
Switch to SLIMV for Clojure.
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 20 Jun 2011 20:03:50 -0400 (2011-06-21)
parents 496c5c177a4c
children 9d262bfc3171
branches/tags (none)
files vim/.vimrc vim/bundle/vimclojure/autoload/vimclojure.vim vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/clj vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/clj.bat vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/kickoff.sh vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng-server vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng-server.bat vim/bundle/vimclojure/doc/clojure.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftdetect/clojure.vim vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure.vim vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.core.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.inspector.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.java.browse.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.java.io.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.java.javadoc.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.java.shell.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.main.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.pprint.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.repl.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.set.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.stacktrace.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.string.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.template.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.test.junit.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.test.tap.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.test.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.walk.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.xml.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.zip.txt vim/bundle/vimclojure/indent/clojure.vim vim/bundle/vimclojure/plugin/clojure.vim vim/bundle/vimclojure/syntax/clojure.vim


--- a/vim/.vimrc	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ b/vim/.vimrc	Mon Jun 20 20:03:50 2011 -0400
@@ -247,7 +247,8 @@
 au FileType clojure compiler clojure
 " Eval toplevel form, even when you're on the opening paren.
-au FileType clojure nmap <localleader>ee 0;\et
+let g:slimv_leader = '\'
+let g:slimv_keybindings = 2
 " }}}
 " Confluence {{{
@@ -608,7 +609,7 @@
 " }}}
 " Makegreen {{{
-nnoremap <localleader><localleader> :call MakeGreen('')<cr>
+nnoremap \| :call MakeGreen('')<cr>
 " }}}
 " Pydoc {{{
@@ -647,24 +648,27 @@
 " SLIMV {{{
 " First check if SWANK is bundled with Slimv
-let swanks = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'slime/start-swank.lisp'), '\n' )
+"let swanks = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'slime/start-swank.lisp'), '\n' )
-if len( swanks ) == 0
-    " Try to find SWANK in the standard SLIME installation locations
-    if exists('g:slimv_windows')
-        if g:slimv_windows || g:slimv_cygwin
-            let swanks = split( globpath( 'c:/slime/,c:/*lisp*/slime/,c:/*lisp*/site/lisp/slime/,c:/Program Files/*lisp*/site/lisp/slime/', 'start-swank.lisp' ), '\n' )
-        else
-            let swanks = split( globpath( '/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime/', 'start-swank.lisp' ), '\n' )
-        endif
-    endif
+"if len( swanks ) == 0
+    "" Try to find SWANK in the standard SLIME installation locations
+    "if exists('g:slimv_windows')
+        "if g:slimv_windows || g:slimv_cygwin
+            "let swanks = split( globpath( 'c:/slime/,c:/*lisp*/slime/,c:/*lisp*/site/lisp/slime/,c:/Program Files/*lisp*/site/lisp/slime/', 'start-swank.lisp' ), '\n' )
+        "else
+            "let swanks = split( globpath( '/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime/', 'start-swank.lisp' ), '\n' )
+        "endif
+    "endif
-if len( swanks ) != 0
-    let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! dtach -n /tmp/swank.socket sbcl --load "' . swanks[0] . '"'
-    let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! dtach -n /tmp/swank.socket clisp -i "' . swanks[0] . '"'
+"if len( swanks ) != 0
+    "let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! dtach -n /tmp/swank.socket sbcl --load "' . swanks[0] . '"'
+    "let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! dtach -n /tmp/swank.socket clisp -i "' . swanks[0] . '"'
+    "let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '! dtach -n /tmp/swank.socket clisp -i "' . swanks[0] . '"'
+let g:slimv_lisp = '"java -cp `lein classpath` clojure.main"'
+let g:slimv_repl_split = 4
 " }}}}
 " Threesome {{{
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/autoload/vimclojure.vim	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,983 +0,0 @@
-" Part of Vim filetype plugin for Clojure
-" Language:     Clojure
-" Maintainer:   Meikel Brandmeyer <mb@kotka.de>
-let s:save_cpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-function! vimclojure#WarnDeprecated(old, new)
-	echohl WarningMsg
-	echomsg a:old . " is deprecated! Use " . a:new . "!"
-	echomsg "eg. let " . a:new . " = <desired value here>"
-	echohl None
-" Configuration
-if !exists("g:vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins")
-	if exists("g:clj_highlight_builtins")
-		call vimclojure#WarnDeprecated("g:clj_highlight_builtins",
-					\ "vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins")
-		let vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins = g:clj_highlight_builtins
-	else
-		let vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins = 1
-	endif
-if exists("g:clj_highlight_contrib")
-	echohl WarningMsg
-	echomsg "clj_highlight_contrib is deprecated! It's removed without replacement!"
-	echohl None
-if !exists("g:vimclojure#DynamicHighlighting")
-	if exists("g:clj_dynamic_highlighting")
-		call vimclojure#WarnDeprecated("g:clj_dynamic_highlighting",
-					\ "vimclojure#DynamicHighlighting")
-		let vimclojure#DynamicHighlighting = g:clj_dynamic_highlighting
-	else
-		let vimclojure#DynamicHighlighting = 0
-	endif
-if !exists("g:vimclojure#ParenRainbow")
-	if exists("g:clj_paren_rainbow")
-		call vimclojure#WarnDeprecated("g:clj_paren_rainbow",
-					\ "vimclojure#ParenRainbow")
-		let vimclojure#ParenRainbow = g:clj_paren_rainbow
-	else
-		let vimclojure#ParenRainbow = 0
-	endif
-if !exists("g:vimclojure#WantNailgun")
-	if exists("g:clj_want_gorilla")
-		call vimclojure#WarnDeprecated("g:clj_want_gorilla",
-					\ "vimclojure#WantNailgun")
-		let vimclojure#WantNailgun = g:clj_want_gorilla
-	else
-		let vimclojure#WantNailgun = 0
-	endif
-if !exists("g:vimclojure#UseErrorBuffer")
-	let vimclojure#UseErrorBuffer = 1
-function! vimclojure#ReportError(msg)
-	if g:vimclojure#UseErrorBuffer
-		let buf = g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.New()
-		call buf.showText(a:msg)
-		wincmd p
-	else
-		echoerr substitute(a:msg, '\n\(\t\?\)', ' ', 'g')
-	endif
-function! vimclojure#SynIdName()
-	return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")
-function! vimclojure#WithSaved(closure)
-	let v = a:closure.get(a:closure.tosafe)
-	try
-		let r = a:closure.f()
-	finally
-		call a:closure.set(a:closure.tosafe, v)
-	endtry
-	return r
-function! vimclojure#WithSavedPosition(closure)
-	let a:closure['tosafe'] = "."
-	let a:closure['get'] = function("getpos")
-	let a:closure['set'] = function("setpos")
-	return vimclojure#WithSaved(a:closure)
-function! vimclojure#WithSavedRegister(closure)
-	let a:closure['get'] = function("getreg")
-	let a:closure['set'] = function("setreg")
-	return vimclojure#WithSaved(a:closure)
-function! vimclojure#WithSavedOption(closure)
-	function a:closure.get(option)
-		execute "let val = &" . a:option
-		return val
-	endfunction
-	function a:closure.set(option, value)
-		execute "let &" . a:option . " = a:value"
-	endfunction
-	return vimclojure#WithSaved(a:closure)
-function! vimclojure#Yank(r, how)
-	let closure = {'tosafe': a:r, 'yank': a:how}
-	function closure.f() dict
-		silent execute self.yank
-		return getreg(self.tosafe)
-	endfunction
-	return vimclojure#WithSavedRegister(closure)
-function! vimclojure#EscapePathForOption(path)
-	let path = fnameescape(a:path)
-	" Hardcore escapeing of whitespace...
-	let path = substitute(path, '\', '\\\\', 'g')
-	let path = substitute(path, '\ ', '\\ ', 'g')
-	return path
-function! vimclojure#AddPathToOption(path, option)
-	let path = vimclojure#EscapePathForOption(a:path)
-	execute "setlocal " . a:option . "+=" . path
-function! vimclojure#AddCompletions(ns)
-	let completions = split(globpath(&rtp, "ftplugin/clojure/completions-" . a:ns . ".txt"), '\n')
-	if completions != []
-		call vimclojure#AddPathToOption('k' . completions[0], 'complete')
-	endif
-" Nailgun part:
-function! vimclojure#ExtractSexpr(toplevel)
-	let closure = { "flag" : (a:toplevel ? "r" : "") }
-	function closure.f() dict
-		if searchpairpos('(', '', ')', 'bW' . self.flag,
-					\ 'vimclojure#SynIdName() !~ "clojureParen\\d"') != [0, 0]
-			return vimclojure#Yank('l', 'normal! "ly%')
-		end
-		return ""
-	endfunction
-	return vimclojure#WithSavedPosition(closure)
-function! vimclojure#BufferName()
-	let file = expand("%")
-	if file == ""
-		let file = "UNNAMED"
-	endif
-	return file
-" Key mappings and Plugs
-function! vimclojure#MakePlug(mode, plug, f, args)
-	execute a:mode . "noremap <Plug>Clojure" . a:plug
-				\ . " :call " . a:f . "(" . a:args . ")<CR>"
-function! vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug(mode, plug, f, args)
-	execute a:mode . "noremap <Plug>Clojure" . a:plug
-				\ . " :call vimclojure#ProtectedPlug(function(\""
-				\ . a:f . "\"), [ " . a:args . " ])<CR>"
-function! vimclojure#MapPlug(mode, keys, plug)
-	if !hasmapto("<Plug>Clojure" . a:plug)
-		execute a:mode . "map <buffer> <unique> <silent> <LocalLeader>" . a:keys
-					\ . " <Plug>Clojure" . a:plug
-	endif
-function! vimclojure#MapCommandPlug(mode, keys, plug)
-	if exists("b:vimclojure_namespace")
-		call vimclojure#MapPlug(a:mode, a:keys, a:plug)
-	elseif g:vimclojure#WantNailgun == 1
-		let msg = ':call vimclojure#ReportError("VimClojure could not initialise the server connection.\n'
-					\ . 'That means you will not be able to use the interactive features.\n'
-					\ . 'Reasons might be that the server is not running or that there is\n'
-					\ . 'some trouble with the classpath.\n\n'
-					\ . 'VimClojure will *not* start the server for you or handle the classpath.\n'
-					\ . 'There is a plethora of tools like ivy, maven, gradle and leiningen,\n'
-					\ . 'which do this better than VimClojure could ever do it.")'
-		execute a:mode . "map <buffer> <silent> <LocalLeader>" . a:keys
-					\ . " " . msg . "<CR>"
-	endif
-if !exists("*vimclojure#ProtectedPlug")
-	function vimclojure#ProtectedPlug(f, args)
-		try
-			return call(a:f, a:args)
-		catch /.*/
-			call vimclojure#ReportError(v:exception)
-		endtry
-	endfunction
-" A Buffer...
-if !exists("g:vimclojure#SplitPos")
-	let vimclojure#SplitPos = "top"
-if !exists("g:vimclojure#SplitSize")
-	let vimclojure#SplitSize = ""
-let vimclojure#Buffer = {}
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.New() dict
-	let instance = copy(self)
-	call self.MakeBuffer()
-	call self.Init(instance)
-	return instance
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.MakeBuffer()
-	if g:vimclojure#SplitPos == "left" || g:vimclojure#SplitPos == "right"
-		let o_sr = &splitright
-		if g:vimclojure#SplitPos == "left"
-			set nosplitright
-		else
-			set splitright
-		end
-		execute printf("%svnew", g:vimclojure#SplitSize)
-		let &splitright = o_sr
-	else
-		let o_sb = &splitbelow
-		if g:vimclojure#SplitPos == "bottom"
-			set splitbelow
-		else
-			set nosplitbelow
-		end
-		execute printf("%snew", g:vimclojure#SplitSize)
-		let &splitbelow = o_sb
-	endif
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.Init(instance)
-	let a:instance._buffer = bufnr("%")
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.goHere() dict
-	execute "buffer! " . self._buffer
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.goHereWindow() dict
-	execute "sbuffer! " . self._buffer
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.resize() dict
-	call self.goHere()
-	let size = line("$")
-	if size < 3
-		let size = 3
-	endif
-	execute "resize " . size
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.showText(text) dict
-	call self.goHere()
-	if type(a:text) == type("")
-		let text = split(a:text, '\n')
-	else
-		let text = a:text
-	endif
-	call append(line("$"), text)
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.showOutput(output) dict
-	call self.goHere()
-	if a:output.value == 0
-		if a:output.stdout != ""
-			call self.showText(a:output.stdout)
-		endif
-		if a:output.stderr != ""
-			call self.showText(a:output.stderr)
-		endif
-	else
-		call self.showText(a:output.value)
-	endif
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.clear() dict
-	1
-	normal! "_dG
-function! vimclojure#Buffer.close() dict
-	execute "bdelete! " . self._buffer
-" The transient buffer, used to display results.
-let vimclojure#ResultBuffer = copy(vimclojure#Buffer)
-let vimclojure#ResultBuffer["__superBufferInit"] = vimclojure#ResultBuffer["Init"]
-let vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance = []
-function! vimclojure#ResultBuffer.New() dict
-	if g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance != []
-		let closure = {
-					\ 'instance' : g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance[0],
-					\ 'tosafe'   : 'switchbuf',
-					\ 'class'    : self
-					\ }
-		function closure.f() dict
-			set switchbuf=useopen
-			call self.instance.goHereWindow()
-			call self.instance.clear()
-			return self.class.Init(self.instance)
-		endfunction
-		return vimclojure#WithSavedOption(closure)
-	endif
-	let instance = copy(self)
-	let g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance = [ instance ]
-	call g:vimclojure#Buffer.MakeBuffer()
-	call self.__superBufferInit(instance)
-	call self.Init(instance)
-	return instance
-function! vimclojure#ResultBuffer.Init(instance) dict
-	setlocal noswapfile
-	setlocal buftype=nofile
-	setlocal bufhidden=wipe
-	call vimclojure#MapPlug("n", "p", "CloseResultBuffer")
-	call a:instance.clear()
-	let leader = exists("g:maplocalleader") ? g:maplocalleader : "\\"
-	call append(0, "; Use " . leader . "p to close this buffer!")
-	return a:instance
-function! vimclojure#ResultBuffer.CloseBuffer() dict
-	if g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance != []
-		let instance = g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance[0]
-		let g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance = []
-		call instance.close()
-	endif
-function! s:InvalidateResultBufferIfNecessary(buf)
-	if g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance != []
-				\ && g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance[0]._buffer == a:buf
-		let g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.__instance = []
-	endif
-augroup VimClojureResultBuffer
-	au BufDelete * call s:InvalidateResultBufferIfNecessary(expand("<abuf>"))
-augroup END
-" A special result buffer for clojure output.
-let vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer = copy(vimclojure#ResultBuffer)
-let vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer["__superResultBufferInit"] =
-			\ vimclojure#ResultBuffer["Init"]
-let vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer["__superResultBufferShowOutput"] =
-			\ vimclojure#ResultBuffer["showOutput"]
-function! vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.Init(instance) dict
-	call self.__superResultBufferInit(a:instance)
-	setfiletype clojure
-	return a:instance
-function! vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.showOutput(text) dict
-	call self.__superResultBufferShowOutput(a:text)
-	normal G
-" Nails
-if !exists("vimclojure#NailgunClient")
-	let vimclojure#NailgunClient = "ng"
-function! vimclojure#ShellEscapeArguments(vals)
-	let closure = { 'vals': a:vals, 'tosafe': 'shellslash' }
-	function closure.f() dict
-		set noshellslash
-		return map(copy(self.vals), 'shellescape(v:val)')
-	endfunction
-	return vimclojure#WithSavedOption(closure)
-function! vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput(nail, input, ...)
-	if type(a:input) == type("")
-		let input = split(a:input, '\n', 1)
-	else
-		let input = a:input
-	endif
-	let inputfile = tempname()
-	try
-		call writefile(input, inputfile)
-		let cmdline = vimclojure#ShellEscapeArguments(
-					\ [g:vimclojure#NailgunClient, "vimclojure.Nail", a:nail]
-					\ + a:000)
-		let cmd = join(cmdline, " ") . " <" . inputfile
-		" Add hardcore quoting for Windows
-		if has("win32") || has("win64")
-			let cmd = '"' . cmd . '"'
-		endif
-		let output = system(cmd)
-		if v:shell_error
-			throw "Error executing Nail! (" . v:shell_error . ")\n" . output
-		endif
-	finally
-		call delete(inputfile)
-	endtry
-	execute "let result = " . substitute(output, '\n$', '', '')
-	return result
-function! vimclojure#ExecuteNail(nail, ...)
-	return call(function("vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput"), [a:nail, ""] + a:000)
-function! vimclojure#FilterNail(nail, rngStart, rngEnd, ...)
-	let cmdline = [g:vimclojure#NailgunClient,
-				\ "vimclojure.Nail", a:nail]
-				\ + vimclojure#ShellEscapeArguments(a:000)
-	let cmd = a:rngStart . "," . a:rngEnd . "!" . join(cmdline, " ")
-	silent execute cmd
-function! vimclojure#DocLookup(word)
-	if a:word == ""
-		return
-	endif
-	let doc = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("DocLookup", a:word,
-				\ "-n", b:vimclojure_namespace)
-	let buf = g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.New()
-	call buf.showOutput(doc)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#FindDoc()
-	let pattern = input("Pattern to look for: ")
-	let doc = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("FindDoc", pattern)
-	let buf = g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.New()
-	call buf.showOutput(doc)
-	wincmd p
-let s:DefaultJavadocPaths = {
-			\ "java" : "http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/",
-			\ "org/apache/commons/beanutils" : "http://commons.apache.org/beanutils/api/",
-			\ "org/apache/commons/chain" : "http://commons.apache.org/chain/api-release/",
-			\ "org/apache/commons/cli" : "http://commons.apache.org/cli/api-release/",
-			\ "org/apache/commons/codec" : "http://commons.apache.org/codec/api-release/",
-			\ "org/apache/commons/collections" : "http://commons.apache.org/collections/api-release/",
-			\ "org/apache/commons/logging" : "http://commons.apache.org/logging/apidocs/",
-			\ "org/apache/commons/mail" : "http://commons.apache.org/email/api-release/",
-			\ "org/apache/commons/io" : "http://commons.apache.org/io/api-release/"
-			\ }
-if !exists("vimclojure#JavadocPathMap")
-	let vimclojure#JavadocPathMap = {}
-for k in keys(s:DefaultJavadocPaths)
-	if !has_key(vimclojure#JavadocPathMap, k)
-		let vimclojure#JavadocPathMap[k] = s:DefaultJavadocPaths[k]
-	endif
-if !exists("vimclojure#Browser")
-	if has("win32") || has("win64")
-		let vimclojure#Browser = "start"
-	elseif has("mac")
-		let vimclojure#Browser = "open"
-	else
-		let vimclojure#Browser = "firefox -new-window"
-	endif
-function! vimclojure#JavadocLookup(word)
-	let word = substitute(a:word, "\\.$", "", "")
-	let path = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("JavadocPath", word,
-				\ "-n", b:vimclojure_namespace)
-	if path.stderr != ""
-		let buf = g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.New()
-		call buf.showOutput(path)
-		wincmd p
-		return
-	endif
-	let match = ""
-	for pattern in keys(g:vimclojure#JavadocPathMap)
-		if path.value =~ "^" . pattern && len(match) < len(pattern)
-			let match = pattern
-		endif
-	endfor
-	if match == ""
-		echoerr "No matching Javadoc URL found for " . path.value
-	endif
-	let url = g:vimclojure#JavadocPathMap[match] . path.value
-	call system(join([g:vimclojure#Browser, url], " "))
-function! vimclojure#SourceLookup(word)
-	let source = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("SourceLookup", a:word,
-				\ "-n", b:vimclojure_namespace)
-	let buf = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call buf.showOutput(source)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#MetaLookup(word)
-	let meta = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("MetaLookup", a:word,
-				\ "-n", b:vimclojure_namespace)
-	let buf = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call buf.showOutput(meta)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#GotoSource(word)
-	let pos = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("SourceLocation", a:word,
-				\ "-n", b:vimclojure_namespace)
-	if pos.stderr != ""
-		let buf = g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.New()
-		call buf.showOutput(pos)
-		wincmd p
-		return
-	endif
-	if !filereadable(pos.value.file)
-		let file = findfile(pos.value.file)
-		if file == ""
-			echoerr pos.value.file . " not found in 'path'"
-			return
-		endif
-		let pos.value.file = file
-	endif
-	execute "edit " . pos.value.file
-	execute pos.value.line
-" Evaluators
-function! vimclojure#MacroExpand(firstOnly)
-	let sexp = vimclojure#ExtractSexpr(0)
-	let ns = b:vimclojure_namespace
-	let cmd = ["MacroExpand", sexp, "-n", ns]
-	if a:firstOnly
-		let cmd = cmd + [ "-o" ]
-	endif
-	let expanded = call(function("vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput"), cmd)
-	let buf = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call buf.showOutput(expanded)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#RequireFile(all)
-	let ns = b:vimclojure_namespace
-	let all = a:all ? "-all" : ""
-	let require = "(require :reload" . all . " :verbose '". ns. ")"
-	let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl", require, "-r")
-	let resultBuffer = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call resultBuffer.showOutput(result)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#RunTests(all)
-	let ns = b:vimclojure_namespace
-	let result = call(function("vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput"),
-				\ [ "RunTests", "", "-n", ns ] + (a:all ? [ "-a" ] : []))
-	let resultBuffer = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call resultBuffer.showOutput(result)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#EvalFile()
-	let content = getbufline(bufnr("%"), 1, line("$"))
-	let file = vimclojure#BufferName()
-	let ns = b:vimclojure_namespace
-	let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl", content,
-				\ "-r", "-n", ns, "-f", file)
-	let resultBuffer = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call resultBuffer.showOutput(result)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#EvalLine()
-	let theLine = line(".")
-	let content = getline(theLine)
-	let file = vimclojure#BufferName()
-	let ns = b:vimclojure_namespace
-	let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl", content,
-				\ "-r", "-n", ns, "-f", file, "-l", theLine)
-	let resultBuffer = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call resultBuffer.showOutput(result)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#EvalBlock() range
-	let file = vimclojure#BufferName()
-	let ns = b:vimclojure_namespace
-	let content = getbufline(bufnr("%"), a:firstline, a:lastline)
-	let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl", content,
-				\ "-r", "-n", ns, "-f", file, "-l", a:firstline - 1)
-	let resultBuffer = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call resultBuffer.showOutput(result)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#EvalToplevel()
-	let file = vimclojure#BufferName()
-	let ns = b:vimclojure_namespace
-	let pos = searchpairpos('(', '', ')', 'bWnr',
-					\ 'vimclojure#SynIdName() !~ "clojureParen\\d"')
-	if pos == [0, 0]
-		throw "Error: Not in toplevel expression!"
-	endif
-	let expr = vimclojure#ExtractSexpr(1)
-	let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl", expr,
-				\ "-r", "-n", ns, "-f", file, "-l", pos[0] - 1)
-	let resultBuffer = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call resultBuffer.showOutput(result)
-	wincmd p
-function! vimclojure#EvalParagraph()
-	let file = vimclojure#BufferName()
-	let ns = b:vimclojure_namespace
-	let startPosition = line(".")
-	let closure = {}
-	function! closure.f() dict
-		normal! }
-		return line(".")
-	endfunction
-	let endPosition = vimclojure#WithSavedPosition(closure)
-	let content = getbufline(bufnr("%"), startPosition, endPosition)
-	let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl", content,
-				\ "-r", "-n", ns, "-f", file, "-l", startPosition - 1)
-	let resultBuffer = g:vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.New()
-	call resultBuffer.showOutput(result)
-	wincmd p
-" The Repl
-let vimclojure#Repl = copy(vimclojure#Buffer)
-let vimclojure#Repl.__superBufferInit = vimclojure#Repl.Init
-let vimclojure#Repl._history = []
-let vimclojure#Repl._historyDepth = 0
-let vimclojure#Repl._replCommands = [ ",close", ",st", ",ct", ",toggle-pprint" ]
-" Simple wrapper to allow on demand load of autoload/vimclojure.vim.
-function! vimclojure#StartRepl(...)
-	let ns = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : "user"
-	call g:vimclojure#Repl.New(ns)
-function! vimclojure#Repl.New(namespace) dict
-	let instance = copy(self)
-	call g:vimclojure#Buffer.MakeBuffer()
-	call self.Init(instance, a:namespace)
-	return instance
-function! vimclojure#Repl.Init(instance, namespace) dict
-	call self.__superBufferInit(a:instance)
-	let a:instance._prompt = a:namespace . "=>"
-	setlocal buftype=nofile
-	setlocal noswapfile
-	call append(line("$"), ["Clojure", a:instance._prompt . " "])
-	let replStart = vimclojure#ExecuteNail("Repl", "-s",
-				\ "-n", a:namespace)
-	let a:instance._id = replStart.value.id
-	call vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl",
-				\ "(require 'clojure.stacktrace)",
-				\ "-r", "-i", a:instance._id)
-	let b:vimclojure_repl = a:instance
-	set filetype=clojure
-	if !hasmapto("<Plug>ClojureReplEnterHook")
-		imap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <Plug>ClojureReplEnterHook
-	endif
-	if !hasmapto("<Plug>ClojureReplUpHistory")
-		imap <buffer> <silent> <C-Up> <Plug>ClojureReplUpHistory
-	endif
-	if !hasmapto("<Plug>ClojureReplDownHistory")
-		imap <buffer> <silent> <C-Down> <Plug>ClojureReplDownHistory
-	endif
-	normal! G
-	startinsert!
-function! vimclojure#Repl.isReplCommand(cmd) dict
-	for candidate in self._replCommands
-		if candidate == a:cmd
-			return 1
-		endif
-	endfor
-	return 0
-function! vimclojure#Repl.doReplCommand(cmd) dict
-	if a:cmd == ",close"
-		call vimclojure#ExecuteNail("Repl", "-S", "-i", self._id)
-		call self.close()
-		stopinsert
-	elseif a:cmd == ",st"
-		let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl",
-					\ "(vimclojure.util/pretty-print-stacktrace *e)", "-r",
-					\ "-i", self._id)
-		call self.showOutput(result)
-		call self.showPrompt()
-	elseif a:cmd == ",ct"
-		let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl",
-					\ "(vimclojure.util/pretty-print-causetrace *e)", "-r",
-					\ "-i", self._id)
-		call self.showOutput(result)
-		call self.showPrompt()
-	elseif a:cmd == ",toggle-pprint"
-		let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl",
-					\ "(set! vimclojure.repl/*print-pretty* (not vimclojure.repl/*print-pretty*))", "-r",
-					\ "-i", self._id)
-		call self.showOutput(result)
-		call self.showPrompt()
-	endif
-function! vimclojure#Repl.showPrompt() dict
-	call self.showText(self._prompt . " ")
-	normal! G
-	startinsert!
-function! vimclojure#Repl.getCommand() dict
-	let ln = line("$")
-	while getline(ln) !~ "^" . self._prompt && ln > 0
-		let ln = ln - 1
-	endwhile
-	" Special Case: User deleted Prompt by accident. Insert a new one.
-	if ln == 0
-		call self.showPrompt()
-		return ""
-	endif
-	let cmd = vimclojure#Yank("l", ln . "," . line("$") . "yank l")
-	let cmd = substitute(cmd, "^" . self._prompt . "\\s*", "", "")
-	let cmd = substitute(cmd, "\n$", "", "")
-	return cmd
-function! vimclojure#Repl.enterHook() dict
-	let cmd = self.getCommand()
-	" Special Case: Showed prompt (or user just hit enter).
-	if cmd == ""
-		return
-	endif
-	if self.isReplCommand(cmd)
-		call self.doReplCommand(cmd)
-		return
-	endif
-	let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("CheckSyntax", cmd,
-				\ "-n", b:vimclojure_namespace)
-	if result.value == 0 && result.stderr == ""
-		execute "normal! GA\<CR>x"
-		normal! ==x
-		startinsert!
-	elseif result.stderr != ""
-		let buf = g:vimclojure#ResultBuffer.New()
-		call buf.showOutput(result)
-	else
-		let result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("Repl", cmd,
-					\ "-r", "-i", self._id)
-		call self.showOutput(result)
-		let self._historyDepth = 0
-		let self._history = [cmd] + self._history
-		let namespace = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("ReplNamespace", "",
-					\ "-i", self._id)
-		let b:vimclojure_namespace = namespace.value
-		let self._prompt = namespace.value . "=>"
-		call self.showPrompt()
-	endif
-function! vimclojure#Repl.upHistory() dict
-	let histLen = len(self._history)
-	let histDepth = self._historyDepth
-	if histLen > 0 && histLen > histDepth
-		let cmd = self._history[histDepth]
-		let self._historyDepth = histDepth + 1
-		call self.deleteLast()
-		call self.showText(self._prompt . " " . cmd)
-	endif
-	normal! G$
-function! vimclojure#Repl.downHistory() dict
-	let histLen = len(self._history)
-	let histDepth = self._historyDepth
-	if histDepth > 0 && histLen > 0
-		let self._historyDepth = histDepth - 1
-		let cmd = self._history[self._historyDepth]
-		call self.deleteLast()
-		call self.showText(self._prompt . " " . cmd)
-	elseif histDepth == 0
-		call self.deleteLast()
-		call self.showText(self._prompt . " ")
-	endif
-	normal! G$
-function! vimclojure#Repl.deleteLast() dict
-	normal! G
-	while getline("$") !~ self._prompt
-		normal! dd
-	endwhile
-	normal! dd
-" Highlighting
-function! vimclojure#ColorNamespace(highlights)
-	for [category, words] in items(a:highlights)
-		if words != []
-			execute "syntax keyword clojure" . category . " " . join(words, " ")
-		endif
-	endfor
-" Omni Completion
-function! vimclojure#OmniCompletion(findstart, base)
-	if a:findstart == 1
-		let line = getline(".")
-		let start = col(".") - 1
-		while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\w\|-\|\.\|+\|*\|/'
-			let start -= 1
-		endwhile
-		return start
-	else
-		let slash = stridx(a:base, '/')
-		if slash > -1
-			let prefix = strpart(a:base, 0, slash)
-			let base = strpart(a:base, slash + 1)
-		else
-			let prefix = ""
-			let base = a:base
-		endif
-		if prefix == "" && base == ""
-			return []
-		endif
-		let completions = vimclojure#ExecuteNail("Complete",
-					\ "-n", b:vimclojure_namespace,
-					\ "-p", prefix, "-b", base)
-		return completions.value
-	endif
-function! vimclojure#InitBuffer()
-	if exists("b:vimclojure_loaded")
-		return
-	endif
-	let b:vimclojure_loaded = 1
-	if g:vimclojure#WantNailgun == 1
-		if !exists("b:vimclojure_namespace")
-			" Get the namespace of the buffer.
-			if &previewwindow
-				let b:vimclojure_namespace = "user"
-			else
-				try
-					let content = getbufline(bufnr("%"), 1, line("$"))
-					let namespace =
-								\ vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput(
-								\   "NamespaceOfFile", content)
-					if namespace.stderr != ""
-						throw namespace.stderr
-					endif
-					let b:vimclojure_namespace = namespace.value
-				catch /.*/
-					call vimclojure#ReportError(
-								\ "Could not determine the Namespace of the file.\n\n"
-								\ . "This might have different reasons. Please check, that the ng server\n"
-								\ . "is running with the correct classpath and that the file does not contain\n"
-								\ . "syntax errors. The interactive features will not be enabled, ie. the\n"
-								\ . "keybindings will not be mapped.\n\nReason:\n" . v:exception)
-				endtry
-			endif
-		endif
-	endif
-function! vimclojure#AddToLispWords(word)
-	execute "setlocal lw+=" . a:word
-" Epilog
-let &cpo = s:save_cpo
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/clj	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved.  The use and
-# distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
-# License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be
-# found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.  By
-# using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
-# terms of this license.  You must not remove this notice, or any other,
-# from this software.
-# clj-env-dir Launches Clojure, passing along command line arguments. This
-#             launcher can be configured using environment variables and
-#             makes it easy to include directories full of classpath roots
-#             in CLASSPATH.
-# scgilardi (gmail)
-# Created 7 January 2009
-# Modified to read in an optional .clojure file in the current directory
-# naming further items for the CLASSPATH.
-# Meikel Brandmeyer (mb ? kotka ! de)
-# Frankfurt am Main, 21.08.2009
-# Environment variables (optional):
-#  CLOJURE_EXT  Colon-delimited list of paths to directories whose top-level
-#               contents are (either directly or as symbolic links) jar
-#               files and/or directories whose paths will be in Clojure's
-#               classpath. The value of the CLASSPATH environment variable
-#               for Clojure will include these top-level paths followed by
-#               the previous value of CLASSPATH (if any).
-#               default:
-#               example: /usr/local/share/clojure/ext:$HOME/.clojure.d/ext
-#  CLOJURE_JAVA The command to launch a JVM instance for Clojure
-#               default: java
-#               example: /usr/local/bin/java6
-#  CLOJURE_OPTS Java options for this JVM instance
-#               default:
-#               example:"-Xms32M -Xmx128M -server"
-#  CLOJURE_MAIN The Java class to launch
-#               default: clojure.main
-#               example: clojure.contrib.repl_ln
-set -o errexit
-#set -o nounset
-#set -o xtrace
-if [ -n "${CLOJURE_EXT:-}" ]; then
-    OLD="$IFS"
-    IFS=":"
-    EXT="$(find -H ${CLOJURE_EXT} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | tr \\0 \:)"
-    IFS="$OLD"
-    if [ -n "${CLASSPATH:-}" ]; then
-    else
-        CLASSPATH="${EXT%:}"
-    fi
-if [ -f .clojure ]; then
-    for path in `cat .clojure`; do
-        if [ -n "${CLASSPATH:-}" ]; then
-            CLASSPATH="${path}:${CLASSPATH}"
-        else
-            CLASSPATH="${path%:}"
-        fi
-    done
-exec ${JAVA} ${OPTS} ${MAIN} "$@"
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/clj.bat	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-REM # Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved.  The use and
-REM # distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
-REM # License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be
-REM # found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.  By
-REM # using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
-REM # terms of this license.  You must not remove this notice, or any other,
-REM # from this software.
-REM #
-REM # scgilardi (gmail)
-REM # Created 7 January 2009
-REM #
-REM # Modified by Justin Johnson <justin _ honesthacker com> to run on Windows
-REM # and to include a check for .clojure file in the current directory.
-REM #
-REM # Environment variables:
-REM #
-REM # Optional:
-REM #
-REM #  CLOJURE_EXT  The path to a directory containing (either directly or as
-REM #               symbolic links) jar files and/or directories whose paths
-REM #               should be in Clojure's classpath. The value of the
-REM #               CLASSPATH environment variable for Clojure will be a list
-REM #               of these paths followed by the previous value of CLASSPATH
-REM #               (if any).
-REM #
-REM #  CLOJURE_JAVA The command to launch a JVM instance for Clojure
-REM #               default: java
-REM #               example: /usr/local/bin/java6
-REM #
-REM #  CLOJURE_OPTS Java options for this JVM instance
-REM #               default:
-REM #               example:"-Xms32M -Xmx128M -server"
-REM #
-REM # Configuration files:
-REM # 
-REM # Optional:
-REM #
-REM #  .clojure     A file sitting in the directory where you invoke ng-server.
-REM #               Each line contains a single path that should be added to the classpath.
-REM #
-REM # Add all jar files from CLOJURE_EXT directory to classpath
-REM # If the current directory has a .clojure file in it, add each path
-REM # in the file to the classpath.
-IF EXIST .clojure FOR /F %%E IN (.clojure) DO SET CP=!CP!;%%~fE
-%CLOJURE_JAVA% %CLOJURE_OPTS% -cp "%CP%" clojure.main %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/kickoff.sh	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-if [ ! -e "${CACHE_DIR}" ]; then
-    mkdir "${CACHE_DIR}"
-if [ ! -e "${CACHE_GRADLE_ZIP}" ]; then
-    wget ${GRADLE_URL} -O "${CACHE_GRADLE_ZIP}"
-if [ ! -e "${CACHE_GRADLE_DIR}" ]; then
-    pushd .
-    cd "${CACHE_DIR}"
-    unzip "${GRADLE_ZIP}"
-    popd
-if [ ! -e "${CACHE_PLUGIN_DIR}" ]; then
-    wget ${PLUGIN_URL} -O "${CACHE_GRADLE_DIR}/lib/${PLUGIN_JAR}"
-echo "clojure=clojuresque.ClojurePlugin" >> "${CACHE_GRADLE_DIR}/plugin.properties"
-echo "Don't forget to set GRADLE_HOME!"
-echo "export GRADLE_HOME=\"${CACHE_GRADLE_DIR}\""
Binary file vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng has changed
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng-server	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved.  The use and
-# distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
-# License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be
-# found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.  By
-# using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
-# terms of this license.  You must not remove this notice, or any other,
-# from this software.
-# clj-env-dir Launches Clojure, passing along command line arguments. This
-#             launcher can be configured using environment variables and
-#             makes it easy to include directories full of classpath roots
-#             in CLASSPATH.
-# scgilardi (gmail)
-# Created 7 January 2009
-# Modified to act as launcher for the Nailgun server and to read in an
-# optional .clojure file in the current directory naming further items
-# for the CLASSPATH.
-# Meikel Brandmeyer (mb ? kotka ! de)
-# Frankfurt am Main, 21.08.2009
-# Environment variables (optional):
-#  CLOJURE_EXT  Colon-delimited list of paths to directories whose top-level
-#               contents are (either directly or as symbolic links) jar
-#               files and/or directories whose paths will be in Clojure's
-#               classpath. The value of the CLASSPATH environment variable
-#               for Clojure will include these top-level paths followed by
-#               the previous value of CLASSPATH (if any).
-#               default:
-#               example: /usr/local/share/clojure/ext:$HOME/.clojure.d/ext
-#  CLOJURE_JAVA The command to launch a JVM instance for Clojure
-#               default: java
-#               example: /usr/local/bin/java6
-#  CLOJURE_OPTS Java options for this JVM instance
-#               default:
-#               example:"-Xms32M -Xmx128M -server"
-#  .clojure     A file in the current directory. Every line names an item
-#               which will be added to the CLASSPATH.
-set -o errexit
-#set -o nounset
-#set -o xtrace
-if [ -n "${CLOJURE_EXT:-}" ]; then
-    OLD="$IFS"
-    IFS=":"
-    EXT="$(find -H ${CLOJURE_EXT} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | tr \\0 \:)"
-    IFS="$OLD"
-    if [ -n "${CLASSPATH:-}" ]; then
-        export CLASSPATH="${EXT}${CLASSPATH}"
-    else
-        export CLASSPATH="${EXT%:}"
-    fi
-if [ -f .clojure ]; then
-    for path in `cat .clojure`; do
-        if [ -n "${CLASSPATH:-}" ]; then
-            export CLASSPATH="${path}:${CLASSPATH}"
-        else
-            export CLASSPATH="${path%:}"
-        fi
-    done
-exec ${JAVA} ${OPTS} vimclojure.nailgun.NGServer "$@"
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng-server.bat	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-REM # Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved.  The use and
-REM # distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
-REM # License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be
-REM # found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.  By
-REM # using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
-REM # terms of this license.  You must not remove this notice, or any other,
-REM # from this software.
-REM #
-REM # scgilardi (gmail)
-REM # Created 7 January 2009
-REM #
-REM # Modified by Justin Johnson <justin _ honesthacker com> to act as Windows
-REM # launcher for the Nailgun server of VimClojure, and to include a check for
-REM # a .clojure file in the current directory.
-REM #
-REM # Environment variables:
-REM #
-REM # Optional:
-REM #
-REM #  CLOJURE_EXT  The path to a directory containing (either directly or as
-REM #               symbolic links) jar files and/or directories whose paths
-REM #               should be in Clojure's classpath. The value of the
-REM #               CLASSPATH environment variable for Clojure will be a list
-REM #               of these paths followed by the previous value of CLASSPATH
-REM #               (if any).
-REM #
-REM #  CLOJURE_JAVA The command to launch a JVM instance for Clojure
-REM #               default: java
-REM #               example: /usr/local/bin/java6
-REM #
-REM #  CLOJURE_OPTS Java options for this JVM instance
-REM #               default:
-REM #               example:"-Xms32M -Xmx128M -server"
-REM #
-REM # Configuration files:
-REM # 
-REM # Optional:
-REM #
-REM #  .clojure     A file sitting in the directory where you invoke ng-server.
-REM #               Each line contains a single path that should be added to the classpath.
-REM #
-REM # Add all jar files from CLOJURE_EXT directory to classpath
-REM # If the current directory has a .clojure file in it, add each path
-REM # in the file to the classpath.
-IF EXIST .clojure FOR /F %%E IN (.clojure) DO SET CP=!CP!;%%~fE
-REM # Since we do not provide any security we at least bind only to the loopback.
-%CLOJURE_JAVA% %CLOJURE_OPTS% -cp "%CP%" vimclojure.nailgun.NGServer %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/doc/clojure.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-*vimclojure.txt*                    *clojure.vim*
-VimClojure - A Clojure Environment
-VimClojure is a filetype plugin and development environment for Clojure. It
-provides indenting, syntax highlighting and – if configured – interactive
-features like omni completion, documentation lookup and a Repl running in a
-Vim buffer.
-Nailgun Server                      *clj-nailgun-server*
-To use the interactive part you have to start the nailgun server via the jar
-file. Make sure, that clojure and clojure-contrib are in your classpath and
-start the vimclojure.nailgun.NGServer class. Example invocation:
-        java -cp clojure.jar:clojure-contrib.jar:vimclojure.jar vimclojure.nailgun.NGServer
-This may look different depending on your system.
-You can stop the server by invoking the nailgun client with the ng-stop
-        ng ng-stop
-Set the vimclojure#WantNailgun variable in your vimrc.
-        let vimclojure#WantNailgun = 1
-Note: Should there be an error when executing an interactive command
-and the error message goes away to quickly, you can use |:messages| to
-recall the message and read it conveniently without time pressure.
-VimClojure might pop up windows, like the preview window or the Repl.
-The place where this is done may be controlled with the SplitPos variable.
-Possible values are "left", "right", "top" and "bottom". The default is
-        let vimclojure#SplitPos = "left"
-It is also possible to specify the size of the new window. The size is
-specified in lines/columns.
-        let vimclojure#SplitSize = 10
-Errors are reported in a temporary buffer. This is to make error messages
-more readable. In particular when they contain stacktraces from the Java
-side. However this may interfer with scripts which do not expect that a
-new buffer pops up. So one can go back to the old behaviour.
-        let vimclojure#UseErrorBuffer = 0
-Note: the error might not be shown by vim. Check the output of |:message|
-for errors.
-Syntax Highlighting                 *ft-clj-syntax*
-The clojure syntax highlighting provides several options:
-        g:vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins
-                If it is nonzero, then Clojure's builtin functions are
-                highlighted. This useful to distuingish macros and special
-                forms from functions. Enabled by default.
-        g:vimclojure#ParenRainbow
-                Controls the colorisation of the differing levels of
-                parenthesisation. If non-zero, different levels will be
-                colored differently. Disabled by default.
-        g:vimclojure#DynamicHighlighting
-                Uses the dynamic features of VimClojure to dynamically add
-                the symbols of required and used namespaces. The file needs
-                to be correct (ie. w/o syntax errors and on the classpath)
-                for this to work. If this is not the case, dynamic
-                highlighting is not done. Disabled by default.
-The g:vimclojure#ParenRainbow option provides 10 levels of individual
-colorisation for the parentheses. Because of the quantity of colorisation
-levels, unlike non-rainbow highlighting, the rainbow mode specifies its
-highlighting using ctermfg and guifg, thereby bypassing the usual colorscheme
-control using standard highlighting groups. The actual highlighting used
-depends on the dark/bright setting (see |'bg'|).
-Preview Window
-Many of the below mentioned commands open the so called preview window.
-It displays information obtained from the lookup functions and the omni
-completion. You may close the preview window with <LocalLeader>p.
-Note: The preview window sometimes doesn't not adhere to the SplitPos
-variable. This is the case, eg. for omni completion. It happens when
-the preview window is created by Vim and not by VimClojure itself. At
-the moment, I don't know how to fix this.
-Note: <LocalLeader> is a Vim feature. More information can be found
-under the |maplocalleader| help topic.
-You can redefine any key mapping using some autocommand in your .vimrc file.
-All mappings use so-called Plugs. Simply prepend <Plug>Clojure to the given
-Plug name and your setting will override the default mapping.
-        aucmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.clj nmap xyz <Plug>ClojureEvalToplevel
-<LocalLeader>et                                 *et* *EvalToplevel*
-                        Send off the toplevel sexpression currently
-                        containing the cursor to the Clojure server.
-<LocalLeader>ef                                 *ef* *EvalFile*
-                        Send off the current file to the Clojure Server.
-<LocalLeader>eb                                 *eb* *EvalBlock*
-                        Send off the the mark visual block to the
-                        Clojure server. Obviously this mapping is only
-                        active in visual mode.
-                        Note: This does not check for structure.
-<LocalLeader>el                                 *el* *EvalLine*
-                        Send off the current line to the Clojure Server.
-                        Note: This does not check for structure.
-<LocalLeader>ep                                 *ep* *EvalParagraph*
-                        Send off the current paragraph to the Clojure Server.
-                        Note: This does not check for structure.
-<LocalLeader>rf                                 *rf* *RequireFile*
-                        Require the namespace of the current file with
-                        the :reload flag. Note: For this to work with
-                        a remote Clojure server, the files have to put in
-                        place before issueing the command, eg. via scp
-                        or NFS.
-<LocalLeader>rF                                 *rF* *RequireFileAll*
-                        Require the namespace of the current file with
-                        the :reload-all flag. Note: For this to work with
-                        a remote Clojure server, the files have to put in
-                        place before issueing the command, eg. via scp
-                        or NFS.
-<LocalLeader>rt                                 *rt* *RunTests*
-                        Require the namespace of the filename with the
-                        :reload flag. Then use clojure.contrib.test-is
-                        to run the tests of the namespace via run-tests.
-                        Note: For this to work with a remote Clojure
-                        server, the files have to put in place before
-                        issueing the command, eg. via scp or NFS.
-<LocalLeader>me                                 *me* *MacroExpand*
-                        Expand the innermost sexpression currently
-                        containing the cursor using macroexpand.
-<LocalLeader>m1                                 *m1* *MacroExpand1*
-                        Same as MacroExpand, but use macroexpand-1.
-<LocalLeader>lw                                 *lw* *DocLookupWord*
-                        Lookup up the word under the cursor and print
-                        the documentation for it via (doc).
-<LocalLeader>li                                 *li* *DocLookupInteractive*
-                        Lookup the documentation of an arbitrary word.
-                        The user is prompted for input.
-<LocalLeader>fd                                 *fd* *FindDoc*
-                        Find a the documentation for a given pattern
-                        with (find-doc). The user is prompted for input.
-<LocalLeader>jw                                 *jw* *JavadocLookupWord*
-                        Open the javadoc for the word under the cursor
-                        in an external browser.
-<LocalLeader>ji                                 *ji* *JavadocLookupInteractive*
-                        Open the javadoc for an arbitrary word in an
-                        external browser. The user is prompted for input.
-<LocalLeader>sw                                 *sw* *SourceLookupWord*
-                        Show a read-only view of the source the word under
-                        the cursor. For this to work, the source must be
-                        available in the Classpath or as a file (depending
-                        on how the source was loaded).
-<LocalLeader>si                                 *si* *SourceLookupInteractive*
-                        Show a read-only view of the source of an arbitrary
-                        word. For this to work, the source must be available
-                        in the Classpath or as a file (depending on how the
-                        source was loaded).
-<LocalLeader>gw                                 *gw* *GotoSourceWord*
-                        Goto the source of the word under the cursor. For this
-                        to work, the source must be available in a directory
-                        of the |'path'| option. The directories in the
-                        CLOJURE_SOURCE_DIRS environment variable will be added
-                        to the |'path'| setting.
-<LocalLeader>gi                                 *gi* *GotoSourceInteractive*
-                        Goto the source of an arbitrary word. For this to work,
-                        the source must be available in a directory of the
-                        |'path'| option. The directories in the
-                        CLOJURE_SOURCE_DIRS environment variable will be added
-                        to the |'path'| setting.
-<LocalLeader>mw                                 *mw* *MetaLookupWord*
-                        Lookup the meta data of the word under the cursor.
-<LocalLeader>mi                                 *mi* *MetaLookupInteractive*
-                        Lookup the meta data of an arbitrary word. The
-                        user is prompted for input.
-<LocalLeader>sr                                 *sr* *StartRepl*
-                        Start a new Vim Repl in a fresh buffer. There
-                        might be multiple Repls at the same time.
-<LocalLeader>sR                                 *sR* *StartLocalRepl*
-                        Start a new Vim Repl in a fresh buffer. Initialise
-                        the namespace to be the namespace of the current
-                        buffer. Note: this will 'require' the namespace!
-The following key mappings are also supported if the dynamic features are
-turned off.
-<LocalLeader>aw                                 *aw* *AddToLispWords*
-                        Add the word under the cursor to the lispwords option
-                        of the buffer. This modifies the way the form is
-                        indented.
-Vim Repl
-Start a Repl via the |sr| shortcut. At the prompt just type expressions.
-Hitting enter will determine, whether the expression is complete and
-will send it to the Clojure instance. In case the expression is incomplete,
-eg. after "(defn foo" will result in a newline for multiline expressions.
-Previously sent expressions may be recalled via <C-Up> and <C-Down>.
-Note: sending multiple expressions will save them in the same history
-entry. So playing back with <C-Up> will again send all of the contained
-The Plugs are:
- - <Plug>ClojureReplEnterHook for the enter key
- - <Plug>ClojureReplUpHistory for going backwards in history (<C-Up>)
- - <Plug>ClojureReplDownHistory for going forwards in history (<C-Down>)
-The following convenience commands are provided:
- - ,close - close the Repl and free the Repl resources in the server process
- - ,st - print a stack trace of *e as with clojure.contrib.stacktrace
- - ,ct - print a cause trace of *e as with clojure.contrib.stacktrace
- - ,toggle-pprint - toggle pretty-printing of evaluated values
-You can also start a Repl with the :ClojureRepl command. This command works
-regardless of the type of the current buffer, while the shortcuts only work in
-Clojure buffers.
-Pretty Printing
-In case Tom Faulhaber's cl-format package is available in the Classpath
-it will be used for pretty printing, eg. of macroexpansions. The Repl
-can be told to use pretty printing via a global Var.
-        (set! vimclojure.repl/*print-pretty* true)
-Omni Completion
-VimClojure supports omni completion for Clojure code. Hitting <C-X><C-O> in
-insert mode will try to provide completions for the item in front of the
-The completion tries to be somewhat intelligent in what it completes.
- - a word starting with an upper case letter will be completed to an
-   imported class.
-     Str<C-x><C-o> => String, StringBuilder, ...
- - a word containing dots will be completed to a namespace.
-     c.c<C-x><C-o> => clojure.core, clojure.contrib.repl-utils, ...
- - everything else will be completed to a Var, an alias or namespace.
- - a word containing a slash will be handled differently
-   - if the word starts with an upper case letter, will complete
-     static fields of the given class
-       String/va<C-x><C-o> => String/valueOf
-   - otherwise it is treated as a namespace or alias
-       clojure.core/re<C-x><C-o> => clojure.core/read, ...
-The completion uses certain characters to split the matching. This are
-hyphens and (for namespaces) dots. So r-s<C-x><C-o> matches read-string.
-Note: Completion of symbols and keywords is also provided via the <C-N>
-functionality of Vim.
-Known Issues
-There seems to be a race condition in nailgun. At the moment there is
-no solution to this problem. In case you get errors with valid looking
-input for vim, please contact me.
-Copyright (c) 2008,2009,2010 Meikel Brandmeyer, Frankfurt am Main
-All rights reserved.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-.. vim: set ft=help norl ts=8 tw=78 et :
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftdetect/clojure.vim	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.clj set filetype=clojure
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure.vim	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-" Vim filetype plugin file
-" Language:     Clojure
-" Maintainer:   Meikel Brandmeyer <mb@kotka.de>
-" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
-if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
-	finish
-let b:did_ftplugin = 1
-let s:cpo_save = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal fo< com< cms< cpt< isk< def<"
-setlocal iskeyword+=?,-,*,!,+,/,=,<,>,.,:
-setlocal define=^\\s*(def\\(-\\|n\\|n-\\|macro\\|struct\\|multi\\)?
-" Set 'formatoptions' to break comment lines but not other lines,
-" and insert the comment leader when hitting <CR> or using "o".
-setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
-setlocal commentstring=;%s
-" Set 'comments' to format dashed lists in comments.
-setlocal comments=sO:;\ -,mO:;\ \ ,n:;
-" Take all directories of the CLOJURE_SOURCE_DIRS environment variable
-" and add them to the path option.
-if has("win32") || has("win64")
-	let s:delim = ";"
-	let s:delim = ":"
-for dir in split($CLOJURE_SOURCE_DIRS, s:delim)
-	call vimclojure#AddPathToOption(dir . "/**", 'path')
-" When the matchit plugin is loaded, this makes the % command skip parens and
-" braces in comments.
-let b:match_words = &matchpairs
-let b:match_skip = 's:comment\|string\|character'
-" Win32 can filter files in the browse dialog
-if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter")
-	let b:browsefilter = "Clojure Source Files (*.clj)\t*.clj\n" .
-				\ "Jave Source Files (*.java)\t*.java\n" .
-				\ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
-for ns in [ "clojure.core", "clojure.inspector", "clojure.java.browse",
-			\ "clojure.java.io", "clojure.java.javadoc", "clojure.java.shell",
-			\ "clojure.main", "clojure.pprint", "clojure.repl", "clojure.set",
-			\ "clojure.stacktrace", "clojure.string", "clojure.template",
-			\ "clojure.test", "clojure.test.tap", "clojure.test.junit",
-			\ "clojure.walk", "clojure.xml", "clojure.zip" ]
-	call vimclojure#AddCompletions(ns)
-" Define toplevel folding if desired.
-function! ClojureGetFoldingLevel(lineno)
-	let closure = { 'lineno' : a:lineno }
-	function closure.f() dict
-		execute self.lineno
-		if vimclojure#SynIdName() =~ 'clojureParen\d' && vimclojure#Yank('l', 'normal! "lyl') == '('
-			return 1
-		endif
-		if searchpairpos('(', '', ')', 'bWr', 'vimclojure#SynIdName() !~ "clojureParen\\d"') != [0, 0]
-			return 1
-		endif
-		return 0
-	endfunction
-	return vimclojure#WithSavedPosition(closure)
-" Disabled for now. Too slow (and naive).
-if exists("g:clj_want_folding") && g:clj_want_folding == 1 && 0 == 1
-	setlocal foldexpr=ClojureGetFoldingLevel(v:lnum)
-	setlocal foldmethod=expr
-	call vimclojure#InitBuffer()
-catch /.*/
-	" We swallow a failure here. It means most likely that the
-	" server is not running.
-	echohl WarningMsg
-	echomsg v:exception
-	echohl None
-call vimclojure#MapPlug("n", "aw", "AddToLispWords")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "lw", "DocLookupWord")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "li", "DocLookupInteractive")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "jw", "JavadocLookupWord")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "ji", "JavadocLookupInteractive")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "fd", "FindDoc")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "mw", "MetaLookupWord")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "mi", "MetaLookupInteractive")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "sw", "SourceLookupWord")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "si", "SourceLookupInteractive")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "gw", "GotoSourceWord")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "gi", "GotoSourceInteractive")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "rf", "RequireFile")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "rF", "RequireFileAll")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "rt", "RunTests")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "me", "MacroExpand")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "m1", "MacroExpand1")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "ef", "EvalFile")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "el", "EvalLine")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("v", "eb", "EvalBlock")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "et", "EvalToplevel")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "ep", "EvalParagraph")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "sr", "StartRepl")
-call vimclojure#MapCommandPlug("n", "sR", "StartLocalRepl")
-if exists("b:vimclojure_namespace")
-	setlocal omnifunc=vimclojure#OmniCompletion
-	augroup VimClojure
-		autocmd CursorMovedI <buffer> if pumvisible() == 0 | pclose | endif
-	augroup END
-call vimclojure#MapPlug("n", "p", "CloseResultBuffer")
-let &cpo = s:cpo_save
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.core.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.inspector.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.java.browse.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.java.io.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.java.javadoc.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.java.shell.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.main.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.pprint.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.repl.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.set.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.stacktrace.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.string.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.template.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.test.junit.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.test.tap.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.test.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.walk.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.xml.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure/completions-clojure.zip.txt	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/indent/clojure.vim	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-" Vim indent file
-" Language:      Clojure
-" Maintainer:    Meikel Brandmeyer <mb@kotka.de>
-" URL:           http://kotka.de/projects/clojure/vimclojure.html
-" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
-if exists("b:did_indent")
-	finish
-let b:did_indent = 1
-let s:save_cpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-let b:undo_indent = "setlocal ai< si< lw< et< sts< sw< inde< indk<"
-setlocal autoindent expandtab nosmartindent
-setlocal softtabstop=2
-setlocal shiftwidth=2
-setlocal indentkeys=!,o,O
-if exists("*searchpairpos")
-function! s:MatchPairs(open, close, stopat)
-	" Stop only on vector and map [ resp. {. Ignore the ones in strings and
-	" comments.
-	return searchpairpos(a:open, '', a:close, 'bWn',
-				\ 'vimclojure#SynIdName() !~ "clojureParen\\d"',
-				\ a:stopat)
-function! VimClojureCheckForStringWorker()
-	" Check whether there is the last character of the previous line is
-	" highlighted as a string. If so, we check whether it's a ". In this
-	" case we have to check also the previous character. The " might be the
-	" closing one. In case the we are still in the string, we search for the
-	" opening ". If this is not found we take the indent of the line.
-	let nb = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
-	if nb == 0
-		return -1
-	endif
-	call cursor(nb, 0)
-	call cursor(0, col("$") - 1)
-	if vimclojure#SynIdName() != "clojureString"
-		return -1
-	endif
-	" This will not work for a " in the first column...
-	if vimclojure#Yank('l', 'normal! "lyl') == '"'
-		call cursor(0, col("$") - 2)
-		if vimclojure#SynIdName() != "clojureString"
-			return -1
-		endif
-		if vimclojure#Yank('l', 'normal! "lyl') != '\\'
-			return -1
-		endif
-		call cursor(0, col("$") - 1)
-	endif
-	let p = searchpos('\(^\|[^\\]\)\zs"', 'bW')
-	if p != [0, 0]
-		return p[1] - 1
-	endif
-	return indent(".")
-function! VimClojureCheckForString()
-	return vimclojure#WithSavedPosition({'f': function("VimClojureCheckForStringWorker")})
-function! GetClojureIndent()
-	" Get rid of special case.
-	if line(".") == 1
-		return 0
-	endif
-	" We have to apply some heuristics here to figure out, whether to use
-	" normal lisp indenting or not.
-	let i = VimClojureCheckForString()
-	if i > -1
-		return i
-	endif
-	call cursor(0, 1)
-	" Find the next enclosing [ or {. We can limit the second search
-	" to the line, where the [ was found. If no [ was there this is
-	" zero and we search for an enclosing {.
-	let paren = s:MatchPairs('(', ')', 0)
-	let bracket = s:MatchPairs('\[', '\]', paren[0])
-	let curly = s:MatchPairs('{', '}', bracket[0])
-	" In case the curly brace is on a line later then the [ or - in
-	" case they are on the same line - in a higher column, we take the
-	" curly indent.
-	if curly[0] > bracket[0] || curly[1] > bracket[1]
-		if curly[0] > paren[0] || curly[1] > paren[1]
-			return curly[1]
-		endif
-	endif
-	" If the curly was not chosen, we take the bracket indent - if
-	" there was one.
-	if bracket[0] > paren[0] || bracket[1] > paren[1]
-		return bracket[1]
-	endif
-	" There are neither { nor [ nor (, ie. we are at the toplevel.
-	if paren == [0, 0]
-		return 0
-	endif
-	" Now we have to reimplement lispindent. This is surprisingly easy, as
-	" soon as one has access to syntax items.
-	"
-	" - Get the next keyword after the (.
-	" - If its first character is also a (, we have another sexp and align
-	"   one column to the right of the unmatched (.
-	" - In case it is in lispwords, we indent the next line to the column of
-	"   the ( + sw.
-	" - If not, we check whether it is last word in the line. In that case
-	"   we again use ( + sw for indent.
-	" - In any other case we use the column of the end of the word + 2.
-	call cursor(paren[0] , paren[1])
-	" In case we are at the last character, we use the paren position.
-	if col("$") - 1 == paren[1]
-		return paren[1]
-	endif
-	" In case after the paren is a whitespace, we search for the next word.
-	normal! l
-	let reg = getreg("l")
-	normal! "lyl
-	if getreg("l") == ' '
-		normal! w
-	endif
-	call setreg("l", reg)
-	" If we moved to another line, there is no word after the (. We
-	" use the ( position for indent.
-	if line(".") > paren[0]
-		return paren[1]
-	endif
-	" We still have to check, whether the keyword starts with a (, [ or {.
-	" In that case we use the ( position for indent.
-	let reg = getreg("l")
-	normal! "lye
-	let w = getreg("l")
-	call setreg("l", reg)
-	if stridx('([{', w[0]) > 0
-		return paren[1]
-	endif
-	if &lispwords =~ '\<' . w . '\>'
-		return paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1
-	endif
-	normal! w
-	if paren[0] < line(".")
-		return paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1
-	endif
-	normal! ge
-	return col(".") + 1
-setlocal indentexpr=GetClojureIndent()
-	" In case we have searchpairpos not available we fall back to
-	" normal lisp indenting.
-	setlocal indentexpr=
-	setlocal lisp
-	let b:undo_indent .= " lisp<"
-" Defintions:
-setlocal lispwords=def,def-,defn,defn-,defmacro,defmacro-,defmethod,defmulti
-setlocal lispwords+=defonce,defvar,defvar-,defunbound,let,fn,letfn,binding,proxy
-setlocal lispwords+=defnk,definterface,defprotocol,deftype,defrecord,reify
-setlocal lispwords+=extend,extend-protocol,extend-type,bound-fn
-" Conditionals and Loops:
-setlocal lispwords+=if,if-not,if-let,when,when-not,when-let,when-first
-setlocal lispwords+=condp,case,loop,dotimes,for,while
-" Blocks:
-setlocal lispwords+=do,doto,try,catch,locking,with-in-str,with-out-str,with-open
-setlocal lispwords+=dosync,with-local-vars,doseq,dorun,doall,->,->>,future
-setlocal lispwords+=with-bindings
-" Namespaces:
-setlocal lispwords+=ns,clojure.core/ns
-" Java Classes:
-setlocal lispwords+=gen-class,gen-interface
-let &cpo = s:save_cpo
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/plugin/clojure.vim	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-" Vim filetype plugin file
-" Language:     Clojure
-" Maintainer:   Meikel Brandmeyer <mb@kotka.de>
-" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
-if exists("clojure_loaded")
-	finish
-let clojure_loaded = "2.2.0-SNAPSHOT"
-let s:cpo_save = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-command! -nargs=0 ClojureRepl call vimclojure#StartRepl()
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "AddToLispWords", "vimclojure#AddToLispWords", "expand(\"<cword>\")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "DocLookupWord", "vimclojure#DocLookup", "expand(\"<cword>\")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "DocLookupInteractive", "vimclojure#DocLookup", "input(\"Symbol to look up: \")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "JavadocLookupWord", "vimclojure#JavadocLookup", "expand(\"<cword>\")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "JavadocLookupInteractive", "vimclojure#JavadocLookup", "input(\"Class to lookup: \")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "FindDoc", "vimclojure#FindDoc", "")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "MetaLookupWord", "vimclojure#MetaLookup", "expand(\"<cword>\")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "MetaLookupInteractive", "vimclojure#MetaLookup", "input(\"Symbol to look up: \")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "SourceLookupWord", "vimclojure#SourceLookup", "expand(\"<cword>\")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "SourceLookupInteractive", "vimclojure#SourceLookup", "input(\"Symbol to look up: \")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "GotoSourceWord", "vimclojure#GotoSource", "expand(\"<cword>\")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "GotoSourceInteractive", "vimclojure#GotoSource", "input(\"Symbol to go to: \")")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "RequireFile", "vimclojure#RequireFile", "0")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "RequireFileAll", "vimclojure#RequireFile", "1")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "RunTests", "vimclojure#RunTests", "0")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "MacroExpand",  "vimclojure#MacroExpand", "0")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "MacroExpand1", "vimclojure#MacroExpand", "1")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "EvalFile",      "vimclojure#EvalFile", "")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "EvalLine",      "vimclojure#EvalLine", "")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("v", "EvalBlock",     "vimclojure#EvalBlock", "")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "EvalToplevel",  "vimclojure#EvalToplevel", "")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "EvalParagraph", "vimclojure#EvalParagraph", "")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "StartRepl", "vimclojure#StartRepl", "")
-call vimclojure#MakeProtectedPlug("n", "StartLocalRepl", "vimclojure#StartRepl", "b:vimclojure_namespace")
-inoremap <Plug>ClojureReplEnterHook <Esc>:call b:vimclojure_repl.enterHook()<CR>
-inoremap <Plug>ClojureReplUpHistory <C-O>:call b:vimclojure_repl.upHistory()<CR>
-inoremap <Plug>ClojureReplDownHistory <C-O>:call b:vimclojure_repl.downHistory()<CR>
-nnoremap <Plug>ClojureCloseResultBuffer :call vimclojure#ResultBuffer.CloseBuffer()<CR>
-let &cpo = s:cpo_save
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/syntax/clojure.vim	Mon Jun 20 18:56:33 2011 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language:    Clojure
-" Maintainer:  Toralf Wittner <toralf.wittner@gmail.com>
-"              modified by Meikel Brandmeyer <mb@kotka.de>
-" URL:         http://kotka.de/projects/clojure/vimclojure.html
-if version < 600
-    syntax clear
-elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
-    finish
-" Highlight superfluous closing parens, brackets and braces.
-syn match clojureError "]\|}\|)"
-" Special case for Windows.
-	call vimclojure#InitBuffer()
-catch /.*/
-	" We swallow a failure here. It means most likely that the
-	" server is not running.
-	echohl WarningMsg
-	echomsg v:exception
-	echohl None
-if g:vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins != 0
-	let s:builtins_map = {
-		\ "Constant":  "nil",
-		\ "Boolean":   "true false",
-		\ "Cond":      "if if-not if-let when when-not when-let "
-		\            . "when-first cond condp case",
-		\ "Exception": "try catch finally throw",
-		\ "Repeat":    "recur map mapcat reduce filter for doseq dorun "
-		\            . "doall dotimes map-indexed keep keep-indexed",
-		\ "Special":   ". def do fn if let new quote var loop",
-		\ "Variable":  "*warn-on-reflection* this *assert* "
-		\            . "*agent* *ns* *in* *out* *err* *command-line-args* "
-		\            . "*print-meta* *print-readably* *print-length* "
-		\            . "*allow-unresolved-args* *compile-files* "
-		\            . "*compile-path* *file* *flush-on-newline* "
-		\            . "*math-context* *print-dup* "
-		\            . "*print-level* *use-context-classloader* "
-		\            . "*source-path* *clojure-version* *read-eval* "
-		\            . "*1 *2 *3 *e",
-		\ "Define":    "def- defn defn- defmacro defmulti defmethod "
-		\            . "defstruct defonce declare definline definterface "
-		\            . "defprotocol defrecord deftype",
-		\ "Macro":     "and or -> assert with-out-str with-in-str with-open "
-		\            . "locking destructure ns dosync binding delay "
-		\            . "lazy-cons lazy-cat time assert doc with-precision "
-		\            . "with-local-vars .. doto memfn proxy amap areduce "
-		\            . "refer-clojure future lazy-seq letfn "
-		\            . "with-loading-context bound-fn extend extend-protocol "
-		\            . "extend-type reify with-bindings ->>",
-		\ "Func":      "= not= not nil? false? true? complement identical? "
-		\            . "string? symbol? map? seq? vector? keyword? var? "
-		\            . "special-symbol? apply partial comp constantly "
-		\            . "identity comparator fn? re-matcher re-find re-matches "
-		\            . "re-groups re-seq re-pattern str pr prn print "
-		\            . "println pr-str prn-str print-str println-str newline "
-		\            . "macroexpand macroexpand-1 monitor-enter monitor-exit "
-		\            . "eval find-doc file-seq flush hash load load-file "
-		\            . "print-doc read read-line scan slurp subs sync test "
-		\            . "format printf loaded-libs use require load-reader "
-		\            . "load-string + - * / < <= == >= > dec inc min max neg? "
-		\            . "pos? quot rem zero? rand rand-int decimal? even? odd? "
-		\            . "float? integer? number? ratio? rational? "
-		\            . "bit-and bit-or bit-xor bit-not bit-shift-left "
-		\            . "bit-shift-right symbol keyword gensym count conj seq "
-		\            . "first rest ffirst fnext nfirst nnext second every? "
-		\            . "not-every? some not-any? concat reverse cycle "
-		\            . "interleave interpose split-at split-with take "
-		\            . "take-nth take-while drop drop-while repeat replicate "
-		\            . "iterate range into distinct sort sort-by zipmap "
-		\            . "line-seq butlast last nth nthnext next "
-		\            . "repeatedly tree-seq enumeration-seq iterator-seq "
-		\            . "coll? associative? empty? list? reversible? "
-		\            . "sequential? sorted? list list* cons peek pop vec "
-		\            . "vector peek pop rseq subvec array-map hash-map "
-		\            . "sorted-map sorted-map-by assoc assoc-in dissoc get "
-		\            . "get-in contains? find select-keys update-in key val "
-		\            . "keys vals merge merge-with max-key min-key "
-		\            . "create-struct struct-map struct accessor "
-		\            . "remove-method meta with-meta in-ns refer create-ns "
-		\            . "find-ns all-ns remove-ns import ns-name ns-map "
-		\            . "ns-interns ns-publics ns-imports ns-refers ns-resolve "
-		\            . "resolve ns-unmap name namespace require use "
-		\            . "set! find-var var-get var-set ref deref "
-		\            . "ensure alter ref-set commute agent send send-off "
-		\            . "agent-errors clear-agent-errors await await-for "
-		\            . "instance? bean alength aget aset aset-boolean "
-		\            . "aset-byte aset-char aset-double aset-float "
-		\            . "aset-int aset-long aset-short make-array "
-		\            . "to-array to-array-2d into-array int long float "
-		\            . "double char boolean short byte parse add-classpath "
-		\            . "cast class get-proxy-class proxy-mappings "
-		\            . "update-proxy hash-set sorted-set set disj set? "
-		\            . "aclone add-watch alias alter-var-root "
-		\            . "ancestors await1 bases bigdec bigint bit-and-not "
-		\            . "bit-clear bit-flip bit-set bit-test counted?"
-		\            . "char-escape-string char-name-string class? "
-		\            . "compare compile construct-proxy delay? "
-		\            . "derive descendants distinct? double-array "
-		\            . "doubles drop-last empty float-array floats "
-		\            . "force gen-class get-validator int-array ints "
-		\            . "isa? long-array longs make-hierarchy method-sig "
-		\            . "not-empty ns-aliases ns-unalias num partition "
-		\            . "parents pmap prefer-method primitives-classnames "
-		\            . "print-ctor print-dup print-method print-simple "
-		\            . "print-special-doc proxy-call-with-super "
-		\            . "proxy-super rationalize read-string remove "
-		\            . "remove-watch replace resultset-seq rsubseq "
-		\            . "seque set-validator! shutdown-agents subseq "
-		\            . "special-form-anchor syntax-symbol-anchor supers "
-		\            . "unchecked-add unchecked-dec unchecked-divide "
-		\            . "unchecked-inc unchecked-multiply unchecked-negate "
-		\            . "unchecked-subtract underive xml-seq trampoline "
-		\            . "atom compare-and-set! ifn? gen-interface "
-		\            . "intern init-proxy io! memoize proxy-name swap! "
-		\            . "release-pending-sends the-ns unquote while "
-		\            . "unchecked-remainder alter-meta! "
-		\            . "future-call methods mod pcalls prefers pvalues "
-		\            . "print-namespace-doc reset! "
-		\            . "reset-meta! type vary-meta unquote-splicing "
-		\            . "sequence clojure-version counted? "
-		\            . "chunk-buffer chunk-append chunk chunk-first "
-		\            . "chunk-rest chunk-next chunk-cons chunked-seq? "
-		\            . "deliver future? future-done? future-cancel "
-		\            . "future-cancelled? get-method promise "
-		\            . "ref-history-count ref-min-history ref-max-history "
-		\            . "agent-error assoc!  boolean-array booleans bound-fn* "
-		\            . "bound?  byte-array bytes char-array char? chars "
-		\            . "conj!  denominator disj!  dissoc!  error-handler "
-		\            . "error-mode extenders extends?  find-protocol-impl "
-		\            . "find-protocol-method flatten frequencies "
-		\            . "get-thread-bindings group-by hash-combine juxt "
-		\            . "munge namespace-munge numerator object-array "
-		\            . "partition-all partition-by persistent! pop! "
-		\            . "pop-thread-bindings push-thread-bindings rand-nth "
-		\            . "reductions remove-all-methods restart-agent "
-		\            . "satisfies?  set-error-handler!  set-error-mode! "
-		\            . "short-array shorts shuffle sorted-set-by take-last "
-		\            . "thread-bound? transient vector-of with-bindings* fnil "
-		\            . "spit"
-		\ }
-	for category in keys(s:builtins_map)
-		let words = split(s:builtins_map[category], " ")
-		let words = map(copy(words), '"clojure.core/" . v:val') + words
-		let s:builtins_map[category] = words
-	endfor
-	call vimclojure#ColorNamespace(s:builtins_map)
-if g:vimclojure#DynamicHighlighting != 0 && exists("b:vimclojure_namespace")
-	try
-		let s:result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("DynamicHighlighting",
-					\ b:vimclojure_namespace)
-		if s:result.stderr == ""
-			call vimclojure#ColorNamespace(s:result.value)
-			unlet s:result
-		endif
-	catch /.*/
-		" We ignore errors here. If the file is messed up, we at least get
-		" the basic syntax highlighting.
-	endtry
-syn cluster clojureAtomCluster   contains=clojureError,clojureFunc,clojureMacro,clojureCond,clojureDefine,clojureRepeat,clojureException,clojureConstant,clojureVariable,clojureSpecial,clojureKeyword,clojureString,clojureCharacter,clojureNumber,clojureBoolean,clojureQuote,clojureUnquote,clojureDispatch,clojurePattern
-syn cluster clojureTopCluster    contains=@clojureAtomCluster,clojureComment,clojureSexp,clojureAnonFn,clojureVector,clojureMap,clojureSet
-syn keyword clojureTodo contained FIXME XXX TODO FIXME: XXX: TODO:
-syn match   clojureComment contains=clojureTodo ";.*$"
-syn match   clojureKeyword "\c:\{1,2}[a-z?!\-_+*./=<>#$][a-z0-9?!\-_+*\./=<>#$]*"
-syn region  clojureString start=/L\="/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/
-syn match   clojureCharacter "\\."
-syn match   clojureCharacter "\\[0-7]\{3\}"
-syn match   clojureCharacter "\\u[0-9]\{4\}"
-syn match   clojureCharacter "\\space"
-syn match   clojureCharacter "\\tab"
-syn match   clojureCharacter "\\newline"
-syn match   clojureCharacter "\\return"
-syn match   clojureCharacter "\\backspace"
-syn match   clojureCharacter "\\formfeed"
-let radixChars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-for radix in range(2, 36)
-	execute 'syn match clojureNumber "\c\<-\?' . radix . 'r['
-				\ . strpart(radixChars, 0, radix)
-				\ . ']\+\>"'
-syn match   clojureNumber "\<-\=[0-9]\+\(M\|\(\.[0-9]*\)\=\([eE][-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=\)\=\>"
-syn match   clojureNumber "\<-\=0x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\>"
-syn match   clojureNumber "\<-\=[0-9]\+/[0-9]\+\>"
-syn match   clojureQuote "\('\|`\)"
-syn match   clojureUnquote "\(\~@\|\~\)"
-syn match   clojureDispatch "\(#^\|#'\)"
-syn match   clojureAnonArg contained "%\(\d\|&\)\?"
-syn match   clojureVarArg contained "&"
-if vimclojure#ParenRainbow != 0
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel0 matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end=")"           contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel1
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel1 matchgroup=clojureParen1 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen1 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel2
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel2 matchgroup=clojureParen2 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen2 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel3
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel3 matchgroup=clojureParen3 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen3 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel4
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel4 matchgroup=clojureParen4 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen4 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel5
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel5 matchgroup=clojureParen5 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen5 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel6
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel6 matchgroup=clojureParen6 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen6 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel7
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel7 matchgroup=clojureParen7 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen7 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel8
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel8 matchgroup=clojureParen8 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen8 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel9
-	syn region clojureSexpLevel9 matchgroup=clojureParen9 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen9 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel0
-	syn region clojureSexp       matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end=")"           contains=@clojureTopCluster
-syn region  clojureAnonFn  matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="#(" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end=")"  contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureAnonArg,clojureSexpLevel0
-syn region  clojureVector  matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="\[" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end="\]" contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureVarArg,clojureSexpLevel0
-syn region  clojureMap     matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="{"  matchgroup=clojureParen0 end="}"  contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel0
-syn region  clojureSet     matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="#{" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end="}"  contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel0
-syn region  clojurePattern start=/L\=\#"/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/
-syn region  clojureCommentSexp                          start="("                                       end=")" transparent contained contains=clojureCommentSexp
-syn region  clojureComment     matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="(comment"rs=s+1 matchgroup=clojureParen0 end=")"                       contains=clojureCommentSexp
-syn region  clojureComment                              start="#!" end="\n"
-syn match   clojureComment "#_"
-syn sync fromstart
-if version >= 600
-	command -nargs=+ HiLink highlight default link <args>
-	command -nargs=+ HiLink highlight         link <args>
-HiLink clojureConstant  Constant
-HiLink clojureBoolean   Boolean
-HiLink clojureCharacter Character
-HiLink clojureKeyword   Operator
-HiLink clojureNumber    Number
-HiLink clojureString    String
-HiLink clojurePattern   Constant
-HiLink clojureVariable  Identifier
-HiLink clojureCond      Conditional
-HiLink clojureDefine    Define
-HiLink clojureException Exception
-HiLink clojureFunc      Function
-HiLink clojureMacro     Macro
-HiLink clojureRepeat    Repeat
-HiLink clojureQuote     Special
-HiLink clojureUnquote   Special
-HiLink clojureDispatch  Special
-HiLink clojureAnonArg   Special
-HiLink clojureVarArg    Special
-HiLink clojureSpecial   Special
-HiLink clojureComment   Comment
-HiLink clojureTodo      Todo
-HiLink clojureError     Error
-HiLink clojureParen0    Delimiter
-if vimclojure#ParenRainbow != 0
-	if &background == "dark"
-		highlight default clojureParen1 ctermfg=yellow      guifg=orange1
-		highlight default clojureParen2 ctermfg=green       guifg=yellow1
-		highlight default clojureParen3 ctermfg=cyan        guifg=greenyellow
-		highlight default clojureParen4 ctermfg=magenta     guifg=green1
-		highlight default clojureParen5 ctermfg=red         guifg=springgreen1
-		highlight default clojureParen6 ctermfg=yellow      guifg=cyan1
-		highlight default clojureParen7 ctermfg=green       guifg=slateblue1
-		highlight default clojureParen8 ctermfg=cyan        guifg=magenta1
-		highlight default clojureParen9 ctermfg=magenta     guifg=purple1
-	else
-		highlight default clojureParen1 ctermfg=darkyellow  guifg=orangered3
-		highlight default clojureParen2 ctermfg=darkgreen   guifg=orange2
-		highlight default clojureParen3 ctermfg=blue        guifg=yellow3
-		highlight default clojureParen4 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=olivedrab4
-		highlight default clojureParen5 ctermfg=red         guifg=green4
-		highlight default clojureParen6 ctermfg=darkyellow  guifg=paleturquoise3
-		highlight default clojureParen7 ctermfg=darkgreen   guifg=deepskyblue4
-		highlight default clojureParen8 ctermfg=blue        guifg=darkslateblue
-		highlight default clojureParen9 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkviolet
-	endif
-delcommand HiLink
-let b:current_syntax = "clojure"