
vim: kill histwin, add delimitmate, fix visual next, and more
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 15 Nov 2010 17:15:57 -0500 (2010-11-15)
parents 662f1676bfb4
children 561ef889872d
branches/tags (none)
files .tmux.conf vim/.vimrc vim/bundle/delimitMate/.gitignore vim/bundle/delimitMate/Makefile vim/bundle/delimitMate/README vim/bundle/delimitMate/autoload/delimitMate.vim vim/bundle/delimitMate/autoload/delimitMateTests.vim vim/bundle/delimitMate/doc/delimitMate.txt vim/bundle/delimitMate/plugin/delimitMate.vim vim/bundle/histwin/Makefile vim/bundle/histwin/README vim/bundle/histwin/autoload/histwin.vim vim/bundle/histwin/doc/histwin.txt vim/bundle/histwin/histwin.vba vim/bundle/histwin/plugin/histwinPlugin.vim vim/bundle/histwin/post.pl vim/bundle/histwin/todo vim/bundle/pydoc/plugin/pydoc.vim vim/colors/molokai.vim vim/snippets/django.snippets


--- a/.tmux.conf	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ b/.tmux.conf	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-# Prefix is something nicer, like C-J
+# prefix = C-j
 set-option -g prefix C-j
 bind C-j send-prefix
+# vim
 setw -g mode-keys vi
-bind C-h select-pane -L
-bind C-j select-pane -D
-bind C-k select-pane -U
-bind C-l select-pane -R
+# esc to copy
 unbind [
 bind Escape copy-mode
 setw -g automatic-rename
 # status bar
@@ -31,6 +30,28 @@
 set-option -g pane-border-fg white
 set-option -g pane-active-border-fg magenta
-bind s split-window -v
-bind v split-window -h
+# splitting panes
+bind s   split-window -v
+bind C-s split-window -v
+bind v   split-window -h
+bind C-v split-window -h
+# moving between panes
+bind h   select-pane -L
+bind C-h select-pane -L
+bind j   select-pane -D
+bind C-j select-pane -D
+bind k   select-pane -U
+bind C-k select-pane -U
+bind l   select-pane -R
+bind C-l select-pane -R
+# resizing panes
+bind Down  resize-pane -D 10
+bind Up    resize-pane -U 10
+bind Left  resize-pane -L 10
+bind Right resize-pane -R 10
+# resource
+bind r   source-file ~/.tmux.conf
+bind C-r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
--- a/vim/.vimrc	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ b/vim/.vimrc	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@
 map <leader>a :Ack 
 " Yankring
-nnoremap <silent> <F3> :YRShow<cr>
 nnoremap <silent> <leader>y :YRShow<cr>
 " Formatting, TextMate-style
@@ -220,8 +219,8 @@
 nmap <leader>R :RainbowParenthesesToggle<CR>
 " Edit vim stuff.
-nmap <leader>ev <C-w>s<C-w>j<C-w>L:e $MYVIMRC<cr>
-nmap <leader>es <C-w>s<C-w>j<C-w>L:e ~/.vim/snippets/<cr>
+nnoremap <leader>ev <C-w>s<C-w>j<C-w>L:e $MYVIMRC<cr>
+nnoremap <leader>es <C-w>s<C-w>j<C-w>L:e ~/.vim/snippets/<cr>
 " Sudo to write
 cmap w!! w !sudo tee % >/dev/null
@@ -231,7 +230,10 @@
 nnoremap _jt :set ft=htmljinja<CR>
 nnoremap _cw :set ft=confluencewiki<CR>
 nnoremap _pd :set ft=python.django<CR>
+" Python docs
+nnoremap <leader>p :Pydoc<space>
 nnoremap _wtfcw :!open 'http://confluence.atlassian.com/renderer/notationhelp.action?section=all'<cr>
@@ -289,37 +291,56 @@
 onoremap ad a[
 " Next ()
+vnoremap <silent> inb :<C-U>normal! f(vib<cr>
 onoremap <silent> inb :<C-U>normal! f(vib<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> anb :<C-U>normal! f(vab<cr>
 onoremap <silent> anb :<C-U>normal! f(vab<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> in( :<C-U>normal! f(vi(<cr>
 onoremap <silent> in( :<C-U>normal! f(vi(<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> an( :<C-U>normal! f(va(<cr>
 onoremap <silent> an( :<C-U>normal! f(va(<cr>
 " Next {}
+vnoremap <silent> inB :<C-U>normal! f{viB<cr>
 onoremap <silent> inB :<C-U>normal! f{viB<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> anB :<C-U>normal! f{vaB<cr>
 onoremap <silent> anB :<C-U>normal! f{vaB<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> in{ :<C-U>normal! f{vi{<cr>
 onoremap <silent> in{ :<C-U>normal! f{vi{<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> an{ :<C-U>normal! f{va{<cr>
 onoremap <silent> an{ :<C-U>normal! f{va{<cr>
 " Next []
+vnoremap <silent> ind :<C-U>normal! f[vi[<cr>
 onoremap <silent> ind :<C-U>normal! f[vi[<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> and :<C-U>normal! f[va[<cr>
 onoremap <silent> and :<C-U>normal! f[va[<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> in[ :<C-U>normal! f[vi[<cr>
 onoremap <silent> in[ :<C-U>normal! f[vi[<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> an[ :<C-U>normal! f[va[<cr>
 onoremap <silent> an[ :<C-U>normal! f[va[<cr>
 " Next <>
+vnoremap <silent> in< :<C-U>normal! f<vi<<cr>
 onoremap <silent> in< :<C-U>normal! f<vi<<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> an< :<C-U>normal! f<va<<cr>
 onoremap <silent> an< :<C-U>normal! f<va<<cr>
 " Next ''
+vnoremap <silent> in' :<C-U>normal! f'vi'<cr>
 onoremap <silent> in' :<C-U>normal! f'vi'<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> an' :<C-U>normal! f'va'<cr>
 onoremap <silent> an' :<C-U>normal! f'va'<cr>
 " Next ""
+vnoremap <silent> in" :<C-U>normal! f"vi"<cr>
 onoremap <silent> in" :<C-U>normal! f"vi"<cr>
+vnoremap <silent> an" :<C-U>normal! f"va"<cr>
 onoremap <silent> an" :<C-U>normal! f"va"<cr>
 " Skipreturn
 inoremap <c-cr> <esc>A<cr>
+inoremap <s-cr> <esc>A:<cr>
 " VimClojure
 let vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins=1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/delimitMate/.gitignore	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/delimitMate/Makefile	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+PLUGIN=$(shell basename "$$PWD")
+SCRIPT=$(wildcard plugin/*.vim)
+#AUTOL=$(wildcard autoload/*.vim)
+DOC=$(wildcard doc/*.txt)
+TESTS=$(wildcard autoload/*Tests.vim)
+VERSION=$(shell perl -ne 'if (/\*\sCurrent\srelease:/) {s/^\s+(\d+\.\S+)\s.*$$/\1/;print}' $(DOC))
+all: vimball README zip gzip
+vimball: $(PLUGIN).vba
+	@echo clean
+	rm -f *.vba */*.orig *.~* .VimballRecord *.zip *.gz
+dist-clean: clean
+	for i in */*.orig; do mv -f "$$i" "$${i%.*}"; done
+	@echo README
+	cp -f $(DOC) README
+	@echo $(PLUGIN).vba
+	rm -f $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vba
+	$(VIM) -N -c 'ru! vimballPlugin.vim' -c ':call append("0", [ "$(SCRIPT)", "$(AUTOL)", "$(DOC)"])' -c '$$d' -c ":%MkVimball $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION)  ." -c':q!'
+	ln -f $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vba $(PLUGIN).vba
+	@echo zip
+	rm -f *.zip
+	zip -r $(PLUGIN).zip doc plugin autoload
+	zip $(PLUGIN).zip -d \*.sw\? || echo 1
+	zip $(PLUGIN).zip -d \*.un\? || echo 1
+	zip $(PLUGIN).zip -d \*.orig || echo 1
+	zip $(PLUGIN).zip -d \*tags  || echo 1
+	zip $(PLUGIN).zip -d $(TESTS)
+	ln -f $(PLUGIN).zip $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).zip
+gzip: vimball
+	@echo vimball
+	gzip -f $(PLUGIN).vba
+release: version all
+	@echo version: $(VERSION)
+	perl -i.orig -pne 'if (/^"\sVersion:/) {s/(\d+\.\S+)/$(VERSION)/}' $(SCRIPT) $(AUTOL)
+	perl -i.orig -pne 'if (/let\sdelimitMate_version/) {s/"(\d+\.\S+)"/"$(VERSION)"/}' $(SCRIPT)
+	perl -i.orig -pne 'if (/beasts/) {s/(v\d+\.\S+)/v$(VERSION)/}' $(DOC)
+	perl -i.orig -MPOSIX -pne 'if (/^"\sModified:/) {$$now_string = strftime "%F", localtime; s/(\d+-\d+-\d+)/$$now_string/e}' $(SCRIPT) $(AUTOL)
+	perl -i.orig -MPOSIX -pne 'if (/^\s+$(VERSION)\s+\d+-\d+-\d+\s+\*/) {$$now_string = strftime "%F", localtime; s/(\d+-\d+-\d+)/$$now_string/}' $(DOC)
+	@echo Version: $(VERSION)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/delimitMate/README	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,761 @@
+*delimitMate.txt*   Trying to keep those beasts at bay! v2.5.1   *delimitMate*
+  MMMM  MMM   MMM  MM  MM  M  M MMM  MM    MM  MM MM  MMM   MMM    MMM   MM
+  MM    MM  M  MM  MMMMMM        MMMMMMM  MMM  MMMMM  MM  M  MMM  MMM  M  M  ~
+  M  M  MM     MM  MM  MM  M  M  MM  MMM  MMM  MMMMM  MMMMM  MMM  MMM     M
+  M  M  MM  M  MM  MM  MM  M  M  MM  MMM  MMM  MMMMM  MM  M  MMM  MMM  M  M
+  MM    MMM   MMM  MM  MM  M  M  MM  MMM   MM  MMMMM  MMM    MMM   MMM   MM  ~
+ 0.- CONTENTS                                           *delimitMate-contents*
+    1. Introduction____________________________|delimitMateIntro|
+    2. Customization___________________________|delimitMateOptions|
+        2.1 Options summary____________________|delimitMateOptionSummary|
+        2.2 Options details____________________|delimitMateOptionDetails|
+    3. Functionality___________________________|delimitMateFunctionality|
+        3.1 Automatic closing & exiting________|delimitMateAutoClose|
+        3.2 Expansion of space and CR__________|delimitMateExpansion|
+        3.3 Backspace__________________________|delimitMateBackspace|
+        3.4 Smart Quotes_______________________|delimitMateSmartQuotes|
+        3.5 Balancing matching pairs___________|delimitMateBalance|
+        3.6 FileType based configuration_______|delimitMateFileType|
+        3.7 Syntax awareness___________________|delimitMateSyntax|
+    4. Commands________________________________|delimitMateCommands|
+    5. Mappings________________________________|delimitMateMappings|
+    6. Functions_______________________________|delimitMateFunctions|
+    7. TODO list_______________________________|delimitMateTodo|
+    8. Maintainer______________________________|delimitMateMaintainer|
+    9. Credits_________________________________|delimitMateCredits|
+   10. History_________________________________|delimitMateHistory|
+ 1.- INTRODUCTION                                           *delimitMateIntro*
+This plug-in provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets,
+etc.; besides some other related features that should make your time in insert
+mode a little bit easier.
+Most of the features can be modified or disabled permanently, using global
+variables, or on a FileType basis, using autocommands. With a couple of
+exceptions and limitations, this features don't brake undo, redo or history.
+NOTE 1: If you have any trouble with this plugin, please run |:DelimitMateTest|
+in a new buffer to see what is not working.
+NOTE 2: |'timeout'| needs to be set when working in the terminal, otherwise you
+might find weird behaviour with mappings including <Esc> or arrow keys.
+NOTE 3: Abbreiations set with |:iabbrev| will not be expanded by delimiters
+used on delimitMate, you should use <C-]> (read |i_CTRL-]|) to expand them on
+the go.
+ 2. CUSTOMIZATION                                         *delimitMateOptions*
+You can create your own mappings for some features using the global functions.
+Read |DelimitMateFunctions| for more info.
+   2.1 OPTIONS SUMMARY                              *delimitMateOptionSummary*
+The behaviour of this script can be customized setting the following options
+in your vimrc file. You can use local options to set the configuration for
+specific file types, see |delimitMateOptionDetails| for examples.
+|'loaded_delimitMate'|            Turns off the script.
+|'delimitMate_autoclose'|         Tells delimitMate whether to automagically
+                                insert the closing delimiter.
+|'delimitMate_matchpairs'|        Tells delimitMate which characters are
+                                matching pairs.
+|'delimitMate_quotes'|            Tells delimitMate which quotes should be
+                                used.
+|'delimitMate_nesting_quotes'|    Tells delimitMate which quotes should be
+                                allowed to be nested.
+|'delimitMate_expand_cr'|         Turns on/off the expansion of <CR>.
+|'delimitMate_expand_space'|      Turns on/off the expansion of <Space>.
+|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'|      Turns on/off the "smart quotes" feature.
+|'delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'|Turns on/off the "balance matching pairs"
+                                feature.
+|'delimitMate_excluded_regions'|  Turns off the script for the given regions or
+                                syntax group names.
+|'delimitMate_excluded_ft'|       Turns off the script for the given file types.
+|'delimitMate_apostrophes'|       Tells delimitMate how it should "fix"
+                                balancing of single quotes when used as
+                                apostrophes. NOTE: Not needed any more, kept
+                                for compatibility with older versions.
+   2.2 OPTIONS DETAILS                              *delimitMateOptionDetails*
+Add the shown lines to your vimrc file in order to set the below options.
+Buffer variables take precedence over global ones and can be used along with
+autocmd to modify delimitMate's behavior for specific file types, read more in
+Note: Use buffer variables only to set options for specific file types using
+:autocmd, use global variables to set options for every buffer. Read more in
+|g:var| and |b:var|.
+                                                        *'loaded_delimitMate'*
+                                                      *'b:loaded_delimitMate'*
+This option prevents delimitMate from loading.
+e.g.: >
+        let loaded_delimitMate = 1
+        au FileType mail let b:loaded_delimitMate = 1
+                                                     *'delimitMate_autoclose'*
+                                                   *'b:delimitMate_autoclose'*
+Values: 0 or 1.                                                              ~
+Default: 1                                                                   ~
+If this option is set to 0, delimitMate will not add a closing delimiter
+automagically. See |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_autoclose = 0
+        au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 0
+                                                    *'delimitMate_matchpairs'*
+                                                  *'b:delimitMate_matchpairs'*
+Values: A string with |'matchpairs'| syntax, plus support for multi-byte~
+        characters.~
+Default: &matchpairs                                                         ~
+Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered
+matching pairs. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
+e.g: >
+        let delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
+        au FileType vim,html let b:delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
+                                                        *'delimitMate_quotes'*
+                                                      *'b:delimitMate_quotes'*
+Values: A string of characters separated by spaces.                          ~
+Default: "\" ' `"                                                            ~
+Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered as
+quotes. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_quotes = "\" ' ` *"
+        au FileType html let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\" '"
+                                                *'delimitMate_nesting_quotes'*
+                                              *'b:delimitMate_nesting_quotes'*
+Values: A list of quotes.                                                    ~
+Default: []                                                                  ~
+Quotes listed here will not be able to jump out of the empty pair, thus
+allowing the autoclosed quotes to be nested.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_nesting_quotes = ['"','`']
+        au FileType python let b:delimitMate_nesting_quotes = ['"']
+                                                     *'delimitMate_expand_cr'*
+                                                   *'b:delimitMate_expand_cr'*
+Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
+Default: 0                                                                   ~
+This option turns on/off the expansion of <CR>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
+for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
+        au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
+                                                  *'delimitMate_expand_space'*
+                                                *'b:delimitMate_expand_space'*
+Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
+Default: 0                                                                   ~
+This option turns on/off the expansion of <Space>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
+for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_expand_space = 1
+        au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_expand_space = 1
+                                                  *'delimitMate_smart_quotes'*
+                                                *'b:delimitMate_smart_quotes'*
+Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
+Default: 1                                                                   ~
+This option turns on/off the smart quotes feature. Read
+|delimitMateSmartQuotes| for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_smart_quotes = 0
+        au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_smart_quotes = 0
+                                            *'delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'*
+                                          *'b:delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'*
+Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
+Default: 0                                                                   ~
+This option turns on/off the balancing of matching pairs. Read
+|delimitMateBalance| for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_balance_matchpairs = 1
+        au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_balance_matchpairs = 1
+                                              *'delimitMate_excluded_regions'*
+Values: A string of syntax group names names separated by single commas.     ~
+Default: Comment                                                             ~
+This options turns delimitMate off for the listed regions, read |group-name|
+for more info about what is a region.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_excluded_regions = "Comments,String"
+                                                   *'delimitMate_excluded_ft'*
+Values: A string of file type names separated by single commas.              ~
+Default: Empty.                                                              ~
+This options turns delimitMate off for the listed file types, use this option
+only if you don't want any of the features it provides on those file types.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_excluded_ft = "mail,txt"
+                                                   *'delimitMate_apostrophes'*
+Values: Strings separated by ":".                                            ~
+Default: No longer used.                                                     ~
+NOTE: This feature is turned off by default, it's been kept for compatibility
+with older version, read |delimitMateSmartQuotes| for details.
+If auto-close is enabled, this option tells delimitMate how to try to fix the
+balancing of single quotes when used as apostrophes. The values of this option
+are strings of text where a single quote would be used as an apostrophe (e.g.:
+the "n't" of wouldn't or can't) separated by ":". Set it to an empty string to
+disable this feature.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
+        au FileType tcl let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
+ 3. FUNCTIONALITY                                   *delimitMateFunctionality*
+   3.1 AUTOMATIC CLOSING AND EXITING                    *delimitMateAutoClose*
+With automatic closing enabled, if an opening delimiter is inserted the plugin
+inserts the closing delimiter and places the cursor between the pair. With
+automatic closing disabled, no closing delimiters is inserted by delimitMate,
+but when a pair of delimiters is typed, the cursor is placed in the middle.
+When the cursor is inside an empty pair or located next to the left of a
+closing delimiter, the cursor is placed outside the pair to the right of the
+closing delimiter.
+Unless |'delimitMate_matchpairs'| or |'delimitMate_quotes'|are set, this
+script uses the values in '&matchpairs' to identify the pairs, and ", ' and `
+for quotes respectively.
+The following table shows the behaviour, this applies to quotes too (the final
+position of the cursor is represented by a "|"):
+With auto-close: >
+                          Type   |  You get
+                        ====================
+                           (     |    (|)
+                        –––––––––|––––––––––
+                           ()    |    ()|
+                        –––––––––|––––––––––
+                        (<S-Tab> |    ()|
+Without auto-close: >
+                          Type    |  You get
+                        =====================
+                           ()     |    (|)
+                        –––––––––-|––––––––––
+                           ())    |    ()|
+                        –––––––––-|––––––––––
+                        ()<S-Tab> |    ()|
+NOTE: Abbreviations will not be expanded by delimiters used on delimitMate,
+you should use <C-]> (read |i_CTRL-]|) to expand them on the go.
+   3.2 EXPANSION OF SPACE AND CAR RETURN                *delimitMateExpansion*
+When the cursor is inside an empty pair of delimiters, <Space> and <CR> can be
+expanded, see |'delimitMate_expand_space'| and
+Expand <Space> to: >
+                    <Space><Space><Left>  |  You get
+                  ====================================
+                              (|)         |    ( | )
+Expand <CR> to: >
+                      <CR><CR><Up>  |  You get
+                    ============================
+                           (|)      |    (
+                                    |    |
+                                    |    )
+NOTE that the expansion of <CR> will brake the redo command.
+Since <Space> and <CR> are used everywhere, I have made the functions involved
+in expansions global, so they can be used to make custom mappings. Read
+|delimitMateFunctions| for more details.
+   3.3 BACKSPACE                                        *delimitMateBackspace*
+If you press backspace inside an empty pair, both delimiters are deleted. When
+expansions are enabled, <BS> will also delete the expansions. NOTE that
+deleting <CR> expansions will brake the redo command.
+If you type <S-BS> (shift + backspace) instead, only the closing delimiter
+will be deleted. NOTE that this will not usually work when using Vim from the
+terminal, see 'delimitMate#JumpAny()' below to see how to fix it.
+e.g. typing at the "|": >
+                  What  |      Before       |      After
+               ==============================================
+                  <BS>  |  call expand(|)   |  call expand|
+               ---------|-------------------|-----------------
+                  <BS>  |  call expand( | ) |  call expand(|)
+               ---------|-------------------|-----------------
+                  <BS>  |  call expand(     |  call expand(|)
+                        |  |                |
+                        |  )                |
+               ---------|-------------------|-----------------
+                 <S-BS> |  call expand(|)   |  call expand(|
+   3.4 SMART QUOTES                                   *delimitMateSmartQuotes*
+Only one quote will be inserted following a quote, a "\" or, following or
+preceding an alphanumeric character. This should cover closing quotes after a
+string, opening quotes before a string, escaped quotes and apostrophes. Except
+for apostrophes, this feature can be disabled setting the option
+|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'| to 0.
+e.g. typing at the "|": >
+                     What |    Before    |     After
+                  =======================================
+                      "   |  Text |      |  Text "|"
+                      "   |  "String|    |  "String"|
+                      "   |  let i = "|  |  let i = "|"
+                      'm  |  I|          |  I'm|
+   3.5 BALANCING MATCHING PAIRS                           *delimitMateBalance*
+When inserting an opening paren and |'delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'| is
+enabled, delimitMate will try to balance the closing pairs in the current
+e.g. typing at the "|": >
+                     What |    Before    |     After
+                  =======================================
+                      (   |      |)      |     (|)
+                      (   |      |       |     (|)
+                      (   |     (|)      |    ((|))
+   3.6 FILE TYPE BASED CONFIGURATION                     *delimitMateFileType*
+delimitMate options can be set globally for all buffers using global
+("regular") variables in your |vimrc| file. But |:autocmd| can be used to set
+options for specific file types (see |'filetype'|) using buffer variables in
+the following way: >
+   au FileType mail,text let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 0
+         ^       ^           ^            ^            ^
+         |       |           |            |            |
+         |       |           |            |            - Option value.
+         |       |           |            - Option name.
+         |       |           - Buffer variable.
+         |       - File types for which the option will be set.
+         - Don't forget to put this event.
+NOTE that you should use buffer variables (|b:var|) only to set options with
+|:autocmd|, for global options use regular variables (|g:var|) in your vimrc.
+   3.7 SYNTAX AWARENESS                                    *delimitMateSyntax*
+The features of this plug-in might not be always helpful, comments and strings
+usualy don't need auto-completion. delimitMate monitors which region is being
+edited and if it detects that the cursor is in a comment it'll turn itself off
+until the cursor leaves the comment. The excluded regions can be set using the
+option |'delimitMate_excluded_regions'|. Read |group-name| for a list of
+regions or syntax group names.
+NOTE that this feature relies on a proper syntax file for the current file
+type, if the appropiate syntax file doesn't define a region, delimitMate won't
+know about it.
+ 4. COMMANDS                                             *delimitMateCommands*
+:DelimitMateReload                                        *:DelimitMateReload*
+Re-sets all the mappings used for this script, use it if any option has been
+changed or if the filetype option hasn't been set yet.
+:DelimitMateSwitch                                        *:DelimitMateSwitch*
+Switches the plug-in on and off.
+:DelimitMateTest                                            *:DelimitMateTest*
+This command tests every mapping set-up for this script, useful for testing
+custom configurations.
+The following output corresponds to the default values, it will be different
+depending on your configuration. "Open & close:" represents the final result
+when the closing delimiter has been inserted, either manually or
+automatically, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Delete:" typing backspace in an
+empty pair, see |delimitMateBackspace|. "Exit:" typing a closing delimiter
+inside a pair of delimiters, see |delimitMateAutoclose|. "Space:" the
+expansion, if any, of space, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Visual-L",
+"Visual-R" and "Visual" shows visual wrapping, see
+|delimitMateVisualWrapping|. "Car return:" the expansion of car return, see
+|delimitMateExpansion|. The cursor's position at the end of every test is
+represented by an "|": >
+            * AUTOCLOSE:
+            Open & close: (|)
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: ()|
+            Space: ( |)
+            Visual-L: (v)
+            Visual-R: (v)
+            Car return: (
+            |)
+            Open & close: {|}
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: {}|
+            Space: { |}
+            Visual-L: {v}
+            Visual-R: {v}
+            Car return: {
+            |}
+            Open & close: [|]
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: []|
+            Space: [ |]
+            Visual-L: [v]
+            Visual-R: [v]
+            Car return: [
+            |]
+            Open & close: "|"
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: ""|
+            Space: " |"
+            Visual: "v"
+            Car return: "
+            |"
+            Open & close: '|'
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: ''|
+            Space: ' |'
+            Visual: 'v'
+            Car return: '
+            |'
+            Open & close: `|`
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: ``|
+            Space: ` |`
+            Visual: `v`
+            Car return: `
+            |`
+ 5. MAPPINGS                                             *delimitMateMappings*
+delimitMate doesn't override any existing map, so you may encounter that it
+doesn't work as expected because a mapping is missing. In that case, the
+conflicting mappings should be resolved by either disabling the conflicting
+mapping or creating a custom mappings.
+In order to make custom mappings easier and prevent overwritting existing
+ones, delimitMate uses the |<Plug>| + |hasmapto()| (|usr_41.txt|) construct
+for its mappings.
+The following are the mappings alway set by delimitMate:
+<BS>         is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateBS
+<S-BS>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateS-BS
+<S-Tab>      is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateS-Tab
+<Del>        is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateDel
+<Esc>        is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateEsc
+<Left>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateLeft
+<Right>      is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateRight
+<Home>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateHome
+<End>        is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateEnd
+<Up>         is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateUp
+<Down>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateDown
+<PageUp>     is mapped to <Plug>delimitMatePageUp
+<PageDown>   is mapped to <Plug>delimitMatePageDown
+<S-Down>     is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateS-Down
+<S-Up>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateS-Up
+<LeftMouse>  is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateMLeftMouse
+<RightMouse> is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateMRightMouse
+The rest of the mappings correspond to parens, quotes, CR, Space, etc. and they
+depend on the values of the delimitMate options, they have the following form:
+<Plug>delimitMate + char
+e.g.: for "(":
+( is mapped to <Plug>delimitMate(
+e.g.: If you have <CR> expansion enabled, you might want to skip it on pop-up
+    imap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ?
+                     \"\<c-y>" :
+                     \ "<Plug>delimitMateCR"
+ 6. FUNCTIONS                                           *delimitMateFunctions*
+delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair()                  *delimitMate_WithinEmptyPair()*
+Returns 1 if the cursor is inside an empty pair, 0 otherwise.
+e.g.: >
+    inoremap <expr> <CR> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ?
+             \ "\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandReturn()\<CR>" :
+             \ "external_mapping"
+delimitMate#ShouldJump()                            *delimitMate#ShouldJump()*
+Returns 1 if there is a closing delimiter or a quote to the right of the
+cursor, 0 otherwise.
+delimitMate#JumpAny(key)                               *delimitMate#JumpAny()*
+This function returns a mapping that will make the cursor jump to the right
+when delimitMate#ShouldJump() returns 1, returns the argument "key" otherwise.
+e.g.: You can use this to create your own mapping to jump over any delimiter.
+   inoremap <C-Tab> <C-R>=delimitMate#JumpAny("\<C-Tab>")<CR>
+ 7. TODO LIST                                                *delimitMateTodo*
+- Automatic set-up by file type.
+- Make block-wise visual wrapping work on un-even regions.
+ 8. MAINTAINER                                         *delimitMateMaintainer*
+Hi there! My name is Israel Chauca F. and I can be reached at:
+    mailto:israelchauca@gmail.com
+Feel free to send me any suggestions and/or comments about this plugin, I'll
+be very pleased to read them.
+ 9. CREDITS                                               *delimitMateCredits*
+Some of the code that make this script is modified or just shamelessly copied
+from the following sources:
+   - Ian McCracken
+     Post titled: Vim, Part II: Matching Pairs:
+     http://concisionandconcinnity.blogspot.com/
+   - Aristotle Pagaltzis
+     From the comments on the previous blog post and from:
+     http://gist.github.com/144619
+   - Karl Guertin
+     AutoClose:
+     http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1849
+   - Thiago Alves
+     AutoClose:
+     http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2009
+   - Edoardo Vacchi
+     ClosePairs:
+     http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2373
+This script was inspired by the auto-completion of delimiters on TextMate.
+ 10. HISTORY                                               *delimitMateHistory*
+  Version      Date      Release notes                                       ~
+    2.5.1   2010-09-30 * Current release:
+                         - Remove visual wrapping. Surround.vim offers a much
+                           better implementation.
+                         - Minor mods to DelimitMateTest.
+    2.5     2010-09-22 * - Better handling of mappings.
+                         - Add report for mappings in |:DelimitMateTest|.
+                         - Allow the use of "|" and multi-byte characters in
+                           |'delimitMate_quotes'| and |'delimitMate_matchpairs'|.
+                         - Allow commands to be concatenated using |.
+    2.4.1   2010-07-31 * - Fix problem with <Home> and <End>.
+                         - Add missing doc on |'delimitMate_smart_quotes'|,
+                           |delimitMateBalance| and
+                           |'delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'|.
+    2.4     2010-07-29 * - Unbalanced parens: see :help delimitMateBalance.
+                         - Visual wrapping now works on block-wise visual
+                           with some limitations.
+                         - Arrow keys didn't work on terminal.
+                         - Added option to allow nested quotes.
+                         - Expand Smart Quotes to look for a string on the
+                           right of the cursor.
+    2.3.1   2010-06-06 * - Fix: an extra <Space> is inserted after <Space>
+                           expansion.
+    2.3     2010-06-06 * - Syntax aware: Will turn off when editing comments
+                           or other regions, customizable.
+                         - Changed format of most mappings.
+                         - Fix: <CR> expansion doesn't brake automatic
+                           indentation adjustments anymore.
+                         - Fix: Arrow keys would insert A, B, C or D instead
+                           of moving the cursor when using Vim on a terminal.
+    2.2     2010-05-16 * - Added command to switch the plug-in on and off.
+                         - Fix: some problems with <Left>, <Right> and <CR>.
+                         - Fix: A small problem when inserting a delimiter at
+                           the beginning of the line.
+    2.1     2010-05-10 * - Most of the functions have been moved to an
+                           autoload script to avoid loading unnecessary ones.
+                         - Fixed a problem with the redo command.
+                         - Many small fixes.
+    2.0     2010-04-01 * New features:
+                         - All features are redo/undo-wise safe.
+                         - A single quote typed after an alphanumeric
+                           character is considered an apostrophe and one
+                           single quote is inserted.
+                         - A quote typed after another quote inserts a single
+                           quote and the cursor jumps to the middle.
+                         - <S-Tab> jumps out of any empty pair.
+                         - <CR> and <Space> expansions are fixed, but the
+                           functions used for it are global and can be used in
+                           custom mappings. The previous system is still
+                           active if you have any of the expansion options
+                           set.
+                         - <S-Backspace> deletes the closing delimiter.
+                         * Fixed bug:
+                         - s:vars were being used to store buffer options.
+    1.6     2009-10-10 * Now delimitMate tries to fix the balancing of single
+                         quotes when used as apostrophes. You can read
+                         |delimitMate_apostrophes| for details.
+                         Fixed an error when |b:delimitMate_expand_space|
+                         wasn't set but |delimitMate_expand_space| wasn't.
+    1.5     2009-10-05 * Fix: delimitMate should work correctly for files
+                         passed as arguments to Vim. Thanks to Ben Beuchler
+                         for helping to nail this bug.
+    1.4     2009-09-27 * Fix: delimitMate is now enabled on new buffers even
+                         if they don't have set the file type option or were
+                         opened directly from the terminal.
+    1.3     2009-09-24 * Now local options can be used along with autocmd
+                         for specific file type configurations.
+                         Fixes:
+                         - Unnamed register content is not lost on visual
+                         mode.
+                         - Use noremap where appropiate.
+                         - Wrapping a single empty line works as expected.
+    1.2     2009-09-07 * Fixes:
+                         - When inside nested empty pairs, deleting the
+                         innermost left delimiter would delete all right
+                         contiguous delimiters.
+                         - When inside an empty pair, inserting a left
+                         delimiter wouldn't insert the right one, instead
+                         the cursor would jump to the right.
+                         - New buffer inside the current window wouldn't
+                         have the mappings set.
+    1.1     2009-08-25 * Fixed an error that ocurred when mapleader wasn't
+                         set and added support for GetLatestScripts
+                         auto-detection.
+    1.0     2009-08-23 * Initial upload.
+  `\|||/´         MMM           \|/            www            __^__          ~
+   (o o)         (o o)          @ @           (O-O)          /(o o)\\        ~
+ooO_(_)_Ooo__ ooO_(_)_Ooo___oOO_(_)_OOo___oOO__(_)__OOo___oOO__(_)__OOo_____ ~
+_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|____ ~
+__|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_ ~
+_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|____ ~
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/delimitMate/autoload/delimitMate.vim	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+" ============================================================================
+" File:        autoload/delimitMate.vim
+" Version:     2.5.1
+" Modified:    2010-09-30
+" Description: This plugin provides auto-completion for quotes, parens, etc.
+" Maintainer:  Israel Chauca F. <israelchauca@gmail.com>
+" Manual:      Read ":help delimitMate".
+" Utilities {{{
+let delimitMate_loaded = 1
+function! delimitMate#ShouldJump() "{{{
+	" Returns 1 if the next character is a closing delimiter.
+	let col = col('.')
+	let lcol = col('$')
+	let char = getline('.')[col - 1]
+	" Closing delimiter on the right.
+	for cdel in b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims + b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list
+		if char == cdel
+			return 1
+		endif
+	endfor
+	" Closing delimiter with space expansion.
+	let nchar = getline('.')[col]
+	if b:_l_delimitMate_expand_space && char == " "
+		for cdel in b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims + b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list
+			if nchar == cdel
+				return 1
+			endif
+		endfor
+	endif
+	" Closing delimiter with CR expansion.
+	let uchar = getline(line('.') + 1)[0]
+	if b:_l_delimitMate_expand_cr && char == ""
+		for cdel in b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims + b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list
+			if uchar == cdel
+				return 1
+			endif
+		endfor
+	endif
+	return 0
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#IsEmptyPair(str) "{{{
+	for pair in b:_l_delimitMate_matchpairs_list
+		if a:str == join( split( pair, ':' ),'' )
+			return 1
+		endif
+	endfor
+	for quote in b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list
+		if a:str == quote . quote
+			return 1
+		endif
+	endfor
+	return 0
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#IsCRExpansion() " {{{
+	let nchar = getline(line('.')-1)[-1:]
+	let schar = getline(line('.')+1)[:0]
+	let isEmpty = getline('.') == ""
+	if index(b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims, nchar) > -1 &&
+				\ index(b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims, nchar) == index(b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims, schar) &&
+				\ isEmpty
+		return 1
+	elseif index(b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) > -1 &&
+				\ index(b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) == index(b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list, schar) &&
+				\ isEmpty
+		return 1
+	else
+		return 0
+	endif
+endfunction " }}} delimitMate#IsCRExpansion()
+function! delimitMate#IsSpaceExpansion() " {{{
+	let line = getline('.')
+	let col = col('.')-2
+	if col > 0
+		let pchar = line[col - 1]
+		let nchar = line[col + 2]
+		let isSpaces = (line[col] == line[col+1] && line[col] == " ")
+		if index(b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims, pchar) > -1 &&
+				\ index(b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims, pchar) == index(b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims, nchar) &&
+				\ isSpaces
+			return 1
+		elseif index(b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list, pchar) > -1 &&
+				\ index(b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list, pchar) == index(b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) &&
+				\ isSpaces
+			return 1
+		endif
+	endif
+	return 0
+endfunction " }}} IsSpaceExpansion()
+function! delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() "{{{
+	let cur = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 2 )
+	return delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( cur )
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#WriteBefore(str) "{{{
+	let len = len(a:str)
+	let line = getline('.')
+	let col = col('.')-2
+	if col < 0
+		call setline('.',line[(col+len+1):])
+	else
+		call setline('.',line[:(col)].line[(col+len+1):])
+	endif
+	return a:str
+endfunction " }}}
+function! delimitMate#WriteAfter(str) "{{{
+	let len = len(a:str)
+	let line = getline('.')
+	let col = col('.')-2
+	if (col) < 0
+		call setline('.',a:str.line)
+	else
+		call setline('.',line[:(col)].a:str.line[(col+len):])
+	endif
+	return ''
+endfunction " }}}
+function! delimitMate#GetSyntaxRegion(line, col) "{{{
+	return synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(a:line, a:col, 1)), 'name')
+endfunction " }}}
+function! delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegion() "{{{
+	let col = col('.')
+	if  col == col('$')
+		let col = col - 1
+	endif
+	return delimitMate#GetSyntaxRegion(line('.'), col)
+endfunction " }}}
+function! delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegionIf(char) "{{{
+	let col = col('.')
+	let origin_line = getline('.')
+	let changed_line = strpart(origin_line, 0, col - 1) . a:char . strpart(origin_line, col - 1)
+	call setline('.', changed_line)
+	let region = delimitMate#GetSyntaxRegion(line('.'), col)
+	call setline('.', origin_line)
+	return region
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#IsForbidden(char) "{{{
+	if b:_l_delimitMate_excluded_regions_enabled == 0
+		return 0
+	endif
+	"let result = index(b:_l_delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegion()) >= 0
+	if index(b:_l_delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegion()) >= 0
+		"echom "Forbidden 1!"
+		return 1
+	endif
+	let region = delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegionIf(a:char)
+	"let result = index(b:_l_delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, region) >= 0
+	"return result || region == 'Comment'
+	"echom "Forbidden 2!"
+	return index(b:_l_delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, region) >= 0
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#FlushBuffer() " {{{
+	let b:_l_delimitMate_buffer = []
+	return ''
+endfunction " }}}
+function! delimitMate#BalancedParens(char) "{{{
+	" Returns:
+	" = 0 => Parens balanced.
+	" > 0 => More opening parens.
+	" < 0 => More closing parens.
+	let line = getline('.')
+	let col = col('.') - 2
+	let col = col >= 0 ? col : 0
+	let list = split(line, '\zs')
+	let left = b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[index(b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims, a:char)]
+	let right = a:char
+	let opening = 0
+	let closing = 0
+	" If the cursor is not at the beginning, count what's behind it.
+	if col > 0
+		  " Find the first opening paren:
+		  let start = index(list, left)
+		  " Must be before cursor:
+		  let start = start < col ? start : col - 1
+		  " Now count from the first opening until the cursor, this will prevent
+		  " extra closing parens from being counted.
+		  let opening = count(list[start : col - 1], left)
+		  let closing = count(list[start : col - 1], right)
+		  " I don't care if there are more closing parens than opening parens.
+		  let closing = closing > opening ? opening : closing
+	endif
+	" Evaluate parens from the cursor to the end:
+	let opening += count(list[col :], left)
+	let closing += count(list[col :], right)
+	"echom "–––––––––"
+	"echom line
+	"echom col
+	""echom left.":".a:char
+	"echom string(list)
+	"echom string(list[start : col - 1]) . " : " . string(list[col :])
+	"echom opening . " - " . closing . " = " . (opening - closing)
+	" Return the found balance:
+	return opening - closing
+endfunction "}}}
+" }}}
+" Doers {{{
+function! delimitMate#SkipDelim(char) "{{{
+	if delimitMate#IsForbidden(a:char)
+		return a:char
+	endif
+	let col = col('.') - 1
+	let line = getline('.')
+	if col > 0
+		let cur = line[col]
+		let pre = line[col-1]
+	else
+		let cur = line[col]
+		let pre = ""
+	endif
+	if pre == "\\"
+		" Escaped character
+		return a:char
+	elseif cur == a:char
+		" Exit pair
+		"return delimitMate#WriteBefore(a:char)
+		return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
+	elseif delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( pre . a:char )
+		" Add closing delimiter and jump back to the middle.
+		call insert(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
+		return delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
+	else
+		" Nothing special here, return the same character.
+		return a:char
+	endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#ParenDelim(char) " {{{
+	if delimitMate#IsForbidden(a:char)
+		return ''
+	endif
+	" Try to balance matchpairs
+	if b:_l_delimitMate_balance_matchpairs &&
+				\ delimitMate#BalancedParens(a:char) <= 0
+		return ''
+	endif
+	let line = getline('.')
+	let col = col('.')-2
+	if b:_l_delimitMate_smart_matchpairs &&
+				\ line[col+1] =~ '\w'
+		return ''
+	elseif (col) < 0
+		call setline('.',a:char.line)
+		call insert(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
+	else
+		"echom string(col).':'.line[:(col)].'|'.line[(col+1):]
+		call setline('.',line[:(col)].a:char.line[(col+1):])
+		call insert(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
+	endif
+	return ''
+endfunction " }}}
+function! delimitMate#QuoteDelim(char) "{{{
+	if delimitMate#IsForbidden(a:char)
+		return a:char
+	endif
+	let line = getline('.')
+	let col = col('.') - 2
+	if line[col] == "\\"
+		" Seems like a escaped character, insert one quotation mark.
+		return a:char
+	elseif line[col + 1] == a:char &&
+				\ index(b:_l_delimitMate_nesting_quotes, a:char) < 0
+		" Get out of the string.
+		return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
+	elseif (line[col] =~ '\w' && a:char == "'") ||
+				\ (b:_l_delimitMate_smart_quotes &&
+				\ (line[col] =~ '\w' ||
+				\ line[col + 1] =~ '\w'))
+		" Seems like an apostrophe or a smart quote case, insert a single quote.
+		return a:char
+	elseif (line[col] == a:char && line[col + 1 ] != a:char) && b:_l_delimitMate_smart_quotes
+		" Seems like we have an unbalanced quote, insert one quotation mark and jump to the middle.
+		call insert(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
+		return delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
+	else
+		" Insert a pair and jump to the middle.
+		call insert(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
+		call delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
+		return a:char
+	endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#JumpOut(char) "{{{
+	if delimitMate#IsForbidden(a:char)
+		return a:char
+	endif
+	let line = getline('.')
+	let col = col('.')-2
+	if line[col+1] == a:char
+		return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
+	else
+		return a:char
+	endif
+endfunction " }}}
+function! delimitMate#JumpAny(key) " {{{
+	if delimitMate#IsForbidden('')
+		return a:key
+	endif
+	if !delimitMate#ShouldJump()
+		return a:key
+	endif
+	" Let's get the character on the right.
+	let char = getline('.')[col('.')-1]
+	if char == " "
+		" Space expansion.
+		"let char = char . getline('.')[col('.')] . delimitMate#Del()
+		return char . getline('.')[col('.')] . delimitMate#Del() . delimitMate#Del()
+		"call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
+	elseif char == ""
+		" CR expansion.
+		"let char = "\<CR>" . getline(line('.') + 1)[0] . "\<Del>"
+		let b:_l_delimitMate_buffer = []
+		return "\<CR>" . getline(line('.') + 1)[0] . "\<Del>"
+	else
+		"call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
+		return char . delimitMate#Del()
+	endif
+endfunction " delimitMate#JumpAny() }}}
+function! delimitMate#MapMsg(msg) "{{{
+	redraw
+	echomsg a:msg
+	return ""
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#ExpandReturn() "{{{
+	if delimitMate#IsForbidden("")
+		return "\<CR>"
+	endif
+	if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair()
+		" Expand:
+		call delimitMate#FlushBuffer()
+		"return "\<Esc>a\<CR>x\<CR>\<Esc>k$\"_xa"
+		return "\<CR>\<UP>\<Esc>o"
+	else
+		return "\<CR>"
+	endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#ExpandSpace() "{{{
+	if delimitMate#IsForbidden("\<Space>")
+		return "\<Space>"
+	endif
+	if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair()
+		" Expand:
+		call insert(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer, 's')
+		return delimitMate#WriteAfter(' ') . "\<Space>"
+	else
+		return "\<Space>"
+	endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#BS() " {{{
+	if delimitMate#IsForbidden("")
+		return "\<BS>"
+	endif
+	if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair()
+		"call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
+		return "\<BS>" . delimitMate#Del()
+"        return "\<Right>\<BS>\<BS>"
+	elseif delimitMate#IsSpaceExpansion()
+		"call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
+		return "\<BS>" . delimitMate#Del()
+	elseif delimitMate#IsCRExpansion()
+		return "\<BS>\<Del>"
+	else
+		return "\<BS>"
+	endif
+endfunction " }}} delimitMate#BS()
+function! delimitMate#Del() " {{{
+	if len(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer) > 0
+		let line = getline('.')
+		let col = col('.') - 2
+		call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
+		call setline('.', line[:col] . line[col+2:])
+		return ''
+	else
+		return "\<Del>"
+	endif
+endfunction " }}}
+function! delimitMate#Finish() " {{{
+	let len = len(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer)
+	if len > 0
+		let buffer = join(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer, '')
+		let len2 = len(buffer)
+		" Reset buffer:
+		let b:_l_delimitMate_buffer = []
+		let line = getline('.')
+		let col = col('.') -2
+		"echom 'col: ' . col . '-' . line[:col] . "|" . line[col+len+1:] . '%' . buffer
+		if col < 0
+			call setline('.', line[col+len2+1:])
+		else
+			call setline('.', line[:col] . line[col+len2+1:])
+		endif
+		let i = 1
+		let lefts = "\<Left>"
+		while i < len
+			let lefts = lefts . "\<Left>"
+			let i += 1
+		endwhile
+		return substitute(buffer, "s", "\<Space>", 'g') . lefts
+	endif
+	return ''
+endfunction " }}}
+function! delimitMate#RmBuffer(num) " {{{
+	if len(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer) > 0
+	   call remove(b:_l_delimitMate_buffer, 0, (a:num-1))
+	endif
+	return ""
+endfunction " }}}
+" }}}
+" Tools: {{{
+function! delimitMate#TestMappings() "{{{
+	let options = sort(keys(delimitMate#OptionsList()))
+	let optoutput = ['delimitMate Report', '==================', '', '* Options: (-) unset, (g) global, (b) buffer','']
+	for option in options
+		exec 'call add(optoutput, ''('.(exists('b:delimitMate_'.option) ? 'b' : exists('g:delimitMate_'.option) ? 'g' : '-').') delimitMate_''.option.'' = ''.string(b:_l_delimitMate_'.option.'))'
+	endfor
+	call append(line('$'), optoutput + ['--------------------',''])
+	" Check if mappings were set. {{{
+	let imaps = b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims
+	let imaps = imaps + ( b:_l_delimitMate_autoclose ? b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims : [] )
+	let imaps = imaps +
+				\ b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list +
+				\ b:_l_delimitMate_apostrophes_list +
+				\ ['<BS>', '<S-BS>', '<Del>', '<S-Tab>', '<Esc>'] +
+				\ ['<Up>', '<Down>', '<Left>', '<Right>', '<LeftMouse>', '<RightMouse>'] +
+				\ ['<Home>', '<End>', '<PageUp>', '<PageDown>', '<S-Down>', '<S-Up>']
+	let imaps = imaps + ( b:_l_delimitMate_expand_cr ?  ['<CR>'] : [] )
+	let imaps = imaps + ( b:_l_delimitMate_expand_space ?  ['<Space>'] : [] )
+	let vmaps =
+				\ b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims +
+				\ b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims +
+				\ b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list
+	let ibroken = []
+	for map in imaps
+		if maparg(map, "i") !~? 'delimitMate'
+			let output = ''
+			if map == '|'
+				let map = '<Bar>'
+			endif
+			redir => output | execute "verbose imap ".map | redir END
+			let ibroken = ibroken + [map.": is not set:"] + split(output, '\n')
+		endif
+	endfor
+	unlet! output
+	if ibroken == []
+		let output = ['* Mappings:', '', 'All mappings were set-up.', '--------------------', '', '']
+	else
+		let output = ['* Mappings:', ''] + ibroken + ['--------------------', '']
+	endif
+	call append('$', output+['* Showcase:', ''])
+	" }}}
+	if b:_l_delimitMate_autoclose
+		" {{{
+		for i in range(len(b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims))
+			exec "normal GGoOpen: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i]. "|"
+			exec "normal oDelete: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<BS>|"
+			exec "normal oExit: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
+			exec "normal oSpace: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . " |"
+			exec "normal oDelete space: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . " \<BS>|"
+			exec "normal oCar return: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<CR>|"
+			exec "normal GGoDelete car return: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GG\<Esc>o"
+		endfor
+		for i in range(len(b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list))
+			exec "normal GGAOpen: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i]	. "|"
+			exec "normal oDelete: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<BS>|"
+			exec "normal oExit: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
+			exec "normal oSpace: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " |"
+			exec "normal oDelete space: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " \<BS>|"
+			exec "normal oCar return: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>|"
+			exec "normal GGoDelete car return: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GG\<Esc>o"
+		endfor
+		"}}}
+	else
+		"{{{
+		for i in range(len(b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims))
+			exec "normal GGoOpen & close: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i]	. b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
+			exec "normal oDelete: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<BS>|"
+			exec "normal oExit: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
+			exec "normal oSpace: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] . " |"
+			exec "normal oDelete space: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] . " \<BS>|"
+			exec "normal oCar return: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<CR>|"
+			exec "normal GGoDelete car return: " . b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GG\<Esc>o"
+		endfor
+		for i in range(len(b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list))
+			exec "normal GGoOpen & close: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i]	. b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
+			exec "normal oDelete: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<BS>|"
+			exec "normal oExit: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
+			exec "normal oSpace: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " |"
+			exec "normal oDelete space: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " \<BS>|"
+			exec "normal oCar return: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>|"
+			exec "normal GGoDelete car return: " . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GG\<Esc>o"
+		endfor
+	endif "}}}
+endfunction "}}}
+function! delimitMate#OptionsList() "{{{
+	return {'autoclose' : 1,'matchpairs': &matchpairs, 'quotes' : '" '' `', 'nesting_quotes' : [], 'expand_cr' : 0, 'expand_space' : 0, 'smart_quotes' : 1, 'smart_matchpairs' : 1, 'balance_matchpairs' : 0, 'excluded_regions' : 'Comment', 'excluded_ft' : '', 'apostrophes' : ''}
+endfunction " delimitMate#OptionsList }}}
+" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/delimitMate/autoload/delimitMateTests.vim	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+function! delimitMateTests#Main()
+	if !exists("g:delimitMate_testing")
+		echoerr "delimitMateTests#Main(): If you really want to use me, you must set delimitMate_testing to any value."
+		return
+	elseif g:delimitMate_testing == "fork"
+		!gvim -N -u NONE -U NONE -c "set backspace=eol,start" -c "set background=light" -c "syntax on" -c "let delimitMate_testing = 1" -c "so autoload/delimitMate.vim" -c "so autoload/delimitMateTests.vim" -c "so plugin/delimitMate.vim" -c "call delimitMateTests\#Main()"
+		return ""
+	endif
+	nmap <F1> :qall!<CR>
+	let nomore = &more
+	set nomore
+	let b:test_results = {}
+	let b:errors = 0
+	let b:corrects = 0
+	let b:ignores = 0
+	function! SetOptions(list) " {{{
+		let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 1
+		let b:delimitMate_matchpairs = &matchpairs
+		let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\" ' `"
+		let b:delimitMate_excluded_regions = "Comment"
+		let b:delimitMate_expand_space = 0
+		let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = 0
+		let b:delimitMate_smart_quotes = 1
+		let b:delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
+		let b:delimitMate_tab2exit = 1
+		" Set current test options:
+		for str in a:list
+			"echom '1:'.str
+			let op = strpart(str, 0, stridx(str,':'))
+			"echom op
+			let val = strpart(str, stridx(str, ':' ) + 1)
+			"echom val
+			exec "let b:delimitMate_" . op . " = " . val
+		endfor
+		DelimitMateReload
+	endfunction " }}}
+	function! Type(name, input, output, options, ...) " {{{
+		if a:0 > 0
+			let ignore = a:1
+		else
+			let ignore = 0
+		endif
+		if a:input != "\<Esc>."
+			" Set default options:
+			call SetOptions(a:options)
+			let CapR = ""
+			normal ggVG"_d
+			exec "normal i" . a:input . "|\<Esc>"
+		else
+			let CapR = "_R"
+			normal gg.
+		endif
+		exec "normal \<Esc>"
+		call setpos('.', [0, 1, 1, 0])
+		let result = len(a:output) != line('$')
+		for line in a:output
+			if getline('.') != line || result == 1
+				let result = 1
+				break
+			endif
+			call setpos('.', [0, line('.') + 1, 1, 0])
+		endfor
+		let text = getline('.')
+		let i = 2
+		while i <= line('$')
+			let text = text . "<cr>" . getline(i)
+			let i += 1
+		endwhile
+		if ignore == 1
+			let label = "Ignored"
+			let result = "?="
+			let b:ignores += 1
+		elseif result == 0
+			let label = "Passed"
+			let result = "=="
+			let b:corrects += 1
+		else
+			let label = "Failed"
+			let result = "!="
+			let b:errors += 1
+		endif
+		exec "let b:test_results['" .
+					\ substitute(a:name, "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", "g") . CapR . "'] = '" .
+					\ label . ": ' . a:input . ' => ' . text . ' " .
+					\ result . " ' . join(a:output, '<cr>')"
+	endfunction " }}}
+	function! RepeatLast(name, output, ...) " {{{
+		if a:0 > 0
+			let arg1 = a:1
+		else
+			let arg1 = ''
+		endif
+		call Type(a:name, "\<Esc>.", a:output, [], arg1)
+	endfunction " }}}
+	" Test's test {{{
+	call Type("Test 1", "123", ["123|"], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Test 1", ["123|123|"])
+	" Auto-closing parens
+	call Type("Autoclose parens", "(", ["(|)"], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Autoclose_parens", ["(|)(|)"])
+	" Auto-closing quotes
+	call Type("Autoclose quotes", '"', ['"|"'], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Autoclose_quotes", ['"|""|"'])
+	" Deleting parens
+	call Type("Delete empty parens", "(\<BS>", ["|"], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Delete empty parens", ["||"])
+	" Deleting quotes
+	call Type("Delete emtpy quotes", "\"\<BS>", ['|'], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Delete empty quotes", ["||"])
+	" Manual closing parens
+	call Type("Manual closing parens", "()", ["(|)"], ["autoclose:0"])
+	call RepeatLast("Manual closing parens", ["(|)(|)"])
+	" Manual closing quotes
+	call Type("Manual closing quotes", "\"\"", ['"|"'], ["autoclose:0"])
+	call RepeatLast("Manual closing quotes", ['"|""|"'])
+	" Jump over paren
+	call Type("Jump over paren", "()", ['()|'], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Jump over paren", ['()|()|'])
+	" Jump over quote
+	call Type("Jump over quote", "\"\"", ['""|'], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Jump over quote", ['""|""|'])
+	" Apostrophe
+	call Type("Apostrophe", "test'", ["test'|"], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Apostrophe", ["test'|test'|"])
+	" Close quote
+	call Type("Close quote", "'\<Del>\<Esc>a'", ["'|'"], [])
+	" Closing paren
+	call Type("Closing paren", "abcd)", ["abcd)|"], [])
+	" <S-Tab>
+	call Type("S Tab", "(\<S-Tab>", ["()|"], [])
+	call RepeatLast("S Tab", ["()|()|"])
+	" Space expansion
+	call Type("Space expansion", "(\<Space>\<BS>", ['(|)'], ['expand_space:1'])
+	call RepeatLast("BS with space expansion", ['(|)(|)'])
+	" BS with space expansion
+	call Type("BS with space expansion", "(\<Space>", ['( | )'], ['expand_space:1'])
+	call RepeatLast("Space expansion", ['( | )( | )'])
+	" Car return expansion
+	call Type("CR expansion", "(\<CR>", ['(', '|', ')'], ['expand_cr:1'])
+	call RepeatLast("CR expansion", ['(', '|', ')(', '|', ')'], 1)
+	" BS with car return expansion
+	call Type("BS with CR expansion", "(\<CR>\<BS>", ['(|)'], ['expand_cr:1'])
+	call RepeatLast("BS with CR expansion", ['(|)(|)'], 1)
+	" Smart quotes
+	call Type("Smart quote alphanumeric", "a\"4", ['a"4|'], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Smart quote alphanumeric", ['a"4|a"4|'])
+	" Smart quotes
+	call Type("Smart quote escaped", "esc\\\"", ['esc\"|'], [])
+	call RepeatLast("Smart quote escaped", ['esc\"|esc\"|'])
+	" Smart quotes
+	call Type("Smart quote apostrophe", "I'm", ["I'm|"], ['smart_quotes:0'])
+	call RepeatLast("Smart quote escaped", ["I'm|I'm|"])
+	" Backspace inside space expansion
+	call Type("Backspace inside space expansion", "(\<Space>\<BS>", ['(|)'], ['expand_space:1'])
+	call RepeatLast("Backspace inside space expansion", ['(|)(|)'])
+	" <Right-arrow> inserts text
+	call Type("<Right-arrow> inserts text", "(he\<Right>\<Space>th\<Right>\<Right>", ['(he) th|'], [])
+	" Backspace inside CR expansion
+	call Type("Backspace inside CR expansion", "(\<CR>\<BS>", ['(|)'], ['expand_cr:1'])
+	call RepeatLast("Backspace inside CR expansion", ['(|)(|)'], 1)
+	" FileType event
+	let g:delimitMate_excluded_ft = "vim"
+	set ft=vim
+	call Type("FileType Autoclose parens", "(", ["(|"], [])
+	unlet g:delimitMate_excluded_ft
+	set ft=
+	" Duplicated delimiter after CR
+	call Type("Duplicated delimiter after CR", "(\<CR>", ['(', '|)'], [])
+	" Deactivate on comments: The first call to a closing delimiter
+	" will not work here as expected, but it does in real life tests.
+	set ft=vim
+	call Type("Deactivate on comments", "\"()``[]''\"\"", ["\"()``[]''\"\"|"], ["autoclose:0"], 1)
+	set ft=
+	" Deactivate parens on comments: The first call to a closing delimiter
+	" will not work here as expected, but it does in real life tests.
+	set ft=vim
+	call Type("Deactivate parens on comments", "\"()[]", ["\"()[]|"], ["autoclose:0"], 1)
+	set ft=
+	" Deactivate quotes on comments: See previous note.
+	set ft=vim
+	call Type("Deactivate parens on comments", "\"(`", ["\"(``|"], [], 1)
+	set ft=
+	" Manual close at start of line
+	call Type("Manual close at start of line", "m)\<Left>\<Left>)", [')|m)'], ["autoclose:0"])
+	" Use | in quotes
+	call Type("Use <Bar> in quotes", "\<Bar>bars", ['|bars|'], ["quotes:'|'"])
+	" Use | in matchpairs
+	call Type("Use <Bar> in matchpairs", "\<Bar>bars", ['|bars|$$'], ["matchpairs:'|:$'"])
+	"}}}
+	" Show results: {{{
+	normal ggVG"_d
+	call append(0, split(string(b:test_results)[1:-2], ', '))
+	call append(0, "*TESTS REPORT: " . b:errors . " failed, " . b:corrects . " passed and " . b:ignores . " ignored.")
+	normal "_ddgg
+	let @/ = ".\\+Failed:.*!="
+	2,$sort /^.\+':/
+	normal gg
+	exec search('Ignored:','nW').",$sort! /^.\\+':/"
+	set nohlsearch
+	syn match lineIgnored ".*Ignored.*"
+	syn match labelPassed "'\@<=.\+\(': 'Passed\)\@="
+	syn match labelFailed "'\@<=.\+\(': 'Failed\)\@="
+	syn match resultPassed "\('Passed: \)\@<=.\+\('$\)\@="
+	syn match resultFailed "\('Failed: \)\@<=.\+\('$\)\@=" contains=resultInequal
+	syn match resultIgnored "\('Ignored: \)\@<=.\+\('$\)\@="
+	syn match resultInequal "!="
+	syn match resultSummary "^\*.\+" contains=resultSummaryNumber
+	syn match resultSummaryNumber "[1-9][0-9]* failed*" contained
+	hi def link lineIgnored Ignore
+	hi def link labelPassed Comment
+	hi def link labelFailed Special
+	hi def link resultPassed Ignore
+	hi def link resultFailed Boolean
+	hi def link resultInequal Error
+	hi def link resultSummary SpecialComment
+	hi def link resultSummaryNumber Error
+	" }}}
+	let &more = nomore
+" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/delimitMate/doc/delimitMate.txt	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+*delimitMate.txt*   Trying to keep those beasts at bay! v2.5.1   *delimitMate*
+  MMMM  MMM   MMM  MM  MM  M  M MMM  MM    MM  MM MM  MMM   MMM    MMM   MM
+  MM    MM  M  MM  MMMMMM        MMMMMMM  MMM  MMMMM  MM  M  MMM  MMM  M  M  ~
+  M  M  MM     MM  MM  MM  M  M  MM  MMM  MMM  MMMMM  MMMMM  MMM  MMM     M
+  M  M  MM  M  MM  MM  MM  M  M  MM  MMM  MMM  MMMMM  MM  M  MMM  MMM  M  M
+  MM    MMM   MMM  MM  MM  M  M  MM  MMM   MM  MMMMM  MMM    MMM   MMM   MM  ~
+ 0.- CONTENTS                                           *delimitMate-contents*
+    1. Introduction____________________________|delimitMateIntro|
+    2. Customization___________________________|delimitMateOptions|
+        2.1 Options summary____________________|delimitMateOptionSummary|
+        2.2 Options details____________________|delimitMateOptionDetails|
+    3. Functionality___________________________|delimitMateFunctionality|
+        3.1 Automatic closing & exiting________|delimitMateAutoClose|
+        3.2 Expansion of space and CR__________|delimitMateExpansion|
+        3.3 Backspace__________________________|delimitMateBackspace|
+        3.4 Smart Quotes_______________________|delimitMateSmartQuotes|
+        3.5 Balancing matching pairs___________|delimitMateBalance|
+        3.6 FileType based configuration_______|delimitMateFileType|
+        3.7 Syntax awareness___________________|delimitMateSyntax|
+    4. Commands________________________________|delimitMateCommands|
+    5. Mappings________________________________|delimitMateMappings|
+    6. Functions_______________________________|delimitMateFunctions|
+    7. TODO list_______________________________|delimitMateTodo|
+    8. Maintainer______________________________|delimitMateMaintainer|
+    9. Credits_________________________________|delimitMateCredits|
+   10. History_________________________________|delimitMateHistory|
+ 1.- INTRODUCTION                                           *delimitMateIntro*
+This plug-in provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets,
+etc.; besides some other related features that should make your time in insert
+mode a little bit easier.
+Most of the features can be modified or disabled permanently, using global
+variables, or on a FileType basis, using autocommands. With a couple of
+exceptions and limitations, this features don't brake undo, redo or history.
+NOTE 1: If you have any trouble with this plugin, please run |:DelimitMateTest|
+in a new buffer to see what is not working.
+NOTE 2: |'timeout'| needs to be set when working in the terminal, otherwise you
+might find weird behaviour with mappings including <Esc> or arrow keys.
+NOTE 3: Abbreiations set with |:iabbrev| will not be expanded by delimiters
+used on delimitMate, you should use <C-]> (read |i_CTRL-]|) to expand them on
+the go.
+ 2. CUSTOMIZATION                                         *delimitMateOptions*
+You can create your own mappings for some features using the global functions.
+Read |DelimitMateFunctions| for more info.
+   2.1 OPTIONS SUMMARY                              *delimitMateOptionSummary*
+The behaviour of this script can be customized setting the following options
+in your vimrc file. You can use local options to set the configuration for
+specific file types, see |delimitMateOptionDetails| for examples.
+|'loaded_delimitMate'|            Turns off the script.
+|'delimitMate_autoclose'|         Tells delimitMate whether to automagically
+                                insert the closing delimiter.
+|'delimitMate_matchpairs'|        Tells delimitMate which characters are
+                                matching pairs.
+|'delimitMate_quotes'|            Tells delimitMate which quotes should be
+                                used.
+|'delimitMate_nesting_quotes'|    Tells delimitMate which quotes should be
+                                allowed to be nested.
+|'delimitMate_expand_cr'|         Turns on/off the expansion of <CR>.
+|'delimitMate_expand_space'|      Turns on/off the expansion of <Space>.
+|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'|      Turns on/off the "smart quotes" feature.
+|'delimitMate_smart_matchpairs'|  Turns on/off the "smart matchpairs" feature.
+|'delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'|Turns on/off the "balance matching pairs"
+                                feature.
+|'delimitMate_excluded_regions'|  Turns off the script for the given regions or
+                                syntax group names.
+|'delimitMate_excluded_ft'|       Turns off the script for the given file types.
+|'delimitMate_apostrophes'|       Tells delimitMate how it should "fix"
+                                balancing of single quotes when used as
+                                apostrophes. NOTE: Not needed any more, kept
+                                for compatibility with older versions.
+   2.2 OPTIONS DETAILS                              *delimitMateOptionDetails*
+Add the shown lines to your vimrc file in order to set the below options.
+Buffer variables take precedence over global ones and can be used along with
+autocmd to modify delimitMate's behavior for specific file types, read more in
+Note: Use buffer variables only to set options for specific file types using
+:autocmd, use global variables to set options for every buffer. Read more in
+|g:var| and |b:var|.
+                                                        *'loaded_delimitMate'*
+                                                      *'b:loaded_delimitMate'*
+This option prevents delimitMate from loading.
+e.g.: >
+        let loaded_delimitMate = 1
+        au FileType mail let b:loaded_delimitMate = 1
+                                                     *'delimitMate_autoclose'*
+                                                   *'b:delimitMate_autoclose'*
+Values: 0 or 1.                                                              ~
+Default: 1                                                                   ~
+If this option is set to 0, delimitMate will not add a closing delimiter
+automagically. See |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_autoclose = 0
+        au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 0
+                                                    *'delimitMate_matchpairs'*
+                                                  *'b:delimitMate_matchpairs'*
+Values: A string with |'matchpairs'| syntax, plus support for multi-byte~
+        characters.~
+Default: &matchpairs                                                         ~
+Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered
+matching pairs. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
+e.g: >
+        let delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
+        au FileType vim,html let b:delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
+                                                        *'delimitMate_quotes'*
+                                                      *'b:delimitMate_quotes'*
+Values: A string of characters separated by spaces.                          ~
+Default: "\" ' `"                                                            ~
+Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered as
+quotes. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_quotes = "\" ' ` *"
+        au FileType html let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\" '"
+                                                *'delimitMate_nesting_quotes'*
+                                              *'b:delimitMate_nesting_quotes'*
+Values: A list of quotes.                                                    ~
+Default: []                                                                  ~
+Quotes listed here will not be able to jump out of the empty pair, thus
+allowing the autoclosed quotes to be nested.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_nesting_quotes = ['"','`']
+        au FileType python let b:delimitMate_nesting_quotes = ['"']
+                                                     *'delimitMate_expand_cr'*
+                                                   *'b:delimitMate_expand_cr'*
+Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
+Default: 0                                                                   ~
+This option turns on/off the expansion of <CR>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
+for details. NOTE This feature requires that 'backspace' is either set to 2 or
+has "eol" and "start" as part of its value.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
+        au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
+                                                  *'delimitMate_expand_space'*
+                                                *'b:delimitMate_expand_space'*
+Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
+Default: 0                                                                   ~
+This option turns on/off the expansion of <Space>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
+for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_expand_space = 1
+        au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_expand_space = 1
+                                                  *'delimitMate_smart_quotes'*
+                                                *'b:delimitMate_smart_quotes'*
+Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
+Default: 1                                                                   ~
+This option turns on/off the smart quotes feature. Read
+|delimitMateSmartQuotes| for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_smart_quotes = 0
+        au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_smart_quotes = 0
+                                              *'delimitMate_smart_matchpairs'*
+                                            *'b:delimitMate_smart_matchpairs'*
+Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
+Default: 1                                                                   ~
+This option turns on/off the smart matchpairs feature. Read
+|delimitMateSmartMatchpairs| for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_smart_matchpairs = 0
+        au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_smart_matchpairs = 0
+                                            *'delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'*
+                                          *'b:delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'*
+Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
+Default: 0                                                                   ~
+This option turns on/off the balancing of matching pairs. Read
+|delimitMateBalance| for details.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_balance_matchpairs = 1
+        au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_balance_matchpairs = 1
+                                              *'delimitMate_excluded_regions'*
+Values: A string of syntax group names names separated by single commas.     ~
+Default: Comment                                                             ~
+This options turns delimitMate off for the listed regions, read |group-name|
+for more info about what is a region.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_excluded_regions = "Comments,String"
+                                                   *'delimitMate_excluded_ft'*
+Values: A string of file type names separated by single commas.              ~
+Default: Empty.                                                              ~
+This options turns delimitMate off for the listed file types, use this option
+only if you don't want any of the features it provides on those file types.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_excluded_ft = "mail,txt"
+                                                   *'delimitMate_apostrophes'*
+Values: Strings separated by ":".                                            ~
+Default: No longer used.                                                     ~
+NOTE: This feature is turned off by default, it's been kept for compatibility
+with older version, read |delimitMateSmartQuotes| for details.
+If auto-close is enabled, this option tells delimitMate how to try to fix the
+balancing of single quotes when used as apostrophes. The values of this option
+are strings of text where a single quote would be used as an apostrophe (e.g.:
+the "n't" of wouldn't or can't) separated by ":". Set it to an empty string to
+disable this feature.
+e.g.: >
+        let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
+        au FileType tcl let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
+ 3. FUNCTIONALITY                                   *delimitMateFunctionality*
+   3.1 AUTOMATIC CLOSING AND EXITING                    *delimitMateAutoClose*
+With automatic closing enabled, if an opening delimiter is inserted the plugin
+inserts the closing delimiter and places the cursor between the pair. With
+automatic closing disabled, no closing delimiters is inserted by delimitMate,
+but when a pair of delimiters is typed, the cursor is placed in the middle.
+When the cursor is inside an empty pair or located next to the left of a
+closing delimiter, the cursor is placed outside the pair to the right of the
+closing delimiter.
+Unless |'delimitMate_matchpairs'| or |'delimitMate_quotes'|are set, this
+script uses the values in '&matchpairs' to identify the pairs, and ", ' and `
+for quotes respectively.
+The following table shows the behaviour, this applies to quotes too (the final
+position of the cursor is represented by a "|"):
+With auto-close: >
+                          Type   |  You get
+                        ====================
+                           (     |    (|)
+                        –––––––––|––––––––––
+                           ()    |    ()|
+                        –––––––––|––––––––––
+                        (<S-Tab> |    ()|
+Without auto-close: >
+                          Type    |  You get
+                        =====================
+                           ()     |    (|)
+                        –––––––––-|––––––––––
+                           ())    |    ()|
+                        –––––––––-|––––––––––
+                        ()<S-Tab> |    ()|
+NOTE: Abbreviations will not be expanded by delimiters used on delimitMate,
+you should use <C-]> (read |i_CTRL-]|) to expand them on the go.
+   3.2 EXPANSION OF SPACE AND CAR RETURN                *delimitMateExpansion*
+When the cursor is inside an empty pair of delimiters, <Space> and <CR> can be
+expanded, see |'delimitMate_expand_space'| and
+Expand <Space> to: >
+                    <Space><Space><Left>  |  You get
+                  ====================================
+                              (|)         |    ( | )
+Expand <CR> to: >
+                      <CR><CR><Up>  |  You get
+                    ============================
+                           (|)      |    (
+                                    |    |
+                                    |    )
+NOTE that the expansion of <CR> will brake the redo command.
+Since <Space> and <CR> are used everywhere, I have made the functions involved
+in expansions global, so they can be used to make custom mappings. Read
+|delimitMateFunctions| for more details.
+   3.3 BACKSPACE                                        *delimitMateBackspace*
+If you press backspace inside an empty pair, both delimiters are deleted. When
+expansions are enabled, <BS> will also delete the expansions. NOTE that
+deleting <CR> expansions will brake the redo command.
+If you type <S-BS> (shift + backspace) instead, only the closing delimiter
+will be deleted. NOTE that this will not usually work when using Vim from the
+terminal, see 'delimitMate#JumpAny()' below to see how to fix it.
+e.g. typing at the "|": >
+                  What  |      Before       |      After
+               ==============================================
+                  <BS>  |  call expand(|)   |  call expand|
+               ---------|-------------------|-----------------
+                  <BS>  |  call expand( | ) |  call expand(|)
+               ---------|-------------------|-----------------
+                  <BS>  |  call expand(     |  call expand(|)
+                        |  |                |
+                        |  )                |
+               ---------|-------------------|-----------------
+                 <S-BS> |  call expand(|)   |  call expand(|
+   3.4 SMART QUOTES                                   *delimitMateSmartQuotes*
+Only one quote will be inserted following a quote, a "\" or, following or
+preceding a keyword character. This should cover closing quotes after a
+string, opening quotes before a string, escaped quotes and apostrophes. Except
+for apostrophes, this feature can be disabled setting the option
+|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'| to 0.
+e.g. typing at the "|": >
+                     What |    Before    |     After
+                  =======================================
+                      "   |  Text |      |  Text "|"
+                      "   |  "String|    |  "String"|
+                      "   |  let i = "|  |  let i = "|"
+                      'm  |  I|          |  I'm|
+   3.4 SMART MATCHPAIRS                           *delimitMateSmartMatchpairs*
+Like "smart quotes", but applied to parens (as well as [, {, etc.), only
+inserting the opening delimiter if preceding a keyword character. This should
+cover adding parens, etc around existing words without having to handle the
+uncessary closing delimiter. This feature can be disabled by setting the
+option |'delimitMate_smart_matchpairs'| to 0.
+e.g. typing at the "|": >
+                     What |    Before    |     After
+                  =======================================
+                      (   |  function|   |  function(|)
+                      (   |  |var        |  (|var
+   3.5 BALANCING MATCHING PAIRS                           *delimitMateBalance*
+When inserting an opening paren and |'delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'| is
+enabled, delimitMate will try to balance the closing pairs in the current
+e.g. typing at the "|": >
+                     What |    Before    |     After
+                  =======================================
+                      (   |      |)      |     (|)
+                      (   |      |       |     (|)
+                      (   |     (|)      |    ((|))
+   3.6 FILE TYPE BASED CONFIGURATION                     *delimitMateFileType*
+delimitMate options can be set globally for all buffers using global
+("regular") variables in your |vimrc| file. But |:autocmd| can be used to set
+options for specific file types (see |'filetype'|) using buffer variables in
+the following way: >
+   au FileType mail,text let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 0
+         ^       ^           ^            ^            ^
+         |       |           |            |            |
+         |       |           |            |            - Option value.
+         |       |           |            - Option name.
+         |       |           - Buffer variable.
+         |       - File types for which the option will be set.
+         - Don't forget to put this event.
+NOTE that you should use buffer variables (|b:var|) only to set options with
+|:autocmd|, for global options use regular variables (|g:var|) in your vimrc.
+   3.7 SYNTAX AWARENESS                                    *delimitMateSyntax*
+The features of this plug-in might not be always helpful, comments and strings
+usualy don't need auto-completion. delimitMate monitors which region is being
+edited and if it detects that the cursor is in a comment it'll turn itself off
+until the cursor leaves the comment. The excluded regions can be set using the
+option |'delimitMate_excluded_regions'|. Read |group-name| for a list of
+regions or syntax group names.
+NOTE that this feature relies on a proper syntax file for the current file
+type, if the appropiate syntax file doesn't define a region, delimitMate won't
+know about it.
+ 4. COMMANDS                                             *delimitMateCommands*
+:DelimitMateReload                                        *:DelimitMateReload*
+Re-sets all the mappings used for this script, use it if any option has been
+changed or if the filetype option hasn't been set yet.
+:DelimitMateSwitch                                        *:DelimitMateSwitch*
+Switches the plug-in on and off.
+:DelimitMateTest                                            *:DelimitMateTest*
+This command tests every mapping set-up for this script, useful for testing
+custom configurations.
+The following output corresponds to the default values, it will be different
+depending on your configuration. "Open & close:" represents the final result
+when the closing delimiter has been inserted, either manually or
+automatically, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Delete:" typing backspace in an
+empty pair, see |delimitMateBackspace|. "Exit:" typing a closing delimiter
+inside a pair of delimiters, see |delimitMateAutoclose|. "Space:" the
+expansion, if any, of space, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Visual-L",
+"Visual-R" and "Visual" shows visual wrapping, see
+|delimitMateVisualWrapping|. "Car return:" the expansion of car return, see
+|delimitMateExpansion|. The cursor's position at the end of every test is
+represented by an "|": >
+            * AUTOCLOSE:
+            Open & close: (|)
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: ()|
+            Space: ( |)
+            Visual-L: (v)
+            Visual-R: (v)
+            Car return: (
+            |)
+            Open & close: {|}
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: {}|
+            Space: { |}
+            Visual-L: {v}
+            Visual-R: {v}
+            Car return: {
+            |}
+            Open & close: [|]
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: []|
+            Space: [ |]
+            Visual-L: [v]
+            Visual-R: [v]
+            Car return: [
+            |]
+            Open & close: "|"
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: ""|
+            Space: " |"
+            Visual: "v"
+            Car return: "
+            |"
+            Open & close: '|'
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: ''|
+            Space: ' |'
+            Visual: 'v'
+            Car return: '
+            |'
+            Open & close: `|`
+            Delete: |
+            Exit: ``|
+            Space: ` |`
+            Visual: `v`
+            Car return: `
+            |`
+ 5. MAPPINGS                                             *delimitMateMappings*
+delimitMate doesn't override any existing map, so you may encounter that it
+doesn't work as expected because a mapping is missing. In that case, the
+conflicting mappings should be resolved by either disabling the conflicting
+mapping or creating a custom mappings.
+In order to make custom mappings easier and prevent overwritting existing
+ones, delimitMate uses the |<Plug>| + |hasmapto()| (|usr_41.txt|) construct
+for its mappings.
+The following are the mappings alway set by delimitMate:
+<BS>         is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateBS
+<S-BS>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateS-BS
+<S-Tab>      is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateS-Tab
+<Del>        is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateDel
+<Esc>        is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateEsc
+<Left>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateLeft
+<Right>      is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateRight
+<Home>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateHome
+<End>        is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateEnd
+<Up>         is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateUp
+<Down>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateDown
+<PageUp>     is mapped to <Plug>delimitMatePageUp
+<PageDown>   is mapped to <Plug>delimitMatePageDown
+<S-Down>     is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateS-Down
+<S-Up>       is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateS-Up
+<LeftMouse>  is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateMLeftMouse
+<RightMouse> is mapped to <Plug>delimitMateMRightMouse
+The rest of the mappings correspond to parens, quotes, CR, Space, etc. and they
+depend on the values of the delimitMate options, they have the following form:
+<Plug>delimitMate + char
+e.g.: for "(":
+( is mapped to <Plug>delimitMate(
+e.g.: If you have <CR> expansion enabled, you might want to skip it on pop-up
+    imap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ?
+                     \"\<c-y>" :
+                     \ "<Plug>delimitMateCR"
+ 6. FUNCTIONS                                           *delimitMateFunctions*
+delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair()                  *delimitMate_WithinEmptyPair()*
+Returns 1 if the cursor is inside an empty pair, 0 otherwise.
+e.g.: >
+    inoremap <expr> <CR> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ?
+             \ "\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandReturn()\<CR>" :
+             \ "external_mapping"
+delimitMate#ShouldJump()                            *delimitMate#ShouldJump()*
+Returns 1 if there is a closing delimiter or a quote to the right of the
+cursor, 0 otherwise.
+delimitMate#JumpAny(key)                               *delimitMate#JumpAny()*
+This function returns a mapping that will make the cursor jump to the right
+when delimitMate#ShouldJump() returns 1, returns the argument "key" otherwise.
+e.g.: You can use this to create your own mapping to jump over any delimiter.
+   inoremap <C-Tab> <C-R>=delimitMate#JumpAny("\<C-Tab>")<CR>
+ 7. TODO LIST                                                *delimitMateTodo*
+- Automatic set-up by file type.
+- Make block-wise visual wrapping work on un-even regions.
+ 8. MAINTAINER                                         *delimitMateMaintainer*
+Hi there! My name is Israel Chauca F. and I can be reached at:
+    mailto:israelchauca@gmail.com
+Feel free to send me any suggestions and/or comments about this plugin, I'll
+be very pleased to read them.
+ 9. CREDITS                                               *delimitMateCredits*
+Contributors: ~
+  - Kim Silkebækken                                                         ~
+    Fixed mappings being echoed in the terminal.
+  - Eric Van Dewoestine                                                     ~
+    Implemented smart matchpairs.
+Some of the code that makes this script was modified or just shamelessly
+copied from the following sources:
+   - Ian McCracken                                                          ~
+     Post titled: Vim, Part II: Matching Pairs:
+     http://concisionandconcinnity.blogspot.com/
+   - Aristotle Pagaltzis                                                    ~
+     From the comments on the previous blog post and from:
+     http://gist.github.com/144619
+   - Karl Guertin                                                           ~
+     AutoClose:
+     http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1849
+   - Thiago Alves                                                           ~
+     AutoClose:
+     http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2009
+   - Edoardo Vacchi                                                         ~
+     ClosePairs:
+     http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2373
+This script was inspired by the auto-completion of delimiters on TextMate.
+ 10. HISTORY                                               *delimitMateHistory*
+  Version      Date      Release notes                                       ~
+    2.5.1   2010-09-30 * Current release:
+                         - Remove visual wrapping. Surround.vim offers a much
+                           better implementation.
+                         - Minor mods to DelimitMateTest.
+    2.5     2010-09-22 * - Better handling of mappings.
+                         - Add report for mappings in |:DelimitMateTest|.
+                         - Allow the use of "|" and multi-byte characters in
+                           |'delimitMate_quotes'| and |'delimitMate_matchpairs'|.
+                         - Allow commands to be concatenated using |.
+    2.4.1   2010-07-31 * - Fix problem with <Home> and <End>.
+                         - Add missing doc on |'delimitMate_smart_quotes'|,
+                           |delimitMateBalance| and
+                           |'delimitMate_balance_matchpairs'|.
+    2.4     2010-07-29 * - Unbalanced parens: see :help delimitMateBalance.
+                         - Visual wrapping now works on block-wise visual
+                           with some limitations.
+                         - Arrow keys didn't work on terminal.
+                         - Added option to allow nested quotes.
+                         - Expand Smart Quotes to look for a string on the
+                           right of the cursor.
+    2.3.1   2010-06-06 * - Fix: an extra <Space> is inserted after <Space>
+                           expansion.
+    2.3     2010-06-06 * - Syntax aware: Will turn off when editing comments
+                           or other regions, customizable.
+                         - Changed format of most mappings.
+                         - Fix: <CR> expansion doesn't brake automatic
+                           indentation adjustments anymore.
+                         - Fix: Arrow keys would insert A, B, C or D instead
+                           of moving the cursor when using Vim on a terminal.
+    2.2     2010-05-16 * - Added command to switch the plug-in on and off.
+                         - Fix: some problems with <Left>, <Right> and <CR>.
+                         - Fix: A small problem when inserting a delimiter at
+                           the beginning of the line.
+    2.1     2010-05-10 * - Most of the functions have been moved to an
+                           autoload script to avoid loading unnecessary ones.
+                         - Fixed a problem with the redo command.
+                         - Many small fixes.
+    2.0     2010-04-01 * New features:
+                         - All features are redo/undo-wise safe.
+                         - A single quote typed after an alphanumeric
+                           character is considered an apostrophe and one
+                           single quote is inserted.
+                         - A quote typed after another quote inserts a single
+                           quote and the cursor jumps to the middle.
+                         - <S-Tab> jumps out of any empty pair.
+                         - <CR> and <Space> expansions are fixed, but the
+                           functions used for it are global and can be used in
+                           custom mappings. The previous system is still
+                           active if you have any of the expansion options
+                           set.
+                         - <S-Backspace> deletes the closing delimiter.
+                         * Fixed bug:
+                         - s:vars were being used to store buffer options.
+    1.6     2009-10-10 * Now delimitMate tries to fix the balancing of single
+                         quotes when used as apostrophes. You can read
+                         |delimitMate_apostrophes| for details.
+                         Fixed an error when |b:delimitMate_expand_space|
+                         wasn't set but |delimitMate_expand_space| wasn't.
+    1.5     2009-10-05 * Fix: delimitMate should work correctly for files
+                         passed as arguments to Vim. Thanks to Ben Beuchler
+                         for helping to nail this bug.
+    1.4     2009-09-27 * Fix: delimitMate is now enabled on new buffers even
+                         if they don't have set the file type option or were
+                         opened directly from the terminal.
+    1.3     2009-09-24 * Now local options can be used along with autocmd
+                         for specific file type configurations.
+                         Fixes:
+                         - Unnamed register content is not lost on visual
+                         mode.
+                         - Use noremap where appropiate.
+                         - Wrapping a single empty line works as expected.
+    1.2     2009-09-07 * Fixes:
+                         - When inside nested empty pairs, deleting the
+                         innermost left delimiter would delete all right
+                         contiguous delimiters.
+                         - When inside an empty pair, inserting a left
+                         delimiter wouldn't insert the right one, instead
+                         the cursor would jump to the right.
+                         - New buffer inside the current window wouldn't
+                         have the mappings set.
+    1.1     2009-08-25 * Fixed an error that ocurred when mapleader wasn't
+                         set and added support for GetLatestScripts
+                         auto-detection.
+    1.0     2009-08-23 * Initial upload.
+  `\|||/´         MMM           \|/            www            __^__          ~
+   (o o)         (o o)          @ @           (O-O)          /(o o)\\        ~
+ooO_(_)_Ooo__ ooO_(_)_Ooo___oOO_(_)_OOo___oOO__(_)__OOo___oOO__(_)__OOo_____ ~
+_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|____ ~
+__|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_ ~
+_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|____ ~
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/delimitMate/plugin/delimitMate.vim	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+" ============================================================================
+" File:        plugin/delimitMate.vim
+" Version:     2.5.1
+" Modified:    2010-09-30
+" Description: This plugin provides auto-completion for quotes, parens, etc.
+" Maintainer:  Israel Chauca F. <israelchauca@gmail.com>
+" Manual:      Read ":help delimitMate".
+" Initialization: {{{
+if exists("g:loaded_delimitMate") || &cp
+	" User doesn't want this plugin or compatible is set, let's get out!
+	finish
+let g:loaded_delimitMate = 1
+if exists("s:loaded_delimitMate") && !exists("g:delimitMate_testing")
+	" Don't define the functions if they already exist: just do the work
+	" (unless we are testing):
+	call s:DelimitMateDo()
+	finish
+if v:version < 700
+	echoerr "delimitMate: this plugin requires vim >= 7!"
+	finish
+let s:loaded_delimitMate = 1
+let delimitMate_version = "2.5.1"
+function! s:option_init(name, default) "{{{
+	let b = exists("b:delimitMate_" . a:name)
+	let g = exists("g:delimitMate_" . a:name)
+	let prefix = "_l_delimitMate_"
+	if !b && !g
+		let sufix = a:default
+	elseif !b && g
+		exec "let sufix = g:delimitMate_" . a:name
+	else
+		exec "let sufix = b:delimitMate_" . a:name
+	endif
+	if exists("b:" . prefix . a:name)
+		exec "unlockvar! b:" . prefix . a:name
+	endif
+	exec "let b:" . prefix . a:name . " = " . string(sufix)
+	exec "lockvar! b:" . prefix . a:name
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:init() "{{{
+" Initialize variables:
+	" autoclose
+	call s:option_init("autoclose", 1)
+	" matchpairs
+	call s:option_init("matchpairs", string(&matchpairs)[1:-2])
+	call s:option_init("matchpairs_list", split(b:_l_delimitMate_matchpairs, ','))
+	call s:option_init("left_delims", split(b:_l_delimitMate_matchpairs, ':.,\='))
+	call s:option_init("right_delims", split(b:_l_delimitMate_matchpairs, ',\=.:'))
+	" quotes
+	call s:option_init("quotes", "\" ' `")
+	call s:option_init("quotes_list", split(b:_l_delimitMate_quotes))
+	" nesting_quotes
+	call s:option_init("nesting_quotes", [])
+	" excluded_regions
+	call s:option_init("excluded_regions", "Comment")
+	call s:option_init("excluded_regions_list", split(b:_l_delimitMate_excluded_regions, ',\s*'))
+	let enabled = len(b:_l_delimitMate_excluded_regions_list) > 0
+	call s:option_init("excluded_regions_enabled", enabled)
+	" excluded filetypes
+	call s:option_init("excluded_ft", "")
+	" expand_space
+	if exists("b:delimitMate_expand_space") && type(b:delimitMate_expand_space) == type("")
+		echom "b:delimitMate_expand_space is '".b:delimitMate_expand_space."' but it must be either 1 or 0!"
+		echom "Read :help 'delimitMate_expand_space' for more details."
+		unlet b:delimitMate_expand_space
+		let b:delimitMate_expand_space = 1
+	endif
+	if exists("g:delimitMate_expand_space") && type(g:delimitMate_expand_space) == type("")
+		echom "delimitMate_expand_space is '".g:delimitMate_expand_space."' but it must be either 1 or 0!"
+		echom "Read :help 'delimitMate_expand_space' for more details."
+		unlet g:delimitMate_expand_space
+		let g:delimitMate_expand_space = 1
+	endif
+	call s:option_init("expand_space", 0)
+	" expand_cr
+	if exists("b:delimitMate_expand_cr") && type(b:delimitMate_expand_cr) == type("")
+		echom "b:delimitMate_expand_cr is '".b:delimitMate_expand_cr."' but it must be either 1 or 0!"
+		echom "Read :help 'delimitMate_expand_cr' for more details."
+		unlet b:delimitMate_expand_cr
+		let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
+	endif
+	if exists("g:delimitMate_expand_cr") && type(g:delimitMate_expand_cr) == type("")
+		echom "delimitMate_expand_cr is '".g:delimitMate_expand_cr."' but it must be either 1 or 0!"
+		echom "Read :help 'delimitMate_expand_cr' for more details."
+		unlet g:delimitMate_expand_cr
+		let g:delimitMate_expand_cr = 1
+	endif
+	if ((&backspace !~ 'eol' || &backspace !~ 'start') && &backspace != 2) &&
+				\ ((exists('b:delimitMate_expand_cr') && b:delimitMate_expand_cr == 1) ||
+				\ (exists('g:delimitMate_expand_cr') && g:delimitMate_expand_cr == 1))
+		echom "delimitMate: There seems to be some incompatibility with your settings that may interfer with the expansion of <CR>. See :help 'delimitMate_expand_cr' for details."
+	endif
+	call s:option_init("expand_cr", 0)
+	" smart_matchpairs
+	call s:option_init("smart_matchpairs", 1)
+	" smart_quotes
+	call s:option_init("smart_quotes", 1)
+	" apostrophes
+	call s:option_init("apostrophes", "")
+	call s:option_init("apostrophes_list", split(b:_l_delimitMate_apostrophes, ":\s*"))
+	" tab2exit
+	call s:option_init("tab2exit", 1)
+	" balance_matchpairs
+	call s:option_init("balance_matchpairs", 0)
+	let b:_l_delimitMate_buffer = []
+	let b:loaded_delimitMate = 1
+endfunction "}}} Init()
+" Functions: {{{
+function! s:Map() "{{{
+	" Set mappings:
+	try
+		let save_cpo = &cpo
+		let save_keymap = &keymap
+		let save_iminsert = &iminsert
+		let save_imsearch = &imsearch
+		set keymap=
+		set cpo&vim
+		if b:_l_delimitMate_autoclose
+			call s:AutoClose()
+		else
+			call s:NoAutoClose()
+		endif
+		call s:ExtraMappings()
+	finally
+		let &cpo = save_cpo
+		let &keymap = save_keymap
+		let &iminsert = save_iminsert
+		let &imsearch = save_imsearch
+	endtry
+	let b:delimitMate_enabled = 1
+endfunction "}}} Map()
+function! s:Unmap() " {{{
+	let imaps =
+				\ b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims +
+				\ b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims +
+				\ b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list +
+				\ b:_l_delimitMate_apostrophes_list +
+				\ ['<BS>', '<S-BS>', '<Del>', '<CR>', '<Space>', '<S-Tab>', '<Esc>'] +
+				\ ['<Up>', '<Down>', '<Left>', '<Right>', '<LeftMouse>', '<RightMouse>'] +
+				\ ['<Home>', '<End>', '<PageUp>', '<PageDown>', '<S-Down>', '<S-Up>']
+	for map in imaps
+		if maparg(map, "i") =~? 'delimitMate'
+			if map == '|'
+				let map = '<Bar>'
+			endif
+			exec 'silent! iunmap <buffer> ' . map
+		endif
+	endfor
+	if !has('gui_running')
+		silent! iunmap <C-[>OC
+	endif
+	let b:delimitMate_enabled = 0
+endfunction " }}} s:Unmap()
+function! s:TestMappingsDo() "{{{
+	%d
+	if !exists("g:delimitMate_testing")
+		silent call delimitMate#TestMappings()
+	else
+		let temp_varsDM = [b:_l_delimitMate_expand_space, b:_l_delimitMate_expand_cr, b:_l_delimitMate_autoclose]
+		for i in [0,1]
+			let b:delimitMate_expand_space = i
+			let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = i
+			for a in [0,1]
+				let b:delimitMate_autoclose = a
+				call s:init()
+				call s:Unmap()
+				call s:Map()
+				call delimitMate#TestMappings()
+				normal o
+			endfor
+		endfor
+		let b:delimitMate_expand_space = temp_varsDM[0]
+		let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = temp_varsDM[1]
+		let b:delimitMate_autoclose = temp_varsDM[2]
+		unlet temp_varsDM
+	endif
+	normal gg
+	g/\%^$/d
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:DelimitMateDo(...) "{{{
+	" Initialize settings:
+	call s:init()
+	" Check if this file type is excluded:
+	if exists("g:delimitMate_excluded_ft") &&
+				\ index(split(g:delimitMate_excluded_ft, ','), &filetype, 0, 1) >= 0
+			" Remove any magic:
+			call s:Unmap()
+			" Finish here:
+			return 1
+	endif
+	" First, remove all magic, if needed:
+	if exists("b:delimitMate_enabled") && b:delimitMate_enabled == 1
+		call s:Unmap()
+	endif
+	" Now, add magic:
+	call s:Map()
+	if a:0 > 0
+		echo "delimitMate has been reset."
+	endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:DelimitMateSwitch() "{{{
+	call s:init()
+	if exists("b:delimitMate_enabled") && b:delimitMate_enabled
+		call s:Unmap()
+		echo "delimitMate has been disabled."
+	else
+		call s:Unmap()
+		call s:Map()
+		echo "delimitMate has been enabled."
+	endif
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:Finish()
+	if exists('g:delimitMate_loaded')
+		return delimitMate#Finish()
+	endif
+	return ''
+function! s:FlushBuffer()
+	if exists('g:delimitMate_loaded')
+		return delimitMate#FlushBuffer()
+	endif
+	return ''
+" Mappers: {{{
+function! s:NoAutoClose() "{{{
+	" inoremap <buffer> ) <C-R>=delimitMate#SkipDelim('\)')<CR>
+	for delim in b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims + b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list
+		if delim == '|'
+			let delim = '<Bar>'
+		endif
+		exec 'inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMate' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#SkipDelim("' . escape(delim,'"') . '")<CR>'
+		exec 'silent! imap <unique> <buffer> '.delim.' <Plug>delimitMate'.delim
+	endfor
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:AutoClose() "{{{
+	" Add matching pair and jump to the midle:
+	" inoremap <silent> <buffer> ( ()<Left>
+	let i = 0
+	while i < len(b:_l_delimitMate_matchpairs_list)
+		let ld = b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i] == '|' ? '<bar>' : b:_l_delimitMate_left_delims[i]
+		let rd = b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i] == '|' ? '<bar>' : b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims[i]
+		exec 'inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMate' . ld . ' ' . ld . '<C-R>=delimitMate#ParenDelim("' . escape(rd, '|') . '")<CR>'
+		exec 'silent! imap <unique> <buffer> '.ld.' <Plug>delimitMate'.ld
+		let i += 1
+	endwhile
+	" Exit from inside the matching pair:
+	for delim in b:_l_delimitMate_right_delims
+		exec 'inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMate' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#JumpOut("\' . delim . '")<CR>'
+		exec 'silent! imap <unique> <buffer> ' . delim . ' <Plug>delimitMate'. delim
+	endfor
+	" Add matching quote and jump to the midle, or exit if inside a pair of matching quotes:
+	" inoremap <silent> <buffer> " <C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim("\"")<CR>
+	for delim in b:_l_delimitMate_quotes_list
+		if delim == '|'
+			let delim = '<Bar>'
+		endif
+		exec 'inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMate' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim("\' . delim . '")<CR>'
+		exec 'silent! imap <unique> <buffer> ' . delim . ' <Plug>delimitMate' . delim
+	endfor
+	" Try to fix the use of apostrophes (kept for backward compatibility):
+	" inoremap <silent> <buffer> n't n't
+	for map in b:_l_delimitMate_apostrophes_list
+		exec "inoremap <silent> " . map . " " . map
+		exec 'silent! imap <unique> <buffer> ' . map . ' <Plug>delimitMate' . map
+	endfor
+endfunction "}}}
+function! s:ExtraMappings() "{{{
+	" If pair is empty, delete both delimiters:
+	inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMateBS <C-R>=delimitMate#BS()<CR>
+	" If pair is empty, delete closing delimiter:
+	inoremap <silent> <expr> <Plug>delimitMateS-BS delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#Del()\<CR>" : "\<S-BS>"
+	" Expand return if inside an empty pair:
+	inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMateCR <C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandReturn()<CR>
+	" Expand space if inside an empty pair:
+	inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMateSpace <C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandSpace()<CR>
+	" Jump out ot any empty pair:
+	inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMateS-Tab <C-R>=delimitMate#JumpAny("\<S-Tab>")<CR>
+	" Change char buffer on Del:
+	inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMateDel <C-R>=delimitMate#Del()<CR>
+	" Flush the char buffer on movement keystrokes or when leaving insert mode:
+	for map in ['Esc', 'Left', 'Right', 'Home', 'End']
+		exec 'inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMate'.map.' <C-R>=<SID>Finish()<CR><'.map.'>'
+		if !hasmapto('<Plug>delimitMate'.map, 'i')
+			exec 'silent! imap <unique> <buffer> <'.map.'> <Plug>delimitMate'.map
+		endif
+	endfor
+	" Except when pop-up menu is active:
+	for map in ['Up', 'Down', 'PageUp', 'PageDown', 'S-Down', 'S-Up']
+		exec 'inoremap <silent> <expr> <Plug>delimitMate'.map.' pumvisible() ? "\<'.map.'>" : "\<C-R>=\<SID>Finish()\<CR>\<'.map.'>"'
+		if !hasmapto('<Plug>delimitMate'.map, 'i')
+			exec 'silent! imap <unique> <buffer> <'.map.'> <Plug>delimitMate'.map
+		endif
+	endfor
+	" Avoid ambiguous mappings:
+	for map in ['LeftMouse', 'RightMouse']
+		exec 'inoremap <silent> <Plug>delimitMateM'.map.' <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><'.map.'>'
+		if !hasmapto('<Plug>delimitMate'.map, 'i')
+			exec 'silent! imap <unique> <buffer> <'.map.'> <Plug>delimitMateM'.map
+		endif
+	endfor
+	" Map away!
+	if !hasmapto('<Plug>delimitMateDel', 'i')
+		silent! imap <unique> <buffer> <Del> <Plug>delimitMateDel
+	endif
+	if !hasmapto('<Plug>delimitMateBS','i')
+		silent! imap <unique> <buffer> <BS> <Plug>delimitMateBS
+	endif
+	if !hasmapto('<Plug>delimitMateS-BS','i')
+		silent! imap <unique> <buffer> <S-BS> <Plug>delimitMateS-BS
+	endif
+	if b:_l_delimitMate_expand_cr != 0 && !hasmapto('<Plug>delimitMateCR', 'i')
+		silent! imap <unique> <buffer> <CR> <Plug>delimitMateCR
+	endif
+	if b:_l_delimitMate_expand_space != 0 && !hasmapto('<Plug>delimitMateSpace', 'i')
+		silent! imap <unique> <buffer> <Space> <Plug>delimitMateSpace
+	endif
+	if b:_l_delimitMate_tab2exit && !hasmapto('<Plug>delimitMateS-Tab', 'i')
+		silent! imap <unique> <buffer> <S-Tab> <Plug>delimitMateS-Tab
+	endif
+	" The following simply creates an ambiguous mapping so vim fully processes
+	" the escape sequence for terminal keys, see 'ttimeout' for a rough
+	" explanation, this just forces it to work
+	if !has('gui_running')
+		imap <silent> <C-[>OC <RIGHT>
+	endif
+endfunction "}}}
+" Commands: {{{
+call s:DelimitMateDo()
+" Let me refresh without re-loading the buffer:
+command! -bar DelimitMateReload call s:DelimitMateDo(1)
+" Quick test:
+command! -bar DelimitMateTest silent call s:TestMappingsDo()
+" Switch On/Off:
+command! -bar DelimitMateSwitch call s:DelimitMateSwitch()
+" Autocommands: {{{
+augroup delimitMate
+	au!
+	" Run on file type change.
+	"autocmd VimEnter * autocmd FileType * call <SID>DelimitMateDo()
+	autocmd FileType * call <SID>DelimitMateDo()
+	" Run on new buffers.
+	autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter *
+				\ if !exists("b:loaded_delimitMate") |
+				\   call <SID>DelimitMateDo() |
+				\ endif
+	" Flush the char buffer:
+	autocmd InsertEnter * call <SID>FlushBuffer()
+	autocmd BufEnter *
+				\ if mode() == 'i' |
+				\   call <SID>FlushBuffer() |
+				\ endif
+augroup END
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 2754 1 :AutoInstall: delimitMate.vim
+" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4
--- a/vim/bundle/histwin/Makefile	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-SCRIPT=$(wildcard plugin/*.vim)
-AUTOL =$(wildcard autoload/*.vim)
-DOC=$(wildcard doc/*.txt)
-PLUGIN=$(shell basename "$$PWD")
-VERSION=$(shell sed -n '/Version:/{s/^.*\(\S\.\S\+\)$$/\1/;p}' $(SCRIPT))
-all: uninstall vimball install README
-vimball: $(PLUGIN).vba
-	rm -f *.vba */*.orig *.~* .VimballRecord
-dist-clean: clean
-	vim -N -c':so %' -c':q!' $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vba
-	vim -N -c':RmVimball' -c':q!' $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vba
-	for i in */*.orig; do mv -f "$$i" "$${i%.*}"; done
-	cp -f $(DOC) README
-	rm -f $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vba
-	vim -N -c 'ru! vimballPlugin.vim' -c ':call append("0", [ "$(SCRIPT)", "$(AUTOL)", "$(DOC)"])' -c '$$d' -c ":%MkVimball $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION)  ." -c':q!'
-	ln -f $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vba $(PLUGIN).vba
-release: version all
-	perl -i.orig -pne 'if (/Version:/) {s/\.(\d*)/sprintf(".%d", 1+$$1)/e}' ${SCRIPT} ${AUTOL}
-	perl -i.orig -pne 'if (/g:loaded_undo_browse =/) {s/\.(\d*)/sprintf(".%d", 1+$$1)/e}' ${SCRIPT}
-	perl -i -pne 'if (/GetLatestVimScripts:/) {s/(\d+)\s+:AutoInstall:/sprintf("%d :AutoInstall:", 1+$$1)/e}' ${SCRIPT}  ${AUTOL}
-	#perl -i -pne 'if (/Last Change:/) {s/\d+\.\d+\.\d\+$$/sprintf("%s", `date -R`)/e}' ${SCRIPT}
-	perl -i -pne 'if (/Last Change:/) {s/(:\s+).*\n/sprintf(": %s", `date -R`)/e}' ${SCRIPT} ${AUTOL}
-	perl -i.orig -pne 'if (/Version:/) {s/\.(\d+).*\n/sprintf(".%d %s", 1+$$1, `date -R`)/e}' ${DOC}
-	VERSION=$(shell sed -n '/Version:/{s/^.*\(\S\.\S\+\)$$/\1/;p}' $(SCRIPT))
--- a/vim/bundle/histwin/README	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-*histwin.txt*  Plugin to browse the undo-tree
-Version: 0.15 Thu, 07 Oct 2010 23:47:20 +0200
-Author:  Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
-Copyright: (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt             *histwin-copyright*
-           The VIM LICENSE applies to histwin.vim and histwin.txt
-           (see |copyright|) except use histwin instead of "Vim".
-1. Contents                                                  *histwin-contents*
-1. Contents.................................................|histwin-contents|
-2. Functionality............................................|histwin-plugin|
-   Opening the Undo-Tree Window.............................|histwin-browse|
-   Using tags...............................................|histwin-tags|
-3. Keybindings..............................................|histwin-keys|
-4. Configuration............................................|histwin-config|
-   Configuraion Variables...................................|histwin-var|
-   Color Configuration......................................|histwin-color|
-   Undolevels settings......................................|histwin-ut|
-5. Feedback.................................................|histwin-feedback|
-6. History..................................................|histwin-history|
-                                                        *histwin-plugin* *histwin*
-2. Functionality
-This plugin was written to allow an easy way of browsing the |undo-tree|, that
-is available with Vim. This allows to go back to any change that has been made
-previously, because these states are remembered by Vim within a branch in the
-undo-history. You can use |g-| or |g+| to move in Vim within the different
-Unfortunately, going back to any state isn't very comfortable and you always
-need to remember at what time you did that change. Therefore the
-histwin-Plugin allows to easily view the available states and branch back to
-any of these states. It opens a new window, which contains all available
-states and using this plugin allows you to tag a previous change or go back to
-a particular state.
-                                                        *histwin-browse* *:UB*
-2.1 Opening the Undo-Tree Window
-By default you can open the Undo-Tree Window by issuing :UB (Mnemonic:
-UndoBrowse). If you do this, you will see a window that looks
-like this:
-|Undo-Tree: FILENAME           |#!/bin/bash            |
-|======================        |                       |
-|                              |                       |
-|" actv. keys in this window   |if [ $# -ne 2 ];  the  |
-|" I toggles help screen       |    echo "Name: $0: arg|
-|" <Enter> goto undo branch    |    echo               |
-|" <C-L>   Update view         |    exit 1             |
-|" T       Tag sel. branch     |fi                     |
-|" P       Toggle view         |                       |
-|" D       Diff sel. branch    |if true; then          |
-|" R       Replay sel. branch  |    dir="${1%/*}"      |
-|" C       Clear all tags      |    file="${1##*/}"    |
-|" Q       Quit window         |    target="${2}/${di  |
-|"                             |    if [ ! -e "${targ  |
-|" Undo-Tree, v0.13            |        mkdir -p "$ta  |
-|                              |        mv "$1" "$tar  |
-|Nr   Time   Fl  Tag           |                       |
-|1)   Sep 01    /Start Editing/|                       |
-|2)   Sep 01 !  /First draft/  |                       |
-|3) 23:01:22                   |                       |
-|4) 23:02:57 *  /Release 1/    |                       |
-|5) 23:05:04                   |                       |
-This shows an extract of a sample file on the right side. The window on the
-left side, contains an overview of all available states that are known for
-this buffer or that have been tagged to remember that change.
-The first line contains 'Undo-Tree: filename' so that the user knows, for
-which file this window shows the available undo-branches. This is the heading.
-Following the heading is a small information banner, that contains the most
-important key combinations, that are available in this window. 
-After that list, all available undo-changes are displayed. This is a list,
-that contains the number, the time this change was made, some flags and the
-tags, that have been entered.
-The flags can be any of '!' or '*'. The '!' indicates, that this particular
-undo branch (that was probably tagged before) isn't available any more. The
-'*'  indicates, if that particular undo branch has been saved before (but is
-only visible in the dense view). See |histwin-ut| on why certain states might
-become inaccessible and what can be done against it. 
-In the detailed view, that is by default displayed, when you press 'P', the
-undo branch list will possibly be much longer. That is, because in this view,
-each save state will be displayed (along with it's save number). You
-can imagine, that this list might become very long.
-Additionally, the Change number, that identifies each change in the undo tree
-will be displayed. The change number can be used with the |:undo| command to
-jump to a particular change and the save number is useful with the |:earlier|
-and |:later| commands. 
-The active undo-branch on the right side is highlighted with the UBActive
-highlighting and the cursor will be positioned on that line. Use >
-:hi UBActive
-to see how it will be highlighted. See also |histwin-color|.
-                                                               *histwin-tags*
-By default, tags that you enter will be volatile. That is, whenever you quit
-Vim, these tags are lost. Currently there is no way, to store or retrieve old
-This behaviour was okay, until with Vim 7.3 the new permanent undo feature was
-included into Vim which makes undo information available even after restarting
-Vim. Starting with Vim 7.3 it is often desirable, to also store the tag
-information permanently.
-There is an easy way, to store your tag information easily, though. You can
-make use of the |viminfo| file, that stores states and search patterns and a
-like for later use. If you include the '!' flag when setting the option, vim
-will also store global variables, which then will be read back when restarting
-Vim (or by use of |rviminfo|). So if you like your tags be stored permanently,
-be sure, that you set your viminfo option correctly.
-(Note, currently, the viminfo file only stores global variables of type
-String, Float or Number, it can't store Dictionaries of Lists. There is a
-patch available, that will hopefully be soon be integrated in Vim mainline.
-So even if you set up your |viminfo| file correctly, the histwin plugin won't
-be able to restore your tags)
-                                                                *histwin-keys*
-3. Keybindings
-By default, the following keys are active in Normal mode in the Undo-Tree
-'Enter'  Go to the branch, on which is selected with the cursor. By default,
-         if switching to an older branch, the buffer will be set to
-         'nomodifiable'. If you don't want that, you need to set the
-         g:undo_tree_nomod variable to off (see |histwin-var|).
-'<C-L>'  Update the window
-'T'      Tag the branch, that is selected. You'll be prompted for a tag.
-         To make the tag permanent, see |histwin-tags|
-'P'      Toggle view (the change-number and save number will be displayed).
-         You can use this number to go directly to that change (see |:undo|).
-         Additionally the saved counter will be displayed, which can be used
-         to go directly to the text version of a file write using |later| or
-         |earlier|.
-'D'      Start diff mode with the branch that is selected by the cursor.
-         (see |08.7|)
-'R'      Replay all changes, that have been made from the beginning.
-         (see |histwin-config| for adjusting the speed)
-'C'      Clear all tags.
-'Q'      Quit window
-                                                *histwin-var* *histwin-config*
-4.1 Configuration variables
-You can adjust several parameters for the Undo-Tree window, by setting some
-variables in your .vimrc file.
-4.1.1 Disable printing the help
-To always show only a small information banner, set this in your .vimrc
-(by default this variable is 1) >
-    :let g:undo_tree_help = 0
-4.1.2 Display more details
-To always display the detailed view (which includes the Change number and the
-file save counter), set the g:undo_tree_dtl=0:
-(by default, this variable is 1) >
-    :let g:undo_tree_dtl = 0
-The change number can be used to directly jump to a undo state using |:undo|
-and the save counter can be used to directly go to the buffer's state when the
-file was written using |:earlier| and |:later|
-4.1.3 Customize the replay speed
-The speed with which to show each change, when replaying a undo-branch can be
-adjusted by setting to a value in milliseconds. If not specified, this is
-100ms. >
-    :let g:undo_tree_speed=200
-4.1.4 Adjust the window size.
-You can adjust the windows size by setting g:undo_tree_wdth to the number of
-columns you like. By default this is considered 30. When the change number is
-included in the list (see above), this value will increase by 10. >
-    :let g:undo_tree_wdth=40
-This will change the width of the window to 40 or 50, if the change number
-is included.
-4.1.5 Read-only and writable buffer states
-By default, old buffer states are set read only and you cannot modify these.
-This was done, since the author of the plugin started browsing the undo
-branches and started changing older versions over and over again. This is
-really confusing, since you start creating even more branches and you might
-end up fixing old bugs over and over.
-This is what happened to the author of this plugin, so now there is a
-configuration available that will set old buffers to be only read-only.
-Currently, this works, by detecting, if the cursor was on the last branch in
-the histwin window, and if the cursor was not on the last branch, the buffer
-will be set 'nomodifiable'. You can always set the buffer to be modifiable by
-issuing: >
-    :setl modifiable
-The default is to set the buffer read only. To disable this, you can set the
-g:undo_tree_nomod variable in your |.vimrc| like this: >
-    :let g:undo_tree_nomod = 0
-                                                               *histwin-color*
-4.2 Color configuration
-If you want to customize the colors, you can simply change the following
-groups, that are defined by the Undo-Tree Browser:
-UBTitle   this defines the color of the title file-name. By default this links
-          to Title (see |hl-Title|)
-UBInfo    this defines how the information banner looks like. By default this
-          links to Comment.
-UBList    this group defines the List items at the start e.g. 1), 2), This
-          links  to Identifier.
-UBTime    this defines, how the time is displayed. This links to Underlined.
-UBTag     This defines, how the tag should be highlighted. By default this
-          links to Special
-UBDelim   This group defines the look of the delimiter for the tag. By default
-          this links to Ignore
-UBActive  This group defines how the active selection is displayed. By default
-          this links to PmenuSel (see |hl-PmenuSel|)
-UBKey     This group defines, how keys are displayed within the information
-          banner. By default, this links to SpecialKey (see |hl-SpecialKey|)
-Say you want to change the color for the Tag values and you think, it should
-look like |IncSerch|, so you can do this in your .vimrc file: >
-:hi link UBTag IncSearch
-                                                               *histwin-ut*
-4.3 Undolevel settings
-When using Vim's |persistent-undo| feature and making many changes, you might
-encounter the situation, when some of your tags will be flagged with an '!'.
-This happens, when these undo-states are not available any more. This happens
-especially, when making so many changes, that your 'undolevels' setting
-interferes. Basically you have done so many changes, that your first changes
-will already be deleted. So the obvious fix is to set the 'undolevels' setting
-to a much higher value, like 10,000 or even higher. This will however increase
-the memory usage quite a lot.
-                                                            *histwin-feedback*
-5. Feedback
-Feedback is always welcome. If you like the plugin, please rate it at the
-You can also follow the development of the plugin at github:
-Please don't hesitate to report any bugs to the maintainer, mentioned in the
-third line of this document.
-                                                             *histwin-history*
-6. histwin History
-0.14    - don't fix the width of the histwin window
-        - now use the undotree() function by default (if patch 7.3.005 is
-          included)
-        - display save states in the detailed view
-        - display the '!' when a state is not accessible anymore
-        - fixed an annoying bug, that when jumping to a particular undo state,
-          the plugin would jump to the wrong state (I hate octal mode)
-        - Make displaying the time much more reliable and also don't display
-          the time, if the change happened more than 24h ago (instead, display
-          the date, when this change was done).
-        - slightly improved error handling.
-        - prepare plugin, to permantly store the undotags in the viminfo file
-          (this isn't supported by a plain vanilla vim and requires a patch)
-        - A major rewrite (code cleanup, better documentation)
-0.13    - New version that uses Vim 7.3 persistent undo features
-          |new-persistent-undo|
-        - Display saved counter in detailed view
-        - Display indicator for saved branches.
-        - in diff mode, don't set the original buffer to be nomodifiable
-          (so you can always merge chunks).
-        - Check for Vim Version 7.3 (the plugin won't work with older versions
-          of Vim)
-0.12    - Small extension to the help file
-        - generate help file with 'et' set, so the README at github looks
-          better
-        - Highlight the key binding using |hl-SpecialKey|
-        - The help tag for the color configuration was wrong.
-0.11    - Set old buffers read only (disable the setting via the 
-          g:undo_tree_nomod variable
-        - Make sure, Warning Messages are really displayed using :unsilent
-0.10    - Fixed annoying Resizing bug
-        - linebreak tags, if they are too long
-        - dynamically grow the histwin window, for longer tags (up
-          to a maximum)
-        - Bugfix: Always indicate the correct branch
-        - Added a few try/catch statements and some error handling
-0.9     - Error handling for Replaying (it may not work always)
-        - Documentation
-        - Use syntax highlighting
-        - Tagging finally works
-0.8     - code cleanup
-        - make speed of the replay adjustable. Use g:undo_tree_speed to set
-          time in milliseconds
-0.7.2   - make sure, when switching to a different undo-branch, the undo-tree will be reloaded
-        - check 'undolevel' settings  
-0.7.1   - fixed a problem with mapping the keys which broke the Undo-Tree keys
-          (I guess I don't fully understand, when to use s: and <sid>)
-0.7     - created autoloadPlugin (patch by Charles Campbell) Thanks!
-        - enabled GLVS (patch by Charles Campbell) Thanks!
-        - cleaned up old comments
-        - deleted :noautocmd which could cause trouble with other plugins
-        - small changes in coding style (<sid> to s:, fun instead of fu)
-        - made Plugin available as histwin.vba
-        - Check for availability of :UB before defining it
-          (could already by defined Blockquote.vim does for example)
-0.6     - fix missing bufname() when creating the undo_tree window
-        - make undo_tree window a little bit smaller
-          (size is adjustable via g:undo_tree_wdth variable)
-0.5     - add missing endif (which made version 0.4 unusuable)
-0.4     - Allow diffing with selected branch
-        - highlight current version
-        - Fix annoying bug, that displays 
-          --No lines in buffer--
-0.3     - Use changenr() to determine undobranch
-        - <C-L> updates view
-        - allow switching to initial load state, before
-          buffer was edited
--- a/vim/bundle/histwin/autoload/histwin.vim	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
-" histwin.vim - Vim global plugin for browsing the undo tree
-" -------------------------------------------------------------
-" Last Change: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 23:47:20 +0200
-" Maintainer:  Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
-" Version:     0.15
-" Copyright:   (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt
-"              The VIM LICENSE applies to histwin.vim 
-"              (see |copyright|) except use "histwin.vim" 
-"              instead of "Vim".
-"              No warranty, express or implied.
-"    *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-"    TODO:     - make tags permanent (needs patch for Vim)
-"              - rewrite script and make use of undotree() functionality
-"                that is available since Vim 7.3 (should work now)
-"              - Bugfix: Sometimes the histwin window contains invalid data,
-"                        not sure how to reproduce it. Closing and reoping is
-"                        the workaround.
-" Init: {{{1
-let s:cpo= &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" Show help banner?
-" per default enabled, you can change it,
-" if you set g:undobrowse_help to 0 e.g.
-" put in your .vimrc
-" :let g:undo_tree_help=0
-let s:undo_help=((exists("s:undo_help") ? s:undo_help : 1) )
-" This is a little bit confusing. If the variable is set to zero and the 
-" detailed view will be shown. If it is set to 1 the short view will be
-" displayed.
-let s:undo_tree_dtl   = (exists('g:undo_tree_dtl')   ? g:undo_tree_dtl   :   (exists("s:undo_tree_dtl") ? s:undo_tree_dtl : 1))
-" Functions:
-fun! s:Init()"{{{1
-	if exists("g:undo_tree_help")
-	   let s:undo_help=g:undo_tree_help
-	endif
-	if !exists("s:undo_winname")
-		let s:undo_winname='Undo_Tree'
-	endif
-	" speed, with which the replay will be played
-	" (duration between each change in milliseconds)
-	" set :let g:undo_tree_speed=250 in your .vimrc to override
-	let s:undo_tree_speed = (exists('g:undo_tree_speed') ? g:undo_tree_speed : 100)
-	" Set prefered width
-	let s:undo_tree_wdth  = (exists('g:undo_tree_wdth')  ? g:undo_tree_wdth  :  30)
-	" Show detail with Change nr?
-	let s:undo_tree_dtl   = (exists('g:undo_tree_dtl')   ? g:undo_tree_dtl   :  s:undo_tree_dtl)
-	" Set old versions nomodifiable
-	let s:undo_tree_nomod = (exists('g:undo_tree_nomod') ? g:undo_tree_nomod :   1)
-	" When switching to the undotree() function, be sure to use a Vim that is
-	" newer than 7.3.005
-	let s:undo_tree_epoch = (v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has("patch005")) ? 1 : 0)
-	if !exists("s:undo_tree_wdth_orig")
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth_orig = s:undo_tree_wdth
-	endif
-	if !exists("s:undo_tree_wdth_max")
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth_max  = 50
-	endif
-	if bufname('') != s:undo_winname
-		let s:orig_buffer = bufnr('')
-	endif
-	" Make sure we are in the right buffer
-	" and this window still exists
-	if bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) == -1
-		wincmd p
-		let s:orig_buffer=bufnr('')
-	endif
-	" Move to the buffer, we are monitoring
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . 'wincmd w'
-	if !exists("b:undo_customtags")
-    " TODO: Activate, when viminfo patch has been incorporated into vim
-	"
-	"	let fpath=fnameescape(fnamemodify(bufname('.'), ':p'))
-	"	if exists("g:UNDO_CTAGS") && has_key(g:UNDO_CTAGS, fpath)
-	"		let b:undo_customtags = g:UNDO_CTAGS[fpath]
-	"	else
-			let b:undo_customtags={}
-	"	endif
-	endif
-	" global variable, that will be stored in the 'viminfo' file
-    " TODO: Activate, when viminfo patch has been incorporated into vim
-	" (currently, viminfo only stores numbers and strings, no dictionaries)
-	" delete the '&& 0' to enable
-	if !exists("g:UNDO_CTAGS") && s:undo_tree_epoch && 0
-		let filename=fnameescape(fnamemodify(bufname('.'),':p'))
-		let g:UNDO_CTAGS={}
-		let g:UNDO_CTAGS[filename]=b:undo_customtags
-		if (!s:ReturnLastChange(g:UNDO_CTAGS[filename]) <= changenr())
-			unlet g:UNDO_CTAGS[filename]
-			if !len(g:UNDO_CTAGS)
-				unlet g:UNDO_CTAGS
-			endif
-		endif
-	endif
-endfun "}}}
-fun! histwin#WarningMsg(msg)"{{{1
-	echohl WarningMsg
-	let msg = "histwin: " . a:msg
-	if exists(":unsilent") == 2
-		unsilent echomsg msg
-	else
-		echomsg msg
-	endif
-	echohl Normal
-	let v:errmsg = msg
-endfun "}}}
-fun! s:ReturnHistList()"{{{1
-	let histdict={}
-	let customtags=copy(b:undo_customtags)
-	redir => a
-		sil :undol
-	redir end
-	" First item contains the header
-	let templist=split(a, '\n')[1:]
-	if s:undo_tree_epoch
-		if empty(templist)
-			return {}
-		endif
-		let ut=[]
-		" Vim 7.3 introduced the undotree function, which we'll use to get all save
-		" states. Unfortunately, Vim would crash, if you used the undotree()
-		" function before version 7.3.005
-		"
-		" return a list of all the changes and then use only these changes, 
-		" that are returned by the :undolist command
-		" (it's hard to get the right branches, so we parse the :undolist
-		" command and only take these entries (plus the first and last entry)
-		let ut=s:GetUndotreeEntries(undotree().entries)
-		let templist=map(templist, 'split(v:val)[0]')
-		let re = '^\%(' . join(templist, '\|') . '\)$'
-		let first = ut[0]
-		let first.tag='Start Editing'
-		if s:undo_tree_dtl
-			call filter(ut, 'v:val.seq =~ re')
-		else
-			call filter(ut, 'v:val.seq =~ re || v:val.save > 0')
-		endif
-		let ut= [first] + ut
-		for item in ut
-			if has_key(customtags, item.seq)
-				let tag=customtags[item.seq].tag
-				call remove(customtags,item.seq)
-			else
-				let tag=(has_key(item, 'tag') ? item.tag : '')
-			endif
-			let histdict[item.seq]={'change': item.seq,
-				\'number': item.number,
-				\'time': item.time,
-				\'tag': tag,
-				\'save': (has_key(item, 'save') ? item.save : 0),
-				\}
-		endfor
-		let first_seq = first.seq
-	else
-		" include the starting point as the first change.
-		" unfortunately, there does not seem to exist an 
-		" easy way to obtain the state of the first change,
-		" so we will be inserting a dummy entry and need to
-		" check later, if this is called.
-		let histdict[0] = {'number': 0, 'change': 0, 'time': '00:00:00', 'tag': 'Start Editing' ,'save':0}
-		let first_seq = matchstr(templist[0], '^\s\+\zs\d\+')+0
-		let i=1
-		for item in templist
-			let change	=  matchstr(item, '^\s\+\zs\d\+') + 0
-			" Actually the number attribute will not be used, but we store it
-			" anyway, since we are already parsing the undolist manually.
-			let nr		=  matchstr(item, '^\s\+\d\+\s\+\zs\d\+') + 0
-			let time	=  matchstr(item, '^\%(\s\+\d\+\)\{2}\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze\s*\d*$')
-			let save	=  matchstr(item, '\s\+\zs\d\+$') + 0
-			if time !~ '\d\d:\d\d:\d\d'
-			let time=matchstr(time, '^\d\+')
-			let time=strftime('%H:%M:%S', localtime()-time)
-			endif
-			if has_key(customtags, change)
-				let tag=customtags[change].tag
-				call remove(customtags,change)
-			else
-				let tag=''
-			endif
-			let histdict[change]={'change': change, 'number': nr, 'time': time, 'tag': tag, 'save': save}
-			let i+=1
-		endfor
-	endif
-	unlet item
-	" Mark invalid entries in the customtags dictionary
-	for [key,item] in items(customtags)
-		if item.change < first_seq
-			let customtags[key].number = -1
-		endif
-	endfor
-	return extend(histdict,customtags,"force")
-fun! s:SortValues(a,b)"{{{1
-	return (a:a.change+0)==(a:b.change+0) ? 0 : (a:a.change+0) > (a:b.change+0) ? 1 : -1
-fun! s:MaxTagsLen()"{{{1
-	let tags = getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_customtags')
-	let d=[]
-	" return a list of all tags
-	let d=values(map(copy(tags), 'v:val["tag"]'))
-	let d+= ["Start Editing"]
-	"call map(d, 'strlen(substitute(v:val, ".", "x", "g"))')
-	call map(d, 'strlen(v:val)')
-	return max(d)
-fun! s:HistWin()"{{{1
-	let undo_buf=bufwinnr('^'.s:undo_winname.'$')
-	" Adjust size so that each tag will fit on the screen
-	" 16 is just the default length, that should fit within 30 chars
-	"let maxlen=s:MaxTagsLen() % (s:undo_tree_wdth_max)
-	let maxlen=s:MaxTagsLen()
-"	if !s:undo_tree_dtl
-"		let maxlen+=20     " detailed pane
-"	else
-"		let maxlen+=13     " short pane
-"	endif
-    let rd = (!s:undo_tree_dtl ? 20 : 13)
-	if maxlen > 16
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth = (s:undo_tree_wdth + maxlen - rd) % s:undo_tree_wdth_max
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth = (s:undo_tree_wdth < s:undo_tree_wdth_orig ? s:undo_tree_wdth_orig : s:undo_tree_wdth)
-	endif
-	" for the detail view, we need more space
-	if (!s:undo_tree_dtl) 
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth = s:undo_tree_wdth_orig + 10
-	else
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth = s:undo_tree_wdth_orig
-	endif
-	"if (maxlen + (!s:undo_tree_dtl*7)) > 13 + (!s:undo_tree_dtl*7)
-	"	let s:undo_tree_wdth+=(s:undo_tree_wdth + maxlen) % s:undo_tree_wdth_max
-	"endif
-	if undo_buf != -1
-		exe undo_buf . 'wincmd w'
-		if winwidth(0) != s:undo_tree_wdth
-			exe "vert res " . s:undo_tree_wdth
-		endif
-	else
-		execute s:undo_tree_wdth . "vsp " . s:undo_winname
-		setl noswapfile buftype=nowrite bufhidden=delete foldcolumn=0 nobuflisted 
-		let undo_buf=bufwinnr("")
-	endif
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . ' wincmd w'
-	return undo_buf
-fun! s:PrintUndoTree(winnr)"{{{1
-	let bufname     = (empty(bufname(s:orig_buffer)) ? '[No Name]' : fnamemodify(bufname(s:orig_buffer),':t'))
-	let changenr    = changenr()
-	let histdict    = b:undo_tagdict
-	exe a:winnr . 'wincmd w'
-	setl modifiable
-	" silent because :%d outputs this message:
-	" --No lines in buffer--
-	silent %d _
-	call setline(1,'Undo-Tree: '.bufname)
-	put =repeat('=', strlen(getline(1)))
-	put =''
-	call s:PrintHelp(s:undo_help)
-	if s:undo_tree_dtl
-		call append('$', printf("%-*s %-9s %2s %s", strlen(len(histdict)), "Nr", "  Time", "Fl", "Tag"))
-	else
-		call append('$', printf("%-*s %-9s %-6s %-4s %2s %s", strlen(len(histdict)), "Nr", "  Time", "Change", "Save", "Fl", "Tag"))
-	endif
-	if len(histdict) == 0
-		call append('$', "\" No undotree available")
-		let list=[]
-	else
-		let i=1
-		let list=sort(values(histdict), 's:SortValues')
-		for line in list
-			if s:undo_tree_dtl && line.number==0
-				continue
-			endif
-			let tag=line.tag
-			" this is only an educated guess.
-			" This should be calculated
-			let width=winwidth(0) -  (!s:undo_tree_dtl ? 22 : 14)
-			if strlen(tag) > width
-				let tag=substitute(tag, '.\{'.width.'}', '&\r', 'g')
-			endif
-			let tag = (empty(tag) ? tag : '/'.tag.'/')
-			if !s:undo_tree_dtl
-				call append('$', 
-				\ printf("%0*d) %8s %6d %4d %1s %s", 
-				\ strlen(len(histdict)), i, 
-				\ localtime() - line['time'] > 24*3600 ? strftime('%b %d', line['time']) : strftime('%H:%M:%S', line['time']),
-				\ line['change'], line['save'], 
-				\ (line['number']<0 ? '!' : ' '),
-				\ tag))
-			else
-				call append('$', 
-				\ printf("%0*d) %8s %1s %s", 
-				\ strlen(len(histdict)), i,
-				\ localtime() - line['time'] > 24*3600 ? strftime('%b %d', line['time']) : strftime('%H:%M:%S', line['time']),
-				\ (line['number']<0 ? '!' : (line['save'] ? '*' : ' ')),
-				\ tag))
-				" DEBUG Version:
-	"			call append('$', 
-	"			\ printf("%0*d) %8s %1s%1s %s %s", 
-	"			\ strlen(len(histdict)), i,
-	"			\ localtime() - line['time'] > 24*3600 ? strftime('%b %d', line['time']) : strftime('%H:%M:%S', line['time']),
-	"			\(line['save'] ? '*' : ' '),
-	"			\(line['number']<0 ? '!' : ' '),
-	"			\ tag, line['change']))
-			endif
-			let i+=1
-		endfor
-		%s/\r/\=submatch(0).repeat(' ', match(getline('.'), '\/')+1)/eg
-	endif
-	call s:HilightLines(s:GetLineNr(changenr,list)+1)
-	norm! zb
-	setl nomodifiable
-fun! s:HilightLines(changenr)"{{{1
-	syn match UBTitle      '^\%1lUndo-Tree: \zs.*$'
-	syn match UBInfo       '^".*$' contains=UBKEY
-	syn match UBKey        '^"\s\zs\%(\(<[^>]*>\)\|\u\)\ze\s'
-	syn match UBList       '^\d\+\ze' nextgroup=UBDate,UBTime
-	syn match UBDate       '\w\+\s\d\+\ze'
-	syn match UBTime       '\d\d:\d\d:\d\d' "nextgroup=UBDelimStart
-	syn region UBTag matchgroup=UBDelim start='/' end='/$' keepend
-	if a:changenr 
-		let search_pattern = '^0*'.a:changenr.')[^/]*'
-		"exe 'syn match UBActive "^0*'.a:changenr.')[^/]*"'
-		exe 'syn match UBActive "' . search_pattern . '"'
-		" Put cursor on the active tag
-		call search(search_pattern, 'cW')
-	endif
-	hi def link UBTitle			 Title
-	hi def link UBInfo	 		 Comment
-	hi def link UBList	 		 Identifier
-	hi def link UBTag	 		 Special
-	hi def link UBTime	 		 Underlined
-	hi def link UBDate	 		 Underlined
-	hi def link UBDelim			 Ignore
-	hi def link UBActive		 PmenuSel
-	hi def link UBKey            SpecialKey
-fun! s:PrintHelp(...)"{{{1
-	let mess=['" actv. keys in this window']
-	call add(mess, '" I toggles help screen')
-	if a:1
-		call add(mess, "\" <Enter> goto undo branch")
-		call add(mess, "\" <C-L>\t  Update view")
-		call add(mess, "\" T\t  Tag sel. branch")
-		call add(mess, "\" P\t  Toggle view")
-		call add(mess, "\" D\t  Diff sel. branch")
-		call add(mess, "\" R\t  Replay sel. branch")
-		call add(mess, "\" C\t  Clear all tags")
-		call add(mess, "\" Q\t  Quit window")
-		call add(mess, '"')
-		call add(mess, "\" Undo-Tree, v" . printf("%.02f",g:loaded_undo_browse))
-	endif
-	call add(mess, '')
-	call append('$', mess)
-fun! s:DiffUndoBranch()"{{{1
-	try
-		let change = s:ReturnBranch()
-	catch /histwin:/
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Please put the cursor on one list item, when switching to a branch!")
-		return
-	endtry	
-	let prevchangenr=<sid>UndoBranch()
-	if empty(prevchangenr)
-		return ''
-	endif
-	let cur_ft = &ft
-	let buffer=getline(1,'$')
-	try
-		exe ':u ' . prevchangenr
-		setl modifiable
-	catch /Vim(undo):Undo number \d\+ not found/
-		call s:WarningMsg("Undo Change not found!")
-		return ''
-	endtry
-	exe ':botright vsp '.tempname()
-	call setline(1, bufname(s:orig_buffer) . ' undo-branch: ' . change)
-	call append('$',buffer)
-    exe "setl ft=".cur_ft
-	silent w!
-	diffthis
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . 'wincmd w'
-	diffthis
-fun! s:GetLineNr(changenr,list) "{{{1
-	let i=0
-	for item in a:list
-		if s:undo_tree_dtl && item.number == 0
-			continue
-		endif
-	    if item['change'] >= a:changenr
-		   return i
-		endif
-		let i+=1
-	endfor
-	return -1
-fun! s:ReplayUndoBranch()"{{{1
-	try
-		let change    =    s:ReturnBranch()
-	catch /histwin:/
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Please put the cursor on one list item, when replaying a branch!")
-		return
-    endtry	
-	let tags       =  getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_tagdict')
-	if empty(tags)
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("No Undotree available. Won't Replay")
-		return
-	endif
-	let tlist      =  sort(values(tags), "s:SortValues")
-	if s:undo_tree_dtl
-		call filter(tlist, 'v:val.number != 0')
-	endif
-	let key        =  (len(tlist) > change ? tlist[change].change : '')
-	if empty(key)
-	   call histwin#WarningMsg("Nothing to do")
-	   return
-	endif
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . ' wincmd w'
-	let change_old = changenr()
-	try
-		exe ':u '     . b:undo_tagdict[key]['change']
-		exe 'earlier 99999999'
-		redraw
-		while changenr() < b:undo_tagdict[key]['change']
-			red
-			redraw
-			exe ':sleep ' . s:undo_tree_speed . 'm'
-		endw
-	"catch /Undo number \d\+ not found/
-	catch /Vim(undo):Undo number 0 not found/
-		exe ':u ' . change_old
-	    call s:WarningMsg("Replay not possible for initial state")
-	catch /Vim(undo):Undo number \d\+ not found/
-		exe ':u ' . change_old
-	    call s:WarningMsg("Replay not possible\nDid you reload the file?")
-	endtry
-fun! s:ReturnBranch()"{{{1
-	let a=matchstr(getline('.'), '^0*\zs\d\+\ze')+0
-	if a == -1
-		call search('^\d\+)', 'b')
-		let a=matchstr(getline('.'), '^0*\zs\d\+\ze')+0
-	endif
-	if a <= 0
-		throw "histwin: No Branch"
-		return 0
-	endif
-	return a-1
-fun! s:ToggleHelpScreen()"{{{1
-	let s:undo_help=!s:undo_help
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . ' wincmd w'
-	call s:PrintUndoTree(s:HistWin())
-fun! s:ToggleDetail()"{{{1
-	let s:undo_tree_dtl=!s:undo_tree_dtl
-	call histwin#UndoBrowse()
-fun! s:UndoBranchTag()"{{{1
-	try
-		let change     =    s:ReturnBranch()
-	catch /histwin:/
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Please put the cursor on one list item, when tagging a branch!")
-		return
-	endtry	
-	let tags       =  getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_tagdict')
-	if empty(tags)
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("No Undotree available. Won't tag")
-		return
-	endif
-	let cdict	   =  getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_customtags')
-	let tlist      =  sort(values(tags), "s:SortValues")
-	if s:undo_tree_dtl
-		call filter(tlist, 'v:val.number != 0')
-	endif
-	let key        =  (len(tlist) > change ? tlist[change].change : '')
-	if empty(key)
-		return
-	endif
-	call inputsave()
-	let tag=input("Tagname " . (change+1) . ": ", tags[key]['tag'])
-	call inputrestore()
-	let cdict[key]	 		 = {'tag': tag,
-				\'number': tags[key].number+0,
-				\'time':   tags[key].time+0,
-				\'change': key+0,
-				\'save': tags[key].save+0}
-	"let cdict[key]	 		 = {'tag': tag, 'number': 0, 'time': strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'change': key, 'save': 0}
-	"let tags[changenr]		 = {'tag': cdict[changenr][tag], 'change': changenr, 'number': tags[key]['number'], 'time': tags[key]['time']}
-	let tags[key]['tag']		 = tag
-	call setbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_tagdict', tags)
-	call setbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_customtags', cdict)
-fun! s:UndoBranch()"{{{1
-	let dict	=	 getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_tagdict')
-	if empty(dict)
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("No Undotree available. Can't switch to a different state!")
-		return
-	endif
-	try
-		let key     =    s:ReturnBranch()
-	catch /histwin:/
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Please put the cursor on one list item, when switching to a branch!")
-		return
-    endtry	
-	let tlist      =  sort(values(dict), "s:SortValues")
-	if s:undo_tree_dtl
-		call filter(tlist, 'v:val.number != 0')
-	endif
-	let key   =  (len(tlist) > key ? tlist[key].change : '')
-	if empty(key)
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Nothing to do.")
-		return
-	endif
-	" Last line?
-	if line('.') == line('$')
-		let tmod = 0
-	else
-		let tmod = 1
-	endif
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . 'wincmd w'
-	" Save cursor pos
-	let cpos = getpos('.')
-	let cmd=''
-	let cur_changenr=changenr()
-	"let list=sort(values(b:undo_tagdict), 's:SortValues')
-	"let len = len(b:undo_tagdict)
-	" if len==1, then there is no
-	" undo branch available, which means
-	" we can't undo anyway
-	try
-		if key==0
-		   " Jump back to initial state
-			"let cmd=':earlier 9999999'
-			:u1 
-			if !&modifiable
-				setl modifiable
-			endif
-			norm 1u
-		else
-			exe ':u '.dict[key]['change']
-		endif
-		if s:undo_tree_nomod && tmod
-			setl nomodifiable
-		else
-			setl modifiable
-		endif
-	catch /E830: Undo number \d\+ not found/
-		exe ':u ' . cur_changenr
-	    call histwin#WarningMsg("Undo Change not found.")
-		return 
-	endtry
-	" this might have changed, so we return to the old cursor
-	" position. This could still be wrong, so
-	" So this is our best effort approach.
-	call setpos('.', cpos)
-	return cur_changenr
-fun! s:MapKeys()"{{{1
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> I     :<C-U>silent :call <sid>ToggleHelpScreen()<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <C-L> :<C-U>silent :call histwin#UndoBrowse()<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> D     :<C-U>silent :call <sid>DiffUndoBranch()<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer>	R     :<C-U>call <sid>ReplayUndoBranch()<CR>:silent! :call histwin#UndoBrowse()<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> Q     :<C-U>q<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <CR>  :<C-U>silent :call <sid>UndoBranch()<CR>:call histwin#UndoBrowse()<CR>
-	nmap	 <script> <silent> <buffer> T     :call <sid>UndoBranchTag()<CR>:call histwin#UndoBrowse()<CR>
-	nmap     <script> <silent> <buffer>	P     :<C-U>silent :call <sid>ToggleDetail()<CR><C-L>
-	nmap	 <script> <silent> <buffer> C     :call <sid>ClearTags()<CR><C-L>
-endfun "}}}
-fun! s:ClearTags()"{{{1
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . 'wincmd w'
-	let b:undo_customtags={}
-	call histwin#UndoBrowse()
-fun! histwin#UndoBrowse()"{{{1
-	if &ul != -1
-		call s:Init()
-		let b:undo_win  = s:HistWin()
-		let b:undo_tagdict=s:ReturnHistList()
-		call s:PrintUndoTree(b:undo_win)
-		call s:MapKeys()
-	else
-		echoerr "Histwin: Undo has been disabled. Check your undolevel setting!"
-	endif
-endfun "}}}
-fun! s:ReturnLastChange(histdict) "{{{1
-	return max(keys(a:histdict))
-fun! s:GetUndotreeEntries(entry) "{{{1
-	let b=[]
-	" Return only entries, that have an 'alt' key, which means, an undo branch
-	" started there
-	for item in a:entry
-		call add(b, { 'seq': item.seq, 'time': item.time, 'number': 1,
-					\'save': has_key(item, 'save') ? item.save : 0})
-		if has_key(item, "alt")
-			" need to add the last seq. number that was in an alternative
-			" branch, so decrementing item.seq by one.
-			call extend(b,s:GetUndotreeEntries(item.alt))
-		endif
-	endfor
-	return b
-" Debug function, not needed {{{1
-fun! SortUndoTreeValues(a,b)"{{{2
-	return (a:a.seq)==(a:b.seq) ? 0 : (a:a.seq) > (a:b.seq) ? 1 : -1
-" Modeline and Finish stuff: {{{1
-let &cpo=s:cpo
-unlet s:cpo
-" vim: ts=4 sts=4 fdm=marker com+=l\:\" fdl=0
--- a/vim/bundle/histwin/doc/histwin.txt	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-*histwin.txt*  Plugin to browse the undo-tree
-Version: 0.15 Thu, 07 Oct 2010 23:47:20 +0200
-Author:  Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
-Copyright: (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt             *histwin-copyright*
-           The VIM LICENSE applies to histwin.vim and histwin.txt
-           (see |copyright|) except use histwin instead of "Vim".
-1. Contents                                                  *histwin-contents*
-1. Contents.................................................|histwin-contents|
-2. Functionality............................................|histwin-plugin|
-   Opening the Undo-Tree Window.............................|histwin-browse|
-   Using tags...............................................|histwin-tags|
-3. Keybindings..............................................|histwin-keys|
-4. Configuration............................................|histwin-config|
-   Configuraion Variables...................................|histwin-var|
-   Color Configuration......................................|histwin-color|
-   Undolevels settings......................................|histwin-ut|
-5. Feedback.................................................|histwin-feedback|
-6. History..................................................|histwin-history|
-                                                        *histwin-plugin* *histwin*
-2. Functionality
-This plugin was written to allow an easy way of browsing the |undo-tree|, that
-is available with Vim. This allows to go back to any change that has been made
-previously, because these states are remembered by Vim within a branch in the
-undo-history. You can use |g-| or |g+| to move in Vim within the different
-Unfortunately, going back to any state isn't very comfortable and you always
-need to remember at what time you did that change. Therefore the
-histwin-Plugin allows to easily view the available states and branch back to
-any of these states. It opens a new window, which contains all available
-states and using this plugin allows you to tag a previous change or go back to
-a particular state.
-                                                        *histwin-browse* *:UB*
-2.1 Opening the Undo-Tree Window
-By default you can open the Undo-Tree Window by issuing :UB (Mnemonic:
-UndoBrowse). If you do this, you will see a window that looks
-like this:
-|Undo-Tree: FILENAME           |#!/bin/bash            |
-|======================        |                       |
-|                              |                       |
-|" actv. keys in this window   |if [ $# -ne 2 ];  the  |
-|" I toggles help screen       |    echo "Name: $0: arg|
-|" <Enter> goto undo branch    |    echo               |
-|" <C-L>   Update view         |    exit 1             |
-|" T       Tag sel. branch     |fi                     |
-|" P       Toggle view         |                       |
-|" D       Diff sel. branch    |if true; then          |
-|" R       Replay sel. branch  |    dir="${1%/*}"      |
-|" C       Clear all tags      |    file="${1##*/}"    |
-|" Q       Quit window         |    target="${2}/${di  |
-|"                             |    if [ ! -e "${targ  |
-|" Undo-Tree, v0.13            |        mkdir -p "$ta  |
-|                              |        mv "$1" "$tar  |
-|Nr   Time   Fl  Tag           |                       |
-|1)   Sep 01    /Start Editing/|                       |
-|2)   Sep 01 !  /First draft/  |                       |
-|3) 23:01:22                   |                       |
-|4) 23:02:57 *  /Release 1/    |                       |
-|5) 23:05:04                   |                       |
-This shows an extract of a sample file on the right side. The window on the
-left side, contains an overview of all available states that are known for
-this buffer or that have been tagged to remember that change.
-The first line contains 'Undo-Tree: filename' so that the user knows, for
-which file this window shows the available undo-branches. This is the heading.
-Following the heading is a small information banner, that contains the most
-important key combinations, that are available in this window. 
-After that list, all available undo-changes are displayed. This is a list,
-that contains the number, the time this change was made, some flags and the
-tags, that have been entered.
-The flags can be any of '!' or '*'. The '!' indicates, that this particular
-undo branch (that was probably tagged before) isn't available any more. The
-'*'  indicates, if that particular undo branch has been saved before (but is
-only visible in the dense view). See |histwin-ut| on why certain states might
-become inaccessible and what can be done against it. 
-In the detailed view, that is by default displayed, when you press 'P', the
-undo branch list will possibly be much longer. That is, because in this view,
-each save state will be displayed (along with it's save number). You
-can imagine, that this list might become very long.
-Additionally, the Change number, that identifies each change in the undo tree
-will be displayed. The change number can be used with the |:undo| command to
-jump to a particular change and the save number is useful with the |:earlier|
-and |:later| commands. 
-The active undo-branch on the right side is highlighted with the UBActive
-highlighting and the cursor will be positioned on that line. Use >
-:hi UBActive
-to see how it will be highlighted. See also |histwin-color|.
-                                                               *histwin-tags*
-By default, tags that you enter will be volatile. That is, whenever you quit
-Vim, these tags are lost. Currently there is no way, to store or retrieve old
-This behaviour was okay, until with Vim 7.3 the new permanent undo feature was
-included into Vim which makes undo information available even after restarting
-Vim. Starting with Vim 7.3 it is often desirable, to also store the tag
-information permanently.
-There is an easy way, to store your tag information easily, though. You can
-make use of the |viminfo| file, that stores states and search patterns and a
-like for later use. If you include the '!' flag when setting the option, vim
-will also store global variables, which then will be read back when restarting
-Vim (or by use of |rviminfo|). So if you like your tags be stored permanently,
-be sure, that you set your viminfo option correctly.
-(Note, currently, the viminfo file only stores global variables of type
-String, Float or Number, it can't store Dictionaries of Lists. There is a
-patch available, that will hopefully be soon be integrated in Vim mainline.
-So even if you set up your |viminfo| file correctly, the histwin plugin won't
-be able to restore your tags)
-                                                                *histwin-keys*
-3. Keybindings
-By default, the following keys are active in Normal mode in the Undo-Tree
-'Enter'  Go to the branch, on which is selected with the cursor. By default,
-         if switching to an older branch, the buffer will be set to
-         'nomodifiable'. If you don't want that, you need to set the
-         g:undo_tree_nomod variable to off (see |histwin-var|).
-'<C-L>'  Update the window
-'T'      Tag the branch, that is selected. You'll be prompted for a tag.
-         To make the tag permanent, see |histwin-tags|
-'P'      Toggle view (the change-number and save number will be displayed).
-         You can use this number to go directly to that change (see |:undo|).
-         Additionally the saved counter will be displayed, which can be used
-         to go directly to the text version of a file write using |later| or
-         |earlier|.
-'D'      Start diff mode with the branch that is selected by the cursor.
-         (see |08.7|)
-'R'      Replay all changes, that have been made from the beginning.
-         (see |histwin-config| for adjusting the speed)
-'C'      Clear all tags.
-'Q'      Quit window
-                                                *histwin-var* *histwin-config*
-4.1 Configuration variables
-You can adjust several parameters for the Undo-Tree window, by setting some
-variables in your .vimrc file.
-4.1.1 Disable printing the help
-To always show only a small information banner, set this in your .vimrc
-(by default this variable is 1) >
-    :let g:undo_tree_help = 0
-4.1.2 Display more details
-To always display the detailed view (which includes the Change number and the
-file save counter), set the g:undo_tree_dtl=0:
-(by default, this variable is 1) >
-    :let g:undo_tree_dtl = 0
-The change number can be used to directly jump to a undo state using |:undo|
-and the save counter can be used to directly go to the buffer's state when the
-file was written using |:earlier| and |:later|
-4.1.3 Customize the replay speed
-The speed with which to show each change, when replaying a undo-branch can be
-adjusted by setting to a value in milliseconds. If not specified, this is
-100ms. >
-    :let g:undo_tree_speed=200
-4.1.4 Adjust the window size.
-You can adjust the windows size by setting g:undo_tree_wdth to the number of
-columns you like. By default this is considered 30. When the change number is
-included in the list (see above), this value will increase by 10. >
-    :let g:undo_tree_wdth=40
-This will change the width of the window to 40 or 50, if the change number
-is included.
-4.1.5 Read-only and writable buffer states
-By default, old buffer states are set read only and you cannot modify these.
-This was done, since the author of the plugin started browsing the undo
-branches and started changing older versions over and over again. This is
-really confusing, since you start creating even more branches and you might
-end up fixing old bugs over and over.
-This is what happened to the author of this plugin, so now there is a
-configuration available that will set old buffers to be only read-only.
-Currently, this works, by detecting, if the cursor was on the last branch in
-the histwin window, and if the cursor was not on the last branch, the buffer
-will be set 'nomodifiable'. You can always set the buffer to be modifiable by
-issuing: >
-    :setl modifiable
-The default is to set the buffer read only. To disable this, you can set the
-g:undo_tree_nomod variable in your |.vimrc| like this: >
-    :let g:undo_tree_nomod = 0
-                                                               *histwin-color*
-4.2 Color configuration
-If you want to customize the colors, you can simply change the following
-groups, that are defined by the Undo-Tree Browser:
-UBTitle   this defines the color of the title file-name. By default this links
-          to Title (see |hl-Title|)
-UBInfo    this defines how the information banner looks like. By default this
-          links to Comment.
-UBList    this group defines the List items at the start e.g. 1), 2), This
-          links  to Identifier.
-UBTime    this defines, how the time is displayed. This links to Underlined.
-UBTag     This defines, how the tag should be highlighted. By default this
-          links to Special
-UBDelim   This group defines the look of the delimiter for the tag. By default
-          this links to Ignore
-UBActive  This group defines how the active selection is displayed. By default
-          this links to PmenuSel (see |hl-PmenuSel|)
-UBKey     This group defines, how keys are displayed within the information
-          banner. By default, this links to SpecialKey (see |hl-SpecialKey|)
-Say you want to change the color for the Tag values and you think, it should
-look like |IncSerch|, so you can do this in your .vimrc file: >
-:hi link UBTag IncSearch
-                                                               *histwin-ut*
-4.3 Undolevel settings
-When using Vim's |persistent-undo| feature and making many changes, you might
-encounter the situation, when some of your tags will be flagged with an '!'.
-This happens, when these undo-states are not available any more. This happens
-especially, when making so many changes, that your 'undolevels' setting
-interferes. Basically you have done so many changes, that your first changes
-will already be deleted. So the obvious fix is to set the 'undolevels' setting
-to a much higher value, like 10,000 or even higher. This will however increase
-the memory usage quite a lot.
-                                                            *histwin-feedback*
-5. Feedback
-Feedback is always welcome. If you like the plugin, please rate it at the
-You can also follow the development of the plugin at github:
-Please don't hesitate to report any bugs to the maintainer, mentioned in the
-third line of this document.
-                                                             *histwin-history*
-6. histwin History
-0.14    - don't fix the width of the histwin window
-        - now use the undotree() function by default (if patch 7.3.005 is
-          included)
-        - display save states in the detailed view
-        - display the '!' when a state is not accessible anymore
-        - fixed an annoying bug, that when jumping to a particular undo state,
-          the plugin would jump to the wrong state (I hate octal mode)
-        - Make displaying the time much more reliable and also don't display
-          the time, if the change happened more than 24h ago (instead, display
-          the date, when this change was done).
-        - slightly improved error handling.
-        - prepare plugin, to permantly store the undotags in the viminfo file
-          (this isn't supported by a plain vanilla vim and requires a patch)
-        - A major rewrite (code cleanup, better documentation)
-0.13    - New version that uses Vim 7.3 persistent undo features
-          |new-persistent-undo|
-        - Display saved counter in detailed view
-        - Display indicator for saved branches.
-        - in diff mode, don't set the original buffer to be nomodifiable
-          (so you can always merge chunks).
-        - Check for Vim Version 7.3 (the plugin won't work with older versions
-          of Vim)
-0.12    - Small extension to the help file
-        - generate help file with 'et' set, so the README at github looks
-          better
-        - Highlight the key binding using |hl-SpecialKey|
-        - The help tag for the color configuration was wrong.
-0.11    - Set old buffers read only (disable the setting via the 
-          g:undo_tree_nomod variable
-        - Make sure, Warning Messages are really displayed using :unsilent
-0.10    - Fixed annoying Resizing bug
-        - linebreak tags, if they are too long
-        - dynamically grow the histwin window, for longer tags (up
-          to a maximum)
-        - Bugfix: Always indicate the correct branch
-        - Added a few try/catch statements and some error handling
-0.9     - Error handling for Replaying (it may not work always)
-        - Documentation
-        - Use syntax highlighting
-        - Tagging finally works
-0.8     - code cleanup
-        - make speed of the replay adjustable. Use g:undo_tree_speed to set
-          time in milliseconds
-0.7.2   - make sure, when switching to a different undo-branch, the undo-tree will be reloaded
-        - check 'undolevel' settings  
-0.7.1   - fixed a problem with mapping the keys which broke the Undo-Tree keys
-          (I guess I don't fully understand, when to use s: and <sid>)
-0.7     - created autoloadPlugin (patch by Charles Campbell) Thanks!
-        - enabled GLVS (patch by Charles Campbell) Thanks!
-        - cleaned up old comments
-        - deleted :noautocmd which could cause trouble with other plugins
-        - small changes in coding style (<sid> to s:, fun instead of fu)
-        - made Plugin available as histwin.vba
-        - Check for availability of :UB before defining it
-          (could already by defined Blockquote.vim does for example)
-0.6     - fix missing bufname() when creating the undo_tree window
-        - make undo_tree window a little bit smaller
-          (size is adjustable via g:undo_tree_wdth variable)
-0.5     - add missing endif (which made version 0.4 unusuable)
-0.4     - Allow diffing with selected branch
-        - highlight current version
-        - Fix annoying bug, that displays 
-          --No lines in buffer--
-0.3     - Use changenr() to determine undobranch
-        - <C-L> updates view
-        - allow switching to initial load state, before
-          buffer was edited
--- a/vim/bundle/histwin/histwin.vba	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1068 +0,0 @@
-" Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Jr., Ph.D.
-plugin/histwinPlugin.vim	[[[1
-" histwin.vim - Vim global plugin for browsing the undo tree
-" -------------------------------------------------------------
-" Last Change: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 23:47:20 +0200
-" Maintainer:  Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
-" Version:     0.15
-" Copyright:   (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt
-"              The VIM LICENSE applies to histwin.vim 
-"              (see |copyright|) except use "histwin.vim" 
-"              instead of "Vim".
-"              No warranty, express or implied.
-"    *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 2932 9 :AutoInstall: histwin.vim
-" Init:
-if exists("g:loaded_undo_browse") || &cp || &ul == -1
-  finish
-if v:version < 703
-	call histwin#WarningMsg("This plugin requires Vim 7.3 or higher")
-	finish
-let g:loaded_undo_browse = 0.15
-let s:cpo                = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" User_Command:
-if exists(":UB") != 2
-	com -nargs=0 UB :call histwin#UndoBrowse()
-	call histwin#WarningMsg("UB is already defined. May be by another Plugin?")
-" ChangeLog:
-" see :h histwin-history
-" Restore:
-let &cpo=s:cpo
-unlet s:cpo
-" vim: ts=4 sts=4 fdm=marker com+=l\:\" fdm=syntax
-autoload/histwin.vim	[[[1
-" histwin.vim - Vim global plugin for browsing the undo tree
-" -------------------------------------------------------------
-" Last Change: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 23:47:20 +0200
-" Maintainer:  Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
-" Version:     0.15
-" Copyright:   (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt
-"              The VIM LICENSE applies to histwin.vim 
-"              (see |copyright|) except use "histwin.vim" 
-"              instead of "Vim".
-"              No warranty, express or implied.
-"    *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-"    TODO:     - make tags permanent (needs patch for Vim)
-"              - rewrite script and make use of undotree() functionality
-"                that is available since Vim 7.3 (should work now)
-"              - Bugfix: Sometimes the histwin window contains invalid data,
-"                        not sure how to reproduce it. Closing and reoping is
-"                        the workaround.
-" Init: {{{1
-let s:cpo= &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" Show help banner?
-" per default enabled, you can change it,
-" if you set g:undobrowse_help to 0 e.g.
-" put in your .vimrc
-" :let g:undo_tree_help=0
-let s:undo_help=((exists("s:undo_help") ? s:undo_help : 1) )
-" This is a little bit confusing. If the variable is set to zero and the 
-" detailed view will be shown. If it is set to 1 the short view will be
-" displayed.
-let s:undo_tree_dtl   = (exists('g:undo_tree_dtl')   ? g:undo_tree_dtl   :   (exists("s:undo_tree_dtl") ? s:undo_tree_dtl : 1))
-" Functions:
-fun! s:Init()"{{{1
-	if exists("g:undo_tree_help")
-	   let s:undo_help=g:undo_tree_help
-	endif
-	if !exists("s:undo_winname")
-		let s:undo_winname='Undo_Tree'
-	endif
-	" speed, with which the replay will be played
-	" (duration between each change in milliseconds)
-	" set :let g:undo_tree_speed=250 in your .vimrc to override
-	let s:undo_tree_speed = (exists('g:undo_tree_speed') ? g:undo_tree_speed : 100)
-	" Set prefered width
-	let s:undo_tree_wdth  = (exists('g:undo_tree_wdth')  ? g:undo_tree_wdth  :  30)
-	" Show detail with Change nr?
-	let s:undo_tree_dtl   = (exists('g:undo_tree_dtl')   ? g:undo_tree_dtl   :  s:undo_tree_dtl)
-	" Set old versions nomodifiable
-	let s:undo_tree_nomod = (exists('g:undo_tree_nomod') ? g:undo_tree_nomod :   1)
-	" When switching to the undotree() function, be sure to use a Vim that is
-	" newer than 7.3.005
-	let s:undo_tree_epoch = (v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has("patch005")) ? 1 : 0)
-	if !exists("s:undo_tree_wdth_orig")
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth_orig = s:undo_tree_wdth
-	endif
-	if !exists("s:undo_tree_wdth_max")
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth_max  = 50
-	endif
-	if bufname('') != s:undo_winname
-		let s:orig_buffer = bufnr('')
-	endif
-	" Make sure we are in the right buffer
-	" and this window still exists
-	if bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) == -1
-		wincmd p
-		let s:orig_buffer=bufnr('')
-	endif
-	" Move to the buffer, we are monitoring
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . 'wincmd w'
-	if !exists("b:undo_customtags")
-    " TODO: Activate, when viminfo patch has been incorporated into vim
-	"
-	"	let fpath=fnameescape(fnamemodify(bufname('.'), ':p'))
-	"	if exists("g:UNDO_CTAGS") && has_key(g:UNDO_CTAGS, fpath)
-	"		let b:undo_customtags = g:UNDO_CTAGS[fpath]
-	"	else
-			let b:undo_customtags={}
-	"	endif
-	endif
-	" global variable, that will be stored in the 'viminfo' file
-    " TODO: Activate, when viminfo patch has been incorporated into vim
-	" (currently, viminfo only stores numbers and strings, no dictionaries)
-	" delete the '&& 0' to enable
-	if !exists("g:UNDO_CTAGS") && s:undo_tree_epoch && 0
-		let filename=fnameescape(fnamemodify(bufname('.'),':p'))
-		let g:UNDO_CTAGS={}
-		let g:UNDO_CTAGS[filename]=b:undo_customtags
-		if (!s:ReturnLastChange(g:UNDO_CTAGS[filename]) <= changenr())
-			unlet g:UNDO_CTAGS[filename]
-			if !len(g:UNDO_CTAGS)
-				unlet g:UNDO_CTAGS
-			endif
-		endif
-	endif
-endfun "}}}
-fun! histwin#WarningMsg(msg)"{{{1
-	echohl WarningMsg
-	let msg = "histwin: " . a:msg
-	if exists(":unsilent") == 2
-		unsilent echomsg msg
-	else
-		echomsg msg
-	endif
-	echohl Normal
-	let v:errmsg = msg
-endfun "}}}
-fun! s:ReturnHistList()"{{{1
-	let histdict={}
-	let customtags=copy(b:undo_customtags)
-	redir => a
-		sil :undol
-	redir end
-	" First item contains the header
-	let templist=split(a, '\n')[1:]
-	if s:undo_tree_epoch
-		if empty(templist)
-			return {}
-		endif
-		let ut=[]
-		" Vim 7.3 introduced the undotree function, which we'll use to get all save
-		" states. Unfortunately, Vim would crash, if you used the undotree()
-		" function before version 7.3.005
-		"
-		" return a list of all the changes and then use only these changes, 
-		" that are returned by the :undolist command
-		" (it's hard to get the right branches, so we parse the :undolist
-		" command and only take these entries (plus the first and last entry)
-		let ut=s:GetUndotreeEntries(undotree().entries)
-		let templist=map(templist, 'split(v:val)[0]')
-		let re = '^\%(' . join(templist, '\|') . '\)$'
-		let first = ut[0]
-		let first.tag='Start Editing'
-		if s:undo_tree_dtl
-			call filter(ut, 'v:val.seq =~ re')
-		else
-			call filter(ut, 'v:val.seq =~ re || v:val.save > 0')
-		endif
-		let ut= [first] + ut
-		for item in ut
-			if has_key(customtags, item.seq)
-				let tag=customtags[item.seq].tag
-				call remove(customtags,item.seq)
-			else
-				let tag=(has_key(item, 'tag') ? item.tag : '')
-			endif
-			let histdict[item.seq]={'change': item.seq,
-				\'number': item.number,
-				\'time': item.time,
-				\'tag': tag,
-				\'save': (has_key(item, 'save') ? item.save : 0),
-				\}
-		endfor
-		let first_seq = first.seq
-	else
-		" include the starting point as the first change.
-		" unfortunately, there does not seem to exist an 
-		" easy way to obtain the state of the first change,
-		" so we will be inserting a dummy entry and need to
-		" check later, if this is called.
-		let histdict[0] = {'number': 0, 'change': 0, 'time': '00:00:00', 'tag': 'Start Editing' ,'save':0}
-		let first_seq = matchstr(templist[0], '^\s\+\zs\d\+')+0
-		let i=1
-		for item in templist
-			let change	=  matchstr(item, '^\s\+\zs\d\+') + 0
-			" Actually the number attribute will not be used, but we store it
-			" anyway, since we are already parsing the undolist manually.
-			let nr		=  matchstr(item, '^\s\+\d\+\s\+\zs\d\+') + 0
-			let time	=  matchstr(item, '^\%(\s\+\d\+\)\{2}\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze\s*\d*$')
-			let save	=  matchstr(item, '\s\+\zs\d\+$') + 0
-			if time !~ '\d\d:\d\d:\d\d'
-			let time=matchstr(time, '^\d\+')
-			let time=strftime('%H:%M:%S', localtime()-time)
-			endif
-			if has_key(customtags, change)
-				let tag=customtags[change].tag
-				call remove(customtags,change)
-			else
-				let tag=''
-			endif
-			let histdict[change]={'change': change, 'number': nr, 'time': time, 'tag': tag, 'save': save}
-			let i+=1
-		endfor
-	endif
-	unlet item
-	" Mark invalid entries in the customtags dictionary
-	for [key,item] in items(customtags)
-		if item.change < first_seq
-			let customtags[key].number = -1
-		endif
-	endfor
-	return extend(histdict,customtags,"force")
-fun! s:SortValues(a,b)"{{{1
-	return (a:a.change+0)==(a:b.change+0) ? 0 : (a:a.change+0) > (a:b.change+0) ? 1 : -1
-fun! s:MaxTagsLen()"{{{1
-	let tags = getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_customtags')
-	let d=[]
-	" return a list of all tags
-	let d=values(map(copy(tags), 'v:val["tag"]'))
-	let d+= ["Start Editing"]
-	"call map(d, 'strlen(substitute(v:val, ".", "x", "g"))')
-	call map(d, 'strlen(v:val)')
-	return max(d)
-fun! s:HistWin()"{{{1
-	let undo_buf=bufwinnr('^'.s:undo_winname.'$')
-	" Adjust size so that each tag will fit on the screen
-	" 16 is just the default length, that should fit within 30 chars
-	"let maxlen=s:MaxTagsLen() % (s:undo_tree_wdth_max)
-	let maxlen=s:MaxTagsLen()
-"	if !s:undo_tree_dtl
-"		let maxlen+=20     " detailed pane
-"	else
-"		let maxlen+=13     " short pane
-"	endif
-    let rd = (!s:undo_tree_dtl ? 20 : 13)
-	if maxlen > 16
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth = (s:undo_tree_wdth + maxlen - rd) % s:undo_tree_wdth_max
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth = (s:undo_tree_wdth < s:undo_tree_wdth_orig ? s:undo_tree_wdth_orig : s:undo_tree_wdth)
-	endif
-	" for the detail view, we need more space
-	if (!s:undo_tree_dtl) 
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth = s:undo_tree_wdth_orig + 10
-	else
-		let s:undo_tree_wdth = s:undo_tree_wdth_orig
-	endif
-	"if (maxlen + (!s:undo_tree_dtl*7)) > 13 + (!s:undo_tree_dtl*7)
-	"	let s:undo_tree_wdth+=(s:undo_tree_wdth + maxlen) % s:undo_tree_wdth_max
-	"endif
-	if undo_buf != -1
-		exe undo_buf . 'wincmd w'
-		if winwidth(0) != s:undo_tree_wdth
-			exe "vert res " . s:undo_tree_wdth
-		endif
-	else
-		execute s:undo_tree_wdth . "vsp " . s:undo_winname
-		setl noswapfile buftype=nowrite bufhidden=delete foldcolumn=0 nobuflisted 
-		let undo_buf=bufwinnr("")
-	endif
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . ' wincmd w'
-	return undo_buf
-fun! s:PrintUndoTree(winnr)"{{{1
-	let bufname     = (empty(bufname(s:orig_buffer)) ? '[No Name]' : fnamemodify(bufname(s:orig_buffer),':t'))
-	let changenr    = changenr()
-	let histdict    = b:undo_tagdict
-	exe a:winnr . 'wincmd w'
-	setl modifiable
-	" silent because :%d outputs this message:
-	" --No lines in buffer--
-	silent %d _
-	call setline(1,'Undo-Tree: '.bufname)
-	put =repeat('=', strlen(getline(1)))
-	put =''
-	call s:PrintHelp(s:undo_help)
-	if s:undo_tree_dtl
-		call append('$', printf("%-*s %-9s %2s %s", strlen(len(histdict)), "Nr", "  Time", "Fl", "Tag"))
-	else
-		call append('$', printf("%-*s %-9s %-6s %-4s %2s %s", strlen(len(histdict)), "Nr", "  Time", "Change", "Save", "Fl", "Tag"))
-	endif
-	if len(histdict) == 0
-		call append('$', "\" No undotree available")
-		let list=[]
-	else
-		let i=1
-		let list=sort(values(histdict), 's:SortValues')
-		for line in list
-			if s:undo_tree_dtl && line.number==0
-				continue
-			endif
-			let tag=line.tag
-			" this is only an educated guess.
-			" This should be calculated
-			let width=winwidth(0) -  (!s:undo_tree_dtl ? 22 : 14)
-			if strlen(tag) > width
-				let tag=substitute(tag, '.\{'.width.'}', '&\r', 'g')
-			endif
-			let tag = (empty(tag) ? tag : '/'.tag.'/')
-			if !s:undo_tree_dtl
-				call append('$', 
-				\ printf("%0*d) %8s %6d %4d %1s %s", 
-				\ strlen(len(histdict)), i, 
-				\ localtime() - line['time'] > 24*3600 ? strftime('%b %d', line['time']) : strftime('%H:%M:%S', line['time']),
-				\ line['change'], line['save'], 
-				\ (line['number']<0 ? '!' : ' '),
-				\ tag))
-			else
-				call append('$', 
-				\ printf("%0*d) %8s %1s %s", 
-				\ strlen(len(histdict)), i,
-				\ localtime() - line['time'] > 24*3600 ? strftime('%b %d', line['time']) : strftime('%H:%M:%S', line['time']),
-				\ (line['number']<0 ? '!' : (line['save'] ? '*' : ' ')),
-				\ tag))
-				" DEBUG Version:
-	"			call append('$', 
-	"			\ printf("%0*d) %8s %1s%1s %s %s", 
-	"			\ strlen(len(histdict)), i,
-	"			\ localtime() - line['time'] > 24*3600 ? strftime('%b %d', line['time']) : strftime('%H:%M:%S', line['time']),
-	"			\(line['save'] ? '*' : ' '),
-	"			\(line['number']<0 ? '!' : ' '),
-	"			\ tag, line['change']))
-			endif
-			let i+=1
-		endfor
-		%s/\r/\=submatch(0).repeat(' ', match(getline('.'), '\/')+1)/eg
-	endif
-	call s:HilightLines(s:GetLineNr(changenr,list)+1)
-	norm! zb
-	setl nomodifiable
-fun! s:HilightLines(changenr)"{{{1
-	syn match UBTitle      '^\%1lUndo-Tree: \zs.*$'
-	syn match UBInfo       '^".*$' contains=UBKEY
-	syn match UBKey        '^"\s\zs\%(\(<[^>]*>\)\|\u\)\ze\s'
-	syn match UBList       '^\d\+\ze' nextgroup=UBDate,UBTime
-	syn match UBDate       '\w\+\s\d\+\ze'
-	syn match UBTime       '\d\d:\d\d:\d\d' "nextgroup=UBDelimStart
-	syn region UBTag matchgroup=UBDelim start='/' end='/$' keepend
-	if a:changenr 
-		let search_pattern = '^0*'.a:changenr.')[^/]*'
-		"exe 'syn match UBActive "^0*'.a:changenr.')[^/]*"'
-		exe 'syn match UBActive "' . search_pattern . '"'
-		" Put cursor on the active tag
-		call search(search_pattern, 'cW')
-	endif
-	hi def link UBTitle			 Title
-	hi def link UBInfo	 		 Comment
-	hi def link UBList	 		 Identifier
-	hi def link UBTag	 		 Special
-	hi def link UBTime	 		 Underlined
-	hi def link UBDate	 		 Underlined
-	hi def link UBDelim			 Ignore
-	hi def link UBActive		 PmenuSel
-	hi def link UBKey            SpecialKey
-fun! s:PrintHelp(...)"{{{1
-	let mess=['" actv. keys in this window']
-	call add(mess, '" I toggles help screen')
-	if a:1
-		call add(mess, "\" <Enter> goto undo branch")
-		call add(mess, "\" <C-L>\t  Update view")
-		call add(mess, "\" T\t  Tag sel. branch")
-		call add(mess, "\" P\t  Toggle view")
-		call add(mess, "\" D\t  Diff sel. branch")
-		call add(mess, "\" R\t  Replay sel. branch")
-		call add(mess, "\" C\t  Clear all tags")
-		call add(mess, "\" Q\t  Quit window")
-		call add(mess, '"')
-		call add(mess, "\" Undo-Tree, v" . printf("%.02f",g:loaded_undo_browse))
-	endif
-	call add(mess, '')
-	call append('$', mess)
-fun! s:DiffUndoBranch()"{{{1
-	try
-		let change = s:ReturnBranch()
-	catch /histwin:/
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Please put the cursor on one list item, when switching to a branch!")
-		return
-	endtry	
-	let prevchangenr=<sid>UndoBranch()
-	if empty(prevchangenr)
-		return ''
-	endif
-	let cur_ft = &ft
-	let buffer=getline(1,'$')
-	try
-		exe ':u ' . prevchangenr
-		setl modifiable
-	catch /Vim(undo):Undo number \d\+ not found/
-		call s:WarningMsg("Undo Change not found!")
-		return ''
-	endtry
-	exe ':botright vsp '.tempname()
-	call setline(1, bufname(s:orig_buffer) . ' undo-branch: ' . change)
-	call append('$',buffer)
-    exe "setl ft=".cur_ft
-	silent w!
-	diffthis
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . 'wincmd w'
-	diffthis
-fun! s:GetLineNr(changenr,list) "{{{1
-	let i=0
-	for item in a:list
-		if s:undo_tree_dtl && item.number == 0
-			continue
-		endif
-	    if item['change'] >= a:changenr
-		   return i
-		endif
-		let i+=1
-	endfor
-	return -1
-fun! s:ReplayUndoBranch()"{{{1
-	try
-		let change    =    s:ReturnBranch()
-	catch /histwin:/
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Please put the cursor on one list item, when replaying a branch!")
-		return
-    endtry	
-	let tags       =  getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_tagdict')
-	if empty(tags)
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("No Undotree available. Won't Replay")
-		return
-	endif
-	let tlist      =  sort(values(tags), "s:SortValues")
-	if s:undo_tree_dtl
-		call filter(tlist, 'v:val.number != 0')
-	endif
-	let key        =  (len(tlist) > change ? tlist[change].change : '')
-	if empty(key)
-	   call histwin#WarningMsg("Nothing to do")
-	   return
-	endif
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . ' wincmd w'
-	let change_old = changenr()
-	try
-		exe ':u '     . b:undo_tagdict[key]['change']
-		exe 'earlier 99999999'
-		redraw
-		while changenr() < b:undo_tagdict[key]['change']
-			red
-			redraw
-			exe ':sleep ' . s:undo_tree_speed . 'm'
-		endw
-	"catch /Undo number \d\+ not found/
-	catch /Vim(undo):Undo number 0 not found/
-		exe ':u ' . change_old
-	    call s:WarningMsg("Replay not possible for initial state")
-	catch /Vim(undo):Undo number \d\+ not found/
-		exe ':u ' . change_old
-	    call s:WarningMsg("Replay not possible\nDid you reload the file?")
-	endtry
-fun! s:ReturnBranch()"{{{1
-	let a=matchstr(getline('.'), '^0*\zs\d\+\ze')+0
-	if a == -1
-		call search('^\d\+)', 'b')
-		let a=matchstr(getline('.'), '^0*\zs\d\+\ze')+0
-	endif
-	if a <= 0
-		throw "histwin: No Branch"
-		return 0
-	endif
-	return a-1
-fun! s:ToggleHelpScreen()"{{{1
-	let s:undo_help=!s:undo_help
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . ' wincmd w'
-	call s:PrintUndoTree(s:HistWin())
-fun! s:ToggleDetail()"{{{1
-	let s:undo_tree_dtl=!s:undo_tree_dtl
-	call histwin#UndoBrowse()
-fun! s:UndoBranchTag()"{{{1
-	try
-		let change     =    s:ReturnBranch()
-	catch /histwin:/
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Please put the cursor on one list item, when tagging a branch!")
-		return
-	endtry	
-	let tags       =  getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_tagdict')
-	if empty(tags)
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("No Undotree available. Won't tag")
-		return
-	endif
-	let cdict	   =  getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_customtags')
-	let tlist      =  sort(values(tags), "s:SortValues")
-	if s:undo_tree_dtl
-		call filter(tlist, 'v:val.number != 0')
-	endif
-	let key        =  (len(tlist) > change ? tlist[change].change : '')
-	if empty(key)
-		return
-	endif
-	call inputsave()
-	let tag=input("Tagname " . (change+1) . ": ", tags[key]['tag'])
-	call inputrestore()
-	let cdict[key]	 		 = {'tag': tag,
-				\'number': tags[key].number+0,
-				\'time':   tags[key].time+0,
-				\'change': key+0,
-				\'save': tags[key].save+0}
-	"let cdict[key]	 		 = {'tag': tag, 'number': 0, 'time': strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'change': key, 'save': 0}
-	"let tags[changenr]		 = {'tag': cdict[changenr][tag], 'change': changenr, 'number': tags[key]['number'], 'time': tags[key]['time']}
-	let tags[key]['tag']		 = tag
-	call setbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_tagdict', tags)
-	call setbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_customtags', cdict)
-fun! s:UndoBranch()"{{{1
-	let dict	=	 getbufvar(s:orig_buffer, 'undo_tagdict')
-	if empty(dict)
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("No Undotree available. Can't switch to a different state!")
-		return
-	endif
-	try
-		let key     =    s:ReturnBranch()
-	catch /histwin:/
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Please put the cursor on one list item, when switching to a branch!")
-		return
-    endtry	
-	let tlist      =  sort(values(dict), "s:SortValues")
-	if s:undo_tree_dtl
-		call filter(tlist, 'v:val.number != 0')
-	endif
-	let key   =  (len(tlist) > key ? tlist[key].change : '')
-	if empty(key)
-		call histwin#WarningMsg("Nothing to do.")
-		return
-	endif
-	" Last line?
-	if line('.') == line('$')
-		let tmod = 0
-	else
-		let tmod = 1
-	endif
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . 'wincmd w'
-	" Save cursor pos
-	let cpos = getpos('.')
-	let cmd=''
-	let cur_changenr=changenr()
-	"let list=sort(values(b:undo_tagdict), 's:SortValues')
-	"let len = len(b:undo_tagdict)
-	" if len==1, then there is no
-	" undo branch available, which means
-	" we can't undo anyway
-	try
-		if key==0
-		   " Jump back to initial state
-			"let cmd=':earlier 9999999'
-			:u1 
-			if !&modifiable
-				setl modifiable
-			endif
-			norm 1u
-		else
-			exe ':u '.dict[key]['change']
-		endif
-		if s:undo_tree_nomod && tmod
-			setl nomodifiable
-		else
-			setl modifiable
-		endif
-	catch /E830: Undo number \d\+ not found/
-		exe ':u ' . cur_changenr
-	    call histwin#WarningMsg("Undo Change not found.")
-		return 
-	endtry
-	" this might have changed, so we return to the old cursor
-	" position. This could still be wrong, so
-	" So this is our best effort approach.
-	call setpos('.', cpos)
-	return cur_changenr
-fun! s:MapKeys()"{{{1
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> I     :<C-U>silent :call <sid>ToggleHelpScreen()<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <C-L> :<C-U>silent :call histwin#UndoBrowse()<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> D     :<C-U>silent :call <sid>DiffUndoBranch()<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer>	R     :<C-U>call <sid>ReplayUndoBranch()<CR>:silent! :call histwin#UndoBrowse()<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> Q     :<C-U>q<CR>
-	nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <CR>  :<C-U>silent :call <sid>UndoBranch()<CR>:call histwin#UndoBrowse()<CR>
-	nmap	 <script> <silent> <buffer> T     :call <sid>UndoBranchTag()<CR>:call histwin#UndoBrowse()<CR>
-	nmap     <script> <silent> <buffer>	P     :<C-U>silent :call <sid>ToggleDetail()<CR><C-L>
-	nmap	 <script> <silent> <buffer> C     :call <sid>ClearTags()<CR><C-L>
-endfun "}}}
-fun! s:ClearTags()"{{{1
-	exe bufwinnr(s:orig_buffer) . 'wincmd w'
-	let b:undo_customtags={}
-	call histwin#UndoBrowse()
-fun! histwin#UndoBrowse()"{{{1
-	if &ul != -1
-		call s:Init()
-		let b:undo_win  = s:HistWin()
-		let b:undo_tagdict=s:ReturnHistList()
-		call s:PrintUndoTree(b:undo_win)
-		call s:MapKeys()
-	else
-		echoerr "Histwin: Undo has been disabled. Check your undolevel setting!"
-	endif
-endfun "}}}
-fun! s:ReturnLastChange(histdict) "{{{1
-	return max(keys(a:histdict))
-fun! s:GetUndotreeEntries(entry) "{{{1
-	let b=[]
-	" Return only entries, that have an 'alt' key, which means, an undo branch
-	" started there
-	for item in a:entry
-		call add(b, { 'seq': item.seq, 'time': item.time, 'number': 1,
-					\'save': has_key(item, 'save') ? item.save : 0})
-		if has_key(item, "alt")
-			" need to add the last seq. number that was in an alternative
-			" branch, so decrementing item.seq by one.
-			call extend(b,s:GetUndotreeEntries(item.alt))
-		endif
-	endfor
-	return b
-" Debug function, not needed {{{1
-fun! SortUndoTreeValues(a,b)"{{{2
-	return (a:a.seq)==(a:b.seq) ? 0 : (a:a.seq) > (a:b.seq) ? 1 : -1
-" Modeline and Finish stuff: {{{1
-let &cpo=s:cpo
-unlet s:cpo
-" vim: ts=4 sts=4 fdm=marker com+=l\:\" fdl=0
-doc/histwin.txt	[[[1
-*histwin.txt*  Plugin to browse the undo-tree
-Version: 0.15 Thu, 07 Oct 2010 23:47:20 +0200
-Author:  Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
-Copyright: (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt             *histwin-copyright*
-           The VIM LICENSE applies to histwin.vim and histwin.txt
-           (see |copyright|) except use histwin instead of "Vim".
-1. Contents                                                  *histwin-contents*
-1. Contents.................................................|histwin-contents|
-2. Functionality............................................|histwin-plugin|
-   Opening the Undo-Tree Window.............................|histwin-browse|
-   Using tags...............................................|histwin-tags|
-3. Keybindings..............................................|histwin-keys|
-4. Configuration............................................|histwin-config|
-   Configuraion Variables...................................|histwin-var|
-   Color Configuration......................................|histwin-color|
-   Undolevels settings......................................|histwin-ut|
-5. Feedback.................................................|histwin-feedback|
-6. History..................................................|histwin-history|
-                                                        *histwin-plugin* *histwin*
-2. Functionality
-This plugin was written to allow an easy way of browsing the |undo-tree|, that
-is available with Vim. This allows to go back to any change that has been made
-previously, because these states are remembered by Vim within a branch in the
-undo-history. You can use |g-| or |g+| to move in Vim within the different
-Unfortunately, going back to any state isn't very comfortable and you always
-need to remember at what time you did that change. Therefore the
-histwin-Plugin allows to easily view the available states and branch back to
-any of these states. It opens a new window, which contains all available
-states and using this plugin allows you to tag a previous change or go back to
-a particular state.
-                                                        *histwin-browse* *:UB*
-2.1 Opening the Undo-Tree Window
-By default you can open the Undo-Tree Window by issuing :UB (Mnemonic:
-UndoBrowse). If you do this, you will see a window that looks
-like this:
-|Undo-Tree: FILENAME           |#!/bin/bash            |
-|======================        |                       |
-|                              |                       |
-|" actv. keys in this window   |if [ $# -ne 2 ];  the  |
-|" I toggles help screen       |    echo "Name: $0: arg|
-|" <Enter> goto undo branch    |    echo               |
-|" <C-L>   Update view         |    exit 1             |
-|" T       Tag sel. branch     |fi                     |
-|" P       Toggle view         |                       |
-|" D       Diff sel. branch    |if true; then          |
-|" R       Replay sel. branch  |    dir="${1%/*}"      |
-|" C       Clear all tags      |    file="${1##*/}"    |
-|" Q       Quit window         |    target="${2}/${di  |
-|"                             |    if [ ! -e "${targ  |
-|" Undo-Tree, v0.13            |        mkdir -p "$ta  |
-|                              |        mv "$1" "$tar  |
-|Nr   Time   Fl  Tag           |                       |
-|1)   Sep 01    /Start Editing/|                       |
-|2)   Sep 01 !  /First draft/  |                       |
-|3) 23:01:22                   |                       |
-|4) 23:02:57 *  /Release 1/    |                       |
-|5) 23:05:04                   |                       |
-This shows an extract of a sample file on the right side. The window on the
-left side, contains an overview of all available states that are known for
-this buffer or that have been tagged to remember that change.
-The first line contains 'Undo-Tree: filename' so that the user knows, for
-which file this window shows the available undo-branches. This is the heading.
-Following the heading is a small information banner, that contains the most
-important key combinations, that are available in this window. 
-After that list, all available undo-changes are displayed. This is a list,
-that contains the number, the time this change was made, some flags and the
-tags, that have been entered.
-The flags can be any of '!' or '*'. The '!' indicates, that this particular
-undo branch (that was probably tagged before) isn't available any more. The
-'*'  indicates, if that particular undo branch has been saved before (but is
-only visible in the dense view). See |histwin-ut| on why certain states might
-become inaccessible and what can be done against it. 
-In the detailed view, that is by default displayed, when you press 'P', the
-undo branch list will possibly be much longer. That is, because in this view,
-each save state will be displayed (along with it's save number). You
-can imagine, that this list might become very long.
-Additionally, the Change number, that identifies each change in the undo tree
-will be displayed. The change number can be used with the |:undo| command to
-jump to a particular change and the save number is useful with the |:earlier|
-and |:later| commands. 
-The active undo-branch on the right side is highlighted with the UBActive
-highlighting and the cursor will be positioned on that line. Use >
-:hi UBActive
-to see how it will be highlighted. See also |histwin-color|.
-                                                               *histwin-tags*
-By default, tags that you enter will be volatile. That is, whenever you quit
-Vim, these tags are lost. Currently there is no way, to store or retrieve old
-This behaviour was okay, until with Vim 7.3 the new permanent undo feature was
-included into Vim which makes undo information available even after restarting
-Vim. Starting with Vim 7.3 it is often desirable, to also store the tag
-information permanently.
-There is an easy way, to store your tag information easily, though. You can
-make use of the |viminfo| file, that stores states and search patterns and a
-like for later use. If you include the '!' flag when setting the option, vim
-will also store global variables, which then will be read back when restarting
-Vim (or by use of |rviminfo|). So if you like your tags be stored permanently,
-be sure, that you set your viminfo option correctly.
-(Note, currently, the viminfo file only stores global variables of type
-String, Float or Number, it can't store Dictionaries of Lists. There is a
-patch available, that will hopefully be soon be integrated in Vim mainline.
-So even if you set up your |viminfo| file correctly, the histwin plugin won't
-be able to restore your tags)
-                                                                *histwin-keys*
-3. Keybindings
-By default, the following keys are active in Normal mode in the Undo-Tree
-'Enter'  Go to the branch, on which is selected with the cursor. By default,
-         if switching to an older branch, the buffer will be set to
-         'nomodifiable'. If you don't want that, you need to set the
-         g:undo_tree_nomod variable to off (see |histwin-var|).
-'<C-L>'  Update the window
-'T'      Tag the branch, that is selected. You'll be prompted for a tag.
-         To make the tag permanent, see |histwin-tags|
-'P'      Toggle view (the change-number and save number will be displayed).
-         You can use this number to go directly to that change (see |:undo|).
-         Additionally the saved counter will be displayed, which can be used
-         to go directly to the text version of a file write using |later| or
-         |earlier|.
-'D'      Start diff mode with the branch that is selected by the cursor.
-         (see |08.7|)
-'R'      Replay all changes, that have been made from the beginning.
-         (see |histwin-config| for adjusting the speed)
-'C'      Clear all tags.
-'Q'      Quit window
-                                                *histwin-var* *histwin-config*
-4.1 Configuration variables
-You can adjust several parameters for the Undo-Tree window, by setting some
-variables in your .vimrc file.
-4.1.1 Disable printing the help
-To always show only a small information banner, set this in your .vimrc
-(by default this variable is 1) >
-    :let g:undo_tree_help = 0
-4.1.2 Display more details
-To always display the detailed view (which includes the Change number and the
-file save counter), set the g:undo_tree_dtl=0:
-(by default, this variable is 1) >
-    :let g:undo_tree_dtl = 0
-The change number can be used to directly jump to a undo state using |:undo|
-and the save counter can be used to directly go to the buffer's state when the
-file was written using |:earlier| and |:later|
-4.1.3 Customize the replay speed
-The speed with which to show each change, when replaying a undo-branch can be
-adjusted by setting to a value in milliseconds. If not specified, this is
-100ms. >
-    :let g:undo_tree_speed=200
-4.1.4 Adjust the window size.
-You can adjust the windows size by setting g:undo_tree_wdth to the number of
-columns you like. By default this is considered 30. When the change number is
-included in the list (see above), this value will increase by 10. >
-    :let g:undo_tree_wdth=40
-This will change the width of the window to 40 or 50, if the change number
-is included.
-4.1.5 Read-only and writable buffer states
-By default, old buffer states are set read only and you cannot modify these.
-This was done, since the author of the plugin started browsing the undo
-branches and started changing older versions over and over again. This is
-really confusing, since you start creating even more branches and you might
-end up fixing old bugs over and over.
-This is what happened to the author of this plugin, so now there is a
-configuration available that will set old buffers to be only read-only.
-Currently, this works, by detecting, if the cursor was on the last branch in
-the histwin window, and if the cursor was not on the last branch, the buffer
-will be set 'nomodifiable'. You can always set the buffer to be modifiable by
-issuing: >
-    :setl modifiable
-The default is to set the buffer read only. To disable this, you can set the
-g:undo_tree_nomod variable in your |.vimrc| like this: >
-    :let g:undo_tree_nomod = 0
-                                                               *histwin-color*
-4.2 Color configuration
-If you want to customize the colors, you can simply change the following
-groups, that are defined by the Undo-Tree Browser:
-UBTitle   this defines the color of the title file-name. By default this links
-          to Title (see |hl-Title|)
-UBInfo    this defines how the information banner looks like. By default this
-          links to Comment.
-UBList    this group defines the List items at the start e.g. 1), 2), This
-          links  to Identifier.
-UBTime    this defines, how the time is displayed. This links to Underlined.
-UBTag     This defines, how the tag should be highlighted. By default this
-          links to Special
-UBDelim   This group defines the look of the delimiter for the tag. By default
-          this links to Ignore
-UBActive  This group defines how the active selection is displayed. By default
-          this links to PmenuSel (see |hl-PmenuSel|)
-UBKey     This group defines, how keys are displayed within the information
-          banner. By default, this links to SpecialKey (see |hl-SpecialKey|)
-Say you want to change the color for the Tag values and you think, it should
-look like |IncSerch|, so you can do this in your .vimrc file: >
-:hi link UBTag IncSearch
-                                                               *histwin-ut*
-4.3 Undolevel settings
-When using Vim's |persistent-undo| feature and making many changes, you might
-encounter the situation, when some of your tags will be flagged with an '!'.
-This happens, when these undo-states are not available any more. This happens
-especially, when making so many changes, that your 'undolevels' setting
-interferes. Basically you have done so many changes, that your first changes
-will already be deleted. So the obvious fix is to set the 'undolevels' setting
-to a much higher value, like 10,000 or even higher. This will however increase
-the memory usage quite a lot.
-                                                            *histwin-feedback*
-5. Feedback
-Feedback is always welcome. If you like the plugin, please rate it at the
-You can also follow the development of the plugin at github:
-Please don't hesitate to report any bugs to the maintainer, mentioned in the
-third line of this document.
-                                                             *histwin-history*
-6. histwin History
-0.14    - don't fix the width of the histwin window
-        - now use the undotree() function by default (if patch 7.3.005 is
-          included)
-        - display save states in the detailed view
-        - display the '!' when a state is not accessible anymore
-        - fixed an annoying bug, that when jumping to a particular undo state,
-          the plugin would jump to the wrong state (I hate octal mode)
-        - Make displaying the time much more reliable and also don't display
-          the time, if the change happened more than 24h ago (instead, display
-          the date, when this change was done).
-        - slightly improved error handling.
-        - prepare plugin, to permantly store the undotags in the viminfo file
-          (this isn't supported by a plain vanilla vim and requires a patch)
-        - A major rewrite (code cleanup, better documentation)
-0.13    - New version that uses Vim 7.3 persistent undo features
-          |new-persistent-undo|
-        - Display saved counter in detailed view
-        - Display indicator for saved branches.
-        - in diff mode, don't set the original buffer to be nomodifiable
-          (so you can always merge chunks).
-        - Check for Vim Version 7.3 (the plugin won't work with older versions
-          of Vim)
-0.12    - Small extension to the help file
-        - generate help file with 'et' set, so the README at github looks
-          better
-        - Highlight the key binding using |hl-SpecialKey|
-        - The help tag for the color configuration was wrong.
-0.11    - Set old buffers read only (disable the setting via the 
-          g:undo_tree_nomod variable
-        - Make sure, Warning Messages are really displayed using :unsilent
-0.10    - Fixed annoying Resizing bug
-        - linebreak tags, if they are too long
-        - dynamically grow the histwin window, for longer tags (up
-          to a maximum)
-        - Bugfix: Always indicate the correct branch
-        - Added a few try/catch statements and some error handling
-0.9     - Error handling for Replaying (it may not work always)
-        - Documentation
-        - Use syntax highlighting
-        - Tagging finally works
-0.8     - code cleanup
-        - make speed of the replay adjustable. Use g:undo_tree_speed to set
-          time in milliseconds
-0.7.2   - make sure, when switching to a different undo-branch, the undo-tree will be reloaded
-        - check 'undolevel' settings  
-0.7.1   - fixed a problem with mapping the keys which broke the Undo-Tree keys
-          (I guess I don't fully understand, when to use s: and <sid>)
-0.7     - created autoloadPlugin (patch by Charles Campbell) Thanks!
-        - enabled GLVS (patch by Charles Campbell) Thanks!
-        - cleaned up old comments
-        - deleted :noautocmd which could cause trouble with other plugins
-        - small changes in coding style (<sid> to s:, fun instead of fu)
-        - made Plugin available as histwin.vba
-        - Check for availability of :UB before defining it
-          (could already by defined Blockquote.vim does for example)
-0.6     - fix missing bufname() when creating the undo_tree window
-        - make undo_tree window a little bit smaller
-          (size is adjustable via g:undo_tree_wdth variable)
-0.5     - add missing endif (which made version 0.4 unusuable)
-0.4     - Allow diffing with selected branch
-        - highlight current version
-        - Fix annoying bug, that displays 
-          --No lines in buffer--
-0.3     - Use changenr() to determine undobranch
-        - <C-L> updates view
-        - allow switching to initial load state, before
-          buffer was edited
--- a/vim/bundle/histwin/plugin/histwinPlugin.vim	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-" histwin.vim - Vim global plugin for browsing the undo tree
-" -------------------------------------------------------------
-" Last Change: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 23:47:20 +0200
-" Maintainer:  Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
-" Version:     0.15
-" Copyright:   (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt
-"              The VIM LICENSE applies to histwin.vim 
-"              (see |copyright|) except use "histwin.vim" 
-"              instead of "Vim".
-"              No warranty, express or implied.
-"    *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 2932 9 :AutoInstall: histwin.vim
-" Init:
-if exists("g:loaded_undo_browse") || &cp || &ul == -1
-  finish
-if v:version < 703
-	call histwin#WarningMsg("This plugin requires Vim 7.3 or higher")
-	finish
-let g:loaded_undo_browse = 0.15
-let s:cpo                = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" User_Command:
-if exists(":UB") != 2
-	com -nargs=0 UB :call histwin#UndoBrowse()
-	call histwin#WarningMsg("UB is already defined. May be by another Plugin?")
-" ChangeLog:
-" see :h histwin-history
-" Restore:
-let &cpo=s:cpo
-unlet s:cpo
-" vim: ts=4 sts=4 fdm=marker com+=l\:\" fdm=syntax
--- a/vim/bundle/histwin/post.pl	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use WWW::Mechanize;
-sub GetPassword() {
-	my $i=0;
-	my @pass;
-	my $passfile="./vim_passfile"; # line1: username, line2: password
-	open(PASS, '<',$passfile) or die "Can't open passwordfile: $passfile\n";
-	while(<PASS>){
-		chomp;
-		$pass[$i++] = $_;
-	}
-	close(PASS);
-	return @pass;
-my $sid=2932;
-my $file;
-my @files=glob('*.vba');
-#my $scriptversion=shift @ARGV;
-my $scriptversion = 0;
-my $versioncomment=shift @ARGV;
-my @userpasswordpair = GetPassword();
-for (@files) {
-	my $f = $_ if [ -f $_ ] && $_ =~ /\w+-[^.]+\.(\d+)\.vba/;
-	if ($1 > $scriptversion) {
-		$scriptversion=$1;
-		$file = $f;
-	}
-my $mech=WWW::Mechanize->new(autocheck => 1);
-    form_name => "login",
-    with_fields => {
-        userName => $userpasswordpair[0],
-        password => $userpasswordpair[1],
-    },
-$mech->follow_link(text => 'upload new version');
-$mech->field(script_file => $file);
-$mech->field(vim_version => 7.3);
-$mech->field(script_version => $scriptversion);
-$mech->field(version_comment => $versioncomment);
-$mech->click_button(value => "upload");
--- a/vim/bundle/histwin/todo	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Todo List for the histwin plugin
-- Do we really need to include only the items from the undotree(), that have an
-  'alt' key? Or what is the best way to identify the branches from the
-  undotree() function? (currently we are cheating and take only the items from
-  the undolist into account)
-- make tags permanent (needs patch for Vim)
-- rewrite script and make use of undotree() functionality that is available
-  since Vim 7.3 (should work now)
-- Bugfix: Sometimes the histwin window contains invalid data, not sure how to
-  reproduce it. Closing and reoping is the workaround.
-- Open old versions in new tab/window
-- Bugfix: plugin errors, when there is no history available for the buffer
-# vim:tw=80
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/pydoc/plugin/pydoc.vim	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+"pydoc.vim: pydoc integration for vim
+"performs searches and can display the documentation of python modules
+"Author: Andr� Kelpe <efeshundertelf at googlemail dot com>
+"Author: Romain Chossart <romainchossat at gmail dot com>
+"Author: Matthias Vogelgesang
+"This plugin integrates the pydoc into vim. You can view the
+"documentation of a module by using :Pydoc foo.bar.baz or search
+"a word (uses pydoc -k) in the documentation by typing PydocSearch
+"foobar. You can also view the documentation of the word under the
+"cursor by pressing <leader>pw or the WORD (see :help WORD) by pressing
+"<leader>pW.  "This is very useful if you want to jump to a module which was found by
+"PydocSearch. To have a browser like feeling you can use u and CTRL-R to
+"go back and forward, just like editing normal text.
+"If you want to use the script and pydoc is not in your PATH, just put a
+"line like  
+" let g:pydoc_cmd = \"/usr/bin/pydoc" (without the backslash!!)
+"in your .vimrc
+"pydoc.vim is free software, you can redistribute or modify
+"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or any
+"later Version (see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details). 
+"Please feel free to contact me.
+set switchbuf=useopen
+function! ShowPyDoc(name, type)
+    if !exists('g:pydoc_cmd')
+        let g:pydoc_cmd = 'pydoc'
+    endif
+    if bufloaded("__doc__") >0
+        let l:buf_is_new = 0
+    else
+        let l:buf_is_new = 1
+    endif
+    if bufnr("__doc__") >0
+        execute "sb __doc__"
+    else
+        execute 'split __doc__'
+    endif
+    setlocal noswapfile
+    set buftype=nofile
+    setlocal modifiable
+    normal ggdG
+    let s:name2 = substitute(a:name, '(.*', '', 'g' )
+    let s:name2 = substitute(a:name, ':', '', 'g' )
+    if a:type==1
+        execute  "silent read ! " . g:pydoc_cmd . " " . s:name2 
+    else 
+        execute  "silent read ! " . g:pydoc_cmd . " -k " . s:name2 
+    endif	
+    setlocal nomodified
+    set filetype=man
+    normal 1G
+    if !exists('g:pydoc_wh')
+        let g:pydoc_wh = 10
+    end
+    resize -999
+    execute "silent resize +" . g:pydoc_wh 
+    if !exists('g:pydoc_highlight')
+        let g:pydoc_highlight = 1
+    endif
+    if g:pydoc_highlight == 1
+        call Highlight(s:name2)
+    endif	
+    let l:line = getline(2)
+    if l:line =~ "^no Python documentation found for.*$" 
+        if l:buf_is_new
+            execute "bd!"
+        else
+            normal u
+        endif
+        redraw
+        echohl WarningMsg | echo l:line | echohl None
+    endif
+function! Highlight(name)
+    execute "sb __doc__"
+    set filetype=man
+    syn on
+    execute 'syntax keyword pydoc '.s:name2
+    hi pydoc gui=reverse
+au FileType python,man map <buffer> <leader>pw :call ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-W>', 1)<CR>
+au FileType python,man map <buffer> <leader>pW :call ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-A>', 1)<CR>
+au FileType python,man map <buffer> <leader>pk :call ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-W>', 0)<CR>
+au FileType python,man map <buffer> <leader>pK :call ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-A>', 0)<CR>
+" remap the K (or 'help') key
+nnoremap <silent> <buffer> K :call ShowPyDoc(expand("<cword>"), 1)<CR>
+command! -nargs=1 Pydoc :call ShowPyDoc('<args>', 1)
+command! -nargs=*  PydocSearch :call ShowPyDoc('<args>', 0)
--- a/vim/colors/molokai.vim	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ b/vim/colors/molokai.vim	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 hi Macro           guifg=#C4BE89               gui=italic
 hi SpecialKey      guifg=#66D9EF               gui=italic
-hi MatchParen      guifg=#E4E400 guibg=bg      gui=bold
+hi MatchParen      guifg=#E4E400 guibg=NONE    gui=bold
 hi ModeMsg         guifg=#E6DB74
 hi MoreMsg         guifg=#E6DB74
 hi Operator        guifg=#F92672
--- a/vim/snippets/django.snippets	Mon Nov 15 08:40:32 2010 -0500
+++ b/vim/snippets/django.snippets	Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
@@ -77,26 +77,16 @@
 snippet model
 	class ${1:ModelName}(models.Model):
-		"""${2:docstring}"""
-		${3}
+		${2}
 		created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, editable=False)
 		modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, editable=False)
 		class Meta:
 			ordering = ['-created']
-			${4}
 		def __unicode__(self):
-			return u'%s' % self.${5}
-		def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
-			${6}
-			return super($1, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
-		@models.permalink
-		def get_absolute_url(self):
-			return ('${7:view_or_url_name}', (), {})
+			return u'%s' % self.${3}
 snippet modeladmin
 	class ${1:ModelName}Admin(admin.ModelAdmin):