
Add jank-ass ripped slimv lisp indenter
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 31 Aug 2015 12:48:03 +0000 (2015-08-31)
parents d9910af7d3ee
children 54484a3a4dfd
branches/tags (none)
files vim/indent/lisp.vim


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/indent/lisp.vim	Mon Aug 31 12:48:03 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+" lisp.vim:
+"               Lisp indent plugin for Slimv
+" Version:      0.9.5
+" Last Change:  21 Feb 2012
+" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
+" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
+"               No warranty, express or implied.
+"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
+" =====================================================================
+"  Load Once:
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+   finish
+" Handle cases when lisp dialects explicitly use the lisp indent plugins
+if &ft == "clojure" && exists("g:slimv_disable_clojure")
+    finish
+if &ft == "scheme" && exists("g:slimv_disable_scheme")
+    finish
+" Maximum number of lines searched backwards for indenting special forms
+if !exists( 'g:slimv_indent_maxlines' )
+    let g:slimv_indent_maxlines = 50
+" Special indentation for keyword lists
+if !exists( 'g:slimv_indent_keylists' )
+    let g:slimv_indent_keylists = 1
+let s:skip_sc = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~ "[Ss]tring\\|[Cc]omment"'
+                                                          " Skip matches inside string or comment 
+let s:skip_q = 'getline(".")[col(".")-2] == "\\"'         " Skip escaped double quote characters in matches
+let s:indent = ''                                         " Most recent indentation info
+let s:spec_indent = 'flet\|labels\|macrolet\|symbol-macrolet'
+                                                          " List of symbols need special indenting
+let s:spec_param = 'defmacro'                             " List of symbols with special parameter list
+let s:binding_form = 'let\|let\*'                         " List of symbols with binding list
+" Get the filetype (Lisp dialect) used by Slimv
+function! SlimvGetFiletype()
+    if &ft != ''
+        " Return Vim filetype if defined
+        return &ft
+    endif
+    if match( tolower( g:slimv_lisp ), 'clojure' ) >= 0 || match( tolower( g:slimv_lisp ), 'clj' ) >= 0
+        " Must be Clojure
+        return 'clojure'
+    endif
+    " We have no clue, guess its lisp
+    return 'lisp'
+" Some multi-byte characters screw up the built-in lispindent()
+" This function is a wrapper that tries to fix it
+" TODO: implement custom indent procedure and omit lispindent()
+function! SlimvLispindent( lnum )
+    set lisp
+    let li = lispindent( a:lnum )
+    set nolisp
+    let backline = max([a:lnum-g:slimv_indent_maxlines, 1])
+    let oldpos = getpos( '.' )
+    call cursor( oldpos[1], 1 )
+    " Find containing form
+    let [lhead, chead] = searchpairpos( '(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_sc, backline )
+    if lhead == 0
+        " No containing form, lispindent() is OK
+        call cursor( oldpos[1], oldpos[2] )
+        return li
+    endif
+    " Find outer form
+    let [lparent, cparent] = searchpairpos( '(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_sc, backline )
+    call cursor( oldpos[1], oldpos[2] )
+    if lparent == 0 || lhead != lparent
+        " No outer form or starting above inner form, lispindent() is OK
+        return li
+    endif
+    " Count extra bytes before the function header
+    let header = strpart( getline( lparent ), 0 )
+    let total_extra = 0
+    let extra = 0
+    let c = 0
+    while a:lnum > 0 && c < chead-1
+        let bytes = byteidx( header, c+1 ) - byteidx( header, c )
+        if bytes > 1
+            let total_extra = total_extra + bytes - 1
+            if c >= cparent && extra < 10
+                " Extra bytes in the outer function header
+                let extra = extra + bytes - 1
+            endif
+        endif
+        let c = c + 1
+    endwhile
+    if total_extra == 0  
+        " No multi-byte character, lispindent() is OK
+        return li
+    endif
+    " In some cases ending spaces add up to lispindent() if there are multi-byte characters
+    let ending_sp = len( matchstr( getline( lparent ), ' *$' ) )
+    " Determine how wrong lispindent() is based on the number of extra bytes
+    " These values were determined empirically
+    if lparent == a:lnum - 1
+        " Function header is in the previous line
+        if extra == 0 && total_extra > 1
+            let ending_sp = ending_sp + 1
+        endif
+        return li + [0, 1, 0, -3, -3, -3, -5, -5, -7, -7, -8][extra] - ending_sp
+    else
+        " Function header is in an upper line
+        if extra == 0 || total_extra == extra
+            let ending_sp = 0
+        endif
+        return li + [0, 1, 0, -2, -2, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3][extra] - ending_sp
+    endif
+" Return Lisp source code indentation at the given line
+function! SlimvIndent( lnum )
+    if &autoindent == 0 || a:lnum <= 1
+        " Start of the file
+        return 0
+    endif
+    let pnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
+    if pnum == 0
+        " Hit the start of the file, use zero indent.
+        return 0
+    endif
+    let oldpos = getpos( '.' )
+    let linenum = a:lnum
+    " Handle multi-line string
+    let plen = len( getline( pnum ) )
+    if synIDattr( synID( pnum, plen, 0), 'name' ) =~ '[Ss]tring' && getline(pnum)[plen-1] != '"'
+        " Previous non-blank line ends with an unclosed string, so this is a multi-line string
+        let [l, c] = searchpairpos( '"', '', '"', 'bnW', s:skip_q )
+        if l == pnum && c > 0
+            " Indent to the opening double quote (if found)
+            return c
+        else
+            return SlimvLispindent( linenum )
+        endif
+    endif
+    if synIDattr( synID( pnum, 1, 0), 'name' ) =~ '[Ss]tring' && getline(pnum)[0] != '"'
+        " Previous non-blank line is the last line of a multi-line string
+        call cursor( pnum, 1 )
+        " First find the end of the multi-line string (omit \" characters)
+        let [lend, cend] = searchpos( '[^\\]"', 'nW' )
+        if lend > 0 && strpart(getline(lend), cend+1) =~ '(\|)\|\[\|\]\|{\|}'
+            " Structural change after the string, no special handling
+        else
+            " Find the start of the multi-line string (omit \" characters)
+            let [l, c] = searchpairpos( '"', '', '"', 'bnW', s:skip_q )
+            if l > 0 && strpart(getline(l), 0, c-1) =~ '^\s*$'
+                " Nothing else before the string: indent to the opening "
+                return c - 1
+            endif
+            if l > 0
+                " Pretend that we are really after the first line of the multi-line string
+                let pnum = l
+                let linenum = l + 1
+            endif
+        endif
+        call cursor( oldpos[1], oldpos[2] )
+    endif
+    " Handle special indentation style for flet, labels, etc.
+    " When searching for containing forms, don't go back
+    " more than g:slimv_indent_maxlines lines.
+    let backline = max([pnum-g:slimv_indent_maxlines, 1])
+    let indent_keylists = g:slimv_indent_keylists
+    " Check if the previous line actually ends with a multi-line subform
+    let parent = pnum
+    let [l, c] = searchpos( ')', 'bW' )
+    if l == pnum
+        let [l, c] = searchpairpos( '(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_sc, backline )
+        if l > 0
+            " Make sure it is not a top level form and the containing form starts in the same line
+            let [l2, c2] = searchpairpos( '(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_sc, backline )
+            if l2 == l
+                " Remember the first line of the multi-line form
+                let parent = l
+            endif
+        endif
+    endif
+    " Find beginning of the innermost containing form
+    call cursor( oldpos[1], 1 )
+    let [l, c] = searchpairpos( '(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_sc, backline )
+    if l > 0
+        if SlimvGetFiletype() =~ '.*\(clojure\|scheme\|racket\).*'
+            " Is this a clojure form with [] binding list?
+            call cursor( oldpos[1], oldpos[2] )
+            let [lb, cb] = searchpairpos( '\[', '', '\]', 'bW', s:skip_sc, backline )
+            if lb >= l && (lb > l || cb > c)
+                return cb
+            endif
+        endif
+        " Is this a form with special indentation?
+        let line = strpart( getline(l), c-1 )
+        if match( line, '\c^(\s*\('.s:spec_indent.'\)\>' ) >= 0
+            " Search for the binding list and jump to its end
+            if search( '(' ) > 0
+                call searchpair( '(', '', ')', '', s:skip_sc )
+                if line('.') == pnum
+                    " We are indenting the first line after the end of the binding list
+                    return c + 1
+                endif
+            endif
+        elseif l == pnum
+            " If the containing form starts above this line then find the
+            " second outer containing form (possible start of the binding list)
+            let [l2, c2] = searchpairpos( '(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_sc, backline )
+            if l2 > 0
+                let line2 = strpart( getline(l2), c2-1 )
+                if match( line2, '\c^(\s*\('.s:spec_param.'\)\>' ) >= 0
+                    if search( '(' ) > 0
+                        if line('.') == l && col('.') == c
+                            " This is the parameter list of a special form
+                            return c
+                        endif
+                    endif
+                endif
+                if SlimvGetFiletype() !~ '.*clojure.*'
+                    if l2 == l && match( line2, '\c^(\s*\('.s:binding_form.'\)\>' ) >= 0
+                        " Is this a lisp form with binding list?
+                        return c
+                    endif
+                    if match( line2, '\c^(\s*cond\>' ) >= 0 && match( line, '\c^(\s*t\>' ) >= 0
+                        " Is this the 't' case for a 'cond' form?
+                        return c
+                    endif
+                    if match( line2, '\c^(\s*defpackage\>' ) >= 0
+                        let indent_keylists = 0
+                    endif
+                endif
+                " Go one level higher and check if we reached a special form
+                let [l3, c3] = searchpairpos( '(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_sc, backline )
+                if l3 > 0
+                    " Is this a form with special indentation?
+                    let line3 = strpart( getline(l3), c3-1 )
+                    if match( line3, '\c^(\s*\('.s:spec_indent.'\)\>' ) >= 0
+                        " This is the first body-line of a binding
+                        return c + 1
+                    endif
+                    if match( line3, '\c^(\s*defsystem\>' ) >= 0
+                        let indent_keylists = 0
+                    endif
+                    " Finally go to the topmost level to check for some forms with special keyword indenting
+                    let [l4, c4] = searchpairpos( '(', '', ')', 'brW', s:skip_sc, backline )
+                    if l4 > 0
+                        let line4 = strpart( getline(l4), c4-1 )
+                        if match( line4, '\c^(\s*defsystem\>' ) >= 0
+                            let indent_keylists = 0
+                        endif
+                    endif
+                endif
+            endif
+        endif
+    endif
+    " Restore all cursor movements
+    call cursor( oldpos[1], oldpos[2] )
+    " Check if the current form started in the previous nonblank line
+    if l == parent
+        " Found opening paren in the previous line
+        let line = getline(l)
+        let form = strpart( line, c )
+        " Determine the length of the function part up to the 1st argument
+        let funclen = matchend( form, '\s*\S*\s*' ) + 1
+        " Contract strings, remove comments
+        let form = substitute( form, '".\{-}[^\\]"', '""', 'g' )
+        let form = substitute( form, ';.*$', '', 'g' )
+        " Contract subforms by replacing them with a single character
+        let f = ''
+        while form != f
+            let f = form
+            let form = substitute( form, '([^()]*)',     '0', 'g' )
+            let form = substitute( form, '([^()]*$',     '0', 'g' )
+            let form = substitute( form, '\[[^\[\]]*\]', '0', 'g' )
+            let form = substitute( form, '\[[^\[\]]*$',  '0', 'g' )
+            let form = substitute( form, '{[^{}]*}',     '0', 'g' )
+            let form = substitute( form, '{[^{}]*$',     '0', 'g' )
+        endwhile
+        " Find out the function name
+        let func = matchstr( form, '\<\k*\>' )
+        " If it's a keyword, keep the indentation straight
+        if indent_keylists && strpart(func, 0, 1) == ':'
+            if form =~ '^:\S*\s\+\S'
+                " This keyword has an associated value in the same line
+                return c
+            else
+                " The keyword stands alone in its line with no associated value
+                return c + 1
+            endif
+        endif
+        if SlimvGetFiletype() =~ '.*clojure.*'
+            " Fix clojure specific indentation issues not handled by the default lisp.vim
+            if match( func, 'defn$' ) >= 0
+                return c + 1
+            endif
+        else
+            if match( func, 'defgeneric$' ) >= 0 || match( func, 'defsystem$' ) >= 0 || match( func, 'aif$' ) >= 0
+                return c + 1
+            endif
+        endif
+        " Remove package specification
+        let func = substitute(func, '^.*:', '', '')
+        if func != '' && s:swank_connected
+            " Look how many arguments are on the same line
+            " If an argument is actually a multi-line subform, then replace it with a single character
+            let form = substitute( form, "([^()]*$", '0', 'g' )
+            let form = substitute( form, "[()\\[\\]{}#'`,]", '', 'g' )
+            let args_here = len( split( form ) ) - 1
+            " Get swank indent info
+            let s:indent = ''
+            silent execute 'python get_indent_info("' . func . '")'
+            if s:indent != '' && s:indent == args_here
+                " The next one is an &body argument, so indent by 2 spaces from the opening '('
+                return c + 1
+            endif
+            let llen = len( line )
+            if synIDattr( synID( l, llen, 0), 'name' ) =~ '[Ss]tring' && line[llen-1] != '"'
+                " Parent line ends with a multi-line string
+                " lispindent() fails to handle it correctly
+                if s:indent == '' && args_here > 0
+                    " No &body argument, ignore lispindent() and indent to the 1st argument
+                    return c + funclen - 1
+                endif
+            endif
+        endif
+    endif
+    " Use default Lisp indenting
+    let li = SlimvLispindent(linenum)
+    let line = strpart( getline(linenum-1), li-1 )
+    let gap = matchend( line, '^(\s\+\S' )
+    if gap >= 0
+        " Align to the gap between the opening paren and the first atom
+        return li + gap - 2
+    endif
+    return li
+" Convert indent value to spaces or a mix of tabs and spaces
+" depending on the value of 'expandtab'
+function! s:MakeIndent( indent )
+    if &expandtab
+        return repeat( ' ', a:indent )
+    else
+        return repeat( "\<Tab>", a:indent / &tabstop ) . repeat( ' ', a:indent % &tabstop )
+    endif
+setlocal nolisp
+setlocal autoindent
+setlocal expandtab
+setlocal indentexpr=SlimvIndent(v:lnum)