
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sat, 03 Nov 2012 18:10:42 -0400 (2012-11-03)
parents 6ed2c7b06e73
children f4c88441426f
branches/tags (none)
files .hgsubstate bin/lein vim/autoload/pathogen.vim vim/bundle/potion/syntax/potion.vim vim/bundle/restdammit/doc/restdammit.txt vim/custom-dictionary.utf-8.add vim/vimrc


--- a/.hgsubstate	Wed Oct 31 16:04:36 2012 -0400
+++ b/.hgsubstate	Sat Nov 03 18:10:42 2012 -0400
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
 a1433c485eb254838c1db52e087d5ec4d1e77cfd vim/bundle/nerdtree
 f45b4529dd282393f2e08306ae161d77de0051a0 vim/bundle/orgmode
 2af074850fde676743f655775e3e151925751adf vim/bundle/powerline
-49ae47e66f51c92b0f467f9817d5d8745f627132 vim/bundle/python-mode
+cd6aec27d127053d18bd2a12713137e41d054208 vim/bundle/python-mode
 613eb1c81261adfa5dead315089c432ff6dbbc51 vim/bundle/repeat
 61a7567a3cdd68cb65ceb3061071ce66d8110e65 vim/bundle/salt
 b1591aa1c7057c163bf5d7dd552f044422667bc2 vim/bundle/slimv
 78ab4b3df24fa2753d3dfc1be75ed5a3df1565b8 vim/bundle/smartinput
 c6197a10ace82e0fe0c08e5cf5c017b7069a978e vim/bundle/sparkup
-3a2ab096c039516a8f43e6acd0264d8a81cd0544 vim/bundle/splice
+22feac7bc42467a8b17c8b833bd24f36b02759a4 vim/bundle/splice
 6eec2c131213850ed65fd6da494dfd1a0d620a4e vim/bundle/strftimedammit
 7ee7f774dd1288ea2e7c57b63cb069a07d425ca0 vim/bundle/supertab
 1a73f607f8f5477d6942df2eb6e7245c4864f4d3 vim/bundle/surround
--- a/bin/lein	Wed Oct 31 16:04:36 2012 -0400
+++ b/bin/lein	Sat Nov 03 18:10:42 2012 -0400
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
     echo "out-of-date version of libssl. Either upgrade it or set HTTP_CLIENT"
     echo "to turn off certificate checks:"
     echo "  export HTTP_CLIENT=\"wget --no-check-certificate -O\" # or"
-    echo "  export HTTP_CLIENT=\"curl --insecure -f -L -o"
+    echo "  export HTTP_CLIENT=\"curl --insecure -f -L -o\""
 # TODO: explain what to do when Java is missing
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
         mv -f "$LEIN_JAR.pending" "$LEIN_JAR"
         rm "$LEIN_JAR.pending" 2> /dev/null
-        downoad_failed_message "$LEIN_URL"
+        download_failed_message "$LEIN_URL"
         if [ $SNAPSHOT = "YES" ]; then
             echo "See README.md for SNAPSHOT-specific build instructions."
--- a/vim/autoload/pathogen.vim	Wed Oct 31 16:04:36 2012 -0400
+++ b/vim/autoload/pathogen.vim	Sat Nov 03 18:10:42 2012 -0400
@@ -1,16 +1,35 @@
 " pathogen.vim - path option manipulation
-" Maintainer:   Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM@tpope.org>
-" Version:      1.2
+" Maintainer:   Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
+" Version:      2.0
 " Install in ~/.vim/autoload (or ~\vimfiles\autoload).
-" API is documented below.
+" For management of individually installed plugins in ~/.vim/bundle (or
+" ~\vimfiles\bundle), adding `call pathogen#infect()` to your .vimrc
+" prior to `filetype plugin indent on` is the only other setup necessary.
+" The API is documented inline below.  For maximum ease of reading,
+" :set foldmethod=marker
 if exists("g:loaded_pathogen") || &cp
 let g:loaded_pathogen = 1
+" Point of entry for basic default usage.  Give a directory name to invoke
+" pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() (defaults to "bundle"), or a full path
+" to invoke pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories().  Afterwards,
+" pathogen#cycle_filetype() is invoked.
+function! pathogen#infect(...) abort " {{{1
+  let source_path = a:0 ? a:1 : 'bundle'
+  if source_path =~# '[\\/]'
+    call pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(source_path)
+  else
+    call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(source_path)
+  endif
+  call pathogen#cycle_filetype()
+endfunction " }}}1
 " Split a path into a list.
 function! pathogen#split(path) abort " {{{1
   if type(a:path) == type([]) | return a:path | endif
@@ -55,8 +74,11 @@
   let i = 0
   let seen = {}
   while i < len(a:list)
-    if has_key(seen,a:list[i])
+    if (a:list[i] ==# '' && exists('empty')) || has_key(seen,a:list[i])
       call remove(a:list,i)
+    elseif a:list[i] ==# ''
+      let i += 1
+      let empty = 1
       let seen[a:list[i]] = 1
       let i += 1
@@ -65,18 +87,6 @@
   return a:list
 endfunction " }}}1
-" Returns a hash indicating which filetype features are enabled.
-function! pathogen#filetype() abort " {{{1
-  redir => output
-  silent filetype
-  redir END
-  let result = {}
-  let result.detection = match(output,'detection:ON') >= 0
-  let result.indent = match(output,'indent:ON') >= 0
-  let result.plugin = match(output,'plugin:ON') >= 0
-  return result
-endfunction " }}}1
 " \ on Windows unless shellslash is set, / everywhere else.
 function! pathogen#separator() abort " {{{1
   return !exists("+shellslash") || &shellslash ? '/' : '\'
@@ -93,12 +103,32 @@
   return filter(pathogen#glob(a:pattern),'isdirectory(v:val)')
 endfunction "}}}1
-" Prepend all subdirectories of path to the rtp, and append all after
+" Turn filetype detection off and back on again if it was already enabled.
+function! pathogen#cycle_filetype() " {{{1
+  if exists('g:did_load_filetypes')
+    filetype off
+    filetype on
+  endif
+endfunction " }}}1
+" Checks if a bundle is 'disabled'. A bundle is considered 'disabled' if
+" its 'basename()' is included in g:pathogen_disabled[]' or ends in a tilde.
+function! pathogen#is_disabled(path) " {{{1
+  if a:path =~# '\~$'
+    return 1
+  elseif !exists("g:pathogen_disabled")
+    return 0
+  endif
+  let sep = pathogen#separator()
+  return index(g:pathogen_disabled, strpart(a:path, strridx(a:path, sep)+1)) != -1
+endfunction "}}}1
+" Prepend all subdirectories of path to the rtp, and append all 'after'
 " directories in those subdirectories.
 function! pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(path) " {{{1
   let sep    = pathogen#separator()
-  let before = pathogen#glob_directories(a:path.sep."*[^~]")
-  let after  = pathogen#glob_directories(a:path.sep."*[^~]".sep."after")
+  let before = filter(pathogen#glob_directories(a:path.sep."*"), '!pathogen#is_disabled(v:val)')
+  let after  = filter(pathogen#glob_directories(a:path.sep."*".sep."after"), '!pathogen#is_disabled(v:val[0:-7])')
   let rtp = pathogen#split(&rtp)
   let path = expand(a:path)
   call filter(rtp,'v:val[0:strlen(path)-1] !=# path')
@@ -113,27 +143,108 @@
 function! pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(...) " {{{1
   let sep = pathogen#separator()
   let name = a:0 ? a:1 : 'bundle'
+  if "\n".s:done_bundles =~# "\\M\n".name."\n"
+    return ""
+  endif
+  let s:done_bundles .= name . "\n"
   let list = []
   for dir in pathogen#split(&rtp)
     if dir =~# '\<after$'
-      let list +=  pathogen#glob_directories(substitute(dir,'after$',name.sep.'*[^~]'.sep.'after','')) + [dir]
+      let list +=  filter(pathogen#glob_directories(substitute(dir,'after$',name,'').sep.'*[^~]'.sep.'after'), '!pathogen#is_disabled(v:val[0:-7])') + [dir]
-      let list +=  [dir] + pathogen#glob_directories(dir.sep.name.sep.'*[^~]')
+      let list +=  [dir] + filter(pathogen#glob_directories(dir.sep.name.sep.'*[^~]'), '!pathogen#is_disabled(v:val)')
   let &rtp = pathogen#join(pathogen#uniq(list))
   return 1
+let s:done_bundles = ''
 " }}}1
 " Invoke :helptags on all non-$VIM doc directories in runtimepath.
 function! pathogen#helptags() " {{{1
+  let sep = pathogen#separator()
   for dir in pathogen#split(&rtp)
-    if dir[0 : strlen($VIM)-1] !=# $VIM && isdirectory(dir.'/doc') && (!filereadable(dir.'/doc/tags') || filewritable(dir.'/doc/tags'))
+    if (dir.sep)[0 : strlen($VIMRUNTIME)] !=# $VIMRUNTIME.sep && filewritable(dir.sep.'doc') == 2 && !empty(filter(split(glob(dir.sep.'doc'.sep.'*'),"\n>"),'!isdirectory(v:val)')) && (!filereadable(dir.sep.'doc'.sep.'tags') || filewritable(dir.sep.'doc'.sep.'tags'))
       helptags `=dir.'/doc'`
 endfunction " }}}1
-" vim:set ft=vim ts=8 sw=2 sts=2:
+command! -bar Helptags :call pathogen#helptags()
+" Like findfile(), but hardcoded to use the runtimepath.
+function! pathogen#runtime_findfile(file,count) "{{{1
+  let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&rtp))
+  let file = findfile(a:file,rtp,a:count)
+  if file ==# ''
+    return ''
+  else
+    return fnamemodify(file,':p')
+  endif
+endfunction " }}}1
+" Backport of fnameescape().
+function! pathogen#fnameescape(string) " {{{1
+  if exists('*fnameescape')
+    return fnameescape(a:string)
+  elseif a:string ==# '-'
+    return '\-'
+  else
+    return substitute(escape(a:string," \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<"),'^[+>]','\\&','')
+  endif
+endfunction " }}}1
+function! s:find(count,cmd,file,lcd) " {{{1
+  let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&runtimepath))
+  let file = pathogen#runtime_findfile(a:file,a:count)
+  if file ==# ''
+    return "echoerr 'E345: Can''t find file \"".a:file."\" in runtimepath'"
+  elseif a:lcd
+    let path = file[0:-strlen(a:file)-2]
+    execute 'lcd `=path`'
+    return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(a:file)
+  else
+    return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(file)
+  endif
+endfunction " }}}1
+function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P) " {{{1
+  let sep = pathogen#separator()
+  let cheats = {
+        \'a': 'autoload',
+        \'d': 'doc',
+        \'f': 'ftplugin',
+        \'i': 'indent',
+        \'p': 'plugin',
+        \'s': 'syntax'}
+  if a:A =~# '^\w[\\/]' && has_key(cheats,a:A[0])
+    let request = cheats[a:A[0]].a:A[1:-1]
+  else
+    let request = a:A
+  endif
+  let pattern = substitute(request,'/\|\'.sep,'*'.sep,'g').'*'
+  let found = {}
+  for path in pathogen#split(&runtimepath)
+    let path = expand(path, ':p')
+    let matches = split(glob(path.sep.pattern),"\n")
+    call map(matches,'isdirectory(v:val) ? v:val.sep : v:val')
+    call map(matches,'expand(v:val, ":p")[strlen(path)+1:-1]')
+    for match in matches
+      let found[match] = 1
+    endfor
+  endfor
+  return sort(keys(found))
+endfunction " }}}1
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Ve       :execute s:find(<count>,'edit<bang>',<q-args>,0)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vedit    :execute s:find(<count>,'edit<bang>',<q-args>,0)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vopen    :execute s:find(<count>,'edit<bang>',<q-args>,1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vsplit   :execute s:find(<count>,'split',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vvsplit  :execute s:find(<count>,'vsplit',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vtabedit :execute s:find(<count>,'tabedit',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vpedit   :execute s:find(<count>,'pedit',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vread    :execute s:find(<count>,'read',<q-args>,<bang>1)
+" vim:set et sw=2:
--- a/vim/bundle/potion/syntax/potion.vim	Wed Oct 31 16:04:36 2012 -0400
+++ b/vim/bundle/potion/syntax/potion.vim	Sat Nov 03 18:10:42 2012 -0400
@@ -10,16 +10,15 @@
 syntax match potionComment "\v#.*$"
-syntax match potionOperatorBar "\v\*"
+syntax match potionOperator "\v\*"
+syntax match potionOperator "\v/\="
+syntax match potionOperator "\v\+"
+syntax match potionOperator "\v-"
+syntax match potionOperator "\v/"
 syntax match potionOperator "\v\*\="
-" syntax match potionOperator "\v/\="
-" syntax match potionOperator "\v\+\="
-" syntax match potionOperator "\v-\="
-" syntax match potionOperator "\v/"
-" syntax match potionOperator "\v\+"
-" syntax match potionOperator "\v-"
-" syntax match potionOperator "\v\?"
-" syntax match potionOperatorBaz "\v\="
+syntax match potionOperator "\v\+\="
+syntax match potionOperator "\v-\="
+syntax match potionOperator "\v\?"
 syntax region potionString start=/\v"/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\v"/
 syntax region potionString start=/\v'/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\v'/
--- a/vim/bundle/restdammit/doc/restdammit.txt	Wed Oct 31 16:04:36 2012 -0400
+++ b/vim/bundle/restdammit/doc/restdammit.txt	Sat Nov 03 18:10:42 2012 -0400
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
     Definition lists associate a term with a definition.
-  *how*
+  how
     The term is a one-line phrase, and the definition is one or more
     paragraphs or body elements, indented relative to the term.
     Blank lines are not allowed between term and definition.
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
     Definition lists associate a term with a definition.
-  *how*
+  how
     The term is a one-line phrase, and the definition is one or more
     paragraphs or body elements, indented relative to the term.
     Blank lines are not allowed between term and definition.
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
   An example::
       Whitespace, newlines, blank lines, and all kinds of markup
-        (like *this* or \this) is preserved by literal blocks.
+        (like this or \this) is preserved by literal blocks.
     Lookie here, I've dropped an indentation level
     (but not far enough)
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
   An example::
       Whitespace, newlines, blank lines, and all kinds of markup
-        (like *this* or \this) is preserved by literal blocks.
+        (like this or \this) is preserved by literal blocks.
     Lookie here, I've dropped an indentation level
     (but not far enough)
--- a/vim/custom-dictionary.utf-8.add	Wed Oct 31 16:04:36 2012 -0400
+++ b/vim/custom-dictionary.utf-8.add	Sat Nov 03 18:10:42 2012 -0400
@@ -94,3 +94,16 @@
--- a/vim/vimrc	Wed Oct 31 16:04:36 2012 -0400
+++ b/vim/vimrc	Sat Nov 03 18:10:42 2012 -0400
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 " Preamble ---------------------------------------------------------------- {{{
 filetype off
-call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
+call pathogen#infect()
 filetype plugin indent on
 set nocompatible
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
     silent '<,'>w !pbcopy
 noremap <leader>p :silent! set paste<CR>"*p:set nopaste<CR>
-noremap <leader>P :silent! set paste<CR>"*P:set nopaste<CR>
+noremap <leader>p :r!pbpaste<cr>
 vnoremap <leader>y :<c-u>call g:FuckingCopyTheTextPlease()<cr>
 " I constantly hit "u" in visual mode when I mean to "y". Use "gu" for those rare occasions.
@@ -309,7 +309,30 @@
 nnoremap vaa ggvGg_
 nnoremap Vaa ggVG
-" Change case
+" "Uppercase word" mapping.
+" This mapping allows you to press <c-u> in insert mode to convert the current
+" word to uppercase.  It's handy when you're writing names of constants and
+" don't want to use Capslock.
+" To use it you type the name of the constant in lowercase.  While your
+" cursor is at the end of the word, press <c-u> to uppercase it, and then
+" continue happily on your way:
+"                            cursor
+"                            v
+"     max_connections_allowed|
+"     <c-u>
+"                            ^
+"                            cursor
+" It works by exiting out of insert mode, recording the current cursor location
+" in the z mark, using gUiw to uppercase inside the current word, moving back to
+" the z mark, and entering insert mode again.
+" Note that this will overwrite the contents of the z mark.  I never use it, but
+" if you do you'll probably want to use another mark.
 inoremap <C-u> <esc>mzgUiw`za
 " Panic Button
@@ -921,6 +944,8 @@
     au FileType python inoremap <buffer> <c-g> _(u'')<left><left>
     au FileType python inoremap <buffer> <c-b> """"""<left><left><left>
+    au FileType python iabbrev <buffer> afo assert False, "Okay"
 augroup END
 " }}}
@@ -1194,6 +1219,7 @@
 let g:pymode_options_indent = 0
 let g:pymode_options_fold = 0
 let g:pymode_options_other = 0
+let g:pymode_options = 0
 let g:pymode_rope = 1
 let g:pymode_rope_global_prefix = "<localleader>R"