--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/ftdetect/io.vim Wed Mar 16 10:03:58 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+" Io
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.io set filetype=io
+" Ikefile
+au BufNewFile,BufRead [iI]kefile,*.ike set filetype=io
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/syntax/io.vim Wed Mar 16 10:03:58 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+" Vim Syntax File
+" Language: Io
+" Creator: Scott Dunlop <swdunlop@verizon.net>
+" Fixes: Manpreet Singh <junkblocker@yahoo.com>
+" Jonathan Wright <quaggy@gmail.com>
+" Erik Garrison <erik.garrison@gmail.com>
+" Last Change: 2006 Nov 16
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syntax case match
+" equivalent to io-mode-prototype-names in io-mode.el
+syntax keyword ioType Array AudioDevice AudioMixer Block Box Buffer CFunction
+syntax keyword ioType CGI Color Curses DBM DNSResolver DOConnection DOProxy
+syntax keyword ioType DOServer Date Directory Duration DynLib Error Exception
+syntax keyword ioType FFT File Fnmatch Font Future GL GLE GLScissor GLU
+syntax keyword ioType GLUCylinder GLUQuadric GLUSphere GLUT Host Image Importer
+syntax keyword ioType LinkList List Lobby Locals MD5 MP3Decoder MP3Encoder Map
+syntax keyword ioType Message Movie Notification Number Object
+syntax keyword ioType OpenGL Point Protos Regex SGML SGMLElement SGMLParser SQLite Server Sequence
+syntax keyword ioType ShowMessage SleepyCat SleepyCatCursor Socket
+syntax keyword ioType SocketManager Sound Soup Store String Tree UDPSender
+syntax keyword ioType UPDReceiver URL User Warning WeakLink
+syntax keyword ioType true false nil Random BigNum Sequence
+" equivalent to io-mode-message-names in io-mode.el
+syntax keyword ioKeyword activate activeCoroCount and asString block break
+syntax keyword ioKeyword catch clone collectGarbage compileString continue
+syntax keyword ioKeyword do doFile doMessage doString else elseif exit for
+syntax keyword ioKeyword foreach forward getSlot getEnvironmentVariable hasSlot if ifFalse
+syntax keyword ioKeyword ifNil ifNilEval ifTrue isActive isNil isResumable list message
+syntax keyword ioKeyword method or parent pass pause perform
+syntax keyword ioKeyword performWithArgList print println proto raise raiseResumable
+syntax keyword ioKeyword removeSlot resend resume return
+syntax keyword ioKeyword schedulerSleepSeconds self sender
+syntax keyword ioKeyword setSchedulerSleepSeconds setSlot shallowCopy
+syntax keyword ioKeyword slotNames super system then thisBlock thisContext
+syntax keyword ioKeyword call try type uniqueId updateSlot wait while
+syntax keyword ioKeyword write yield
+syntax region ioOperator start=':' end='='
+syntax region ioOperator start='!' end='='
+syntax region ioOperator start='@' end='@'
+syntax region ioOperator start='@' end='[^@]'he=e-1
+syntax region ioOperator start='?' end='?'
+syntax region ioOperator start='?' end='[^?]'he=e-1
+syntax region ioOperator start=';' end=';'
+syntax region ioOperator start=';' end='[^;]'he=e-1
+syntax region ioOperator start='\.' end='\.'
+syntax region ioOperator start='\.' end='[^\.]'he=e-1
+syntax region ioOperator start='=' end='='
+syntax region ioOperator start='=' end=' 'he=e-1
+syntax region ioOperator start='[*/>=+-]' end='[ 0-9]'he=e-1
+syntax region ioString start=/"/ skip=/\\./ end=/"/
+syntax region ioString start=/"""/ skip=/\\./ end=/"""/
+syn match ioHexNumber "\<0[xX]\x\+[lL]\=\>" display
+syn match ioHexNumber "\<0[xX]\>" display
+syn match ioNumber "\<\d\+[lLjJ]\=\>" display
+syn match ioFloat "\.\d\+\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=[jJ]\=\>" display
+syn match ioFloat "\<\d\+[eE][+-]\=\d\+[jJ]\=\>" display
+syn match ioFloat "\<\d\+\.\d*\([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=[jJ]\=" display
+syn match ioOctalError "\<0\o*[89]\d*[lL]\=\>" display
+syn match ioError "\<0[xX]\X\+[lL]\=\>" display
+syntax region ioComment start='#' end='$' keepend
+syntax region ioComment start=/\/\*/ end=/\*\//
+syntax region ioComment start=/\/\// end=/$/ keepend
+highlight link ioType Type
+highlight link ioKeyword Function
+highlight link ioString String
+highlight link ioComment Comment
+highlight link ioOperator Operator
+highlight link ioHexNumber Number
+highlight link ioNumber Number
+highlight link ioFloat Float
+highlight link ioOctalError Error
+highlight link ioError Error
+let b:current_syntax = "io"
\ No newline at end of file