--- a/vim/bundle/ack/doc/ack.txt Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-*ack.txt* Plugin that integrates ack with Vim
-Author: Antoine Imbert <antoine.imbert+ackvim@gmail.com> *ack-author*
-License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
-This plugin is a front for the Perl module App::Ack. Ack can be used as a
-replacement for grep. This plugin will allow you to run ack from vim, and
-shows the results in a split window.
-:Ack [options] {pattern} [{directory}] *:Ack*
- Search recursively in {directory} (which defaults to the current
- directory) for the {pattern}. Behaves just like the |:grep| command, but
- will open the |Quickfix| window for you.
-:AckAdd [options] {pattern} [{directory}] *:AckAdd*
- Just like |:Ack| + |:grepadd|. Appends the |quickfix| with the results
-:AckFromSearch [{directory}] *:AckFromSearch*
- Just like |:Ack| but the pattern is from previous search.
-:LAck [options] {pattern} [{directory}] *:LAck*
- Just like |:Ack| + |:lgrep|. Searches, but opens in |location-list|
-:LAckAdd [options] {pattern} [{directory}] *:LAckAdd*
- Just like |:Ack| + |:lgrepadd|. Searches, but appends results to
- |location-list|
-Files containing the search term will be listed in the split window, along
-with the line number of the occurrence, once for each occurrence. <Enter> on
-a line in this window will open the file, and place the cursor on the matching
-See http://search.cpan.org/~petdance/ack/ack for more information.
--- a/vim/bundle/ack/doc/tags Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-:Ack ack.txt /*:Ack*
-:AckAdd ack.txt /*:AckAdd*
-:AckFromSearch ack.txt /*:AckFromSearch*
-:LAck ack.txt /*:LAck*
-:LAckAdd ack.txt /*:LAckAdd*
-ack ack.txt /*ack*
-ack-author ack.txt /*ack-author*
-ack.txt ack.txt /*ack.txt*
--- a/vim/bundle/ack/plugin/ack.vim Mon Nov 15 17:15:57 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-" NOTE: You must, of course, install the ack script
-" in your path.
-" On Ubuntu:
-" sudo apt-get install ack-grep
-" ln -s /usr/bin/ack-grep /usr/bin/ack
-" With MacPorts:
-" sudo port install p5-app-ack
-let g:ackprg="ack -H --nocolor --nogroup"
-function! s:Ack(cmd, args)
- redraw
- echo "Searching ..."
- let grepprg_bak=&grepprg
- try
- let &grepprg=g:ackprg
- silent execute a:cmd . " " . a:args
- finally
- let &grepprg=grepprg_bak
- endtry
- if a:cmd =~# '^l'
- botright lopen
- else
- botright copen
- endif
- redraw!
-function! s:AckFromSearch(cmd, args)
- let search = getreg('/')
- " translate vim regular expression to perl regular expression.
- let search = substitute(search,'\(\\<\|\\>\)','\\b','g')
- call s:Ack(a:cmd, '"' . search .'" '. a:args)
-command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file Ack call s:Ack('grep<bang>',<q-args>)
-command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file AckAdd call s:Ack('grepadd<bang>', <q-args>)
-command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file AckFromSearch call s:AckFromSearch('grep<bang>', <q-args>)
-command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file LAck call s:Ack('lgrep<bang>', <q-args>)
-command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file LAckAdd call s:Ack('lgrepadd<bang>', <q-args>)