
Add vimdiff for mercurial.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 14 May 2010 19:36:29 -0400 (2010-05-14)
parents 64388dab95cf
children d6710c525ea7
branches/tags (none)
files .hgrc vim/plugin/DirDiff.vim


--- a/.hgrc	Fri May 14 19:08:30 2010 -0400
+++ b/.hgrc	Fri May 14 19:36:29 2010 -0400
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
 cmd.fmdiff = fmdiff
+cmd.vd = mvim
+opts.vd = -f '+next' '+execute "DirDiff" argv(0) argv(1)'
 method = smtp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/plugin/DirDiff.vim	Fri May 14 19:36:29 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1070 @@
+" -*- vim -*-
+" FILE: "/home/wlee/.vim/plugin/DirDiff.vim" {{{
+" LAST MODIFICATION: "Mon, 20 Oct 2008 09:04:59 -0500 (wlee)"
+" VERSION: 1.1.2
+" (C) 2001-2006 by William Lee, <wl1012@yahoo.com>
+" }}}
+" PURPOSE: {{{
+"   - Diffing a directory recursively and enable easy merging, copying and
+"   deleting of files and directories.
+"   - Make sure you have GNU diff in your path on Unix and Windows. I only
+"     tested this on cygwin's version on Windows.  If you have a diff that
+"     doesn't support -x or -I flag, do not set variable g:DirDiffExcludes and
+"     g:DirDiffIgnore to "".  It should still work.
+"   - On Windows, you need to have "xcopy", "copy", "del", and "rd" in your
+"     path.
+"   - On Unix, you need to have "rm" and "cp" in your path.
+"   Put this file in your ~/.vim/plugin
+"   Doing the following will generate a diff window.
+"       :DirDiff <A:Src Directory> <B:Src Directory>
+"   e.g.
+"       :DirDiff ../something/dir1 /usr/bin/somethingelse/dir2
+"   The following commands can be used inside the diff window:
+"   'Enter','o' - Diff open: open the diff file(s) where your cursor is at
+"   's' - Synchronize the current diff.  You can also select
+"         a range (through visual) and press 's' to synchronize differences
+"         across a range.
+"         - There are 6 Options you can choose when you hit 's':
+"           1. A -> B
+"              Copy A to overwrite B
+"              If A's file actually points to a directory, it'll copy it to B
+"              recursively.
+"           2. B -> A
+"              Copy B to overwrite A
+"              If B's file actually points to a directory, it'll copy it to A
+"              recursively.
+"           3. Always A
+"              For the rest of the items that you've selected,
+"              synchronize like (1).
+"           4. Always B
+"              For the rest of the items that you've selected,
+"              synchronize like (2).
+"           5. Skip
+"              Skip this diff entry.
+"           6. Cancel
+"              Quit the loop and exit.
+"   'u' - Diff update: update the diff window
+"   'x' - Sets the exclude pattern, separated by ','
+"   'i' - Sets the ignore pattern, separated by ','
+"   'a' - Sets additional arguments for diff, eg. -w to ignore white space,
+"         etc.
+"   'q' - Quit DirDiff
+"   The following comamnds can be used in the Vim diff mode
+"   \dg - Diff get: maps to :diffget<CR>
+"   \dp - Diff put: maps to :diffput<CR>
+"   \dj - Diff next: (think j for down) 
+"   \dk - Diff previous: (think k for up)
+"   You can set the following DirDiff variables.  You can add the following
+"   "let" lines in your .vimrc file.
+"   Sets default exclude pattern:
+"       let g:DirDiffExcludes = "CVS,*.class,*.exe,.*.swp"
+"   Sets default ignore pattern:
+"       let g:DirDiffIgnore = "Id:,Revision:,Date:"
+"   If DirDiffSort is set to 1, sorts the diff lines.
+"       let g:DirDiffSort = 1
+"   Sets the diff window (bottom window) height (rows)
+"       let g:DirDiffWindowSize = 14
+"   Ignore case during diff
+"       let g:DirDiffIgnoreCase = 0
+"   Dynamically figure out the diff text.  If you are using and i18n version
+"   of diff, this will try to get the specific diff text during runtime.  It's
+"   turned off by default.  If you are always targetting a specific version of
+"   diff, you can turn this off and set the DirDiffText* variables
+"   accordingly.
+"       let g:DirDiffDynamicDiffText = 0
+"   String used for the English equivalent "Files "
+"       let g:DirDiffTextFiles = "Files "
+"   String used for the English equivalent " and "
+"       let g:DirDiffTextAnd = " and "
+"   String used for the English equivalent " differ")
+"       let g:DirDiffTextDiffer = " differ"
+"   String used for the English equivalent "Only in ")
+"       let g:DirDiffTextOnlyIn = "Only in "
+"   This script can copy and remove your files.  This can be powerful (or too
+"   powerful) at times.  Please do not blame me if you use this and
+"   disintegrate your hard work.  Be warned!
+"   Please mail any comment/suggestion/patch to 
+"   William Lee <wl1012@yahoo.com>
+"   Copyright (c) 2001-2006 William Lee
+"   All rights reserved.
+"   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+"   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+"   met:
+"     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+"       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+"     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+"       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+"       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+"     * Neither the name William Lee nor the names of its contributors may be
+"       used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+"       specific prior written permission.
+"   Florian Delizy for the i18n diff patch
+"   Robert Webb for his sorting function
+"   Salman Halim, Yosuke Kimura, and others for their suggestions
+"  1.1.2  - Applied the patch to 1.1.0 instead of 1.0.2. Please do not use
+"           1.1.1
+"  1.1.1  - Make it work with filename with spaces. (Thanks to Atte Kojo)
+"  1.1.0  - Added support for i18n (tested on a French version for now only).
+"           Can dynamically figure out the diff strings output by diff.
+"  1.0.2  - Fixed a small typo bug in the quit function.
+"  1.0.1  - Ensure the path separator is correct when running in W2K
+"  1.0  - Fixed a bug that flags errors if the user use the nowrapscan option.
+"         Implements a quit function that exit the diff windows.
+"  0.94 - Fixed a bug where the diff will give incorrect A and B file due to
+"         similarity of directory names.  Allow you to modify the diff
+"         argument.
+"  0.93 - Opps, messed up the key mapping usage.
+"  0.92 - Doesn't use n and p mappings since it confuses the search next key
+"         mapping and causes some bugs.  Minor modification to change the
+"         exclude and ignore pattern.
+"  0.91 - Clean up delete routine.
+"       - Added interactive mode.
+"       - Added multiple entries of exclude and ignore pattern.  
+"       - Custom configuration through global variables.
+"       - Change exclude and ignore patterns on the fly.
+"  0.9  - Reorganization of the interface.  Much simplier dialog for
+"         synchronization.  Support for range synchronization option (REALLY
+"         powerful)
+"       - Removed unnecessary key bindings.  All key bindings are local to
+"         the diff window. (except for the \dg and \dp)
+"  0.8  - Added syntax highlighting.
+"       - Enter and double-click in buffer opens diff.
+"       - Removed dependency on "sort"
+"       - Removed usage of registry and marker
+"       - Code cleanup and some bug fixes
+"       - On Windows the diff command will use the -i flag instead
+"       - Changed mappings for diff next (\dj) and diff previous (\dk)
+"       - Added mappings for vim diff mode (\dg, \dp)
+"  0.7  Initial Release
+" }}}
+" Public Interface:
+command! -nargs=* -complete=dir DirDiff call <SID>DirDiff (<f-args>)
+command! -nargs=0 DirDiffOpen call <SID>DirDiffOpen ()
+command! -nargs=0 DirDiffNext call <SID>DirDiffNext ()
+command! -nargs=0 DirDiffPrev call <SID>DirDiffPrev ()
+command! -nargs=0 DirDiffUpdate call <SID>DirDiffUpdate ()
+command! -nargs=0 DirDiffQuit call <SID>DirDiffQuit ()
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>DirDiffGet')
+  map <unique> <Leader>dg <Plug>DirDiffGet
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>DirDiffPut')
+  map <unique> <Leader>dp <Plug>DirDiffPut
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>DirDiffNext')
+  map <unique> <Leader>dj <Plug>DirDiffNext
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>DirDiffPrev')
+  map <unique> <Leader>dk <Plug>DirDiffPrev
+" Global Maps:
+map <unique> <script> <Plug>DirDiffGet    :diffget<CR>
+map <unique> <script> <Plug>DirDiffPut    :diffput<CR>
+map <unique> <script> <Plug>DirDiffNext    :call <SID>DirDiffNext()<CR>
+map <unique> <script> <Plug>DirDiffPrev    :call <SID>DirDiffPrev()<CR>
+map <unique> <script> <Plug>DirDiffQuit    :call <SID>DirDiffQuit()<CR>
+" Default Variables.  You can override these in your global variables
+" settings.
+" For DirDiffExcludes and DirDiffIgnore, separate different patterns with a
+" ',' (comma and no space!).
+" eg. in your .vimrc file: let g:DirDiffExcludes = "CVS,*.class,*.o"
+"                          let g:DirDiffIgnore = "Id:"
+"                          " ignore white space in diff
+"                          let g:DirDiffAddArgs = "-w" 
+" You can set the pattern that diff excludes.  Defaults to the CVS directory
+if !exists("g:DirDiffExcludes")
+    let g:DirDiffExcludes = ""
+" This is the -I argument of the diff, ignore the lines of differences that
+" matches the pattern
+if !exists("g:DirDiffIgnore")
+    let g:DirDiffIgnore = ""
+if !exists("g:DirDiffSort")
+    let g:DirDiffSort = 1
+if !exists("g:DirDiffWindowSize")
+    let g:DirDiffWindowSize = 14
+if !exists("g:DirDiffInteractive")
+    let g:DirDiffInteractive = 0
+if !exists("g:DirDiffIgnoreCase")
+    let g:DirDiffIgnoreCase = 0
+" Additional arguments
+if !exists("g:DirDiffAddArgs")
+    let g:DirDiffAddArgs = ""
+" Support for i18n (dynamically figure out the diff text)
+" Defaults to off
+if !exists("g:DirDiffDynamicDiffText")
+    let g:DirDiffDynamicDiffText = 0
+" String used for the English equivalent "Files "
+if !exists("g:DirDiffTextFiles")
+    let g:DirDiffTextFiles = "Files "
+" String used for the English equivalent " and "
+if !exists("g:DirDiffTextAnd")
+    let g:DirDiffTextAnd = " and "
+" String used for the English equivalent " differ")
+if !exists("g:DirDiffTextDiffer")
+    let g:DirDiffTextDiffer = " differ"
+" String used for the English equivalent "Only in ")
+if !exists("g:DirDiffTextOnlyIn")
+    let g:DirDiffTextOnlyIn = "Only in "
+" Set some script specific variables:
+let s:DirDiffFirstDiffLine = 6
+let s:DirDiffALine = 1
+let s:DirDiffBLine = 2
+" -- Variables used in various utilities
+if has("unix")
+    let s:DirDiffCopyCmd = "cp"
+    let s:DirDiffCopyFlags = ""
+    let s:DirDiffCopyDirCmd = "cp"
+    let s:DirDiffCopyDirFlags = "-rf"
+    let s:DirDiffCopyInteractiveFlag = "-i"
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteCmd = "rm"
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteFlags = ""
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteInteractiveFlag = "-i"
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteDirCmd = "rm"
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteDirFlags = "-rf"
+    let s:sep = "/"
+    let s:DirDiffMakeDirCmd  = "!mkdir "
+elseif has("win32")
+    let s:DirDiffCopyCmd = "copy"
+    let s:DirDiffCopyFlags = ""
+    let s:DirDiffCopyDirCmd = "xcopy"
+    let s:DirDiffCopyDirFlags = "/e /i /q"
+    let s:DirDiffCopyInteractiveFlag = "/-y"
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteCmd = "del"
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteFlags = "/s /q"
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteInteractiveFlag = "/p"
+    " Windows is somewhat stupid since "del" can only remove the files, not
+    " the directory.  The command "rd" would remove files recursively, but it
+    " doesn't really work on a file (!).  where is the deltree command???
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteDirCmd = "rd"
+    " rd is by default prompting, we need to handle this in a different way
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteDirFlags = "/s"
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteDirQuietFlag = "/q"
+    let s:sep = "\\"
+    let s:DirDiffMakeDirCmd  = "!mkdir "
+    " Platforms not supported
+    let s:DirDiffCopyCmd = ""
+    let s:DirDiffCopyFlags = ""
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteCmd = ""
+    let s:DirDiffDeleteFlags = ""
+    let s:sep = ""
+function! <SID>DirDiff(srcA, srcB)
+    " Setup
+    let DirDiffAbsSrcA = fnamemodify(expand(a:srcA, ":p"), ":p")
+    let DirDiffAbsSrcB = fnamemodify(expand(a:srcB, ":p"), ":p")
+    " Check for an internationalized version of diff ?
+    call <SID>GetDiffStrings()
+    " Remove the trailing \ or /
+    let DirDiffAbsSrcA = substitute(DirDiffAbsSrcA, '\\$\|/$', '', '')
+    let DirDiffAbsSrcB = substitute(DirDiffAbsSrcB, '\\$\|/$', '', '')
+    let DiffBuffer = tempname()
+    " We first write to that file
+    " Constructs the command line
+    let cmd = "!diff"
+    let cmdarg = " -r --brief"
+    " If variable is set, we ignore the case
+    if (g:DirDiffIgnoreCase)
+        let cmdarg = cmdarg." -i"
+    endif
+    if (g:DirDiffAddArgs != "")
+        let cmdarg = cmdarg." ".g:DirDiffAddArgs." "
+    endif
+    if (g:DirDiffExcludes != "")
+        let cmdarg = cmdarg.' -x"'.substitute(g:DirDiffExcludes, ',', '" -x"', 'g').'"'
+    endif
+    if (g:DirDiffIgnore != "")
+        let cmdarg = cmdarg.' -I"'.substitute(g:DirDiffIgnore, ',', '" -I"', 'g').'"'
+    endif
+    " Prompt the user for additional arguments
+"    let addarg = input("Additional diff args (current =". cmdarg. "): ")
+    let addarg = ""
+    let cmd = cmd.cmdarg." ".addarg." \"".DirDiffAbsSrcA."\" \"".DirDiffAbsSrcB."\""
+    let cmd = cmd." > \"".DiffBuffer."\""
+    echo "Diffing directories, it may take a while..."
+    let error = <SID>DirDiffExec(cmd, 0)
+    if (error == 0)
+        echo "There is no diff here."
+        return
+    endif
+    silent exe "edit ".DiffBuffer
+    echo "Defining [A] and [B] ... "
+    " We then do a substitution on the directory path
+    " We need to do substitution of the the LONGER string first, otherwise
+    " it'll mix up the A and B directory
+    if (strlen(DirDiffAbsSrcA) > strlen(DirDiffAbsSrcB))
+	    silent! exe "%s/".<SID>EscapeDirForRegex(DirDiffAbsSrcA)."/[A]/"
+	    silent! exe "%s/".<SID>EscapeDirForRegex(DirDiffAbsSrcB)."/[B]/"
+    else
+	    silent! exe "%s/".<SID>EscapeDirForRegex(DirDiffAbsSrcB)."/[B]/"
+	    silent! exe "%s/".<SID>EscapeDirForRegex(DirDiffAbsSrcA)."/[A]/"
+    endif
+    " In windows, diff behaves somewhat weirdly, for the appened path it'll
+    " use "/" instead of "\".  Convert this to \
+    if (has("win32"))
+        silent! %s/\//\\/g
+    endif
+    echo "Sorting entries ..."
+    " We then sort the lines if the option is set
+    if (g:DirDiffSort == 1)
+        1,$call <SID>Sort("s:Strcmp")
+    endif
+    " Put in spacer in front of each line
+    silent! %s/^/    /
+    " We then put the file [A] and [B] on top of the diff lines
+    call append(0, "[A]=". DirDiffAbsSrcA)
+    call append(1, "[B]=". DirDiffAbsSrcB)
+    call append(2, "Usage:   <Enter>/'o'=open,'s'=sync,'\\dj'=next,'\\dk'=prev, 'q'=quit")
+    call append(3, "Options: 'u'=update,'x'=set excludes,'i'=set ignore,'a'=set args" )
+    call append(4, "Diff Args:" . cmdarg)
+    call append(5, "")
+    " go to the beginning of the file
+    0
+    setlocal nomodified
+    setlocal nomodifiable
+    setlocal buftype=nowrite
+    setlocal bufhidden=delete
+    setlocal nowrap
+    " Set up local key bindings
+    " 'n' actually messes with the search next pattern, I think using \dj and
+    " \dk is enough.  Otherwise, use j,k, and enter.
+"    nnoremap <buffer> n :call <SID>DirDiffNext()<CR>
+"    nnoremap <buffer> p :call <SID>DirDiffPrev()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> s :. call <SID>DirDiffSync()<CR>
+    vnoremap <buffer> s :call <SID>DirDiffSync()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> u :call <SID>DirDiffUpdate()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> x :call <SID>ChangeExcludes()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> a :call <SID>ChangeArguments()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> i :call <SID>ChangeIgnore()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> q :call <SID>DirDiffQuit()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> o    :call <SID>DirDiffOpen()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <CR>  :call <SID>DirDiffOpen()<CR>  
+    nnoremap <buffer> <2-Leftmouse> :call <SID>DirDiffOpen()<CR>
+    call <SID>SetupSyntax()
+    " Open the first diff
+    call <SID>DirDiffNext()
+" Set up syntax highlighing for the diff window
+function! <SID>SetupSyntax()
+  if has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on") 
+      "&& !has("syntax_items")
+    syn match DirDiffSrcA               "\[A\]"
+    syn match DirDiffSrcB               "\[B\]"
+    syn match DirDiffUsage              "^Usage.*"
+    syn match DirDiffOptions            "^Options.*"
+    exec 'syn match DirDiffFiles              "' . s:DirDiffDifferLine .'"'
+    exec 'syn match DirDiffOnly               "' . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine . '"'
+    syn match DirDiffSelected           "^==>.*" contains=DirDiffSrcA,DirDiffSrcB
+    hi def link DirDiffSrcA               Directory
+    hi def link DirDiffSrcB               Type
+    hi def link DirDiffUsage              Special
+    hi def link DirDiffOptions            Special
+    hi def link DirDiffFiles              String
+    hi def link DirDiffOnly               PreProc
+    hi def link DirDiffSelected           DiffChange
+  endif
+" You should call this within the diff window
+function! <SID>DirDiffUpdate()
+    let dirA = <SID>GetBaseDir("A")
+    let dirB = <SID>GetBaseDir("B")
+    call <SID>DirDiff(dirA, dirB)
+" Quit the DirDiff mode
+function! <SID>DirDiffQuit()
+    let in = confirm ("Are you sure you want to quit DirDiff?", "&Yes\n&No", 2)
+    if (in == 1)
+        call <SID>CloseDiffWindows()
+        bd!
+    endif
+" Returns an escaped version of the path for regex uses
+function! <SID>EscapeDirForRegex(path)
+    " This list is probably not complete, modify later
+    return escape(a:path, "/\\[]$^~")
+" Close the opened diff comparison windows if they exist
+function! <SID>CloseDiffWindows()
+    if (<SID>AreDiffWinsOpened())
+        wincmd k
+        " Ask the user to save if buffer is modified
+        call <SID>AskIfModified()
+        bd!
+        " User may just have one window opened, we may not need to close
+        " the second diff window
+        if (&diff)
+            call <SID>AskIfModified()
+            bd!
+        endif
+    endif
+function! <SID>DirDiffOpen()
+    " First dehighlight the last marked
+    call <SID>DeHighlightLine()
+    " Mark the current location of the line
+    "mark n
+    let b:currentDiff = line(".")
+    " We first parse back the [A] and [B] directories from the top of the line
+    let dirA = <SID>GetBaseDir("A")
+    let dirB = <SID>GetBaseDir("B")
+    call <SID>CloseDiffWindows()
+    let line = getline(".")
+    " Parse the line and see whether it's a "Only in" or "Files Differ"
+    call <SID>HighlightLine()
+    let fileA = <SID>GetFileNameFromLine("A", line)
+    let fileB = <SID>GetFileNameFromLine("B", line)
+    if <SID>IsOnly(line)
+        " We open the file
+        let fileSrc = <SID>ParseOnlySrc(line)
+        if (fileSrc == "A")
+            let fileToOpen = fileA
+        elseif (fileSrc == "B")
+            let fileToOpen = fileB
+        endif
+        split
+        wincmd k
+        silent exec "edit ".fnameescape(fileToOpen)
+        " Fool the window saying that this is diff
+        diffthis
+        wincmd j
+        " Resize the window
+        exe("resize " . g:DirDiffWindowSize)
+        exe (b:currentDiff)
+    elseif <SID>IsDiffer(line)
+        "Open the diff windows
+        split
+        wincmd k
+        silent exec "edit ".fnameescape(fileB)
+        silent exec "vert diffsplit ".fnameescape(fileA)
+        " Go back to the diff window
+        wincmd j
+        " Resize the window
+        exe("resize " . g:DirDiffWindowSize)
+        exe (b:currentDiff)
+        " Center the line
+        exe ("normal z.")
+    else
+        echo "There is no diff at the current line!"
+    endif
+" Ask the user to save if the buffer is modified
+function! <SID>AskIfModified()
+    if (&modified)
+        let input = confirm("File " . expand("%:p") . " has been modified.", "&Save\nCa&ncel", 1)
+        if (input == 1)
+            w!
+        endif
+    endif
+function! <SID>HighlightLine()
+    let savedLine = line(".")
+    exe (b:currentDiff)
+    setlocal modifiable
+    let line = getline(".")
+    if (match(line, "^    ") == 0)
+        s/^    /==> /
+    endif
+    setlocal nomodifiable
+    setlocal nomodified
+    exe (savedLine)
+    redraw
+function! <SID>DeHighlightLine()
+    let savedLine = line(".")
+    exe (b:currentDiff)
+    let line = getline(".")
+    setlocal modifiable
+    if (match(line, "^==> ") == 0)
+        s/^==> /    /
+    endif
+    setlocal nomodifiable
+    setlocal nomodified
+    exe (savedLine)
+    redraw
+" Returns the directory for buffer "A" or "B".  You need to be in the diff
+" buffer though.
+function! <SID>GetBaseDir(diffName)
+    let currLine = line(".")
+    if (a:diffName == "A")
+        let baseLine = s:DirDiffALine
+    else
+        let baseLine = s:DirDiffBLine
+    endif
+    let regex = '\['.a:diffName.'\]=\(.*\)'
+    let line = getline(baseLine)
+    let rtn = substitute(line, regex , '\1', '')
+    return rtn
+function! <SID>DirDiffNext()
+    " If the current window is a diff, go down one
+    if (&diff == 1)
+        wincmd j
+    endif
+    " if the current line is <= 6, (within the header range), we go to the
+    " first diff line open it
+    if (line(".") < s:DirDiffFirstDiffLine)
+        exe (s:DirDiffFirstDiffLine)
+        let b:currentDiff = line(".")
+    endif
+    silent! exe (b:currentDiff + 1)
+    call <SID>DirDiffOpen()
+function! <SID>DirDiffPrev()
+    " If the current window is a diff, go down one
+    if (&diff == 1)
+        wincmd j
+    endif
+    silent! exe (b:currentDiff - 1)
+    call <SID>DirDiffOpen()
+" For each line, we can perform a recursive copy or delete to sync up the
+" difference. Returns non-zero if the operation is NOT successful, returns 0
+" if everything is fine.
+function! <SID>DirDiffSyncHelper(AB, line)
+    let fileA = <SID>GetFileNameFromLine("A", a:line)
+    let fileB = <SID>GetFileNameFromLine("B", a:line)
+"    echo "Helper line is ". a:line. " fileA " . fileA . " fileB " . fileB
+    if <SID>IsOnly(a:line)
+        " If a:AB is "A" and the ParseOnlySrc returns "A", that means we need to
+        " copy
+        let fileSrc = <SID>ParseOnlySrc(a:line)
+        let operation = ""
+        if (a:AB == "A" && fileSrc == "A")
+            let operation = "Copy"
+            " Use A, and A has source, thus copy the file from A to B
+            let fileFrom = fileA
+            let fileTo = fileB
+        elseif (a:AB == "A" && fileSrc == "B")
+            let operation = "Delete"
+            " Use A, but B has source, thus delete the file from B
+            let fileFrom = fileB
+            let fileTo = fileA
+        elseif (a:AB == "B" && fileSrc == "A")
+            let operation = "Delete"
+            " Use B, but the source file is A, thus removing A
+            let fileFrom = fileA
+            let fileTo = fileB
+        elseif (a:AB == "B" && fileSrc == "B")
+            " Use B, and B has the source file, thus copy B to A
+            let operation = "Copy"
+            let fileFrom = fileB
+            let fileTo = fileA
+        endif
+    elseif <SID>IsDiffer(a:line)
+        " Copy no matter what
+        let operation = "Copy"
+        if (a:AB == "A")
+            let fileFrom = fileA
+            let fileTo = fileB
+        elseif (a:AB == "B")
+            let fileFrom = fileB
+            let fileTo = fileA
+        endif
+    else 
+        echo "There is no diff here!"
+        " Error
+        return 1
+    endif
+    if (operation == "Copy")
+        let rtnCode = <SID>Copy(fileFrom, fileTo)
+    elseif (operation == "Delete")
+        let rtnCode = <SID>Delete(fileFrom)
+    endif
+    return rtnCode
+" Synchronize the range
+function! <SID>DirDiffSync() range
+    let answer = 1
+    let silence = 0
+    let syncMaster = "A"
+    let currLine = a:firstline
+    let lastLine = a:lastline
+    let syncCount = 0
+    while ((currLine <= lastLine))
+        " Update the highlight
+        call <SID>DeHighlightLine()
+        let b:currentDiff = currLine
+        call <SID>HighlightLine()
+        let line = getline(currLine)
+        if (!silence)
+            let answer = confirm(substitute(line, "^....", '', ''). "\nSynchronization option:" , "&A -> B\n&B -> A\nA&lways A\nAl&ways B\n&Skip\nCa&ncel", 6)
+            if (answer == 1 || answer == 3)
+                let syncMaster = "A"
+            endif
+            if (answer == 2 || answer == 4)
+                let syncMaster = "B"
+            endif
+            if (answer == 3 || answer == 4)
+                let silence = 1
+            endif
+            if (answer == 5)
+                let currLine = currLine + 1
+                continue
+            endif
+            if (answer == 6)
+                break
+            endif
+        endif
+"        call <SID>DeHighlightLine()
+        let rtnCode = <SID>DirDiffSyncHelper(syncMaster, line)
+        if (rtnCode == 0)
+            " Successful
+            let syncCount = syncCount + 1
+            " Assume that the line is synchronized, we delete the entry
+            setlocal modifiable
+            exe (currLine.",".currLine." delete")
+            setlocal nomodifiable
+            setlocal nomodified
+            let lastLine = lastLine - 1
+        else
+            " Failed!
+            let currLine = currLine + 1
+        endif
+    endwhile
+    echo syncCount . " diff item(s) synchronized."
+" Return file "A" or "B" depending on the line given.  If it's a Only line,
+" either A or B does not exist, but the according value would be returned.
+function! <SID>GetFileNameFromLine(AB, line)
+    " Determine where the source of the copy is.
+    let dirA = <SID>GetBaseDir("A")
+    let dirB = <SID>GetBaseDir("B")
+    let fileToProcess = ""
+    if <SID>IsOnly(a:line)
+        let fileToProcess = <SID>ParseOnlyFile(a:line)
+    elseif <SID>IsDiffer(a:line)
+        let regex = '^.*' . s:DirDiffDifferLine . '\[A\]\(.*\)' . s:DirDiffDifferAndLine . '\[B\]\(.*\)' . s:DirDiffDifferEndLine . '.*$'
+        let fileToProcess = substitute(a:line, regex, '\1', '')
+    else
+    endif
+    "echo "line : " . a:line. "AB = " . a:AB . " File to Process " . fileToProcess
+    if (a:AB == "A")
+        return dirA . fileToProcess
+    elseif (a:AB == "B")
+        return dirB . fileToProcess
+    else
+        return ""
+    endif
+"Returns the source (A or B) of the "Only" line
+function! <SID>ParseOnlySrc(line)
+    return substitute(a:line, '^.*' . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine . '\[\(.\)\].*:.*', '\1', '')
+function! <SID>ParseOnlyFile(line)
+    let regex = '^.*' . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine . '\[.\]\(.*\): \(.*\)'
+    let root = substitute(a:line, regex , '\1', '')
+    let file = root . s:sep . substitute(a:line, regex , '\2', '')
+    return file
+function! <SID>Copy(fileFromOrig, fileToOrig)
+    let fileFrom = substitute(a:fileFromOrig, '/', s:sep, 'g')
+    let fileTo = substitute(a:fileToOrig, '/', s:sep, 'g')
+    echo "Copy from " . fileFrom . " to " . fileTo
+    if (s:DirDiffCopyCmd == "")
+        echo "Copy not supported on this platform"
+        return 1
+    endif
+    " Constructs the copy command
+    let copycmd = "!".s:DirDiffCopyCmd." ".s:DirDiffCopyFlags
+    " Append the interactive flag
+    if (g:DirDiffInteractive)
+        let copycmd = copycmd . " " . s:DirDiffCopyInteractiveFlag
+    endif
+    let copycmd = copycmd . " \"".fileFrom."\" \"".fileTo."\""
+    " Constructs the copy directory command
+    let copydircmd = "!".s:DirDiffCopyDirCmd." ".s:DirDiffCopyDirFlags
+    " Append the interactive flag
+    if (g:DirDiffInteractive)
+        let copydircmd = copydircmd . " " . s:DirDiffCopyInteractiveFlag
+    endif
+    let copydircmd = copydircmd . " \"".fileFrom."\" \"".fileTo."\""
+    let error = 0
+    if (isdirectory(fileFrom))
+        let error = <SID>DirDiffExec(copydircmd, g:DirDiffInteractive)
+    else
+        let error = <SID>DirDiffExec(copycmd, g:DirDiffInteractive)
+    endif
+    if (error != 0)
+        echo "Can't copy from " . fileFrom . " to " . fileTo
+        return 1
+    endif
+    return 0
+" Would execute the command, either silent or not silent, by the
+" interactive flag ([0|1]).  Returns the v:shell_error after
+" executing the command.
+function! <SID>DirDiffExec(cmd, interactive)
+    let error = 0
+    if (a:interactive)
+        exe (a:cmd)
+        let error = v:shell_error
+    else
+        silent exe (a:cmd)
+        let error = v:shell_error
+    endif
+"    let d = input("DirDiffExec: " . a:cmd . " " . a:interactive . " returns " . v:shell_error)
+    return error
+" Delete the file or directory.  Returns 0 if nothing goes wrong, error code
+" otherwise.
+function! <SID>Delete(fileFromOrig)
+    let fileFrom = substitute(a:fileFromOrig, '/', s:sep, 'g')
+    echo "Deleting from " . fileFrom
+    if (s:DirDiffDeleteCmd == "")
+        echo "Delete not supported on this platform"
+        return 1
+    endif
+    let delcmd = ""
+    if (isdirectory(fileFrom))
+        let delcmd = "!".s:DirDiffDeleteDirCmd." ".s:DirDiffDeleteDirFlags
+        if (g:DirDiffInteractive)
+            " If running on Unix, and we're running in interactive mode, we
+            " append the -i tag
+            if (has("unix"))
+                let delcmd = delcmd . " " . s:DirDiffDeleteInteractiveFlag
+            endif
+        else
+            " If running on windows, and we're not running in interactive
+            " mode, we append the quite flag to the "rd" command
+            if (has("win32"))
+                let delcmd = delcmd . " " . s:DirDiffDeleteDirQuietFlag
+            endif
+        endif
+    else
+        let delcmd = "!".s:DirDiffDeleteCmd." ".s:DirDiffDeleteFlags
+        if (g:DirDiffInteractive)
+            let delcmd = delcmd . " " . s:DirDiffDeleteInteractiveFlag
+        endif
+    endif
+    let delcmd = delcmd ." \"".fileFrom."\""
+    let error = <SID>DirDiffExec(delcmd, g:DirDiffInteractive)
+    if (error != 0)
+        echo "Can't delete " . fileFrom
+    endif
+    return error
+function! <SID>AreDiffWinsOpened()
+    let currBuff = expand("%:p")
+    let currLine = line(".")
+    wincmd k
+    let abovedBuff = expand("%:p")
+    if (&diff)
+        let abovedIsDiff = 1
+    else
+        let abovedIsDiff = 0
+    endif
+    " Go Back if the aboved buffer is not the same
+    if (currBuff != abovedBuff)
+        wincmd j
+        " Go back to the same line
+        exe (currLine)
+        if (abovedIsDiff == 1)
+            return 1
+        else
+            " Aboved is just a bogus buffer, not a diff buffer
+            return 0
+        endif
+    else
+        exe (currLine)
+        return 0
+    endif
+" The given line begins with the "Only in"
+function! <SID>IsOnly(line)	
+    return (match(a:line, "^ *" . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine . "\\|^==> " . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine ) == 0)
+" The given line begins with the "Files"
+function! <SID>IsDiffer(line)
+    return (match(a:line, "^ *" . s:DirDiffDifferLine . "\\|^==> " . s:DirDiffDifferLine  ) == 0)
+" Let you modify the Exclude patthern
+function! <SID>ChangeExcludes()
+    let g:DirDiffExcludes = input ("Exclude pattern (separate multiple patterns with ','): ", g:DirDiffExcludes)
+    echo "\nPress update ('u') to refresh the diff."
+" Let you modify additional arguments for diff
+function! <SID>ChangeArguments()
+    let g:DirDiffAddArgs = input ("Additional diff args: ", g:DirDiffAddArgs)
+    echo "\nPress update ('u') to refresh the diff."
+" Let you modify the Ignore patthern
+function! <SID>ChangeIgnore()
+    let g:DirDiffIgnore = input ("Ignore pattern (separate multiple patterns with ','): ", g:DirDiffIgnore)
+    echo "\nPress update ('u') to refresh the diff."
+" Sorting functions from the Vim docs.  Use this instead of the sort binary.
+" Function for use with Sort(), to compare two strings.
+func! <SID>Strcmp(str1, str2)
+  if (a:str1 < a:str2)
+	return -1
+  elseif (a:str1 > a:str2)
+	return 1
+  else
+	return 0
+  endif
+" Sort lines.  SortR() is called recursively.
+func! <SID>SortR(start, end, cmp)
+  if (a:start >= a:end)
+	return
+  endif
+  let partition = a:start - 1
+  let middle = partition
+  let partStr = getline((a:start + a:end) / 2)
+  let i = a:start
+  while (i <= a:end)
+	let str = getline(i)
+	exec "let result = " . a:cmp . "(str, partStr)"
+	if (result <= 0)
+	    " Need to put it before the partition.  Swap lines i and partition.
+	    let partition = partition + 1
+	    if (result == 0)
+		let middle = partition
+	    endif
+	    if (i != partition)
+		let str2 = getline(partition)
+		call setline(i, str2)
+		call setline(partition, str)
+	    endif
+	endif
+	let i = i + 1
+  endwhile
+  " Now we have a pointer to the "middle" element, as far as partitioning
+  " goes, which could be anywhere before the partition.  Make sure it is at
+  " the end of the partition.
+  if (middle != partition)
+	let str = getline(middle)
+	let str2 = getline(partition)
+	call setline(middle, str2)
+	call setline(partition, str)
+  endif
+  call <SID>SortR(a:start, partition - 1, a:cmp)
+  call <SID>SortR(partition + 1, a:end, a:cmp)
+" To Sort a range of lines, pass the range to Sort() along with the name of a
+" function that will compare two lines.
+func! <SID>Sort(cmp) range
+  call <SID>SortR(a:firstline, a:lastline, a:cmp)
+" Added to deal with internationalized version of diff, which returns a
+" different string than "Files ... differ" or "Only in ... "
+function! <SID>GetDiffStrings()
+    " Check if we have the dynamic text string turned on.  If not, just return
+    " what's set in the global variables
+    if (g:DirDiffDynamicDiffText == 0)
+        let s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine = g:DirDiffTextOnlyIn
+        let s:DirDiffDifferLine = g:DirDiffTextFiles
+        let s:DirDiffDifferAndLine = g:DirDiffTextAnd
+        let s:DirDiffDifferEndLine = g:DirDiffTextDiffer
+        return
+    endif
+	let tmp1 = tempname()
+	let tmp2 = tempname()
+	let tmpdiff = tempname()
+    " We need to pad the backslashes in order to make it match
+    let tmp1rx = <SID>EscapeDirForRegex(tmp1)
+    let tmp2rx = <SID>EscapeDirForRegex(tmp2)
+    let tmpdiffrx = <SID>EscapeDirForRegex(tmpdiff)
+	silent exe s:DirDiffMakeDirCmd . "\"" . tmp1 . "\""
+	silent exe s:DirDiffMakeDirCmd . "\"" . tmp2 . "\""
+	silent exe "!echo test > \"" . tmp1 . s:sep . "test" . "\""
+	silent exe "!diff -r --brief \"" . tmp1 . "\" \"" . tmp2 . "\" > \"" . tmpdiff . "\""
+	" Now get the result of that diff cmd
+	silent exe "split ". tmpdiff
+    "echo "First line: " . getline(1)
+    "echo "tmp1: " . tmp1
+    "echo "tmp1rx: " . tmp1rx
+	let s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine = substitute( getline(1), tmp1rx . ".*$", "", '') 
+    "echo "DirDiff Only: " . s:DirDiffDiffOnlyLine
+	q
+	" Now let's get the Differ string
+    "echo "Getting the diff in GetDiffStrings"
+	silent exe "!echo testdifferent > \"" . tmp2 . s:sep . "test" . "\""
+	silent exe "!diff -r --brief \"" . tmp1 . "\" \"" . tmp2 . "\" > \"" . tmpdiff . "\""
+	silent exe "split ". tmpdiff
+	let s:DirDiffDifferLine = substitute( getline(1), tmp1rx . ".*$", "", '') 
+    " Note that the diff on cygwin may output '/' instead of '\' for the
+    " separator, so we need to accomodate for both cases
+    let andrx = "^.*" . tmp1rx . "[\\\/]test\\(.*\\)" . tmp2rx . "[\\\/]test.*$"
+    let endrx = "^.*" . tmp1rx . "[\\\/]test.*" . tmp2rx . "[\\\/]test\\(.*$\\)"
+    "echo "andrx : " . andrx
+    "echo "endrx : " . endrx
+	let s:DirDiffDifferAndLine = substitute( getline(1), andrx , "\\1", '') 
+    let s:DirDiffDifferEndLine = substitute( getline(1), endrx, "\\1", '') 
+	"echo "s:DirDiffDifferLine = " . s:DirDiffDifferLine
+	"echo "s:DirDiffDifferAndLine = " . s:DirDiffDifferAndLine
+	"echo "s:DirDiffDifferEndLine = " . s:DirDiffDifferEndLine
+	q
+	" Delete tmp files
+    "echo "Deleting tmp files."
+	call <SID>Delete(tmp1)
+	call <SID>Delete(tmp2)
+	call <SID>Delete(tmpdiff)