--- a/vim/plugin/fuzzyfinder.vim Thu Aug 05 11:15:51 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1742 +0,0 @@
-" File: plugin/fuzzyfinder.vim
-" Author: Takeshi NISHIDA <ns9tks@DELETE-ME.gmail.com>
-" Version: 2.22.3, for Vim 7.1
-" Licence: MIT Licence
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 1984 1 :AutoInstall: fuzzyfinder.vim
-" See doc/fuzzyfinder.txt for details.
-" LOAD GUARD: {{{1
-if exists('g:loaded_fuzzyfinder') || v:version < 701
- finish
-let g:loaded_fuzzyfinder = 022203 " Version xx.xx.xx
-" }}}1
-" FUNCTIONS: LIST ------------------------------------------------------- {{{1
-function! s:Unique(in)
- let sorted = sort(a:in)
- if len(sorted) < 2
- return sorted
- endif
- let last = remove(sorted, 0)
- let result = [last]
- for item in sorted
- if item != last
- call add(result, item)
- let last = item
- endif
- endfor
- return result
-" [ [0], [1,2], [3] ] -> [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
-function! s:Concat(in)
- let result = []
- for l in a:in
- let result += l
- endfor
- return result
-" copy + filter + limit
-function! s:FilterEx(in, expr, limit)
- if a:limit <= 0
- return filter(copy(a:in), a:expr)
- endif
- let result = []
- let stride = a:limit * 3 / 2 " x1.5
- for i in range(0, len(a:in) - 1, stride)
- let result += filter(a:in[i : i + stride - 1], a:expr)
- if len(result) >= a:limit
- return remove(result, 0, a:limit - 1)
- endif
- endfor
- return result
-function! s:FilterMatching(items, key, pattern, index, limit)
- return s:FilterEx(a:items, 'v:val[''' . a:key . '''] =~ ' . string(a:pattern) . ' || v:val.index == ' . a:index, a:limit)
-function! s:MapToSetSerialIndex(in, offset)
- for i in range(len(a:in))
- let a:in[i].index = i + a:offset
- endfor
- return a:in
-function! s:UpdateMruList(mrulist, new_item, max_item, excluded)
- let result = copy(a:mrulist)
- let result = filter(result,'v:val.word != a:new_item.word')
- let result = insert(result, a:new_item)
- let result = filter(result, 'v:val.word !~ a:excluded')
- return result[0 : a:max_item - 1]
-" FUNCTIONS: STRING ----------------------------------------------------- {{{1
-" truncates a:str and add a:mark if a length of a:str is more than a:len
-function! s:TruncateHead(str, len)
- if a:len >= len(a:str)
- return a:str
- elseif a:len <= len(s:ABBR_TRUNCATION_MARK)
- endif
- return s:ABBR_TRUNCATION_MARK . a:str[-a:len + len(s:ABBR_TRUNCATION_MARK):]
-" truncates a:str and add a:mark if a length of a:str is more than a:len
-function! s:TruncateTail(str, len)
- if a:len >= len(a:str)
- return a:str
- elseif a:len <= len(s:ABBR_TRUNCATION_MARK)
- endif
- return a:str[:a:len - 1 - len(s:ABBR_TRUNCATION_MARK)] . s:ABBR_TRUNCATION_MARK
-" truncates a:str and add a:mark if a length of a:str is more than a:len
-function! s:TruncateMid(str, len)
- if a:len >= len(a:str)
- return a:str
- elseif a:len <= len(s:ABBR_TRUNCATION_MARK)
- endif
- let len_head = (a:len - len(s:ABBR_TRUNCATION_MARK)) / 2
- let len_tail = a:len - len(s:ABBR_TRUNCATION_MARK) - len_head
- return (len_head > 0 ? a:str[: len_head - 1] : '') .
- \ (len_tail > 0 ? a:str[-len_tail :] : '')
-" takes suffix numer. if no digits, returns -1
-function! s:SuffixNumber(str)
- let s = matchstr(a:str, '\d\+$')
- return (len(s) ? str2nr(s) : -1)
-function! s:ConvertWildcardToRegexp(expr)
- let re = escape(a:expr, '\')
- for [pat, sub] in [ [ '*', '\\.\\*' ], [ '?', '\\.' ], [ '[', '\\[' ], ]
- let re = substitute(re, pat, sub, 'g')
- endfor
- return '\V' . re
-" "foo/bar/buz/hoge" -> { head: "foo/bar/buz/", tail: "hoge" }
-function! s:SplitPath(path)
- let head = matchstr(a:path, '^.*[/\\]')
- return {
- \ 'head' : head,
- \ 'tail' : a:path[strlen(head):]
- \ }
-function! s:EscapeFilename(fn)
- " NOTE: '$' must not be escaped on Windows.
- return escape(a:fn, " \t\n*?[{`%#'\"|!<")
-" "foo/.../bar/...hoge" -> "foo/.../bar/../../hoge"
-function! s:ExpandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(base)
- return substitute(a:base, '^\(.*[/\\]\)\?\zs\.\(\.\+\)\ze[^/\\]*$',
- \ '\=repeat(".." . s:PATH_SEPARATOR, len(submatch(2)))', '')
-function! s:ExistsPrompt(line, prompt)
- return strlen(a:line) >= strlen(a:prompt) && a:line[:strlen(a:prompt) -1] ==# a:prompt
-function! s:RemovePrompt(line, prompt)
- return a:line[(s:ExistsPrompt(a:line, a:prompt) ? strlen(a:prompt) : 0):]
-function! s:RestorePrompt(line, prompt)
- let i = 0
- while i < len(a:prompt) && i < len(a:line) && a:prompt[i] ==# a:line[i]
- let i += 1
- endwhile
- return a:prompt . a:line[i : ]
-" FUNCTIONS: COMPLETION ITEM: ------------------------------------------- {{{1
-" returns [v(1), v(2), ..., v(n) ] , v(i) < v(i+1) , v(1) > v(n)/2
-function! s:MakeAscendingValues(n, total)
- let values = range(a:n, a:n * 2 - 1)
- let sum = 0
- for val in values
- let sum += val
- endfor
- return map(values, 'v:val * a:total / sum')
-" a range of return value is [0, s:MATCHING_RATE_BASE]
-function! s:EvaluateMatchingRate(word, base)
- let rate = 0
- let scores = s:MakeAscendingValues(len(a:word), s:MATCHING_RATE_BASE)
- let matched = 0
- let skip_penalty = 1
- let i_base = 0
- for i_word in range(len(a:word))
- if i_base >= len(a:base)
- let skip_penalty = skip_penalty * 2
- break
- elseif a:word[i_word] == a:base[i_base]
- let rate += scores[i_word]
- let matched = 1
- let i_base += 1
- elseif matched
- let skip_penalty = skip_penalty * 2
- let matched = 0
- endif
- endfor
- return rate / skip_penalty
-function! s:EvaluateLearningRank(word, stats)
- for i in range(len(a:stats))
- if a:stats[i].word ==# a:word
- return i
- endif
- endfor
- return len(a:stats)
-" FUNCTIONS: COMMANDLINE ------------------------------------------------ {{{1
-function! s:EchoWithHl(msg, hl)
- execute "echohl " . a:hl
- echo a:msg
- echohl None
-function! s:InputHl(prompt, text, hl)
- execute "echohl " . a:hl
- let s = input(a:prompt, a:text)
- echohl None
- return s
-" FUNCTIONS: FUZZYFIDNER WINDOW ----------------------------------------- {{{1
-function! s:HighlightPrompt(prompt, highlight)
- syntax clear
- execute printf('syntax match %s /^\V%s/', a:highlight, escape(a:prompt, '\'))
-function! s:HighlightError()
- syntax clear
- syntax match Error /^.*$/
-" FUNCTIONS: TAG -------------------------------------------------------- {{{1
-function! s:GetTagList(tagfile)
- let result = map(readfile(a:tagfile), 'matchstr(v:val, ''^[^!\t][^\t]*'')')
- return filter(result, 'v:val =~ ''\S''')
-function! s:GetTaggedFileList(tagfile)
- execute 'cd ' . fnamemodify(a:tagfile, ':h')
- let result = map(readfile(a:tagfile), 'fnamemodify(matchstr(v:val, ''^[^!\t][^\t]*\t\zs[^\t]\+''), '':p:~'')')
- cd -
- return filter(result, 'v:val =~ ''[^/\\ ]$''')
-function! s:GetCurrentTagFiles()
- return sort(filter(map(tagfiles(), 'fnamemodify(v:val, '':p'')'), 'filereadable(v:val)'))
-" FUNCTIONS: MISC ------------------------------------------------------- {{{1
-function! s:IsAvailableMode(mode)
- return exists('a:mode.mode_available') && a:mode.mode_available
-function! s:GetAvailableModes()
- return filter(values(g:FuzzyFinderMode), 's:IsAvailableMode(v:val)')
-function! s:GetSortedSwitchableModes()
- let modes = filter(items(g:FuzzyFinderMode), 's:IsAvailableMode(v:val[1]) && v:val[1].switch_order >= 0')
- let modes = map(modes, 'extend(v:val[1], { "ranks" : [v:val[1].switch_order, v:val[0]] })')
- return sort(modes, 's:CompareRanks')
-function! s:GetSidPrefix()
- return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\d\+_')
-function! s:OnCmdCR()
- for m in s:GetAvailableModes()
- call m.extend_options()
- call m.on_command_pre(getcmdtype() . getcmdline())
- endfor
- " lets last entry become the newest in the history
- call histadd(getcmdtype(), getcmdline())
- " this is not mapped again (:help recursive_mapping)
- return "\<CR>"
-function! s:ExpandAbbrevMap(base, abbrev_map)
- let result = [a:base]
- for [pattern, sub_list] in items(a:abbrev_map)
- let exprs = result
- let result = []
- for expr in exprs
- let result += map(copy(sub_list), 'substitute(expr, pattern, escape(v:val, ''\''), "g")')
- endfor
- endfor
- return s:Unique(result)
-function! s:EnumExpandedDirsEntries(dir, excluded)
- " Substitutes "\" because on Windows, "**\" doesn't include ".\",
- " but "**/" include "./". I don't know why.
- let dirNormalized = substitute(a:dir, '\', '/', 'g')
- let entries = split(glob(dirNormalized . "*" ), "\n") +
- \ split(glob(dirNormalized . ".*"), "\n")
- " removes "*/." and "*/.."
- call filter(entries, 'v:val !~ ''\v(^|[/\\])\.\.?$''')
- call map(entries, 'extend(s:SplitPath(v:val), { "suffix" : (isdirectory(v:val) ? s:PATH_SEPARATOR : "") })')
- if len(a:excluded)
- call filter(entries, '(v:val.head . v:val.tail . v:val.suffix) !~ a:excluded')
- endif
- return entries
-function! s:GetBufIndicator(buf_nr)
- if !getbufvar(a:buf_nr, '&modifiable')
- return '[-]'
- elseif getbufvar(a:buf_nr, '&modified')
- return '[+]'
- elseif getbufvar(a:buf_nr, '&readonly')
- return '[R]'
- else
- return ' '
- endif
-function! s:ModifyWordAsFilename(item, mods)
- let a:item.word = fnamemodify(a:item.word, a:mods)
- return a:item
-function! s:SetFormattedTimeToMenu(item, format)
- let a:item.menu = strftime(a:format, a:item.time)
- return a:item
-function! s:SetRanks(item, eval_word, eval_base, stats)
- let rank_perfect = (a:eval_word == a:eval_base ? 0 : 1)
- if a:eval_word == a:eval_base
- let rank_perfect = 1
- let rank_matching = 0
- else
- let rank_perfect = 2
- let rank_matching = -s:EvaluateMatchingRate(a:eval_word, a:eval_base)
- endif
- let a:item.ranks = [ rank_perfect, s:EvaluateLearningRank(a:item.word, a:stats),
- \ rank_matching, a:item.index ]
- return a:item
-function! s:SetFormattedWordToAbbr(item, max_item_width)
- let len_menu = (exists('a:item.menu') ? len(a:item.menu) + 2 : 0)
- let abbr_prefix = (exists('a:item.abbr_prefix') ? a:item.abbr_prefix : '')
- let a:item.abbr = printf('%4d: ', a:item.index) . abbr_prefix . a:item.word
- let a:item.abbr = s:TruncateTail(a:item.abbr, a:max_item_width - len_menu)
- return a:item
-function! s:MakeFileAbbrInfo(item, max_len_stats)
- let head = matchstr(a:item.word, '^.*[/\\]\ze.')
- let a:item.abbr = { 'head' : head,
- \ 'tail' : a:item.word[strlen(head):],
- \ 'key' : head . '.',
- \ 'prefix' : printf('%4d: ', a:item.index), }
- if exists('a:item.abbr_prefix')
- let a:item.abbr.prefix .= a:item.abbr_prefix
- endif
- let len = len(a:item.abbr.prefix) + len(a:item.word) +
- \ (exists('a:item.menu') ? len(a:item.menu) + 2 : 0)
- if !exists('a:max_len_stats[a:item.abbr.key]') || len > a:max_len_stats[a:item.abbr.key]
- let a:max_len_stats[a:item.abbr.key] = len
- endif
- return a:item
-function! s:GetTruncatedHead(head, max_len, max_item_width)
- return s:TruncateMid(a:head, len(a:head) + a:max_item_width - a:max_len)
-function! s:SetAbbrWithFileAbbrData(item, truncated_heads, max_item_width)
- let len_menu = (exists('a:item.menu') ? len(a:item.menu) + 2 : 0)
- let abbr = a:item.abbr.prefix . a:truncated_heads[a:item.abbr.key] . a:item.abbr.tail
- let a:item.abbr = s:TruncateTail(abbr, a:max_item_width - len_menu)
- return a:item
-function! s:MapToSetAbbrWithFileWord(items, max_item_width)
- let max_len_stats = {}
- call map(a:items, 's:MakeFileAbbrInfo(v:val, max_len_stats)')
- let truncated_heads =
- \ map(max_len_stats, 's:GetTruncatedHead(v:key[: -2], v:val, a:max_item_width)')
- return map(a:items, 's:SetAbbrWithFileAbbrData(v:val, truncated_heads, a:max_item_width)')
-function! s:CompareTimeDescending(i1, i2)
- return a:i1.time == a:i2.time ? 0 : a:i1.time > a:i2.time ? -1 : +1
-function! s:CompareRanks(i1, i2)
- if exists('a:i1.ranks') && exists('a:i2.ranks')
- for i in range(min([len(a:i1.ranks), len(a:i2.ranks)]))
- if a:i1.ranks[i] > a:i2.ranks[i]
- return +1
- elseif a:i1.ranks[i] < a:i2.ranks[i]
- return -1
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- return 0
-function! s:GetLinePattern(lnum)
- return '\C\V\^' . escape(getline(a:lnum), '\') . '\$'
-" opens a:path and jumps to the line matching to a:pattern from a:lnum within
-" a:range. if not found, jumps to a:lnum.
-function! s:JumpToBookmark(path, mode, pattern, lnum, range, reuse)
- call s:OpenFile(a:path, a:mode, a:reuse)
- let ln = a:lnum
- for i in range(0, a:range)
- if a:lnum + i <= line('$') && getline(a:lnum + i) =~ a:pattern
- let ln += i
- break
- elseif a:lnum - i >= 1 && getline(a:lnum - i) =~ a:pattern
- let ln -= i
- break
- endif
- endfor
- call cursor(ln, 0)
- normal! zvzz
-" returns 0 if the buffer is not found.
-function! s:MoveToWindowOfBufferInCurrentTabPage(buf_nr)
- if count(tabpagebuflist(), a:buf_nr) == 0
- return 0
- endif
- execute bufwinnr(a:buf_nr) . 'wincmd w'
- return 1
-" returns 0 if the buffer is not found.
-function! s:MoveToOtherTabPageOpeningBuffer(buf_nr)
- for tab_nr in range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
- if tab_nr != tabpagenr() && count(tabpagebuflist(tab_nr), a:buf_nr) > 0
- execute 'tabnext ' . tab_nr
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- return 0
-" returns 0 if the buffer is not found.
-function! s:MoveToWindowOfBufferInOtherTabPage(buf_nr)
- if !s:MoveToOtherTabPageOpeningBuffer(a:buf_nr)
- return 0
- endif
- return s:MoveToWindowOfBufferInCurrentTabPage(a:buf_nr)
-function! s:OpenBuffer(buf_nr, mode, reuse)
- if a:reuse && ((a:mode == s:OPEN_MODE_SPLIT &&
- \ s:MoveToWindowOfBufferInCurrentTabPage(a:buf_nr)) ||
- \ (a:mode == s:OPEN_MODE_VSPLIT &&
- \ s:MoveToWindowOfBufferInCurrentTabPage(a:buf_nr)) ||
- \ (a:mode == s:OPEN_MODE_TAB &&
- \ s:MoveToWindowOfBufferInOtherTabPage(a:buf_nr)))
- return
- endif
- execute printf({
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_CURRENT : ':%sbuffer' ,
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_SPLIT : ':%ssbuffer' ,
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_VSPLIT : ':vertical :%ssbuffer',
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_TAB : ':tab :%ssbuffer' ,
- \ }[a:mode], a:buf_nr)
-function! s:OpenFile(path, mode, reuse)
- let buf_nr = bufnr('^' . a:path . '$')
- if buf_nr > -1
- call s:OpenBuffer(buf_nr, a:mode, a:reuse)
- else
- execute {
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_CURRENT : ':edit ' ,
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_SPLIT : ':split ' ,
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_VSPLIT : ':vsplit ' ,
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_TAB : ':tabedit ',
- \ }[a:mode] . s:EscapeFilename(a:path)
- endif
-function s:OpenTag(tag, mode)
- execute {
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_CURRENT : ':tjump ' ,
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_SPLIT : ':stjump ' ,
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_VSPLIT : ':vertical :stjump ',
- \ s:OPEN_MODE_TAB : ':tab :stjump ' ,
- \ }[a:mode] . a:tag
-function! s:SelectedText() " by id:ka-nacht
- let [visual_p, pos] = [mode() =~# "[vV\<C-v>]", getpos('.')]
- let [r_, r_t] = [@@, getregtype('"')]
- let [r0, r0t] = [@0, getregtype('0')]
- if visual_p
- execute "normal! \<Esc>"
- endif
- silent normal! gvy
- let [_, _t] = [@@, getregtype('"')]
- call setreg('"', r_, r_t)
- call setreg('0', r0, r0t)
- if visual_p
- normal! gv
- else
- call setpos('.', pos)
- endif
- return _
-" }}}1
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base ---------------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode = { 'Base' : {} }
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.launch_base(initial_pattern, partial_matching)
- " initializes this object
- call self.extend_options()
- let self.partial_matching = a:partial_matching
- let self.prev_bufnr = bufnr('%')
- let self.last_col = -1
- call s:InfoFileManager.load()
- if !s:IsAvailableMode(self)
- echo 'This mode is not available: ' . self.to_str()
- return
- endif
- call self.on_mode_enter_pre()
- call s:WindowManager.activate(self.make_complete_func('CompleteFunc'))
- call s:OptionManager.set('completeopt', 'menuone')
- call s:OptionManager.set('ignorecase', self.ignore_case)
- " local autocommands
- augroup FuzzyfinderLocal
- autocmd!
- execute 'autocmd CursorMovedI <buffer> call ' . self.to_str('on_cursor_moved_i()')
- execute 'autocmd InsertLeave <buffer> nested call ' . self.to_str('on_insert_leave()' )
- augroup END
- " local mapping
- for [lhs, rhs] in [
- \ [ self.key_open , self.to_str('on_cr(' . s:OPEN_MODE_CURRENT . ', 0)') ],
- \ [ self.key_open_split , self.to_str('on_cr(' . s:OPEN_MODE_SPLIT . ', 0)') ],
- \ [ self.key_open_vsplit, self.to_str('on_cr(' . s:OPEN_MODE_VSPLIT . ', 0)') ],
- \ [ self.key_open_tab , self.to_str('on_cr(' . s:OPEN_MODE_TAB . ', 0)') ],
- \ [ '<BS>' , self.to_str('on_bs()' ) ],
- \ [ '<C-h>' , self.to_str('on_bs()' ) ],
- \ [ self.key_next_mode , self.to_str('on_switch_mode(+1)' ) ],
- \ [ self.key_prev_mode , self.to_str('on_switch_mode(-1)' ) ],
- \ [ self.key_ignore_case, self.to_str('on_switch_ignore_case()' ) ],
- \ ]
- " hacks to be able to use feedkeys().
- execute printf('inoremap <buffer> <silent> %s <C-r>=%s ? "" : ""<CR>', lhs, rhs)
- endfor
- " Starts Insert mode and makes CursorMovedI event now. Command prompt is
- " needed to forces a completion menu to update every typing.
- call setline(1, self.prompt . a:initial_pattern)
- call self.on_mode_enter_post()
- call feedkeys("A", 'n') " startinsert! does not work in InsertLeave handler
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_cursor_moved_i()
- if !s:ExistsPrompt(getline('.'), self.prompt)
- call setline('.', s:RestorePrompt(getline('.'), self.prompt))
- call feedkeys("\<End>", 'n')
- elseif col('.') <= len(self.prompt)
- " if the cursor is moved before command prompt
- call feedkeys(repeat("\<Right>", len(self.prompt) - col('.') + 1), 'n')
- elseif col('.') > strlen(getline('.')) && col('.') != self.last_col
- " if the cursor is placed on the end of the line and has been actually moved.
- let self.last_col = col('.')
- let self.last_base = s:RemovePrompt(getline('.'), self.prompt)
- call feedkeys("\<C-x>\<C-o>", 'n')
- endif
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_insert_leave()
- let last_pattern = s:RemovePrompt(getline('.'), self.prompt)
- call s:OptionManager.restore_all()
- call s:WindowManager.deactivate()
- let reserved = exists('s:reserved_command')
- if reserved
- call self.on_open(s:reserved_command[0], s:reserved_command[1])
- unlet s:reserved_command
- endif
- call self.on_mode_leave_post(reserved)
- call self.empty_cache_if_existed(0)
- " switchs to next mode, or finishes fuzzyfinder.
- if exists('s:reserved_switch_mode')
- let m = self.next_mode(s:reserved_switch_mode < 0)
- call m.launch_base(last_pattern, self.partial_matching)
- unlet s:reserved_switch_mode
- endif
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_buf_enter()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_buf_write_post()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_command_pre(cmd)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_cr(index, dir_check)
- if pumvisible()
- call feedkeys(printf("\<C-y>\<C-r>=%s(%d, 1) ? '' : ''\<CR>", self.to_str('on_cr'), a:index), 'n')
- return
- endif
- if !empty(self.last_base)
- call self.add_stat(self.last_base, s:RemovePrompt(getline('.'), self.prompt))
- endif
- if a:dir_check && getline('.') =~ '[/\\]$'
- return
- endif
- let s:reserved_command = [s:RemovePrompt(getline('.'), self.prompt), a:index]
- call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'n') " stopinsert behavior is strange...
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_bs()
- let bs_count = 1
- if self.smart_bs && col('.') > 2 && getline('.')[col('.') - 2] =~ '[/\\]'
- let bs_count = len(matchstr(getline('.')[:col('.') - 3], '[^/\\]*$')) + 1
- endif
- call feedkeys((pumvisible() ? "\<C-e>" : "") . repeat("\<BS>", bs_count), 'n')
-" Before entering Fuzzyfinder buffer. This function should return in a short time.
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_mode_enter_pre()
-" After entering Fuzzyfinder buffer.
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_mode_enter_post()
-" After leaving Fuzzyfinder buffer.
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_mode_leave_post(opened)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_switch_mode(next_prev)
- let s:reserved_switch_mode = a:next_prev
- call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'n') " stopinsert behavior is strange...
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.on_switch_ignore_case()
- let &ignorecase = !&ignorecase
- echo "ignorecase = " . &ignorecase
- let self.last_col = -1
- call self.on_cursor_moved_i()
-" export mode-specific information as string list
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.serialize_info()
- let header_data = self.to_key() . ".data\t"
- let header_stats = self.to_key() . ".stats\t"
- return map(copy(self.data ), 'header_data . string(v:val)') +
- \ map(copy(self.stats), 'header_stats . string(v:val)')
-" import mode-specific information from string list
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.deserialize_info(lines)
- let header_data = self.to_key() . ".data\t"
- let header_stats = self.to_key() . ".stats\t"
- let self.data = map(filter(copy(a:lines), 'v:val[: len(header_data ) - 1] ==# header_data '),
- \ 'eval(v:val[len(header_data ) :])')
- let self.stats = map(filter(copy(a:lines), 'v:val[: len(header_stats) - 1] ==# header_stats'),
- \ 'eval(v:val[len(header_stats) :])')
- call filter(self.stats, '!empty(v:val.base)') " NOTE: remove this line someday
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.add_stat(base, word)
- call s:InfoFileManager.load()
- let stat = { 'base' : a:base, 'word' : a:word }
- call filter(self.stats, 'v:val !=# stat')
- call insert(self.stats, stat)
- let self.stats = self.stats[0 : self.learning_limit - 1]
- call s:InfoFileManager.save()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.complete(findstart, base)
- if a:findstart
- return 0
- elseif !s:ExistsPrompt(a:base, self.prompt) || len(s:RemovePrompt(a:base, self.prompt)) < self.min_length
- return []
- endif
- call s:HighlightPrompt(self.prompt, self.prompt_highlight)
- " FIXME: ExpandAbbrevMap duplicates index
- let result = []
- for expanded_base in s:ExpandAbbrevMap(s:RemovePrompt(a:base, self.prompt), self.abbrev_map)
- let result += self.on_complete(expanded_base)
- endfor
- call sort(result, 's:CompareRanks')
- if empty(result) || len(result) >= self.enumerating_limit
- call s:HighlightError()
- endif
- if !empty(result)
- call feedkeys("\<C-p>\<Down>", 'n')
- endif
- return result
-" This function is set to 'completefunc' which doesn't accept dictionary-functions.
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.make_complete_func(name)
- execute printf("function! s:%s(findstart, base)\n" .
- \ " return %s.complete(a:findstart, a:base)\n" .
- \ "endfunction", a:name, self.to_str())
- return s:GetSidPrefix() . a:name
-" fuzzy : 'str' -> {'base':'str', 'wi':'*s*t*r*', 're':'\V\.\*s\.\*t\.\*r\.\*'}
-" partial: 'str' -> {'base':'str', 'wi':'*str*', 're':'\V\.\*str\.\*'}
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.make_pattern(base)
- if self.partial_matching
- let wi = (a:base !~ '^[*?]' ? '*' : '') . a:base .
- \ (a:base =~ '[^*?]$' ? '*' : '')
- let re = s:ConvertWildcardToRegexp(wi)
- return { 'base': a:base, 'wi':wi, 're': re }
- else
- let wi = ''
- for char in split(a:base, '\zs')
- if wi !~ '[*?]$' && char !~ '[*?]'
- let wi .= '*'. char
- else
- let wi .= char
- endif
- endfor
- if wi !~ '[*?]$'
- let wi .= '*'
- endif
- let re = s:ConvertWildcardToRegexp(wi)
- if self.migemo_support && a:base !~ '[^\x01-\x7e]'
- let re .= '\|\m.*' . substitute(migemo(a:base), '\\_s\*', '.*', 'g') . '.*'
- endif
- return { 'base': a:base, 'wi':wi, 're': re }
- endif
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.get_filtered_stats(base)
- return filter(copy(self.stats), 'v:val.base ==# a:base')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.empty_cache_if_existed(force)
- if exists('self.cache') && (a:force || !exists('self.lasting_cache') || !self.lasting_cache)
- unlet self.cache
- endif
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.to_key()
- return filter(keys(g:FuzzyFinderMode), 'g:FuzzyFinderMode[v:val] is self')[0]
-" returns 'g:FuzzyFinderMode.{key}{.argument}'
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.to_str(...)
- return 'g:FuzzyFinderMode.' . self.to_key() . (a:0 > 0 ? '.' . a:1 : '')
-" takes in g:FuzzyFinderOptions
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.extend_options()
- call extend(self, g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base, 'force')
- call extend(self, g:FuzzyFinderOptions[self.to_key()], 'force')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base.next_mode(rev)
- let modes = (a:rev ? s:GetSortedSwitchableModes() : reverse(s:GetSortedSwitchableModes()))
- let m_last = modes[-1]
- for m in modes
- if m is self
- break
- endif
- let m_last = m
- endfor
- return m_last
- " vim crashed using map()
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer -------------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer.on_complete(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let base_tail = s:SplitPath(a:base).tail
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word', patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, base_tail, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer.on_open(expr, mode)
- " filter the selected item to get the buffer number for handling unnamed buffer
- call filter(self.items, 'v:val.word ==# a:expr')
- if !empty(self.items)
- call s:OpenBuffer(self.items[0].buf_nr, a:mode, self.reuse_window)
- endif
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer.on_mode_enter_post()
- let self.items = map(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')),
- \ 'buflisted(v:val) && v:val != self.prev_bufnr'),
- \ 'self.make_item(v:val)')
- if self.mru_order
- call s:MapToSetSerialIndex(sort(self.items, 's:CompareTimeDescending'), 1)
- endif
- let self.items = s:MapToSetAbbrWithFileWord(self.items, self.max_menu_width)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer.on_buf_enter()
- call self.update_buf_times()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer.on_buf_write_post()
- call self.update_buf_times()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer.update_buf_times()
- call extend(self, { 'buf_times' : {} }, 'keep')
- let self.buf_times[bufnr('%')] = localtime()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer.make_item(nr)
- let path = (empty(bufname(a:nr)) ? '[No Name]' : fnamemodify(bufname(a:nr), ':~:.'))
- let time = (exists('self.buf_times[a:nr]') ? self.buf_times[a:nr] : 0)
- return {
- \ 'index' : a:nr,
- \ 'buf_nr' : a:nr,
- \ 'word' : path,
- \ 'abbr_prefix' : s:GetBufIndicator(a:nr) . ' ',
- \ 'menu' : strftime(self.time_format, time),
- \ 'time' : time,
- \ }
-" 'edit'/'split'/'vsplit'/'tabedit'
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer.jump_to(item, cmd_open)
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.File ---------------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.File = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.File.on_complete(base)
- let base = s:ExpandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(a:base)
- let patterns = map(s:SplitPath(base), 'self.make_pattern(v:val)')
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = self.cached_glob(patterns.head.base, patterns.tail.re, self.excluded_path, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.tail.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- let result = filter(result, 'bufnr("^" . v:val.word . "$") != self.prev_bufnr')
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, patterns.tail.base, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.File.on_open(expr, mode)
- call s:OpenFile(a:expr, a:mode, self.reuse_window)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.File.cached_glob(dir, file, excluded, index, limit)
- let key = fnamemodify(a:dir, ':p')
- call extend(self, { 'cache' : {} }, 'keep')
- if !exists('self.cache[key]')
- echo 'Caching file list...'
- let self.cache[key] = s:EnumExpandedDirsEntries(key, a:excluded)
- call s:MapToSetSerialIndex(self.cache[key], 1)
- endif
- echo 'Filtering file list...'
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.cache[key], 'tail', a:file, a:index, a:limit)
- call map(result, '{ "index" : v:val.index, "word" : (v:val.head == key ? a:dir : v:val.head) . v:val.tail . v:val.suffix }')
- return s:MapToSetAbbrWithFileWord(result, self.max_menu_width)
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.Dir ----------------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.Dir = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Dir.on_complete(base)
- let base = s:ExpandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(a:base)
- let patterns = map(s:SplitPath(base), 'self.make_pattern(v:val)')
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = self.cached_glob_dir(patterns.head.base, patterns.tail.re, self.excluded_path, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.tail.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, patterns.tail.base, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Dir.on_open(expr, mode)
- execute ':cd ' . s:EscapeFilename(a:expr)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Dir.cached_glob_dir(dir, file, excluded, index, limit)
- let key = fnamemodify(a:dir, ':p')
- call extend(self, { 'cache' : {} }, 'keep')
- if !exists('self.cache[key]')
- echo 'Caching file list...'
- let self.cache[key] = filter(s:EnumExpandedDirsEntries(key, a:excluded), 'len(v:val.suffix)')
- if isdirectory(key . '.' . s:PATH_SEPARATOR)
- call insert(self.cache[key], { 'head' : key, 'tail' : '.' , 'suffix' : '' })
- endif
- call s:MapToSetSerialIndex(self.cache[key], 1)
- endif
- echo 'Filtering file list...'
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.cache[key], 'tail', a:file, a:index, a:limit)
- call map(result, '{ "index" : v:val.index, "word" : (v:val.head == key ? a:dir : v:val.head) . v:val.tail . v:val.suffix }')
- return s:MapToSetAbbrWithFileWord(result, self.max_menu_width)
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile ------------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.on_complete(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let base_tail = s:SplitPath(a:base).tail
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word', patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, base_tail, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.on_open(expr, mode)
- call s:OpenFile(a:expr, a:mode, self.reuse_window)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.on_mode_enter_post()
- let self.items = copy(self.data)
- let self.items = map(self.items, 'self.format_item_using_cache(v:val)')
- let self.items = filter(self.items, '!empty(v:val) && bufnr("^" . v:val.word . "$") != self.prev_bufnr')
- let self.items = s:MapToSetSerialIndex(self.items, 1)
- let self.items = s:MapToSetAbbrWithFileWord(self.items, self.max_menu_width)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.on_buf_enter()
- call self.update_info()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.on_buf_write_post()
- call self.update_info()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.update_info()
- if !empty(&buftype) || expand('%') !~ '\S'
- return
- endif
- call s:InfoFileManager.load()
- let self.data = s:UpdateMruList(self.data, { 'word' : expand('%:p'), 'time' : localtime() },
- \ self.max_item, self.excluded_path)
- call s:InfoFileManager.save()
- call self.remove_item_from_cache(expand('%:p'))
-" returns empty value if invalid item
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.format_item_using_cache(item)
- call extend(self, { 'cache' : {} }, 'keep')
- if a:item.word !~ '\S'
- return {}
- endif
- if !exists('self.cache[a:item.word]')
- let self.cache[a:item.word] =
- \ (filereadable(a:item.word)
- \ ? s:ModifyWordAsFilename(s:SetFormattedTimeToMenu(copy(a:item), self.time_format), ':p:~')
- \ : {})
- endif
- return self.cache[a:item.word]
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.remove_item_from_cache(word)
- if !exists('self.cache')
- return
- endif
- for items in values(self.cache)
- if exists('items[a:word]')
- unlet items[a:word]
- endif
- endfor
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruCmd -------------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruCmd = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruCmd.on_complete(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word', patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, v:val.word, a:base, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruCmd.on_open(expr, mode)
- call self.update_info(a:expr)
- call histadd(a:expr[0], a:expr[1:])
- call feedkeys(a:expr . "\<CR>", 'n')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruCmd.on_mode_enter_post()
- let self.items = copy(self.data)
- let self.items = map(self.items, 's:SetFormattedTimeToMenu(v:val, self.time_format)')
- let self.items = s:MapToSetSerialIndex(self.items, 1)
- let self.items = map(self.items, 's:SetFormattedWordToAbbr(v:val, self.max_menu_width)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruCmd.on_command_pre(cmd)
- if getcmdtype() =~ '^[:/?]'
- call self.update_info(a:cmd)
- endif
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruCmd.update_info(cmd)
- call s:InfoFileManager.load()
- let self.data = s:UpdateMruList(self.data, { 'word' : a:cmd, 'time' : localtime() },
- \ self.max_item, self.excluded_command)
- call s:InfoFileManager.save()
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.Bookmark ------------------------------------ {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.Bookmark = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Bookmark.on_complete(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word', patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, v:val.word, a:base, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Bookmark.on_open(expr, mode)
- call filter(self.items, 'v:val.word ==# a:expr')
- if empty(self.items)
- return ''
- endif
- call s:JumpToBookmark(self.items[0].path, a:mode, self.items[0].pattern, self.items[0].lnum, self.searching_range,
- \ self.reuse_window)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Bookmark.on_mode_enter_post()
- let self.items = copy(self.data)
- let self.items = map(self.items, 's:SetFormattedTimeToMenu(v:val, self.time_format)')
- let self.items = s:MapToSetSerialIndex(self.items, 1)
- let self.items = map(self.items, 's:SetFormattedWordToAbbr(v:val, self.max_menu_width)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Bookmark.bookmark_here(word)
- if !empty(&buftype) || expand('%') !~ '\S'
- call s:EchoWithHl('Can''t bookmark this buffer.', 'WarningMsg')
- return
- endif
- let item = {
- \ 'word' : (a:word =~ '\S' ? substitute(a:word, '\n', ' ', 'g')
- \ : pathshorten(expand('%:p:~')) . '|' . line('.') . '| ' . getline('.')),
- \ 'path' : expand('%:p'),
- \ 'lnum' : line('.'),
- \ 'pattern' : s:GetLinePattern(line('.')),
- \ 'time' : localtime(),
- \ }
- let item.word = s:InputHl('Bookmark as:', item.word, 'Question')
- if item.word !~ '\S'
- call s:EchoWithHl('Canceled', 'WarningMsg')
- return
- endif
- call s:InfoFileManager.load()
- call insert(self.data, item)
- call s:InfoFileManager.save()
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.Tag ----------------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.Tag = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Tag.on_complete(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = self.find_tag(patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, v:val.word, a:base, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Tag.on_open(expr, mode)
- call s:OpenTag(a:expr, a:mode)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Tag.on_mode_enter_pre()
- let self.tag_files = s:GetCurrentTagFiles()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.Tag.find_tag(pattern, index, limit)
- if !len(self.tag_files)
- return []
- endif
- let key = join(self.tag_files, "\n")
- " cache not created or tags file updated?
- call extend(self, { 'cache' : {} }, 'keep')
- if !exists('self.cache[key]') || max(map(copy(self.tag_files), 'getftime(v:val) >= self.cache[key].time'))
- echo 'Caching tag list...'
- let items = s:Unique(s:Concat(map(copy(self.tag_files), 's:GetTagList(v:val)')))
- let items = s:MapToSetSerialIndex(map(items, '{ "word" : v:val }'), 1)
- let self.cache[key] = { 'time' : localtime(), 'items' : items }
- endif
- echo 'Filtering tag list...'
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.cache[key].items, 'word', a:pattern, a:index, a:limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetFormattedWordToAbbr(v:val, self.max_menu_width)')
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.TaggedFile ---------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.TaggedFile = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.TaggedFile.on_complete(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let base_tail = s:SplitPath(a:base).tail
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- echo 'Making tagged file list...'
- let result = self.find_tagged_file(patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, base_tail, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.TaggedFile.on_open(expr, mode)
- call s:OpenFile(a:expr, a:mode, self.reuse_window)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.TaggedFile.on_mode_enter_pre()
- let self.tag_files = s:GetCurrentTagFiles()
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.TaggedFile.find_tagged_file(pattern, index, limit)
- if !len(self.tag_files)
- return []
- endif
- let key = join(self.tag_files, "\n")
- " cache not created or tags file updated?
- call extend(self, { 'cache' : {} }, 'keep')
- if !exists('self.cache[key]') || max(map(copy(self.tag_files), 'getftime(v:val) >= self.cache[key].time'))
- echo 'Caching tagged-file list...'
- let items = s:Unique(s:Concat(map(copy(self.tag_files), 's:GetTaggedFileList(v:val)')))
- let items = s:MapToSetSerialIndex(map(items, '{ "word" : v:val }'), 1)
- let self.cache[key] = { 'time' : localtime(), 'items' : items }
- endif
- echo 'Filtering tagged-file list...'
- call map(self.cache[key].items, 's:ModifyWordAsFilename(v:val, '':.'')')
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.cache[key].items, 'word', a:pattern, a:index, a:limit)
- return s:MapToSetAbbrWithFileWord(result, self.max_menu_width)
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenFile ----------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenFile = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenFile.launch(initial_pattern, partial_matching, items)
- let self.items = s:MapToSetSerialIndex(map(copy(a:items), '{ "word" : v:val }'), 1)
- call map(self.items, 's:SetFormattedWordToAbbr(v:val, self.max_menu_width)')
- call.self.launch_base(a:initial_pattern, a:partial_matching)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenFile.on_complete(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let base_tail = s:SplitPath(a:base).tail
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word', patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, base_tail, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenFile.on_open(expr, mode)
- call s:OpenFile(a:expr, a:mode, self.reuse_window)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenFile.on_switch_mode(next_prev)
- " mode switching is unavailable
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenDir ----------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenDir = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenDir.launch(initial_pattern, partial_matching, items)
- let self.items = s:MapToSetSerialIndex(map(copy(a:items), '{ "word" : v:val }'), 1)
- call map(self.items, 's:SetFormattedWordToAbbr(v:val, self.max_menu_width)')
- call.self.launch_base(a:initial_pattern, a:partial_matching)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenDir.on_complete(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word', patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, v:val.word, a:base, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenDir.on_open(expr, mode)
- execute ':cd ' . s:EscapeFilename(a:expr)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenDir.on_switch_mode(next_prev)
- " mode switching is unavailable
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenCmd ------------------------------------ {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenCmd = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenCmd.launch(initial_pattern, partial_matching, items)
- let self.items = s:MapToSetSerialIndex(map(copy(a:items), '{ "word" : v:val }'), 1)
- call map(self.items, 's:SetFormattedWordToAbbr(v:val, self.max_menu_width)')
- call.self.launch_base(a:initial_pattern, a:partial_matching)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenCmd.on_complete(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word', patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, v:val.word, a:base, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenCmd.on_open(expr, mode)
- if a:expr[0] =~ '[:/?]'
- call histadd(a:expr[0], a:expr[1:])
- endif
- call feedkeys(a:expr . "\<CR>", 'n')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.GivenCmd.on_switch_mode(next_prev)
- " mode switching is unavailable
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackFile -------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackFile = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackFile.launch(initial_pattern, partial_matching, listener)
- let self.listener = a:listener
- call.self.launch_base(a:initial_pattern, a:partial_matching)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackFile.on_complete(base)
- let base = s:ExpandTailDotSequenceToParentDir(a:base)
- let patterns = map(s:SplitPath(base), 'self.make_pattern(v:val)')
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = self.cached_glob(patterns.head.base, patterns.tail.re, self.excluded_path, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.tail.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- let result = filter(result, 'bufnr("^" . v:val.word . "$") != self.prev_bufnr')
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, patterns.tail.base, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackFile.on_open(expr, mode)
- call self.listener.onComplete(a:expr, a:mode)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackFile.on_switch_mode(next_prev)
- " mode switching is unavailable
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackFile.on_mode_leave_post(opened)
- if !a:opened
- call self.listener.onAbort()
- endif
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackFile.cached_glob(dir, file, excluded, index, limit)
- let key = fnamemodify(a:dir, ':p')
- call extend(self, { 'cache' : {} }, 'keep')
- if !exists('self.cache[key]')
- echo 'Caching file list...'
- let self.cache[key] = s:EnumExpandedDirsEntries(key, a:excluded)
- if isdirectory(key . '.' . s:PATH_SEPARATOR)
- call insert(self.cache[key], { 'head' : key, 'tail' : '.' , 'suffix' : '' })
- endif
- call s:MapToSetSerialIndex(self.cache[key], 1)
- endif
- echo 'Filtering file list...'
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.cache[key], 'tail', a:file, a:index, a:limit)
- call map(result, '{ "index" : v:val.index, "word" : (v:val.head == key ? a:dir : v:val.head) . v:val.tail . v:val.suffix }')
- return s:MapToSetAbbrWithFileWord(result, self.max_menu_width)
-" OBJECT: g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackItem -------------------------------- {{{1
-let g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackItem = copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode.Base)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackItem.launch(initial_pattern, partial_matching, listener, items, for_file)
- let self.listener = a:listener
- let self.items = s:MapToSetSerialIndex(map(copy(a:items), '{ "word" : v:val }'), 1)
- call map(self.items, 's:SetFormattedWordToAbbr(v:val, self.max_menu_width)')
- let self.on_complete = (a:for_file ? self.on_complete_file : self.on_complete_nonfile)
- call.self.launch_base(a:initial_pattern, a:partial_matching)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackItem.on_complete_file(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let base_tail = s:SplitPath(a:base).tail
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word', patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, s:SplitPath(matchstr(v:val.word, ''^.*[^/\\]'')).tail, base_tail, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackItem.on_complete_nonfile(base)
- let patterns = self.make_pattern(a:base)
- let stats = self.get_filtered_stats(a:base)
- let result = s:FilterMatching(self.items, 'word', patterns.re, s:SuffixNumber(patterns.base), self.enumerating_limit)
- return map(result, 's:SetRanks(v:val, v:val.word, a:base, stats)')
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackItem.on_open(expr, mode)
- call self.listener.onComplete(a:expr, a:mode)
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackItem.on_switch_mode(next_prev)
- " mode switching is unavailable
-function! g:FuzzyFinderMode.CallbackItem.on_mode_leave_post(opened)
- if !a:opened
- call self.listener.onAbort()
- endif
-" OBJECT: s:OptionManager ----------------------------------------------- {{{1
-" sets or restores temporary options
-let s:OptionManager = { 'originals' : {} }
-function! s:OptionManager.set(name, value)
- call extend(self.originals, { a:name : eval('&' . a:name) }, 'keep')
- execute printf('let &%s = a:value', a:name)
-function! s:OptionManager.restore_all()
- for [name, value] in items(self.originals)
- execute printf('let &%s = value', name)
- endfor
- let self.originals = {}
-" OBJECT: s:WindowManager ----------------------------------------------- {{{1
-" manages buffer/window for fuzzyfinder
-let s:WindowManager = { 'buf_nr' : -1 }
-function! s:WindowManager.activate(complete_func)
- let cwd = getcwd()
- let self.buf_nr = s:Open1LineBuffer(self.buf_nr, '[Fuzzyfinder]')
- call s:SetLocalOptionsForFuzzyfinder(cwd, a:complete_func)
- redraw " for 'lazyredraw'
- if exists(':AutoComplPopLock') | execute ':AutoComplPopLock' | endif
-function! s:WindowManager.deactivate()
- if exists(':AutoComplPopUnlock') | execute ':AutoComplPopUnlock' | endif
- " must close after returning to previous window
- wincmd j
- execute self.buf_nr . 'bdelete'
-" Returns a buffer number. Creates new buffer if a:buf_nr is a invalid number
-function! s:Open1LineBuffer(buf_nr, buf_name)
- if !bufexists(a:buf_nr)
- leftabove 1new
- execute printf('file `=%s`', string(a:buf_name))
- elseif bufwinnr(a:buf_nr) == -1
- leftabove 1split
- execute a:buf_nr . 'buffer'
- delete _
- elseif bufwinnr(a:buf_nr) != bufwinnr('%')
- execute bufwinnr(a:buf_nr) . 'wincmd w'
- endif
- return bufnr('%')
-function! s:SetLocalOptionsForFuzzyfinder(cwd, complete_func)
- " countermeasure against auto-cd script
- execute ':lcd ' . escape(a:cwd, ' ')
- setlocal filetype=fuzzyfinder
- setlocal bufhidden=delete
- setlocal buftype=nofile
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal nobuflisted
- setlocal modifiable
- setlocal nocursorline " for highlighting
- setlocal nocursorcolumn " for highlighting
- let &l:omnifunc = a:complete_func
-" OBJECT: s:InfoFileManager --------------------------------------------- {{{1
-let s:InfoFileManager = { 'originals' : {} }
-function! s:InfoFileManager.load()
- try
- let lines = readfile(expand(self.get_info_file()))
- " compatibility check
- if count(lines, self.get_info_version_line()) == 0
- call self.warn_old_info()
- let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.info_file = ''
- throw 1
- endif
- catch /.*/
- let lines = []
- endtry
- for m in s:GetAvailableModes()
- call m.deserialize_info(lines)
- endfor
-function! s:InfoFileManager.save()
- let lines = [ self.get_info_version_line() ]
- for m in s:GetAvailableModes()
- let lines += m.serialize_info()
- endfor
- try
- call writefile(lines, expand(self.get_info_file()))
- catch /.*/
- endtry
-function! s:InfoFileManager.edit()
- new
- file `='[FuzzyfinderInfo]'`
- let self.bufnr = bufnr('%')
- setlocal filetype=vim
- setlocal bufhidden=delete
- setlocal buftype=acwrite
- setlocal noswapfile
- augroup FuzzyfinderInfo
- autocmd!
- autocmd BufWriteCmd <buffer> call s:InfoFileManager.on_buf_write_cmd()
- augroup END
- execute '0read ' . expand(self.get_info_file())
- setlocal nomodified
-function! s:InfoFileManager.on_buf_write_cmd()
- for m in s:GetAvailableModes()
- call m.deserialize_info(getline(1, '$'))
- endfor
- call self.save()
- setlocal nomodified
- execute printf('%dbdelete! ', self.bufnr)
- echo "Information file updated"
-function! s:InfoFileManager.get_info_version_line()
- return "VERSION\t217"
-function! s:InfoFileManager.get_info_file()
- return g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.info_file
-function! s:InfoFileManager.warn_old_info()
- call s:EchoWithHl(printf("=================================================================\n" .
- \ " Sorry, but your information file for Fuzzyfinder is no longer \n" .
- \ " compatible with this version of Fuzzyfinder. Please remove \n" .
- \ " %-63s\n" .
- \ "=================================================================\n" ,
- \ '"' . expand(self.get_info_file()) . '".'),
- \ 'WarningMsg')
- echohl Question
- call input('Press Enter')
- echohl None
-" }}}1
-" stores user-defined g:FuzzyFinderOptions ------------------------------ {{{2
-let s:user_options = (exists('g:FuzzyFinderOptions') ? g:FuzzyFinderOptions : {})
-" }}}2
-" Initializes g:FuzzyFinderOptions.
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions = { 'Base':{}, 'Buffer':{}, 'File':{}, 'Dir':{},
- \ 'MruFile':{}, 'MruCmd':{}, 'Bookmark':{},
- \ 'Tag':{}, 'TaggedFile':{},
- \ 'GivenFile':{}, 'GivenDir':{}, 'GivenCmd':{},
- \ 'CallbackFile':{}, 'CallbackItem':{}, }
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.key_open = '<CR>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.key_open_split = '<C-j>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.key_open_vsplit = '<C-k>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.key_open_tab = '<C-l>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.key_next_mode = '<C-t>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.key_prev_mode = '<C-y>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.key_ignore_case = '<C-g><C-g>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.info_file = '~/.vimfuzzyfinder'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.min_length = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.abbrev_map = {}
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.ignore_case = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.time_format = '(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.learning_limit = 100
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.enumerating_limit = 100
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.max_menu_width = 80
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.lasting_cache = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Base.migemo_support = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Buffer.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Buffer.prompt = '>Buffer>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Buffer.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Buffer.smart_bs = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Buffer.switch_order = 10
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Buffer.reuse_window = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Buffer.mru_order = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.File.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.File.prompt = '>File>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.File.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.File.smart_bs = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.File.switch_order = 20
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.File.reuse_window = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.File.excluded_path = '\v\~$|\.o$|\.exe$|\.bak$|\.swp$'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Dir.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Dir.prompt = '>Dir>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Dir.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Dir.smart_bs = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Dir.switch_order = 30
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Dir.excluded_path = ''
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruFile.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruFile.prompt = '>MruFile>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruFile.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruFile.smart_bs = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruFile.switch_order = 40
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruFile.reuse_window = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruFile.excluded_path = '\v\~$|\.bak$|\.swp$'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruFile.max_item = 200
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruCmd.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruCmd.prompt = '>MruCmd>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruCmd.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruCmd.smart_bs = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruCmd.switch_order = 50
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruCmd.excluded_command = '^$'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.MruCmd.max_item = 200
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Bookmark.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Bookmark.prompt = '>Bookmark>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Bookmark.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Bookmark.smart_bs = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Bookmark.switch_order = 60
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Bookmark.reuse_window = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Bookmark.searching_range = 100
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Tag.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Tag.prompt = '>Tag>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Tag.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Tag.smart_bs = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.Tag.switch_order = 70
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.TaggedFile.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.TaggedFile.prompt = '>TaggedFile>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.TaggedFile.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.TaggedFile.smart_bs = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.TaggedFile.switch_order = 80
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.TaggedFile.reuse_window = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenFile.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenFile.prompt = '>GivenFile>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenFile.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenFile.smart_bs = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenFile.switch_order = -1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenFile.reuse_window = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenDir.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenDir.prompt = '>GivenDir>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenDir.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenDir.smart_bs = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenDir.switch_order = -1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenCmd.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenCmd.prompt = '>GivenCmd>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenCmd.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenCmd.smart_bs = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.GivenCmd.switch_order = -1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackFile.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackFile.prompt = '>CallbackFile>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackFile.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackFile.smart_bs = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackFile.switch_order = -1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackFile.excluded_path = ''
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackItem.mode_available = 1
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackItem.prompt = '>CallbackItem>'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackItem.prompt_highlight = 'Question'
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackItem.smart_bs = 0
-let g:FuzzyFinderOptions.CallbackItem.switch_order = -1
-" overwrites default values of g:FuzzyFinderOptions with user-defined values - {{{2
-call map(s:user_options, 'extend(g:FuzzyFinderOptions[v:key], v:val, ''force'')')
-call map(copy(g:FuzzyFinderMode), 'v:val.extend_options()')
-" }}}2
-" }}}1
-let s:PATH_SEPARATOR = (has('win32') || has('win64') ? '\' : '/')
-let s:MATCHING_RATE_BASE = 1000000
-let s:OPEN_MODE_SPLIT = 2
-let s:OPEN_MODE_TAB = 4
-augroup FuzzyfinderGlobal
- autocmd!
- autocmd BufEnter * for s:m in s:GetAvailableModes() | call s:m.extend_options() | call s:m.on_buf_enter() | endfor
- autocmd BufWritePost * for s:m in s:GetAvailableModes() | call s:m.extend_options() | call s:m.on_buf_write_post() | endfor
-augroup END
-if s:IsAvailableMode(g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruCmd)
- " cnoremap has a problem, which doesn't expand cabbrev.
- cmap <silent> <expr> <CR> <SID>OnCmdCR()
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=buffer FuzzyFinderBuffer call g:FuzzyFinderMode.Buffer.launch_base (<q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=file FuzzyFinderFile call g:FuzzyFinderMode.File.launch_base (<q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=file FuzzyFinderFileWithFullCwd call g:FuzzyFinderMode.File.launch_base (fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':p') . <q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=file FuzzyFinderFileWithCurrentBufferDir call g:FuzzyFinderMode.File.launch_base (expand('%:~:.')[:-1-len(expand('%:~:.:t'))] . <q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=dir FuzzyFinderDir call g:FuzzyFinderMode.Dir.launch_base (<q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=dir FuzzyFinderDirWithFullCwd call g:FuzzyFinderMode.Dir.launch_base (fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':p') . <q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=dir FuzzyFinderDirWithCurrentBufferDir call g:FuzzyFinderMode.Dir.launch_base (expand('%:p:~')[:-1-len(expand('%:p:~:t'))] . <q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=file FuzzyFinderMruFile call g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruFile.launch_base (<q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=file FuzzyFinderMruCmd call g:FuzzyFinderMode.MruCmd.launch_base (<q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=file FuzzyFinderBookmark call g:FuzzyFinderMode.Bookmark.launch_base (<q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=tag FuzzyFinderTag call g:FuzzyFinderMode.Tag.launch_base (<q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=tag FuzzyFinderTagWithCursorWord call g:FuzzyFinderMode.Tag.launch_base (expand('<cword>') . <q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? -complete=file FuzzyFinderTaggedFile call g:FuzzyFinderMode.TaggedFile.launch_base(<q-args>, len(<q-bang>))
-command! -bang -narg=? FuzzyFinderAddBookmark call g:FuzzyFinderMode.Bookmark.bookmark_here(<q-args>)
-command! -bang -narg=0 -range FuzzyFinderAddBookmarkAsSelectedText call g:FuzzyFinderMode.Bookmark.bookmark_here(s:SelectedText())
-command! -bang -narg=0 FuzzyFinderEditInfo call s:InfoFileManager.edit()
-command! -bang -narg=0 FuzzyFinderRenewCache for s:m in s:GetAvailableModes() | call s:m.empty_cache_if_existed(1) | endfor
-" }}}1
-" vim: set fdm=marker:
\ No newline at end of file