
Oh god
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 20 Dec 2018 23:55:17 -0500 (2018-12-21)
parents c6afac579697
children 11bce44c17e9
branches/tags (none)
files bash_profile bin/clhs fish/config.fish lisp/Makefile lisp/clhs.lisp lisp/lispindent.lisp


--- a/bash_profile	Thu Dec 20 17:11:06 2018 -0500
+++ b/bash_profile	Thu Dec 20 23:55:17 2018 -0500
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-export PATH=~/bin:~/src/dotfiles/bin:~/src/dotfiles/lisp/binaries:/usr/local/share/python:/usr/local/bin/:$PATH
+export PATH=~/bin:~/src/dotfiles/bin:~/src/dotfiles/lisp/bin:/usr/local/share/python:/usr/local/bin/:$PATH
 alias h='hg'
 alias g='git'
--- a/bin/clhs	Thu Dec 20 17:11:06 2018 -0500
+++ b/bin/clhs	Thu Dec 20 23:55:17 2018 -0500
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
 set -euo pipefail
-~/src/dotfiles/lisp/binaries/clhs --url "file:///home/sjl/Dropbox/HyperSpec/HyperSpec/" --open "w3m" "$@"
+~/src/dotfiles/lisp/bin/clhs --url "file:///home/sjl/Dropbox/HyperSpec/HyperSpec/" --open "w3m" "$@"
--- a/fish/config.fish	Thu Dec 20 17:11:06 2018 -0500
+++ b/fish/config.fish	Thu Dec 20 23:55:17 2018 -0500
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 prepend_to_path "/usr/local/go/bin"
 prepend_to_path "/usr/local/sbin"
 prepend_to_path "/usr/games"
-prepend_to_path "$HOME/src/dotfiles/lisp/binaries"
+prepend_to_path "$HOME/src/dotfiles/lisp/bin"
 prepend_to_path "$HOME/src/dotfiles/bin"
 prepend_to_path "$HOME/src/hg"
 prepend_to_path "$HOME/bin"
--- a/lisp/Makefile	Thu Dec 20 17:11:06 2018 -0500
+++ b/lisp/Makefile	Thu Dec 20 23:55:17 2018 -0500
@@ -1,26 +1,21 @@
 files := $(shell ls *.lisp)
-binaries := $(files:.lisp=)
+names := $(files:.lisp=)
+.PHONY: all clean $(names)
-.PHONY: all $(binaries)
+all: $(names)
+$(names): %: bin/% man/man1/%.1
-all: $(binaries)
+bin/%: %.lisp build-binary
+	mkdir -p bin
+	./build-binary $<
+	mv $(@F) bin/
-%: bin/% man/%.1
-	echo
+man/man1/%.1: %.lisp build-manual
+	mkdir -p man/man1
+	./build-manual $<
+	mv $(@F) man/man1/
 	rm -rf bin man
-bin/%: %.lisp bin build-binary
-	./build-binary $<
-	mv $(@F) bin/
-man/%.1: %.lisp man build-manual
-	./build-manual $<
-	mv $(@F) man/
-	mkdir -p bin
-	mkdir -p man
--- a/lisp/clhs.lisp	Thu Dec 20 17:11:06 2018 -0500
+++ b/lisp/clhs.lisp	Thu Dec 20 23:55:17 2018 -0500
@@ -96,19 +96,28 @@
 ;;;; User Interface -----------------------------------------------------------
+(defmacro define-string (var string)
+  `(defparameter ,var (format nil ,string)))
+(define-string *documentation*
+  "Look up SYMBOL in the Common Lisp HyperSpec and open its page in a web browser.~@
+  ~@
+  The first time the program is run it will create a cache of all symbols in ~
+  the HyperSpec.  Subsequent runs will use this cache to look up symbol links ~
+  faster.")
+(defparameter *examples*
+  '((".Look up STRING in the HyperSpec and open it in the default browser:" .
+     "clhs string")
+    ("Look up MAKE-ARRAY in a local copy of the HyperSpec and open it in lynx:" .
+     "clhs --url file:///home/sjl/doc/hyperspec/ --open lynx make-array")))
 (adopt:define-interface *ui*
     (:name "clhs"
      :usage "[OPTIONS] SYMBOL"
      :summary "Look up a symbol in the Common Lisp HyperSpec."
-     :documentation
-     (format nil "Look up SYMBOL in the Common Lisp HyperSpec and open it in a web browser.~@
-       ~@
-       The first time the program is run it will create a cache of all symbols in the HyperSpec.  Subsequent runs will use this cache to look up symbol links faster.")
-     :examples
-     '(("Look up STRING in the HyperSpec and open it in the default browser:" .
-        "clhs string")
-       ("Look up MAKE-ARRAY in a local copy of the HyperSpec and open it in lynx:" .
-        "clhs --url file:///home/sjl/doc/hyperspec/ --open lynx make-array")))
+     :documentation *documentation*
+     :examples *examples*)
    :documentation "display help and exit"
    :manual "Display help and exit."
@@ -116,30 +125,25 @@
    :short #\h
    :reduce (constantly t))
-   :documentation "rebuild the symbol cache, even if it already exists"
-   :manual "Rebuild the symbol cache, even if it already exists."
+   :documentation "rebuild the symbol cache"
+   :manual "Rebuild the symbol cache, even if it already exists, instead of looking up a symbol."
    :long "rebuild-cache"
    :reduce (constantly t))
-   :documentation
-   (format nil "program to use to open hyperspec URLs (default ~A)"
-           *default-open-command*)
-   :manual
-   (format nil "The program to use to open hyperspec URLs.  The default is: ~A"
-           *default-open-command*)
+   :documentation (format nil "program to use to open hyperspec URLs (default ~A)" *default-open-command*)
+   :manual (format nil "The program to use to open hyperspec URLs.  The default is: ~A" *default-open-command*)
    :long "open"
    :short #\o
    :parameter "COMMAND"
    :initial-value *default-open-command*
    :reduce #'adopt:newest)
-   :documentation
-   (format nil "base HyperSpec URL (default ~A)" *default-hyperspec-url*)
-   :manual
-   (format nil "The base HyperSpec URL.  The default is: ~A~@
-           ~@
-           A local copy of the HyperSpec can be used with a file:// prefix."
-           *default-hyperspec-url*)
+   :documentation (format nil "base HyperSpec URL (default ~A)" *default-hyperspec-url*)
+   :manual (format nil
+                   "The base HyperSpec URL.  The default is: ~A~@
+                   ~@
+                   A local copy of the HyperSpec can be used with a file:// prefix."
+                   *default-hyperspec-url*)
    :long "url"
    :short #\u
    :parameter "URL"
--- a/lisp/lispindent.lisp	Thu Dec 20 17:11:06 2018 -0500
+++ b/lisp/lispindent.lisp	Thu Dec 20 23:55:17 2018 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 ;; Fork of lispindent https://github.com/ds26gte/scmindent
 ;; Some day I need to rewrite this with smug or something, jesus.
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (ql:quickload '(:adopt) :silent t))
 ;Dorai Sitaram
 ;Oct 8, 1999
@@ -253,7 +256,32 @@
               (incf i))))))))
-(defun toplevel ()
+(defun run ()
+(adopt:define-interface *ui*
+    (:name "lispindent"
+     :usage ""
+     :summary "Indent Common Lisp code."
+     :documentation (format nil
+                            "Read Common Lisp code from standard input, indent ~
+                            it according to some simple rules and configuration, ~
+                            and write the result to standard output."))
+  ((help)
+   :documentation "display help and exit"
+   :manual "Display help and exit."
+   :long "help"
+   :short #\h
+   :reduce (constantly t)))
+(defun toplevel ()
+  (handler-case
+      (multiple-value-bind (arguments options) (adopt:parse-options *ui*)
+        (when (gethash 'help options)
+          (adopt:print-usage-and-exit *ui*))
+        (when arguments
+          (error "Unrecognized arguments: ~S" arguments))
+        (run))
+    (error (c) (adopt:print-error-and-exit c))))