOR vim
+set -g PATH "$HOME/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin:$PATH"
+set -g PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$HOME/bin:/opt/local/bin:$PATH"
+set -g PATH "/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH"
+set -g COMMAND_MODE unix2003
+set -g RUBYOPT rubygems
+set -g CLASSPATH "$CLASSPATH:/usr/local/Cellar/clojure-contrib/1.2.0/clojure-contrib.jar"
+# Python variables -----------------------------------------------------------
+set -g PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE "$HOME/.pip/cache"
+set -g PYTHONSTARTUP "$HOME/.pythonrc.py"
+set -g WORKON_HOME "$HOME/lib/virtualenvs"
+set -g PATH "$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/PyPi/3.6/bin"
+set -g PATH "$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.1/bin"
+set -g PATH "$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7/bin"
+set -g PATH "$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.6.5/bin"
+set -g PYTHONPATH "$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.7.1/site-packages"
+set -g PYTHONPATH "$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages"
+set -g PYTHONPATH "$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages"
+set -g PYTHONPATH "$HOME/lib/python/see:$PYTHONPATH"
+# Mercurial variables --------------------------------------------------------
+set -g PATH="$HOME/lib/hg/hg-stable:$PATH"
+set -g PYTHONPATH="$HOME/lib/hg/hg-stable:$PYTHONPATH"
+# Extra ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+. ~/src/z-fish/z.sh
+# Pre-Prompt Command ---------------------------------------------------------
+#function precmd () {
+#    z --add "$(pwd -P)"
+# Local Settings -------------------------------------------------------------
+if test -s $HOME/.config/fish/local.fish
+    source $HOME/.config/fish/local.fish
+function z_add --on-event prompt
+    z --add "$PWD"
--- a/config/pianobar/config	Wed Jan 12 23:15:44 2011 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-user = steve@stevelosh.com
-history = 10
-audio_format = aacplus
-download_dir = /Users/sjl/Desktop
--- a/vim/.vimrc	Wed Jan 12 23:15:44 2011 -0500
+++ b/vim/.vimrc	Wed Jan 12 23:16:01 2011 -0500
@@ -156,6 +156,8 @@
 au BufRead,BufNewFile *.confluencewiki setlocal filetype=confluencewiki
 au BufRead,BufNewFile *.confluencewiki setlocal wrap linebreak nolist
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.fish set filetype=fish
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.m*down set filetype=markdown
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.m*down nnoremap <localleader>1 yypVr=
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.m*down nnoremap <localleader>2 yypVr-
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/syntax/fish.vim	Wed Jan 12 23:16:01 2011 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: 	fish
+" Maintainer:	 yann monclair <yann@monclair.info>
+" Heavily based on zsh.vim by Felix von Leitner
+" there is still much work to be done, this is just a start, it should get
+" better with time 
+" Url: http://monclair.info/~yann/vim  
+" Last Change:	2005/11/08
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+" String and Character contstants
+" Highlight special characters (those which have a backslash) differently
+syn match   fishSpecial	"\\\d\d\d\|\\[abcfnrtv\\']"
+syn region	fishSinglequote	start=+'+ skip=+\\'+ end=+'+
+" A bunch of useful fish keywords
+syn keyword	fishFunction	function
+syn keyword	fishStatement	. and bg begin bind break builtin	
+syn keyword	fishStatement	case cd command commandline complete continue count
+syn keyword	fishStatement	dirh dirs end else eval exec exit
+syn keyword	fishStatement	fg fishd for function functions
+syn keyword	fishStatement	help if jobs mimedb nextd not or
+syn keyword	fishStatement	popd prevd pushd random return read
+syn keyword	fishStatement	set set_color switch tokenize
+syn keyword	fishStatement	ulimit umask while
+syn keyword	fishInputrc	backward-char backward-delete-char backward-kill-line backward-kill-word backward-word 
+syn keyword	fishInputrc	beginning-of-history beginning-of-line complete delete-char delete-line
+syn keyword     fishInputrc     explain forward-char forward-word history-search-backward history-search-forward 
+syn keyword     fishInputrc     kill-line kill-whole-line kill-word yank yank-pop
+syn keyword	fishConditional	if else case then in
+syn keyword	fishRepeat	while for done
+" Following is worth to notice: command substitution, file redirection and functions (so these features turns red)
+syn match	fishFunctionName	"\h\w*\s*()"
+syn region	fishshCommandSub	start=+(+  end=+)+ contains=ALLBUT,fishFunction
+syn match	fishRedir	"\d\=\(<\|<<\|>\|>>\)\(|\|&\d\)\="
+syn keyword	fishColors		black red green brown yellow blue magenta purple cyan white normal
+syn keyword	fishSpecialCommands fish_on_exit fish_on_exec fish_on_return
+syn keyword	fishTodo contained TODO
+syn keyword	fishVariables		fish_prompt fish_title history status _ umask
+syn keyword	fishVariables		fish_color_normal fish_color_command fish_color_substitution fish_color_redirection fish_color_end fish_color_error fish_color_param fish_color_comment fish_color_match fish_color_search_match fish_color_cwd fish_pager_color_prefix fish_pager_color_completion fish_pager_color_description  fish_pager_color_progress
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	LC_TYPE LC_MESSAGE MAIL MAILCHECK
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	PS1 PS2 IFS EGID EUID ERRNO GID UID
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	HOST LINENO MACHTYPE OLDPWD OPTARG
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	OPTIND OSTYPE PPID PWD RANDOM SECONDS
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	SHLVL TTY signals TTYIDLE USERNAME
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	VENDOR fish_NAME fish_VERSION ARGV0
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	BAUD COLUMNS cdpath DIRSTACKSIZE
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	FCEDIT fignore fpath histchars HISTCHARS
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	HISTFILE HISTSIZE KEYTIMEOUT LANG
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_MESSAGES
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	LC_TIME LINES LISTMAX LOGCHECK mailpath
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	MAILPATH MANPATH manpath module_path
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	MODULE_PATH NULLCMD path POSTEDIT
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	PS3 PS4 PROMPT PROMPT2 PROMPT3 PROMPT4
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	psvar PSVAR prompt READNULLCMD
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	REPORTTIME RPROMPT RPS1 SAVEHIST
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	SPROMPT STTY TIMEFMT TMOUT TMPPREFIX
+"syn keyword	fishShellVariables	watch WATCH WATCHFMT WORDCHARS ZDOTDIR
+syn match	fishSpecialShellVar	"\$[-#@*$?!0-9]"
+syn keyword	fishSetVariables		ignoreeof noclobber
+syn region	fishDerefOpr	start="\${" end="}" contains=fishShellVariables
+syn match	fishDerefIdentifier	"\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>"
+syn match	fishOperator		"[][}{&;|)(]"
+syn match  fishNumber		"-\=\<\d\+\>"
+syn match  fishComment	"#.*$" contains=fishNumber,fishTodo
+syn match fishTestOpr	"-\<[oeaznlg][tfqet]\=\>\|!\==\|-\<[b-gkLprsStuwjxOG]\>"
+syn region fishTest	      start="\[" skip="\\$" end="\]" contains=fishString,fishTestOpr,fishDerefIdentifier,fishDerefOpr
+syn region  fishString	start=+"+  skip=+\\"+  end=+"+  contains=fishSpecial,fishOperator,fishDerefIdentifier,fishDerefOpr,fishSpecialShellVar,fishSinglequote,fishCommandSub
+syn region fishFunctions start=+function+  end=+end+ contains=fishShellVariables,fishRedir,fishCommandSub,fishVariables, fishConditional,fishRepeat,fishStatement
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_fish_syntax_inits")
+  if version < 508
+    let did_fish_syntax_inits = 1
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+  else
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+  endif
+  HiLink fishSinglequote	fishString
+  HiLink fishConditional	fishStatement
+  HiLink fishRepeat		fishStatement
+  HiLink fishFunctionName	fishFunction
+  HiLink fishFunctions		fishFunction
+  HiLink fishCommandSub		fishOperator
+  HiLink fishRedir		fishOperator
+  HiLink fishSetVariables	fishShellVariables
+  HiLink fishSpecialShellVar	fishShellVariables
+  HiLink fishColors		fishVariables
+  HiLink fishTestOpr		fishOperator
+  HiLink fishDerefOpr		fishSpecial
+  HiLink fishDerefIdentifier	fishShellVariables
+  HiLink fishOperator		Operator
+  HiLink fishStatement		Statement
+  HiLink fishNumber		Number
+  HiLink fishString		String
+  HiLink fishComment		Comment
+  HiLink fishSpecial		Special
+  HiLink fishTodo		Todo
+  HiLink fishShellVariables	Special
+  hi fishOperator		term=underline ctermfg=6 guifg=Purple gui=bold
+ " hi fishShellVariables	term=underline ctermfg=2 guifg=SeaGreen gui=bold
+ " hi fishVariables	term=underline ctermfg=5 guifg=Blue gui=bold
+ " hi fishFunction		guifg=Red gui=bold
+ " hi fishFunctionName		guifg=Blue gui=bold
+  "hi fishVariables 		ctermbg=3 guifg=Blue gui=bold
+  delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "fish"
+" vim: ts=8