--- a/vim/.vimrc Thu Jun 09 09:27:42 2011 -0400
+++ b/vim/.vimrc Thu Jun 09 15:50:30 2011 -0400
@@ -629,6 +629,26 @@
map <unique> <Leader>Dj <Plug>DirDiffNext
map <unique> <Leader>Dk <Plug>DirDiffPrev
" }}}
+" SLIMV {{{
+" First check if SWANK is bundled with Slimv
+let swanks = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'slime/start-swank.lisp'), '\n' )
+if len( swanks ) == 0
+ " Try to find SWANK in the standard SLIME installation locations
+ if g:slimv_windows || g:slimv_cygwin
+ let swanks = split( globpath( 'c:/slime/,c:/*lisp*/slime/,c:/*lisp*/site/lisp/slime/,c:/Program Files/*lisp*/site/lisp/slime/', 'start-swank.lisp' ), '\n' )
+ else
+ let swanks = split( globpath( '/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime/', 'start-swank.lisp' ), '\n' )
+ endif
+if len( swanks ) != 0
+ let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! dtach -n /tmp/swank.socket sbcl --load "' . swanks[0] . '"'
+" }}}}
" }}}
" Synstack -------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{