--- a/vim/vimrc Mon Aug 31 13:19:45 2015 +0000
+++ b/vim/vimrc Tue Sep 08 16:39:20 2015 +0000
@@ -407,6 +407,9 @@
" The normal use of S is covered by cc, so don't worry about shadowing it.
nnoremap S i<cr><esc>^mwgk:silent! s/\v +$//<cr>:noh<cr>`w
+" Substitute
+nnoremap <c-s> :%s/
" HTML tag closing
inoremap <C-_> <space><bs><esc>:call InsertCloseTag()<cr>a
@@ -869,12 +872,7 @@
call winrestview(view)
endfunction "}}}
function! SendLispBuffer() "{{{
- let view = winsaveview()
- execute "normal! ggVG\<esc>"
- call NeoReplSendSelection()
- call winrestview(view)
+ call NeoReplSendRaw('(load "'. expand("%:p") . '")' . "\n")
endfunction "}}}
function! DescribeLispSymbol() "{{{
let old_z = @z
@@ -887,6 +885,19 @@
function! DescribeLispPrompt() "{{{
call NeoReplSendRaw("(describe '" . input("? ") . ")\n")
endfunction "}}}
+function! MacroexpandLispForm() "{{{
+ let view = winsaveview()
+ let old_z = @z
+ normal! "zyab
+ call NeoReplSendRaw("(macroexpand-1 '" . @z . ")\n")
+ let @z = old_z
+ call winrestview(view)
+endfunction "}}}
+function! MacroexpandLispPrompt() "{{{
+ call NeoReplSendRaw("(macroexpand-1 '" . input("? ") . ")\n")
+endfunction "}}}
augroup ft_commonlisp
@@ -906,6 +917,8 @@
" \c - send ctrl-l [c]lear
" \d - describe symbol [d]escribe
" \D - describe prompt [d]escribe
+ " \m - macroexpand form [m]acroexpand
+ " \M - macroexpand prompt [m]acroexpand
au FileType lisp nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <localleader>o :call OpenLispRepl()<cr>
@@ -927,6 +940,12 @@
" Describe prompt
au FileType lisp nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <localleader>D :call DescribeLispPrompt()<cr>
+ " Macroexpand form
+ au FileType lisp nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <localleader>m :call MacroexpandLispForm()<cr>
+ " Macroexpand prompt
+ au FileType lisp nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <localleader>M :call MacroexpandLispPrompt()<cr>
au FileType lisp RainbowParenthesesActivate
au syntax lisp RainbowParenthesesLoadRound
au syntax lisp RainbowParenthesesLoadSquare