
vim: pylint
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author Steve Losh <steve@dwaiter.com>
date Fri, 21 May 2010 15:16:57 -0400 (2010-05-21)
parents d6e9fd358013
children 2ffdbbd7baa1
branches/tags (none)
files vim/.vimrc vim/compiler/pylint.vim


--- a/vim/.vimrc	Fri May 21 14:59:02 2010 -0400
+++ b/vim/.vimrc	Fri May 21 15:16:57 2010 -0400
@@ -124,3 +124,9 @@
     highlight SpellBad term=underline gui=undercurl guisp=Orange
+" Pylint
+let g:pylint_onwrite = 0
+let g:pylint_show_rate = 0
+let g:pylint_signs = 0
+autocmd FileType python compiler pylint
+map <leader>l :Pylint<cr>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/compiler/pylint.vim	Fri May 21 15:16:57 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+" Vim compiler file for Python
+" Compiler:     Style checking tool for Python
+" Maintainer:   Oleksandr Tymoshenko <gonzo@univ.kiev.ua>
+" Last Change:  2010 april 29
+" Version:      0.6 
+" Contributors:
+"     Artur Wroblewski
+"     Menno
+"     Jose Blanca
+" Installation:
+"   Drop pylint.vim in ~/.vim/compiler directory. Ensure that your PATH
+"   environment variable includes the path to 'pylint' executable.
+"   Add the following line to the autocmd section of .vimrc
+"      autocmd FileType python compiler pylint
+" Usage:
+"   Pylint is called after a buffer with Python code is saved. QuickFix
+"   window is opened to show errors, warnings and hints provided by Pylint.
+"   Code rate calculated by Pylint is displayed at the bottom of the
+"   window.
+"   Above is realized with :Pylint command. To disable calling Pylint every
+"   time a buffer is saved put into .vimrc file
+"       let g:pylint_onwrite = 0
+"   Displaying code rate calculated by Pylint can be avoided by setting
+"       let g:pylint_show_rate = 0
+"   Openning of QuickFix window can be disabled with
+"       let g:pylint_cwindow = 0
+"   Setting signs for the lines with errors can be disabled with
+"	let g:pylint_signs = 0
+"   Of course, standard :make command can be used as in case of every
+"   other compiler.
+if exists('current_compiler')
+  finish
+let current_compiler = 'pylint'
+if !exists('g:pylint_onwrite')
+    let g:pylint_onwrite = 1
+if !exists('g:pylint_show_rate')
+    let g:pylint_show_rate = 1
+if !exists('g:pylint_cwindow')
+    let g:pylint_cwindow = 1
+if !exists('g:pylint_signs')
+    let g:pylint_signs = 1
+if exists(':Pylint') != 2
+    command Pylint :call Pylint(0)
+if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2          " older Vim always used :setlocal
+  command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
+" We should echo filename because pylint truncates .py
+" If someone know better way - let me know :) 
+" CompilerSet makeprg=(echo\ '[%]';\ pylint\ -r\ y\ %)
+" modified by Jose Blanca
+" it does not list the info messages and it lists errors first
+" pylint -i y hola.py|grep -e '^[WECY]'|sed -e 's/^W/2 W /' -e 's/^E/1 E /' -e
+" 's/^C/3 C /' |sort -k1,3
+CompilerSet makeprg=(echo\ '[%]';pylint\ -i\ y\ %\\\|grep\ -e\ \'^[WECY]\'\\\|sed\ -e\ \'s/^E/1\ E\ /\'\ -e\ \'s/^W/2\ W\ /\'\ -e\ \'s/^C/3\ C\ /\'\ \\\|sort\ -k1,3)
+" We could omit end of file-entry, there is only one file
+" %+I... - include code rating information
+" %-G... - remove all remaining report lines from quickfix buffer
+" the original efm
+"CompilerSet efm=%+P[%f],%t:\ %#%l:%m,%Z,%+IYour\ code%m,%Z,%-G%.%#
+"modified by Jose Blanca
+"version for the sorted and filtered pylint
+CompilerSet efm=%-GI%n:\ %#%l:%m,%*\\d\ %t\ %n:\ %#%l:%m,%Z,%+IYour\ code%m,%Z,%-G%.%#
+"signs definition
+sign define W text=WW texthl=pylint
+sign define C text=CC texthl=pylint
+sign define E text=EE texthl=pylint_error
+if g:pylint_onwrite
+    augroup python
+        au!
+        au BufWritePost * call Pylint(1)
+    augroup end
+function! Pylint(writing)
+    if !a:writing && &modified
+        " Save before running
+        write
+    endif	
+    if has('win32') || has('win16') || has('win95') || has('win64')
+        setlocal sp=>%s
+    else
+        setlocal sp=>%s\ 2>&1
+    endif
+    " If check is executed by buffer write - do not jump to first error
+    if !a:writing
+        silent make
+    else
+        silent make!
+    endif
+    if g:pylint_cwindow
+        cwindow
+    endif
+    call PylintEvaluation()
+    if g:pylint_show_rate
+        echon 'code rate: ' b:pylint_rate ', prev: ' b:pylint_prev_rate
+    endif
+    if g:pylint_signs
+        call PlacePylintSigns()
+    endif
+function! PylintEvaluation()
+    let l:list = getqflist()
+    let b:pylint_rate = '0.00'
+    let b:pylint_prev_rate = '0.00'
+    for l:item in l:list
+        if l:item.type == 'I' && l:item.text =~ 'Your code has been rated'
+            let l:re_rate = '\(-\?[0-9]\{1,2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\)/'
+            let b:pylint_rate = substitute(l:item.text, '.*rated at '.l:re_rate.'.*', '\1', 'g')
+            " Only if there is information about previous run
+            if l:item.text =~ 'previous run: '
+                let b:pylint_prev_rate = substitute(l:item.text, '.*previous run: '.l:re_rate.'.*', '\1', 'g')
+            endif    
+        endif
+    endfor
+function! PlacePylintSigns()
+    "in which buffer are we?
+    "in theory let l:buffr=bufname(l:item.bufnr)
+    "should work inside the next loop, but i haven't manage to do it
+    let l:buffr = bufname('%')
+    "the previous lines are suppose to work, but sometimes it doesn't
+    if empty(l:buffr)
+        let l:buffr=bufname(1)
+    endif
+    "first remove all sings
+    exec('sign unplace *')
+    "now we place one sign for every quickfix line
+    let l:list = getqflist()
+    let l:id = 1
+    for l:item in l:list
+	"the line signs
+	let l:lnum=item.lnum
+	let l:type=item.type
+	"sign place 1 line=l:lnum name=pylint file=l:buffr
+	if l:type != 'I'
+	    let l:exec = printf('sign place %d name=%s line=%d file=%s',
+	                        \ l:id, l:type, l:lnum, l:buffr)
+	    let l:id = l:id + 1
+	    execute l:exec
+	endif
+    endfor