
vim: add clojure.
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 13 Jan 2011 00:02:40 -0500 (2011-01-13)
parents bb44f2206b1c
children cffc630cdd07
branches/tags (none)
files .hgsubstate vim/.vimrc vim/bundle/slimv/doc/slimv.txt vim/bundle/slimv/ftdetect/clojure.vim vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/clojure/slimv-clojure.vim vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/metering.lisp vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv-clhs.vim vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv-cljapi.vim vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv-javadoc.vim vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv.py vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv.vim vim/bundle/slimv/indent/clojure.vim vim/bundle/slimv/plugin/paredit.vim vim/bundle/slimv/syntax/clojure/slimv-syntax-clojure.vim vim/bundle/vimclojure/.hgignore vim/bundle/vimclojure/.hgtags vim/bundle/vimclojure/autoload/vimclojure.vim vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/clj vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/clj.bat vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/kickoff.sh vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng-server vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng-server.bat vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure.vim vim/bundle/vimclojure/syntax/clojure.vim vim/ftplugin/clojure/clojurefolding.vim


--- a/.hgsubstate	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ b/.hgsubstate	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 0beba32679db6cf5db08ae57c5e99e411b54adc5 mercurial/templates
 b6be751b4b4391e7e25ba51e36300a8e04820846 vim/bundle/ack
-810362206db582441cb91d788838014219dc8c3e vim/bundle/gundo
+c839b22aa01560d8f25c7cbec13f93cb8fdcd4c5 vim/bundle/gundo
 1535425d6987812aa87e2123d0e509b847b893d5 vim/bundle/html5
 34e28b3f6f6d702ff2963b8196eccae9344ed4bc vim/bundle/markdown
 930be32a23e902ddc46135ddbb9e76b0fac0c14b vim/bundle/nerdcommenter
--- a/vim/.vimrc	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ b/vim/.vimrc	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 " Leader
 let mapleader = ","
+let maplocalleader = "\\"
 " Make Y not dumb
 nnoremap Y y$
@@ -156,6 +157,8 @@
 au BufNewFile,BufRead urls.py set nowrap
+autocmd FileType clojure call TurnOnClojureFolding()
 " Sort CSS
 map <leader>S ?{<CR>jV/^\s*\}?$<CR>k:sort<CR>:noh<CR>
@@ -350,8 +353,11 @@
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.html nnoremap <s-cr> vit<esc>a<cr><esc>vito<esc>i<cr><esc>
 " VimClojure
-let vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins=1
-let vimclojure#ParenRainbow=1
+let vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins = 1
+let vimclojure#ParenRainbow = 1
+let vimclojure#WantNailgun = 1
+let vimclojure#NailgunClient = $HOME . "/.vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng"
+let vimclojure#SplitPos = "right"
 " Syntastic
 let g:syntastic_enable_signs=1
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/doc/slimv.txt	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1508 +0,0 @@
-*slimv.txt*                    Slimv                 Last Change: 07 Nov 2010
-Slimv                                                                  *slimv*
-                               Version 0.7.1
-The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim.
-This plugin is aimed to help Lisp development by interfacing between Vim and
-the Lisp REPL, similarly to Emacs/SLIME.
-Slimv works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, however the newly introduced
-paredit mode is operating system independent.
-|slimv-installation|         Installation
-|slimv-customization|        Customization
-|slimv-usage|                Usage
-|slimv-repl|                 Lisp REPL inside Vim
-|slimv-clojure|              Clojure support
-|slimv-package|              Package and Namespace handling
-|slimv-profiling|            Profiling
-|slimv-hyperspec|            Hyperspec Lookup and Completion
-|slimv-paredit|              Paredit mode
-|slimv-external|             External utilities
-|slimv-faq|                  Frequently Asked Questions
-|slimv-changelog|            Change Log
-|slimv-issues|               Known Issues
-|slimv-todo|                 Todo
-|slimv-credits|              Credits
-For Vim version 7.0 and above.
-This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
-{Vi does not have any of this}
-INSTALLATION                                               *slimv-installation*
-  Required components:
-  - Lisp (any console Common Lisp implementation should be OK) or
-    Clojure installed.
-  - Python 2.4 or later installed.
-  Optional components:
-  - The interrupt functionality needs the pywin32 extension on Windows.
-  - "Exuberant ctags" for tags file generation (if not bundled with Vim
-    already). See |slimv-ctags|.
-To install the script:
-  - Download the slimv.zip.
-  - Extract the zip archive into your vimfiles or runtime directory.
-    See Vim help file |usr_05.txt| for details on adding a plugin.
-    The archive contains the following files:
-       doc/slimv.txt
-       ftdetect/clojure.vim
-       ftplugin/metering.lisp
-       ftplugin/slimv.py
-       ftplugin/slimv.vim
-       ftplugin/slimv-clhs.vim
-       ftplugin/slimv-cljapi.vim
-       ftplugin/slimv-javadoc.vim
-       ftplugin/clojure/slimv-clojure.vim
-       ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim
-       indent/clojure.vim
-       plugin/paredit.vim
-       syntax/clojure/slimv-syntax-clojure.vim
-    You might already have an ftdetect/clojure.vim file if you already use
-    another Clojure filetype plugin. In this case just keep the original file.
-    If you intend to use the script only for Lisp programming, then most of
-    the files may be skipped, in this case it is enough to copy the following
-    files:
-       doc/slimv.txt
-       ftplugin/metering.lisp
-       ftplugin/slimv.py
-       ftplugin/slimv.vim
-       ftplugin/slimv-clhs.vim
-       ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim
-  - Start Vim or goto an existing instance of Vim.
-  - Execute the following command:
-       :helptags <your runtime directory>/doc
-    (e.g :helptags $VIMRUNTIME/doc)
-    This will generate all the help tags for any file located in the doc
-    directory.
-  - Enter path definitions into your vimrc (if the default values are not
-    valid for your Vim/Python/Lisp installation, which is highly probable).
-    See |slimv-customization| below on how to do this.
-  - On Linux some login shells (like fish) might be incompatible with the Vim
-    temporary file generation, which results in getting random E484 errors.
-    This is because Vim expects a POSIX-compliant shell and the problem might
-    occur in other Vim scripts as well.
-    One solution is to add a similar block to the top of .vimrc:
-        if $SHELL =~ 'bin/fish'
-            set shell=/bin/sh
-        endif
-Upgrade from previous script versions:
-0.1   - 0.4.x    The project went through a major reorganization, so users
-                 who already installed previous versions of the plugin should
-                 first delete the old files. These are: plugin/slimv.vim,
-                 plugin/slimv.py, plugin/metering.lisp and doc/slimv.txt
-                 in the vimfiles directory.
-0.1   - 0.2.x    Users having a custom |g:slimv_repl_file| setting should
-                 consider attaching the .lisp or .clj extension to the name
-                 of the REPL buffer, in order to have syntax highlighting
-                 and autoindenting in the REPL buffer.
-                 Users who already have done this are smarter than me :)
-  - Exit all Vim instances and exit from the REPL server terminal window.
-  - Delete the files that were copied to the vimfiles directory during
-    installation:
-       doc/slimv.txt
-       ftdetect/clojure.vim
-       ftplugin/metering.*
-       ftplugin/slimv.py
-       ftplugin/slimv.vim
-       ftplugin/slimv-clhs.vim
-       ftplugin/slimv-cljapi.vim
-       ftplugin/slimv-javadoc.vim
-       ftplugin/clojure/slimv-clojure.vim
-       ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim
-       indent/clojure.vim
-       plugin/paredit.vim
-       syntax/clojure/slimv-syntax-clojure.vim
-    (Special note on metering.lisp: if the profiler was compiled, then the
-    compiled files should be deleted as well, hence the metering.* above.)
-CUSTOMIZATION                                             *slimv-customization*
-|slimv-options|              Options
-|slimv-templates|            Templates
-|slimv-keyboard|             Keyboard mappings
-                                                                *slimv_options*
-The list below contains an alphabetical collection of Slimv options.
-Below that list follows the detailed explanation on each option.
-|g:paredit_matchlines|       Number of lines to look backward and forward
-                             when checking if the current form is balanced.
-|g:paredit_mode|             If nonzero, paredit mode is switched on.
-|g:paredit_shortmaps|        If nonzero, paredit is remapping some one-letter
-                             Vim commands that are not frequently used.
-|g:slimv_browser_cmd|        If nonempty, this command is used to open the
-                             Common Lisp Hyperspec. 
-|g:slimv_clhs_root|          Base URL for the Common Lisp Hyperspec.
-|g:slimv_clhs_user_db|       User defined extension for Slimv's built-in
-                             Common Lisp Hyperspec symbol database.
-|g:slimv_clhs_user_root|     Base URL for the user defined CLHS extension.
-|g:slimv_cljapi_root|        Base URL for the Clojure API.
-|g:slimv_cljapi_user_db|     User defined extension for Slimv's built-in
-                             Clojure API symbol database.
-|g:slimv_cljapi_user_root|   Base URL for the user defined Clojure API
-                             extension.
-|g:slimv_client|             The whole OS command to start the Slimv client.
-                             Used for advanced customization, like changing
-                             the terminal emulator to use for the Lisp REPL.
-|g:slimv_ctags|              OS command to generate tags file.
-|g:slimv_debug_client|       Display the command to start client.
-|g:slimv_impl|               The Lisp implementation. Defaults to 'clisp'.
-|g:slimv_javadoc_root|       Base URL for the JavaDoc.
-|g:slimv_keybindings|        Predefined Slimv keybindings. Possible values:
-                             1 = set #1, 2 = set #2, other = no keybindings
-|g:slimv_lisp|               Path for the Lisp interpreter.
-|g:slimv_menu|               If nonzero, Slimv menu is added to the Vim menu.
-|g:slimv_package|            If nonzero, Slimv package/namespace handling is
-                             switched on.
-|g:slimv_port|               TCP/IP port number to use in the Slimv client-
-                             server communication.
-|g:slimv_python|             Path for the Python interpreter.
-|g:slimv_repl_dir|           Directory path for the Lisp REPL buffer file.
-|g:slimv_repl_file|          Filename without path for the REPL buffer file.
-|g:slimv_repl_open|          If nonzero, Slimv opens the Lisp REPL buffer
-                             inside Vim when the server is started.
-|g:slimv_repl_split|         Open the Lisp REPL buffer in a split window
-                             or in a separate buffer.
-|g:slimv_repl_wrap|          Set wrap mode for the REPL buffer.
-|g:slimv_updatetime|         Alternative value for 'updatetime' during REPL
-                             refresh.
-Note: Most options require to restart the Vim session when modified.
-Slimv tries to autodetect the Python and Lisp installation directories,
-however the algorithm is not very sophisticated.
-If the installation directories are put in the path, then the autodetection
-should find them (this is usually the case on Linux). Otherwise (on Windows)
-some frequently used directories are searched under C:\ and C:\Program Files.
-For a minimum, Slimv needs to know the path of the existing Python and Lisp
-installations, so if autodetection does not work for you, then set the
-following global variables in your vimrc.
-Note: On Windows use the / (slash) character instead of \ (backslash) as the
-      directory separator to avoid any incidental character escaping problems
-      while the paths are beeing passed between the Slimv processes.
-      On Linux this is not an issue.
-                                                               *g:slimv_python*
-This is the installation path of the Python interpreter.
-    let g:slimv_python = 'C:/MyPythonDir/python.exe'
-                                                                 *g:slimv_lisp*
-This is the installation path of the Lisp interpreter.
-    let g:slimv_lisp = 'C:/MyLispDir/mylisp.exe'
-                                                                 *g:slimv_impl*
-This is the Lisp implementation used. Slimv tries to autodetect it at script
-startup. If the autodetection fails, set this to the actual Lisp
-    let g:slimv_impl = 'sbcl'
-                                                                 *g:slimv_port*
-The default port used by Slimv is 5151. If this port is used by another
-program then set this variable to a free port number.
-It is also possible to run multiple REPLs from multiple Vim processes, just
-set a different port number for each Vim instance.
-    let g:slimv_port = 10101
-                                                               *g:slimv_client*
-You may want to use a shell frontend other then the default one (cmd.exe
-on Windows, xterm on Linux) or put additional command line parameters
-for starting the server.
-In this case you can omit the variables above and use g:slimv_client instead.
-This is the complete command that is used to start the client. If not set
-by the user, this is automatically built from the variables above.
-The command format is the following (items in [] are optional):
-    <python> <slimv> [-p <port>] -r "<server_cmd>"
-    <python>       is the command to start the Python interpreter
-    <slimv>        is the path of slimv.py
-    <port>         is the port number to use (if other than default)
-    <server_cmd>   is the command to start the server
-The format of <server_cmd> is the following (please remember to enclose the
-whole command in double quotes, as this will be passed as one parameter
-to the client):
-    [<terminal>] <python> <slimv> -l <lisp> -s
-    <terminal>     is the command to open a new terminal window
-    <python>       is the command to start the Python interpreter
-    <slimv>        is the path of slimv.py
-    <lisp>         is the command to start the Lisp REPL
-You can also pass the following shortcuts in <server_cmd>:
-    @p             equals <python>
-    @s             equals <slimv>
-    @@             use it if you need to insert an @ character
-    \"             use it to insert a " character
-So <server_cmd> can be rewritten in this shorter form:
-    [<terminal>] @p @s -l <lisp> -s
-The reason behind the duplication of the <python> and <slimv> part is that
-you may want to start the server/REPL in a shell frontend that needs
-special command line options. For example on Windows I highly recommend
-to use Console (http://sourceforge.net/projects/console/) which is greatly
-configurable and you also get usable select/copy/paste functions.
-Note: Remember to escape with a \ all " characters that are supposed to be
-      inside a command line argument, otherwise the argument will be split
-      by the shell.
-Example to start the Slimv server via Console on Windows:
-  let g:slimv_client = 
-  \ 'python slimv.py -p 5152 -r "console -r \"/k @p @s -l clisp -s\""'
-So the server will be started as if we typed at the command line:
-  console -r "/k python slimv.py -l clisp -s"
-A similar situation is if you want to use a terminal program other than
-xterm on Linux (e.g. Konsole). A typical g:slimv_client setup can be on
-Linux for xterm:
-  let g:slimv_client =
-  \ 'python ~/.vim/plugin/slimv.py -r "xterm -T Slimv -e @p @s -l clisp -s"'
-And this can be for Konsole:
-  let g:slimv_client =
-  \ 'python ~/.vim/plugin/slimv.py -r "konsole -T Slimv -e @p @s -l clisp -s"'
-                                                         *g:slimv_debug_client*
-Set this to nonzero if you want to make Vim display the command used to start
-the client and any occurrent error messages. This also makes Slimv keep the
-Slimv client window open on Windows. This setting is useful to debug problems
-when setting up a custom |g:slimv_client| command.
-                                                                *g:slimv_ctags*
-It is possible to generate tags file from within Vim. By default Slimv assumes
-that ctags.exe is stored somewhere along with the standard Vim path designated
-by $vim or $vimruntime. The command for generating tags file is then
-automatically built at script startup.
-If ctags.exe is stored somewhere else, or the default ctags options are
-unsatisfactory, then override this option with the desired command.
-The default ctags command is:
-  "ctags.exe -a --language-force=lisp *.lisp *.clj"
-                                                          *g:slimv_keybindings*
-Defines the keybinding set used by Slimv. Value 0 means no keybinding at all.
-Value 1 defines the short keybinding with one-key bindings (after <Leader>).
-Value 2 defines the easy keybinding with two-key bindings (after <Leader>).
-Other values mean no predefined keybinding is wanted.
-The <Leader> is set to ',' by default. 
-                                                                 *g:slimv_menu*
-If nonzero then the Slimv menu is added to the end of the global menu.
-Also the Slimv menu can be shown by pressing <Leader>, (defaults to ,,).
-                                                         *g:paredit_matchlines*
-Number of lines to look backward and forward when checking if the current
-top level form is balanced in paredit mode. Default is 100.
-                                                               *g:paredit_mode*
-If nonzero then paredit mode is switched on, i.e. Slimv tries to keep the
-balanced state of parens. See |g:slimv-paredit|.
-                                                          *g:paredit_shortmaps*
-If nonzero, paredit is remapping some one-letter normal mode Vim commands that
-are not frequently used. These are <, >, J, O, W, S. The original function of
-these maps then can be reached via the <Leader> prefix (which is the ","
-character by default in Slimv).
-Otherwise these paredit functions can be reached via the <Leader> prefix.
-                                                          *g:slimv_browser_cmd*
-Specifies the command to start the browser in order to display the Common Lisp
-Hyperspec or the Clojure API. If the command contains spaces then enclose the
-whole string in double quotes or escape the spaces with a backslash.
-This option is empty by default, which means that the command associated with
-the .html extension (on Windows) or returned by the Python webbrowser package
-(on Linux) is used to start the browser.
-                                                             *g:slimv_repl_dir*
-Directory path for the Lisp REPL buffer file. By default this is a directory
-for temporary files, something like /tmp/ on Linux or
-"C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp\" on Windows.
-The directory name must end with the pathname separator (/ or \).
-See also |g:slimv_repl_file|.
-                                                            *g:slimv_repl_file*
-The Lisp REPL output is written to a temporary file by the Slimv server.
-|g:slimv_repl_file| defines the filename part of the REPL output file without
-the directory path. The complete REPL filename is built from
-|g:slimv_repl_dir| and |g:slimv_repl_file|.
-                                                            *g:slimv_repl_open*
-Slimv opens the Lisp REPL buffer inside Vim by default when the Slimv server
-is started, so there exist actually two REPL-s with the same contents:
-one inside a Vim buffer and another one as a separate terminal window.
-The reason behind this is that the simulation is not perfect, which is caused
-by the lack of asynchronous update possibilities in Vim. Sometimes the REPL
-buffer is not perfectly updated, this is the case for example when a Lisp
-program is running too long and it has infrequent outputs only.
-Slimv refreshes the REPL buffer at every keystroke or when the user doesn't
-press a key for the time specified with 'updatetime'. It is also possible
-to manually refresh the REPL buffer. The default value for 'updatetime' is
-4 secs (=4000 ms), in cases when more precise refreshing is needed you can
-lower the 'updatetime' option, e.g. to one second (=1000 ms):
-    set updatetime=1000
-However, it is not recommended to set this to a much lower value.
-Optionally one may check the output of the separate REPL window.
-The |g:slimv_repl_open| = 0 option can be used to disable the built-in REPL
-buffer, so that only the separate REPL window is opened.
-                                                           *g:slimv_repl_split*
-Open the Lisp REPL buffer in a split window or in a separate buffer in Vim.
-Used only when |g:slimv_repl_open| is nonzero.
-                                                           *g:slimv_updatetime*
-The REPL buffer is refreshed at every keystroke or when the user doesn't press
-a key for the time specified with 'updatetime'. Slimv alters the value for
-'updatetime' to a lower value when the REPL buffer is changed, so that the
-update frequency gets higher while there is new REPL output. The original
-value for 'updatetime' is restored when there is no REPL output.
-The g:slimv_updatetime option defines the alternative (lower) value for
-'updatetime' during REPL refresh. If you don't want that Slimv changes
-'updatetime', then set g:slimv_updatetime to zero.
-The default value is 200 (=0.2 sec).
-                                                              *g:slimv_package*
-If nonzero then Slimv package/namespace handling is switched on. Please find
-details in the |slimv-package| section.
-                                                            *g:slimv_repl_wrap*
-Set wrap mode for the REPL buffer, which means the lines longer than the
-window width will not be hidden to the right. Instead they will be continued
-in the next display line.
-This is the default behaviour as it is how regular REPL windows work. This
-mode also enables keybindings for cursor movements, so that an <Up> keypress
-will move the cursor one line on the display and not one line in the document.
-                                                            *g:slimv_clhs_root*
-                                                          *g:slimv_cljapi_root*
-                                                         *g:slimv_javadoc_root*
-Base URL for the Common Lisp Hyperspec, Clojure API, and JavaDoc.
-If the Hyperspec/API is downloaded to the hard disk, then set these variables
-to the base path of the local copy, something like (where file:// specifies
-the file protocol):
-"file:///c:/doc/HyperSpec/" (Windows).
-"file:///usr/local/doc/HyperSpec/" (Linux).
-It is possible to extend the Hyperspec symbol database with user defined
-symbols, see |g:slimv_clhs_user_db| and |g:slimv_cljapi_user_db|.
-                                                         *g:slimv_clhs_user_db*
-                                                       *g:slimv_cljapi_user_db*
-                                                       *g:slimv_clhs_user_root*
-                                                     *g:slimv_cljapi_user_root*
-If you want to extend Slimv's built-in Hyperspec/API symbol database, define
-the list of additional symbols in these variables. The format of this list is
-the following: [["symbol1", "url1"], ["symbol2", "url2"], ...].
-If the URL contains a ":" character then it is considered to be a fully
-qualified URL, otherwise it is a relative address to the Hyperspec root
-defined in |g:slimv_clhs_root| or |g:slimv_cljapi_root|.
-It is also possible to define a separate base URL for the user extensions via
-|g:slimv_clhs_user_root| or |g:slimv_cljapi_user_root|.
-    let g:slimv_clhs_user_root = "http://myhyperspec.com/"
-    let g:slimv_clhs_user_db = [
-        \["my-cool-function", "mycoolfunc.htm"],
-        \["my-super-function", "mysuperfunc.htm"],
-        \["my-awesome-function", "myawesomefunc.htm"]] 
-Remember to insert a backslash at the beginning of each additional line of a
-multi-line Vim command.
-                                                              *slimv_templates*
-Many Slimv commands are performed by creating a special Lisp form from the
-selected symbol (or list) and send it to the REPL for execution.
-Slimv defines various templates to build these special Lisp forms.
-You can override them to suit your needs. Use %1 for substituting the selected
-symbol's name or the selected list.
-Here follows a list of the templates defined in Slimv.
-                                                      *g:slimv_template_pprint*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Pprint' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_pprint = '(dolist (o %1)(pprint o))'
-                                                    *g:slimv_template_undefine*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Undefine' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_undefine = '(fmakunbound (read-from-string "%1"))'
-                                                    *g:slimv_template_describe*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Describe' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_describe = '(describe (read-from-string "%1"))'
-                                                       *g:slimv_template_trace*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Trace' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_trace = "(trace %1)"
-                                                     *g:slimv_template_untrace*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Untrace' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_untrace = "(untrace %1)"
-                                                     *g:slimv_template_profile*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Profile' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_profile = "(mon:monitor %1)"
-                                                   *g:slimv_template_unprofile*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Unprofile' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_unprofile = "(mon:unmonitor %1)"
-                                               *g:slimv_template_unprofile_all*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Unprofile All' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_unprofile_all = "(mon:unmonitor)"
-                                               *g:slimv_template_show_profiled*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Show Profiled' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_show_profiled = "(pprint mon:*monitored-functions*)"
-                                              *g:slimv_template_profile_report*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Profile Report' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_profile_report = "(mon:report-monitoring)"
-                                               *g:slimv_template_profile_reset*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'Profile Reset' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_profile_reset = "(mon:reset-all-monitoring)"
-                                                 *g:slimv_template_disassemble*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'disassemble' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_disassemble = "(disassemble #'%1)"
-                                                     *g:slimv_template_inspect*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'inspect' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_inspect = "(inspect %1)"
-                                                     *g:slimv_template_apropos*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'apropos' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_apropos = '(apropos "%1")'
-                                                 *g:slimv_template_macroexpand*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'macroexpand-1' command, after "defmacro"
-string is replaced with "macroexpand-1".
-    let g:slimv_template_macroexpand = '(pprint %1)'
-                                             *g:slimv_template_macroexpand_all*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'macroexpand-all' command, after "defmacro"
-string is replaced with "macroexpand".
-    let g:slimv_template_macroexpand_all = '(pprint %1)'
-                                                *g:slimv_template_compile_file*
-Lisp form built when issuing the 'compile-file' command.
-    let g:slimv_template_compile_file = '(compile-file "%1")'
-                                                               *slimv_keyboard*
-The default keybindings (|g:slimv_keybindings|=1) and another easy to remember
-built in keybinding set (|g:slimv_keybindings|=2) for Slimv are the following.
-Please note that the leading ',' key below refers to <Leader>, which is set
-by Slimv to ',' by default.
-Vim defines timeout values for mapped key sequences. If you find that Vim does
-not allow you enough time between pressing ',' and the last key(s) of the
-sequence, then you may want to fine tune these Vim options:
-|timeout|, |ttimeout|, |timeoutlen|, |ttimeoutlen|.
-    Set#1   Set#2    Command
-    ---------------------------------------------------
-    ,,      ,,       Slimv Menu
-    Edit commands:
-    <C-X>0           Close-Form (Insert mode)
-    <C-X><C-O>       Complete-Symbol (Insert mode)
-    ,(      ,(t      Paredit Toggle
-    Evaluation commands:
-    ,d      ,ed      Eval Defun (current top level form)
-    ,e      ,ee      Eval Last Expression (current subform)
-    ,E      ,ep      Pprint Eval Last Expression
-    ,r      ,er      Eval Region (visual selection)
-    ,b      ,eb      Eval Buffer
-    ,v      ,ei      Interactive Eval
-    ,u      ,eu      Undefine Function
-    Debug commands:
-    ,1      ,m1      Macroexpand-1
-    ,m      ,ma      Macroexpand
-    ,t      ,dt      Trace
-    ,T      ,du      Untrace
-    ,l      ,dd      Disassemble
-    ,i      ,di      Inspect
-    Compile commands:
-    ,D      ,cd      Compile Defun
-    ,L      ,cl      Compile and Load File
-    ,F      ,cf      Compile File
-    ,R      ,cr      Compile Region
-    Profile commands:
-    ,O      ,pl      Load Profiler
-    ,p      ,pp      Profile
-    ,P      ,pu      Unprofile
-    ,U      ,pa      Unprofile All
-    ,?      ,ps      Show Profiled
-    ,o      ,pr      Profile Report
-    ,x      ,px      Profile Reset
-    Documentation commands:
-    ,s      ,ds      Describe Symbol
-    ,a      ,da      Apropos
-    ,h      ,dh      Hyperspec
-    ,]      ,dt      Generate Tags
-    Repl commands:
-    ,c      ,rc      Connect to Server
-    Set#1   Set#2    Command
-    ---------------------------------------------------
-    ,\      ,\       REPL Menu (separate menu, valid only for the REPL buffer)
-    REPL menu commands:
-    ,.      ,rs      Send Input
-    ,/      ,ro      Close and Send Input
-    <C-C>   <C-C>    Interrupt Lisp Process
-    ,<Up>   ,rp      Previous Input
-    ,<Down> ,rn      Next Input
-    ,z      ,rr      Refresh REPL Buffer
-Also see |slimv-repl| for additional keybindings valid only in the REPL buffer.
-USAGE                                                             *slimv-usage*
-After proper installation start Vim and load a *.lisp source file into a
-buffer. When the first Slimv command is entered (either from the menu or
-via keyboard shortcut or entering a :call Slimv...() at the Vim command line)
-then Slimv checks if the server/REPL runs and starts it if nedeed.
-When the server is running, the Slimv commands send the appropriate Lisp
-forms to the server/REPL for processing. That's it.
-All you need to know then is the list of possible Slimv commands, how to
-enter them and under what conditions.
-It is possible to interrupt a running Lisp program by pressing Ctrl-C,
-at least in some Lisp implementations, like CLISP (does not work for example
-with SBCL).
-In Clojure Ctrl-C exits the REPL by default, but it is possible to change this
-behaviour via the add-break-thread! function:
-    user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils)
-    nil
-    user=> (add-break-thread!)
-Then pressing Ctrl-C results in a SIGINT exception in the current thread.
-This may however make bad things to your JVM, so use it with caution.
-To end the Lisp session press EOF (Ctrl-D on Linux, Ctrl-Z on Windows)
-in the Lisp REPL window. After exiting the REPL it is possible to open
-a new one from Vim the same way as before.
-LISP REPL                                                          *slimv-repl*
-The Lisp REPL is displayed as a separate terminal window and also inside a
-Vim buffer. The Lisp REPL buffer is opened when the Slimv server is started.
-The REPL buffer is a more or less regular Vim buffer, all Vim keybindings and
-commands can be used here as well.
-There are however some subtle differences. The main idea is that the last line
-in the REPL buffer is a "command line", just like in any REPL. The command
-line usually begins with a prompt, something like "[1] > ". The user types the
-command after the prompt in Insert mode. When Enter (<CR>) is pressed, the
-contents of the command line (which can actually be multiple lines, when
-pasted) is sent to the Lisp REPL for evaluation. It is not allowed to
-backspace before the end of the command line prompt.
-Please remember that this evaluation style is working only in Insert mode,
-in Normal mode the function of <CR> is left unchanged.
-Other areas of the REPL buffer can be used to eval Lisp forms, just like
-from the .lisp source code. So it is possible to move the cursor inside a form
-that was previously eval-ed, make some changes, then eval it again.
-Please note, that after evaluation the REPL buffer is refreshed, so the
-changes made to the form are restored at that location, but the changed form
-will be evaluated at the end of the REPL buffer.
-Another difference is the command line history, which can be activated by
-pressing <Up> or <Down> in the command line (also only in Insert mode).
-Outside of the command line the <Up> and <Down> keys move the cursor,
-as usual.
-The keys with modified meanings in the Lisp REPL buffer are listed below:
-Insert Mode:
-    <CR>           Sends the command typed in the last line to the Lisp REPL
-                   for evaluation.
-    <C-CR>         Adds missing closing parentheses at the end of the command,
-                   then sends the command to the Lisp REPL for evaluation.
-    <BS>           In the last line it deletes characters to the left only
-                   until the end of the Lisp prompt reached.
-    <Up>           Brings up the previous command typed and sent to the Lisp
-                   REPL when in the command line.
-    <Down>         Brings up the next command typed and sent to the Lisp REPL
-                   when in the command line.
-CLOJURE SUPPORT                                                 *slimv-clojure*
-Vim has a built-in support for Lisp, however it has no Clojure support by
-default. As Clojure is a Lisp dialect, Slimv simply reuses Vim's Lisp syntax
-and indent plugins for Clojure. It this does not suit your needs, then it is
-possible to download and install a separate Clojure plugin parallel to Slimv.
-In order to launch the Clojure REPL the variable |g:slimv_lisp| must be
-properly set up.
-The simplest definition is something like this, which assumes that the
-directory for clojure.jar is in the PATH. Please note that the whole expression
-needs to be enclosed in double quotes, as it will be passed to the server in
-one single command line argument:
-  let g:slimv_lisp = '"java -cp clojure.jar;clojure-contrib.jar clojure.main"'
-Here follows an example, which starts c:\Clojure\clojure.jar on Windows.
-Remember to escape the backslashes:
-  let g:slimv_lisp =
-  \ '"java -cp c:\\Clojure\\clojure.jar;c:\\Clojure\\clojure-contrib.jar clojure.main"'
-PACKAGE AND NAMESPACE HANDLING                                  *slimv-package*
-Slimv has a basic support for handling Lisp packages and Clojure namespaces.
-This means that at every form evaluation Slimv first searches the source file
-for any preceding '(in-package ...)' form for Lisp and '(in-ns ...)' form for
-Clojure. If found then each time the package/namespace definition is evaluated
-first. This way it is possible to randomly re-evaluate forms in a source (or
-multiple sources) that use multiple packages/namespaces, each time the correct
-package/namespace will be used.
-The package/namespace handling can be switched off via the |g:slimv_package|
-PROFILING                                                     *slimv-profiling*
-Slimv is capable of utilizing SBCL's built-in profiler, and also the same
-monitoring/profiling package (metering.lisp) that is used by SLIME, at least
-for CLISP and maybe for some other Common Lisp implementations.
-Fortunately SLIME's metering.lisp is in public domain, so its current version
-(at the time of writing this document) is included in Slimv.
-The most recent version can be extracted from the main directory of SLIME.
-SLIME can be downloaded from http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/
-SBCL's profiler is ready to use by just starting the Lisp REPL.
-In order to use SLIME's profiler with CLISP it first must be compiled and
-loaded into a running REPL. Perform this with the 'Load-Profiler' command.
-If the compilation was successful then Slimv is ready to profile.
-Use the 'Profile' command to select functions for profiling, 'Unprofile' to
-deselect specific functions or 'Unprofile All' to deselect all functions.
-Obtain a list of profiled functions with 'Show Profiled'.
-use 'Profile-Report' to display profiling results.
-Reset profiling counters with 'Profile-Reset'.
-When the REPL is restarted, the profiler needs to be reloaded (only in case
-of CLISP): select the 'Load-Profiler' command again (this re-compiles
-It is possible to override the default profile commands via the following
-templates (see |slimv_templates|):
-    |g:slimv_template_profile|
-    |g:slimv_template_unprofile|
-    |g:slimv_template_unprofile_all|
-    |g:slimv_template_show_profiled|
-    |g:slimv_template_profile_report|
-    |g:slimv_template_profile_reset|
-HYPERSPEC AND COMPLETION                                      *slimv-hyperspec*
-Slimv contains Common Lisp Hyperspec, Clojure API and JavaDoc symbol databases.
-When you are looking for the definition of a symbol, just place the cursor on
-the symbol and select the 'Hyperspec' function. If the symbol is found in the
-symbol database then the corresponding web page is displayed in the default
-browser. It is also possible to select this function having just the beginning
-of the symbol name, then the first match is presented to the user, and he/she
-is asked to confirm or edit the symbol name before the hyperspec lookup.
-It is possible to use a local copy of the Hyperspec, for this you need to
-define its base URL. See |g:slimv_clhs_root|, |g:slimv_cljapi_root| and
-|g:slimv_javadoc_root| for details.
-It is also possible to add user defined symbols to the Hyperspec database,
-see |g:slimv_clhs_user_db| and |g:slimv_cljapi_user_db|.
-Slimv uses the Hyperspec symbol database for symbol name completion, via
-Vim's omni-completion feature (if it is enabled and 'omnifunc' is not
-defined already to something else).
-Start to enter the symbol in Insert mode, then at some point press the
-<C-X> <C-O> (omni-complete) key combination or select the 'Complete Symbol'
-function. The first match in the symbol database is inserted at the cursor
-position and a list of matching symbols is displayed in a submenu.
-Use <C-N> to select the next match, <C-P> to select the previous match.
-See Vim help file |insert.txt| for details on the usage of the various
-completion functions built in Vim.
-PAREDIT MODE                                          *paredit* *slimv-paredit*
-Paredit mode is a special editing mode that keeps all matched characters
-(parentheses, square brackets, double quotes) balanced, i.e. all opening
-characters have a matching closing character. Most text entering and erasing
-commands try to maintain the balanced state, so no single matched character is
-added or deleted, they are entered or removed in pairs.
-The function takes care of strings and comments, so no parenthesis and square
-bracket balancing is performed inside a string or comment.
-The idea is taken from the paredit mode of Emacs, but not all paredit.el
-editing functions are implemented or behave exactly the same way as they do
-in Emacs.
-When you enter a '(' then a matching ')' is automatically inserted.
-If needed, spaces before and/or after the '()' pair are added.
-When you press ')' in insert mode then there's no need to insert a closing
-parenthesis mark (it is already there), so the cursor is simply advanced past
-the next closing parenthesis (then the next outer closing parenthesis, etc.).
-The result of this is however that when entering text with paredit mode
-you can use the same keystrokes as without paredit mode and you get the same
-result. Of course you can choose to not enter the closing parenthesis (as
-required without paredit mode), because it is already there.
-When you are trying to delete a ')' alone then it is not possible, the cursor
-is simply moved inside the list, where all regular characters can be deleted.
-When the list is finally empty: '()', then the deletion of the opening '('
-makes both parentheses erased at once, so the balanced state is maintained.
-All the above holds for [...] and "..." character pairs.
-When you are deleting multiple characters at once, e.g. deleting a whole line,
-or deleting till the end of the line, etc, then the deletion logic of a single
-character is iterated. This means that the whole line or the characters till
-the end of the line, etc are not necessarily deleted all. Depending on the
-number of open/close parentheses, square brackets, double quotes some of them
-might be kept in order to maintain the balanced state.
-For example if you press D in Normal mode to delete till the end of line
-between the a and b parameters of the following Clojure function definition:
-(defn myfunc [a b c] (+ a b c))
-               ^--- press D here
-then the closing ] as well as the last closing ) will not be deleted, because
-in the list you have an ( and a [ to be matched, so the result will be:
-(defn myfunc [a])
-If you are deleting multiple lines, then the above process is performed for
-all lines involved. If a line was not completely cleared, then it is joined
-with the next line and the process continues.
-Of course not all Vim commands are compatible with the paredit mode (e.g.
-you can yank and paste unbalanced code snippet, or comment out an asymmetrical
-part of the code), and there is also the possibility to edit the source code
-with paredit mode switched off or with another editor to make it unbalanced.
-When paredit mode detects that the underlying code is not balanced, then the
-paredit functionality is suspended until the top level form balance is fixed.
-As soon as all parens are matched, the paredit mode is automatically resumed.
-Paredit needs "syntax on" to identify the syntax elements of the underlying
-code, so if syntax is switched off, then paredit will not be suspended inside
-comments or strings.
-Slurpage and Barfage known from Emacs is also possible but in a different
-fashion: you don't move the symbols but move the opening or closing parenthesis
-over the symbol or a sub-list. This way you can move any symbol or sub-list
-into or out of the current list. It is not possible to move the parenthesis
-over its pair, so for example if you move the opening parenthesis to the right,
-then it will stop at the matched closing parenthesis.
-Paredit mode is set by default for .lisp and .clj files, but it is possible
-to switch it out by putting the following statement in the .vimrc file:
-    let g:paredit_mode = 0
-You can enable paredit mode for other file types as well. Here is how to set
-it for Scheme files (meant to be added to your .vimrc file):
-    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.scm call PareditInitBuffer()
-It is also possible to use the paredit mode alone, without the other parts of
-Slimv. The easiest way to do it is to delete all Slimv related files from the 
-ftplugin directory. If you don't intend to use Slimv's indentation and syntax
-files, then you need to keep only plugin/paredit.vim.
-Another way to prevent Slimv from loading by adding this to your .vimrc file:
-    let g:slimv_loaded = 1
-Slimv core will not be loaded but paredit will be loaded and assigned to
-.lisp and .clj files.
-Here follows a list of paredit keybindings:
-Insert Mode:
-    (              Inserts '()' and moves the cursor inside. Also adds leading
-                   or trailing spaces when needed.
-                   Inserts '(' when inside comment or string.
-    )              Moves the cursor to the next closing parenthesis mark of
-                   the current list. When pressed again then moves to the next
-                   outer closing parenthesis, etc, until the closing of the
-                   top level form is reached.
-                   Inserts ')' when inside comment or string.
-    [              Inserts '[]' and moves the cursor inside. Also adds leading
-                   or trailing spaces when needed.
-                   Inserts '[' when inside comment or string.
-    ]              Moves the cursor to the next closing square bracket of the
-                   current list. When pressed again then moves to the next
-                   outer closing square bracket, etc, until the closing of the
-                   top level form is reached.
-                   Inserts ']' when inside comment or string.
-    "              When outside of string, inserts '""' and moves the cursor
-                   inside. When inside string then moves to the closing '"'.                   
-                   Inserts '"' when inside comment. Also insert '"' when inside
-                   string and preceded by a '\'.
-    <BS>           When about to delete a (, ), [, ], or " and there are other
-                   characters inside, then just skip it to the left. When
-                   about to delete the opening part of the matched character
-                   with nothing inside, then the whole empty list is removed.
-    <Del>          When about to delete a (, ), [, ], or " and there are other
-                   characters inside, then just skip it to the right. When
-                   about to delete the closing part of the matched character
-                   with nothing inside, then the whole empty list is removed.
-Normal Mode:
-    (              Finds opening '(' of the current list. Can be pressed
-                   repeatedly until the opening of the top level form reached.
-    )              Finds closing ')' of the current list. Can be pressed
-                   repeatedly until the closing of the top level form reached.
-    <Leader><      If standing on a delimiter (parenthesis or square bracket)
-                   then moves it to the left by slurping or barfing the
-                   s-expression to the left, depending on the direction of the
-                   delimiter:
-                   Pressing '<' when standing on a ')' makes the s-expression
-                   to the left of the ')' going out of the current list.
-                   Pressing '<' when standing on a '(' makes the s-expression
-                   to the left of the '(' coming into the current list.
-                   For example pressing <Leader>< at position marked with |:
-                       (aaa bbb|)        --->    (aaa) bbb
-                       aaa |(bbb)        --->    (aaa bbb)
-    <Leader>>      If standing on a delimiter (parenthesis or square bracket)
-                   then moves it to the right by slurping or barfing the
-                   s-expression to the right, depending on the direction of the
-                   delimiter:
-                   Pressing '>' when standing on a '(' makes the s-expression
-                   to the right of the '(' going out of the current list.
-                   Pressing '>' when standing on a ')' makes the s-expression
-                   to the right of the ')' coming into the current list.
-                   For example pressing <Leader>< at position marked with |:
-                       (aaa|) bbb        --->    (aaa bbb)
-                       |(aaa bbb)        --->    aaa (bbb)
-    <Leader>J      Join two subsequent lists or strings. The first one must end
-                   before the cursor, the second one must start after the
-                   cursor position.
-                   For example pressing <Leader>J at position marked with |:
-                       (aaa)| (bbb)      --->    (aaa bbb)
-                       "aaa"| "bbb"      --->    "aaa bbb"
-    <Leader>O      Split ("Open") current list or string at the cursor position.
-                   Opposite of Join. Key O is selected because for the original
-                   Vim mapping J and O are also kind of opposites.
-                   For example pressing <Leader>O at position marked with |:
-                       (aaa |bbb)        --->    (aaa) (bbb)
-                       "aaa|bbb"         --->    "aaa" "bbb"
-    <Leader>W      Wrap the current symbol in a pair of parentheses. The cursor
-    <Leader>w(     is then positioned on the opening parenthesis, as wrapping
-                   is usually done because one wants to call a function with
-                   the symbol as parameter, so by pressing "a" one can enter
-                   the function name right after the newly inserted "(".
-                   For example pressing <Leader>W at position marked with |:
-                       (aaa b|bb ccc)    --->    (aaa (bbb) ccc)
-    <Leader>w[     Wrap the current symbol in a pair of square brackets,
-                   similarly to <Leader>W.
-                   For example pressing <Leader>w[ at position marked with |:
-                       (aaa b|bb ccc)    --->    (aaa [bbb] ccc)
-    <Leader>w"     Wrap the current symbol in a pair of double quotes,
-                   similarly to <Leader>W.
-                   For example pressing <Leader>w" at position marked with |:
-                       (aaa b|bb ccc)    --->    (aaa "bbb" ccc)
-    <Leader>S      Splice the current list into the containing list, i.e.
-                   remove the opening and closing parens. Opposite of wrap.
-                   For example pressing <Leader>S at position marked with |:
-                       (aaa (b|bb) ccc)  --->    (aaa bbb ccc)
-    x  or  <Del>   When about to delete a (, ), [, ], or " and there are other
-                   characters inside, then just skip it to the right. When
-                   about to delete the closing part of the matched character
-                   with nothing inside, then the whole empty list is removed.
-                   When preceded by a <count> value then delete this many
-                   characters.
-    X              When about to delete a (, ), [, ], or " and there are other
-                   characters inside, then just skip it to the left. When
-                   about to delete the opening part of the matched character
-                   with nothing inside, then the whole empty list is removed.
-    D              Keep deleting characters towards the end of line,
-                   maintaining the balanced state, i.e. keep the number of
-                   opening and closing parens the same.
-    C              Same as 'D' but go to insert mode at the end.
-    s              Same as 'x' but go to insert mode at the end.
-    dd             Delete whole line by keeping the balanced state, i.e.
-                   keep the number of opening and closing parens the same.
-                   When preceded by a <count> value then delete this many
-                   lines.
-    <Leader>S      Same as 'dd' but go to insert mode at the end.
-    d{motion}      Delete text till {motion}. Keeps text balanced, so if the
-                   surrounded text contains unpaired matched characters then
-                   they are not removed.
-    c{motion}      Delete text till {motion} and start insert mode. Keeps text
-                   balanced just like d{motion}.
-    p              Put the text after the cursor with all unbalanced matched
-                   characters removed.
-    P              Put the text before the cursor with all unbalanced matched
-                   characters removed.
-Visual Mode:
-    (              Finds opening '(' of the current list and selects the whole
-                   list. Can be pressed repeatedly until the top level form
-                   selected.
-    )              Finds closing ')' of the current list and selects the whole
-                   list. Can be pressed repeatedly until the top level form
-                   selected.
-    d              Delete the current visual selection. Keeps text balanced,
-    x              so the the selection contains unpaired matched characters
-    <Del>          then they are not removed.
-    c              Delete the current visual selection and start insert mode.
-                   Keeps text balanced just like the 'd' command.
-    <Leader>W      Wrap the current visual selection in a pair of parentheses.
-    <Leader>w(     The visual selection is kept.
-    <Leader>w[     Wrap the current visual selection in a pair of square
-                   brackets. The visual selection is kept.
-    <Leader>w"     Wrap the current visual selection in a pair of double
-                   quotes. The visual selection is kept.
-Please note that if variable |g:paredit_shortmaps| is nonzero then the
-following normal mode mappings don't get a <Leader> prefix, they are mapped
-to existing (but infrequently used) Vim functions and instead the original Vim
-functions are mapped with the <Leader> prefix:
-                   <, >, J, O, W, S
-EXTERNAL UTILITIES                                             *slimv-external*
-This section is about utilities, settings, etc., not related strongly to Slimv,
-but may be used to aim Lisp development. These are mostly built-in Vim features
-or options, and sometimes external Vim plugins.
-Slimv does not want to copy these functionalities, if they exist and work well.
-1. Syntax highlighting
-The syntax highlighting is done via the default lisp.vim syntax plugin.
-For Clojure files one has two options:
-a. use the Lisp filetype also for Clojure files (that approach is used by Slimv
-   for the REPL buffer if no other filetype is set)
-b. install a Clojure Vim syntax plugin, like VimClojure.
-2. Indentation
-The indentation is also done via the default lisp.vim indent plugin, or an
-optionally installed Clojure indent plugin, just like for the syntax
-There are some built-in Vim reindentation commands that may come very handy
-when editing Lisp files. One can define a custom key mapping for any of them,
-such mappings are not defined by Slimv.
-    :set autoindent         Copy indent from current line when starting
-                            a new line.
-    =                       Reindent selection, after a text has been selected.
-    ==                      Reindent current line.
-    vab=   or    [(v%=      Select current list and reindent it.
-    99[(v%=                 Select top level form and reindent it.
-3. Parenthesis handling
-First of all there is paredit mode. If you don't like it, Vim still obtains
-many tools to aid working with parentheses. This is a very important topic
-for a Lisp programmer.
-    :inoremap ( ()<Esc>i    Automatically insert closing parenthesis mark when
-                            an opening one is inserted.
-    :inoremap [ []<Esc>i    Same as above but for square brackets.
-    :set showmatch          Briefly jump with the cursor to the matching
-                            parenthesis or square bracket when a closing pair
-                            is inserted.
-    %                       Go to the matching parenthesis or square bracket.
-    :source $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim
-                            Adds extended matching with "%" to Vim.
-    vab    or    [(v%       Select current list.
-    vib                     Select current list without enclosing parentheses.
-    yab                     Yank current list.
-    dab                     Delete current list.
-    99[(v%                  Select top level form.
-    g:lisp_rainbow          Colorize differing levels of parenthesization with
-                            different highlighting. Currently works only for
-                            the 'lisp' filetype, hopefully it will be added
-                            soon to the Clojure plugins as well.
-4. Completion
-    CTRL-N                  The built-in Vim keyword completion is a very handy
-    CTRL-P                  feature. You start typing a word, and when CTRL-P
-                            or CTRL-N is pressed, then Vim looks up the keyword
-                            starting with the same letters as typed in up or
-                            down direction in the current buffer.
-                            This is not the same as the omni-completion
-                            feature (see |slimv-hyperspec|). Omni-completion is
-                            based on a symbol database and not on the contents
-                            of the current buffer.
-    :set complete           The |'complete'| option controls how keyword
-                            completion works.
-5. Tag lookup
-Also see Slimv option |g:slimv_ctags|.
-    |ctags|                 "Exuberant ctags" is a powerful utility for
-                            generating tag database for different kind of
-			    programming languages, including Lisp. Tag lookup
-                            is then done via the CTRL-] (or :tag) command,
-                            return to the previous positon with CTRL-T.
-    ctags --language-force=lisp *.lisp *.clj
-                            This or a similar command may be used to generate
-                            tags file from .lisp and .clj files in a directory.
-FAQ                                                                 *slimv-faq*
-- Q: Why is this plugin called 'Slimv'?
-- A: Because it is trying to mimic the popular Emacs extension 'SLIME'.
-     In SLIME 'E' stands for 'Emacs', so here it is replaced with 'V' as Vim.
-     To tell the truth, first I gave the name 'Slimvim' to the plugin but
-     then I found an (already abandoned) project called 'Slim-Vim' and I did
-     not want to interfere with it.
-- Q: Why another 'Superior Lisp Mode' if there is already one (for Emacs)?
-- A: Because many programmers prefer Vim as a program text editor over Emacs,
-     including me. I don't want to start a holy war or whatsoever, I'm just
-     happy if someone else finds this plugin useful.
-- Q: But there are other similar projects for Vim. Why having yet another
-     SLIMxxx for Vim?
-- A: To my knowledge, none of the above mentioned Vim scripts/extensions
-     contain all the functionalities of SLIME (nor does Slimv, to tell the
-     truth). There is definitely room for improvement.
-     It would be nice to make Vim as usable as Emacs for Lisp programming.
-     In my opinion the main barrier is the lack of asynchronous buffer update
-     in Vim, but this may change in the future.
-- Q: How does Slimv work?
-- A: Slimv consists of three parts: Vim plugin, client and server.
-     The Slimv server is a swank server that embeds a console Lisp REPL
-     via pipes, catching all REPL input/output.
-     The Slimv client interfaces with the server and is responsible
-     for sending Lisp commands to the Lisp REPL.
-     The Vim plugin is translating editor commands to Lisp commands to be
-     sent to the server by the client.
-     So the dataflow is like this:
-     Vim -> Vim plugin -> Slimv client -> Slimv server -> Lisp REPL
-     The plugin resides in 'slimv.vim', the client and the server both
-     located in 'slimv.py'.
-- Q: Why is SLIME functionality XYZ missing from Slimv?
-- A: There are two possible reasons:
-     1. The dataflow of Slimv is one-directional: from client to server.
-        There is no data sent back from the server to the client, so if a
-        functionality requires that Slimv reads data from REPL, then
-        currently it is not possible to implement it.
-     2. It is possible to implement it, but I did not (yet) do it.
-        Maybe future releases will contain it.
-- Q: Why is the default port number 5151?
-- A: Hint: what roman numerals are 5,1,5,1? Bingo: VI, doubled.
-- Q: What is the version numbering concept?
-- A: <major version>.<minor version>.<bugfix release>, where:
-     major  version: Let's talk about it when it reaches 1...
-     minor  version: New functionalities added, that are worth mentioning.
-     bugfix release: Only bugfixes or tiny additions.
-- Q: Why is the plugin distributed in zip file?
-- A: I want that Windows/Linux/Mac users all can easily extract the plugin
-     files. For this reason the vimball or zip format seems to be a good
-     choice. There is no native .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 decompressors on
-     Windows (however there exist free tools for the job, like 7zip).
-     I'm relatively new to vimball and it looks like a good candidate, but
-     I have some problems with it:
-     1. It is uncompressed, and if I want to compress it then I will end up
-        having it zipped.
-     2. The .vba extension is also used for Visual Basic scripts on Windows
-        and this frequently contains virus, so Windows users may dislike it.
-        And remembering the very first time I met a vba file I was thinking
-        that someone had created a Visual Basic installer for the script.
-     3. Many Vim users don't know vimball but most of them know zip files.
-- Q: Are you a Lisp expert?
-- A: No, not at all. I'm just learning Lisp. Also just learning Vim
-     scripting. And I'm not a Python expert either, however (at the moment)
-     I have more experience with Python than with Lisp.
-- Q: What about Clojure?
-- A: I have even less experience with Clojure than with Lisp.
-     But it looks like the Slimv functions can be easily ported for Clojure,
-     and as there are not many (yet) Vim scripts written for Clojure, I gave
-     it a try.
-- Q: Why using Python for the client/server code? Why not Lisp?
-- A: This is for historical reasons and may change in the future.
-     Preliminary versions used Vim's built-in Python support.
-     Later on the client/server code was separated from Vim but still remained
-     written in Python. On Linux this should not be a problem, most Linux
-     distributions contain a Python interpreter with high enough version.
-     On Windows this means, you need to install Python, if you don't have
-     one (at least version 2.4). Anyway, Python is a nice language and
-     also a perfect replacement for calculator.exe :)
-CHANGE LOG                                                    *slimv-changelog*
-0.7.1  - Added option g:slimv_browser_cmd for opening hyperspec in a custom
-         webbrowser (on behalf of Andreas Salwasser).
-       - Added paredit handling for d<motion>, c<motion>, p and P commands:
-         keep paren balance when deleting and pasting text.
-       - Paredit Toggle function removes and re-adds paredit keybindings.
-       - Bugfix: D and C deleted till beginning of line if () or [] found.
-       - Bugfix: handle escaped \" characters inside string.
-0.7.0  - Added package/namespace support.
-       - New way of refreshing the REPL buffer via autocommands, removed
-         'RUNNING' mode, cursor stays in the current buffer at evaluation.
-       - Added option g:slimv_updatetime.
-       - Removed options related to the old way of refreshing:
-         g:slimv_repl_return and g:slimv_repl_wait.
-       - Removed debug logging.
-       - Updated Clojure API to version 1.2.
-       - Extended keyword definition when selecting symbols.
-       - Bugfix: defmacro detection problem (again).
-0.6.3  - Added option g:slimv_repl_return to return cursor to the editor window
-         from REPL buffer after evaluating an s-expression.
-       - Wrap: if standing on a paren then wrap the whole s-expression.
-       - Wrap selection: exit visual mode after command.
-       - Bugfix: inserting double quotes in paredit mode (like "\"").
-       - Bugfix: dd in paredit mode when unbalanced form is inside comment.
-       - Bugfix: reopen REPL buffer after closing it via :q.
-       - Bugfix: comment and string detection error with noignorecase setting
-         (thanks to Brian Kropf).
-       - Bugfix: wrong positioning when moving parenthesis to the right.
-       - Bugfix: defmacro detection problem (thanks to Philipp Marek).
-       - Bugfix: paredit wrap selection missed last character when 'selection'
-         was not "exclusive".
-0.6.2  - Added support for Mac OS X via Terminal.app (on behalf of Vlad Hanciuta).
-       - Added string "clj" as a detector for Clojure (by Vlad Hanciuta).
-       - Bugfix: paredit wrap function missed last character when 'selection'
-         was not "exclusive" (thanks to Marcin Fatyga).
-       - Bugfix: input was stuck inside SBCL debugger
-         (on behalf of Philipp Marek and Dmitry Petukhov).
-       - Bugfix: occasional error messages during REPL buffer update.
-       - Bugfix: REPL menu was sometimes missing.
-       - Bugfix: occasional command line color problems.
-0.6.1  - Added Split, Join, Wrap, Splice functions to Paredit Mode.
-       - Added g:paredit_shortmaps to select short/long paredit keymaps.
-       - Bugfix: delete commands put erased characters into yank buffer.
-       - Bugfix: D deletes only characters after the cursor position.
-0.6.0  - Added paredit mode.
-       - Set wrap mode for REPL buffer with keybindings.
-0.5.6  - Improved REPL buffer response time.
-       - Added debug log flushing frequency.
-       - Bugfix: early exit of REPL refresh mode on some machines.
-0.5.5  - Updated Clojure API to 1.1.
-       - Expand tilde-prefix to home directory on Linux.
-       - Autodetect Clojure in the user home directory on Linux.
-0.5.4  - Added autodetection for clojure-contrib.jar.
-       - Added autodetection for Clozure CL.
-       - Applied lisp_rainbow to Clojure's [].
-       - Renamed Clojure indent plugin to clojure.vim
-         so that Vim finds and loads it.
-       - Switched on lisp mode explicitly for Clojure filetype.
-0.5.3  - Added Interrupt-Lisp-Process command.
-       - Added mapping for the REPL menu.
-       - Added special forms to Clojre API lookup.
-       - Bugfix: put cursor after the last character in insert mode when
-         continuously refreshing REPL buffer.
-       - Fixed some Ctrl-C handling problems.
-0.5.2  - Updated Clojure API.
-       - Adapted Clojure autodetection to version 1.0 (clojure-1.0.0.jar).
-       - Complete-Symbol command moved to separate Edit submenu.
-       - Added Close-Form command to the Edit submenu.
-0.5.1  - Added symbol name completion based on the Hyperspec database.
-0.5.0  - Major project reorganization:
-         Slimv is now a Lisp and Clojure filetype plugin.
-       - Added Common Lisp Hyperspec, Clojure API, and JavaDoc lookup.
-       - Separate menu for REPL buffer, menu items work in every Vim mode.
-       - Fixed mark 's usage bug - thanks to Lorenzo Campedelli.
-0.4.1  - Added profiler support for SBCL.
-       - Added commands/menu items: Profiling: Show Profiled,
-         REPL: Send Input, Close and Send Input, Previous Input, Next Input
-       - Display Slimv error messages with ErrorMsg highlight.
-0.4.0  - Added SLIME's profiling tool with support from Slimv.
-       - Added command to generate tags file.
-       - Fixed evaluation problems of large buffers on some systems.
-       - Fixed Compile And Load filename problems with '\' on Windows.
-       - Recycle old REPL temporary file at next server startup.
-0.3.0  - Added syntax highlighting and automatic indentation for the REPL
-         buffer (needs lisp and/or clojure Vim plugins).
-       - It is possible to enter a multi-line command in the REPL buffer,
-         until the opening and closing parens match.
-       - Insert mode Up and Down keys move cursor when outside of the REPL
-         command line.
-       - Ctrl-C is working inside the REPL buffer (while waiting for output),
-         so Ctrl-X and Ctrl-X Ctrl-X keybindings are removed.
-       - REPL window performance enhancement on Linux.
-0.2.2  - Fixed REPL input and output mix-up problems.
-       - Evaluation performance enhancement.
-       - Corrected some more macroexpand problems.
-0.2.1  - Added basic Clojure support.
-       - Corrected some macroexpand problems.
-       - Fixed a REPL buffer refresh bug.
-0.2.0  - Major update: Lisp REPL displayed in a Vim buffer.
-0.1.4  - Corrected the delayed display of last line in REPL window on Linux.
-       - Ctrl-C is propagated to Lisp REPL, so it is possible to interrupt
-         a running program. Does not work however with some Lisp
-         implementations (like SBCL).
-0.1.3  - Handle DOS and Unix style newlines produced by various
-         Lisp implementations on Windows.
-       - Do not write debug logfile when debug level is zero.
-       - Removed unused client command line argument: -c
-0.1.2  - Windows users do not need pywin32 anymore.
-       - Display buffer is more thread safe.
-0.1.1  - Corrected memory fillup problem after a long REPL session.
-0.1    - Initial release.
-ISSUES, LIMITATIONS, KNOWN BUGS                                  *slimv-issues*
-- Works only with the console Lisp and Python versions, does not work with the
-  GUI Lisp versions or with a Python IDE (like IDLE).
-- Does not work from within Cygwin.
-- Vim register "s is used for all form selections, so its original content is
-  destroyed.
-- Vim mark 's is used to mark the end of the REPL buffer, i.e. the beginning
-  of the "command line".
-- Limited profiling support: does not work for all Lisp implementations.
-- Needs Vim version 7.0 or above, because of the intensive use of lists.
-- Needs Python 2.4 or higher (uses the subprocess module)
-- Sometimes a Python exception happens after a CTRL-C inside the REPL buffer
-  followed by an EOF (CTRL-Z or CTRL-D) in the external REPL window.
-- REPL buffer refresh on Vim focus gain works only in gvim, not in console vim.
-- Interruption (Ctrl-C) does not work with all Lisp implementations.
-  For example SBCL exits on Windows when receiving Ctrl-C.
-  It does not work in Clojure.
-  In this case use the Interrupt-Lisp-Process menu command.
-- There are some functions that are not compatible or simply not working for
-  Clojure.
-- It is not possible to run separate Lisp and Clojure REPL in the same
-  Slimv session. Also some other features cannot switch language in the same
-  session, e.g. profiling.
-TODO                                                               *slimv-todo*
-- Add Swank support, i.e. send commands to SLIME's Swank server.
-CREDITS                                                         *slimv-credits*
-Author: Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-Please send comments, bug reports, suggestions, etc. to the e-mail address
-Credit must go out to Bram Moolenaar and all the Vim developers for making
-the world's (one of the) best editor.
-Thanks to Eric Marsden and all the Emacs/SLIME developers for making SLIME.
-Special thanks to Mark Kantrowitz, Chris McConnell, Skef Wholey and
-Rob MacLachlan for creating the Metering System.
-Also special thanks to Erik Naggum, Yuji Minejima and others for making the
-Common Lisp Hyperspec lookup packages for SLIME, and thanks to
-Taylor R. Campbell for the Emacs paredit.el script.
-Thanks to the Vim community for testing, commenting and patching the script,
-especially to Philipp Marek, Vlad Hanciuta, Marcin Fatyga, Dmitry Petukhov,
-Daniel Solano G�mez, Brian Kropf, Len Weincier, Andreas Salwasser.
-Last but not least many thanks to my wife Andrea (for the Italians out there:
-hey, this is a female name in Hungary :) for her support and patience.
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/ftdetect/clojure.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.clj setf clojure
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/clojure/slimv-clojure.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-" slimv-clojure.vim:
-"               Clojure filetype plugin for Slimv
-" Version:      0.6.1
-" Last Change:  27 Apr 2010
-" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-"               No warranty, express or implied.
-"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" =====================================================================
-"  Load Once:
-if &cp || exists( 'g:slimv_clojure_loaded' )
-    finish
-let g:slimv_clojure_loaded = 1
-" Build a Clojure startup command by adding
-" all clojure*.jar files found to the classpath
-function! b:SlimvBuildStartCmd( lisps )
-    let cp = a:lisps[0]
-    let i = 1
-    while i < len( a:lisps )
-        let cp = cp . ';' . a:lisps[i]
-        let i = i + 1
-    endwhile
-    return ['"java -cp ' . cp . ' clojure.main"', 'clojure']
-" Try to autodetect Clojure executable
-" Returns list [Clojure executable, Clojure implementation]
-function! b:SlimvAutodetect()
-    " Firts try the most basic setup: everything in the path
-    let lisps = []
-    if executable( 'clojure.jar' )
-        let lisps = ['clojure.jar']
-    endif
-    if executable( 'clojure-contrib.jar' )
-        let lisps = lisps + 'clojure-contrib.jar'
-    endif
-    if len( lisps ) > 0
-        return b:SlimvBuildStartCmd( lisps )
-    endif
-    " Try to find Clojure in the PATH
-    let path = substitute( $PATH, ';', ',', 'g' )
-    let lisps = split( globpath( path, 'clojure*.jar' ), '\n' )
-    if len( lisps ) > 0
-        return b:SlimvBuildStartCmd( lisps )
-    endif
-    if g:slimv_windows
-        " Try to find Clojure on the standard installation places
-        let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/*clojure*', 'clojure*.jar' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return b:SlimvBuildStartCmd( lisps )
-        endif
-    else
-        " Try to find Clojure in the home directory
-        "TODO: add /usr/local/bin/clojure
-        let lisps = split( globpath( '~/*clojure*', 'clojure*.jar' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return b:SlimvBuildStartCmd( lisps )
-        endif
-    endif
-    return ['', '']
-" Try to find out the Clojure implementation
-function! b:SlimvImplementation()
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_impl' ) && g:slimv_impl != ''
-        " Return Lisp implementation if defined
-        return tolower( g:slimv_impl )
-    endif
-    return 'clojure'
-" Filename for the REPL buffer file
-function! b:SlimvREPLFile()
-    return 'Slimv.REPL.clj'
-" Lookup symbol in the list of Clojure Hyperspec symbol databases
-function! b:SlimvHyperspecLookup( word, exact, all )
-    if !exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_loaded' )
-        runtime ftplugin/**/slimv-cljapi.vim
-    endif
-    if !exists( 'g:slimv_javadoc_loaded' )
-        runtime ftplugin/**/slimv-javadoc.vim
-    endif
-    let symbol = []
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_db' )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_cljapi_db,  g:slimv_cljapi_root,  symbol )
-    endif
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_javadoc_db' )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_javadoc_db, g:slimv_javadoc_root, symbol )
-    endif
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_user_db' )
-        " Give a choice for the user to extend the symbol database
-        if exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_user_root' )
-            let user_root = g:slimv_cljapi_user_root
-        else
-            let user_root = ''
-        endif
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_cljapi_user_db, user_root, symbol )
-    endif
-    return symbol
-" Source Slimv general part
-runtime ftplugin/**/slimv.vim
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/lisp/slimv-lisp.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-" slimv-lisp.vim:
-"               Lisp filetype plugin for Slimv
-" Version:      0.6.0
-" Last Change:  12 Apr 2010
-" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-"               No warranty, express or implied.
-"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" =====================================================================
-"  Load Once:
-if &cp || exists( 'g:slimv_lisp_loaded' )
-    finish
-let g:slimv_lisp_loaded = 1
-" Try to autodetect Lisp executable
-" Returns list [Lisp executable, Lisp implementation]
-function! b:SlimvAutodetect()
-    " Check the easy cases
-    if executable( 'clisp' )
-        " Common Lisp
-        return ['clisp', 'clisp']
-    endif
-    if executable( 'gcl' )
-        " GNU Common Lisp
-        return ['gcl', 'clisp']
-    endif
-    if executable( 'cmucl' )
-        " Carnegie Mellon University Common Lisp
-        return ['cmucl', 'cmu']
-    endif
-    if executable( 'sbcl' )
-        " Steel Bank Common Lisp
-        return ['sbcl', 'sbcl']
-    endif
-    if executable( 'ecl' )
-        " Embeddable Common Lisp
-        return ['ecl', 'ecl']
-    endif
-    if executable( 'acl' )
-        " Allegro Common Lisp
-        return ['acl', 'allegro']
-    endif
-    if executable( 'lwl' )
-        " LispWorks
-        return ['lwl', 'lispworks']
-    endif
-    if g:slimv_windows && executable( 'wx86cl' )
-        " Clozure CL
-        return ['wx86cl', 'clozure']
-    endif
-    if !g:slimv_windows && executable( 'lx86cl' )
-        " Clozure CL
-        return ['lx86cl', 'clozure']
-    endif
-    if g:slimv_windows
-        " Try to find Lisp on the standard installation places
-        let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/*lisp*,c:/Program Files/*lisp*', '*lisp.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return [lisps[0], 'clisp']
-        endif
-        let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/*lisp*/*,c:/Program Files/*lisp*/*', '*lisp.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return [lisps[0], 'clisp']
-        endif
-        let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/*lisp*/**,c:/Program Files/*lisp*/**', '*lisp.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return [lisps[0], 'clisp']
-        endif
-        let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/gcl*,c:/Program Files/gcl*', 'gcl.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return [lisps[0], 'clisp']
-        endif
-        let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/cmucl*,c:/Program Files/cmucl*', 'cmucl.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return [lisps[0], 'cmu']
-        endif
-        let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/sbcl*,c:/Program Files/sbcl*', 'sbcl.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return [lisps[0], 'sbcl']
-        endif
-        let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/ecl*,c:/Program Files/ecl*', 'ecl.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return [lisps[0], 'ecl']
-        endif
-        let lisps = split( globpath( 'c:/ccl*,c:/Program Files/ccl*', 'wx86cl.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( lisps ) > 0
-            return [lisps[0], 'clozure']
-        endif
-    endif
-    return ['', '']
-" Try to find out the Lisp implementation
-function! b:SlimvImplementation()
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_impl' ) && g:slimv_impl != ''
-        " Return Lisp implementation if defined
-        return tolower( g:slimv_impl )
-    endif
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_lisp' ) && match( tolower( g:slimv_lisp ), 'sbcl' ) >= 0
-        return 'sbcl'
-    endif
-    return 'clisp'
-" Filename for the REPL buffer file
-function! b:SlimvREPLFile()
-    return 'Slimv.REPL.lisp'
-" Lookup symbol in the list of Lisp Hyperspec symbol databases
-function! b:SlimvHyperspecLookup( word, exact, all )
-    if !exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_loaded' )
-        runtime ftplugin/**/slimv-clhs.vim
-    endif
-    let symbol = []
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_loaded' )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_clhs_clhs,          g:slimv_clhs_root, symbol )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_clhs_issues,        g:slimv_clhs_root, symbol )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_clhs_chapters,      g:slimv_clhs_root, symbol )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_clhs_control_chars, g:slimv_clhs_root, symbol )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_clhs_macro_chars,   g:slimv_clhs_root, symbol )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_clhs_loop,          g:slimv_clhs_root, symbol )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_clhs_arguments,     g:slimv_clhs_root, symbol )
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_clhs_glossary,      g:slimv_clhs_root, symbol )
-    endif
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_user_db' )
-        " Give a choice for the user to extend the symbol database
-        if exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_user_root' )
-            let user_root = g:slimv_clhs_user_root
-        else
-            let user_root = ''
-        endif
-        let symbol = SlimvFindSymbol( a:word, a:exact, a:all, g:slimv_clhs_user_db, user_root, symbol )
-    endif
-    return symbol
-" Source Slimv general part
-runtime ftplugin/**/slimv.vim
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/metering.lisp	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1227 +0,0 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: monitor; Syntax: Common-lisp; Base: 10.;  -*-
-;;; Tue Jan 25 18:32:28 1994 by Mark Kantrowitz <mkant@GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU>
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; Metering System ************************************************
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; The Metering System is a portable Common Lisp code profiling tool.
-;;; It gathers timing and consing statistics for specified functions
-;;; while a program is running.
-;;; The Metering System is a combination of
-;;;   o  the Monitor package written by Chris McConnell
-;;;   o  the Profile package written by Skef Wholey and Rob MacLachlan
-;;; The two systems were merged and extended by Mark Kantrowitz.
-;;; Address: Carnegie Mellon University
-;;;          School of Computer Science
-;;;          Pittsburgh, PA 15213
-;;; This code is in the public domain and is distributed without warranty
-;;; of any kind.
-;;; This copy is from SLIME, http://www.common-lisp.net/project/slime/
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Change Log *********************
-;;; ********************************
-;;; 26-JUN-90  mk       Merged functionality of Monitor and Profile packages.
-;;; 26-JUN-90  mk       Now handles both inclusive and exclusive statistics
-;;;                     with respect to nested calls. (Allows it to subtract
-;;;                     total monitoring overhead for each function, not just
-;;;                     the time spent monitoring the function itself.)
-;;; 26-JUN-90  mk       The table is now saved so that one may manipulate
-;;;                     the data (sorting it, etc.) even after the original
-;;;                     source of the data has been cleared.
-;;; 25-SEP-90  mk       Added get-cons functions for Lucid 3.0, MACL 1.3.2
-;;;                     required-arguments functions for Lucid 3.0,
-;;;                     Franz Allegro CL, and MACL 1.3.2.
-;;; 25-JAN-91  mk       Now uses fdefinition if available.
-;;; 25-JAN-91  mk       Replaced (and :allegro (not :coral)) with :excl.
-;;;                     Much better solution for the fact that both call
-;;;                     themselves :allegro.
-;;;  5-JUL-91 mk        Fixed warning to occur only when file is loaded
-;;;                     uncompiled.
-;;;  5-JUL-91 mk        When many unmonitored functions, print out number
-;;;                     instead of whole list.
-;;; 24-MAR-92 mk        Updated for CLtL2 compatibility. space measuring
-;;;                     doesn't work in MCL, but fixed so that timing
-;;;                     statistics do.
-;;; 26-MAR-92 mk        Updated for Lispworks. Replaced :ccl with
-;;;                     (and :ccl (not :lispworks)).
-;;; 27-MAR-92 mk        Added get-cons for Allegro-V4.0.
-;;; 01-JAN-93 mk  v2.0  Support for MCL 2.0, CMU CL 16d, Allegro V3.1/4.0/4.1,
-;;;                     Lucid 4.0, ibcl
-;;; 25-JAN-94 mk  v2.1  Patches for CLISP from Bruno Haible.
-;;; 01-APR-05 lgorrie   Removed support for all Lisps except CLISP and OpenMCL.
-;;;                     Purely to cut down on stale code (e.g. #+cltl2) in this
-;;;                     version that is bundled with SLIME.
-;;; 22-Aug-08 stas      Define TIME-TYPE for Clozure CL.
-;;; ********************************
-;;; To Do **************************
-;;; ********************************
-;;;    - Need get-cons for Allegro, AKCL.
-;;;    - Speed up monitoring code. Replace use of hash tables with an embedded
-;;;      offset in an array so that it will be faster than using gethash.
-;;;      (i.e., svref/closure reference is usually faster than gethash).
-;;;    - Beware of (get-internal-run-time) overflowing. Yikes!
-;;;    - Check robustness with respect to profiled functions.
-;;;    - Check logic of computing inclusive and exclusive time and consing.
-;;;      Especially wrt incf/setf comment below. Should be incf, so we
-;;;      sum recursive calls.
-;;;    - Add option to record caller statistics -- this would list who
-;;;      called which functions and how often.
-;;;    - switches to turn timing/CONSING statistics collection on/off.
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Notes **************************
-;;; ********************************
-;;;    METERING has been tested (successfully) in the following lisps:
-;;;       CMU Common Lisp (16d, Python Compiler 1.0 ) :new-compiler
-;;;       CMU Common Lisp (M2.9 15-Aug-90, Compiler M1.8 15-Aug-90)
-;;;       Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp (1.3.2)
-;;;       Macintosh Common Lisp (2.0)
-;;;       ExCL (Franz Allegro CL 3.1.12 [DEC 3100] 11/19/90)   :allegro-v3.1
-;;;       ExCL (Franz Allegro CL 4.0.1 [Sun4] 2/8/91)          :allegro-v4.0
-;;;       ExCL (Franz Allegro CL 4.1 [SPARC R1] 8/28/92 14:06) :allegro-v4.1
-;;;       ExCL (Franz ACL 5.0.1 [Linux/X86] 6/29/99 16:11)     :allegro-v5.0.1
-;;;       Lucid CL (Version 2.1 6-DEC-87)
-;;;       Lucid Common Lisp (3.0)
-;;;       Lucid Common Lisp (4.0.1 HP-700 12-Aug-91)
-;;;       AKCL (1.86, June 30, 1987 or later)
-;;;       Ibuki Common Lisp (Version 2, release 01.027)
-;;;       CLISP (January 1994)
-;;;    METERING needs to be tested in the following lisps:
-;;;       Symbolics Common Lisp (8.0)
-;;;       KCL (June 3, 1987 or later)
-;;;       TI (Release 4.1 or later)
-;;;       Golden Common Lisp (3.1 IBM-PC)
-;;;       VAXLisp (2.0, 3.1)
-;;;       Procyon Common Lisp
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; Documentation **************************************************
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; This system runs in any valid Common Lisp. Four small
-;;; implementation-dependent changes can be made to improve performance
-;;; and prettiness. In the section labelled "Implementation Dependent
-;;; Changes" below, you should tailor the functions REQUIRED-ARGUMENTS,
-;;; GET-CONS, GET-TIME, and TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND to your implementation
-;;; for the best results. If GET-CONS is not specified for your
-;;; implementation, no consing information will be reported. The other
-;;; functions will default to working forms, albeit inefficient, in
-;;; non-CMU implementations. If you tailor these functions for a particular
-;;; version of Common Lisp, we'd appreciate receiving the code.
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; Usage Notes ****************************************************
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; Start by monitoring big pieces of the program, then carefully choose
-;;; which functions close to, but not in, the inner loop are to be
-;;; monitored next. Don't monitor functions that are called by other
-;;; monitored functions: you will only confuse yourself.
-;;; If the per-call time reported is less than 1/10th of a second, then
-;;; consider the clock resolution and profiling overhead before you believe
-;;; the time. It may be that you will need to run your program many times
-;;; in order to average out to a higher resolution.
-;;; The easiest way to use this package is to load it and execute either
-;;;     (mon:with-monitoring (names*) ()
-;;;         your-forms*)
-;;; or
-;;;     (mon:monitor-form your-form)
-;;; The former allows you to specify which functions will be monitored; the
-;;; latter monitors all functions in the current package. Both automatically
-;;; produce a table of statistics. Other variants can be constructed from
-;;; the monitoring primitives, which are described below, along with a
-;;; fuller description of these two macros.
-;;; For best results, compile this file before using.
-;;; Unless you are very lucky, the length of your machine's clock "tick" is
-;;; probably much longer than the time it takes a simple function to run.
-;;; For example, on the IBM RT, the clock resolution is 1/50th of a second.
-;;; This means that if a function is only called a few times, then only the
-;;; first couple of decimal places are really meaningful.
-;;; The added monitoring code takes time to run every time that the monitored
-;;; function is called, which can disrupt the attempt to collect timing
-;;; information. In order to avoid serious inflation of the times for functions
-;;; that take little time to run, an estimate of the overhead due to monitoring
-;;; is subtracted from the times reported for each function.
-;;; Although this correction works fairly well, it is not totally accurate,
-;;; resulting in times that become increasingly meaningless for functions
-;;; with short runtimes. For example, subtracting the estimated overhead
-;;; may result in negative times for some functions. This is only a concern
-;;; when the estimated profiling overhead is many times larger than
-;;; reported total CPU time.
-;;; If you monitor functions that are called by monitored functions, in
-;;; :inclusive mode the monitoring overhead for the inner function is
-;;; subtracted from the CPU time for the outer function. [We do this by
-;;; counting for each function not only the number of calls to *this*
-;;; function, but also the number of monitored calls while it was running.]
-;;; In :exclusive mode this is not necessary, since we subtract the
-;;; monitoring time of inner functions, overhead & all.
-;;; Otherwise, the estimated monitoring overhead is not represented in the
-;;; reported total CPU time. The sum of total CPU time and the estimated
-;;; monitoring overhead should be close to the total CPU time for the
-;;; entire monitoring run (as determined by TIME).
-;;; A timing overhead factor is computed at load time. This will be incorrect
-;;; if the monitoring code is run in a different environment than this file
-;;; was loaded in. For example, saving a core image on a high performance
-;;; machine and running it on a low performance one will result in the use
-;;; of an erroneously small overhead factor.
-;;; If your times vary widely, possible causes are:
-;;;    - Garbage collection.  Try turning it off, then running your code.
-;;;      Be warned that monitoring code will probably cons when it does
-;;;      (get-internal-run-time).
-;;;    - Swapping.  If you have enough memory, execute your form once
-;;;      before monitoring so that it will be swapped into memory. Otherwise,
-;;;      get a bigger machine!
-;;;    - Resolution of internal-time-units-per-second.  If this value is
-;;;      too low, then the timings become wild. You can try executing more
-;;;      of whatever your test is, but that will only work if some of your
-;;;      paths do not match the timer resolution.
-;;;      internal-time-units-per-second is so coarse -- on a Symbolics it is
-;;;      977, in MACL it is 60.
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; Interface ******************************************************
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; WITH-MONITORING (&rest functions)                         [Macro]
-;;;                 (&optional (nested :exclusive)
-;;;                            (threshold 0.01)
-;;;                            (key :percent-time))
-;;;                 &body body
-;;; The named functions will be set up for monitoring, the body forms executed,
-;;; a table of results printed, and the functions unmonitored. The nested,
-;;; threshold, and key arguments are passed to report-monitoring below.
-;;; MONITOR-FORM form                                         [Macro]
-;;;               &optional (nested :exclusive)
-;;;                         (threshold 0.01)
-;;;                         (key :percent-time)
-;;; All functions in the current package are set up for monitoring while
-;;; the form is executed, and automatically unmonitored after a table of
-;;; results has been printed. The nested, threshold, and key arguments
-;;; are passed to report-monitoring below.
-;;; *MONITORED-FUNCTIONS*                                     [Variable]
-;;; This holds a list of all functions that are currently being monitored.
-;;; MONITOR &rest names                                       [Macro]
-;;; The named functions will be set up for monitoring by augmenting
-;;; their function definitions with code that gathers statistical information
-;;; about code performance. As with the TRACE macro, the function names are
-;;; not evaluated. Calls the function MON::MONITORING-ENCAPSULATE on each
-;;; function name. If no names are specified, returns a list of all
-;;; monitored functions.
-;;; If name is not a symbol, it is evaled to return the appropriate
-;;; closure. This allows you to monitor closures stored anywhere like
-;;; in a variable, array or structure. Most other monitoring packages
-;;; can't handle this.
-;;; MONITOR-ALL &optional (package *package*)                 [Function]
-;;; Monitors all functions in the specified package, which defaults to
-;;; the current package.
-;;; UNMONITOR &rest names                                     [Macro]
-;;; Removes monitoring code from the named functions. If no names are
-;;; specified, all currently monitored functions are unmonitored.
-;;; RESET-MONITORING-INFO name                                [Function]
-;;; Resets the monitoring statistics for the specified function.
-;;; RESET-ALL-MONITORING                                      [Function]
-;;; Resets the monitoring statistics for all monitored functions.
-;;; MONITORED name                                            [Function]
-;;; Predicate to test whether a function is monitored.
-;;; REPORT-MONITORING &optional names                         [Function]
-;;;                             (nested :exclusive)
-;;;                             (threshold 0.01)
-;;;                             (key :percent-time)
-;;; Creates a table of monitoring information for the specified list
-;;; of names, and displays the table using display-monitoring-results.
-;;; If names is :all or nil, uses all currently monitored functions.
-;;; Takes the following arguments:
-;;;    - NESTED specifies whether nested calls of monitored functions
-;;;      are included in the times for monitored functions.
-;;;      o  If :inclusive, the per-function information is for the entire
-;;;         duration of the monitored function, including any calls to
-;;;         other monitored functions. If functions A and B are monitored,
-;;;         and A calls B, then the accumulated time and consing for A will
-;;;         include the time and consing of B.  Note: if a function calls
-;;;         itself recursively, the time spent in the inner call(s) may
-;;;         be counted several times.
-;;;      o  If :exclusive, the information excludes time attributed to
-;;;         calls to other monitored functions. This is the default.
-;;;    - THRESHOLD specifies that only functions which have been executed
-;;;      more than threshold percent of the time will be reported. Defaults
-;;;      to 1%. If a threshold of 0 is specified, all functions are listed,
-;;;      even those with 0 or negative running times (see note on overhead).
-;;;    - KEY specifies that the table be sorted by one of the following
-;;;      sort keys:
-;;;         :function       alphabetically by function name
-;;;         :percent-time   by percent of total execution time
-;;;         :percent-cons   by percent of total consing
-;;;         :calls          by number of times the function was called
-;;;         :time-per-call  by average execution time per function
-;;;         :cons-per-call  by average consing per function
-;;;         :time           same as :percent-time
-;;;         :cons           same as :percent-cons
-;;; REPORT &key (names :all)                                  [Function]
-;;;             (nested :exclusive)
-;;;             (threshold 0.01)
-;;;             (sort-key :percent-time)
-;;;             (ignore-no-calls nil)
-;;; Same as REPORT-MONITORING but we use a nicer keyword interface.
-;;; DISPLAY-MONITORING-RESULTS &optional (threshold 0.01)     [Function]
-;;;                                      (key :percent-time)
-;;; Prints a table showing for each named function:
-;;;    - the total CPU time used in that function for all calls
-;;;    - the total number of bytes consed in that function for all calls
-;;;    - the total number of calls
-;;;    - the average amount of CPU time per call
-;;;    - the average amount of consing per call
-;;;    - the percent of total execution time spent executing that function
-;;;    - the percent of total consing spent consing in that function
-;;; Summary totals of the CPU time, consing, and calls columns are printed.
-;;; An estimate of the monitoring overhead is also printed. May be run
-;;; even after unmonitoring all the functions, to play with the data.
-                                               Cons
-                 %     %                       Per      Total   Total
-Function         Time  Cons  Calls  Sec/Call   Call     Time    Cons
-FIND-ROLE:       0.58  0.00    136  0.003521      0  0.478863       0
-GROUP-ROLE:      0.35  0.00    365  0.000802      0  0.292760       0
-GROUP-PROJECTOR: 0.05  0.00    102  0.000408      0  0.041648       0
-FEATURE-P:       0.02  0.00    570  0.000028      0  0.015680       0
-TOTAL:                        1173                   0.828950       0
-Estimated total monitoring overhead: 0.88 seconds
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; METERING *******************************************************
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Warn people using the wrong Lisp
-;;; ********************************
-#-(or clisp openmcl)
-(warn "metering.lisp does not support your Lisp implementation!")
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Packages ***********************
-;;; ********************************
-;;; For CLtL2 compatible lisps
-(defpackage "MONITOR" (:nicknames "MON") (:use "COMMON-LISP")
-	   "REPORT"))
-(in-package "MONITOR")
-;;; Warn user if they're loading the source instead of compiling it first.
-(eval-when (eval)
-   (warn "This file should be compiled before loading for best results."))
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Version ************************
-;;; ********************************
-(defparameter *metering-version* "v2.1 25-JAN-94"
-  "Current version number/date for Metering.")
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; Implementation Dependent Definitions ***************************
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Timing Functions ***************
-;;; ********************************
-;;; The get-time function is called to find the total number of ticks since
-;;; the beginning of time. time-units-per-second allows us to convert units
-;;; to seconds.
-#-(or clisp openmcl)
-(eval-when (compile eval)
-  (warn
-   "You may want to supply implementation-specific get-time functions."))
-(defconstant time-units-per-second internal-time-units-per-second)
- (deftype time-type () 'unsigned-byte)
- (deftype consing-type () 'unsigned-byte))
-(defmacro get-time ()
-  `(the time-type (get-internal-run-time)))
-;;; NOTE: In Macintosh Common Lisp, CCL::GCTIME returns the number of
-;;;       milliseconds spent during GC. We could subtract this from
-;;;       the value returned by get-internal-run-time to eliminate
-;;;       the effect of GC on the timing values, but we prefer to let
-;;;       the user run without GC on. If the application is so big that
-;;;       it requires GC to complete, then the GC times are part of the
-;;;       cost of doing business, and will average out in the long run.
-;;;       If it seems really important to a user that GC times not be
-;;;       counted, then uncomment the following three lines and read-time
-;;;       conditionalize the definition of get-time above with #-:openmcl.
-;(defmacro get-time ()
-;  `(the time-type (- (get-internal-run-time) (ccl:gctime))))
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Consing Functions **************
-;;; ********************************
-;;; The get-cons macro is called to find the total number of bytes
-;;; consed since the beginning of time.
-(defun get-cons ()
-  (multiple-value-bind (real1 real2 run1 run2 gc1 gc2 space1 space2 gccount)
-      (sys::%%time)
-    (declare (ignore real1 real2 run1 run2 gc1 gc2 gccount))
-    (dpb space1 (byte 24 24) space2)))
-;;; Macintosh Common Lisp 2.0
-;;; Note that this includes bytes that were allocated during GC.
-;;; We could subtract this out by advising GC like we did under
-;;; MCL 1.3.2, but I'd rather users ran without GC. If they can't
-;;; run without GC, then the bytes consed during GC are a cost of
-;;; running their program. Metering the code a few times will
-;;; avoid the consing values being too lopsided. If a user really really
-;;; wants to subtract out the consing during GC, replace the following
-;;; two lines with the commented out code.
-(defmacro get-cons () `(the consing-type (ccl::total-bytes-allocated)))
-;; #+openmcl
-;; (progn
-;;   (in-package :ccl)
-;;   (defvar *bytes-consed-chkpt* 0)
-;;   (defun reset-consing () (setq *bytes-consed-chkpt* 0))
-;;   (let ((old-gc (symbol-function 'gc))
-;;         (ccl:*warn-if-redefine-kernel* nil))
-;;     (setf (symbol-function 'gc)
-;;           #'(lambda ()
-;;               (let ((old-consing (total-bytes-consed)))
-;;                 (prog1
-;;                     (funcall old-gc)
-;;                   (incf *bytes-consed-chkpt*
-;;                         (- old-consing (total-bytes-consed))))))))
-;;   (defun total-bytes-consed ()
-;;     "Returns number of conses (8 bytes each)"
-;;     (ccl::total-bytes-allocated))
-;;   (in-package "MONITOR")
-;;   (defun get-cons ()
-;;     (the consing-type (+ (ccl::total-bytes-consed) ccl::*bytes-consed-chkpt*))))
-#-(or clisp openmcl)
-  (eval-when (compile eval)
-    (warn "No consing will be reported unless a get-cons function is ~
-           defined."))
-  (defmacro get-cons () '(the consing-type 0)))
-;; actually, neither `get-cons' nor `get-time' are used as is,
-;; but only in the following macro `with-time/cons'
-(defmacro with-time/cons ((delta-time delta-cons) form &body post-process)
-  (let ((start-cons (gensym "START-CONS-"))
-        (start-time (gensym "START-TIME-")))
-    `(let ((,start-time (get-time)) (,start-cons (get-cons)))
-       (declare (type time-type ,start-time)
-                (type consing-type ,start-cons))
-       (multiple-value-prog1 ,form
-         (let ((,delta-time (- (get-time) ,start-time))
-               (,delta-cons (- (get-cons) ,start-cons)))
-           ,@post-process)))))
-  (defmacro delta4 (nv1 nv2 ov1 ov2 by)
-    `(- (dpb (- ,nv1 ,ov1) (byte ,by ,by) ,nv2) ,ov2))
-  (let ((del (find-symbol "DELTA4" "SYS")))
-    (when del (setf (fdefinition 'delta4) (fdefinition del))))
-  (if (< internal-time-units-per-second 1000000)
-      ;; TIME_1: AMIGA, OS/2, UNIX_TIMES
-      (defmacro delta4-time (new-time1 new-time2 old-time1 old-time2)
-        `(delta4 ,new-time1 ,new-time2 ,old-time1 ,old-time2 16))
-      ;; TIME_2: other UNIX, WIN32
-      (defmacro delta4-time (new-time1 new-time2 old-time1 old-time2)
-        `(+ (* (- ,new-time1 ,old-time1) internal-time-units-per-second)
-            (- ,new-time2 ,old-time2))))
-  (defmacro delta4-cons (new-cons1 new-cons2 old-cons1 old-cons2)
-    `(delta4 ,new-cons1 ,new-cons2 ,old-cons1 ,old-cons2 24))
-  ;; avoid consing: when the application conses a lot,
-  ;; get-cons may return a bignum, so we really should not use it.
-  (defmacro with-time/cons ((delta-time delta-cons) form &body post-process)
-    (let ((beg-cons1 (gensym "BEG-CONS1-")) (end-cons1 (gensym "END-CONS1-"))
-          (beg-cons2 (gensym "BEG-CONS2-")) (end-cons2 (gensym "END-CONS2-"))
-          (beg-time1 (gensym "BEG-TIME1-")) (end-time1 (gensym "END-TIME1-"))
-          (beg-time2 (gensym "BEG-TIME2-")) (end-time2 (gensym "END-TIME2-"))
-          (re1 (gensym)) (re2 (gensym)) (gc1 (gensym)) (gc2 (gensym)))
-      `(multiple-value-bind (,re1 ,re2 ,beg-time1 ,beg-time2
-                                  ,gc1 ,gc2 ,beg-cons1 ,beg-cons2) (sys::%%time)
-         (declare (ignore ,re1 ,re2 ,gc1 ,gc2))
-         (multiple-value-prog1 ,form
-           (multiple-value-bind (,re1 ,re2 ,end-time1 ,end-time2
-                                      ,gc1 ,gc2 ,end-cons1 ,end-cons2) (sys::%%time)
-             (declare (ignore ,re1 ,re2 ,gc1 ,gc2))
-             (let ((,delta-time (delta4-time ,end-time1 ,end-time2
-                                             ,beg-time1 ,beg-time2))
-                   (,delta-cons (delta4-cons ,end-cons1 ,end-cons2
-                                             ,beg-cons1 ,beg-cons2)))
-               ,@post-process)))))))
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Required Arguments *************
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Required (Fixed) vs Optional Args
-;;; To avoid unnecessary consing in the "encapsulation" code, we find out the
-;;; number of required arguments, and use &rest to capture only non-required
-;;; arguments.  The function Required-Arguments returns two values: the first
-;;; is the number of required arguments, and the second is T iff there are any
-;;; non-required arguments (e.g. &optional, &rest, &key).
-;;; Lucid, Allegro, and Macintosh Common Lisp
-(defun required-arguments (name)
-  (let* ((function (symbol-function name))
-         (args (ccl:arglist function))
-         (pos (position-if #'(lambda (x)
-                               (and (symbolp x)
-                                    (let ((name (symbol-name x)))
-                                      (and (>= (length name) 1)
-                                           (char= (schar name 0)
-                                                  #\&)))))
-                           args)))
-    (if pos
-        (values pos t)
-        (values (length args) nil))))
-(defun required-arguments (name)
-  (multiple-value-bind (name req-num opt-num rest-p key-p keywords allow-p)
-      (sys::function-signature name t)
-    (if name ; no error
-        (values req-num (or (/= 0 opt-num) rest-p key-p keywords allow-p))
-        (values 0 t))))
-#-(or clisp openmcl)
- (eval-when (compile eval)
-   (warn
-    "You may want to add an implementation-specific Required-Arguments function."))
- (eval-when (load eval)
-   (defun required-arguments (name)
-     (declare (ignore name))
-     (values 0 t))))
-(defun square (x) (* x x))
-(defun square2 (x &optional y) (* x x y))
-(defun test (x y &optional (z 3)) 3)
-(defun test2 (x y &optional (z 3) &rest fred) 3)
-(required-arguments 'square) => 1 nil
-(required-arguments 'square2) => 1 t
-(required-arguments 'test) => 2 t
-(required-arguments 'test2) => 2 t
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; Main METERING Code *********************************************
-;;; ****************************************************************
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Global Variables ***************
-;;; ********************************
-  "The amount of time an empty monitored function costs.")
-  "The amount of cons an empty monitored function costs.")
-(defvar *TOTAL-TIME* 0
-  "Total amount of time monitored so far.")
-(defvar *TOTAL-CONS* 0
-  "Total amount of consing monitored so far.")
-(defvar *TOTAL-CALLS* 0
-  "Total number of calls monitored so far.")
-(proclaim '(type time-type *total-time*))
-(proclaim '(type consing-type *total-cons*))
-(proclaim '(fixnum *total-calls*))
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Accessor Functions *************
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Perhaps the SYMBOLP should be FBOUNDP? I.e., what about variables
-;;; containing closures.
-(defmacro PLACE-FUNCTION (function-place)
-  "Return the function found at FUNCTION-PLACE. Evals FUNCTION-PLACE
-if it isn't a symbol, to allow monitoring of closures located in
-  ;; Note that (fboundp 'fdefinition) returns T even if fdefinition
-  ;; is a macro, which is what we want.
-  (if (fboundp 'fdefinition)
-      `(if (fboundp ,function-place)
-           (fdefinition ,function-place)
-           (eval ,function-place))
-      `(if (symbolp ,function-place)
-           (symbol-function ,function-place)
-           (eval ,function-place))))
-(defsetf PLACE-FUNCTION (function-place) (function)
-  "Set the function in FUNCTION-PLACE to FUNCTION."
-  (if (fboundp 'fdefinition)
-      ;; If we're conforming to CLtL2, use fdefinition here.
-      `(if (fboundp ,function-place)
-           (setf (fdefinition ,function-place) ,function)
-           (eval '(setf ,function-place ',function)))
-      `(if (symbolp ,function-place)
-           (setf (symbol-function ,function-place) ,function)
-           (eval '(setf ,function-place ',function)))))
-;;; before using fdefinition
-(defun PLACE-FUNCTION (function-place)
-  "Return the function found at FUNCTION-PLACE. Evals FUNCTION-PLACE
-if it isn't a symbol, to allow monitoring of closures located in
-  (if (symbolp function-place)
-      (symbol-function function-place)
-      (eval function-place)))
-(defsetf PLACE-FUNCTION (function-place) (function)
-  "Set the function in FUNCTION-PLACE to FUNCTION."
-  `(if (symbolp ,function-place)
-       (setf (symbol-function ,function-place) ,function)
-       (eval '(setf ,function-place ',function))))
-(defun PLACE-FBOUNDP (function-place)
-  "Test to see if FUNCTION-PLACE is a function."
-  ;; probably should be
-  #|(or (and (symbolp function-place)(fboundp function-place))
-      (functionp (place-function function-place)))|#
-  (if (symbolp function-place)
-      (fboundp function-place)
-      (functionp (place-function function-place))))
-(defun PLACE-MACROP (function-place)
-  "Test to see if FUNCTION-PLACE is a macro."
-  (when (symbolp function-place)
-    (macro-function function-place)))
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Measurement Tables *************
-;;; ********************************
-(defvar *monitored-functions* nil
-  "List of monitored symbols.")
-;;; We associate a METERING-FUNCTIONS structure with each monitored function
-;;; name or other closure. This holds the functions that we call to manipulate
-;;; the closure which implements the encapsulation.
-(defstruct metering-functions
-  (name nil)
-  (old-definition nil :type function)
-  (new-definition nil :type function)
-  (read-metering  nil :type function)
-  (reset-metering nil :type function))
-;;; In general using hash tables in time-critical programs is a bad idea,
-;;; because when one has to grow the table and rehash everything, the
-;;; timing becomes grossly inaccurate. In this case it is not an issue
-;;; because all inserting of entries in the hash table occurs before the
-;;; timing commences. The only circumstance in which this could be a
-;;; problem is if the lisp rehashes on the next reference to the table,
-;;; instead of when the entry which forces a rehash was inserted.
-;;; Note that a similar kind of problem can occur with GC, which is why
-;;; one should turn off GC when monitoring code.
-(defvar *monitor* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
-  "Hash table in which METERING-FUNCTIONS structures are stored.")
-(defun get-monitor-info (name)
-  (gethash name *monitor*))
-(defsetf get-monitor-info (name) (info)
-  `(setf (gethash ,name *monitor*) ,info))
-(defun MONITORED (function-place)
-  "Test to see if a FUNCTION-PLACE is monitored."
-  (and (place-fboundp function-place)   ; this line necessary?
-       (get-monitor-info function-place)))
-(defun reset-monitoring-info (name)
-  "Reset the monitoring info for the specified function."
-  (let ((finfo (get-monitor-info name)))
-    (when finfo
-      (funcall (metering-functions-reset-metering finfo)))))
-(defun reset-all-monitoring ()
-  "Reset monitoring info for all functions."
-  (setq *total-time* 0
-        *total-cons* 0
-        *total-calls* 0)
-  (dolist (symbol *monitored-functions*)
-    (when (monitored symbol)
-      (reset-monitoring-info symbol))))
-(defun monitor-info-values (name &optional (nested :exclusive) warn)
-  "Returns monitoring information values for the named function,
-adjusted for overhead."
-  (let ((finfo (get-monitor-info name)))
-    (if finfo
-        (multiple-value-bind (inclusive-time inclusive-cons
-                                             exclusive-time exclusive-cons
-                                             calls nested-calls)
-            (funcall (metering-functions-read-metering finfo))
-          (unless (or (null warn)
-                      (eq (place-function name)
-                          (metering-functions-new-definition finfo)))
-            (warn "Funtion ~S has been redefined, so times may be inaccurate.~@
-                   MONITOR it again to record calls to the new definition."
-                  name))
-          (case nested
-            (:exclusive (values calls
-                                nested-calls
-                                (- exclusive-time
-                                   (* calls *monitor-time-overhead*))
-                                (- exclusive-cons
-                                   (* calls *monitor-cons-overhead*))))
-            ;; In :inclusive mode, subtract overhead for all the
-            ;; called functions as well. Nested-calls includes the
-            ;; calls of the function as well. [Necessary 'cause of
-            ;; functions which call themselves recursively.]
-            (:inclusive (values calls
-                                nested-calls
-                                (- inclusive-time
-                                   (* nested-calls ;(+ calls)
-                                      *monitor-time-overhead*))
-                                (- inclusive-cons
-                                   (* nested-calls ;(+ calls)
-                                      *monitor-cons-overhead*))))))
-        (values 0 0 0 0))))
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Encapsulate ********************
-;;; ********************************
-(eval-when (compile load eval)
-;; Returns a lambda expression for a function that, when called with the
-;; function name, will set up that function for metering.
-;; A function is monitored by replacing its definition with a closure
-;; created by the following function. The closure records the monitoring
-;; data, and updates the data with each call of the function.
-;; Other closures are used to read and reset the data.
-(defun make-monitoring-encapsulation (min-args optionals-p)
-  (let (required-args)
-    (dotimes (i min-args) (push (gensym) required-args))
-    `(lambda (name)
-       (let ((inclusive-time 0)
-	     (inclusive-cons 0)
-	     (exclusive-time 0)
-	     (exclusive-cons 0)
-	     (calls 0)
-	     (nested-calls 0)
-	     (old-definition (place-function name)))
-	 (declare (type time-type inclusive-time)
-		  (type time-type exclusive-time)
-		  (type consing-type inclusive-cons)
-		  (type consing-type exclusive-cons)
-		  (fixnum calls)
-		  (fixnum nested-calls))
-	 (pushnew name *monitored-functions*)
-	 (setf (place-function name)
-	       #'(lambda (,@required-args
-			  ,@(when optionals-p
-                              `(&rest optional-args)))
-		   (let ((prev-total-time *total-time*)
-			 (prev-total-cons *total-cons*)
-			 (prev-total-calls *total-calls*)
-			 ;; (old-time inclusive-time)
-			 ;; (old-cons inclusive-cons)
-			 ;; (old-nested-calls nested-calls)
-			 )
-		     (declare (type time-type prev-total-time)
-			      (type consing-type prev-total-cons)
-			      (fixnum prev-total-calls))
-                     (with-time/cons (delta-time delta-cons)
-                       ;; form
-                       ,(if optionals-p
-                            `(apply old-definition
-                                    ,@required-args optional-args)
-                            `(funcall old-definition ,@required-args))
-                       ;; post-processing:
-                       ;; Calls
-                       (incf calls)
-                       (incf *total-calls*)
-                       ;; nested-calls includes this call
-                       (incf nested-calls (the fixnum
-                                            (- *total-calls*
-                                               prev-total-calls)))
-                       ;; (setf nested-calls (+ old-nested-calls
-                       ;;                       (- *total-calls*
-                       ;;                          prev-total-calls)))
-                       ;; Time
-                       ;; Problem with inclusive time is that it
-                       ;; currently doesn't add values from recursive
-                       ;; calls to the same function. Change the
-                       ;; setf to an incf to fix this?
-                       (incf inclusive-time (the time-type delta-time))
-                       ;; (setf inclusive-time (+ delta-time old-time))
-                       (incf exclusive-time (the time-type
-                                              (+ delta-time
-                                                 (- prev-total-time
-                                                    *total-time*))))
-                       (setf *total-time* (the time-type
-                                            (+ delta-time
-                                               prev-total-time)))
-                       ;; Consing
-                       (incf inclusive-cons (the consing-type delta-cons))
-                       ;; (setf inclusive-cons (+ delta-cons old-cons))
-                       (incf exclusive-cons (the consing-type
-                                              (+ delta-cons
-                                                 (- prev-total-cons
-                                                    *total-cons*))))
-                       (setf *total-cons*
-                             (the consing-type
-                               (+ delta-cons prev-total-cons)))))))
-	 (setf (get-monitor-info name)
-	       (make-metering-functions
-		:name name
-		:old-definition old-definition
-		:new-definition (place-function name)
-		:read-metering #'(lambda ()
-				   (values inclusive-time
-					   inclusive-cons
-					   exclusive-time
-					   exclusive-cons
-					   calls
-					   nested-calls))
-		:reset-metering #'(lambda ()
-				    (setq inclusive-time 0
-					  inclusive-cons 0
-					  exclusive-time 0
-					  exclusive-cons 0
-					  calls 0
-					  nested-calls 0)
-				    t)))))))
-);; End of EVAL-WHEN
-;;; For efficiency reasons, we precompute the encapsulation functions
-;;; for a variety of combinations of argument structures
-;;; (min-args . optional-p). These are stored in the following hash table
-;;; along with any new ones we encounter. Since we're now precomputing
-;;; closure functions for common argument signatures, this eliminates
-;;; the former need to call COMPILE for each monitored function.
-(eval-when (compile eval)
-   (defconstant precomputed-encapsulations 8))
-(defvar *existing-encapsulations* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-(defun find-encapsulation (min-args optionals-p)
-  (or (gethash (cons min-args optionals-p) *existing-encapsulations*)
-      (setf (gethash (cons min-args optionals-p) *existing-encapsulations*)
-            (compile nil
-                     (make-monitoring-encapsulation min-args optionals-p)))))
-(macrolet ((frob ()
-             (let ((res ()))
-               (dotimes (i precomputed-encapsulations)
-                 (push `(setf (gethash '(,i . nil) *existing-encapsulations*)
-                              #',(make-monitoring-encapsulation i nil))
-                       res)
-                 (push `(setf (gethash '(,i . t) *existing-encapsulations*)
-                              #',(make-monitoring-encapsulation i t))
-                       res))
-               `(progn ,@res))))
-  (frob))
-(defun monitoring-encapsulate (name &optional warn)
-  "Monitor the function Name. If already monitored, unmonitor first."
-  ;; Saves the current definition of name and inserts a new function which
-  ;; returns the result of evaluating body.
-  (cond ((not (place-fboundp name))     ; not a function
-         (when warn
-           (warn "Ignoring undefined function ~S." name)))
-        ((place-macrop name)            ; a macro
-         (when warn
-           (warn "Ignoring macro ~S." name)))
-        (t                              ; tis a function
-         (when (get-monitor-info name) ; monitored
-           (when warn
-             (warn "~S already monitored, so unmonitoring it first." name))
-           (monitoring-unencapsulate name))
-         (multiple-value-bind (min-args optionals-p)
-             (required-arguments name)
-           (funcall (find-encapsulation min-args optionals-p) name)))))
-(defun monitoring-unencapsulate (name &optional warn)
-  "Removes monitoring encapsulation code from around Name."
-  (let ((finfo (get-monitor-info name)))
-    (when finfo                         ; monitored
-      (remprop name 'metering-functions)
-      (setq *monitored-functions*
-            (remove name *monitored-functions* :test #'equal))
-      (if (eq (place-function name)
-              (metering-functions-new-definition finfo))
-          (setf (place-function name)
-                (metering-functions-old-definition finfo))
-          (when warn
-            (warn "Preserving current definition of redefined function ~S."
-                  name))))))
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Main Monitoring Functions ******
-;;; ********************************
-(defmacro MONITOR (&rest names)
-  "Monitor the named functions. As in TRACE, the names are not evaluated.
-   If a function is already monitored, then unmonitor and remonitor (useful
-   to notice function redefinition). If a name is undefined, give a warning
-   and ignore it. See also unmonitor, report-monitoring,
-   display-monitoring-results and reset-time."
-  `(progn
-     ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name) `(monitoring-encapsulate ',name)) names)
-     *monitored-functions*))
-(defmacro UNMONITOR (&rest names)
-  "Remove the monitoring on the named functions.
-   Names defaults to the list of all currently monitored functions."
-  `(dolist (name ,(if names `',names '*monitored-functions*) (values))
-     (monitoring-unencapsulate name)))
-(defun MONITOR-ALL (&optional (package *package*))
-  "Monitor all functions in the specified package."
-  (let ((package (if (packagep package)
-		     package
-		     (find-package package))))
-    (do-symbols (symbol package)
-      (when (eq (symbol-package symbol) package)
-        (monitoring-encapsulate symbol)))))
-(defmacro MONITOR-FORM (form
-                        &optional (nested :exclusive) (threshold 0.01)
-                        (key :percent-time))
-  "Monitor the execution of all functions in the current package
-during the execution of FORM.  All functions that are executed above
-THRESHOLD % will be reported."
-  `(unwind-protect
-       (progn
-         (monitor-all)
-         (reset-all-monitoring)
-         (prog1
-             (time ,form)
-           (report-monitoring :all ,nested ,threshold ,key :ignore-no-calls)))
-     (unmonitor)))
-(defmacro WITH-MONITORING ((&rest functions)
-                           (&optional (nested :exclusive)
-                                      (threshold 0.01)
-                                      (key :percent-time))
-                           &body body)
-  "Monitor the specified functions during the execution of the body."
-  `(unwind-protect
-       (progn
-         (dolist (fun ',functions)
-           (monitoring-encapsulate fun))
-         (reset-all-monitoring)
-         ,@body
-         (report-monitoring :all ,nested ,threshold ,key))
-     (unmonitor)))
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Overhead Calculations **********
-;;; ********************************
-(defconstant overhead-iterations 5000
-  "Number of iterations over which the timing overhead is averaged.")
-;;; Perhaps this should return something to frustrate clever compilers.
-(defun STUB-FUNCTION (x)
-  (declare (ignore x))
-  nil)
-(proclaim '(notinline stub-function))
-  "Determines the average overhead of monitoring by monitoring the execution
-of an empty function many times."
-  (setq *monitor-time-overhead* 0
-        *monitor-cons-overhead* 0)
-  (stub-function nil)
-  (monitor stub-function)
-  (reset-all-monitoring)
-  (let ((overhead-function (symbol-function 'stub-function)))
-    (dotimes (x overhead-iterations)
-      (funcall overhead-function overhead-function)))
-;  (dotimes (x overhead-iterations)
-;    (stub-function nil))
-  (let ((fiter (float overhead-iterations)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (calls nested-calls time cons)
-        (monitor-info-values 'stub-function)
-      (declare (ignore calls nested-calls))
-      (setq *monitor-time-overhead* (/ time fiter)
-            *monitor-cons-overhead* (/ cons fiter))))
-  (unmonitor stub-function))
-;;; ********************************
-;;; Report Data ********************
-;;; ********************************
-(defvar *monitor-results* nil
-  "A table of monitoring statistics is stored here.")
-(defvar *no-calls* nil
-  "A list of monitored functions which weren't called.")
-(defvar *estimated-total-overhead* 0)
-;; (proclaim '(type time-type *estimated-total-overhead*))
-(defstruct (monitoring-info
-            (:conc-name m-info-)
-            (:constructor make-monitoring-info
-                          (name calls time cons
-                                percent-time percent-cons
-                                time-per-call cons-per-call)))
-  name
-  calls
-  time
-  cons
-  percent-time
-  percent-cons
-  time-per-call
-  cons-per-call)
-(defun REPORT (&key (names :all)
-		    (nested :exclusive)
-		    (threshold 0.01)
-		    (sort-key :percent-time)
-		    (ignore-no-calls nil))
-  "Same as REPORT-MONITORING but with a nicer keyword interface"
-  (declare (type (member :function :percent-time :time :percent-cons
-			 :cons :calls :time-per-call :cons-per-call)
-		 sort-key)
-	   (type (member :inclusive :exclusive) nested))
-  (report-monitoring names nested threshold sort-key ignore-no-calls))
-(defun REPORT-MONITORING (&optional names
-				    (nested :exclusive)
-				    (threshold 0.01)
-				    (key :percent-time)
-				    ignore-no-calls)
-  "Report the current monitoring state.
-The percentage of the total time spent executing unmonitored code
-in each function (:exclusive mode), or total time (:inclusive mode)
-will be printed together with the number of calls and
-the unmonitored time per call.  Functions that have been executed
-below THRESHOLD % of the time will not be reported.  To report on all
-functions set NAMES to be either NIL or :ALL."
-  (when (or (null names) (eq names :all)) (setq names *monitored-functions*))
-  (let ((total-time 0)
-        (total-cons 0)
-        (total-calls 0))
-    ;; Compute overall time and consing.
-    (dolist (name names)
-      (multiple-value-bind (calls nested-calls time cons)
-          (monitor-info-values name nested :warn)
-        (declare (ignore nested-calls))
-        (incf total-calls calls)
-        (incf total-time time)
-        (incf total-cons cons)))
-    ;; Total overhead.
-    (setq *estimated-total-overhead*
-          (/ (* *monitor-time-overhead* total-calls)
-             time-units-per-second))
-    ;; Assemble data for only the specified names (all monitored functions)
-    (if (zerop total-time)
-        (format *trace-output* "Not enough execution time to monitor.")
-        (progn
-          (setq *monitor-results* nil *no-calls* nil)
-          (dolist (name names)
-            (multiple-value-bind (calls nested-calls time cons)
-                (monitor-info-values name nested)
-              (declare (ignore nested-calls))
-              (when (minusp time) (setq time 0.0))
-              (when (minusp cons) (setq cons 0.0))
-              (if (zerop calls)
-                  (push (if (symbolp name)
-                            (symbol-name name)
-                            (format nil "~S" name))
-                        *no-calls*)
-                  (push (make-monitoring-info
-                         (format nil "~S" name) ; name
-                         calls          ; calls
-                         (/ time (float time-units-per-second)) ; time in secs
-                         (round cons)   ; consing
-                         (/ time (float total-time)) ; percent-time
-                         (if (zerop total-cons) 0
-                             (/ cons (float total-cons))) ; percent-cons
-                         (/ (/ time (float calls)) ; time-per-call
-                            time-units-per-second) ; sec/call
-                         (round (/ cons (float calls)))) ; cons-per-call
-                        *monitor-results*))))
-          (display-monitoring-results threshold key ignore-no-calls)))))
-(defun display-monitoring-results (&optional (threshold 0.01) (key :percent-time)
-					     (ignore-no-calls t))
-  (let ((max-length 8)			; Function header size
-	(max-cons-length 8)
-	(total-time 0.0)
-	(total-consed 0)
-	(total-calls 0)
-	(total-percent-time 0)
-	(total-percent-cons 0))
-    (sort-results key)
-    (dolist (result *monitor-results*)
-      (when (or (zerop threshold)
-		(> (m-info-percent-time result) threshold))
-	(setq max-length
-	      (max max-length
-		   (length (m-info-name result))))
-	(setq max-cons-length
-	      (max max-cons-length
-		   (m-info-cons-per-call result)))))
-    (incf max-length 2)
-    (setf max-cons-length (+ 2 (ceiling (log max-cons-length 10))))
-    (format *trace-output*
-	    "~%~%~
-                       ~VT                                     ~VA~
-	     ~%        ~VT   %      %                          ~VA  Total     Total~
-	     ~%Function~VT  Time   Cons    Calls  Sec/Call     ~VA  Time      Cons~
-             ~%~V,,,'-A"
-	    max-length
-	    max-cons-length "Cons"
-	    max-length
-	    max-cons-length "Per"
-	    max-length
-	    max-cons-length "Call"
-	    (+ max-length 62 (max 0 (- max-cons-length 5))) "-")
-    (dolist (result *monitor-results*)
-      (when (or (zerop threshold)
-		(> (m-info-percent-time result) threshold))
-	(format *trace-output*
-		"~%~A:~VT~6,2F  ~6,2F  ~7D  ~,6F  ~VD  ~8,3F  ~10D"
-		(m-info-name result)
-		max-length
-		(* 100 (m-info-percent-time result))
-		(* 100 (m-info-percent-cons result))
-		(m-info-calls result)
-		(m-info-time-per-call result)
-		max-cons-length
-		(m-info-cons-per-call result)
-		(m-info-time result)
-		(m-info-cons result))
-	(incf total-time (m-info-time result))
-	(incf total-consed (m-info-cons result))
-	(incf total-calls (m-info-calls result))
-	(incf total-percent-time (m-info-percent-time result))
-	(incf total-percent-cons (m-info-percent-cons result))))
-    (format *trace-output*
-	    "~%~V,,,'-A~
-	    ~%TOTAL:~VT~6,2F  ~6,2F  ~7D  ~9@T ~VA  ~8,3F  ~10D~
-            ~%Estimated monitoring overhead: ~5,2F seconds~
-            ~%Estimated total monitoring overhead: ~5,2F seconds"
-	    (+ max-length 62 (max 0 (- max-cons-length 5))) "-"
-	    max-length
-	    (* 100 total-percent-time)
-	    (* 100 total-percent-cons)
-	    total-calls
-	    max-cons-length " "
-	    total-time total-consed
-	    (/ (* *monitor-time-overhead* total-calls)
-	       time-units-per-second)
-	    *estimated-total-overhead*)
-    (when (and (not ignore-no-calls) *no-calls*)
-      (setq *no-calls* (sort *no-calls* #'string<))
-      (let ((num-no-calls (length *no-calls*)))
-        (if (> num-no-calls 20)
-            (format *trace-output*
-                    "~%~@(~r~) monitored functions were not called. ~
-                      ~%See the variable mon::*no-calls* for a list."
-                    num-no-calls)
-            (format *trace-output*
-                    "~%The following monitored functions were not called:~
-                ~%~{~<~%~:; ~A~>~}~%"
-                    *no-calls*))))
-    (values)))
-(defun sort-results (&optional (key :percent-time))
-  (setq *monitor-results*
-        (case key
-          (:function             (sort *monitor-results* #'string>
-                                       :key #'m-info-name))
-          ((:percent-time :time) (sort *monitor-results* #'>
-                                       :key #'m-info-time))
-          ((:percent-cons :cons) (sort *monitor-results* #'>
-                                       :key #'m-info-cons))
-          (:calls                (sort *monitor-results* #'>
-                                       :key #'m-info-calls))
-          (:time-per-call        (sort *monitor-results* #'>
-                                       :key #'m-info-time-per-call))
-          (:cons-per-call        (sort *monitor-results* #'>
-                                       :key #'m-info-cons-per-call)))))
-;;; *END OF FILE*
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv-clhs.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2236 +0,0 @@
-" slimv-clhs.vim:
-"               Common Lisp Hyperspec lookup support for Slimv
-" Version:      0.5.0
-" Last Change:  14 Apr 2009
-" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-"               No warranty, express or implied.
-"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" Commentary:   This file is based on SLIME's hyperspec.el created by
-"               Erik Naggum (http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/),
-"               and the cl-lookup package made by Yuji Minejima
-"               (http://homepage1.nifty.com/bmonkey/lisp/index-en.html).
-" =====================================================================
-"  Load Once:
-if &cp || exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_loaded' )
-    finish
-let g:slimv_clhs_loaded = 1
-" It is possible to lookup the following information:
-" symbol                    , e.g. "setf"
-" hyperspec-chapters        , e.g. [index], [syntax]
-" format-control-characters , e.g. "~C: Character", "~%: Newline"
-" reader-macro-characters   , e.g. "(", "#'", "#b", "#+"
-" loop                      , e.g. loop:with, loop:collect
-" arguments                 , e.g. :test, :key, :eof-error-p
-" glossary                  , e.g. {absolute}, {binding}
-" Root of the Common Lisp Hyperspec
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_root' )
-    let g:slimv_clhs_root = 'http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/'
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_clhs' )
-    let g:slimv_clhs_clhs = [
-    \["&allow-other-keys", "03_da.htm"],
-    \["&aux", "03_da.htm"],
-    \["&body", "03_dd.htm"],
-    \["&environment", "03_dd.htm"],
-    \["&key", "03_da.htm"],
-    \["&optional", "03_da.htm"],
-    \["&rest", "03_da.htm"],
-    \["&whole", "03_dd.htm"],
-    \["*", "a_st.htm"],
-    \["**", "v__stst_.htm"],
-    \["***", "v__stst_.htm"],
-    \["*break-on-signals*", "v_break_.htm"],
-    \["*compile-file-pathname*", "v_cmp_fi.htm"],
-    \["*compile-file-truename*", "v_cmp_fi.htm"],
-    \["*compile-print*", "v_cmp_pr.htm"],
-    \["*compile-verbose*", "v_cmp_pr.htm"],
-    \["*debug-io*", "v_debug_.htm"],
-    \["*debugger-hook*", "v_debugg.htm"],
-    \["*default-pathname-defaults*", "v_defaul.htm"],
-    \["*error-output*", "v_debug_.htm"],
-    \["*features*", "v_featur.htm"],
-    \["*gensym-counter*", "v_gensym.htm"],
-    \["*load-pathname*", "v_ld_pns.htm"],
-    \["*load-print*", "v_ld_prs.htm"],
-    \["*load-truename*", "v_ld_pns.htm"],
-    \["*load-verbose*", "v_ld_prs.htm"],
-    \["*macroexpand-hook*", "v_mexp_h.htm"],
-    \["*modules*", "v_module.htm"],
-    \["*package*", "v_pkg.htm"],
-    \["*print-array*", "v_pr_ar.htm"],
-    \["*print-base*", "v_pr_bas.htm"],
-    \["*print-case*", "v_pr_cas.htm"],
-    \["*print-circle*", "v_pr_cir.htm"],
-    \["*print-escape*", "v_pr_esc.htm"],
-    \["*print-gensym*", "v_pr_gen.htm"],
-    \["*print-length*", "v_pr_lev.htm"],
-    \["*print-level*", "v_pr_lev.htm"],
-    \["*print-lines*", "v_pr_lin.htm"],
-    \["*print-miser-width*", "v_pr_mis.htm"],
-    \["*print-pprint-dispatch*", "v_pr_ppr.htm"],
-    \["*print-pretty*", "v_pr_pre.htm"],
-    \["*print-radix*", "v_pr_bas.htm"],
-    \["*print-readably*", "v_pr_rda.htm"],
-    \["*print-right-margin*", "v_pr_rig.htm"],
-    \["*query-io*", "v_debug_.htm"],
-    \["*random-state*", "v_rnd_st.htm"],
-    \["*read-base*", "v_rd_bas.htm"],
-    \["*read-default-float-format*", "v_rd_def.htm"],
-    \["*read-eval*", "v_rd_eva.htm"],
-    \["*read-suppress*", "v_rd_sup.htm"],
-    \["*readtable*", "v_rdtabl.htm"],
-    \["*standard-input*", "v_debug_.htm"],
-    \["*standard-output*", "v_debug_.htm"],
-    \["*terminal-io*", "v_termin.htm"],
-    \["*trace-output*", "v_debug_.htm"],
-    \["+", "a_pl.htm"],
-    \["++", "v_pl_plp.htm"],
-    \["+++", "v_pl_plp.htm"],
-    \["-", "a__.htm"],
-    \["/", "a_sl.htm"],
-    \["//", "v_sl_sls.htm"],
-    \["///", "v_sl_sls.htm"],
-    \["/=", "f_eq_sle.htm"],
-    \["1+", "f_1pl_1_.htm"],
-    \["1-", "f_1pl_1_.htm"],
-    \["<", "f_eq_sle.htm"],
-    \["<=", "f_eq_sle.htm"],
-    \["=", "f_eq_sle.htm"],
-    \[">", "f_eq_sle.htm"],
-    \[">=", "f_eq_sle.htm"],
-    \["abort", "a_abort.htm"],
-    \["abs", "f_abs.htm"],
-    \["acons", "f_acons.htm"],
-    \["acos", "f_asin_.htm"],
-    \["acosh", "f_sinh_.htm"],
-    \["add-method", "f_add_me.htm"],
-    \["adjoin", "f_adjoin.htm"],
-    \["adjust-array", "f_adjust.htm"],
-    \["adjustable-array-p", "f_adju_1.htm"],
-    \["allocate-instance", "f_alloca.htm"],
-    \["alpha-char-p", "f_alpha_.htm"],
-    \["alphanumericp", "f_alphan.htm"],
-    \["and", "a_and.htm"],
-    \["append", "f_append.htm"],
-    \["apply", "f_apply.htm"],
-    \["apropos", "f_apropo.htm"],
-    \["apropos-list", "f_apropo.htm"],
-    \["aref", "f_aref.htm"],
-    \["arithmetic-error", "e_arithm.htm"],
-    \["arithmetic-error-operands", "f_arithm.htm"],
-    \["arithmetic-error-operation", "f_arithm.htm"],
-    \["array", "t_array.htm"],
-    \["array-dimension", "f_ar_dim.htm"],
-    \["array-dimension-limit", "v_ar_dim.htm"],
-    \["array-dimensions", "f_ar_d_1.htm"],
-    \["array-displacement", "f_ar_dis.htm"],
-    \["array-element-type", "f_ar_ele.htm"],
-    \["array-has-fill-pointer-p", "f_ar_has.htm"],
-    \["array-in-bounds-p", "f_ar_in_.htm"],
-    \["array-rank", "f_ar_ran.htm"],
-    \["array-rank-limit", "v_ar_ran.htm"],
-    \["array-row-major-index", "f_ar_row.htm"],
-    \["array-total-size", "f_ar_tot.htm"],
-    \["array-total-size-limit", "v_ar_tot.htm"],
-    \["arrayp", "f_arrayp.htm"],
-    \["ash", "f_ash.htm"],
-    \["asin", "f_asin_.htm"],
-    \["asinh", "f_sinh_.htm"],
-    \["assert", "m_assert.htm"],
-    \["assoc", "f_assocc.htm"],
-    \["assoc-if", "f_assocc.htm"],
-    \["assoc-if-not", "f_assocc.htm"],
-    \["atan", "f_asin_.htm"],
-    \["atanh", "f_sinh_.htm"],
-    \["atom", "a_atom.htm"],
-    \["base-char", "t_base_c.htm"],
-    \["base-string", "t_base_s.htm"],
-    \["bignum", "t_bignum.htm"],
-    \["bit", "a_bit.htm"],
-    \["bit-and", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-andc1", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-andc2", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-eqv", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-ior", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-nand", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-nor", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-not", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-orc1", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-orc2", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["bit-vector", "t_bt_vec.htm"],
-    \["bit-vector-p", "f_bt_vec.htm"],
-    \["bit-xor", "f_bt_and.htm"],
-    \["block", "s_block.htm"],
-    \["boole", "f_boole.htm"],
-    \["boole-1", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-2", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-and", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-andc1", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-andc2", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-c1", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-c2", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-clr", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-eqv", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-ior", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-nand", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-nor", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-orc1", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-orc2", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-set", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boole-xor", "v_b_1_b.htm"],
-    \["boolean", "t_ban.htm"],
-    \["both-case-p", "f_upper_.htm"],
-    \["boundp", "f_boundp.htm"],
-    \["break", "f_break.htm"],
-    \["broadcast-stream", "t_broadc.htm"],
-    \["broadcast-stream-streams", "f_broadc.htm"],
-    \["built-in-class", "t_built_.htm"],
-    \["butlast", "f_butlas.htm"],
-    \["byte", "f_by_by.htm"],
-    \["byte-position", "f_by_by.htm"],
-    \["byte-size", "f_by_by.htm"],
-    \["caaaar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["caaadr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["caaar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["caadar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["caaddr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["caadr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["caar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cadaar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cadadr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cadar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["caddar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cadddr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["caddr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cadr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["call-arguments-limit", "v_call_a.htm"],
-    \["call-method", "m_call_m.htm"],
-    \["call-next-method", "f_call_n.htm"],
-    \["car", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["case", "m_case_.htm"],
-    \["catch", "s_catch.htm"],
-    \["ccase", "m_case_.htm"],
-    \["cdaaar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cdaadr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cdaar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cdadar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cdaddr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cdadr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cdar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cddaar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cddadr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cddar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cdddar", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cddddr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cdddr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cddr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["cdr", "f_car_c.htm"],
-    \["ceiling", "f_floorc.htm"],
-    \["cell-error", "e_cell_e.htm"],
-    \["cell-error-name", "f_cell_e.htm"],
-    \["cerror", "f_cerror.htm"],
-    \["change-class", "f_chg_cl.htm"],
-    \["char", "f_char_.htm"],
-    \["char-code", "f_char_c.htm"],
-    \["char-code-limit", "v_char_c.htm"],
-    \["char-downcase", "f_char_u.htm"],
-    \["char-equal", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char-greaterp", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char-int", "f_char_i.htm"],
-    \["char-lessp", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char-name", "f_char_n.htm"],
-    \["char-not-equal", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char-not-greaterp", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char-not-lessp", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char-upcase", "f_char_u.htm"],
-    \["char/=", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char<", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char<=", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char=", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char>", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["char>=", "f_chareq.htm"],
-    \["character", "a_ch.htm"],
-    \["characterp", "f_chp.htm"],
-    \["check-type", "m_check_.htm"],
-    \["cis", "f_cis.htm"],
-    \["class", "t_class.htm"],
-    \["class-name", "f_class_.htm"],
-    \["class-of", "f_clas_1.htm"],
-    \["clear-input", "f_clear_.htm"],
-    \["clear-output", "f_finish.htm"],
-    \["close", "f_close.htm"],
-    \["clrhash", "f_clrhas.htm"],
-    \["code-char", "f_code_c.htm"],
-    \["coerce", "f_coerce.htm"],
-    \["compilation-speed", "d_optimi.htm"],
-    \["compile", "f_cmp.htm"],
-    \["compile-file", "f_cmp_fi.htm"],
-    \["compile-file-pathname", "f_cmp__1.htm"],
-    \["compiled-function", "t_cmpd_f.htm"],
-    \["compiled-function-p", "f_cmpd_f.htm"],
-    \["compiler-macro", "f_docume.htm"],
-    \["compiler-macro-function", "f_cmp_ma.htm"],
-    \["complement", "f_comple.htm"],
-    \["complex", "a_comple.htm"],
-    \["complexp", "f_comp_3.htm"],
-    \["compute-applicable-methods", "f_comput.htm"],
-    \["compute-restarts", "f_comp_1.htm"],
-    \["concatenate", "f_concat.htm"],
-    \["concatenated-stream", "t_concat.htm"],
-    \["concatenated-stream-streams", "f_conc_1.htm"],
-    \["cond", "m_cond.htm"],
-    \["condition", "e_cnd.htm"],
-    \["conjugate", "f_conjug.htm"],
-    \["cons", "a_cons.htm"],
-    \["consp", "f_consp.htm"],
-    \["constantly", "f_cons_1.htm"],
-    \["constantp", "f_consta.htm"],
-    \["continue", "a_contin.htm"],
-    \["control-error", "e_contro.htm"],
-    \["copy-alist", "f_cp_ali.htm"],
-    \["copy-list", "f_cp_lis.htm"],
-    \["copy-pprint-dispatch", "f_cp_ppr.htm"],
-    \["copy-readtable", "f_cp_rdt.htm"],
-    \["copy-seq", "f_cp_seq.htm"],
-    \["copy-structure", "f_cp_stu.htm"],
-    \["copy-symbol", "f_cp_sym.htm"],
-    \["copy-tree", "f_cp_tre.htm"],
-    \["cos", "f_sin_c.htm"],
-    \["cosh", "f_sinh_.htm"],
-    \["count", "f_countc.htm"],
-    \["count-if", "f_countc.htm"],
-    \["count-if-not", "f_countc.htm"],
-    \["ctypecase", "m_tpcase.htm"],
-    \["debug", "d_optimi.htm"],
-    \["decf", "m_incf_.htm"],
-    \["declaim", "m_declai.htm"],
-    \["declaration", "d_declar.htm"],
-    \["declare", "s_declar.htm"],
-    \["decode-float", "f_dec_fl.htm"],
-    \["decode-universal-time", "f_dec_un.htm"],
-    \["defclass", "m_defcla.htm"],
-    \["defconstant", "m_defcon.htm"],
-    \["defgeneric", "m_defgen.htm"],
-    \["define-compiler-macro", "m_define.htm"],
-    \["define-condition", "m_defi_5.htm"],
-    \["define-method-combination", "m_defi_4.htm"],
-    \["define-modify-macro", "m_defi_2.htm"],
-    \["define-setf-expander", "m_defi_3.htm"],
-    \["define-symbol-macro", "m_defi_1.htm"],
-    \["defmacro", "m_defmac.htm"],
-    \["defmethod", "m_defmet.htm"],
-    \["defpackage", "m_defpkg.htm"],
-    \["defparameter", "m_defpar.htm"],
-    \["defsetf", "m_defset.htm"],
-    \["defstruct", "m_defstr.htm"],
-    \["deftype", "m_deftp.htm"],
-    \["defun", "m_defun.htm"],
-    \["defvar", "m_defpar.htm"],
-    \["delete", "f_rm_rm.htm"],
-    \["delete-duplicates", "f_rm_dup.htm"],
-    \["delete-file", "f_del_fi.htm"],
-    \["delete-if", "f_rm_rm.htm"],
-    \["delete-if-not", "f_rm_rm.htm"],
-    \["delete-package", "f_del_pk.htm"],
-    \["denominator", "f_numera.htm"],
-    \["deposit-field", "f_deposi.htm"],
-    \["describe", "f_descri.htm"],
-    \["describe-object", "f_desc_1.htm"],
-    \["destructuring-bind", "m_destru.htm"],
-    \["digit-char", "f_digit_.htm"],
-    \["digit-char-p", "f_digi_1.htm"],
-    \["directory", "f_dir.htm"],
-    \["directory-namestring", "f_namest.htm"],
-    \["disassemble", "f_disass.htm"],
-    \["division-by-zero", "e_divisi.htm"],
-    \["do", "m_do_do.htm"],
-    \["do*", "m_do_do.htm"],
-    \["do-all-symbols", "m_do_sym.htm"],
-    \["do-external-symbols", "m_do_sym.htm"],
-    \["do-symbols", "m_do_sym.htm"],
-    \["documentation", "f_docume.htm"],
-    \["dolist", "m_dolist.htm"],
-    \["dotimes", "m_dotime.htm"],
-    \["double-float", "t_short_.htm"],
-    \["double-float-epsilon", "v_short_.htm"],
-    \["double-float-negative-epsilon", "v_short_.htm"],
-    \["dpb", "f_dpb.htm"],
-    \["dribble", "f_dribbl.htm"],
-    \["dynamic-extent", "d_dynami.htm"],
-    \["ecase", "m_case_.htm"],
-    \["echo-stream", "t_echo_s.htm"],
-    \["echo-stream-input-stream", "f_echo_s.htm"],
-    \["echo-stream-output-stream", "f_echo_s.htm"],
-    \["ed", "f_ed.htm"],
-    \["eighth", "f_firstc.htm"],
-    \["elt", "f_elt.htm"],
-    \["encode-universal-time", "f_encode.htm"],
-    \["end-of-file", "e_end_of.htm"],
-    \["endp", "f_endp.htm"],
-    \["enough-namestring", "f_namest.htm"],
-    \["ensure-directories-exist", "f_ensu_1.htm"],
-    \["ensure-generic-function", "f_ensure.htm"],
-    \["eq", "f_eq.htm"],
-    \["eql", "a_eql.htm"],
-    \["equal", "f_equal.htm"],
-    \["equalp", "f_equalp.htm"],
-    \["error", "a_error.htm"],
-    \["etypecase", "m_tpcase.htm"],
-    \["eval", "f_eval.htm"],
-    \["eval-when", "s_eval_w.htm"],
-    \["evenp", "f_evenpc.htm"],
-    \["every", "f_everyc.htm"],
-    \["exp", "f_exp_e.htm"],
-    \["export", "f_export.htm"],
-    \["expt", "f_exp_e.htm"],
-    \["extended-char", "t_extend.htm"],
-    \["fboundp", "f_fbound.htm"],
-    \["fceiling", "f_floorc.htm"],
-    \["fdefinition", "f_fdefin.htm"],
-    \["ffloor", "f_floorc.htm"],
-    \["fifth", "f_firstc.htm"],
-    \["file-author", "f_file_a.htm"],
-    \["file-error", "e_file_e.htm"],
-    \["file-error-pathname", "f_file_e.htm"],
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-    \["character-proposal:2-6-3", "iss044.htm"],
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-    \["evalhook-step-confusion:x3j13-nov-89", "iss150.htm"],
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-    \["in-syntax:minimal", "iss196.htm"],
-    \["initialization-function-keyword-checking", "iss197.htm"],
-    \["iso-compatibility:add-substrate", "iss198.htm"],
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-    \["jun90-trivial-issues:14", "iss200.htm"],
-    \["jun90-trivial-issues:24", "iss201.htm"],
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-    \["jun90-trivial-issues:27", "iss203.htm"],
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-    \["jun90-trivial-issues:4", "iss205.htm"],
-    \["jun90-trivial-issues:5", "iss206.htm"],
-    \["jun90-trivial-issues:9", "iss207.htm"],
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-    \["last-n", "iss209.htm"],
-    \["lcm-no-arguments:1", "iss210.htm"],
-    \["lexical-construct-global-definition:undefined", "iss211.htm"],
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-    \["lisp-symbol-redefinition-again:more-fixes", "iss213.htm"],
-    \["lisp-symbol-redefinition:mar89-x3j13", "iss214.htm"],
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-    \["load-time-eval:r**2-new-special-form", "iss216.htm"],
-    \["load-time-eval:r**3-new-special-form", "iss217.htm"],
-    \["load-truename:new-pathname-variables", "iss218.htm"],
-    \["locally-top-level:special-form", "iss219.htm"],
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-    \["loop-for-as-on-typo:fix-typo", "iss221.htm"],
-    \["loop-initform-environment:partial-interleaving-vague", "iss222.htm"],
-    \["loop-miscellaneous-repairs:fix", "iss223.htm"],
-    \["loop-named-block-nil:override", "iss224.htm"],
-    \["loop-present-symbols-typo:flush-wrong-words", "iss225.htm"],
-    \["loop-syntax-overhaul:repair", "iss226.htm"],
-    \["macro-as-function:disallow", "iss227.htm"],
-    \["macro-declarations:make-explicit", "iss228.htm"],
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-    \["macro-function-environment:yes", "iss231.htm"],
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-    \["macroexpand-hook-initial-value:implementation-dependent", "iss234.htm"],
-    \["macroexpand-return-value:true", "iss235.htm"],
-    \["make-load-form-confusion:rewrite", "iss236.htm"],
-    \["make-load-form-saving-slots:no-initforms", "iss237.htm"],
-    \["make-package-use-default:implementation-dependent", "iss238.htm"],
-    \["map-into:add-function", "iss239.htm"],
-    \["mapping-destructive-interaction:explicitly-vague", "iss240.htm"],
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-    \["method-initform:forbid-call-next-method", "iss243.htm"],
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-    \["nintersection-destruction:revert", "iss248.htm"],
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-    \["pathname-wild:new-functions", "iss267.htm"],
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-    \["plist-duplicates:allow", "iss269.htm"],
-    \["pretty-print-interface", "iss270.htm"],
-    \["princ-readably:x3j13-dec-91", "iss271.htm"],
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-    \["print-circle-structure:user-functions-work", "iss275.htm"],
-    \["print-readably-behavior:clarify", "iss276.htm"],
-    \["printer-whitespace:just-one-space", "iss277.htm"],
-    \["proclaim-etc-in-compile-file:new-macro", "iss278.htm"],
-    \["push-evaluation-order:first-item", "iss279.htm"],
-    \["push-evaluation-order:item-first", "iss280.htm"],
-    \["pushnew-store-required:unspecified", "iss281.htm"],
-    \["quote-semantics:no-copying", "iss282.htm"],
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-    \["range-of-start-and-end-parameters:integer-and-integer-nil", "iss284.htm"],
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-    \["read-suppress-confusing:generalize", "iss288.htm"],
-    \["reader-error:new-type", "iss289.htm"],
-    \["real-number-type:x3j13-mar-89", "iss290.htm"],
-    \["recursive-deftype:explicitly-vague", "iss291.htm"],
-    \["reduce-argument-extraction", "iss292.htm"],
-    \["remf-destruction-unspecified:x3j13-mar-89", "iss293.htm"],
-    \["require-pathname-defaults-again:x3j13-dec-91", "iss294.htm"],
-    \["require-pathname-defaults-yet-again:restore-argument", "iss295.htm"],
-    \["require-pathname-defaults:eliminate", "iss296.htm"],
-    \["rest-list-allocation:may-share", "iss297.htm"],
-    \["result-lists-shared:specify", "iss298.htm"],
-    \["return-values-unspecified:specify", "iss299.htm"],
-    \["room-default-argument:new-value", "iss300.htm"],
-    \["self-modifying-code:forbid", "iss301.htm"],
-    \["sequence-type-length:must-match", "iss302.htm"],
-    \["setf-apply-expansion:ignore-expander", "iss303.htm"],
-    \["setf-find-class:allow-nil", "iss304.htm"],
-    \["setf-functions-again:minimal-changes", "iss305.htm"],
-    \["setf-get-default:evaluated-but-ignored", "iss306.htm"],
-    \["setf-macro-expansion:last", "iss307.htm"],
-    \["setf-method-vs-setf-method:rename-old-terms", "iss308.htm"],
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-    \["setf-of-apply:only-aref-and-friends", "iss310.htm"],
-    \["setf-of-values:add", "iss311.htm"],
-    \["setf-sub-methods:delayed-access-stores", "iss312.htm"],
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-    \["shadow-already-present:works", "iss314.htm"],
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-    \["slot-value-metaclasses:less-minimal", "iss320.htm"],
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-    \["special-type-shadowing:clarify", "iss322.htm"],
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-    \["step-minimal:permit-progn", "iss326.htm"],
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-    \["string-output-stream-bashing:undefined", "iss330.htm"],
-    \["structure-read-print-syntax:keywords", "iss331.htm"],
-    \["subseq-out-of-bounds", "iss332.htm"],
-    \["subseq-out-of-bounds:is-an-error", "iss333.htm"],
-    \["subsetting-position:none", "iss334.htm"],
-    \["subtypep-environment:add-arg", "iss335.htm"],
-    \["subtypep-too-vague:clarify-more", "iss336.htm"],
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-    \["symbol-macrolet-semantics:special-form", "iss339.htm"],
-    \["symbol-macrolet-type-declaration:no", "iss340.htm"],
-    \["symbol-macros-and-proclaimed-specials:signals-an-error", "iss341.htm"],
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-    \["syntactic-environment-access:retracted-mar91", "iss343.htm"],
-    \["tagbody-tag-expansion:no", "iss344.htm"],
-    \["tailp-nil:t", "iss345.htm"],
-    \["test-not-if-not:flush-all", "iss346.htm"],
-    \["the-ambiguity:for-declaration", "iss347.htm"],
-    \["the-values:return-number-received", "iss348.htm"],
-    \["time-zone-non-integer:allow", "iss349.htm"],
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-    \["type-of-and-predefined-classes:type-of-handles-floats", "iss351.htm"],
-    \["type-of-and-predefined-classes:unify-and-extend", "iss352.htm"],
-    \["type-of-underconstrained:add-constraints", "iss353.htm"],
-    \["type-specifier-abbreviation:x3j13-jun90-guess", "iss354.htm"],
-    \["undefined-variables-and-functions:compromise", "iss355.htm"],
-    \["uninitialized-elements:consequences-undefined", "iss356.htm"],
-    \["unread-char-after-peek-char:dont-allow", "iss357.htm"],
-    \["unsolicited-messages:not-to-system-user-streams", "iss358.htm"],
-    \["variable-list-asymmetry:symmetrize", "iss359.htm"],
-    \["with-added-methods:delete", "iss360.htm"],
-    \["with-compilation-unit:new-macro", "iss361.htm"],
-    \["with-open-file-does-not-exist:stream-is-nil", "iss362.htm"],
-    \["with-open-file-setq:explicitly-vague", "iss363.htm"],
-    \["with-open-file-stream-extent:dynamic-extent", "iss364.htm"],
-    \["with-output-to-string-append-style:vector-push-extend", "iss365.htm"],
-    \["with-standard-io-syntax-readtable:x3j13-mar-91", "iss366.htm"]]
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-    let g:slimv_clhs_chapters = [
-    \["[index]", "../Front/Contents.htm"],
-    \["[introduction]", "01_.htm"],
-    \["[syntax]", "02_.htm"],
-    \["[evaluation and compilation]", "03_.htm"],
-    \["[types and classes]", "04_.htm"],
-    \["[data and control flow]", "05_.htm"],
-    \["[iteration]", "06_.htm"],
-    \["[objects]", "07_.htm"],
-    \["[structures]", "08_.htm"],
-    \["[conditions]", "09_.htm"],
-    \["[symbols]", "10_.htm"],
-    \["[packages]", "11_.htm"],
-    \["[numbers]", "12_.htm"],
-    \["[characters]", "13_.htm"],
-    \["[conses]", "14_.htm"],
-    \["[arrays]", "15_.htm"],
-    \["[strings]", "16_.htm"],
-    \["[sequences]", "17_.htm"],
-    \["[hash tables]", "18_.htm"],
-    \["[filenames]", "19_.htm"],
-    \["[files]", "20_.htm"],
-    \["[streams]", "21_.htm"],
-    \["[printer]", "22_.htm"],
-    \["[reader]", "23_.htm"],
-    \["[system construction]", "24_.htm"],
-    \["[environment]", "25_.htm"],
-    \["[glossary]", "26_.htm"]]
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_control_chars' )
-    let g:slimv_clhs_control_chars = [
-    \["~C: Character", "22_caa.htm"],
-    \["~%: Newline", "22_cab.htm"],
-    \["~&: Freshline", "22_cac.htm"],
-    \["~|: Page", "22_cad.htm"],
-    \["~~: Tilde", "22_cae.htm"],
-    \["~R: Radix", "22_cba.htm"],
-    \["~D: Decimal", "22_cbb.htm"],
-    \["~B: Binary", "22_cbc.htm"],
-    \["~O: Octal", "22_cbd.htm"],
-    \["~X: Hexadecimal", "22_cbe.htm"],
-    \["~F: Fixed-Format Floating-Point", "22_cca.htm"],
-    \["~E: Exponential Floating-Point", "22_ccb.htm"],
-    \["~G: General Floating-Point", "22_ccc.htm"],
-    \["~$: Monetary Floating-Point", "22_ccd.htm"],
-    \["~A: Aesthetic", "22_cda.htm"],
-    \["~S: Standard", "22_cdb.htm"],
-    \["~W: Write", "22_cdc.htm"],
-    \["~_: Conditional Newline", "22_cea.htm"],
-    \["~<: Logical Block", "22_ceb.htm"],
-    \["~I: Indent", "22_cec.htm"],
-    \["~/: Call Function", "22_ced.htm"],
-    \["~T: Tabulate", "22_cfa.htm"],
-    \["~<: Justification", "22_cfb.htm"],
-    \["~>: End of Justification", "22_cfc.htm"],
-    \["~*: Go-To", "22_cga.htm"],
-    \["~[: Conditional Expression", "22_cgb.htm"],
-    \["~]: End of Conditional Expression", "22_cgc.htm"],
-    \["~{: Iteration", "22_cgd.htm"],
-    \["~}: End of Iteration", "22_cge.htm"],
-    \["~?: Recursive Processing", "22_cgf.htm"],
-    \["~(: Case Conversion", "22_cha.htm"],
-    \["~): End of Case Conversion", "22_chb.htm"],
-    \["~P: Plural", "22_chc.htm"],
-    \["~;: Clause Separator", "22_cia.htm"],
-    \["~^: Escape Upward", "22_cib.htm"],
-    \["~NEWLINE: Ignored Newline", "22_cic.htm"]]
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_macro_chars' )
-    let g:slimv_clhs_macro_chars = [
-    \["(", "02_da.htm"],
-    \[")", "02_db.htm"],
-    \["'", "02_dc.htm"],
-    \[";", "02_dd.htm"],
-    \['"', "02_de.htm"],
-    \["`", "02_df.htm"],
-    \[",", "02_dg.htm"],
-    \["#", "02_dh.htm"],
-    \["#\\", "02_dha.htm"],
-    \["#'", "02_dhb.htm"],
-    \["#(", "02_dhc.htm"],
-    \["#*", "02_dhd.htm"],
-    \["#:", "02_dhe.htm"],
-    \["#.", "02_dhf.htm"],
-    \["#b", "02_dhg.htm"],
-    \["#o", "02_dhh.htm"],
-    \["#x", "02_dhi.htm"],
-    \["#r", "02_dhj.htm"],
-    \["#c", "02_dhk.htm"],
-    \["#a", "02_dhl.htm"],
-    \["#s", "02_dhm.htm"],
-    \["#p", "02_dhn.htm"],
-    \["#=", "02_dho.htm"],
-    \["##", "02_dhp.htm"],
-    \["#+", "02_dhq.htm"],
-    \["#-", "02_dhr.htm"],
-    \["#|", "02_dhs.htm"],
-    \["#<", "02_dht.htm"]]
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_loop' )
-    let g:slimv_clhs_loop = [
-    \["loop:with", "06_abb.htm"],
-    \["loop:for-as", "06_aba.htm"],
-    \["loop:for-as-arithmetic", "06_abaa.htm"],
-    \["loop:for-as-in-list", "06_abab.htm"],
-    \["loop:for-as-on-list", "06_abac.htm"],
-    \["loop:for-as-equals-then", "06_abad.htm"],
-    \["loop:for-as-across", "06_abae.htm"],
-    \["loop:for-as-hash", "06_abaf.htm"],
-    \["loop:for-as-package", "06_abag.htm"],
-    \["loop:collect", "06_ac.htm"],
-    \["loop:append", "06_ac.htm"],
-    \["loop:nconc", "06_ac.htm"],
-    \["loop:count", "06_ac.htm"],
-    \["loop:maximize", "06_ac.htm"],
-    \["loop:minimize", "06_ac.htm"],
-    \["loop:sum", "06_ac.htm"],
-    \["loop:repeat", "06_ad.htm"],
-    \["loop:always", "06_ad.htm"],
-    \["loop:never", "06_ad.htm"],
-    \["loop:thereis", "06_ad.htm"],
-    \["loop:while", "06_ad.htm"],
-    \["loop:until", "06_ad.htm"],
-    \["loop:do", "06_ae.htm"],
-    \["loop:return", "06_ae.htm"],
-    \["loop:if", "06_af.htm"],
-    \["loop:when", "06_af.htm"],
-    \["loop:unless", "06_af.htm"],
-    \["loop:else", "06_af.htm"],
-    \["loop:it", "06_af.htm"],
-    \["loop:end", "06_af.htm"],
-    \["loop:named", "06_aga.htm"],
-    \["loop:initially", "06_agb.htm"],
-    \["loop:finally", "06_agb.htm"]]
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_arguments' )
-    let g:slimv_clhs_arguments = [
-    \[":test", "17_ba.htm"],
-    \[":test-not", "17_ba.htm"],
-    \[":key", "17_bb.htm"],
-    \[":eof-error-p", "23_aca.htm"],
-    \[":recursive-p", "23_acb.htm"],
-    \[":case", "19_bbab.htm"],
-    \["&allow-other-keys", "03_dada.htm"],
-    \[":allow-other-keys", "03_dada.htm"]]
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_clhs_glossary' )
-    let g:slimv_clhs_glossary = [
-    \["{()}", "26_glo_9.htm\\#OPCP"],
-    \["{absolute}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#absolute"],
-    \["{access}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#access"],
-    \["{accessibility}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#accessibility"],
-    \["{accessible}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#accessible"],
-    \["{accessor}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#accessor"],
-    \["{active}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#active"],
-    \["{actual adjustability}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#actual_adjustability"],
-    \["{actual argument}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#actual_argument"],
-    \["{actual array element type}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#actual_array_element_type"],
-    \["{actual complex part type}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#actual_complex_part_type"],
-    \["{actual parameter}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#actual_parameter"],
-    \["{actually adjustable}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#actually_adjustable"],
-    \["{adjustability}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#adjustability"],
-    \["{adjustable}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#adjustable"],
-    \["{after method}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#after_method"],
-    \["{alist}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#alist"],
-    \["{alphabetic}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#alphabetic"],
-    \["{alphanumeric}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#alphanumeric"],
-    \["{ampersand}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#ampersand"],
-    \["{anonymous}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#anonymous"],
-    \["{apparently uninterned}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#apparently_uninterned"],
-    \["{applicable}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#applicable"],
-    \["{applicable handler}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#applicable_handler"],
-    \["{applicable method}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#applicable_method"],
-    \["{applicable restart}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#applicable_restart"],
-    \["{apply}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#apply"],
-    \["{argument}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#argument"],
-    \["{argument evaluation order}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#argument_evaluation_order"],
-    \["{argument precedence order}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#argument_precedence_order"],
-    \["{around method}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#around_method"],
-    \["{array}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#array"],
-    \["{array element type}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#array_element_type"],
-    \["{array total size}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#array_total_size"],
-    \["{assign}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#assign"],
-    \["{association list}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#association_list"],
-    \["{asterisk}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#asterisk"],
-    \["{at-sign}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#at-sign"],
-    \["{atom}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#atom"],
-    \["{atomic}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#atomic"],
-    \["{atomic type specifier}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#atomic_type_specifier"],
-    \["{attribute}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#attribute"],
-    \["{aux variable}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#aux_variable"],
-    \["{auxiliary method}", "26_glo_a.htm\\#auxiliary_method"],
-    \["{backquote}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#backquote"],
-    \["{backslash}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#backslash"],
-    \["{base character}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#base_character"],
-    \["{base string}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#base_string"],
-    \["{before method}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#before_method"],
-    \["{bidirectional}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#bidirectional"],
-    \["{binary}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#binary"],
-    \["{bind}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#bind"],
-    \["{binding}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#binding"],
-    \["{bit}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#bit"],
-    \["{bit array}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#bit_array"],
-    \["{bit vector}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#bit_vector"],
-    \["{bit-wise logical operation specifier}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#bit-wise_logical_operation_specifier"],
-    \["{block}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#block"],
-    \["{block tag}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#block_tag"],
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-    \["{built-in class}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#built-in_class"],
-    \["{built-in type}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#built-in_type"],
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-    \["{byte specifier}", "26_glo_b.htm\\#byte_specifier"],
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-    \["{captured initialization form}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#captured_initialization_form"],
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-    \["{catch tag}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#catch_tag"],
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-    \["{compile time definition}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#compile-time_definition"],
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-    \["{complex part type}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#complex_part_type"],
-    \["{complex rational}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#complex_rational"],
-    \["{complex single float}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#complex_single_float"],
-    \["{composite stream}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#composite_stream"],
-    \["{compound form}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#compound_form"],
-    \["{compound type specifier}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#compound_type_specifier"],
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-    \["{correctable}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#correctable"],
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-    \["{current readtable}", "26_glo_c.htm\\#current_readtable"],
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-    \["{defaulted initialization argument list}", "26_glo_d.htm\\#defaulted_initialization_argument_list"],
-    \["{define-method-combination arguments lambda list}", "26_glo_d.htm\\#define-method-combination_arguments_lambda_list"],
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-    \["{direct superclass}", "26_glo_d.htm\\#direct_superclass"],
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-    \["{logical host designator}", "26_glo_l.htm\\#logical_host_designator"],
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-    \["{metaclass}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#metaclass"],
-    \["{metaobject protocol}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#metaobject_protocol"],
-    \["{method}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#method"],
-    \["{method combination}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#method_combination"],
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-    \["{method-defining operator}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#method-defining_operator"],
-    \["{minimal compilation}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#minimal_compilation"],
-    \["{modified lambda list}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#modified_lambda_list"],
-    \["{most recent}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#most_recent"],
-    \["{multiple escape}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#multiple_escape"],
-    \["{multiple values}", "26_glo_m.htm\\#multiple_values"],
-    \["{name}", "26_glo_n.htm\\#name"],
-    \["{named constant}", "26_glo_n.htm\\#named_constant"],
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-    \["{non-atomic}", "26_glo_n.htm\\#non-atomic"],
-    \["{non-constant variable}", "26_glo_n.htm\\#non-constant_variable"],
-    \["{non-correctable}", "26_glo_n.htm\\#non-correctable"],
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-    \["{non-null lexical environment}", "26_glo_n.htm\\#non-null_lexical_environment"],
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-    \["{non-top-level form}", "26_glo_n.htm\\#non-top-level_form"],
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-    \["{optimize quality}", "26_glo_o.htm\\#optimize_quality"],
-    \["{optional parameter}", "26_glo_o.htm\\#optional_parameter"],
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-    \["{ordinary lambda list}", "26_glo_o.htm\\#ordinary_lambda_list"],
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-    \["{package cell}", "26_glo_p.htm\\#package_cell"],
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-    \["{plist}", "26_glo_p.htm\\#plist"],
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-    \["{potential number}", "26_glo_p.htm\\#potential_number"],
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-    \["{predicate}", "26_glo_p.htm\\#predicate"],
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-    \["{tag}", "26_glo_t.htm\\#tag"],
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-    \["{type declaration}", "26_glo_t.htm\\#type_declaration"],
-    \["{type equivalent}", "26_glo_t.htm\\#type_equivalent"],
-    \["{type expand}", "26_glo_t.htm\\#type_expand"],
-    \["{type specifier}", "26_glo_t.htm\\#type_specifier"],
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-    \["{unbound variable}", "26_glo_u.htm\\#unbound_variable"],
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-    \["{upgrade}", "26_glo_u.htm\\#upgrade"],
-    \["{upgraded array element type}", "26_glo_u.htm\\#upgraded_array_element_type"],
-    \["{upgraded complex part type}", "26_glo_u.htm\\#upgraded_complex_part_type"],
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-    \["{use list}", "26_glo_u.htm\\#use_list"],
-    \["{user}", "26_glo_u.htm\\#user"],
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-    \["{valid array index}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_array_index"],
-    \["{valid array row-major index}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_array_row-major_index"],
-    \["{valid fill pointer}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_fill_pointer"],
-    \["{valid logical pathname host}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_logical_pathname_host"],
-    \["{valid pathname device}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_pathname_device"],
-    \["{valid pathname directory}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_pathname_directory"],
-    \["{valid pathname host}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_pathname_host"],
-    \["{valid pathname name}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_pathname_name"],
-    \["{valid pathname type}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_pathname_type"],
-    \["{valid pathname version}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_pathname_version"],
-    \["{valid physical pathname host}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_physical_pathname_host"],
-    \["{valid sequence index}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#valid_sequence_index"],
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-    \["{value cell}", "26_glo_v.htm\\#value_cell"],
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--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv-cljapi.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-" slimv-cljapi.vim:
-"               Clojure API lookup support for Slimv
-" Version:      0.7.0
-" Last Change:  23 Sep 2010
-" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-"               No warranty, express or implied.
-"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" =====================================================================
-"  Load Once:
-if &cp || exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_loaded' )
-    finish
-let g:slimv_cljapi_loaded = 1
-" Root of the Clojure API
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_root' )
-    let g:slimv_cljapi_root = 'http://clojure.github.com/clojure/'
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_cljapi_db' )
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--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv-javadoc.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3820 +0,0 @@
-" slimv-javadoc.vim:
-"               Clojure JavaDoc lookup support for Slimv
-" Version:      0.5.0
-" Last Change:  14 Apr 2009
-" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-"               No warranty, express or implied.
-"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" =====================================================================
-"  Load Once:
-if &cp || exists( 'g:slimv_javadoc_loaded' )
-    finish
-let g:slimv_javadoc_loaded = 1
-" Root of the JavaDoc
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_javadoc_root' )
-    let g:slimv_javadoc_root = 'http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/'
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-    \["AbstractAction", "javax/swing/AbstractAction.html"],
-    \["AbstractAnnotationValueVisitor6", "javax/lang/model/util/AbstractAnnotationValueVisitor6.html"],
-    \["AbstractBorder", "javax/swing/border/AbstractBorder.html"],
-    \["AbstractButton", "javax/swing/AbstractButton.html"],
-    \["AbstractCellEditor", "javax/swing/AbstractCellEditor.html"],
-    \["AbstractCollection", "java/util/AbstractCollection.html"],
-    \["AbstractColorChooserPanel", "javax/swing/colorchooser/AbstractColorChooserPanel.html"],
-    \["AbstractDocument", "javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument.html"],
-    \["AbstractDocument.AttributeContext", "javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument.AttributeContext.html"],
-    \["AbstractDocument.Content", "javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument.Content.html"],
-    \["AbstractDocument.ElementEdit", "javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument.ElementEdit.html"],
-    \["AbstractElementVisitor6", "javax/lang/model/util/AbstractElementVisitor6.html"],
-    \["AbstractExecutorService", "java/util/concurrent/AbstractExecutorService.html"],
-    \["AbstractInterruptibleChannel", "java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractInterruptibleChannel.html"],
-    \["AbstractLayoutCache", "javax/swing/tree/AbstractLayoutCache.html"],
-    \["AbstractLayoutCache.NodeDimensions", "javax/swing/tree/AbstractLayoutCache.NodeDimensions.html"],
-    \["AbstractList", "java/util/AbstractList.html"],
-    \["AbstractListModel", "javax/swing/AbstractListModel.html"],
-    \["AbstractMap", "java/util/AbstractMap.html"],
-    \["AbstractMap.SimpleEntry", "java/util/AbstractMap.SimpleEntry.html"],
-    \["AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry", "java/util/AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry.html"],
-    \["AbstractMarshallerImpl", "javax/xml/bind/helpers/AbstractMarshallerImpl.html"],
-    \["AbstractMethodError", "java/lang/AbstractMethodError.html"],
-    \["AbstractOwnableSynchronizer", "java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractOwnableSynchronizer.html"],
-    \["AbstractPreferences", "java/util/prefs/AbstractPreferences.html"],
-    \["AbstractProcessor", "javax/annotation/processing/AbstractProcessor.html"],
-    \["AbstractQueue", "java/util/AbstractQueue.html"],
-    \["AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer", "java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer.html"],
-    \["AbstractQueuedSynchronizer", "java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.html"],
-    \["AbstractScriptEngine", "javax/script/AbstractScriptEngine.html"],
-    \["AbstractSelectableChannel", "java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelectableChannel.html"],
-    \["AbstractSelectionKey", "java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelectionKey.html"],
-    \["AbstractSelector", "java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelector.html"],
-    \["AbstractSequentialList", "java/util/AbstractSequentialList.html"],
-    \["AbstractSet", "java/util/AbstractSet.html"],
-    \["AbstractSpinnerModel", "javax/swing/AbstractSpinnerModel.html"],
-    \["AbstractTableModel", "javax/swing/table/AbstractTableModel.html"],
-    \["AbstractTypeVisitor6", "javax/lang/model/util/AbstractTypeVisitor6.html"],
-    \["AbstractUndoableEdit", "javax/swing/undo/AbstractUndoableEdit.html"],
-    \["AbstractUnmarshallerImpl", "javax/xml/bind/helpers/AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.html"],
-    \["AbstractWriter", "javax/swing/text/AbstractWriter.html"],
-    \["AccessControlContext", "java/security/AccessControlContext.html"],
-    \["AccessControlException", "java/security/AccessControlException.html"],
-    \["AccessController", "java/security/AccessController.html"],
-    \["AccessException", "java/rmi/AccessException.html"],
-    \["Accessible", "javax/accessibility/Accessible.html"],
-    \["AccessibleAction", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleAction.html"],
-    \["AccessibleAttributeSequence", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleAttributeSequence.html"],
-    \["AccessibleBundle", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleBundle.html"],
-    \["AccessibleComponent", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleComponent.html"],
-    \["AccessibleContext", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleContext.html"],
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-    \["AccessibleObject", "java/lang/reflect/AccessibleObject.html"],
-    \["AccessibleRelation", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleRelation.html"],
-    \["AccessibleRelationSet", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleRelationSet.html"],
-    \["AccessibleResourceBundle", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleResourceBundle.html"],
-    \["AccessibleRole", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleRole.html"],
-    \["AccessibleSelection", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleSelection.html"],
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-    \["AccessibleStateSet", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleStateSet.html"],
-    \["AccessibleStreamable", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleStreamable.html"],
-    \["AccessibleTable", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleTable.html"],
-    \["AccessibleTableModelChange", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleTableModelChange.html"],
-    \["AccessibleText", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleText.html"],
-    \["AccessibleTextSequence", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleTextSequence.html"],
-    \["AccessibleValue", "javax/accessibility/AccessibleValue.html"],
-    \["AccountException", "javax/security/auth/login/AccountException.html"],
-    \["AccountExpiredException", "javax/security/auth/login/AccountExpiredException.html"],
-    \["AccountLockedException", "javax/security/auth/login/AccountLockedException.html"],
-    \["AccountNotFoundException", "javax/security/auth/login/AccountNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["Acl", "java/security/acl/Acl.html"],
-    \["AclEntry", "java/security/acl/AclEntry.html"],
-    \["AclNotFoundException", "java/security/acl/AclNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["Action", "javax/swing/Action.html"],
-    \["Action", "javax/xml/ws/Action.html"],
-    \["ActionEvent", "java/awt/event/ActionEvent.html"],
-    \["ActionListener", "java/awt/event/ActionListener.html"],
-    \["ActionMap", "javax/swing/ActionMap.html"],
-    \["ActionMapUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/ActionMapUIResource.html"],
-    \["Activatable", "java/rmi/activation/Activatable.html"],
-    \["ActivateFailedException", "java/rmi/activation/ActivateFailedException.html"],
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-    \["ActivationDesc", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationDesc.html"],
-    \["ActivationException", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationException.html"],
-    \["ActivationGroup", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroup.html"],
-    \["ActivationGroup_Stub", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroup_Stub.html"],
-    \["ActivationGroupDesc", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroupDesc.html"],
-    \["ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment.html"],
-    \["ActivationGroupID", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroupID.html"],
-    \["ActivationID", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationID.html"],
-    \["ActivationInstantiator", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationInstantiator.html"],
-    \["ActivationMonitor", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationMonitor.html"],
-    \["ActivationSystem", "java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystem.html"],
-    \["Activator", "java/rmi/activation/Activator.html"],
-    \["ACTIVE", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ACTIVE.html"],
-    \["ActiveEvent", "java/awt/ActiveEvent.html"],
-    \["ActivityCompletedException", "javax/activity/ActivityCompletedException.html"],
-    \["ActivityRequiredException", "javax/activity/ActivityRequiredException.html"],
-    \["AdapterActivator", "org/omg/PortableServer/AdapterActivator.html"],
-    \["AdapterActivatorOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/AdapterActivatorOperations.html"],
-    \["AdapterAlreadyExists", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterAlreadyExists.html"],
-    \["AdapterAlreadyExistsHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterAlreadyExistsHelper.html"],
-    \["AdapterInactive", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/AdapterInactive.html"],
-    \["AdapterInactiveHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/AdapterInactiveHelper.html"],
-    \["AdapterManagerIdHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/AdapterManagerIdHelper.html"],
-    \["AdapterNameHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/AdapterNameHelper.html"],
-    \["AdapterNonExistent", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterNonExistent.html"],
-    \["AdapterNonExistentHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterNonExistentHelper.html"],
-    \["AdapterStateHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/AdapterStateHelper.html"],
-    \["AddressHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPackage/AddressHelper.html"],
-    \["Addressing", "javax/xml/ws/soap/Addressing.html"],
-    \["AddressingFeature", "javax/xml/ws/soap/AddressingFeature.html"],
-    \["Adjustable", "java/awt/Adjustable.html"],
-    \["AdjustmentEvent", "java/awt/event/AdjustmentEvent.html"],
-    \["AdjustmentListener", "java/awt/event/AdjustmentListener.html"],
-    \["Adler32", "java/util/zip/Adler32.html"],
-    \["AffineTransform", "java/awt/geom/AffineTransform.html"],
-    \["AffineTransformOp", "java/awt/image/AffineTransformOp.html"],
-    \["AlgorithmMethod", "javax/xml/crypto/AlgorithmMethod.html"],
-    \["AlgorithmParameterGenerator", "java/security/AlgorithmParameterGenerator.html"],
-    \["AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi", "java/security/AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi.html"],
-    \["AlgorithmParameters", "java/security/AlgorithmParameters.html"],
-    \["AlgorithmParameterSpec", "java/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["AlgorithmParametersSpi", "java/security/AlgorithmParametersSpi.html"],
-    \["AllPermission", "java/security/AllPermission.html"],
-    \["AlphaComposite", "java/awt/AlphaComposite.html"],
-    \["AlreadyBound", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/AlreadyBound.html"],
-    \["AlreadyBoundException", "java/rmi/AlreadyBoundException.html"],
-    \["AlreadyBoundHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/AlreadyBoundHelper.html"],
-    \["AlreadyBoundHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/AlreadyBoundHolder.html"],
-    \["AlreadyConnectedException", "java/nio/channels/AlreadyConnectedException.html"],
-    \["AncestorEvent", "javax/swing/event/AncestorEvent.html"],
-    \["AncestorListener", "javax/swing/event/AncestorListener.html"],
-    \["AnnotatedElement", "java/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement.html"],
-    \["Annotation", "java/lang/annotation/Annotation.html"],
-    \["Annotation", "java/text/Annotation.html"],
-    \["AnnotationFormatError", "java/lang/annotation/AnnotationFormatError.html"],
-    \["AnnotationMirror", "javax/lang/model/element/AnnotationMirror.html"],
-    \["AnnotationTypeMismatchException", "java/lang/annotation/AnnotationTypeMismatchException.html"],
-    \["AnnotationValue", "javax/lang/model/element/AnnotationValue.html"],
-    \["AnnotationValueVisitor", "javax/lang/model/element/AnnotationValueVisitor.html"],
-    \["Any", "org/omg/CORBA/Any.html"],
-    \["AnyHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/AnyHolder.html"],
-    \["AnySeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/AnySeqHelper.html"],
-    \["AnySeqHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/AnySeqHelper.html"],
-    \["AnySeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/AnySeqHolder.html"],
-    \["AppConfigurationEntry", "javax/security/auth/login/AppConfigurationEntry.html"],
-    \["AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag", "javax/security/auth/login/AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag.html"],
-    \["Appendable", "java/lang/Appendable.html"],
-    \["Applet", "java/applet/Applet.html"],
-    \["AppletContext", "java/applet/AppletContext.html"],
-    \["AppletInitializer", "java/beans/AppletInitializer.html"],
-    \["AppletStub", "java/applet/AppletStub.html"],
-    \["ApplicationException", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/ApplicationException.html"],
-    \["Arc2D", "java/awt/geom/Arc2D.html"],
-    \["Arc2D.Double", "java/awt/geom/Arc2D.Double.html"],
-    \["Arc2D.Float", "java/awt/geom/Arc2D.Float.html"],
-    \["Area", "java/awt/geom/Area.html"],
-    \["AreaAveragingScaleFilter", "java/awt/image/AreaAveragingScaleFilter.html"],
-    \["ARG_IN", "org/omg/CORBA/ARG_IN.html"],
-    \["ARG_INOUT", "org/omg/CORBA/ARG_INOUT.html"],
-    \["ARG_OUT", "org/omg/CORBA/ARG_OUT.html"],
-    \["ArithmeticException", "java/lang/ArithmeticException.html"],
-    \["Array", "java/lang/reflect/Array.html"],
-    \["Array", "java/sql/Array.html"],
-    \["ArrayBlockingQueue", "java/util/concurrent/ArrayBlockingQueue.html"],
-    \["ArrayDeque", "java/util/ArrayDeque.html"],
-    \["ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", "java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.html"],
-    \["ArrayList", "java/util/ArrayList.html"],
-    \["Arrays", "java/util/Arrays.html"],
-    \["ArrayStoreException", "java/lang/ArrayStoreException.html"],
-    \["ArrayType", "javax/lang/model/type/ArrayType.html"],
-    \["ArrayType", "javax/management/openmbean/ArrayType.html"],
-    \["AssertionError", "java/lang/AssertionError.html"],
-    \["AsyncBoxView", "javax/swing/text/AsyncBoxView.html"],
-    \["AsyncHandler", "javax/xml/ws/AsyncHandler.html"],
-    \["AsynchronousCloseException", "java/nio/channels/AsynchronousCloseException.html"],
-    \["AtomicBoolean", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicBoolean.html"],
-    \["AtomicInteger", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicInteger.html"],
-    \["AtomicIntegerArray", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicIntegerArray.html"],
-    \["AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.html"],
-    \["AtomicLong", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLong.html"],
-    \["AtomicLongArray", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLongArray.html"],
-    \["AtomicLongFieldUpdater", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLongFieldUpdater.html"],
-    \["AtomicMarkableReference", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicMarkableReference.html"],
-    \["AtomicReference", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicReference.html"],
-    \["AtomicReferenceArray", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicReferenceArray.html"],
-    \["AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.html"],
-    \["AtomicStampedReference", "java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicStampedReference.html"],
-    \["AttachmentMarshaller", "javax/xml/bind/attachment/AttachmentMarshaller.html"],
-    \["AttachmentPart", "javax/xml/soap/AttachmentPart.html"],
-    \["AttachmentUnmarshaller", "javax/xml/bind/attachment/AttachmentUnmarshaller.html"],
-    \["Attr", "org/w3c/dom/Attr.html"],
-    \["Attribute", "javax/management/Attribute.html"],
-    \["Attribute", "javax/naming/directory/Attribute.html"],
-    \["Attribute", "javax/print/attribute/Attribute.html"],
-    \["Attribute", "javax/xml/stream/events/Attribute.html"],
-    \["AttributeChangeNotification", "javax/management/AttributeChangeNotification.html"],
-    \["AttributeChangeNotificationFilter", "javax/management/AttributeChangeNotificationFilter.html"],
-    \["AttributedCharacterIterator", "java/text/AttributedCharacterIterator.html"],
-    \["AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute", "java/text/AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute.html"],
-    \["AttributedString", "java/text/AttributedString.html"],
-    \["AttributeException", "javax/print/AttributeException.html"],
-    \["AttributeInUseException", "javax/naming/directory/AttributeInUseException.html"],
-    \["AttributeList", "javax/management/AttributeList.html"],
-    \["AttributeList", "javax/swing/text/html/parser/AttributeList.html"],
-    \["AttributeList", "org/xml/sax/AttributeList.html"],
-    \["AttributeListImpl", "org/xml/sax/helpers/AttributeListImpl.html"],
-    \["AttributeModificationException", "javax/naming/directory/AttributeModificationException.html"],
-    \["AttributeNotFoundException", "javax/management/AttributeNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["Attributes", "java/util/jar/Attributes.html"],
-    \["Attributes", "javax/naming/directory/Attributes.html"],
-    \["Attributes", "org/xml/sax/Attributes.html"],
-    \["Attributes.Name", "java/util/jar/Attributes.Name.html"],
-    \["Attributes2", "org/xml/sax/ext/Attributes2.html"],
-    \["Attributes2Impl", "org/xml/sax/ext/Attributes2Impl.html"],
-    \["AttributeSet", "javax/print/attribute/AttributeSet.html"],
-    \["AttributeSet", "javax/swing/text/AttributeSet.html"],
-    \["AttributeSet.CharacterAttribute", "javax/swing/text/AttributeSet.CharacterAttribute.html"],
-    \["AttributeSet.ColorAttribute", "javax/swing/text/AttributeSet.ColorAttribute.html"],
-    \["AttributeSet.FontAttribute", "javax/swing/text/AttributeSet.FontAttribute.html"],
-    \["AttributeSet.ParagraphAttribute", "javax/swing/text/AttributeSet.ParagraphAttribute.html"],
-    \["AttributeSetUtilities", "javax/print/attribute/AttributeSetUtilities.html"],
-    \["AttributesImpl", "org/xml/sax/helpers/AttributesImpl.html"],
-    \["AttributeValueExp", "javax/management/AttributeValueExp.html"],
-    \["AudioClip", "java/applet/AudioClip.html"],
-    \["AudioFileFormat", "javax/sound/sampled/AudioFileFormat.html"],
-    \["AudioFileFormat.Type", "javax/sound/sampled/AudioFileFormat.Type.html"],
-    \["AudioFileReader", "javax/sound/sampled/spi/AudioFileReader.html"],
-    \["AudioFileWriter", "javax/sound/sampled/spi/AudioFileWriter.html"],
-    \["AudioFormat", "javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat.html"],
-    \["AudioFormat.Encoding", "javax/sound/sampled/AudioFormat.Encoding.html"],
-    \["AudioInputStream", "javax/sound/sampled/AudioInputStream.html"],
-    \["AudioPermission", "javax/sound/sampled/AudioPermission.html"],
-    \["AudioSystem", "javax/sound/sampled/AudioSystem.html"],
-    \["AuthenticationException", "javax/naming/AuthenticationException.html"],
-    \["AuthenticationException", "javax/security/sasl/AuthenticationException.html"],
-    \["AuthenticationNotSupportedException", "javax/naming/AuthenticationNotSupportedException.html"],
-    \["Authenticator", "java/net/Authenticator.html"],
-    \["Authenticator.RequestorType", "java/net/Authenticator.RequestorType.html"],
-    \["AuthorizeCallback", "javax/security/sasl/AuthorizeCallback.html"],
-    \["AuthPermission", "javax/security/auth/AuthPermission.html"],
-    \["AuthProvider", "java/security/AuthProvider.html"],
-    \["Autoscroll", "java/awt/dnd/Autoscroll.html"],
-    \["AWTError", "java/awt/AWTError.html"],
-    \["AWTEvent", "java/awt/AWTEvent.html"],
-    \["AWTEventListener", "java/awt/event/AWTEventListener.html"],
-    \["AWTEventListenerProxy", "java/awt/event/AWTEventListenerProxy.html"],
-    \["AWTEventMulticaster", "java/awt/AWTEventMulticaster.html"],
-    \["AWTException", "java/awt/AWTException.html"],
-    \["AWTKeyStroke", "java/awt/AWTKeyStroke.html"],
-    \["AWTPermission", "java/awt/AWTPermission.html"],
-    \["BackingStoreException", "java/util/prefs/BackingStoreException.html"],
-    \["BAD_CONTEXT", "org/omg/CORBA/BAD_CONTEXT.html"],
-    \["BAD_INV_ORDER", "org/omg/CORBA/BAD_INV_ORDER.html"],
-    \["BAD_OPERATION", "org/omg/CORBA/BAD_OPERATION.html"],
-    \["BAD_PARAM", "org/omg/CORBA/BAD_PARAM.html"],
-    \["BAD_POLICY", "org/omg/CORBA/BAD_POLICY.html"],
-    \["BAD_POLICY_TYPE", "org/omg/CORBA/BAD_POLICY_TYPE.html"],
-    \["BAD_POLICY_VALUE", "org/omg/CORBA/BAD_POLICY_VALUE.html"],
-    \["BAD_QOS", "org/omg/CORBA/BAD_QOS.html"],
-    \["BAD_TYPECODE", "org/omg/CORBA/BAD_TYPECODE.html"],
-    \["BadAttributeValueExpException", "javax/management/BadAttributeValueExpException.html"],
-    \["BadBinaryOpValueExpException", "javax/management/BadBinaryOpValueExpException.html"],
-    \["BadKind", "org/omg/CORBA/TypeCodePackage/BadKind.html"],
-    \["BadLocationException", "javax/swing/text/BadLocationException.html"],
-    \["BadPaddingException", "javax/crypto/BadPaddingException.html"],
-    \["BadStringOperationException", "javax/management/BadStringOperationException.html"],
-    \["BandCombineOp", "java/awt/image/BandCombineOp.html"],
-    \["BandedSampleModel", "java/awt/image/BandedSampleModel.html"],
-    \["BaseRowSet", "javax/sql/rowset/BaseRowSet.html"],
-    \["BasicArrowButton", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicArrowButton.html"],
-    \["BasicAttribute", "javax/naming/directory/BasicAttribute.html"],
-    \["BasicAttributes", "javax/naming/directory/BasicAttributes.html"],
-    \["BasicBorders", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicBorders.html"],
-    \["BasicBorders.ButtonBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicBorders.ButtonBorder.html"],
-    \["BasicBorders.FieldBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicBorders.FieldBorder.html"],
-    \["BasicBorders.MarginBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicBorders.MarginBorder.html"],
-    \["BasicBorders.MenuBarBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicBorders.MenuBarBorder.html"],
-    \["BasicBorders.RadioButtonBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicBorders.RadioButtonBorder.html"],
-    \["BasicBorders.RolloverButtonBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicBorders.RolloverButtonBorder.html"],
-    \["BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder.html"],
-    \["BasicBorders.ToggleButtonBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicBorders.ToggleButtonBorder.html"],
-    \["BasicButtonListener", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicButtonListener.html"],
-    \["BasicButtonUI", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicButtonUI.html"],
-    \["BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI.html"],
-    \["BasicCheckBoxUI", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicCheckBoxUI.html"],
-    \["BasicColorChooserUI", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicColorChooserUI.html"],
-    \["BasicComboBoxEditor", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboBoxEditor.html"],
-    \["BasicComboBoxEditor.UIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboBoxEditor.UIResource.html"],
-    \["BasicComboBoxRenderer", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboBoxRenderer.html"],
-    \["BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource.html"],
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-    \["BasicComboPopup", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboPopup.html"],
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-    \["BasicViewportUI", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicViewportUI.html"],
-    \["BatchUpdateException", "java/sql/BatchUpdateException.html"],
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-    \["BeanContextChild", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextChild.html"],
-    \["BeanContextChildComponentProxy", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextChildComponentProxy.html"],
-    \["BeanContextChildSupport", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextChildSupport.html"],
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-    \["BeanContextMembershipEvent", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextMembershipEvent.html"],
-    \["BeanContextMembershipListener", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextMembershipListener.html"],
-    \["BeanContextProxy", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextProxy.html"],
-    \["BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent.html"],
-    \["BeanContextServiceProvider", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceProvider.html"],
-    \["BeanContextServiceProviderBeanInfo", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceProviderBeanInfo.html"],
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-    \["BeanContextServiceRevokedListener", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceRevokedListener.html"],
-    \["BeanContextServices", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServices.html"],
-    \["BeanContextServicesListener", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServicesListener.html"],
-    \["BeanContextServicesSupport", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServicesSupport.html"],
-    \["BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider.html"],
-    \["BeanContextSupport", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextSupport.html"],
-    \["BeanContextSupport.BCSIterator", "java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextSupport.BCSIterator.html"],
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-    \["BeanInfo", "java/beans/BeanInfo.html"],
-    \["Beans", "java/beans/Beans.html"],
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-    \["BigDecimal", "java/math/BigDecimal.html"],
-    \["BigInteger", "java/math/BigInteger.html"],
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-    \["BindException", "java/net/BindException.html"],
-    \["Binding", "javax/naming/Binding.html"],
-    \["Binding", "javax/xml/ws/Binding.html"],
-    \["Binding", "org/omg/CosNaming/Binding.html"],
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-    \["BindingHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingHolder.html"],
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-    \["BindingIteratorHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorHelper.html"],
-    \["BindingIteratorHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorHolder.html"],
-    \["BindingIteratorOperations", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorOperations.html"],
-    \["BindingIteratorPOA", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorPOA.html"],
-    \["BindingListHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingListHelper.html"],
-    \["BindingListHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingListHolder.html"],
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-    \["BindingType", "javax/xml/ws/BindingType.html"],
-    \["BindingType", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingType.html"],
-    \["BindingTypeHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingTypeHelper.html"],
-    \["BindingTypeHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/BindingTypeHolder.html"],
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-    \["Blob", "java/sql/Blob.html"],
-    \["BlockingDeque", "java/util/concurrent/BlockingDeque.html"],
-    \["BlockingQueue", "java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue.html"],
-    \["BlockView", "javax/swing/text/html/BlockView.html"],
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-    \["Boolean", "java/lang/Boolean.html"],
-    \["BooleanControl", "javax/sound/sampled/BooleanControl.html"],
-    \["BooleanControl.Type", "javax/sound/sampled/BooleanControl.Type.html"],
-    \["BooleanHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/BooleanHolder.html"],
-    \["BooleanSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/BooleanSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["BooleanSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/BooleanSeqHolder.html"],
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-    \["BorderFactory", "javax/swing/BorderFactory.html"],
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-    \["BorderUIResource.BevelBorderUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/BorderUIResource.BevelBorderUIResource.html"],
-    \["BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource.html"],
-    \["BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/BorderUIResource.EmptyBorderUIResource.html"],
-    \["BorderUIResource.EtchedBorderUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/BorderUIResource.EtchedBorderUIResource.html"],
-    \["BorderUIResource.LineBorderUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/BorderUIResource.LineBorderUIResource.html"],
-    \["BorderUIResource.MatteBorderUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/BorderUIResource.MatteBorderUIResource.html"],
-    \["BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/BorderUIResource.TitledBorderUIResource.html"],
-    \["BoundedRangeModel", "javax/swing/BoundedRangeModel.html"],
-    \["Bounds", "org/omg/CORBA/Bounds.html"],
-    \["Bounds", "org/omg/CORBA/TypeCodePackage/Bounds.html"],
-    \["Box", "javax/swing/Box.html"],
-    \["Box.Filler", "javax/swing/Box.Filler.html"],
-    \["BoxedValueHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/BoxedValueHelper.html"],
-    \["BoxLayout", "javax/swing/BoxLayout.html"],
-    \["BoxView", "javax/swing/text/BoxView.html"],
-    \["BreakIterator", "java/text/BreakIterator.html"],
-    \["BreakIteratorProvider", "java/text/spi/BreakIteratorProvider.html"],
-    \["BrokenBarrierException", "java/util/concurrent/BrokenBarrierException.html"],
-    \["Buffer", "java/nio/Buffer.html"],
-    \["BufferCapabilities", "java/awt/BufferCapabilities.html"],
-    \["BufferCapabilities.FlipContents", "java/awt/BufferCapabilities.FlipContents.html"],
-    \["BufferedImage", "java/awt/image/BufferedImage.html"],
-    \["BufferedImageFilter", "java/awt/image/BufferedImageFilter.html"],
-    \["BufferedImageOp", "java/awt/image/BufferedImageOp.html"],
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-    \["BufferedOutputStream", "java/io/BufferedOutputStream.html"],
-    \["BufferedReader", "java/io/BufferedReader.html"],
-    \["BufferedWriter", "java/io/BufferedWriter.html"],
-    \["BufferOverflowException", "java/nio/BufferOverflowException.html"],
-    \["BufferStrategy", "java/awt/image/BufferStrategy.html"],
-    \["BufferUnderflowException", "java/nio/BufferUnderflowException.html"],
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-    \["ButtonGroup", "javax/swing/ButtonGroup.html"],
-    \["ButtonModel", "javax/swing/ButtonModel.html"],
-    \["ButtonUI", "javax/swing/plaf/ButtonUI.html"],
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-    \["ByteArrayOutputStream", "java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.html"],
-    \["ByteBuffer", "java/nio/ByteBuffer.html"],
-    \["ByteChannel", "java/nio/channels/ByteChannel.html"],
-    \["ByteHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/ByteHolder.html"],
-    \["ByteLookupTable", "java/awt/image/ByteLookupTable.html"],
-    \["ByteOrder", "java/nio/ByteOrder.html"],
-    \["C14NMethodParameterSpec", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/C14NMethodParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["CachedRowSet", "javax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet.html"],
-    \["CacheRequest", "java/net/CacheRequest.html"],
-    \["CacheResponse", "java/net/CacheResponse.html"],
-    \["Calendar", "java/util/Calendar.html"],
-    \["Callable", "java/util/concurrent/Callable.html"],
-    \["CallableStatement", "java/sql/CallableStatement.html"],
-    \["Callback", "javax/security/auth/callback/Callback.html"],
-    \["CallbackHandler", "javax/security/auth/callback/CallbackHandler.html"],
-    \["CancelablePrintJob", "javax/print/CancelablePrintJob.html"],
-    \["CancellationException", "java/util/concurrent/CancellationException.html"],
-    \["CancelledKeyException", "java/nio/channels/CancelledKeyException.html"],
-    \["CannotProceed", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/CannotProceed.html"],
-    \["CannotProceedException", "javax/naming/CannotProceedException.html"],
-    \["CannotProceedHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/CannotProceedHelper.html"],
-    \["CannotProceedHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/CannotProceedHolder.html"],
-    \["CannotRedoException", "javax/swing/undo/CannotRedoException.html"],
-    \["CannotUndoException", "javax/swing/undo/CannotUndoException.html"],
-    \["CanonicalizationMethod", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/CanonicalizationMethod.html"],
-    \["Canvas", "java/awt/Canvas.html"],
-    \["CardLayout", "java/awt/CardLayout.html"],
-    \["Caret", "javax/swing/text/Caret.html"],
-    \["CaretEvent", "javax/swing/event/CaretEvent.html"],
-    \["CaretListener", "javax/swing/event/CaretListener.html"],
-    \["CDATASection", "org/w3c/dom/CDATASection.html"],
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-    \["CellEditorListener", "javax/swing/event/CellEditorListener.html"],
-    \["CellRendererPane", "javax/swing/CellRendererPane.html"],
-    \["Certificate", "java/security/cert/Certificate.html"],
-    \["Certificate", "java/security/Certificate.html"],
-    \["Certificate", "javax/security/cert/Certificate.html"],
-    \["Certificate.CertificateRep", "java/security/cert/Certificate.CertificateRep.html"],
-    \["CertificateEncodingException", "java/security/cert/CertificateEncodingException.html"],
-    \["CertificateEncodingException", "javax/security/cert/CertificateEncodingException.html"],
-    \["CertificateException", "java/security/cert/CertificateException.html"],
-    \["CertificateException", "javax/security/cert/CertificateException.html"],
-    \["CertificateExpiredException", "java/security/cert/CertificateExpiredException.html"],
-    \["CertificateExpiredException", "javax/security/cert/CertificateExpiredException.html"],
-    \["CertificateFactory", "java/security/cert/CertificateFactory.html"],
-    \["CertificateFactorySpi", "java/security/cert/CertificateFactorySpi.html"],
-    \["CertificateNotYetValidException", "java/security/cert/CertificateNotYetValidException.html"],
-    \["CertificateNotYetValidException", "javax/security/cert/CertificateNotYetValidException.html"],
-    \["CertificateParsingException", "java/security/cert/CertificateParsingException.html"],
-    \["CertificateParsingException", "javax/security/cert/CertificateParsingException.html"],
-    \["CertPath", "java/security/cert/CertPath.html"],
-    \["CertPath.CertPathRep", "java/security/cert/CertPath.CertPathRep.html"],
-    \["CertPathBuilder", "java/security/cert/CertPathBuilder.html"],
-    \["CertPathBuilderException", "java/security/cert/CertPathBuilderException.html"],
-    \["CertPathBuilderResult", "java/security/cert/CertPathBuilderResult.html"],
-    \["CertPathBuilderSpi", "java/security/cert/CertPathBuilderSpi.html"],
-    \["CertPathParameters", "java/security/cert/CertPathParameters.html"],
-    \["CertPathTrustManagerParameters", "javax/net/ssl/CertPathTrustManagerParameters.html"],
-    \["CertPathValidator", "java/security/cert/CertPathValidator.html"],
-    \["CertPathValidatorException", "java/security/cert/CertPathValidatorException.html"],
-    \["CertPathValidatorResult", "java/security/cert/CertPathValidatorResult.html"],
-    \["CertPathValidatorSpi", "java/security/cert/CertPathValidatorSpi.html"],
-    \["CertSelector", "java/security/cert/CertSelector.html"],
-    \["CertStore", "java/security/cert/CertStore.html"],
-    \["CertStoreException", "java/security/cert/CertStoreException.html"],
-    \["CertStoreParameters", "java/security/cert/CertStoreParameters.html"],
-    \["CertStoreSpi", "java/security/cert/CertStoreSpi.html"],
-    \["ChangedCharSetException", "javax/swing/text/ChangedCharSetException.html"],
-    \["ChangeEvent", "javax/swing/event/ChangeEvent.html"],
-    \["ChangeListener", "javax/swing/event/ChangeListener.html"],
-    \["Channel", "java/nio/channels/Channel.html"],
-    \["ChannelBinding", "org/ietf/jgss/ChannelBinding.html"],
-    \["Channels", "java/nio/channels/Channels.html"],
-    \["Character", "java/lang/Character.html"],
-    \["Character.Subset", "java/lang/Character.Subset.html"],
-    \["Character.UnicodeBlock", "java/lang/Character.UnicodeBlock.html"],
-    \["CharacterCodingException", "java/nio/charset/CharacterCodingException.html"],
-    \["CharacterData", "org/w3c/dom/CharacterData.html"],
-    \["CharacterIterator", "java/text/CharacterIterator.html"],
-    \["Characters", "javax/xml/stream/events/Characters.html"],
-    \["CharArrayReader", "java/io/CharArrayReader.html"],
-    \["CharArrayWriter", "java/io/CharArrayWriter.html"],
-    \["CharBuffer", "java/nio/CharBuffer.html"],
-    \["CharConversionException", "java/io/CharConversionException.html"],
-    \["CharHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/CharHolder.html"],
-    \["CharSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/CharSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["CharSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/CharSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["CharSequence", "java/lang/CharSequence.html"],
-    \["Charset", "java/nio/charset/Charset.html"],
-    \["CharsetDecoder", "java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.html"],
-    \["CharsetEncoder", "java/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder.html"],
-    \["CharsetProvider", "java/nio/charset/spi/CharsetProvider.html"],
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-    \["CheckboxGroup", "java/awt/CheckboxGroup.html"],
-    \["CheckboxMenuItem", "java/awt/CheckboxMenuItem.html"],
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-    \["CheckedOutputStream", "java/util/zip/CheckedOutputStream.html"],
-    \["Checksum", "java/util/zip/Checksum.html"],
-    \["Choice", "java/awt/Choice.html"],
-    \["ChoiceCallback", "javax/security/auth/callback/ChoiceCallback.html"],
-    \["ChoiceFormat", "java/text/ChoiceFormat.html"],
-    \["Chromaticity", "javax/print/attribute/standard/Chromaticity.html"],
-    \["Cipher", "javax/crypto/Cipher.html"],
-    \["CipherInputStream", "javax/crypto/CipherInputStream.html"],
-    \["CipherOutputStream", "javax/crypto/CipherOutputStream.html"],
-    \["CipherSpi", "javax/crypto/CipherSpi.html"],
-    \["Class", "java/lang/Class.html"],
-    \["ClassCastException", "java/lang/ClassCastException.html"],
-    \["ClassCircularityError", "java/lang/ClassCircularityError.html"],
-    \["ClassDefinition", "java/lang/instrument/ClassDefinition.html"],
-    \["ClassDesc", "javax/rmi/CORBA/ClassDesc.html"],
-    \["ClassFileTransformer", "java/lang/instrument/ClassFileTransformer.html"],
-    \["ClassFormatError", "java/lang/ClassFormatError.html"],
-    \["ClassLoader", "java/lang/ClassLoader.html"],
-    \["ClassLoaderRepository", "javax/management/loading/ClassLoaderRepository.html"],
-    \["ClassLoadingMXBean", "java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBean.html"],
-    \["ClassNotFoundException", "java/lang/ClassNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["ClientInfoStatus", "java/sql/ClientInfoStatus.html"],
-    \["ClientRequestInfo", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInfo.html"],
-    \["ClientRequestInfoOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInfoOperations.html"],
-    \["ClientRequestInterceptor", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInterceptor.html"],
-    \["ClientRequestInterceptorOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInterceptorOperations.html"],
-    \["Clip", "javax/sound/sampled/Clip.html"],
-    \["Clipboard", "java/awt/datatransfer/Clipboard.html"],
-    \["ClipboardOwner", "java/awt/datatransfer/ClipboardOwner.html"],
-    \["Clob", "java/sql/Clob.html"],
-    \["Cloneable", "java/lang/Cloneable.html"],
-    \["CloneNotSupportedException", "java/lang/CloneNotSupportedException.html"],
-    \["Closeable", "java/io/Closeable.html"],
-    \["ClosedByInterruptException", "java/nio/channels/ClosedByInterruptException.html"],
-    \["ClosedChannelException", "java/nio/channels/ClosedChannelException.html"],
-    \["ClosedSelectorException", "java/nio/channels/ClosedSelectorException.html"],
-    \["CMMException", "java/awt/color/CMMException.html"],
-    \["Codec", "org/omg/IOP/Codec.html"],
-    \["CodecFactory", "org/omg/IOP/CodecFactory.html"],
-    \["CodecFactoryHelper", "org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryHelper.html"],
-    \["CodecFactoryOperations", "org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryOperations.html"],
-    \["CodecOperations", "org/omg/IOP/CodecOperations.html"],
-    \["CoderMalfunctionError", "java/nio/charset/CoderMalfunctionError.html"],
-    \["CoderResult", "java/nio/charset/CoderResult.html"],
-    \["CodeSets", "org/omg/IOP/CodeSets.html"],
-    \["CodeSigner", "java/security/CodeSigner.html"],
-    \["CodeSource", "java/security/CodeSource.html"],
-    \["CodingErrorAction", "java/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction.html"],
-    \["CollapsedStringAdapter", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/CollapsedStringAdapter.html"],
-    \["CollationElementIterator", "java/text/CollationElementIterator.html"],
-    \["CollationKey", "java/text/CollationKey.html"],
-    \["Collator", "java/text/Collator.html"],
-    \["CollatorProvider", "java/text/spi/CollatorProvider.html"],
-    \["Collection", "java/util/Collection.html"],
-    \["CollectionCertStoreParameters", "java/security/cert/CollectionCertStoreParameters.html"],
-    \["Collections", "java/util/Collections.html"],
-    \["Color", "java/awt/Color.html"],
-    \["ColorChooserComponentFactory", "javax/swing/colorchooser/ColorChooserComponentFactory.html"],
-    \["ColorChooserUI", "javax/swing/plaf/ColorChooserUI.html"],
-    \["ColorConvertOp", "java/awt/image/ColorConvertOp.html"],
-    \["ColorModel", "java/awt/image/ColorModel.html"],
-    \["ColorSelectionModel", "javax/swing/colorchooser/ColorSelectionModel.html"],
-    \["ColorSpace", "java/awt/color/ColorSpace.html"],
-    \["ColorSupported", "javax/print/attribute/standard/ColorSupported.html"],
-    \["ColorType", "javax/swing/plaf/synth/ColorType.html"],
-    \["ColorUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/ColorUIResource.html"],
-    \["ComboBoxEditor", "javax/swing/ComboBoxEditor.html"],
-    \["ComboBoxModel", "javax/swing/ComboBoxModel.html"],
-    \["ComboBoxUI", "javax/swing/plaf/ComboBoxUI.html"],
-    \["ComboPopup", "javax/swing/plaf/basic/ComboPopup.html"],
-    \["COMM_FAILURE", "org/omg/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE.html"],
-    \["CommandInfo", "javax/activation/CommandInfo.html"],
-    \["CommandMap", "javax/activation/CommandMap.html"],
-    \["CommandObject", "javax/activation/CommandObject.html"],
-    \["Comment", "javax/xml/stream/events/Comment.html"],
-    \["Comment", "org/w3c/dom/Comment.html"],
-    \["CommonDataSource", "javax/sql/CommonDataSource.html"],
-    \["CommunicationException", "javax/naming/CommunicationException.html"],
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-    \["CubicCurve2D.Float", "java/awt/geom/CubicCurve2D.Float.html"],
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-    \["Current", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Current.html"],
-    \["Current", "org/omg/PortableServer/Current.html"],
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-    \["CurrentHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/CurrentHelper.html"],
-    \["CurrentHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentHelper.html"],
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-    \["CurrentOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/CurrentOperations.html"],
-    \["CurrentOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentOperations.html"],
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-    \["DataInputStream", "org/omg/CORBA/DataInputStream.html"],
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-    \["DataOutputStream", "org/omg/CORBA/DataOutputStream.html"],
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-    \["DataSource", "javax/sql/DataSource.html"],
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-    \["Date", "java/util/Date.html"],
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-    \["DefaultEditorKit.CutAction", "javax/swing/text/DefaultEditorKit.CutAction.html"],
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-    \["DefaultRowSorter.ModelWrapper", "javax/swing/DefaultRowSorter.ModelWrapper.html"],
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-    \["Delegate", "org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/Delegate.html"],
-    \["Delegate", "org/omg/PortableServer/portable/Delegate.html"],
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-    \["Deprecated", "java/lang/Deprecated.html"],
-    \["Deque", "java/util/Deque.html"],
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-    \["DestroyFailedException", "javax/security/auth/DestroyFailedException.html"],
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-    \["DetailEntry", "javax/xml/soap/DetailEntry.html"],
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-    \["DHParameterSpec", "javax/crypto/spec/DHParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["DHPrivateKey", "javax/crypto/interfaces/DHPrivateKey.html"],
-    \["DHPrivateKeySpec", "javax/crypto/spec/DHPrivateKeySpec.html"],
-    \["DHPublicKey", "javax/crypto/interfaces/DHPublicKey.html"],
-    \["DHPublicKeySpec", "javax/crypto/spec/DHPublicKeySpec.html"],
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-    \["Dialog.ModalExclusionType", "java/awt/Dialog.ModalExclusionType.html"],
-    \["Dialog.ModalityType", "java/awt/Dialog.ModalityType.html"],
-    \["Dictionary", "java/util/Dictionary.html"],
-    \["DigestException", "java/security/DigestException.html"],
-    \["DigestInputStream", "java/security/DigestInputStream.html"],
-    \["DigestMethod", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/DigestMethod.html"],
-    \["DigestMethodParameterSpec", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/DigestMethodParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["DigestOutputStream", "java/security/DigestOutputStream.html"],
-    \["Dimension", "java/awt/Dimension.html"],
-    \["Dimension2D", "java/awt/geom/Dimension2D.html"],
-    \["DimensionUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/DimensionUIResource.html"],
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-    \["DirObjectFactory", "javax/naming/spi/DirObjectFactory.html"],
-    \["DirStateFactory", "javax/naming/spi/DirStateFactory.html"],
-    \["DirStateFactory.Result", "javax/naming/spi/DirStateFactory.Result.html"],
-    \["DISCARDING", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/DISCARDING.html"],
-    \["Dispatch", "javax/xml/ws/Dispatch.html"],
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-    \["DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY", "javax/print/DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.html"],
-    \["DocFlavor.CHAR_ARRAY", "javax/print/DocFlavor.CHAR_ARRAY.html"],
-    \["DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM", "javax/print/DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.html"],
-    \["DocFlavor.READER", "javax/print/DocFlavor.READER.html"],
-    \["DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED", "javax/print/DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.html"],
-    \["DocFlavor.STRING", "javax/print/DocFlavor.STRING.html"],
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-    \["DoubleSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/DoubleSeqHolder.html"],
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-    \["DSAPrivateKeySpec", "java/security/spec/DSAPrivateKeySpec.html"],
-    \["DSAPublicKey", "java/security/interfaces/DSAPublicKey.html"],
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-    \["DuplicateNameHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/DuplicateNameHelper.html"],
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-    \["DynamicImplementation", "org/omg/PortableServer/DynamicImplementation.html"],
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-    \["DynAnyHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyHelper.html"],
-    \["DynAnyOperations", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyOperations.html"],
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-    \["DynArrayHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynArrayHelper.html"],
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-    \["DynEnum", "org/omg/CORBA/DynEnum.html"],
-    \["DynEnum", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynEnum.html"],
-    \["DynEnumHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynEnumHelper.html"],
-    \["DynEnumOperations", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynEnumOperations.html"],
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-    \["DynFixed", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynFixed.html"],
-    \["DynFixedHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynFixedHelper.html"],
-    \["DynFixedOperations", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynFixedOperations.html"],
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-    \["DynSequence", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynSequence.html"],
-    \["DynSequenceHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynSequenceHelper.html"],
-    \["DynSequenceOperations", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynSequenceOperations.html"],
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-    \["DynStruct", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynStruct.html"],
-    \["DynStructHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynStructHelper.html"],
-    \["DynStructOperations", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynStructOperations.html"],
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-    \["DynUnion", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynUnion.html"],
-    \["DynUnionHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynUnionHelper.html"],
-    \["DynUnionOperations", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynUnionOperations.html"],
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-    \["DynValue", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValue.html"],
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-    \["DynValueCommonOperations", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueCommonOperations.html"],
-    \["DynValueHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueHelper.html"],
-    \["DynValueOperations", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueOperations.html"],
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-    \["ECParameterSpec", "java/security/spec/ECParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["ECPoint", "java/security/spec/ECPoint.html"],
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-    \["ECPrivateKeySpec", "java/security/spec/ECPrivateKeySpec.html"],
-    \["ECPublicKey", "java/security/interfaces/ECPublicKey.html"],
-    \["ECPublicKeySpec", "java/security/spec/ECPublicKeySpec.html"],
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-    \["Ellipse2D.Double", "java/awt/geom/Ellipse2D.Double.html"],
-    \["Ellipse2D.Float", "java/awt/geom/Ellipse2D.Float.html"],
-    \["EllipticCurve", "java/security/spec/EllipticCurve.html"],
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-    \["EmptyStackException", "java/util/EmptyStackException.html"],
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-    \["ExecutorService", "java/util/concurrent/ExecutorService.html"],
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-    \["ExemptionMechanismException", "javax/crypto/ExemptionMechanismException.html"],
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-    \["FilterWriter", "java/io/FilterWriter.html"],
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-    \["FlavorException", "javax/print/FlavorException.html"],
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-    \["FloatControl.Type", "javax/sound/sampled/FloatControl.Type.html"],
-    \["FloatHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/FloatHolder.html"],
-    \["FloatSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/FloatSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["FloatSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/FloatSeqHolder.html"],
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-    \["Format.Field", "java/text/Format.Field.html"],
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-    \["FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException", "java/util/FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.html"],
-    \["FormatMismatch", "org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/FormatMismatch.html"],
-    \["FormatMismatchHelper", "org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/FormatMismatchHelper.html"],
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-    \["Formatter", "java/util/Formatter.html"],
-    \["Formatter", "java/util/logging/Formatter.html"],
-    \["Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm", "java/util/Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm.html"],
-    \["FormatterClosedException", "java/util/FormatterClosedException.html"],
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-    \["FormSubmitEvent.MethodType", "javax/swing/text/html/FormSubmitEvent.MethodType.html"],
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-    \["ForwardingJavaFileObject", "javax/tools/ForwardingJavaFileObject.html"],
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-    \["ForwardRequest", "org/omg/PortableServer/ForwardRequest.html"],
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-    \["ForwardRequestHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/ForwardRequestHelper.html"],
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-    \["FREE_MEM", "org/omg/CORBA/FREE_MEM.html"],
-    \["Future", "java/util/concurrent/Future.html"],
-    \["FutureTask", "java/util/concurrent/FutureTask.html"],
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-    \["GaugeMonitorMBean", "javax/management/monitor/GaugeMonitorMBean.html"],
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-    \["GeneralSecurityException", "java/security/GeneralSecurityException.html"],
-    \["Generated", "javax/annotation/Generated.html"],
-    \["GenericArrayType", "java/lang/reflect/GenericArrayType.html"],
-    \["GenericDeclaration", "java/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration.html"],
-    \["GenericSignatureFormatError", "java/lang/reflect/GenericSignatureFormatError.html"],
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-    \["GlyphView.GlyphPainter", "javax/swing/text/GlyphView.GlyphPainter.html"],
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-    \["GridLayout", "java/awt/GridLayout.html"],
-    \["Group", "java/security/acl/Group.html"],
-    \["GroupLayout", "javax/swing/GroupLayout.html"],
-    \["GroupLayout.Alignment", "javax/swing/GroupLayout.Alignment.html"],
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-    \["GSSCredential", "org/ietf/jgss/GSSCredential.html"],
-    \["GSSException", "org/ietf/jgss/GSSException.html"],
-    \["GSSManager", "org/ietf/jgss/GSSManager.html"],
-    \["GSSName", "org/ietf/jgss/GSSName.html"],
-    \["Guard", "java/security/Guard.html"],
-    \["GuardedObject", "java/security/GuardedObject.html"],
-    \["GZIPInputStream", "java/util/zip/GZIPInputStream.html"],
-    \["GZIPOutputStream", "java/util/zip/GZIPOutputStream.html"],
-    \["Handler", "java/util/logging/Handler.html"],
-    \["Handler", "javax/xml/ws/handler/Handler.html"],
-    \["HandlerBase", "org/xml/sax/HandlerBase.html"],
-    \["HandlerChain", "javax/jws/HandlerChain.html"],
-    \["HandlerResolver", "javax/xml/ws/handler/HandlerResolver.html"],
-    \["HandshakeCompletedEvent", "javax/net/ssl/HandshakeCompletedEvent.html"],
-    \["HandshakeCompletedListener", "javax/net/ssl/HandshakeCompletedListener.html"],
-    \["HasControls", "javax/naming/ldap/HasControls.html"],
-    \["HashAttributeSet", "javax/print/attribute/HashAttributeSet.html"],
-    \["HashDocAttributeSet", "javax/print/attribute/HashDocAttributeSet.html"],
-    \["HashMap", "java/util/HashMap.html"],
-    \["HashPrintJobAttributeSet", "javax/print/attribute/HashPrintJobAttributeSet.html"],
-    \["HashPrintRequestAttributeSet", "javax/print/attribute/HashPrintRequestAttributeSet.html"],
-    \["HashPrintServiceAttributeSet", "javax/print/attribute/HashPrintServiceAttributeSet.html"],
-    \["HashSet", "java/util/HashSet.html"],
-    \["Hashtable", "java/util/Hashtable.html"],
-    \["HeadlessException", "java/awt/HeadlessException.html"],
-    \["HexBinaryAdapter", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/HexBinaryAdapter.html"],
-    \["HierarchyBoundsAdapter", "java/awt/event/HierarchyBoundsAdapter.html"],
-    \["HierarchyBoundsListener", "java/awt/event/HierarchyBoundsListener.html"],
-    \["HierarchyEvent", "java/awt/event/HierarchyEvent.html"],
-    \["HierarchyListener", "java/awt/event/HierarchyListener.html"],
-    \["Highlighter", "javax/swing/text/Highlighter.html"],
-    \["Highlighter.Highlight", "javax/swing/text/Highlighter.Highlight.html"],
-    \["Highlighter.HighlightPainter", "javax/swing/text/Highlighter.HighlightPainter.html"],
-    \["HMACParameterSpec", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/HMACParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["Holder", "javax/xml/ws/Holder.html"],
-    \["HOLDING", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/HOLDING.html"],
-    \["HostnameVerifier", "javax/net/ssl/HostnameVerifier.html"],
-    \["HTML", "javax/swing/text/html/HTML.html"],
-    \["HTML.Attribute", "javax/swing/text/html/HTML.Attribute.html"],
-    \["HTML.Tag", "javax/swing/text/html/HTML.Tag.html"],
-    \["HTML.UnknownTag", "javax/swing/text/html/HTML.UnknownTag.html"],
-    \["HTMLDocument", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLDocument.html"],
-    \["HTMLDocument.Iterator", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLDocument.Iterator.html"],
-    \["HTMLEditorKit", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit.html"],
-    \["HTMLEditorKit.HTMLFactory", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit.HTMLFactory.html"],
-    \["HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction.html"],
-    \["HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction.html"],
-    \["HTMLEditorKit.LinkController", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit.LinkController.html"],
-    \["HTMLEditorKit.Parser", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit.Parser.html"],
-    \["HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback.html"],
-    \["HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.html"],
-    \["HTMLWriter", "javax/swing/text/html/HTMLWriter.html"],
-    \["HTTPBinding", "javax/xml/ws/http/HTTPBinding.html"],
-    \["HttpCookie", "java/net/HttpCookie.html"],
-    \["HTTPException", "javax/xml/ws/http/HTTPException.html"],
-    \["HttpRetryException", "java/net/HttpRetryException.html"],
-    \["HttpsURLConnection", "javax/net/ssl/HttpsURLConnection.html"],
-    \["HttpURLConnection", "java/net/HttpURLConnection.html"],
-    \["HyperlinkEvent", "javax/swing/event/HyperlinkEvent.html"],
-    \["HyperlinkEvent.EventType", "javax/swing/event/HyperlinkEvent.EventType.html"],
-    \["HyperlinkListener", "javax/swing/event/HyperlinkListener.html"],
-    \["ICC_ColorSpace", "java/awt/color/ICC_ColorSpace.html"],
-    \["ICC_Profile", "java/awt/color/ICC_Profile.html"],
-    \["ICC_ProfileGray", "java/awt/color/ICC_ProfileGray.html"],
-    \["ICC_ProfileRGB", "java/awt/color/ICC_ProfileRGB.html"],
-    \["Icon", "javax/swing/Icon.html"],
-    \["IconUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/IconUIResource.html"],
-    \["IconView", "javax/swing/text/IconView.html"],
-    \["ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID", "org/omg/PortableServer/ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID.html"],
-    \["ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID", "org/omg/PortableServer/ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID.html"],
-    \["IdAssignmentPolicy", "org/omg/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicy.html"],
-    \["IdAssignmentPolicyOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicyOperations.html"],
-    \["IdAssignmentPolicyValue", "org/omg/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicyValue.html"],
-    \["IdentifierHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/IdentifierHelper.html"],
-    \["Identity", "java/security/Identity.html"],
-    \["IdentityHashMap", "java/util/IdentityHashMap.html"],
-    \["IdentityScope", "java/security/IdentityScope.html"],
-    \["IDLEntity", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/IDLEntity.html"],
-    \["IDLType", "org/omg/CORBA/IDLType.html"],
-    \["IDLTypeHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/IDLTypeHelper.html"],
-    \["IDLTypeOperations", "org/omg/CORBA/IDLTypeOperations.html"],
-    \["IDN", "java/net/IDN.html"],
-    \["IdUniquenessPolicy", "org/omg/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicy.html"],
-    \["IdUniquenessPolicyOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicyOperations.html"],
-    \["IdUniquenessPolicyValue", "org/omg/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicyValue.html"],
-    \["IIOByteBuffer", "javax/imageio/stream/IIOByteBuffer.html"],
-    \["IIOException", "javax/imageio/IIOException.html"],
-    \["IIOImage", "javax/imageio/IIOImage.html"],
-    \["IIOInvalidTreeException", "javax/imageio/metadata/IIOInvalidTreeException.html"],
-    \["IIOMetadata", "javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadata.html"],
-    \["IIOMetadataController", "javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadataController.html"],
-    \["IIOMetadataFormat", "javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadataFormat.html"],
-    \["IIOMetadataFormatImpl", "javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadataFormatImpl.html"],
-    \["IIOMetadataNode", "javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadataNode.html"],
-    \["IIOParam", "javax/imageio/IIOParam.html"],
-    \["IIOParamController", "javax/imageio/IIOParamController.html"],
-    \["IIOReadProgressListener", "javax/imageio/event/IIOReadProgressListener.html"],
-    \["IIOReadUpdateListener", "javax/imageio/event/IIOReadUpdateListener.html"],
-    \["IIOReadWarningListener", "javax/imageio/event/IIOReadWarningListener.html"],
-    \["IIORegistry", "javax/imageio/spi/IIORegistry.html"],
-    \["IIOServiceProvider", "javax/imageio/spi/IIOServiceProvider.html"],
-    \["IIOWriteProgressListener", "javax/imageio/event/IIOWriteProgressListener.html"],
-    \["IIOWriteWarningListener", "javax/imageio/event/IIOWriteWarningListener.html"],
-    \["IllegalAccessError", "java/lang/IllegalAccessError.html"],
-    \["IllegalAccessException", "java/lang/IllegalAccessException.html"],
-    \["IllegalArgumentException", "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.html"],
-    \["IllegalBlockingModeException", "java/nio/channels/IllegalBlockingModeException.html"],
-    \["IllegalBlockSizeException", "javax/crypto/IllegalBlockSizeException.html"],
-    \["IllegalCharsetNameException", "java/nio/charset/IllegalCharsetNameException.html"],
-    \["IllegalClassFormatException", "java/lang/instrument/IllegalClassFormatException.html"],
-    \["IllegalComponentStateException", "java/awt/IllegalComponentStateException.html"],
-    \["IllegalFormatCodePointException", "java/util/IllegalFormatCodePointException.html"],
-    \["IllegalFormatConversionException", "java/util/IllegalFormatConversionException.html"],
-    \["IllegalFormatException", "java/util/IllegalFormatException.html"],
-    \["IllegalFormatFlagsException", "java/util/IllegalFormatFlagsException.html"],
-    \["IllegalFormatPrecisionException", "java/util/IllegalFormatPrecisionException.html"],
-    \["IllegalFormatWidthException", "java/util/IllegalFormatWidthException.html"],
-    \["IllegalMonitorStateException", "java/lang/IllegalMonitorStateException.html"],
-    \["IllegalPathStateException", "java/awt/geom/IllegalPathStateException.html"],
-    \["IllegalSelectorException", "java/nio/channels/IllegalSelectorException.html"],
-    \["IllegalStateException", "java/lang/IllegalStateException.html"],
-    \["IllegalThreadStateException", "java/lang/IllegalThreadStateException.html"],
-    \["Image", "java/awt/Image.html"],
-    \["ImageCapabilities", "java/awt/ImageCapabilities.html"],
-    \["ImageConsumer", "java/awt/image/ImageConsumer.html"],
-    \["ImageFilter", "java/awt/image/ImageFilter.html"],
-    \["ImageGraphicAttribute", "java/awt/font/ImageGraphicAttribute.html"],
-    \["ImageIcon", "javax/swing/ImageIcon.html"],
-    \["ImageInputStream", "javax/imageio/stream/ImageInputStream.html"],
-    \["ImageInputStreamImpl", "javax/imageio/stream/ImageInputStreamImpl.html"],
-    \["ImageInputStreamSpi", "javax/imageio/spi/ImageInputStreamSpi.html"],
-    \["ImageIO", "javax/imageio/ImageIO.html"],
-    \["ImageObserver", "java/awt/image/ImageObserver.html"],
-    \["ImageOutputStream", "javax/imageio/stream/ImageOutputStream.html"],
-    \["ImageOutputStreamImpl", "javax/imageio/stream/ImageOutputStreamImpl.html"],
-    \["ImageOutputStreamSpi", "javax/imageio/spi/ImageOutputStreamSpi.html"],
-    \["ImageProducer", "java/awt/image/ImageProducer.html"],
-    \["ImageReader", "javax/imageio/ImageReader.html"],
-    \["ImageReaderSpi", "javax/imageio/spi/ImageReaderSpi.html"],
-    \["ImageReaderWriterSpi", "javax/imageio/spi/ImageReaderWriterSpi.html"],
-    \["ImageReadParam", "javax/imageio/ImageReadParam.html"],
-    \["ImageTranscoder", "javax/imageio/ImageTranscoder.html"],
-    \["ImageTranscoderSpi", "javax/imageio/spi/ImageTranscoderSpi.html"],
-    \["ImageTypeSpecifier", "javax/imageio/ImageTypeSpecifier.html"],
-    \["ImageView", "javax/swing/text/html/ImageView.html"],
-    \["ImageWriteParam", "javax/imageio/ImageWriteParam.html"],
-    \["ImageWriter", "javax/imageio/ImageWriter.html"],
-    \["ImageWriterSpi", "javax/imageio/spi/ImageWriterSpi.html"],
-    \["ImagingOpException", "java/awt/image/ImagingOpException.html"],
-    \["ImmutableDescriptor", "javax/management/ImmutableDescriptor.html"],
-    \["IMP_LIMIT", "org/omg/CORBA/IMP_LIMIT.html"],
-    \["ImplicitActivationPolicy", "org/omg/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicy.html"],
-    \["ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations.html"],
-    \["ImplicitActivationPolicyValue", "org/omg/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicyValue.html"],
-    \["INACTIVE", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/INACTIVE.html"],
-    \["IncompatibleClassChangeError", "java/lang/IncompatibleClassChangeError.html"],
-    \["IncompleteAnnotationException", "java/lang/annotation/IncompleteAnnotationException.html"],
-    \["InconsistentTypeCode", "org/omg/CORBA/ORBPackage/InconsistentTypeCode.html"],
-    \["InconsistentTypeCode", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyFactoryPackage/InconsistentTypeCode.html"],
-    \["InconsistentTypeCodeHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyFactoryPackage/InconsistentTypeCodeHelper.html"],
-    \["IndexColorModel", "java/awt/image/IndexColorModel.html"],
-    \["IndexedPropertyChangeEvent", "java/beans/IndexedPropertyChangeEvent.html"],
-    \["IndexedPropertyDescriptor", "java/beans/IndexedPropertyDescriptor.html"],
-    \["IndexOutOfBoundsException", "java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.html"],
-    \["IndirectionException", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/IndirectionException.html"],
-    \["Inet4Address", "java/net/Inet4Address.html"],
-    \["Inet6Address", "java/net/Inet6Address.html"],
-    \["InetAddress", "java/net/InetAddress.html"],
-    \["InetSocketAddress", "java/net/InetSocketAddress.html"],
-    \["Inflater", "java/util/zip/Inflater.html"],
-    \["InflaterInputStream", "java/util/zip/InflaterInputStream.html"],
-    \["InflaterOutputStream", "java/util/zip/InflaterOutputStream.html"],
-    \["InheritableThreadLocal", "java/lang/InheritableThreadLocal.html"],
-    \["Inherited", "java/lang/annotation/Inherited.html"],
-    \["InitialContext", "javax/naming/InitialContext.html"],
-    \["InitialContextFactory", "javax/naming/spi/InitialContextFactory.html"],
-    \["InitialContextFactoryBuilder", "javax/naming/spi/InitialContextFactoryBuilder.html"],
-    \["InitialDirContext", "javax/naming/directory/InitialDirContext.html"],
-    \["INITIALIZE", "org/omg/CORBA/INITIALIZE.html"],
-    \["InitialLdapContext", "javax/naming/ldap/InitialLdapContext.html"],
-    \["InitParam", "javax/jws/soap/InitParam.html"],
-    \["InlineView", "javax/swing/text/html/InlineView.html"],
-    \["InputContext", "java/awt/im/InputContext.html"],
-    \["InputEvent", "java/awt/event/InputEvent.html"],
-    \["InputMap", "javax/swing/InputMap.html"],
-    \["InputMapUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/InputMapUIResource.html"],
-    \["InputMethod", "java/awt/im/spi/InputMethod.html"],
-    \["InputMethodContext", "java/awt/im/spi/InputMethodContext.html"],
-    \["InputMethodDescriptor", "java/awt/im/spi/InputMethodDescriptor.html"],
-    \["InputMethodEvent", "java/awt/event/InputMethodEvent.html"],
-    \["InputMethodHighlight", "java/awt/im/InputMethodHighlight.html"],
-    \["InputMethodListener", "java/awt/event/InputMethodListener.html"],
-    \["InputMethodRequests", "java/awt/im/InputMethodRequests.html"],
-    \["InputMismatchException", "java/util/InputMismatchException.html"],
-    \["InputSource", "org/xml/sax/InputSource.html"],
-    \["InputStream", "java/io/InputStream.html"],
-    \["InputStream", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/InputStream.html"],
-    \["InputStream", "org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/InputStream.html"],
-    \["InputStreamReader", "java/io/InputStreamReader.html"],
-    \["InputSubset", "java/awt/im/InputSubset.html"],
-    \["InputVerifier", "javax/swing/InputVerifier.html"],
-    \["Insets", "java/awt/Insets.html"],
-    \["InsetsUIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/InsetsUIResource.html"],
-    \["InstanceAlreadyExistsException", "javax/management/InstanceAlreadyExistsException.html"],
-    \["InstanceNotFoundException", "javax/management/InstanceNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["InstantiationError", "java/lang/InstantiationError.html"],
-    \["InstantiationException", "java/lang/InstantiationException.html"],
-    \["Instrument", "javax/sound/midi/Instrument.html"],
-    \["Instrumentation", "java/lang/instrument/Instrumentation.html"],
-    \["InsufficientResourcesException", "javax/naming/InsufficientResourcesException.html"],
-    \["IntBuffer", "java/nio/IntBuffer.html"],
-    \["Integer", "java/lang/Integer.html"],
-    \["IntegerSyntax", "javax/print/attribute/IntegerSyntax.html"],
-    \["Interceptor", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Interceptor.html"],
-    \["InterceptorOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/InterceptorOperations.html"],
-    \["InterfaceAddress", "java/net/InterfaceAddress.html"],
-    \["INTERNAL", "org/omg/CORBA/INTERNAL.html"],
-    \["InternalError", "java/lang/InternalError.html"],
-    \["InternalFrameAdapter", "javax/swing/event/InternalFrameAdapter.html"],
-    \["InternalFrameEvent", "javax/swing/event/InternalFrameEvent.html"],
-    \["InternalFrameFocusTraversalPolicy", "javax/swing/InternalFrameFocusTraversalPolicy.html"],
-    \["InternalFrameListener", "javax/swing/event/InternalFrameListener.html"],
-    \["InternalFrameUI", "javax/swing/plaf/InternalFrameUI.html"],
-    \["InternationalFormatter", "javax/swing/text/InternationalFormatter.html"],
-    \["InterruptedException", "java/lang/InterruptedException.html"],
-    \["InterruptedIOException", "java/io/InterruptedIOException.html"],
-    \["InterruptedNamingException", "javax/naming/InterruptedNamingException.html"],
-    \["InterruptibleChannel", "java/nio/channels/InterruptibleChannel.html"],
-    \["INTF_REPOS", "org/omg/CORBA/INTF_REPOS.html"],
-    \["IntHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/IntHolder.html"],
-    \["IntrospectionException", "java/beans/IntrospectionException.html"],
-    \["IntrospectionException", "javax/management/IntrospectionException.html"],
-    \["Introspector", "java/beans/Introspector.html"],
-    \["INV_FLAG", "org/omg/CORBA/INV_FLAG.html"],
-    \["INV_IDENT", "org/omg/CORBA/INV_IDENT.html"],
-    \["INV_OBJREF", "org/omg/CORBA/INV_OBJREF.html"],
-    \["INV_POLICY", "org/omg/CORBA/INV_POLICY.html"],
-    \["Invalid", "org/omg/CORBA/DynAnyPackage/Invalid.html"],
-    \["InvalidActivityException", "javax/activity/InvalidActivityException.html"],
-    \["InvalidAddress", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPackage/InvalidAddress.html"],
-    \["InvalidAddressHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPackage/InvalidAddressHelper.html"],
-    \["InvalidAddressHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPackage/InvalidAddressHolder.html"],
-    \["InvalidAlgorithmParameterException", "java/security/InvalidAlgorithmParameterException.html"],
-    \["InvalidApplicationException", "javax/management/InvalidApplicationException.html"],
-    \["InvalidAttributeIdentifierException", "javax/naming/directory/InvalidAttributeIdentifierException.html"],
-    \["InvalidAttributesException", "javax/naming/directory/InvalidAttributesException.html"],
-    \["InvalidAttributeValueException", "javax/management/InvalidAttributeValueException.html"],
-    \["InvalidAttributeValueException", "javax/naming/directory/InvalidAttributeValueException.html"],
-    \["InvalidClassException", "java/io/InvalidClassException.html"],
-    \["InvalidDnDOperationException", "java/awt/dnd/InvalidDnDOperationException.html"],
-    \["InvalidKeyException", "java/security/InvalidKeyException.html"],
-    \["InvalidKeyException", "javax/management/openmbean/InvalidKeyException.html"],
-    \["InvalidKeySpecException", "java/security/spec/InvalidKeySpecException.html"],
-    \["InvalidMarkException", "java/nio/InvalidMarkException.html"],
-    \["InvalidMidiDataException", "javax/sound/midi/InvalidMidiDataException.html"],
-    \["InvalidName", "org/omg/CORBA/ORBPackage/InvalidName.html"],
-    \["InvalidName", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/InvalidName.html"],
-    \["InvalidName", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/InvalidName.html"],
-    \["InvalidNameException", "javax/naming/InvalidNameException.html"],
-    \["InvalidNameHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/InvalidNameHelper.html"],
-    \["InvalidNameHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/InvalidNameHelper.html"],
-    \["InvalidNameHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/InvalidNameHolder.html"],
-    \["InvalidObjectException", "java/io/InvalidObjectException.html"],
-    \["InvalidOpenTypeException", "javax/management/openmbean/InvalidOpenTypeException.html"],
-    \["InvalidParameterException", "java/security/InvalidParameterException.html"],
-    \["InvalidParameterSpecException", "java/security/spec/InvalidParameterSpecException.html"],
-    \["InvalidPolicy", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/InvalidPolicy.html"],
-    \["InvalidPolicyHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/InvalidPolicyHelper.html"],
-    \["InvalidPreferencesFormatException", "java/util/prefs/InvalidPreferencesFormatException.html"],
-    \["InvalidPropertiesFormatException", "java/util/InvalidPropertiesFormatException.html"],
-    \["InvalidRelationIdException", "javax/management/relation/InvalidRelationIdException.html"],
-    \["InvalidRelationServiceException", "javax/management/relation/InvalidRelationServiceException.html"],
-    \["InvalidRelationTypeException", "javax/management/relation/InvalidRelationTypeException.html"],
-    \["InvalidRoleInfoException", "javax/management/relation/InvalidRoleInfoException.html"],
-    \["InvalidRoleValueException", "javax/management/relation/InvalidRoleValueException.html"],
-    \["InvalidSearchControlsException", "javax/naming/directory/InvalidSearchControlsException.html"],
-    \["InvalidSearchFilterException", "javax/naming/directory/InvalidSearchFilterException.html"],
-    \["InvalidSeq", "org/omg/CORBA/DynAnyPackage/InvalidSeq.html"],
-    \["InvalidSlot", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/InvalidSlot.html"],
-    \["InvalidSlotHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/InvalidSlotHelper.html"],
-    \["InvalidTargetObjectTypeException", "javax/management/modelmbean/InvalidTargetObjectTypeException.html"],
-    \["InvalidTransactionException", "javax/transaction/InvalidTransactionException.html"],
-    \["InvalidTypeForEncoding", "org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/InvalidTypeForEncoding.html"],
-    \["InvalidTypeForEncodingHelper", "org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/InvalidTypeForEncodingHelper.html"],
-    \["InvalidValue", "org/omg/CORBA/DynAnyPackage/InvalidValue.html"],
-    \["InvalidValue", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/InvalidValue.html"],
-    \["InvalidValueHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/InvalidValueHelper.html"],
-    \["Invocable", "javax/script/Invocable.html"],
-    \["InvocationEvent", "java/awt/event/InvocationEvent.html"],
-    \["InvocationHandler", "java/lang/reflect/InvocationHandler.html"],
-    \["InvocationTargetException", "java/lang/reflect/InvocationTargetException.html"],
-    \["InvokeHandler", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/InvokeHandler.html"],
-    \["IOError", "java/io/IOError.html"],
-    \["IOException", "java/io/IOException.html"],
-    \["IOR", "org/omg/IOP/IOR.html"],
-    \["IORHelper", "org/omg/IOP/IORHelper.html"],
-    \["IORHolder", "org/omg/IOP/IORHolder.html"],
-    \["IORInfo", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInfo.html"],
-    \["IORInfoOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInfoOperations.html"],
-    \["IORInterceptor", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor.html"],
-    \["IORInterceptor_3_0", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0.html"],
-    \["IORInterceptor_3_0Helper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Helper.html"],
-    \["IORInterceptor_3_0Holder", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Holder.html"],
-    \["IORInterceptor_3_0Operations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Operations.html"],
-    \["IORInterceptorOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptorOperations.html"],
-    \["IRObject", "org/omg/CORBA/IRObject.html"],
-    \["IRObjectOperations", "org/omg/CORBA/IRObjectOperations.html"],
-    \["IstringHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/IstringHelper.html"],
-    \["ItemEvent", "java/awt/event/ItemEvent.html"],
-    \["ItemListener", "java/awt/event/ItemListener.html"],
-    \["ItemSelectable", "java/awt/ItemSelectable.html"],
-    \["Iterable", "java/lang/Iterable.html"],
-    \["Iterator", "java/util/Iterator.html"],
-    \["IvParameterSpec", "javax/crypto/spec/IvParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["JApplet", "javax/swing/JApplet.html"],
-    \["JarEntry", "java/util/jar/JarEntry.html"],
-    \["JarException", "java/util/jar/JarException.html"],
-    \["JarFile", "java/util/jar/JarFile.html"],
-    \["JarInputStream", "java/util/jar/JarInputStream.html"],
-    \["JarOutputStream", "java/util/jar/JarOutputStream.html"],
-    \["JarURLConnection", "java/net/JarURLConnection.html"],
-    \["JavaCompiler", "javax/tools/JavaCompiler.html"],
-    \["JavaCompiler.CompilationTask", "javax/tools/JavaCompiler.CompilationTask.html"],
-    \["JavaFileManager", "javax/tools/JavaFileManager.html"],
-    \["JavaFileManager.Location", "javax/tools/JavaFileManager.Location.html"],
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-    \["JavaFileObject.Kind", "javax/tools/JavaFileObject.Kind.html"],
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-    \["JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory", "javax/swing/JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory.html"],
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-    \["JMXConnectorServerProvider", "javax/management/remote/JMXConnectorServerProvider.html"],
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-    \["JMXProviderException", "javax/management/remote/JMXProviderException.html"],
-    \["JMXServerErrorException", "javax/management/remote/JMXServerErrorException.html"],
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-    \["JobAttributes.DefaultSelectionType", "java/awt/JobAttributes.DefaultSelectionType.html"],
-    \["JobAttributes.DestinationType", "java/awt/JobAttributes.DestinationType.html"],
-    \["JobAttributes.DialogType", "java/awt/JobAttributes.DialogType.html"],
-    \["JobAttributes.MultipleDocumentHandlingType", "java/awt/JobAttributes.MultipleDocumentHandlingType.html"],
-    \["JobAttributes.SidesType", "java/awt/JobAttributes.SidesType.html"],
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-    \["JobImpressionsCompleted", "javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsCompleted.html"],
-    \["JobImpressionsSupported", "javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsSupported.html"],
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-    \["JobStateReasons", "javax/print/attribute/standard/JobStateReasons.html"],
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-    \["JSpinner.DefaultEditor", "javax/swing/JSpinner.DefaultEditor.html"],
-    \["JSpinner.ListEditor", "javax/swing/JSpinner.ListEditor.html"],
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-    \["JTree.DropLocation", "javax/swing/JTree.DropLocation.html"],
-    \["JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode", "javax/swing/JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode.html"],
-    \["JTree.EmptySelectionModel", "javax/swing/JTree.EmptySelectionModel.html"],
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-    \["JWindow", "javax/swing/JWindow.html"],
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-    \["KerberosPrincipal", "javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosPrincipal.html"],
-    \["KerberosTicket", "javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosTicket.html"],
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-    \["KeyAdapter", "java/awt/event/KeyAdapter.html"],
-    \["KeyAgreement", "javax/crypto/KeyAgreement.html"],
-    \["KeyAgreementSpi", "javax/crypto/KeyAgreementSpi.html"],
-    \["KeyAlreadyExistsException", "javax/management/openmbean/KeyAlreadyExistsException.html"],
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-    \["KeyFactorySpi", "java/security/KeyFactorySpi.html"],
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-    \["KeyGeneratorSpi", "javax/crypto/KeyGeneratorSpi.html"],
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-    \["KeyInfoFactory", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/keyinfo/KeyInfoFactory.html"],
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-    \["KeyManagementException", "java/security/KeyManagementException.html"],
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-    \["KeyManagerFactory", "javax/net/ssl/KeyManagerFactory.html"],
-    \["KeyManagerFactorySpi", "javax/net/ssl/KeyManagerFactorySpi.html"],
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-    \["KeyName", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/keyinfo/KeyName.html"],
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-    \["KeyPairGenerator", "java/security/KeyPairGenerator.html"],
-    \["KeyPairGeneratorSpi", "java/security/KeyPairGeneratorSpi.html"],
-    \["KeyRep", "java/security/KeyRep.html"],
-    \["KeyRep.Type", "java/security/KeyRep.Type.html"],
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-    \["KeySelector.Purpose", "javax/xml/crypto/KeySelector.Purpose.html"],
-    \["KeySelectorException", "javax/xml/crypto/KeySelectorException.html"],
-    \["KeySelectorResult", "javax/xml/crypto/KeySelectorResult.html"],
-    \["KeySpec", "java/security/spec/KeySpec.html"],
-    \["KeyStore", "java/security/KeyStore.html"],
-    \["KeyStore.Builder", "java/security/KeyStore.Builder.html"],
-    \["KeyStore.CallbackHandlerProtection", "java/security/KeyStore.CallbackHandlerProtection.html"],
-    \["KeyStore.Entry", "java/security/KeyStore.Entry.html"],
-    \["KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter", "java/security/KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter.html"],
-    \["KeyStore.PasswordProtection", "java/security/KeyStore.PasswordProtection.html"],
-    \["KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry", "java/security/KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry.html"],
-    \["KeyStore.ProtectionParameter", "java/security/KeyStore.ProtectionParameter.html"],
-    \["KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry", "java/security/KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry.html"],
-    \["KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry", "java/security/KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry.html"],
-    \["KeyStoreBuilderParameters", "javax/net/ssl/KeyStoreBuilderParameters.html"],
-    \["KeyStoreException", "java/security/KeyStoreException.html"],
-    \["KeyStoreSpi", "java/security/KeyStoreSpi.html"],
-    \["KeyStroke", "javax/swing/KeyStroke.html"],
-    \["KeyValue", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/keyinfo/KeyValue.html"],
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-    \["LabelView", "javax/swing/text/LabelView.html"],
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-    \["LastOwnerException", "java/security/acl/LastOwnerException.html"],
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-    \["LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter", "javax/swing/text/LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter.html"],
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-    \["LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement", "javax/swing/LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.html"],
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-    \["LdapContext", "javax/naming/ldap/LdapContext.html"],
-    \["LdapName", "javax/naming/ldap/LdapName.html"],
-    \["LdapReferralException", "javax/naming/ldap/LdapReferralException.html"],
-    \["Lease", "java/rmi/dgc/Lease.html"],
-    \["Level", "java/util/logging/Level.html"],
-    \["LexicalHandler", "org/xml/sax/ext/LexicalHandler.html"],
-    \["LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID", "org/omg/PortableServer/LIFESPAN_POLICY_ID.html"],
-    \["LifespanPolicy", "org/omg/PortableServer/LifespanPolicy.html"],
-    \["LifespanPolicyOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/LifespanPolicyOperations.html"],
-    \["LifespanPolicyValue", "org/omg/PortableServer/LifespanPolicyValue.html"],
-    \["LimitExceededException", "javax/naming/LimitExceededException.html"],
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-    \["Line.Info", "javax/sound/sampled/Line.Info.html"],
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-    \["Line2D.Double", "java/awt/geom/Line2D.Double.html"],
-    \["Line2D.Float", "java/awt/geom/Line2D.Float.html"],
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-    \["LineBorder", "javax/swing/border/LineBorder.html"],
-    \["LineBreakMeasurer", "java/awt/font/LineBreakMeasurer.html"],
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-    \["LineEvent.Type", "javax/sound/sampled/LineEvent.Type.html"],
-    \["LineListener", "javax/sound/sampled/LineListener.html"],
-    \["LineMetrics", "java/awt/font/LineMetrics.html"],
-    \["LineNumberInputStream", "java/io/LineNumberInputStream.html"],
-    \["LineNumberReader", "java/io/LineNumberReader.html"],
-    \["LineUnavailableException", "javax/sound/sampled/LineUnavailableException.html"],
-    \["LinkageError", "java/lang/LinkageError.html"],
-    \["LinkedBlockingDeque", "java/util/concurrent/LinkedBlockingDeque.html"],
-    \["LinkedBlockingQueue", "java/util/concurrent/LinkedBlockingQueue.html"],
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-    \["LinkedHashSet", "java/util/LinkedHashSet.html"],
-    \["LinkedList", "java/util/LinkedList.html"],
-    \["LinkException", "javax/naming/LinkException.html"],
-    \["LinkLoopException", "javax/naming/LinkLoopException.html"],
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-    \["List", "java/util/List.html"],
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-    \["ListDataListener", "javax/swing/event/ListDataListener.html"],
-    \["ListenerNotFoundException", "javax/management/ListenerNotFoundException.html"],
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-    \["ListModel", "javax/swing/ListModel.html"],
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-    \["LocaleNameProvider", "java/util/spi/LocaleNameProvider.html"],
-    \["LocaleServiceProvider", "java/util/spi/LocaleServiceProvider.html"],
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-    \["LocateRegistry", "java/rmi/registry/LocateRegistry.html"],
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-    \["LOCATION_FORWARD", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/LOCATION_FORWARD.html"],
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-    \["LocatorImpl", "org/xml/sax/helpers/LocatorImpl.html"],
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-    \["LockInfo", "java/lang/management/LockInfo.html"],
-    \["LockSupport", "java/util/concurrent/locks/LockSupport.html"],
-    \["Logger", "java/util/logging/Logger.html"],
-    \["LoggingMXBean", "java/util/logging/LoggingMXBean.html"],
-    \["LoggingPermission", "java/util/logging/LoggingPermission.html"],
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-    \["LogicalMessage", "javax/xml/ws/LogicalMessage.html"],
-    \["LogicalMessageContext", "javax/xml/ws/handler/LogicalMessageContext.html"],
-    \["LoginContext", "javax/security/auth/login/LoginContext.html"],
-    \["LoginException", "javax/security/auth/login/LoginException.html"],
-    \["LoginModule", "javax/security/auth/spi/LoginModule.html"],
-    \["LogManager", "java/util/logging/LogManager.html"],
-    \["LogRecord", "java/util/logging/LogRecord.html"],
-    \["LogStream", "java/rmi/server/LogStream.html"],
-    \["Long", "java/lang/Long.html"],
-    \["LongBuffer", "java/nio/LongBuffer.html"],
-    \["LongHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/LongHolder.html"],
-    \["LongLongSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/LongLongSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["LongLongSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/LongLongSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["LongSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/LongSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["LongSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/LongSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["LookAndFeel", "javax/swing/LookAndFeel.html"],
-    \["LookupOp", "java/awt/image/LookupOp.html"],
-    \["LookupTable", "java/awt/image/LookupTable.html"],
-    \["LSException", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSException.html"],
-    \["LSInput", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSInput.html"],
-    \["LSLoadEvent", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSLoadEvent.html"],
-    \["LSOutput", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSOutput.html"],
-    \["LSParser", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSParser.html"],
-    \["LSParserFilter", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSParserFilter.html"],
-    \["LSProgressEvent", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSProgressEvent.html"],
-    \["LSResourceResolver", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSResourceResolver.html"],
-    \["LSSerializer", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSSerializer.html"],
-    \["LSSerializerFilter", "org/w3c/dom/ls/LSSerializerFilter.html"],
-    \["Mac", "javax/crypto/Mac.html"],
-    \["MacSpi", "javax/crypto/MacSpi.html"],
-    \["MailcapCommandMap", "javax/activation/MailcapCommandMap.html"],
-    \["MalformedInputException", "java/nio/charset/MalformedInputException.html"],
-    \["MalformedLinkException", "javax/naming/MalformedLinkException.html"],
-    \["MalformedObjectNameException", "javax/management/MalformedObjectNameException.html"],
-    \["MalformedParameterizedTypeException", "java/lang/reflect/MalformedParameterizedTypeException.html"],
-    \["MalformedURLException", "java/net/MalformedURLException.html"],
-    \["ManagementFactory", "java/lang/management/ManagementFactory.html"],
-    \["ManagementPermission", "java/lang/management/ManagementPermission.html"],
-    \["ManageReferralControl", "javax/naming/ldap/ManageReferralControl.html"],
-    \["ManagerFactoryParameters", "javax/net/ssl/ManagerFactoryParameters.html"],
-    \["Manifest", "java/util/jar/Manifest.html"],
-    \["Manifest", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/Manifest.html"],
-    \["Map", "java/util/Map.html"],
-    \["Map.Entry", "java/util/Map.Entry.html"],
-    \["MappedByteBuffer", "java/nio/MappedByteBuffer.html"],
-    \["MARSHAL", "org/omg/CORBA/MARSHAL.html"],
-    \["MarshalException", "java/rmi/MarshalException.html"],
-    \["MarshalException", "javax/xml/bind/MarshalException.html"],
-    \["MarshalException", "javax/xml/crypto/MarshalException.html"],
-    \["MarshalledObject", "java/rmi/MarshalledObject.html"],
-    \["Marshaller", "javax/xml/bind/Marshaller.html"],
-    \["Marshaller.Listener", "javax/xml/bind/Marshaller.Listener.html"],
-    \["MaskFormatter", "javax/swing/text/MaskFormatter.html"],
-    \["Matcher", "java/util/regex/Matcher.html"],
-    \["MatchResult", "java/util/regex/MatchResult.html"],
-    \["Math", "java/lang/Math.html"],
-    \["MathContext", "java/math/MathContext.html"],
-    \["MatteBorder", "javax/swing/border/MatteBorder.html"],
-    \["MBeanAttributeInfo", "javax/management/MBeanAttributeInfo.html"],
-    \["MBeanConstructorInfo", "javax/management/MBeanConstructorInfo.html"],
-    \["MBeanException", "javax/management/MBeanException.html"],
-    \["MBeanFeatureInfo", "javax/management/MBeanFeatureInfo.html"],
-    \["MBeanInfo", "javax/management/MBeanInfo.html"],
-    \["MBeanNotificationInfo", "javax/management/MBeanNotificationInfo.html"],
-    \["MBeanOperationInfo", "javax/management/MBeanOperationInfo.html"],
-    \["MBeanParameterInfo", "javax/management/MBeanParameterInfo.html"],
-    \["MBeanPermission", "javax/management/MBeanPermission.html"],
-    \["MBeanRegistration", "javax/management/MBeanRegistration.html"],
-    \["MBeanRegistrationException", "javax/management/MBeanRegistrationException.html"],
-    \["MBeanServer", "javax/management/MBeanServer.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerBuilder", "javax/management/MBeanServerBuilder.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerConnection", "javax/management/MBeanServerConnection.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerDelegate", "javax/management/MBeanServerDelegate.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerDelegateMBean", "javax/management/MBeanServerDelegateMBean.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerFactory", "javax/management/MBeanServerFactory.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerForwarder", "javax/management/remote/MBeanServerForwarder.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerInvocationHandler", "javax/management/MBeanServerInvocationHandler.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerNotification", "javax/management/MBeanServerNotification.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerNotificationFilter", "javax/management/relation/MBeanServerNotificationFilter.html"],
-    \["MBeanServerPermission", "javax/management/MBeanServerPermission.html"],
-    \["MBeanTrustPermission", "javax/management/MBeanTrustPermission.html"],
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-    \["MediaName", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaName.html"],
-    \["MediaPrintableArea", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaPrintableArea.html"],
-    \["MediaSize", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.html"],
-    \["MediaSize.Engineering", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.Engineering.html"],
-    \["MediaSize.ISO", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.ISO.html"],
-    \["MediaSize.JIS", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.JIS.html"],
-    \["MediaSize.NA", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.NA.html"],
-    \["MediaSize.Other", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.Other.html"],
-    \["MediaSizeName", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSizeName.html"],
-    \["MediaTracker", "java/awt/MediaTracker.html"],
-    \["MediaTray", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaTray.html"],
-    \["Member", "java/lang/reflect/Member.html"],
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-    \["MemoryCacheImageOutputStream", "javax/imageio/stream/MemoryCacheImageOutputStream.html"],
-    \["MemoryHandler", "java/util/logging/MemoryHandler.html"],
-    \["MemoryImageSource", "java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.html"],
-    \["MemoryManagerMXBean", "java/lang/management/MemoryManagerMXBean.html"],
-    \["MemoryMXBean", "java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean.html"],
-    \["MemoryNotificationInfo", "java/lang/management/MemoryNotificationInfo.html"],
-    \["MemoryPoolMXBean", "java/lang/management/MemoryPoolMXBean.html"],
-    \["MemoryType", "java/lang/management/MemoryType.html"],
-    \["MemoryUsage", "java/lang/management/MemoryUsage.html"],
-    \["Menu", "java/awt/Menu.html"],
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-    \["MenuComponent", "java/awt/MenuComponent.html"],
-    \["MenuContainer", "java/awt/MenuContainer.html"],
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-    \["MenuDragMouseListener", "javax/swing/event/MenuDragMouseListener.html"],
-    \["MenuElement", "javax/swing/MenuElement.html"],
-    \["MenuEvent", "javax/swing/event/MenuEvent.html"],
-    \["MenuItem", "java/awt/MenuItem.html"],
-    \["MenuItemUI", "javax/swing/plaf/MenuItemUI.html"],
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-    \["MenuKeyListener", "javax/swing/event/MenuKeyListener.html"],
-    \["MenuListener", "javax/swing/event/MenuListener.html"],
-    \["MenuSelectionManager", "javax/swing/MenuSelectionManager.html"],
-    \["MenuShortcut", "java/awt/MenuShortcut.html"],
-    \["MessageContext", "javax/xml/ws/handler/MessageContext.html"],
-    \["MessageContext.Scope", "javax/xml/ws/handler/MessageContext.Scope.html"],
-    \["MessageDigest", "java/security/MessageDigest.html"],
-    \["MessageDigestSpi", "java/security/MessageDigestSpi.html"],
-    \["MessageFactory", "javax/xml/soap/MessageFactory.html"],
-    \["MessageFormat", "java/text/MessageFormat.html"],
-    \["MessageFormat.Field", "java/text/MessageFormat.Field.html"],
-    \["MessageProp", "org/ietf/jgss/MessageProp.html"],
-    \["Messager", "javax/annotation/processing/Messager.html"],
-    \["MetaEventListener", "javax/sound/midi/MetaEventListener.html"],
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-    \["MetalBorders.ButtonBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.ButtonBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.Flush3DBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.Flush3DBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.InternalFrameBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.InternalFrameBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.MenuBarBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.MenuBarBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.MenuItemBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.MenuItemBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.OptionDialogBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.OptionDialogBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.PaletteBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.PaletteBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.PopupMenuBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.PopupMenuBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.RolloverButtonBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.RolloverButtonBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.ScrollPaneBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.ScrollPaneBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.TableHeaderBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.TableHeaderBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.TextFieldBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.TextFieldBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.ToggleButtonBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.ToggleButtonBorder.html"],
-    \["MetalBorders.ToolBarBorder", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalBorders.ToolBarBorder.html"],
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-    \["MetalCheckBoxUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalCheckBoxUI.html"],
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-    \["MetalComboBoxEditor", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalComboBoxEditor.html"],
-    \["MetalComboBoxEditor.UIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalComboBoxEditor.UIResource.html"],
-    \["MetalComboBoxIcon", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalComboBoxIcon.html"],
-    \["MetalComboBoxUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalComboBoxUI.html"],
-    \["MetalDesktopIconUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalDesktopIconUI.html"],
-    \["MetalFileChooserUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalFileChooserUI.html"],
-    \["MetalIconFactory", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalIconFactory.html"],
-    \["MetalIconFactory.FileIcon16", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalIconFactory.FileIcon16.html"],
-    \["MetalIconFactory.FolderIcon16", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalIconFactory.FolderIcon16.html"],
-    \["MetalIconFactory.PaletteCloseIcon", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalIconFactory.PaletteCloseIcon.html"],
-    \["MetalIconFactory.TreeControlIcon", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalIconFactory.TreeControlIcon.html"],
-    \["MetalIconFactory.TreeFolderIcon", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalIconFactory.TreeFolderIcon.html"],
-    \["MetalIconFactory.TreeLeafIcon", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalIconFactory.TreeLeafIcon.html"],
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-    \["MetalInternalFrameUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalInternalFrameUI.html"],
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-    \["MetalMenuBarUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalMenuBarUI.html"],
-    \["MetalPopupMenuSeparatorUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalPopupMenuSeparatorUI.html"],
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-    \["MetalScrollPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalScrollPaneUI.html"],
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-    \["MetalSplitPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalSplitPaneUI.html"],
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-    \["MetalToolBarUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalToolBarUI.html"],
-    \["MetalToolTipUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalToolTipUI.html"],
-    \["MetalTreeUI", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/MetalTreeUI.html"],
-    \["MetaMessage", "javax/sound/midi/MetaMessage.html"],
-    \["Method", "java/lang/reflect/Method.html"],
-    \["MethodDescriptor", "java/beans/MethodDescriptor.html"],
-    \["MGF1ParameterSpec", "java/security/spec/MGF1ParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["MidiChannel", "javax/sound/midi/MidiChannel.html"],
-    \["MidiDevice", "javax/sound/midi/MidiDevice.html"],
-    \["MidiDevice.Info", "javax/sound/midi/MidiDevice.Info.html"],
-    \["MidiDeviceProvider", "javax/sound/midi/spi/MidiDeviceProvider.html"],
-    \["MidiEvent", "javax/sound/midi/MidiEvent.html"],
-    \["MidiFileFormat", "javax/sound/midi/MidiFileFormat.html"],
-    \["MidiFileReader", "javax/sound/midi/spi/MidiFileReader.html"],
-    \["MidiFileWriter", "javax/sound/midi/spi/MidiFileWriter.html"],
-    \["MidiMessage", "javax/sound/midi/MidiMessage.html"],
-    \["MidiSystem", "javax/sound/midi/MidiSystem.html"],
-    \["MidiUnavailableException", "javax/sound/midi/MidiUnavailableException.html"],
-    \["MimeHeader", "javax/xml/soap/MimeHeader.html"],
-    \["MimeHeaders", "javax/xml/soap/MimeHeaders.html"],
-    \["MimeType", "javax/activation/MimeType.html"],
-    \["MimeTypeParameterList", "javax/activation/MimeTypeParameterList.html"],
-    \["MimeTypeParseException", "java/awt/datatransfer/MimeTypeParseException.html"],
-    \["MimeTypeParseException", "javax/activation/MimeTypeParseException.html"],
-    \["MimetypesFileTypeMap", "javax/activation/MimetypesFileTypeMap.html"],
-    \["MinimalHTMLWriter", "javax/swing/text/html/MinimalHTMLWriter.html"],
-    \["MirroredTypeException", "javax/lang/model/type/MirroredTypeException.html"],
-    \["MirroredTypesException", "javax/lang/model/type/MirroredTypesException.html"],
-    \["MissingFormatArgumentException", "java/util/MissingFormatArgumentException.html"],
-    \["MissingFormatWidthException", "java/util/MissingFormatWidthException.html"],
-    \["MissingResourceException", "java/util/MissingResourceException.html"],
-    \["Mixer", "javax/sound/sampled/Mixer.html"],
-    \["Mixer.Info", "javax/sound/sampled/Mixer.Info.html"],
-    \["MixerProvider", "javax/sound/sampled/spi/MixerProvider.html"],
-    \["MLet", "javax/management/loading/MLet.html"],
-    \["MLetContent", "javax/management/loading/MLetContent.html"],
-    \["MLetMBean", "javax/management/loading/MLetMBean.html"],
-    \["ModelMBean", "javax/management/modelmbean/ModelMBean.html"],
-    \["ModelMBeanAttributeInfo", "javax/management/modelmbean/ModelMBeanAttributeInfo.html"],
-    \["ModelMBeanConstructorInfo", "javax/management/modelmbean/ModelMBeanConstructorInfo.html"],
-    \["ModelMBeanInfo", "javax/management/modelmbean/ModelMBeanInfo.html"],
-    \["ModelMBeanInfoSupport", "javax/management/modelmbean/ModelMBeanInfoSupport.html"],
-    \["ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster", "javax/management/modelmbean/ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster.html"],
-    \["ModelMBeanNotificationInfo", "javax/management/modelmbean/ModelMBeanNotificationInfo.html"],
-    \["ModelMBeanOperationInfo", "javax/management/modelmbean/ModelMBeanOperationInfo.html"],
-    \["ModificationItem", "javax/naming/directory/ModificationItem.html"],
-    \["Modifier", "java/lang/reflect/Modifier.html"],
-    \["Modifier", "javax/lang/model/element/Modifier.html"],
-    \["Monitor", "javax/management/monitor/Monitor.html"],
-    \["MonitorInfo", "java/lang/management/MonitorInfo.html"],
-    \["MonitorMBean", "javax/management/monitor/MonitorMBean.html"],
-    \["MonitorNotification", "javax/management/monitor/MonitorNotification.html"],
-    \["MonitorSettingException", "javax/management/monitor/MonitorSettingException.html"],
-    \["MouseAdapter", "java/awt/event/MouseAdapter.html"],
-    \["MouseDragGestureRecognizer", "java/awt/dnd/MouseDragGestureRecognizer.html"],
-    \["MouseEvent", "java/awt/event/MouseEvent.html"],
-    \["MouseEvent", "org/w3c/dom/events/MouseEvent.html"],
-    \["MouseInfo", "java/awt/MouseInfo.html"],
-    \["MouseInputAdapter", "javax/swing/event/MouseInputAdapter.html"],
-    \["MouseInputListener", "javax/swing/event/MouseInputListener.html"],
-    \["MouseListener", "java/awt/event/MouseListener.html"],
-    \["MouseMotionAdapter", "java/awt/event/MouseMotionAdapter.html"],
-    \["MouseMotionListener", "java/awt/event/MouseMotionListener.html"],
-    \["MouseWheelEvent", "java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent.html"],
-    \["MouseWheelListener", "java/awt/event/MouseWheelListener.html"],
-    \["MTOM", "javax/xml/ws/soap/MTOM.html"],
-    \["MTOMFeature", "javax/xml/ws/soap/MTOMFeature.html"],
-    \["MultiButtonUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiButtonUI.html"],
-    \["MulticastSocket", "java/net/MulticastSocket.html"],
-    \["MultiColorChooserUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiColorChooserUI.html"],
-    \["MultiComboBoxUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiComboBoxUI.html"],
-    \["MultiDesktopIconUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiDesktopIconUI.html"],
-    \["MultiDesktopPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiDesktopPaneUI.html"],
-    \["MultiDoc", "javax/print/MultiDoc.html"],
-    \["MultiDocPrintJob", "javax/print/MultiDocPrintJob.html"],
-    \["MultiDocPrintService", "javax/print/MultiDocPrintService.html"],
-    \["MultiFileChooserUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiFileChooserUI.html"],
-    \["MultiInternalFrameUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiInternalFrameUI.html"],
-    \["MultiLabelUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiLabelUI.html"],
-    \["MultiListUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiListUI.html"],
-    \["MultiLookAndFeel", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiLookAndFeel.html"],
-    \["MultiMenuBarUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiMenuBarUI.html"],
-    \["MultiMenuItemUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiMenuItemUI.html"],
-    \["MultiOptionPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiOptionPaneUI.html"],
-    \["MultiPanelUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiPanelUI.html"],
-    \["MultiPixelPackedSampleModel", "java/awt/image/MultiPixelPackedSampleModel.html"],
-    \["MultipleComponentProfileHelper", "org/omg/IOP/MultipleComponentProfileHelper.html"],
-    \["MultipleComponentProfileHolder", "org/omg/IOP/MultipleComponentProfileHolder.html"],
-    \["MultipleDocumentHandling", "javax/print/attribute/standard/MultipleDocumentHandling.html"],
-    \["MultipleGradientPaint", "java/awt/MultipleGradientPaint.html"],
-    \["MultipleGradientPaint.ColorSpaceType", "java/awt/MultipleGradientPaint.ColorSpaceType.html"],
-    \["MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod", "java/awt/MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod.html"],
-    \["MultipleMaster", "java/awt/font/MultipleMaster.html"],
-    \["MultiPopupMenuUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiPopupMenuUI.html"],
-    \["MultiProgressBarUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiProgressBarUI.html"],
-    \["MultiRootPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiRootPaneUI.html"],
-    \["MultiScrollBarUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiScrollBarUI.html"],
-    \["MultiScrollPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiScrollPaneUI.html"],
-    \["MultiSeparatorUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiSeparatorUI.html"],
-    \["MultiSliderUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiSliderUI.html"],
-    \["MultiSpinnerUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiSpinnerUI.html"],
-    \["MultiSplitPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiSplitPaneUI.html"],
-    \["MultiTabbedPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiTabbedPaneUI.html"],
-    \["MultiTableHeaderUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiTableHeaderUI.html"],
-    \["MultiTableUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiTableUI.html"],
-    \["MultiTextUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiTextUI.html"],
-    \["MultiToolBarUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiToolBarUI.html"],
-    \["MultiToolTipUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiToolTipUI.html"],
-    \["MultiTreeUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiTreeUI.html"],
-    \["MultiViewportUI", "javax/swing/plaf/multi/MultiViewportUI.html"],
-    \["MutableAttributeSet", "javax/swing/text/MutableAttributeSet.html"],
-    \["MutableComboBoxModel", "javax/swing/MutableComboBoxModel.html"],
-    \["MutableTreeNode", "javax/swing/tree/MutableTreeNode.html"],
-    \["MutationEvent", "org/w3c/dom/events/MutationEvent.html"],
-    \["MXBean", "javax/management/MXBean.html"],
-    \["Name", "javax/lang/model/element/Name.html"],
-    \["Name", "javax/naming/Name.html"],
-    \["Name", "javax/xml/soap/Name.html"],
-    \["NameAlreadyBoundException", "javax/naming/NameAlreadyBoundException.html"],
-    \["NameCallback", "javax/security/auth/callback/NameCallback.html"],
-    \["NameClassPair", "javax/naming/NameClassPair.html"],
-    \["NameComponent", "org/omg/CosNaming/NameComponent.html"],
-    \["NameComponentHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NameComponentHelper.html"],
-    \["NameComponentHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NameComponentHolder.html"],
-    \["NamedNodeMap", "org/w3c/dom/NamedNodeMap.html"],
-    \["NamedValue", "org/omg/CORBA/NamedValue.html"],
-    \["NameDynAnyPair", "org/omg/DynamicAny/NameDynAnyPair.html"],
-    \["NameDynAnyPairHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/NameDynAnyPairHelper.html"],
-    \["NameDynAnyPairSeqHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/NameDynAnyPairSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["NameHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NameHelper.html"],
-    \["NameHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NameHolder.html"],
-    \["NameList", "org/w3c/dom/NameList.html"],
-    \["NameNotFoundException", "javax/naming/NameNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["NameParser", "javax/naming/NameParser.html"],
-    \["Namespace", "javax/xml/stream/events/Namespace.html"],
-    \["NamespaceChangeListener", "javax/naming/event/NamespaceChangeListener.html"],
-    \["NamespaceContext", "javax/xml/namespace/NamespaceContext.html"],
-    \["NamespaceSupport", "org/xml/sax/helpers/NamespaceSupport.html"],
-    \["NameValuePair", "org/omg/CORBA/NameValuePair.html"],
-    \["NameValuePair", "org/omg/DynamicAny/NameValuePair.html"],
-    \["NameValuePairHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/NameValuePairHelper.html"],
-    \["NameValuePairHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/NameValuePairHelper.html"],
-    \["NameValuePairSeqHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/NameValuePairSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["Naming", "java/rmi/Naming.html"],
-    \["NamingContext", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContext.html"],
-    \["NamingContextExt", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExt.html"],
-    \["NamingContextExtHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtHelper.html"],
-    \["NamingContextExtHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtHolder.html"],
-    \["NamingContextExtOperations", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtOperations.html"],
-    \["NamingContextExtPOA", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPOA.html"],
-    \["NamingContextHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextHelper.html"],
-    \["NamingContextHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextHolder.html"],
-    \["NamingContextOperations", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextOperations.html"],
-    \["NamingContextPOA", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPOA.html"],
-    \["NamingEnumeration", "javax/naming/NamingEnumeration.html"],
-    \["NamingEvent", "javax/naming/event/NamingEvent.html"],
-    \["NamingException", "javax/naming/NamingException.html"],
-    \["NamingExceptionEvent", "javax/naming/event/NamingExceptionEvent.html"],
-    \["NamingListener", "javax/naming/event/NamingListener.html"],
-    \["NamingManager", "javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.html"],
-    \["NamingSecurityException", "javax/naming/NamingSecurityException.html"],
-    \["NavigableMap", "java/util/NavigableMap.html"],
-    \["NavigableSet", "java/util/NavigableSet.html"],
-    \["NavigationFilter", "javax/swing/text/NavigationFilter.html"],
-    \["NavigationFilter.FilterBypass", "javax/swing/text/NavigationFilter.FilterBypass.html"],
-    \["NClob", "java/sql/NClob.html"],
-    \["NegativeArraySizeException", "java/lang/NegativeArraySizeException.html"],
-    \["NestingKind", "javax/lang/model/element/NestingKind.html"],
-    \["NetPermission", "java/net/NetPermission.html"],
-    \["NetworkInterface", "java/net/NetworkInterface.html"],
-    \["NO_IMPLEMENT", "org/omg/CORBA/NO_IMPLEMENT.html"],
-    \["NO_MEMORY", "org/omg/CORBA/NO_MEMORY.html"],
-    \["NO_PERMISSION", "org/omg/CORBA/NO_PERMISSION.html"],
-    \["NO_RESOURCES", "org/omg/CORBA/NO_RESOURCES.html"],
-    \["NO_RESPONSE", "org/omg/CORBA/NO_RESPONSE.html"],
-    \["NoClassDefFoundError", "java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError.html"],
-    \["NoConnectionPendingException", "java/nio/channels/NoConnectionPendingException.html"],
-    \["NoContext", "org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentPackage/NoContext.html"],
-    \["NoContextHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentPackage/NoContextHelper.html"],
-    \["Node", "javax/xml/soap/Node.html"],
-    \["Node", "org/w3c/dom/Node.html"],
-    \["NodeChangeEvent", "java/util/prefs/NodeChangeEvent.html"],
-    \["NodeChangeListener", "java/util/prefs/NodeChangeListener.html"],
-    \["NodeList", "org/w3c/dom/NodeList.html"],
-    \["NodeSetData", "javax/xml/crypto/NodeSetData.html"],
-    \["NoInitialContextException", "javax/naming/NoInitialContextException.html"],
-    \["NON_EXISTENT", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/NON_EXISTENT.html"],
-    \["NoninvertibleTransformException", "java/awt/geom/NoninvertibleTransformException.html"],
-    \["NonReadableChannelException", "java/nio/channels/NonReadableChannelException.html"],
-    \["NonWritableChannelException", "java/nio/channels/NonWritableChannelException.html"],
-    \["NoPermissionException", "javax/naming/NoPermissionException.html"],
-    \["NormalizedStringAdapter", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/NormalizedStringAdapter.html"],
-    \["Normalizer", "java/text/Normalizer.html"],
-    \["Normalizer.Form", "java/text/Normalizer.Form.html"],
-    \["NoRouteToHostException", "java/net/NoRouteToHostException.html"],
-    \["NoServant", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/NoServant.html"],
-    \["NoServantHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/NoServantHelper.html"],
-    \["NoSuchAlgorithmException", "java/security/NoSuchAlgorithmException.html"],
-    \["NoSuchAttributeException", "javax/naming/directory/NoSuchAttributeException.html"],
-    \["NoSuchElementException", "java/util/NoSuchElementException.html"],
-    \["NoSuchFieldError", "java/lang/NoSuchFieldError.html"],
-    \["NoSuchFieldException", "java/lang/NoSuchFieldException.html"],
-    \["NoSuchMechanismException", "javax/xml/crypto/NoSuchMechanismException.html"],
-    \["NoSuchMethodError", "java/lang/NoSuchMethodError.html"],
-    \["NoSuchMethodException", "java/lang/NoSuchMethodException.html"],
-    \["NoSuchObjectException", "java/rmi/NoSuchObjectException.html"],
-    \["NoSuchPaddingException", "javax/crypto/NoSuchPaddingException.html"],
-    \["NoSuchProviderException", "java/security/NoSuchProviderException.html"],
-    \["NotActiveException", "java/io/NotActiveException.html"],
-    \["Notation", "org/w3c/dom/Notation.html"],
-    \["NotationDeclaration", "javax/xml/stream/events/NotationDeclaration.html"],
-    \["NotBoundException", "java/rmi/NotBoundException.html"],
-    \["NotCompliantMBeanException", "javax/management/NotCompliantMBeanException.html"],
-    \["NotContextException", "javax/naming/NotContextException.html"],
-    \["NotEmpty", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotEmpty.html"],
-    \["NotEmptyHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotEmptyHelper.html"],
-    \["NotEmptyHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotEmptyHolder.html"],
-    \["NotFound", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFound.html"],
-    \["NotFoundHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundHelper.html"],
-    \["NotFoundHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundHolder.html"],
-    \["NotFoundReason", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundReason.html"],
-    \["NotFoundReasonHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundReasonHelper.html"],
-    \["NotFoundReasonHolder", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundReasonHolder.html"],
-    \["NotIdentifiableEvent", "javax/xml/bind/NotIdentifiableEvent.html"],
-    \["NotIdentifiableEventImpl", "javax/xml/bind/helpers/NotIdentifiableEventImpl.html"],
-    \["Notification", "javax/management/Notification.html"],
-    \["NotificationBroadcaster", "javax/management/NotificationBroadcaster.html"],
-    \["NotificationBroadcasterSupport", "javax/management/NotificationBroadcasterSupport.html"],
-    \["NotificationEmitter", "javax/management/NotificationEmitter.html"],
-    \["NotificationFilter", "javax/management/NotificationFilter.html"],
-    \["NotificationFilterSupport", "javax/management/NotificationFilterSupport.html"],
-    \["NotificationListener", "javax/management/NotificationListener.html"],
-    \["NotificationResult", "javax/management/remote/NotificationResult.html"],
-    \["NotOwnerException", "java/security/acl/NotOwnerException.html"],
-    \["NotSerializableException", "java/io/NotSerializableException.html"],
-    \["NotYetBoundException", "java/nio/channels/NotYetBoundException.html"],
-    \["NotYetConnectedException", "java/nio/channels/NotYetConnectedException.html"],
-    \["NoType", "javax/lang/model/type/NoType.html"],
-    \["NullCipher", "javax/crypto/NullCipher.html"],
-    \["NullPointerException", "java/lang/NullPointerException.html"],
-    \["NullType", "javax/lang/model/type/NullType.html"],
-    \["Number", "java/lang/Number.html"],
-    \["NumberFormat", "java/text/NumberFormat.html"],
-    \["NumberFormat.Field", "java/text/NumberFormat.Field.html"],
-    \["NumberFormatException", "java/lang/NumberFormatException.html"],
-    \["NumberFormatProvider", "java/text/spi/NumberFormatProvider.html"],
-    \["NumberFormatter", "javax/swing/text/NumberFormatter.html"],
-    \["NumberOfDocuments", "javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfDocuments.html"],
-    \["NumberOfInterveningJobs", "javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfInterveningJobs.html"],
-    \["NumberUp", "javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUp.html"],
-    \["NumberUpSupported", "javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUpSupported.html"],
-    \["NumericShaper", "java/awt/font/NumericShaper.html"],
-    \["NVList", "org/omg/CORBA/NVList.html"],
-    \["OAEPParameterSpec", "javax/crypto/spec/OAEPParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["OBJ_ADAPTER", "org/omg/CORBA/OBJ_ADAPTER.html"],
-    \["Object", "java/lang/Object.html"],
-    \["Object", "org/omg/CORBA/Object.html"],
-    \["OBJECT_NOT_EXIST", "org/omg/CORBA/OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.html"],
-    \["ObjectAlreadyActive", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectAlreadyActive.html"],
-    \["ObjectAlreadyActiveHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectAlreadyActiveHelper.html"],
-    \["ObjectChangeListener", "javax/naming/event/ObjectChangeListener.html"],
-    \["ObjectFactory", "javax/naming/spi/ObjectFactory.html"],
-    \["ObjectFactoryBuilder", "javax/naming/spi/ObjectFactoryBuilder.html"],
-    \["ObjectHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/ObjectHelper.html"],
-    \["ObjectHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/ObjectHolder.html"],
-    \["ObjectIdHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectIdHelper.html"],
-    \["ObjectIdHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/ObjectIdHelper.html"],
-    \["ObjectImpl", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/ObjectImpl.html"],
-    \["ObjectImpl", "org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/ObjectImpl.html"],
-    \["ObjectInput", "java/io/ObjectInput.html"],
-    \["ObjectInputStream", "java/io/ObjectInputStream.html"],
-    \["ObjectInputStream.GetField", "java/io/ObjectInputStream.GetField.html"],
-    \["ObjectInputValidation", "java/io/ObjectInputValidation.html"],
-    \["ObjectInstance", "javax/management/ObjectInstance.html"],
-    \["ObjectName", "javax/management/ObjectName.html"],
-    \["ObjectNotActive", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectNotActive.html"],
-    \["ObjectNotActiveHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectNotActiveHelper.html"],
-    \["ObjectOutput", "java/io/ObjectOutput.html"],
-    \["ObjectOutputStream", "java/io/ObjectOutputStream.html"],
-    \["ObjectOutputStream.PutField", "java/io/ObjectOutputStream.PutField.html"],
-    \["ObjectReferenceFactory", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceFactory.html"],
-    \["ObjectReferenceFactoryHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceFactoryHelper.html"],
-    \["ObjectReferenceFactoryHolder", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceFactoryHolder.html"],
-    \["ObjectReferenceTemplate", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplate.html"],
-    \["ObjectReferenceTemplateHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateHelper.html"],
-    \["ObjectReferenceTemplateHolder", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateHolder.html"],
-    \["ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHolder", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["ObjectStreamClass", "java/io/ObjectStreamClass.html"],
-    \["ObjectStreamConstants", "java/io/ObjectStreamConstants.html"],
-    \["ObjectStreamException", "java/io/ObjectStreamException.html"],
-    \["ObjectStreamField", "java/io/ObjectStreamField.html"],
-    \["ObjectView", "javax/swing/text/html/ObjectView.html"],
-    \["ObjID", "java/rmi/server/ObjID.html"],
-    \["Observable", "java/util/Observable.html"],
-    \["Observer", "java/util/Observer.html"],
-    \["OceanTheme", "javax/swing/plaf/metal/OceanTheme.html"],
-    \["OctetSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/OctetSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["OctetSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/OctetSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["OctetStreamData", "javax/xml/crypto/OctetStreamData.html"],
-    \["Oid", "org/ietf/jgss/Oid.html"],
-    \["OMGVMCID", "org/omg/CORBA/OMGVMCID.html"],
-    \["Oneway", "javax/jws/Oneway.html"],
-    \["OpenDataException", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenDataException.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanAttributeInfo", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanAttributeInfo.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanConstructorInfo", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanConstructorInfo.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanInfo", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanInfo.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanInfoSupport", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanInfoSupport.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanOperationInfo", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanOperationInfo.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanParameterInfo", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanParameterInfo.html"],
-    \["OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport.html"],
-    \["OpenType", "java/awt/font/OpenType.html"],
-    \["OpenType", "javax/management/openmbean/OpenType.html"],
-    \["OperatingSystemMXBean", "java/lang/management/OperatingSystemMXBean.html"],
-    \["Operation", "java/rmi/server/Operation.html"],
-    \["OperationNotSupportedException", "javax/naming/OperationNotSupportedException.html"],
-    \["OperationsException", "javax/management/OperationsException.html"],
-    \["Option", "javax/swing/text/html/Option.html"],
-    \["OptionalDataException", "java/io/OptionalDataException.html"],
-    \["OptionChecker", "javax/tools/OptionChecker.html"],
-    \["OptionPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/OptionPaneUI.html"],
-    \["ORB", "org/omg/CORBA/ORB.html"],
-    \["ORB", "org/omg/CORBA_2_3/ORB.html"],
-    \["ORBIdHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBIdHelper.html"],
-    \["ORBInitializer", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitializer.html"],
-    \["ORBInitializerOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitializerOperations.html"],
-    \["ORBInitInfo", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfo.html"],
-    \["ORBInitInfoOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoOperations.html"],
-    \["OrientationRequested", "javax/print/attribute/standard/OrientationRequested.html"],
-    \["OutOfMemoryError", "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError.html"],
-    \["OutputDeviceAssigned", "javax/print/attribute/standard/OutputDeviceAssigned.html"],
-    \["OutputKeys", "javax/xml/transform/OutputKeys.html"],
-    \["OutputStream", "java/io/OutputStream.html"],
-    \["OutputStream", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/OutputStream.html"],
-    \["OutputStream", "org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/OutputStream.html"],
-    \["OutputStreamWriter", "java/io/OutputStreamWriter.html"],
-    \["OverlappingFileLockException", "java/nio/channels/OverlappingFileLockException.html"],
-    \["OverlayLayout", "javax/swing/OverlayLayout.html"],
-    \["Override", "java/lang/Override.html"],
-    \["Owner", "java/security/acl/Owner.html"],
-    \["Pack200", "java/util/jar/Pack200.html"],
-    \["Pack200.Packer", "java/util/jar/Pack200.Packer.html"],
-    \["Pack200.Unpacker", "java/util/jar/Pack200.Unpacker.html"],
-    \["Package", "java/lang/Package.html"],
-    \["PackageElement", "javax/lang/model/element/PackageElement.html"],
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-    \["PageAttributes.ColorType", "java/awt/PageAttributes.ColorType.html"],
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-    \["PageAttributes.OrientationRequestedType", "java/awt/PageAttributes.OrientationRequestedType.html"],
-    \["PageAttributes.OriginType", "java/awt/PageAttributes.OriginType.html"],
-    \["PageAttributes.PrintQualityType", "java/awt/PageAttributes.PrintQualityType.html"],
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-    \["ParagraphView", "javax/swing/text/ParagraphView.html"],
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-    \["ParameterDescriptor", "java/beans/ParameterDescriptor.html"],
-    \["ParameterizedType", "java/lang/reflect/ParameterizedType.html"],
-    \["ParameterMetaData", "java/sql/ParameterMetaData.html"],
-    \["ParameterMode", "org/omg/CORBA/ParameterMode.html"],
-    \["ParameterModeHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/ParameterModeHelper.html"],
-    \["ParameterModeHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/ParameterModeHolder.html"],
-    \["ParseConversionEvent", "javax/xml/bind/ParseConversionEvent.html"],
-    \["ParseConversionEventImpl", "javax/xml/bind/helpers/ParseConversionEventImpl.html"],
-    \["ParseException", "java/text/ParseException.html"],
-    \["ParsePosition", "java/text/ParsePosition.html"],
-    \["Parser", "javax/swing/text/html/parser/Parser.html"],
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-    \["ParserConfigurationException", "javax/xml/parsers/ParserConfigurationException.html"],
-    \["ParserDelegator", "javax/swing/text/html/parser/ParserDelegator.html"],
-    \["ParserFactory", "org/xml/sax/helpers/ParserFactory.html"],
-    \["PartialResultException", "javax/naming/PartialResultException.html"],
-    \["PasswordAuthentication", "java/net/PasswordAuthentication.html"],
-    \["PasswordCallback", "javax/security/auth/callback/PasswordCallback.html"],
-    \["PasswordView", "javax/swing/text/PasswordView.html"],
-    \["Patch", "javax/sound/midi/Patch.html"],
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-    \["Path2D.Double", "java/awt/geom/Path2D.Double.html"],
-    \["Path2D.Float", "java/awt/geom/Path2D.Float.html"],
-    \["PathIterator", "java/awt/geom/PathIterator.html"],
-    \["Pattern", "java/util/regex/Pattern.html"],
-    \["PatternSyntaxException", "java/util/regex/PatternSyntaxException.html"],
-    \["PBEKey", "javax/crypto/interfaces/PBEKey.html"],
-    \["PBEKeySpec", "javax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec.html"],
-    \["PBEParameterSpec", "javax/crypto/spec/PBEParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["PDLOverrideSupported", "javax/print/attribute/standard/PDLOverrideSupported.html"],
-    \["Permission", "java/security/acl/Permission.html"],
-    \["Permission", "java/security/Permission.html"],
-    \["PermissionCollection", "java/security/PermissionCollection.html"],
-    \["Permissions", "java/security/Permissions.html"],
-    \["PERSIST_STORE", "org/omg/CORBA/PERSIST_STORE.html"],
-    \["PersistenceDelegate", "java/beans/PersistenceDelegate.html"],
-    \["PersistentMBean", "javax/management/PersistentMBean.html"],
-    \["PGPData", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/keyinfo/PGPData.html"],
-    \["PhantomReference", "java/lang/ref/PhantomReference.html"],
-    \["Pipe", "java/nio/channels/Pipe.html"],
-    \["Pipe.SinkChannel", "java/nio/channels/Pipe.SinkChannel.html"],
-    \["Pipe.SourceChannel", "java/nio/channels/Pipe.SourceChannel.html"],
-    \["PipedInputStream", "java/io/PipedInputStream.html"],
-    \["PipedOutputStream", "java/io/PipedOutputStream.html"],
-    \["PipedReader", "java/io/PipedReader.html"],
-    \["PipedWriter", "java/io/PipedWriter.html"],
-    \["PixelGrabber", "java/awt/image/PixelGrabber.html"],
-    \["PixelInterleavedSampleModel", "java/awt/image/PixelInterleavedSampleModel.html"],
-    \["PKCS8EncodedKeySpec", "java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.html"],
-    \["PKIXBuilderParameters", "java/security/cert/PKIXBuilderParameters.html"],
-    \["PKIXCertPathBuilderResult", "java/security/cert/PKIXCertPathBuilderResult.html"],
-    \["PKIXCertPathChecker", "java/security/cert/PKIXCertPathChecker.html"],
-    \["PKIXCertPathValidatorResult", "java/security/cert/PKIXCertPathValidatorResult.html"],
-    \["PKIXParameters", "java/security/cert/PKIXParameters.html"],
-    \["PlainDocument", "javax/swing/text/PlainDocument.html"],
-    \["PlainView", "javax/swing/text/PlainView.html"],
-    \["POA", "org/omg/PortableServer/POA.html"],
-    \["POAHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAHelper.html"],
-    \["POAManager", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAManager.html"],
-    \["POAManagerOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerOperations.html"],
-    \["POAOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAOperations.html"],
-    \["Point", "java/awt/Point.html"],
-    \["Point2D", "java/awt/geom/Point2D.html"],
-    \["Point2D.Double", "java/awt/geom/Point2D.Double.html"],
-    \["Point2D.Float", "java/awt/geom/Point2D.Float.html"],
-    \["PointerInfo", "java/awt/PointerInfo.html"],
-    \["Policy", "java/security/Policy.html"],
-    \["Policy", "javax/security/auth/Policy.html"],
-    \["Policy", "org/omg/CORBA/Policy.html"],
-    \["Policy.Parameters", "java/security/Policy.Parameters.html"],
-    \["PolicyError", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyError.html"],
-    \["PolicyErrorCodeHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyErrorCodeHelper.html"],
-    \["PolicyErrorHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyErrorHelper.html"],
-    \["PolicyErrorHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyErrorHolder.html"],
-    \["PolicyFactory", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/PolicyFactory.html"],
-    \["PolicyFactoryOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/PolicyFactoryOperations.html"],
-    \["PolicyHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyHelper.html"],
-    \["PolicyHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyHolder.html"],
-    \["PolicyListHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyListHelper.html"],
-    \["PolicyListHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyListHolder.html"],
-    \["PolicyNode", "java/security/cert/PolicyNode.html"],
-    \["PolicyOperations", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyOperations.html"],
-    \["PolicyQualifierInfo", "java/security/cert/PolicyQualifierInfo.html"],
-    \["PolicySpi", "java/security/PolicySpi.html"],
-    \["PolicyTypeHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/PolicyTypeHelper.html"],
-    \["Polygon", "java/awt/Polygon.html"],
-    \["PooledConnection", "javax/sql/PooledConnection.html"],
-    \["Popup", "javax/swing/Popup.html"],
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-    \["PopupMenuListener", "javax/swing/event/PopupMenuListener.html"],
-    \["PopupMenuUI", "javax/swing/plaf/PopupMenuUI.html"],
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-    \["Port.Info", "javax/sound/sampled/Port.Info.html"],
-    \["PortableRemoteObject", "javax/rmi/PortableRemoteObject.html"],
-    \["PortableRemoteObjectDelegate", "javax/rmi/CORBA/PortableRemoteObjectDelegate.html"],
-    \["PortInfo", "javax/xml/ws/handler/PortInfo.html"],
-    \["PortUnreachableException", "java/net/PortUnreachableException.html"],
-    \["Position", "javax/swing/text/Position.html"],
-    \["Position.Bias", "javax/swing/text/Position.Bias.html"],
-    \["PostConstruct", "javax/annotation/PostConstruct.html"],
-    \["PreDestroy", "javax/annotation/PreDestroy.html"],
-    \["Predicate", "javax/sql/rowset/Predicate.html"],
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-    \["PreferenceChangeListener", "java/util/prefs/PreferenceChangeListener.html"],
-    \["Preferences", "java/util/prefs/Preferences.html"],
-    \["PreferencesFactory", "java/util/prefs/PreferencesFactory.html"],
-    \["PreparedStatement", "java/sql/PreparedStatement.html"],
-    \["PresentationDirection", "javax/print/attribute/standard/PresentationDirection.html"],
-    \["PrimitiveType", "javax/lang/model/type/PrimitiveType.html"],
-    \["Principal", "java/security/Principal.html"],
-    \["Principal", "org/omg/CORBA/Principal.html"],
-    \["PrincipalHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/PrincipalHolder.html"],
-    \["Printable", "java/awt/print/Printable.html"],
-    \["PrintConversionEvent", "javax/xml/bind/PrintConversionEvent.html"],
-    \["PrintConversionEventImpl", "javax/xml/bind/helpers/PrintConversionEventImpl.html"],
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-    \["PrinterJob", "java/awt/print/PrinterJob.html"],
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-    \["PrintException", "javax/print/PrintException.html"],
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-    \["PrintJobEvent", "javax/print/event/PrintJobEvent.html"],
-    \["PrintJobListener", "javax/print/event/PrintJobListener.html"],
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-    \["PrintServiceAttribute", "javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttribute.html"],
-    \["PrintServiceAttributeEvent", "javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeEvent.html"],
-    \["PrintServiceAttributeListener", "javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeListener.html"],
-    \["PrintServiceAttributeSet", "javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttributeSet.html"],
-    \["PrintServiceLookup", "javax/print/PrintServiceLookup.html"],
-    \["PrintStream", "java/io/PrintStream.html"],
-    \["PrintWriter", "java/io/PrintWriter.html"],
-    \["PriorityBlockingQueue", "java/util/concurrent/PriorityBlockingQueue.html"],
-    \["PriorityQueue", "java/util/PriorityQueue.html"],
-    \["PRIVATE_MEMBER", "org/omg/CORBA/PRIVATE_MEMBER.html"],
-    \["PrivateClassLoader", "javax/management/loading/PrivateClassLoader.html"],
-    \["PrivateCredentialPermission", "javax/security/auth/PrivateCredentialPermission.html"],
-    \["PrivateKey", "java/security/PrivateKey.html"],
-    \["PrivateMLet", "javax/management/loading/PrivateMLet.html"],
-    \["PrivilegedAction", "java/security/PrivilegedAction.html"],
-    \["PrivilegedActionException", "java/security/PrivilegedActionException.html"],
-    \["PrivilegedExceptionAction", "java/security/PrivilegedExceptionAction.html"],
-    \["Process", "java/lang/Process.html"],
-    \["ProcessBuilder", "java/lang/ProcessBuilder.html"],
-    \["ProcessingEnvironment", "javax/annotation/processing/ProcessingEnvironment.html"],
-    \["ProcessingInstruction", "javax/xml/stream/events/ProcessingInstruction.html"],
-    \["ProcessingInstruction", "org/w3c/dom/ProcessingInstruction.html"],
-    \["Processor", "javax/annotation/processing/Processor.html"],
-    \["ProfileDataException", "java/awt/color/ProfileDataException.html"],
-    \["ProfileIdHelper", "org/omg/IOP/ProfileIdHelper.html"],
-    \["ProgressBarUI", "javax/swing/plaf/ProgressBarUI.html"],
-    \["ProgressMonitor", "javax/swing/ProgressMonitor.html"],
-    \["ProgressMonitorInputStream", "javax/swing/ProgressMonitorInputStream.html"],
-    \["Properties", "java/util/Properties.html"],
-    \["PropertyChangeEvent", "java/beans/PropertyChangeEvent.html"],
-    \["PropertyChangeListener", "java/beans/PropertyChangeListener.html"],
-    \["PropertyChangeListenerProxy", "java/beans/PropertyChangeListenerProxy.html"],
-    \["PropertyChangeSupport", "java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport.html"],
-    \["PropertyDescriptor", "java/beans/PropertyDescriptor.html"],
-    \["PropertyEditor", "java/beans/PropertyEditor.html"],
-    \["PropertyEditorManager", "java/beans/PropertyEditorManager.html"],
-    \["PropertyEditorSupport", "java/beans/PropertyEditorSupport.html"],
-    \["PropertyException", "javax/xml/bind/PropertyException.html"],
-    \["PropertyPermission", "java/util/PropertyPermission.html"],
-    \["PropertyResourceBundle", "java/util/PropertyResourceBundle.html"],
-    \["PropertyVetoException", "java/beans/PropertyVetoException.html"],
-    \["ProtectionDomain", "java/security/ProtectionDomain.html"],
-    \["ProtocolException", "java/net/ProtocolException.html"],
-    \["ProtocolException", "javax/xml/ws/ProtocolException.html"],
-    \["Provider", "java/security/Provider.html"],
-    \["Provider", "javax/xml/ws/Provider.html"],
-    \["Provider", "javax/xml/ws/spi/Provider.html"],
-    \["Provider.Service", "java/security/Provider.Service.html"],
-    \["ProviderException", "java/security/ProviderException.html"],
-    \["Proxy", "java/lang/reflect/Proxy.html"],
-    \["Proxy", "java/net/Proxy.html"],
-    \["Proxy.Type", "java/net/Proxy.Type.html"],
-    \["ProxySelector", "java/net/ProxySelector.html"],
-    \["PSource", "javax/crypto/spec/PSource.html"],
-    \["PSource.PSpecified", "javax/crypto/spec/PSource.PSpecified.html"],
-    \["PSSParameterSpec", "java/security/spec/PSSParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["PUBLIC_MEMBER", "org/omg/CORBA/PUBLIC_MEMBER.html"],
-    \["PublicKey", "java/security/PublicKey.html"],
-    \["PushbackInputStream", "java/io/PushbackInputStream.html"],
-    \["PushbackReader", "java/io/PushbackReader.html"],
-    \["QName", "javax/xml/namespace/QName.html"],
-    \["QuadCurve2D", "java/awt/geom/QuadCurve2D.html"],
-    \["QuadCurve2D.Double", "java/awt/geom/QuadCurve2D.Double.html"],
-    \["QuadCurve2D.Float", "java/awt/geom/QuadCurve2D.Float.html"],
-    \["Query", "javax/management/Query.html"],
-    \["QueryEval", "javax/management/QueryEval.html"],
-    \["QueryExp", "javax/management/QueryExp.html"],
-    \["Queue", "java/util/Queue.html"],
-    \["QueuedJobCount", "javax/print/attribute/standard/QueuedJobCount.html"],
-    \["RadialGradientPaint", "java/awt/RadialGradientPaint.html"],
-    \["Random", "java/util/Random.html"],
-    \["RandomAccess", "java/util/RandomAccess.html"],
-    \["RandomAccessFile", "java/io/RandomAccessFile.html"],
-    \["Raster", "java/awt/image/Raster.html"],
-    \["RasterFormatException", "java/awt/image/RasterFormatException.html"],
-    \["RasterOp", "java/awt/image/RasterOp.html"],
-    \["RC2ParameterSpec", "javax/crypto/spec/RC2ParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["RC5ParameterSpec", "javax/crypto/spec/RC5ParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["Rdn", "javax/naming/ldap/Rdn.html"],
-    \["Readable", "java/lang/Readable.html"],
-    \["ReadableByteChannel", "java/nio/channels/ReadableByteChannel.html"],
-    \["Reader", "java/io/Reader.html"],
-    \["ReadOnlyBufferException", "java/nio/ReadOnlyBufferException.html"],
-    \["ReadWriteLock", "java/util/concurrent/locks/ReadWriteLock.html"],
-    \["RealmCallback", "javax/security/sasl/RealmCallback.html"],
-    \["RealmChoiceCallback", "javax/security/sasl/RealmChoiceCallback.html"],
-    \["REBIND", "org/omg/CORBA/REBIND.html"],
-    \["Receiver", "javax/sound/midi/Receiver.html"],
-    \["Rectangle", "java/awt/Rectangle.html"],
-    \["Rectangle2D", "java/awt/geom/Rectangle2D.html"],
-    \["Rectangle2D.Double", "java/awt/geom/Rectangle2D.Double.html"],
-    \["Rectangle2D.Float", "java/awt/geom/Rectangle2D.Float.html"],
-    \["RectangularShape", "java/awt/geom/RectangularShape.html"],
-    \["ReentrantLock", "java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock.html"],
-    \["ReentrantReadWriteLock", "java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantReadWriteLock.html"],
-    \["ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock", "java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock.html"],
-    \["ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock", "java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock.html"],
-    \["Ref", "java/sql/Ref.html"],
-    \["RefAddr", "javax/naming/RefAddr.html"],
-    \["Reference", "java/lang/ref/Reference.html"],
-    \["Reference", "javax/naming/Reference.html"],
-    \["Reference", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/Reference.html"],
-    \["Referenceable", "javax/naming/Referenceable.html"],
-    \["ReferenceQueue", "java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue.html"],
-    \["ReferenceType", "javax/lang/model/type/ReferenceType.html"],
-    \["ReferenceUriSchemesSupported", "javax/print/attribute/standard/ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.html"],
-    \["ReferralException", "javax/naming/ReferralException.html"],
-    \["ReflectionException", "javax/management/ReflectionException.html"],
-    \["ReflectPermission", "java/lang/reflect/ReflectPermission.html"],
-    \["Refreshable", "javax/security/auth/Refreshable.html"],
-    \["RefreshFailedException", "javax/security/auth/RefreshFailedException.html"],
-    \["Region", "javax/swing/plaf/synth/Region.html"],
-    \["RegisterableService", "javax/imageio/spi/RegisterableService.html"],
-    \["Registry", "java/rmi/registry/Registry.html"],
-    \["RegistryHandler", "java/rmi/registry/RegistryHandler.html"],
-    \["RejectedExecutionException", "java/util/concurrent/RejectedExecutionException.html"],
-    \["RejectedExecutionHandler", "java/util/concurrent/RejectedExecutionHandler.html"],
-    \["Relation", "javax/management/relation/Relation.html"],
-    \["RelationException", "javax/management/relation/RelationException.html"],
-    \["RelationNotFoundException", "javax/management/relation/RelationNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["RelationNotification", "javax/management/relation/RelationNotification.html"],
-    \["RelationService", "javax/management/relation/RelationService.html"],
-    \["RelationServiceMBean", "javax/management/relation/RelationServiceMBean.html"],
-    \["RelationServiceNotRegisteredException", "javax/management/relation/RelationServiceNotRegisteredException.html"],
-    \["RelationSupport", "javax/management/relation/RelationSupport.html"],
-    \["RelationSupportMBean", "javax/management/relation/RelationSupportMBean.html"],
-    \["RelationType", "javax/management/relation/RelationType.html"],
-    \["RelationTypeNotFoundException", "javax/management/relation/RelationTypeNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["RelationTypeSupport", "javax/management/relation/RelationTypeSupport.html"],
-    \["RemarshalException", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/RemarshalException.html"],
-    \["Remote", "java/rmi/Remote.html"],
-    \["RemoteCall", "java/rmi/server/RemoteCall.html"],
-    \["RemoteException", "java/rmi/RemoteException.html"],
-    \["RemoteObject", "java/rmi/server/RemoteObject.html"],
-    \["RemoteObjectInvocationHandler", "java/rmi/server/RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.html"],
-    \["RemoteRef", "java/rmi/server/RemoteRef.html"],
-    \["RemoteServer", "java/rmi/server/RemoteServer.html"],
-    \["RemoteStub", "java/rmi/server/RemoteStub.html"],
-    \["RenderableImage", "java/awt/image/renderable/RenderableImage.html"],
-    \["RenderableImageOp", "java/awt/image/renderable/RenderableImageOp.html"],
-    \["RenderableImageProducer", "java/awt/image/renderable/RenderableImageProducer.html"],
-    \["RenderContext", "java/awt/image/renderable/RenderContext.html"],
-    \["RenderedImage", "java/awt/image/RenderedImage.html"],
-    \["RenderedImageFactory", "java/awt/image/renderable/RenderedImageFactory.html"],
-    \["Renderer", "javax/swing/Renderer.html"],
-    \["RenderingHints", "java/awt/RenderingHints.html"],
-    \["RenderingHints.Key", "java/awt/RenderingHints.Key.html"],
-    \["RepaintManager", "javax/swing/RepaintManager.html"],
-    \["ReplicateScaleFilter", "java/awt/image/ReplicateScaleFilter.html"],
-    \["RepositoryIdHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/RepositoryIdHelper.html"],
-    \["Request", "org/omg/CORBA/Request.html"],
-    \["RequestInfo", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/RequestInfo.html"],
-    \["RequestInfoOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/RequestInfoOperations.html"],
-    \["RequestingUserName", "javax/print/attribute/standard/RequestingUserName.html"],
-    \["RequestProcessingPolicy", "org/omg/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicy.html"],
-    \["RequestProcessingPolicyOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicyOperations.html"],
-    \["RequestProcessingPolicyValue", "org/omg/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicyValue.html"],
-    \["RequestWrapper", "javax/xml/ws/RequestWrapper.html"],
-    \["RequiredModelMBean", "javax/management/modelmbean/RequiredModelMBean.html"],
-    \["RescaleOp", "java/awt/image/RescaleOp.html"],
-    \["ResolutionSyntax", "javax/print/attribute/ResolutionSyntax.html"],
-    \["Resolver", "javax/naming/spi/Resolver.html"],
-    \["ResolveResult", "javax/naming/spi/ResolveResult.html"],
-    \["Resource", "javax/annotation/Resource.html"],
-    \["Resource.AuthenticationType", "javax/annotation/Resource.AuthenticationType.html"],
-    \["ResourceBundle", "java/util/ResourceBundle.html"],
-    \["ResourceBundle.Control", "java/util/ResourceBundle.Control.html"],
-    \["Resources", "javax/annotation/Resources.html"],
-    \["RespectBinding", "javax/xml/ws/RespectBinding.html"],
-    \["RespectBindingFeature", "javax/xml/ws/RespectBindingFeature.html"],
-    \["Response", "javax/xml/ws/Response.html"],
-    \["ResponseCache", "java/net/ResponseCache.html"],
-    \["ResponseHandler", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/ResponseHandler.html"],
-    \["ResponseWrapper", "javax/xml/ws/ResponseWrapper.html"],
-    \["Result", "javax/xml/transform/Result.html"],
-    \["ResultSet", "java/sql/ResultSet.html"],
-    \["ResultSetMetaData", "java/sql/ResultSetMetaData.html"],
-    \["Retention", "java/lang/annotation/Retention.html"],
-    \["RetentionPolicy", "java/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy.html"],
-    \["RetrievalMethod", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/keyinfo/RetrievalMethod.html"],
-    \["ReverbType", "javax/sound/sampled/ReverbType.html"],
-    \["RGBImageFilter", "java/awt/image/RGBImageFilter.html"],
-    \["RMIClassLoader", "java/rmi/server/RMIClassLoader.html"],
-    \["RMIClassLoaderSpi", "java/rmi/server/RMIClassLoaderSpi.html"],
-    \["RMIClientSocketFactory", "java/rmi/server/RMIClientSocketFactory.html"],
-    \["RMIConnection", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIConnection.html"],
-    \["RMIConnectionImpl", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIConnectionImpl.html"],
-    \["RMIConnectionImpl_Stub", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.html"],
-    \["RMIConnector", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIConnector.html"],
-    \["RMIConnectorServer", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIConnectorServer.html"],
-    \["RMICustomMaxStreamFormat", "org/omg/IOP/RMICustomMaxStreamFormat.html"],
-    \["RMIFailureHandler", "java/rmi/server/RMIFailureHandler.html"],
-    \["RMIIIOPServerImpl", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIIIOPServerImpl.html"],
-    \["RMIJRMPServerImpl", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIJRMPServerImpl.html"],
-    \["RMISecurityException", "java/rmi/RMISecurityException.html"],
-    \["RMISecurityManager", "java/rmi/RMISecurityManager.html"],
-    \["RMIServer", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIServer.html"],
-    \["RMIServerImpl", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIServerImpl.html"],
-    \["RMIServerImpl_Stub", "javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIServerImpl_Stub.html"],
-    \["RMIServerSocketFactory", "java/rmi/server/RMIServerSocketFactory.html"],
-    \["RMISocketFactory", "java/rmi/server/RMISocketFactory.html"],
-    \["Robot", "java/awt/Robot.html"],
-    \["Role", "javax/management/relation/Role.html"],
-    \["RoleInfo", "javax/management/relation/RoleInfo.html"],
-    \["RoleInfoNotFoundException", "javax/management/relation/RoleInfoNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["RoleList", "javax/management/relation/RoleList.html"],
-    \["RoleNotFoundException", "javax/management/relation/RoleNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["RoleResult", "javax/management/relation/RoleResult.html"],
-    \["RoleStatus", "javax/management/relation/RoleStatus.html"],
-    \["RoleUnresolved", "javax/management/relation/RoleUnresolved.html"],
-    \["RoleUnresolvedList", "javax/management/relation/RoleUnresolvedList.html"],
-    \["RootPaneContainer", "javax/swing/RootPaneContainer.html"],
-    \["RootPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/RootPaneUI.html"],
-    \["RoundEnvironment", "javax/annotation/processing/RoundEnvironment.html"],
-    \["RoundingMode", "java/math/RoundingMode.html"],
-    \["RoundRectangle2D", "java/awt/geom/RoundRectangle2D.html"],
-    \["RoundRectangle2D.Double", "java/awt/geom/RoundRectangle2D.Double.html"],
-    \["RoundRectangle2D.Float", "java/awt/geom/RoundRectangle2D.Float.html"],
-    \["RowFilter", "javax/swing/RowFilter.html"],
-    \["RowFilter.ComparisonType", "javax/swing/RowFilter.ComparisonType.html"],
-    \["RowFilter.Entry", "javax/swing/RowFilter.Entry.html"],
-    \["RowId", "java/sql/RowId.html"],
-    \["RowIdLifetime", "java/sql/RowIdLifetime.html"],
-    \["RowMapper", "javax/swing/tree/RowMapper.html"],
-    \["RowSet", "javax/sql/RowSet.html"],
-    \["RowSetEvent", "javax/sql/RowSetEvent.html"],
-    \["RowSetInternal", "javax/sql/RowSetInternal.html"],
-    \["RowSetListener", "javax/sql/RowSetListener.html"],
-    \["RowSetMetaData", "javax/sql/RowSetMetaData.html"],
-    \["RowSetMetaDataImpl", "javax/sql/rowset/RowSetMetaDataImpl.html"],
-    \["RowSetReader", "javax/sql/RowSetReader.html"],
-    \["RowSetWarning", "javax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning.html"],
-    \["RowSetWriter", "javax/sql/RowSetWriter.html"],
-    \["RowSorter", "javax/swing/RowSorter.html"],
-    \["RowSorter.SortKey", "javax/swing/RowSorter.SortKey.html"],
-    \["RowSorterEvent", "javax/swing/event/RowSorterEvent.html"],
-    \["RowSorterEvent.Type", "javax/swing/event/RowSorterEvent.Type.html"],
-    \["RowSorterListener", "javax/swing/event/RowSorterListener.html"],
-    \["RSAKey", "java/security/interfaces/RSAKey.html"],
-    \["RSAKeyGenParameterSpec", "java/security/spec/RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey", "java/security/interfaces/RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey.html"],
-    \["RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKeySpec", "java/security/spec/RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKeySpec.html"],
-    \["RSAOtherPrimeInfo", "java/security/spec/RSAOtherPrimeInfo.html"],
-    \["RSAPrivateCrtKey", "java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateCrtKey.html"],
-    \["RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec", "java/security/spec/RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.html"],
-    \["RSAPrivateKey", "java/security/interfaces/RSAPrivateKey.html"],
-    \["RSAPrivateKeySpec", "java/security/spec/RSAPrivateKeySpec.html"],
-    \["RSAPublicKey", "java/security/interfaces/RSAPublicKey.html"],
-    \["RSAPublicKeySpec", "java/security/spec/RSAPublicKeySpec.html"],
-    \["RTFEditorKit", "javax/swing/text/rtf/RTFEditorKit.html"],
-    \["RuleBasedCollator", "java/text/RuleBasedCollator.html"],
-    \["Runnable", "java/lang/Runnable.html"],
-    \["RunnableFuture", "java/util/concurrent/RunnableFuture.html"],
-    \["RunnableScheduledFuture", "java/util/concurrent/RunnableScheduledFuture.html"],
-    \["Runtime", "java/lang/Runtime.html"],
-    \["RunTime", "org/omg/SendingContext/RunTime.html"],
-    \["RuntimeErrorException", "javax/management/RuntimeErrorException.html"],
-    \["RuntimeException", "java/lang/RuntimeException.html"],
-    \["RuntimeMBeanException", "javax/management/RuntimeMBeanException.html"],
-    \["RuntimeMXBean", "java/lang/management/RuntimeMXBean.html"],
-    \["RunTimeOperations", "org/omg/SendingContext/RunTimeOperations.html"],
-    \["RuntimeOperationsException", "javax/management/RuntimeOperationsException.html"],
-    \["RuntimePermission", "java/lang/RuntimePermission.html"],
-    \["SAAJMetaFactory", "javax/xml/soap/SAAJMetaFactory.html"],
-    \["SAAJResult", "javax/xml/soap/SAAJResult.html"],
-    \["SampleModel", "java/awt/image/SampleModel.html"],
-    \["Sasl", "javax/security/sasl/Sasl.html"],
-    \["SaslClient", "javax/security/sasl/SaslClient.html"],
-    \["SaslClientFactory", "javax/security/sasl/SaslClientFactory.html"],
-    \["SaslException", "javax/security/sasl/SaslException.html"],
-    \["SaslServer", "javax/security/sasl/SaslServer.html"],
-    \["SaslServerFactory", "javax/security/sasl/SaslServerFactory.html"],
-    \["Savepoint", "java/sql/Savepoint.html"],
-    \["SAXException", "org/xml/sax/SAXException.html"],
-    \["SAXNotRecognizedException", "org/xml/sax/SAXNotRecognizedException.html"],
-    \["SAXNotSupportedException", "org/xml/sax/SAXNotSupportedException.html"],
-    \["SAXParseException", "org/xml/sax/SAXParseException.html"],
-    \["SAXParser", "javax/xml/parsers/SAXParser.html"],
-    \["SAXParserFactory", "javax/xml/parsers/SAXParserFactory.html"],
-    \["SAXResult", "javax/xml/transform/sax/SAXResult.html"],
-    \["SAXSource", "javax/xml/transform/sax/SAXSource.html"],
-    \["SAXTransformerFactory", "javax/xml/transform/sax/SAXTransformerFactory.html"],
-    \["Scanner", "java/util/Scanner.html"],
-    \["ScatteringByteChannel", "java/nio/channels/ScatteringByteChannel.html"],
-    \["ScheduledExecutorService", "java/util/concurrent/ScheduledExecutorService.html"],
-    \["ScheduledFuture", "java/util/concurrent/ScheduledFuture.html"],
-    \["ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor", "java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.html"],
-    \["Schema", "javax/xml/validation/Schema.html"],
-    \["SchemaFactory", "javax/xml/validation/SchemaFactory.html"],
-    \["SchemaFactoryLoader", "javax/xml/validation/SchemaFactoryLoader.html"],
-    \["SchemaOutputResolver", "javax/xml/bind/SchemaOutputResolver.html"],
-    \["SchemaViolationException", "javax/naming/directory/SchemaViolationException.html"],
-    \["ScriptContext", "javax/script/ScriptContext.html"],
-    \["ScriptEngine", "javax/script/ScriptEngine.html"],
-    \["ScriptEngineFactory", "javax/script/ScriptEngineFactory.html"],
-    \["ScriptEngineManager", "javax/script/ScriptEngineManager.html"],
-    \["ScriptException", "javax/script/ScriptException.html"],
-    \["Scrollable", "javax/swing/Scrollable.html"],
-    \["Scrollbar", "java/awt/Scrollbar.html"],
-    \["ScrollBarUI", "javax/swing/plaf/ScrollBarUI.html"],
-    \["ScrollPane", "java/awt/ScrollPane.html"],
-    \["ScrollPaneAdjustable", "java/awt/ScrollPaneAdjustable.html"],
-    \["ScrollPaneConstants", "javax/swing/ScrollPaneConstants.html"],
-    \["ScrollPaneLayout", "javax/swing/ScrollPaneLayout.html"],
-    \["ScrollPaneLayout.UIResource", "javax/swing/ScrollPaneLayout.UIResource.html"],
-    \["ScrollPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/ScrollPaneUI.html"],
-    \["SealedObject", "javax/crypto/SealedObject.html"],
-    \["SearchControls", "javax/naming/directory/SearchControls.html"],
-    \["SearchResult", "javax/naming/directory/SearchResult.html"],
-    \["SecretKey", "javax/crypto/SecretKey.html"],
-    \["SecretKeyFactory", "javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory.html"],
-    \["SecretKeyFactorySpi", "javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactorySpi.html"],
-    \["SecretKeySpec", "javax/crypto/spec/SecretKeySpec.html"],
-    \["SecureCacheResponse", "java/net/SecureCacheResponse.html"],
-    \["SecureClassLoader", "java/security/SecureClassLoader.html"],
-    \["SecureRandom", "java/security/SecureRandom.html"],
-    \["SecureRandomSpi", "java/security/SecureRandomSpi.html"],
-    \["Security", "java/security/Security.html"],
-    \["SecurityException", "java/lang/SecurityException.html"],
-    \["SecurityManager", "java/lang/SecurityManager.html"],
-    \["SecurityPermission", "java/security/SecurityPermission.html"],
-    \["Segment", "javax/swing/text/Segment.html"],
-    \["SelectableChannel", "java/nio/channels/SelectableChannel.html"],
-    \["SelectionKey", "java/nio/channels/SelectionKey.html"],
-    \["Selector", "java/nio/channels/Selector.html"],
-    \["SelectorProvider", "java/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider.html"],
-    \["Semaphore", "java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.html"],
-    \["SeparatorUI", "javax/swing/plaf/SeparatorUI.html"],
-    \["Sequence", "javax/sound/midi/Sequence.html"],
-    \["SequenceInputStream", "java/io/SequenceInputStream.html"],
-    \["Sequencer", "javax/sound/midi/Sequencer.html"],
-    \["Sequencer.SyncMode", "javax/sound/midi/Sequencer.SyncMode.html"],
-    \["SerialArray", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialArray.html"],
-    \["SerialBlob", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialBlob.html"],
-    \["SerialClob", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialClob.html"],
-    \["SerialDatalink", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialDatalink.html"],
-    \["SerialException", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException.html"],
-    \["Serializable", "java/io/Serializable.html"],
-    \["SerializablePermission", "java/io/SerializablePermission.html"],
-    \["SerialJavaObject", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialJavaObject.html"],
-    \["SerialRef", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialRef.html"],
-    \["SerialStruct", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialStruct.html"],
-    \["Servant", "org/omg/PortableServer/Servant.html"],
-    \["ServantActivator", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivator.html"],
-    \["ServantActivatorHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivatorHelper.html"],
-    \["ServantActivatorOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivatorOperations.html"],
-    \["ServantActivatorPOA", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivatorPOA.html"],
-    \["ServantAlreadyActive", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantAlreadyActive.html"],
-    \["ServantAlreadyActiveHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantAlreadyActiveHelper.html"],
-    \["ServantLocator", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocator.html"],
-    \["ServantLocatorHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorHelper.html"],
-    \["ServantLocatorOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorOperations.html"],
-    \["ServantLocatorPOA", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorPOA.html"],
-    \["ServantManager", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantManager.html"],
-    \["ServantManagerOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantManagerOperations.html"],
-    \["ServantNotActive", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantNotActive.html"],
-    \["ServantNotActiveHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantNotActiveHelper.html"],
-    \["ServantObject", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/ServantObject.html"],
-    \["ServantRetentionPolicy", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicy.html"],
-    \["ServantRetentionPolicyOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicyOperations.html"],
-    \["ServantRetentionPolicyValue", "org/omg/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicyValue.html"],
-    \["ServerCloneException", "java/rmi/server/ServerCloneException.html"],
-    \["ServerError", "java/rmi/ServerError.html"],
-    \["ServerException", "java/rmi/ServerException.html"],
-    \["ServerIdHelper", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerIdHelper.html"],
-    \["ServerNotActiveException", "java/rmi/server/ServerNotActiveException.html"],
-    \["ServerRef", "java/rmi/server/ServerRef.html"],
-    \["ServerRequest", "org/omg/CORBA/ServerRequest.html"],
-    \["ServerRequestInfo", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInfo.html"],
-    \["ServerRequestInfoOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInfoOperations.html"],
-    \["ServerRequestInterceptor", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInterceptor.html"],
-    \["ServerRequestInterceptorOperations", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInterceptorOperations.html"],
-    \["ServerRuntimeException", "java/rmi/ServerRuntimeException.html"],
-    \["ServerSocket", "java/net/ServerSocket.html"],
-    \["ServerSocketChannel", "java/nio/channels/ServerSocketChannel.html"],
-    \["ServerSocketFactory", "javax/net/ServerSocketFactory.html"],
-    \["Service", "javax/xml/ws/Service.html"],
-    \["Service.Mode", "javax/xml/ws/Service.Mode.html"],
-    \["ServiceConfigurationError", "java/util/ServiceConfigurationError.html"],
-    \["ServiceContext", "org/omg/IOP/ServiceContext.html"],
-    \["ServiceContextHelper", "org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextHelper.html"],
-    \["ServiceContextHolder", "org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextHolder.html"],
-    \["ServiceContextListHelper", "org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextListHelper.html"],
-    \["ServiceContextListHolder", "org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextListHolder.html"],
-    \["ServiceDelegate", "javax/xml/ws/spi/ServiceDelegate.html"],
-    \["ServiceDetail", "org/omg/CORBA/ServiceDetail.html"],
-    \["ServiceDetailHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/ServiceDetailHelper.html"],
-    \["ServiceIdHelper", "org/omg/IOP/ServiceIdHelper.html"],
-    \["ServiceInformation", "org/omg/CORBA/ServiceInformation.html"],
-    \["ServiceInformationHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/ServiceInformationHelper.html"],
-    \["ServiceInformationHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/ServiceInformationHolder.html"],
-    \["ServiceLoader", "java/util/ServiceLoader.html"],
-    \["ServiceMode", "javax/xml/ws/ServiceMode.html"],
-    \["ServiceNotFoundException", "javax/management/ServiceNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["ServicePermission", "javax/security/auth/kerberos/ServicePermission.html"],
-    \["ServiceRegistry", "javax/imageio/spi/ServiceRegistry.html"],
-    \["ServiceRegistry.Filter", "javax/imageio/spi/ServiceRegistry.Filter.html"],
-    \["ServiceUI", "javax/print/ServiceUI.html"],
-    \["ServiceUIFactory", "javax/print/ServiceUIFactory.html"],
-    \["ServiceUnavailableException", "javax/naming/ServiceUnavailableException.html"],
-    \["Set", "java/util/Set.html"],
-    \["SetOfIntegerSyntax", "javax/print/attribute/SetOfIntegerSyntax.html"],
-    \["SetOverrideType", "org/omg/CORBA/SetOverrideType.html"],
-    \["SetOverrideTypeHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/SetOverrideTypeHelper.html"],
-    \["Severity", "javax/print/attribute/standard/Severity.html"],
-    \["Shape", "java/awt/Shape.html"],
-    \["ShapeGraphicAttribute", "java/awt/font/ShapeGraphicAttribute.html"],
-    \["SheetCollate", "javax/print/attribute/standard/SheetCollate.html"],
-    \["Short", "java/lang/Short.html"],
-    \["ShortBuffer", "java/nio/ShortBuffer.html"],
-    \["ShortBufferException", "javax/crypto/ShortBufferException.html"],
-    \["ShortHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/ShortHolder.html"],
-    \["ShortLookupTable", "java/awt/image/ShortLookupTable.html"],
-    \["ShortMessage", "javax/sound/midi/ShortMessage.html"],
-    \["ShortSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/ShortSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["ShortSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/ShortSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["Sides", "javax/print/attribute/standard/Sides.html"],
-    \["Signature", "java/security/Signature.html"],
-    \["SignatureException", "java/security/SignatureException.html"],
-    \["SignatureMethod", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/SignatureMethod.html"],
-    \["SignatureMethodParameterSpec", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/SignatureMethodParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["SignatureProperties", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/SignatureProperties.html"],
-    \["SignatureProperty", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/SignatureProperty.html"],
-    \["SignatureSpi", "java/security/SignatureSpi.html"],
-    \["SignedInfo", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/SignedInfo.html"],
-    \["SignedObject", "java/security/SignedObject.html"],
-    \["Signer", "java/security/Signer.html"],
-    \["SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6", "javax/lang/model/util/SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6.html"],
-    \["SimpleAttributeSet", "javax/swing/text/SimpleAttributeSet.html"],
-    \["SimpleBeanInfo", "java/beans/SimpleBeanInfo.html"],
-    \["SimpleBindings", "javax/script/SimpleBindings.html"],
-    \["SimpleDateFormat", "java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html"],
-    \["SimpleDoc", "javax/print/SimpleDoc.html"],
-    \["SimpleElementVisitor6", "javax/lang/model/util/SimpleElementVisitor6.html"],
-    \["SimpleFormatter", "java/util/logging/SimpleFormatter.html"],
-    \["SimpleJavaFileObject", "javax/tools/SimpleJavaFileObject.html"],
-    \["SimpleScriptContext", "javax/script/SimpleScriptContext.html"],
-    \["SimpleTimeZone", "java/util/SimpleTimeZone.html"],
-    \["SimpleType", "javax/management/openmbean/SimpleType.html"],
-    \["SimpleTypeVisitor6", "javax/lang/model/util/SimpleTypeVisitor6.html"],
-    \["SinglePixelPackedSampleModel", "java/awt/image/SinglePixelPackedSampleModel.html"],
-    \["SingleSelectionModel", "javax/swing/SingleSelectionModel.html"],
-    \["Size2DSyntax", "javax/print/attribute/Size2DSyntax.html"],
-    \["SizeLimitExceededException", "javax/naming/SizeLimitExceededException.html"],
-    \["SizeRequirements", "javax/swing/SizeRequirements.html"],
-    \["SizeSequence", "javax/swing/SizeSequence.html"],
-    \["Skeleton", "java/rmi/server/Skeleton.html"],
-    \["SkeletonMismatchException", "java/rmi/server/SkeletonMismatchException.html"],
-    \["SkeletonNotFoundException", "java/rmi/server/SkeletonNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["SliderUI", "javax/swing/plaf/SliderUI.html"],
-    \["SOAPBinding", "javax/jws/soap/SOAPBinding.html"],
-    \["SOAPBinding", "javax/xml/ws/soap/SOAPBinding.html"],
-    \["SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle", "javax/jws/soap/SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.html"],
-    \["SOAPBinding.Style", "javax/jws/soap/SOAPBinding.Style.html"],
-    \["SOAPBinding.Use", "javax/jws/soap/SOAPBinding.Use.html"],
-    \["SOAPBody", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPBody.html"],
-    \["SOAPBodyElement", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPBodyElement.html"],
-    \["SOAPConnection", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPConnection.html"],
-    \["SOAPConnectionFactory", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPConnectionFactory.html"],
-    \["SOAPConstants", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPConstants.html"],
-    \["SOAPElement", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPElement.html"],
-    \["SOAPElementFactory", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPElementFactory.html"],
-    \["SOAPEnvelope", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPEnvelope.html"],
-    \["SOAPException", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPException.html"],
-    \["SOAPFactory", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPFactory.html"],
-    \["SOAPFault", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPFault.html"],
-    \["SOAPFaultElement", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPFaultElement.html"],
-    \["SOAPFaultException", "javax/xml/ws/soap/SOAPFaultException.html"],
-    \["SOAPHandler", "javax/xml/ws/handler/soap/SOAPHandler.html"],
-    \["SOAPHeader", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPHeader.html"],
-    \["SOAPHeaderElement", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPHeaderElement.html"],
-    \["SOAPMessage", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPMessage.html"],
-    \["SOAPMessageContext", "javax/xml/ws/handler/soap/SOAPMessageContext.html"],
-    \["SOAPMessageHandler", "javax/jws/soap/SOAPMessageHandler.html"],
-    \["SOAPMessageHandlers", "javax/jws/soap/SOAPMessageHandlers.html"],
-    \["SOAPPart", "javax/xml/soap/SOAPPart.html"],
-    \["Socket", "java/net/Socket.html"],
-    \["SocketAddress", "java/net/SocketAddress.html"],
-    \["SocketChannel", "java/nio/channels/SocketChannel.html"],
-    \["SocketException", "java/net/SocketException.html"],
-    \["SocketFactory", "javax/net/SocketFactory.html"],
-    \["SocketHandler", "java/util/logging/SocketHandler.html"],
-    \["SocketImpl", "java/net/SocketImpl.html"],
-    \["SocketImplFactory", "java/net/SocketImplFactory.html"],
-    \["SocketOptions", "java/net/SocketOptions.html"],
-    \["SocketPermission", "java/net/SocketPermission.html"],
-    \["SocketSecurityException", "java/rmi/server/SocketSecurityException.html"],
-    \["SocketTimeoutException", "java/net/SocketTimeoutException.html"],
-    \["SoftBevelBorder", "javax/swing/border/SoftBevelBorder.html"],
-    \["SoftReference", "java/lang/ref/SoftReference.html"],
-    \["SortControl", "javax/naming/ldap/SortControl.html"],
-    \["SortedMap", "java/util/SortedMap.html"],
-    \["SortedSet", "java/util/SortedSet.html"],
-    \["SortingFocusTraversalPolicy", "javax/swing/SortingFocusTraversalPolicy.html"],
-    \["SortKey", "javax/naming/ldap/SortKey.html"],
-    \["SortOrder", "javax/swing/SortOrder.html"],
-    \["SortResponseControl", "javax/naming/ldap/SortResponseControl.html"],
-    \["Soundbank", "javax/sound/midi/Soundbank.html"],
-    \["SoundbankReader", "javax/sound/midi/spi/SoundbankReader.html"],
-    \["SoundbankResource", "javax/sound/midi/SoundbankResource.html"],
-    \["Source", "javax/xml/transform/Source.html"],
-    \["SourceDataLine", "javax/sound/sampled/SourceDataLine.html"],
-    \["SourceLocator", "javax/xml/transform/SourceLocator.html"],
-    \["SourceVersion", "javax/lang/model/SourceVersion.html"],
-    \["SpinnerDateModel", "javax/swing/SpinnerDateModel.html"],
-    \["SpinnerListModel", "javax/swing/SpinnerListModel.html"],
-    \["SpinnerModel", "javax/swing/SpinnerModel.html"],
-    \["SpinnerNumberModel", "javax/swing/SpinnerNumberModel.html"],
-    \["SpinnerUI", "javax/swing/plaf/SpinnerUI.html"],
-    \["SplashScreen", "java/awt/SplashScreen.html"],
-    \["SplitPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/SplitPaneUI.html"],
-    \["Spring", "javax/swing/Spring.html"],
-    \["SpringLayout", "javax/swing/SpringLayout.html"],
-    \["SpringLayout.Constraints", "javax/swing/SpringLayout.Constraints.html"],
-    \["SQLClientInfoException", "java/sql/SQLClientInfoException.html"],
-    \["SQLData", "java/sql/SQLData.html"],
-    \["SQLDataException", "java/sql/SQLDataException.html"],
-    \["SQLException", "java/sql/SQLException.html"],
-    \["SQLFeatureNotSupportedException", "java/sql/SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.html"],
-    \["SQLInput", "java/sql/SQLInput.html"],
-    \["SQLInputImpl", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SQLInputImpl.html"],
-    \["SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException", "java/sql/SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException.html"],
-    \["SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException", "java/sql/SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException.html"],
-    \["SQLNonTransientConnectionException", "java/sql/SQLNonTransientConnectionException.html"],
-    \["SQLNonTransientException", "java/sql/SQLNonTransientException.html"],
-    \["SQLOutput", "java/sql/SQLOutput.html"],
-    \["SQLOutputImpl", "javax/sql/rowset/serial/SQLOutputImpl.html"],
-    \["SQLPermission", "java/sql/SQLPermission.html"],
-    \["SQLRecoverableException", "java/sql/SQLRecoverableException.html"],
-    \["SQLSyntaxErrorException", "java/sql/SQLSyntaxErrorException.html"],
-    \["SQLTimeoutException", "java/sql/SQLTimeoutException.html"],
-    \["SQLTransactionRollbackException", "java/sql/SQLTransactionRollbackException.html"],
-    \["SQLTransientConnectionException", "java/sql/SQLTransientConnectionException.html"],
-    \["SQLTransientException", "java/sql/SQLTransientException.html"],
-    \["SQLWarning", "java/sql/SQLWarning.html"],
-    \["SQLXML", "java/sql/SQLXML.html"],
-    \["SSLContext", "javax/net/ssl/SSLContext.html"],
-    \["SSLContextSpi", "javax/net/ssl/SSLContextSpi.html"],
-    \["SSLEngine", "javax/net/ssl/SSLEngine.html"],
-    \["SSLEngineResult", "javax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult.html"],
-    \["SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus", "javax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus.html"],
-    \["SSLEngineResult.Status", "javax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult.Status.html"],
-    \["SSLException", "javax/net/ssl/SSLException.html"],
-    \["SSLHandshakeException", "javax/net/ssl/SSLHandshakeException.html"],
-    \["SSLKeyException", "javax/net/ssl/SSLKeyException.html"],
-    \["SSLParameters", "javax/net/ssl/SSLParameters.html"],
-    \["SSLPeerUnverifiedException", "javax/net/ssl/SSLPeerUnverifiedException.html"],
-    \["SSLPermission", "javax/net/ssl/SSLPermission.html"],
-    \["SSLProtocolException", "javax/net/ssl/SSLProtocolException.html"],
-    \["SslRMIClientSocketFactory", "javax/rmi/ssl/SslRMIClientSocketFactory.html"],
-    \["SslRMIServerSocketFactory", "javax/rmi/ssl/SslRMIServerSocketFactory.html"],
-    \["SSLServerSocket", "javax/net/ssl/SSLServerSocket.html"],
-    \["SSLServerSocketFactory", "javax/net/ssl/SSLServerSocketFactory.html"],
-    \["SSLSession", "javax/net/ssl/SSLSession.html"],
-    \["SSLSessionBindingEvent", "javax/net/ssl/SSLSessionBindingEvent.html"],
-    \["SSLSessionBindingListener", "javax/net/ssl/SSLSessionBindingListener.html"],
-    \["SSLSessionContext", "javax/net/ssl/SSLSessionContext.html"],
-    \["SSLSocket", "javax/net/ssl/SSLSocket.html"],
-    \["SSLSocketFactory", "javax/net/ssl/SSLSocketFactory.html"],
-    \["Stack", "java/util/Stack.html"],
-    \["StackOverflowError", "java/lang/StackOverflowError.html"],
-    \["StackTraceElement", "java/lang/StackTraceElement.html"],
-    \["StandardEmitterMBean", "javax/management/StandardEmitterMBean.html"],
-    \["StandardJavaFileManager", "javax/tools/StandardJavaFileManager.html"],
-    \["StandardLocation", "javax/tools/StandardLocation.html"],
-    \["StandardMBean", "javax/management/StandardMBean.html"],
-    \["StartDocument", "javax/xml/stream/events/StartDocument.html"],
-    \["StartElement", "javax/xml/stream/events/StartElement.html"],
-    \["StartTlsRequest", "javax/naming/ldap/StartTlsRequest.html"],
-    \["StartTlsResponse", "javax/naming/ldap/StartTlsResponse.html"],
-    \["State", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/State.html"],
-    \["StateEdit", "javax/swing/undo/StateEdit.html"],
-    \["StateEditable", "javax/swing/undo/StateEditable.html"],
-    \["StateFactory", "javax/naming/spi/StateFactory.html"],
-    \["Statement", "java/beans/Statement.html"],
-    \["Statement", "java/sql/Statement.html"],
-    \["StatementEvent", "javax/sql/StatementEvent.html"],
-    \["StatementEventListener", "javax/sql/StatementEventListener.html"],
-    \["StAXResult", "javax/xml/transform/stax/StAXResult.html"],
-    \["StAXSource", "javax/xml/transform/stax/StAXSource.html"],
-    \["Streamable", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/Streamable.html"],
-    \["StreamableValue", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/StreamableValue.html"],
-    \["StreamCorruptedException", "java/io/StreamCorruptedException.html"],
-    \["StreamFilter", "javax/xml/stream/StreamFilter.html"],
-    \["StreamHandler", "java/util/logging/StreamHandler.html"],
-    \["StreamPrintService", "javax/print/StreamPrintService.html"],
-    \["StreamPrintServiceFactory", "javax/print/StreamPrintServiceFactory.html"],
-    \["StreamReaderDelegate", "javax/xml/stream/util/StreamReaderDelegate.html"],
-    \["StreamResult", "javax/xml/transform/stream/StreamResult.html"],
-    \["StreamSource", "javax/xml/transform/stream/StreamSource.html"],
-    \["StreamTokenizer", "java/io/StreamTokenizer.html"],
-    \["StrictMath", "java/lang/StrictMath.html"],
-    \["String", "java/lang/String.html"],
-    \["StringBuffer", "java/lang/StringBuffer.html"],
-    \["StringBufferInputStream", "java/io/StringBufferInputStream.html"],
-    \["StringBuilder", "java/lang/StringBuilder.html"],
-    \["StringCharacterIterator", "java/text/StringCharacterIterator.html"],
-    \["StringContent", "javax/swing/text/StringContent.html"],
-    \["StringHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/StringHolder.html"],
-    \["StringIndexOutOfBoundsException", "java/lang/StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.html"],
-    \["StringMonitor", "javax/management/monitor/StringMonitor.html"],
-    \["StringMonitorMBean", "javax/management/monitor/StringMonitorMBean.html"],
-    \["StringNameHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPackage/StringNameHelper.html"],
-    \["StringReader", "java/io/StringReader.html"],
-    \["StringRefAddr", "javax/naming/StringRefAddr.html"],
-    \["StringSelection", "java/awt/datatransfer/StringSelection.html"],
-    \["StringSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/StringSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["StringSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/StringSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["StringTokenizer", "java/util/StringTokenizer.html"],
-    \["StringValueExp", "javax/management/StringValueExp.html"],
-    \["StringValueHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/StringValueHelper.html"],
-    \["StringWriter", "java/io/StringWriter.html"],
-    \["Stroke", "java/awt/Stroke.html"],
-    \["Struct", "java/sql/Struct.html"],
-    \["StructMember", "org/omg/CORBA/StructMember.html"],
-    \["StructMemberHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/StructMemberHelper.html"],
-    \["Stub", "javax/rmi/CORBA/Stub.html"],
-    \["StubDelegate", "javax/rmi/CORBA/StubDelegate.html"],
-    \["StubNotFoundException", "java/rmi/StubNotFoundException.html"],
-    \["Style", "javax/swing/text/Style.html"],
-    \["StyleConstants", "javax/swing/text/StyleConstants.html"],
-    \["StyleConstants.CharacterConstants", "javax/swing/text/StyleConstants.CharacterConstants.html"],
-    \["StyleConstants.ColorConstants", "javax/swing/text/StyleConstants.ColorConstants.html"],
-    \["StyleConstants.FontConstants", "javax/swing/text/StyleConstants.FontConstants.html"],
-    \["StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants", "javax/swing/text/StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants.html"],
-    \["StyleContext", "javax/swing/text/StyleContext.html"],
-    \["StyledDocument", "javax/swing/text/StyledDocument.html"],
-    \["StyledEditorKit", "javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit.html"],
-    \["StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction", "javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction.html"],
-    \["StyledEditorKit.BoldAction", "javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit.BoldAction.html"],
-    \["StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction", "javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction.html"],
-    \["StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction", "javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction.html"],
-    \["StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction", "javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction.html"],
-    \["StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction", "javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction.html"],
-    \["StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction", "javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction.html"],
-    \["StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction", "javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction.html"],
-    \["StyleSheet", "javax/swing/text/html/StyleSheet.html"],
-    \["StyleSheet.BoxPainter", "javax/swing/text/html/StyleSheet.BoxPainter.html"],
-    \["StyleSheet.ListPainter", "javax/swing/text/html/StyleSheet.ListPainter.html"],
-    \["Subject", "javax/security/auth/Subject.html"],
-    \["SubjectDelegationPermission", "javax/management/remote/SubjectDelegationPermission.html"],
-    \["SubjectDomainCombiner", "javax/security/auth/SubjectDomainCombiner.html"],
-    \["SUCCESSFUL", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/SUCCESSFUL.html"],
-    \["SupportedAnnotationTypes", "javax/annotation/processing/SupportedAnnotationTypes.html"],
-    \["SupportedOptions", "javax/annotation/processing/SupportedOptions.html"],
-    \["SupportedSourceVersion", "javax/annotation/processing/SupportedSourceVersion.html"],
-    \["SupportedValuesAttribute", "javax/print/attribute/SupportedValuesAttribute.html"],
-    \["SuppressWarnings", "java/lang/SuppressWarnings.html"],
-    \["SwingConstants", "javax/swing/SwingConstants.html"],
-    \["SwingPropertyChangeSupport", "javax/swing/event/SwingPropertyChangeSupport.html"],
-    \["SwingUtilities", "javax/swing/SwingUtilities.html"],
-    \["SwingWorker", "javax/swing/SwingWorker.html"],
-    \["SwingWorker.StateValue", "javax/swing/SwingWorker.StateValue.html"],
-    \["SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT", "org/omg/Messaging/SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT.html"],
-    \["SyncFactory", "javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactory.html"],
-    \["SyncFactoryException", "javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException.html"],
-    \["SyncFailedException", "java/io/SyncFailedException.html"],
-    \["SynchronousQueue", "java/util/concurrent/SynchronousQueue.html"],
-    \["SyncProvider", "javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProvider.html"],
-    \["SyncProviderException", "javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException.html"],
-    \["SyncResolver", "javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncResolver.html"],
-    \["SyncScopeHelper", "org/omg/Messaging/SyncScopeHelper.html"],
-    \["SynthConstants", "javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthConstants.html"],
-    \["SynthContext", "javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthContext.html"],
-    \["Synthesizer", "javax/sound/midi/Synthesizer.html"],
-    \["SynthGraphicsUtils", "javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthGraphicsUtils.html"],
-    \["SynthLookAndFeel", "javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthLookAndFeel.html"],
-    \["SynthPainter", "javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthPainter.html"],
-    \["SynthStyle", "javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthStyle.html"],
-    \["SynthStyleFactory", "javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthStyleFactory.html"],
-    \["SysexMessage", "javax/sound/midi/SysexMessage.html"],
-    \["System", "java/lang/System.html"],
-    \["SYSTEM_EXCEPTION", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.html"],
-    \["SystemColor", "java/awt/SystemColor.html"],
-    \["SystemException", "org/omg/CORBA/SystemException.html"],
-    \["SystemFlavorMap", "java/awt/datatransfer/SystemFlavorMap.html"],
-    \["SystemTray", "java/awt/SystemTray.html"],
-    \["TabableView", "javax/swing/text/TabableView.html"],
-    \["TabbedPaneUI", "javax/swing/plaf/TabbedPaneUI.html"],
-    \["TabExpander", "javax/swing/text/TabExpander.html"],
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-    \["TableCellRenderer", "javax/swing/table/TableCellRenderer.html"],
-    \["TableColumn", "javax/swing/table/TableColumn.html"],
-    \["TableColumnModel", "javax/swing/table/TableColumnModel.html"],
-    \["TableColumnModelEvent", "javax/swing/event/TableColumnModelEvent.html"],
-    \["TableColumnModelListener", "javax/swing/event/TableColumnModelListener.html"],
-    \["TableHeaderUI", "javax/swing/plaf/TableHeaderUI.html"],
-    \["TableModel", "javax/swing/table/TableModel.html"],
-    \["TableModelEvent", "javax/swing/event/TableModelEvent.html"],
-    \["TableModelListener", "javax/swing/event/TableModelListener.html"],
-    \["TableRowSorter", "javax/swing/table/TableRowSorter.html"],
-    \["TableStringConverter", "javax/swing/table/TableStringConverter.html"],
-    \["TableUI", "javax/swing/plaf/TableUI.html"],
-    \["TableView", "javax/swing/text/TableView.html"],
-    \["TabSet", "javax/swing/text/TabSet.html"],
-    \["TabStop", "javax/swing/text/TabStop.html"],
-    \["TabularData", "javax/management/openmbean/TabularData.html"],
-    \["TabularDataSupport", "javax/management/openmbean/TabularDataSupport.html"],
-    \["TabularType", "javax/management/openmbean/TabularType.html"],
-    \["TAG_CODE_SETS", "org/omg/IOP/TAG_CODE_SETS.html"],
-    \["TAG_INTERNET_IOP", "org/omg/IOP/TAG_INTERNET_IOP.html"],
-    \["TAG_JAVA_CODEBASE", "org/omg/IOP/TAG_JAVA_CODEBASE.html"],
-    \["TAG_ORB_TYPE", "org/omg/IOP/TAG_ORB_TYPE.html"],
-    \["TAG_POLICIES", "org/omg/IOP/TAG_POLICIES.html"],
-    \["TagElement", "javax/swing/text/html/parser/TagElement.html"],
-    \["TaggedComponent", "org/omg/IOP/TaggedComponent.html"],
-    \["TaggedComponentHelper", "org/omg/IOP/TaggedComponentHelper.html"],
-    \["TaggedComponentHolder", "org/omg/IOP/TaggedComponentHolder.html"],
-    \["TaggedProfile", "org/omg/IOP/TaggedProfile.html"],
-    \["TaggedProfileHelper", "org/omg/IOP/TaggedProfileHelper.html"],
-    \["TaggedProfileHolder", "org/omg/IOP/TaggedProfileHolder.html"],
-    \["Target", "java/lang/annotation/Target.html"],
-    \["TargetDataLine", "javax/sound/sampled/TargetDataLine.html"],
-    \["TargetedNotification", "javax/management/remote/TargetedNotification.html"],
-    \["TCKind", "org/omg/CORBA/TCKind.html"],
-    \["Templates", "javax/xml/transform/Templates.html"],
-    \["TemplatesHandler", "javax/xml/transform/sax/TemplatesHandler.html"],
-    \["Text", "javax/xml/soap/Text.html"],
-    \["Text", "org/w3c/dom/Text.html"],
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-    \["TextComponent", "java/awt/TextComponent.html"],
-    \["TextEvent", "java/awt/event/TextEvent.html"],
-    \["TextField", "java/awt/TextField.html"],
-    \["TextHitInfo", "java/awt/font/TextHitInfo.html"],
-    \["TextInputCallback", "javax/security/auth/callback/TextInputCallback.html"],
-    \["TextLayout", "java/awt/font/TextLayout.html"],
-    \["TextLayout.CaretPolicy", "java/awt/font/TextLayout.CaretPolicy.html"],
-    \["TextListener", "java/awt/event/TextListener.html"],
-    \["TextMeasurer", "java/awt/font/TextMeasurer.html"],
-    \["TextOutputCallback", "javax/security/auth/callback/TextOutputCallback.html"],
-    \["TextSyntax", "javax/print/attribute/TextSyntax.html"],
-    \["TextUI", "javax/swing/plaf/TextUI.html"],
-    \["TexturePaint", "java/awt/TexturePaint.html"],
-    \["Thread", "java/lang/Thread.html"],
-    \["Thread.State", "java/lang/Thread.State.html"],
-    \["Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler", "java/lang/Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler.html"],
-    \["THREAD_POLICY_ID", "org/omg/PortableServer/THREAD_POLICY_ID.html"],
-    \["ThreadDeath", "java/lang/ThreadDeath.html"],
-    \["ThreadFactory", "java/util/concurrent/ThreadFactory.html"],
-    \["ThreadGroup", "java/lang/ThreadGroup.html"],
-    \["ThreadInfo", "java/lang/management/ThreadInfo.html"],
-    \["ThreadLocal", "java/lang/ThreadLocal.html"],
-    \["ThreadMXBean", "java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean.html"],
-    \["ThreadPolicy", "org/omg/PortableServer/ThreadPolicy.html"],
-    \["ThreadPolicyOperations", "org/omg/PortableServer/ThreadPolicyOperations.html"],
-    \["ThreadPolicyValue", "org/omg/PortableServer/ThreadPolicyValue.html"],
-    \["ThreadPoolExecutor", "java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.html"],
-    \["ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy", "java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy.html"],
-    \["ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy", "java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy.html"],
-    \["ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy", "java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy.html"],
-    \["ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy", "java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy.html"],
-    \["Throwable", "java/lang/Throwable.html"],
-    \["Tie", "javax/rmi/CORBA/Tie.html"],
-    \["TileObserver", "java/awt/image/TileObserver.html"],
-    \["Time", "java/sql/Time.html"],
-    \["TimeLimitExceededException", "javax/naming/TimeLimitExceededException.html"],
-    \["TIMEOUT", "org/omg/CORBA/TIMEOUT.html"],
-    \["TimeoutException", "java/util/concurrent/TimeoutException.html"],
-    \["Timer", "java/util/Timer.html"],
-    \["Timer", "javax/management/timer/Timer.html"],
-    \["Timer", "javax/swing/Timer.html"],
-    \["TimerMBean", "javax/management/timer/TimerMBean.html"],
-    \["TimerNotification", "javax/management/timer/TimerNotification.html"],
-    \["TimerTask", "java/util/TimerTask.html"],
-    \["Timestamp", "java/security/Timestamp.html"],
-    \["Timestamp", "java/sql/Timestamp.html"],
-    \["TimeUnit", "java/util/concurrent/TimeUnit.html"],
-    \["TimeZone", "java/util/TimeZone.html"],
-    \["TimeZoneNameProvider", "java/util/spi/TimeZoneNameProvider.html"],
-    \["TitledBorder", "javax/swing/border/TitledBorder.html"],
-    \["Tool", "javax/tools/Tool.html"],
-    \["ToolBarUI", "javax/swing/plaf/ToolBarUI.html"],
-    \["Toolkit", "java/awt/Toolkit.html"],
-    \["ToolProvider", "javax/tools/ToolProvider.html"],
-    \["ToolTipManager", "javax/swing/ToolTipManager.html"],
-    \["ToolTipUI", "javax/swing/plaf/ToolTipUI.html"],
-    \["TooManyListenersException", "java/util/TooManyListenersException.html"],
-    \["Track", "javax/sound/midi/Track.html"],
-    \["TransactionalWriter", "javax/sql/rowset/spi/TransactionalWriter.html"],
-    \["TransactionRequiredException", "javax/transaction/TransactionRequiredException.html"],
-    \["TransactionRolledbackException", "javax/transaction/TransactionRolledbackException.html"],
-    \["TransactionService", "org/omg/IOP/TransactionService.html"],
-    \["Transferable", "java/awt/datatransfer/Transferable.html"],
-    \["TransferHandler", "javax/swing/TransferHandler.html"],
-    \["TransferHandler.DropLocation", "javax/swing/TransferHandler.DropLocation.html"],
-    \["TransferHandler.TransferSupport", "javax/swing/TransferHandler.TransferSupport.html"],
-    \["Transform", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/Transform.html"],
-    \["TransformAttribute", "java/awt/font/TransformAttribute.html"],
-    \["Transformer", "javax/xml/transform/Transformer.html"],
-    \["TransformerConfigurationException", "javax/xml/transform/TransformerConfigurationException.html"],
-    \["TransformerException", "javax/xml/transform/TransformerException.html"],
-    \["TransformerFactory", "javax/xml/transform/TransformerFactory.html"],
-    \["TransformerFactoryConfigurationError", "javax/xml/transform/TransformerFactoryConfigurationError.html"],
-    \["TransformerHandler", "javax/xml/transform/sax/TransformerHandler.html"],
-    \["TransformException", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/TransformException.html"],
-    \["TransformParameterSpec", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/TransformParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["TransformService", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/TransformService.html"],
-    \["TRANSIENT", "org/omg/CORBA/TRANSIENT.html"],
-    \["Transmitter", "javax/sound/midi/Transmitter.html"],
-    \["Transparency", "java/awt/Transparency.html"],
-    \["TRANSPORT_RETRY", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/TRANSPORT_RETRY.html"],
-    \["TrayIcon", "java/awt/TrayIcon.html"],
-    \["TrayIcon.MessageType", "java/awt/TrayIcon.MessageType.html"],
-    \["TreeCellEditor", "javax/swing/tree/TreeCellEditor.html"],
-    \["TreeCellRenderer", "javax/swing/tree/TreeCellRenderer.html"],
-    \["TreeExpansionEvent", "javax/swing/event/TreeExpansionEvent.html"],
-    \["TreeExpansionListener", "javax/swing/event/TreeExpansionListener.html"],
-    \["TreeMap", "java/util/TreeMap.html"],
-    \["TreeModel", "javax/swing/tree/TreeModel.html"],
-    \["TreeModelEvent", "javax/swing/event/TreeModelEvent.html"],
-    \["TreeModelListener", "javax/swing/event/TreeModelListener.html"],
-    \["TreeNode", "javax/swing/tree/TreeNode.html"],
-    \["TreePath", "javax/swing/tree/TreePath.html"],
-    \["TreeSelectionEvent", "javax/swing/event/TreeSelectionEvent.html"],
-    \["TreeSelectionListener", "javax/swing/event/TreeSelectionListener.html"],
-    \["TreeSelectionModel", "javax/swing/tree/TreeSelectionModel.html"],
-    \["TreeSet", "java/util/TreeSet.html"],
-    \["TreeUI", "javax/swing/plaf/TreeUI.html"],
-    \["TreeWillExpandListener", "javax/swing/event/TreeWillExpandListener.html"],
-    \["TrustAnchor", "java/security/cert/TrustAnchor.html"],
-    \["TrustManager", "javax/net/ssl/TrustManager.html"],
-    \["TrustManagerFactory", "javax/net/ssl/TrustManagerFactory.html"],
-    \["TrustManagerFactorySpi", "javax/net/ssl/TrustManagerFactorySpi.html"],
-    \["Type", "java/lang/reflect/Type.html"],
-    \["TypeCode", "org/omg/CORBA/TypeCode.html"],
-    \["TypeCodeHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/TypeCodeHolder.html"],
-    \["TypeConstraintException", "javax/xml/bind/TypeConstraintException.html"],
-    \["TypeElement", "javax/lang/model/element/TypeElement.html"],
-    \["TypeInfo", "org/w3c/dom/TypeInfo.html"],
-    \["TypeInfoProvider", "javax/xml/validation/TypeInfoProvider.html"],
-    \["TypeKind", "javax/lang/model/type/TypeKind.html"],
-    \["TypeKindVisitor6", "javax/lang/model/util/TypeKindVisitor6.html"],
-    \["TypeMirror", "javax/lang/model/type/TypeMirror.html"],
-    \["TypeMismatch", "org/omg/CORBA/DynAnyPackage/TypeMismatch.html"],
-    \["TypeMismatch", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/TypeMismatch.html"],
-    \["TypeMismatch", "org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/TypeMismatch.html"],
-    \["TypeMismatchHelper", "org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/TypeMismatchHelper.html"],
-    \["TypeMismatchHelper", "org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/TypeMismatchHelper.html"],
-    \["TypeNotPresentException", "java/lang/TypeNotPresentException.html"],
-    \["TypeParameterElement", "javax/lang/model/element/TypeParameterElement.html"],
-    \["Types", "java/sql/Types.html"],
-    \["Types", "javax/lang/model/util/Types.html"],
-    \["TypeVariable", "java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable.html"],
-    \["TypeVariable", "javax/lang/model/type/TypeVariable.html"],
-    \["TypeVisitor", "javax/lang/model/type/TypeVisitor.html"],
-    \["UID", "java/rmi/server/UID.html"],
-    \["UIDefaults", "javax/swing/UIDefaults.html"],
-    \["UIDefaults.ActiveValue", "javax/swing/UIDefaults.ActiveValue.html"],
-    \["UIDefaults.LazyInputMap", "javax/swing/UIDefaults.LazyInputMap.html"],
-    \["UIDefaults.LazyValue", "javax/swing/UIDefaults.LazyValue.html"],
-    \["UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue", "javax/swing/UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue.html"],
-    \["UIEvent", "org/w3c/dom/events/UIEvent.html"],
-    \["UIManager", "javax/swing/UIManager.html"],
-    \["UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo", "javax/swing/UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo.html"],
-    \["UIResource", "javax/swing/plaf/UIResource.html"],
-    \["ULongLongSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/ULongLongSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["ULongLongSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/ULongLongSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["ULongSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/ULongSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["ULongSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/ULongSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["UndeclaredThrowableException", "java/lang/reflect/UndeclaredThrowableException.html"],
-    \["UndoableEdit", "javax/swing/undo/UndoableEdit.html"],
-    \["UndoableEditEvent", "javax/swing/event/UndoableEditEvent.html"],
-    \["UndoableEditListener", "javax/swing/event/UndoableEditListener.html"],
-    \["UndoableEditSupport", "javax/swing/undo/UndoableEditSupport.html"],
-    \["UndoManager", "javax/swing/undo/UndoManager.html"],
-    \["UnexpectedException", "java/rmi/UnexpectedException.html"],
-    \["UnicastRemoteObject", "java/rmi/server/UnicastRemoteObject.html"],
-    \["UnionMember", "org/omg/CORBA/UnionMember.html"],
-    \["UnionMemberHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/UnionMemberHelper.html"],
-    \["UNKNOWN", "org/omg/CORBA/UNKNOWN.html"],
-    \["UNKNOWN", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/UNKNOWN.html"],
-    \["UnknownAnnotationValueException", "javax/lang/model/element/UnknownAnnotationValueException.html"],
-    \["UnknownElementException", "javax/lang/model/element/UnknownElementException.html"],
-    \["UnknownEncoding", "org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryPackage/UnknownEncoding.html"],
-    \["UnknownEncodingHelper", "org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryPackage/UnknownEncodingHelper.html"],
-    \["UnknownError", "java/lang/UnknownError.html"],
-    \["UnknownException", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/UnknownException.html"],
-    \["UnknownFormatConversionException", "java/util/UnknownFormatConversionException.html"],
-    \["UnknownFormatFlagsException", "java/util/UnknownFormatFlagsException.html"],
-    \["UnknownGroupException", "java/rmi/activation/UnknownGroupException.html"],
-    \["UnknownHostException", "java/net/UnknownHostException.html"],
-    \["UnknownHostException", "java/rmi/UnknownHostException.html"],
-    \["UnknownObjectException", "java/rmi/activation/UnknownObjectException.html"],
-    \["UnknownServiceException", "java/net/UnknownServiceException.html"],
-    \["UnknownTypeException", "javax/lang/model/type/UnknownTypeException.html"],
-    \["UnknownUserException", "org/omg/CORBA/UnknownUserException.html"],
-    \["UnknownUserExceptionHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/UnknownUserExceptionHelper.html"],
-    \["UnknownUserExceptionHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/UnknownUserExceptionHolder.html"],
-    \["UnmappableCharacterException", "java/nio/charset/UnmappableCharacterException.html"],
-    \["UnmarshalException", "java/rmi/UnmarshalException.html"],
-    \["UnmarshalException", "javax/xml/bind/UnmarshalException.html"],
-    \["Unmarshaller", "javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.html"],
-    \["Unmarshaller.Listener", "javax/xml/bind/Unmarshaller.Listener.html"],
-    \["UnmarshallerHandler", "javax/xml/bind/UnmarshallerHandler.html"],
-    \["UnmodifiableClassException", "java/lang/instrument/UnmodifiableClassException.html"],
-    \["UnmodifiableSetException", "javax/print/attribute/UnmodifiableSetException.html"],
-    \["UnrecoverableEntryException", "java/security/UnrecoverableEntryException.html"],
-    \["UnrecoverableKeyException", "java/security/UnrecoverableKeyException.html"],
-    \["Unreferenced", "java/rmi/server/Unreferenced.html"],
-    \["UnresolvedAddressException", "java/nio/channels/UnresolvedAddressException.html"],
-    \["UnresolvedPermission", "java/security/UnresolvedPermission.html"],
-    \["UnsatisfiedLinkError", "java/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError.html"],
-    \["UnsolicitedNotification", "javax/naming/ldap/UnsolicitedNotification.html"],
-    \["UnsolicitedNotificationEvent", "javax/naming/ldap/UnsolicitedNotificationEvent.html"],
-    \["UnsolicitedNotificationListener", "javax/naming/ldap/UnsolicitedNotificationListener.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedAddressTypeException", "java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedAudioFileException", "javax/sound/sampled/UnsupportedAudioFileException.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedCallbackException", "javax/security/auth/callback/UnsupportedCallbackException.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedCharsetException", "java/nio/charset/UnsupportedCharsetException.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedClassVersionError", "java/lang/UnsupportedClassVersionError.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedDataTypeException", "javax/activation/UnsupportedDataTypeException.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedEncodingException", "java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedFlavorException", "java/awt/datatransfer/UnsupportedFlavorException.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedLookAndFeelException", "javax/swing/UnsupportedLookAndFeelException.html"],
-    \["UnsupportedOperationException", "java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException.html"],
-    \["URI", "java/net/URI.html"],
-    \["URIDereferencer", "javax/xml/crypto/URIDereferencer.html"],
-    \["URIException", "javax/print/URIException.html"],
-    \["URIParameter", "java/security/URIParameter.html"],
-    \["URIReference", "javax/xml/crypto/URIReference.html"],
-    \["URIReferenceException", "javax/xml/crypto/URIReferenceException.html"],
-    \["URIResolver", "javax/xml/transform/URIResolver.html"],
-    \["URISyntax", "javax/print/attribute/URISyntax.html"],
-    \["URISyntaxException", "java/net/URISyntaxException.html"],
-    \["URL", "java/net/URL.html"],
-    \["URLClassLoader", "java/net/URLClassLoader.html"],
-    \["URLConnection", "java/net/URLConnection.html"],
-    \["URLDataSource", "javax/activation/URLDataSource.html"],
-    \["URLDecoder", "java/net/URLDecoder.html"],
-    \["URLEncoder", "java/net/URLEncoder.html"],
-    \["URLStreamHandler", "java/net/URLStreamHandler.html"],
-    \["URLStreamHandlerFactory", "java/net/URLStreamHandlerFactory.html"],
-    \["URLStringHelper", "org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPackage/URLStringHelper.html"],
-    \["USER_EXCEPTION", "org/omg/PortableInterceptor/USER_EXCEPTION.html"],
-    \["UserDataHandler", "org/w3c/dom/UserDataHandler.html"],
-    \["UserException", "org/omg/CORBA/UserException.html"],
-    \["UShortSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/UShortSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["UShortSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/UShortSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["UTFDataFormatException", "java/io/UTFDataFormatException.html"],
-    \["Util", "javax/rmi/CORBA/Util.html"],
-    \["UtilDelegate", "javax/rmi/CORBA/UtilDelegate.html"],
-    \["Utilities", "javax/swing/text/Utilities.html"],
-    \["UUID", "java/util/UUID.html"],
-    \["ValidationEvent", "javax/xml/bind/ValidationEvent.html"],
-    \["ValidationEventCollector", "javax/xml/bind/util/ValidationEventCollector.html"],
-    \["ValidationEventHandler", "javax/xml/bind/ValidationEventHandler.html"],
-    \["ValidationEventImpl", "javax/xml/bind/helpers/ValidationEventImpl.html"],
-    \["ValidationEventLocator", "javax/xml/bind/ValidationEventLocator.html"],
-    \["ValidationEventLocatorImpl", "javax/xml/bind/helpers/ValidationEventLocatorImpl.html"],
-    \["ValidationException", "javax/xml/bind/ValidationException.html"],
-    \["Validator", "javax/xml/bind/Validator.html"],
-    \["Validator", "javax/xml/validation/Validator.html"],
-    \["ValidatorHandler", "javax/xml/validation/ValidatorHandler.html"],
-    \["ValueBase", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/ValueBase.html"],
-    \["ValueBaseHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/ValueBaseHelper.html"],
-    \["ValueBaseHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/ValueBaseHolder.html"],
-    \["ValueExp", "javax/management/ValueExp.html"],
-    \["ValueFactory", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/ValueFactory.html"],
-    \["ValueHandler", "javax/rmi/CORBA/ValueHandler.html"],
-    \["ValueHandlerMultiFormat", "javax/rmi/CORBA/ValueHandlerMultiFormat.html"],
-    \["ValueInputStream", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/ValueInputStream.html"],
-    \["ValueMember", "org/omg/CORBA/ValueMember.html"],
-    \["ValueMemberHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/ValueMemberHelper.html"],
-    \["ValueOutputStream", "org/omg/CORBA/portable/ValueOutputStream.html"],
-    \["VariableElement", "javax/lang/model/element/VariableElement.html"],
-    \["VariableHeightLayoutCache", "javax/swing/tree/VariableHeightLayoutCache.html"],
-    \["Vector", "java/util/Vector.html"],
-    \["VerifyError", "java/lang/VerifyError.html"],
-    \["VersionSpecHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/VersionSpecHelper.html"],
-    \["VetoableChangeListener", "java/beans/VetoableChangeListener.html"],
-    \["VetoableChangeListenerProxy", "java/beans/VetoableChangeListenerProxy.html"],
-    \["VetoableChangeSupport", "java/beans/VetoableChangeSupport.html"],
-    \["View", "javax/swing/text/View.html"],
-    \["ViewFactory", "javax/swing/text/ViewFactory.html"],
-    \["ViewportLayout", "javax/swing/ViewportLayout.html"],
-    \["ViewportUI", "javax/swing/plaf/ViewportUI.html"],
-    \["VirtualMachineError", "java/lang/VirtualMachineError.html"],
-    \["Visibility", "java/beans/Visibility.html"],
-    \["VisibilityHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/VisibilityHelper.html"],
-    \["VM_ABSTRACT", "org/omg/CORBA/VM_ABSTRACT.html"],
-    \["VM_CUSTOM", "org/omg/CORBA/VM_CUSTOM.html"],
-    \["VM_NONE", "org/omg/CORBA/VM_NONE.html"],
-    \["VM_TRUNCATABLE", "org/omg/CORBA/VM_TRUNCATABLE.html"],
-    \["VMID", "java/rmi/dgc/VMID.html"],
-    \["VoiceStatus", "javax/sound/midi/VoiceStatus.html"],
-    \["Void", "java/lang/Void.html"],
-    \["VolatileImage", "java/awt/image/VolatileImage.html"],
-    \["W3CDomHandler", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/W3CDomHandler.html"],
-    \["W3CEndpointReference", "javax/xml/ws/wsaddressing/W3CEndpointReference.html"],
-    \["W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder", "javax/xml/ws/wsaddressing/W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder.html"],
-    \["WCharSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/WCharSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["WCharSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/WCharSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["WeakHashMap", "java/util/WeakHashMap.html"],
-    \["WeakReference", "java/lang/ref/WeakReference.html"],
-    \["WebEndpoint", "javax/xml/ws/WebEndpoint.html"],
-    \["WebFault", "javax/xml/ws/WebFault.html"],
-    \["WebMethod", "javax/jws/WebMethod.html"],
-    \["WebParam", "javax/jws/WebParam.html"],
-    \["WebParam.Mode", "javax/jws/WebParam.Mode.html"],
-    \["WebResult", "javax/jws/WebResult.html"],
-    \["WebRowSet", "javax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet.html"],
-    \["WebService", "javax/jws/WebService.html"],
-    \["WebServiceClient", "javax/xml/ws/WebServiceClient.html"],
-    \["WebServiceContext", "javax/xml/ws/WebServiceContext.html"],
-    \["WebServiceException", "javax/xml/ws/WebServiceException.html"],
-    \["WebServiceFeature", "javax/xml/ws/WebServiceFeature.html"],
-    \["WebServiceFeatureAnnotation", "javax/xml/ws/spi/WebServiceFeatureAnnotation.html"],
-    \["WebServicePermission", "javax/xml/ws/WebServicePermission.html"],
-    \["WebServiceProvider", "javax/xml/ws/WebServiceProvider.html"],
-    \["WebServiceRef", "javax/xml/ws/WebServiceRef.html"],
-    \["WebServiceRefs", "javax/xml/ws/WebServiceRefs.html"],
-    \["WildcardType", "java/lang/reflect/WildcardType.html"],
-    \["WildcardType", "javax/lang/model/type/WildcardType.html"],
-    \["Window", "java/awt/Window.html"],
-    \["WindowAdapter", "java/awt/event/WindowAdapter.html"],
-    \["WindowConstants", "javax/swing/WindowConstants.html"],
-    \["WindowEvent", "java/awt/event/WindowEvent.html"],
-    \["WindowFocusListener", "java/awt/event/WindowFocusListener.html"],
-    \["WindowListener", "java/awt/event/WindowListener.html"],
-    \["WindowStateListener", "java/awt/event/WindowStateListener.html"],
-    \["WrappedPlainView", "javax/swing/text/WrappedPlainView.html"],
-    \["Wrapper", "java/sql/Wrapper.html"],
-    \["WritableByteChannel", "java/nio/channels/WritableByteChannel.html"],
-    \["WritableRaster", "java/awt/image/WritableRaster.html"],
-    \["WritableRenderedImage", "java/awt/image/WritableRenderedImage.html"],
-    \["WriteAbortedException", "java/io/WriteAbortedException.html"],
-    \["Writer", "java/io/Writer.html"],
-    \["WrongAdapter", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongAdapter.html"],
-    \["WrongAdapterHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongAdapterHelper.html"],
-    \["WrongPolicy", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongPolicy.html"],
-    \["WrongPolicyHelper", "org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongPolicyHelper.html"],
-    \["WrongTransaction", "org/omg/CORBA/WrongTransaction.html"],
-    \["WrongTransactionHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/WrongTransactionHelper.html"],
-    \["WrongTransactionHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/WrongTransactionHolder.html"],
-    \["WStringSeqHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/WStringSeqHelper.html"],
-    \["WStringSeqHolder", "org/omg/CORBA/WStringSeqHolder.html"],
-    \["WStringValueHelper", "org/omg/CORBA/WStringValueHelper.html"],
-    \["X500Principal", "javax/security/auth/x500/X500Principal.html"],
-    \["X500PrivateCredential", "javax/security/auth/x500/X500PrivateCredential.html"],
-    \["X509Certificate", "java/security/cert/X509Certificate.html"],
-    \["X509Certificate", "javax/security/cert/X509Certificate.html"],
-    \["X509CertSelector", "java/security/cert/X509CertSelector.html"],
-    \["X509CRL", "java/security/cert/X509CRL.html"],
-    \["X509CRLEntry", "java/security/cert/X509CRLEntry.html"],
-    \["X509CRLSelector", "java/security/cert/X509CRLSelector.html"],
-    \["X509Data", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/keyinfo/X509Data.html"],
-    \["X509EncodedKeySpec", "java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.html"],
-    \["X509ExtendedKeyManager", "javax/net/ssl/X509ExtendedKeyManager.html"],
-    \["X509Extension", "java/security/cert/X509Extension.html"],
-    \["X509IssuerSerial", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/keyinfo/X509IssuerSerial.html"],
-    \["X509KeyManager", "javax/net/ssl/X509KeyManager.html"],
-    \["X509TrustManager", "javax/net/ssl/X509TrustManager.html"],
-    \["XAConnection", "javax/sql/XAConnection.html"],
-    \["XADataSource", "javax/sql/XADataSource.html"],
-    \["XAException", "javax/transaction/xa/XAException.html"],
-    \["XAResource", "javax/transaction/xa/XAResource.html"],
-    \["Xid", "javax/transaction/xa/Xid.html"],
-    \["XmlAccessOrder", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAccessOrder.html"],
-    \["XmlAccessorOrder", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAccessorOrder.html"],
-    \["XmlAccessorType", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAccessorType.html"],
-    \["XmlAccessType", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAccessType.html"],
-    \["XmlAdapter", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/XmlAdapter.html"],
-    \["XmlAnyAttribute", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAnyAttribute.html"],
-    \["XmlAnyElement", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAnyElement.html"],
-    \["XmlAttachmentRef", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAttachmentRef.html"],
-    \["XmlAttribute", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAttribute.html"],
-    \["XMLConstants", "javax/xml/XMLConstants.html"],
-    \["XMLCryptoContext", "javax/xml/crypto/XMLCryptoContext.html"],
-    \["XMLDecoder", "java/beans/XMLDecoder.html"],
-    \["XmlElement", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlElement.html"],
-    \["XmlElement.DEFAULT", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlElement.DEFAULT.html"],
-    \["XmlElementDecl", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlElementDecl.html"],
-    \["XmlElementDecl.GLOBAL", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlElementDecl.GLOBAL.html"],
-    \["XmlElementRef", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlElementRef.html"],
-    \["XmlElementRef.DEFAULT", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlElementRef.DEFAULT.html"],
-    \["XmlElementRefs", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlElementRefs.html"],
-    \["XmlElements", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlElements.html"],
-    \["XmlElementWrapper", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlElementWrapper.html"],
-    \["XMLEncoder", "java/beans/XMLEncoder.html"],
-    \["XmlEnum", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlEnum.html"],
-    \["XmlEnumValue", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlEnumValue.html"],
-    \["XMLEvent", "javax/xml/stream/events/XMLEvent.html"],
-    \["XMLEventAllocator", "javax/xml/stream/util/XMLEventAllocator.html"],
-    \["XMLEventConsumer", "javax/xml/stream/util/XMLEventConsumer.html"],
-    \["XMLEventFactory", "javax/xml/stream/XMLEventFactory.html"],
-    \["XMLEventReader", "javax/xml/stream/XMLEventReader.html"],
-    \["XMLEventWriter", "javax/xml/stream/XMLEventWriter.html"],
-    \["XMLFilter", "org/xml/sax/XMLFilter.html"],
-    \["XMLFilterImpl", "org/xml/sax/helpers/XMLFilterImpl.html"],
-    \["XMLFormatter", "java/util/logging/XMLFormatter.html"],
-    \["XMLGregorianCalendar", "javax/xml/datatype/XMLGregorianCalendar.html"],
-    \["XmlID", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlID.html"],
-    \["XmlIDREF", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlIDREF.html"],
-    \["XmlInlineBinaryData", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlInlineBinaryData.html"],
-    \["XMLInputFactory", "javax/xml/stream/XMLInputFactory.html"],
-    \["XmlJavaTypeAdapter", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/XmlJavaTypeAdapter.html"],
-    \["XmlJavaTypeAdapter.DEFAULT", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/XmlJavaTypeAdapter.DEFAULT.html"],
-    \["XmlJavaTypeAdapters", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/adapters/XmlJavaTypeAdapters.html"],
-    \["XmlList", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlList.html"],
-    \["XmlMimeType", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlMimeType.html"],
-    \["XmlMixed", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlMixed.html"],
-    \["XmlNs", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlNs.html"],
-    \["XmlNsForm", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlNsForm.html"],
-    \["XMLObject", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/XMLObject.html"],
-    \["XMLOutputFactory", "javax/xml/stream/XMLOutputFactory.html"],
-    \["XMLParseException", "javax/management/modelmbean/XMLParseException.html"],
-    \["XmlReader", "javax/sql/rowset/spi/XmlReader.html"],
-    \["XMLReader", "org/xml/sax/XMLReader.html"],
-    \["XMLReaderAdapter", "org/xml/sax/helpers/XMLReaderAdapter.html"],
-    \["XMLReaderFactory", "org/xml/sax/helpers/XMLReaderFactory.html"],
-    \["XmlRegistry", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlRegistry.html"],
-    \["XMLReporter", "javax/xml/stream/XMLReporter.html"],
-    \["XMLResolver", "javax/xml/stream/XMLResolver.html"],
-    \["XmlRootElement", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlRootElement.html"],
-    \["XmlSchema", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema.html"],
-    \["XmlSchemaType", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchemaType.html"],
-    \["XmlSchemaType.DEFAULT", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchemaType.DEFAULT.html"],
-    \["XmlSchemaTypes", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchemaTypes.html"],
-    \["XmlSeeAlso", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSeeAlso.html"],
-    \["XMLSignature", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/XMLSignature.html"],
-    \["XMLSignature.SignatureValue", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/XMLSignature.SignatureValue.html"],
-    \["XMLSignatureException", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/XMLSignatureException.html"],
-    \["XMLSignatureFactory", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/XMLSignatureFactory.html"],
-    \["XMLSignContext", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/XMLSignContext.html"],
-    \["XMLStreamConstants", "javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamConstants.html"],
-    \["XMLStreamException", "javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamException.html"],
-    \["XMLStreamReader", "javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamReader.html"],
-    \["XMLStreamWriter", "javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriter.html"],
-    \["XMLStructure", "javax/xml/crypto/XMLStructure.html"],
-    \["XmlTransient", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlTransient.html"],
-    \["XmlType", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlType.html"],
-    \["XmlType.DEFAULT", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlType.DEFAULT.html"],
-    \["XMLValidateContext", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/XMLValidateContext.html"],
-    \["XmlValue", "javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlValue.html"],
-    \["XmlWriter", "javax/sql/rowset/spi/XmlWriter.html"],
-    \["XPath", "javax/xml/xpath/XPath.html"],
-    \["XPathConstants", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathConstants.html"],
-    \["XPathException", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathException.html"],
-    \["XPathExpression", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathExpression.html"],
-    \["XPathExpressionException", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathExpressionException.html"],
-    \["XPathFactory", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathFactory.html"],
-    \["XPathFactoryConfigurationException", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathFactoryConfigurationException.html"],
-    \["XPathFilter2ParameterSpec", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/XPathFilter2ParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["XPathFilterParameterSpec", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/XPathFilterParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["XPathFunction", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathFunction.html"],
-    \["XPathFunctionException", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathFunctionException.html"],
-    \["XPathFunctionResolver", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathFunctionResolver.html"],
-    \["XPathType", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/XPathType.html"],
-    \["XPathType.Filter", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/XPathType.Filter.html"],
-    \["XPathVariableResolver", "javax/xml/xpath/XPathVariableResolver.html"],
-    \["XSLTTransformParameterSpec", "javax/xml/crypto/dsig/spec/XSLTTransformParameterSpec.html"],
-    \["ZipEntry", "java/util/zip/ZipEntry.html"],
-    \["ZipError", "java/util/zip/ZipError.html"],
-    \["ZipException", "java/util/zip/ZipException.html"],
-    \["ZipFile", "java/util/zip/ZipFile.html"],
-    \["ZipInputStream", "java/util/zip/ZipInputStream.html"],
-    \["ZipOutputStream", "java/util/zip/ZipOutputStream.html"],
-    \["ZoneView", "javax/swing/text/ZoneView.html"],
-    \["_BindingIteratorImplBase", "org/omg/CosNaming/_BindingIteratorImplBase.html"],
-    \["_BindingIteratorStub", "org/omg/CosNaming/_BindingIteratorStub.html"],
-    \["_DynAnyFactoryStub", "org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyFactoryStub.html"],
-    \["_DynAnyStub", "org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyStub.html"],
-    \["_DynArrayStub", "org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynArrayStub.html"],
-    \["_DynEnumStub", "org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynEnumStub.html"],
-    \["_DynFixedStub", "org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynFixedStub.html"],
-    \["_DynSequenceStub", "org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynSequenceStub.html"],
-    \["_DynStructStub", "org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynStructStub.html"],
-    \["_DynUnionStub", "org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynUnionStub.html"],
-    \["_DynValueStub", "org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynValueStub.html"],
-    \["_IDLTypeStub", "org/omg/CORBA/_IDLTypeStub.html"],
-    \["_NamingContextExtStub", "org/omg/CosNaming/_NamingContextExtStub.html"],
-    \["_NamingContextImplBase", "org/omg/CosNaming/_NamingContextImplBase.html"],
-    \["_NamingContextStub", "org/omg/CosNaming/_NamingContextStub.html"],
-    \["_PolicyStub", "org/omg/CORBA/_PolicyStub.html"],
-    \["_Remote_Stub", "org/omg/stub/java/rmi/_Remote_Stub.html"],
-    \["_ServantActivatorStub", "org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantActivatorStub.html"],
-    \["_ServantLocatorStub", "org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantLocatorStub.html"]]
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv.py	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Client/Server code for Slimv
-# slimv.py:     Client/Server code for slimv.vim plugin
-# Version:      0.6.2
-# Last Change:  01 Jun 2010
-# Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-# License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-#               No warranty, express or implied.
-#               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-import os
-import sys
-import getopt
-import time
-import shlex
-import socket
-import traceback
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
-from threading import Thread, BoundedSemaphore
-autoconnect = 1             # Start and connect server automatically
-HOST        = ''            # Symbolic name meaning the local host
-PORT        = 5151          # Arbitrary non-privileged port
-debug_level = 0             # Debug level for diagnostic messages
-terminate   = 0             # Main program termination flag
-python_path = 'python'      # Path of the Python interpreter (overridden via command line args)
-lisp_path   = 'clisp.exe'   # Path of the Lisp interpreter (overridden via command line args)
-slimv_path  = 'slimv.py'    # Path of this script (determined later)
-run_cmd     = ''            # Complex server-run command (if given via command line args)
-newline     = '\n'
-# Check if we're running Windows or Mac OS X, otherwise assume Linux
-mswindows = (sys.platform == 'win32')
-darwin = (sys.platform == 'darwin')
-if not (mswindows or darwin):
-    import pty
-def log( s, level ):
-    """Print diagnostic messages according to the actual debug level.
-    """
-    if debug_level >= level:
-        print s
-# Client part
-def start_server():
-    """Spawn server. Does not check if the server is already running.
-    """
-    if run_cmd == '':
-        # Complex run command not given, build it from the information available
-        if mswindows or darwin:
-            cmd = []
-        else:
-            cmd = ['xterm', '-T', 'Slimv', '-e']
-        cmd = cmd + [python_path, slimv_path, '-p', str(PORT), '-l', lisp_path, '-s']
-    else:
-        cmd = shlex.split(run_cmd)
-    # Start server
-    #TODO: put in try-block
-    if mswindows:
-        CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 16
-        server = Popen( cmd, creationflags=CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE )
-    elif darwin:
-        from ScriptingBridge import SBApplication
-        term = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("com.apple.Terminal")
-        term.doScript_in_(" ".join(cmd) + " ; exit", 0) 
-    else:
-        server = Popen( cmd )
-    # Allow subprocess (server) to start
-    time.sleep( 2.0 )
-def connect_server():
-    """Try to connect server, if server not found then spawn it.
-       Return socket object on success, None on failure.
-    """
-    s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
-    try:
-        s.connect( ( 'localhost', PORT ) )
-    except socket.error, msg:
-        if autoconnect:
-            # We need to try to start the server automatically
-            s.close()
-            start_server()
-            # Open socket to the server
-            s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
-            try:
-                s.connect( ( 'localhost', PORT ) )
-            except socket.error, msg:
-                s.close()
-                s =  None
-        else:   # not autoconnect
-            print "Server not found"
-            s = None
-    return s
-def send_line( server, line ):
-    """Send a line to the server:
-       first send line length in 4 bytes, then send the line itself.
-    """
-    l = len(line)
-    lstr = chr(l&255) + chr((l>>8)&255) + chr((l>>16)&255) + chr((l>>24)&255)
-    server.send( lstr )     # send message length first
-    server.send( line )     # then the message itself
-def client_file( input_filename ):
-    """Main client routine - input file version:
-       starts server if needed then send text to server.
-       Input is read from input file.
-    """
-    s = connect_server()
-    if s is None:
-        return
-    try:
-        file = open( input_filename, 'rt' )
-        try:
-            # Send contents of the file to the server
-            lines = ''
-            for line in file:
-                lines = lines + line
-            send_line( s, lines )
-        finally:
-            file.close()
-    except:
-        return
-    s.close()
-# Server part
-class repl_buffer:
-    def __init__ ( self, output_pipe ):
-        self.output   = output_pipe
-        self.filename = ''
-        self.buffer   = ''
-        self.sema     = BoundedSemaphore()
-                            # Semaphore to synchronize access to the global display queue
-    def setfile( self, filename ):
-        """Set output filename. Greet user if this is the first time.
-        """
-        self.sema.acquire()
-        oldname = self.filename
-        self.filename = filename
-        if oldname == '':
-            try:
-                # Delete old file creted at a previous run
-                os.remove( self.filename )
-            except:
-                # OK, at least we tried
-                pass
-            self.write_nolock( newline + ';;; Slimv client is connected to REPL on port ' + str(PORT) + '.' + newline, True )
-            user = None
-            if mswindows:
-                user = os.getenv('USERNAME')
-            else:
-                user = os.getenv('USER')
-            if not user:
-                self.write_nolock( ';;; This could be the start of a beautiful program.' + newline + newline, True )
-            else:
-                self.write_nolock( ';;; ' + user + ', this could be the start of a beautiful program.' + newline + newline, True )
-        self.sema.release()
-    def writebegin( self ):
-        """Begin the writing process. The process is protected by a semaphore.
-        """
-        self.sema.acquire()
-    def writeend( self ):
-        """Finish the writing process. Release semaphore
-        """
-        self.sema.release()
-    def write_nolock( self, text, fileonly=False ):
-        """Write text into the global display queue buffer.
-           The writing process is not protected.
-        """
-        if not fileonly:
-            try:
-                # Write all lines to the display
-                os.write( self.output.fileno(), text )
-            except:
-                pass
-        if self.filename != '':
-            tries = 4
-            while tries > 0:
-                try:
-                    file = open( self.filename, 'at' )
-                    try:
-                        #file.write( text )
-                        if self.buffer != '':
-                            # There is output pending
-                            os.write(file.fileno(), self.buffer )
-                            self.buffer = ''
-                        os.write(file.fileno(), text )
-                    finally:
-                        file.close()
-                    tries = 0
-                except IOError:
-                    tries = tries - 1
-                    if tries == 0:
-                        traceback.print_exc()
-                    time.sleep(0.05)
-                except:
-                    tries = tries - 1
-                    time.sleep(0.05)
-        elif len( self.buffer ) < 2000:
-            # No filename supplied, collect output info a buffer until filename is given
-            # We collect only some bytes, then probably no filename will be given at all
-            self.buffer = self.buffer + text
-    def write( self, text, fileonly=False ):
-        """Write text into the global display queue buffer.
-           The writing process is protected by a semaphome.
-        """
-        self.writebegin()
-        self.write_nolock( text, fileonly )
-        self.writeend()
-class socket_listener( Thread ):
-    """Server thread to receive text from the client via socket.
-    """
-    def __init__ ( self, inp, buffer, pid ):
-        Thread.__init__( self )
-        self.inp = inp
-        self.buffer = buffer
-        self.pid = pid
-    def run( self ):
-        global terminate
-        # Open server socket
-        self.s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
-        self.s.bind( (HOST, PORT) )
-        while not terminate:
-            # Listen server socket
-            self.s.listen( 1 )
-            conn, addr = self.s.accept()
-            while not terminate:
-                l = 0
-                lstr = ''
-                # Read length first, it comes in 4 bytes
-                try:
-                    lstr = conn.recv(4)
-                    if len( lstr ) <= 0:
-                        break
-                except:
-                    traceback.print_exc()
-                    break
-                if terminate:
-                    break
-                l = ord(lstr[0]) + (ord(lstr[1])<<8) + (ord(lstr[2])<<16) + (ord(lstr[3])<<24)
-                if l > 0:
-                    # Valid length received, now wait for the message
-                    try:
-                        # Read the message itself
-                        received = ''
-                        while len( received ) < l:
-                            r = conn.recv(l)
-                            if len( r ) == 0:
-                                break
-                            received = received + r
-                        if len( received ) < l:
-                            break
-                    except:
-                        traceback.print_exc()
-                        break
-                    if len(received) >= 7 and received[0:7] == 'SLIMV::':
-                        command = received[7:]
-                        if len(command) >= 9 and command[0:9] == 'INTERRUPT':
-                            try:
-                                if mswindows:
-                                    import win32api
-                                    CTRL_C_EVENT = 0
-                                    win32api.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent( CTRL_C_EVENT, 0 )
-                                else:
-                                    import signal
-                                    os.kill( self.pid, signal.SIGINT )
-                            except:
-                                # OK, at least we tried
-                                # Go on without interruption
-                                pass
-                        if len(command) >= 8 and command[0:8] == 'OUTPUT::':
-                            output_filename = command[8:].rstrip( '\n' )
-                            self.buffer.setfile( output_filename )
-                    else:
-                        # Fork here: write message to the stdin of REPL
-                        # and also write it to the display (display queue buffer)
-                        self.buffer.writebegin()
-                        self.buffer.write_nolock( received )
-                        os.write(self.inp.fileno(), received)
-                        self.buffer.writeend()
-            conn.close()
-class output_listener( Thread ):
-    """Server thread to receive REPL output.
-    """
-    def __init__ ( self, out, buffer ):
-        Thread.__init__( self )
-        self.out = out
-        self.buffer = buffer
-    def run( self ):
-        global terminate
-        while not terminate:
-            try:
-                # Read input from the stdout of REPL
-                # and write it to the display (display queue buffer)
-                if mswindows:
-                    c = self.out.read( 1 )
-                    if ord( c ) == 0x0D:
-                        # Special handling of 0x0D+0x0A on Windows
-                        c2 = self.out.read( 1 )
-                        if ord( c2 ) == 0x0A:
-                            self.buffer.write( '\n' )
-                        else:
-                            self.buffer.write( c )
-                            self.buffer.write( c2 )
-                    else:
-                        self.buffer.write( c )
-                elif darwin:
-                    c = self.out.read( 1 )
-                    self.buffer.write( c )
-                else:
-                    c = self.out.read( 1 )
-                    if ord( c ) != 0x0D:
-                        self.buffer.write( c )
-            except:
-                terminate = 1
-def server():
-    """Main server routine: starts REPL and helper threads for
-       sending and receiving data to/from REPL.
-    """
-    global terminate
-    # First check if server already runs
-    s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
-    try:
-        s.connect( ( 'localhost', PORT ) )
-    except socket.error, msg:
-        # Server not found, our time has come, we'll start a new server in a moment
-        pass
-    else:
-        # Server found, nothing to do here
-        s.close()
-        print "Server is already running"
-        return
-    # Build Lisp-starter command
-    lisp_exp = lisp_path.replace( '\\', '\\\\' )
-    if not mswindows:
-        # Popen does not work with tilde-prefix on Linux
-        # so we expand them to the home directory
-        user = os.path.expanduser( '~/' )
-        lisp_exp = lisp_exp.replace( ' ~/', ' ' + user )
-    cmd = shlex.split( lisp_exp )
-    # Start Lisp
-    if mswindows or darwin:
-        repl = Popen( cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT )
-        repl_stdin = repl.stdin
-        repl_stdout = repl.stdout
-        repl_pid = repl.pid
-    else:
-        repl_pid, repl_fd = pty.fork()
-        if repl_pid == 0:
-            os.execvp( cmd[0], cmd )
-            os._exit(1)
-        repl_stdin = repl_stdout = os.fdopen( repl_fd )
-    buffer = repl_buffer( sys.stdout )
-    # Create and start helper threads
-    sl = socket_listener( repl_stdin, buffer, repl_pid )
-    sl.start()
-    ol = output_listener( repl_stdout, buffer )
-    ol.start()
-    # Allow Lisp to start, confuse it with some fancy Slimv messages
-    sys.stdout.write( ";;; Slimv server is started on port " + str(PORT) + newline )
-    sys.stdout.write( ";;; Slimv is spawning REPL..." + newline + newline )
-    time.sleep(0.5)             # wait for Lisp to start
-    #sys.stdout.write( ";;; Slimv connection established" + newline )
-    # Main server loop
-    while not terminate:
-        try:
-            # Read input from the console and write it
-            # to the stdin of REPL
-            text = raw_input()
-            os.write( repl_stdin.fileno(), text + newline )
-            buffer.write( text + newline, True )
-        except EOFError:
-            # EOF (Ctrl+Z on Windows, Ctrl+D on Linux) pressed?
-            terminate = 1
-        except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            # Interrupted from keyboard (Ctrl+C)?
-            # We just ignore it here, it will be propagated to the child anyway
-            pass
-    # The socket is opened here only for waking up the server thread
-    # in order to recognize the termination message
-    #TODO: exit REPL if this script is about to exit
-    cs = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
-    try:
-        cs.connect( ( 'localhost', PORT ) )
-        cs.send( " " )
-    finally:
-        # We don't care if this above fails, we'll exit anyway
-        cs.close()
-    # Send exit command to child process and
-    # wake output listener up at the same time
-    try:
-        repl_stdin.close()
-    except:
-        # We don't care if this above fails, we'll exit anyway
-        pass
-    # Be nice
-    print 'Thank you for using Slimv.'
-    # Wait for the child process to exit
-    time.sleep(1)
-def escape_path( path ):
-    """Surround path containing spaces with backslash + double quote,
-       so that it can be passed as a command line argument.
-    """
-    if path.find( ' ' ) < 0:
-        return path
-    if path[0:2] == '\\\"':
-        return path
-    elif path[0] == '\"':
-        return '\\' + path + '\\'
-    else:
-        return '\\\"' + path + '\\\"'
-def usage():
-    """Displays program usage information.
-    """
-    progname = os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] )
-    print 'Usage: ', progname + ' [-d LEVEL] [-s] [-f INFILE]'
-    print
-    print 'Options:'
-    print '  -?, -h, --help                show this help message and exit'
-    print '  -l PATH, --lisp=PATH          path of Lisp interpreter'
-    print '  -r PATH, --run=PATH           full command to run the server'
-    print '  -p PORT, --port=PORT          port number to use by the server/client'
-    print '  -d LEVEL, --debug=LEVEL       set debug LEVEL (0..3)'
-    print '  -s                            start server'
-    print '  -f FILENAME, --file=FILENAME  start client and send contents of file'
-    print '                                named FILENAME to server'
-# Main program
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    EXIT, SERVER, CLIENT = range( 3 )
-    mode = EXIT
-    slimv_path = sys.argv[0]
-    python_path = sys.executable
-    input_filename = ''
-    # Always this trouble with the path/filenames containing spaces:
-    # enclose them in double quotes
-    if python_path.find( ' ' ) >= 0:
-        python_path = '"' + python_path + '"'
-    # Get command line options
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], '?hcsf:p:l:r:d:', \
-                                    ['help', 'client', 'server', 'file=', 'port=', 'lisp=', 'run=', 'debug='] )
-        # Process options
-        for o, a in opts:
-            if o in ('-?', '-h', '--help'):
-                usage()
-                break
-            if o in ('-p', '--port'):
-                try:
-                    PORT = int(a)
-                except:
-                    # If given port number is malformed, then keep default value
-                    pass
-            if o in ('-l', '--lisp'):
-                lisp_path = a
-            if o in ('-r', '--run'):
-                run_cmd = a
-            if o in ('-d', '--debug'):
-                try:
-                    debug_level = int(a)
-                except:
-                    # If given level is malformed, then keep default value
-                    pass
-            if o in ('-s', '--server'):
-                mode = SERVER
-            if o in ('-c', '--client'):
-                mode = CLIENT
-            if o in ('-f', '--file'):
-                mode = CLIENT
-                input_filename = a
-    except getopt.GetoptError:
-        # print help information and exit:
-        usage()
-    if mode == SERVER:
-        # We are started in server mode
-        server()
-    if mode == CLIENT:
-        # We are started in client mode
-        if run_cmd != '':
-            # It is possible to pass special argument placeholders to run_cmd
-            run_cmd = run_cmd.replace( '@p', escape_path( python_path ) )
-            run_cmd = run_cmd.replace( '@s', escape_path( slimv_path ) )
-            run_cmd = run_cmd.replace( '@l', escape_path( lisp_path ) )
-            run_cmd = run_cmd.replace( '@@', '@' )
-            log( run_cmd, 1 )
-        if input_filename != '':
-            client_file( input_filename )
-        else:
-            start_server()
-# --- END OF FILE ---
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/ftplugin/slimv.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1666 +0,0 @@
-" slimv.vim:    The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for VIM
-" Version:      0.7.1
-" Last Change:  31 Oct 2010
-" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-"               No warranty, express or implied.
-"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" =====================================================================
-"  Load Once:
-if &cp || exists( 'g:slimv_loaded' )
-    finish
-let g:slimv_loaded = 1
-if has( 'win32' ) || has( 'win95' ) || has( 'win64' ) || has( 'win16' )
-    let g:slimv_windows = 1
-    " This means Linux only at the moment
-    let g:slimv_windows = 0
-" =====================================================================
-"  Functions used by global variable definitions
-" =====================================================================
-" Try to autodetect Python executable
-function! SlimvAutodetectPython()
-    if executable( 'python' )
-        return 'python'
-    endif
-    if g:slimv_windows
-        " Try to find Python on the standard installation places
-        let pythons = split( globpath( 'c:/python*,c:/Program Files/python*', 'python.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( pythons ) > 0
-            return pythons[0]
-        endif
-        " Go deeper in subdirectories
-        let pythons = split( globpath( 'c:/python*/**,c:/Program Files/python*/**', 'python.exe' ), '\n' )
-        if len( pythons ) > 0
-            return pythons[0]
-        endif
-        return ''
-    else
-        return ''
-    endif
-" Build the command to start the client
-function! SlimvMakeClientCommand()
-    if g:slimv_python == '' || g:slimv_lisp == ''
-        " We don't have enough information to build client command
-        return ''
-    endif
-    " Start with the Python path
-    let cmd = g:slimv_python
-    " Add path of Slimv script, on Windows enclose in double quotes
-    if g:slimv_windows
-        let cmd = cmd . ' "' . g:slimv_path . '"'
-    else
-        let cmd = cmd . ' ' . g:slimv_path
-    endif
-    " Add port number if different from default
-    if g:slimv_port != 5151
-        let cmd = cmd . ' -p ' . g:slimv_port
-    endif
-    " Add Lisp path
-    let cmd = cmd . ' -l ' . g:slimv_lisp
-    return cmd
-function! SlimvClientCommand()
-    if g:slimv_client == ''
-        " No command to start client, we are clueless, ask user for assistance
-        if g:slimv_python == ''
-            let g:slimv_python = input( 'Enter Python path (or fill g:slimv_python in your vimrc): ', '', 'file' )
-        endif
-        if g:slimv_lisp == ''
-            let g:slimv_lisp = input( 'Enter Lisp path (or fill g:slimv_lisp in your vimrc): ', '', 'file' )
-        endif
-        let g:slimv_client = SlimvMakeClientCommand()
-    endif
-" Find slimv.py in the Vim ftplugin directory (if not given in vimrc)
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_path' )
-    let plugins = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'ftplugin/**/slimv.py'), '\n' )
-    if len( plugins ) > 0
-        let g:slimv_path = plugins[0]
-    else
-        let g:slimv_path = 'slimv.py'
-    endif
-" Get the filetype (Lisp dialect) used by Slimv
-function! SlimvGetFiletype()
-    if &ft != ''
-        " Return Vim filetype if defined
-        return &ft
-    endif
-    if match( tolower( g:slimv_lisp ), 'clojure' ) >= 0 || match( tolower( g:slimv_lisp ), 'clj' ) >= 0
-        " Must be Clojure
-        return 'clojure'
-    endif
-    " We have no clue, guess its lisp
-    return 'lisp'
-" =====================================================================
-"  Global variable definitions
-" =====================================================================
-" Leave client window open for debugging purposes
-" (works only on Windows at the moment)
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_debug_client' )
-    let g:slimv_debug_client = 0
-" TCP port number to use
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_port' )
-    let g:slimv_port = 5151
-" Find Python (if not given in vimrc)
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_python' )
-    let g:slimv_python = SlimvAutodetectPython()
-" Find Lisp (if not given in vimrc)
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_lisp' )
-    let lisp = b:SlimvAutodetect()
-    let g:slimv_lisp = lisp[0]
-    if !exists( 'g:slimv_impl' )
-        let g:slimv_impl = lisp[1]
-    endif
-" Try to find out the Lisp implementation
-" if not autodetected and not given in vimrc
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_impl' )
-    let g:slimv_impl = b:SlimvImplementation()
-" Open a REPL buffer inside Vim?
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_repl_open' )
-    let g:slimv_repl_open = 1
-" Directory name for the REPL buffer file
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_repl_dir' )
-    if g:slimv_windows
-        let g:slimv_repl_dir = matchstr( tempname(), '.*\\' )
-    else
-        let g:slimv_repl_dir = '/tmp/'
-    endif
-" Filename for the REPL buffer file
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_repl_file' )
-    let g:slimv_repl_file = b:SlimvREPLFile()
-" Shall we open REPL buffer in split window?
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_repl_split' )
-    let g:slimv_repl_split = 1
-" Wrap long lines in REPL buffer
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_repl_wrap' )
-    let g:slimv_repl_wrap = 1
-" Alternative value (in msec) for 'updatetime' while the REPL buffer is changing
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_updatetime' )
-    let g:slimv_updatetime = 200
-" Build client command (if not given in vimrc)
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_client' )
-    let g:slimv_client = SlimvMakeClientCommand()
-" Slimv keybinding set (0 = no keybindings)
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_keybindings' )
-    let g:slimv_keybindings = 1
-" Append Slimv menu to the global menu (0 = no menu)
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_menu' )
-    let g:slimv_menu = 1
-" Build the ctags command capable of generating lisp tags file
-" The command can be run with execute 'silent !' . g:slimv_ctags
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_ctags' )
-    let ctags = split( globpath( '$vim,$vimruntime', 'ctags.exe' ), '\n' )
-    if len( ctags ) > 0
-        " Remove -a option to regenerate every time
-        let g:slimv_ctags = '"' . ctags[0] . '" -a --language-force=lisp *.lisp *.clj'
-    endif
-" Package/namespace handling
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_package' )
-    let g:slimv_package = 1
-" =====================================================================
-"  Template definitions
-" =====================================================================
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_pprint' )
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        let g:slimv_template_pprint = '(doseq [o %1] (println o))'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_pprint = '(dolist (o %1)(pprint o))'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_undefine' )
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        let g:slimv_template_undefine = "(ns-unmap 'user '" . "%1)"
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_undefine = '(fmakunbound (read-from-string "%1"))'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_describe' )
-    let g:slimv_template_describe = '(describe (read-from-string "%1"))'
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_trace' )
-    let g:slimv_template_trace = '(trace %1)'
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_untrace' )
-    let g:slimv_template_untrace = '(untrace %1)'
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_profile' )
-    if b:SlimvImplementation() == 'sbcl'
-        let g:slimv_template_profile = '(sb-profile:profile %1)'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_profile = '(mon:monitor %1)'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_unprofile' )
-    if b:SlimvImplementation() == 'sbcl'
-        let g:slimv_template_unprofile = '(sb-profile:unprofile %1)'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_unprofile = '(mon:unmonitor %1)'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_unprofile_all' )
-    if b:SlimvImplementation() == 'sbcl'
-        let g:slimv_template_unprofile_all = '(sb-profile:unprofile)'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_unprofile_all = '(mon:unmonitor)'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_show_profiled' )
-    if b:SlimvImplementation() == 'sbcl'
-        let g:slimv_template_show_profiled = '(sb-profile:profile)'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_show_profiled = '(pprint mon:*monitored-functions*)'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_profile_report' )
-    if b:SlimvImplementation() == 'sbcl'
-        let g:slimv_template_profile_report = '(sb-profile:report)'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_profile_report = '(mon:report-monitoring)'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_profile_reset' )
-    if b:SlimvImplementation() == 'sbcl'
-        let g:slimv_template_profile_reset = '(sb-profile:reset)'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_profile_reset = '(mon:reset-all-monitoring)'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_disassemble' )
-    let g:slimv_template_disassemble = "(disassemble #'%1)"
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_inspect' )
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        let g:slimv_template_inspect = "(print-doc #'" . "%1)"
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_inspect = '(inspect %1)'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_apropos' )
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        let g:slimv_template_apropos = '(find-doc "%1")'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_apropos = '(apropos "%1")'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_macroexpand' )
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        let g:slimv_template_macroexpand = '%1'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_macroexpand = '(pprint %1)'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_macroexpand_all' )
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        let g:slimv_template_macroexpand_all = '%1'
-    else
-        let g:slimv_template_macroexpand_all = '(pprint %1)'
-    endif
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_compile_file' )
-"    let g:slimv_template_compile_file = '(compile-file "%1")'
-    let g:slimv_template_compile_file =
-    \ '(let ((fasl-file (compile-file "%1")))' .
-    \ '  (when (and %2 fasl-file) (load fasl-file)))'
-if !exists( 'g:slimv_template_compile_string' )
-    let g:slimv_template_compile_string = 
-    \ '(funcall (compile nil (read-from-string (format nil "(~S () ~A)" ' . "'" . 'lambda "%1"))))'
-if !exists( 'mapleader' )
-    let mapleader = ','
-" =====================================================================
-"  Other non-global script variables
-" =====================================================================
-" Name of the REPL buffer inside Vim
-let s:repl_name = g:slimv_repl_dir . g:slimv_repl_file
-" Lisp prompt in the last line
-let s:prompt = ''
-" The last update time for the REPL buffer
-let s:last_update = 0
-" The last size of the REPL buffer
-let s:last_size = 0
-" The original value for 'updatetime'
-let s:save_updatetime = &updatetime
-" =====================================================================
-"  General utility functions
-" =====================================================================
-" Display an error message
-function SlimvError( msg )
-    echohl ErrorMsg
-    echo a:msg
-    echohl None
-" Display an error message and wait for ENTER
-function SlimvErrorWait( msg )
-    echohl ErrorMsg
-    let dummy = input( a:msg . " Press ENTER to continue." )
-    echo ""
-    echohl None
-" Position the cursor at the end of the REPL buffer
-" Optionally mark this position in Vim mark 's'
-function! SlimvEndOfReplBuffer( markpos, insert )
-    if !g:slimv_repl_open
-        " User does not want to display REPL in Vim
-        return
-    endif
-    normal! G$
-    if a:markpos
-        " Remember the end of the buffer: user may enter commands here
-        " Also remember the prompt, because the user may overwrite it
-        call setpos( "'s", [0, line('$'), col('$'), 0] )
-        let s:prompt = getline( "'s" )
-        if a:insert
-            " We are in insert mode, so we end up appending to the last line
-            startinsert!
-        endif
-    endif
-    set nomodified
-" Reload the contents of the REPL buffer from the output file if changed
-function! SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
-"    if !g:slimv_repl_open || !g:slimv_repl_split
-    if !g:slimv_repl_open
-        " User does not want to display REPL in Vim
-        " or does not display it in a split window
-        return
-    endif
-    let size = getfsize( s:repl_name )
-    if size == s:last_size
-        " REPL output file did not change since the last refresh
-        if g:slimv_updatetime > 0 && s:last_update < localtime() - 1
-            let &updatetime = s:save_updatetime
-        endif
-        return
-    endif
-    let s:last_size = size
-    let repl_buf = bufnr( s:repl_name )
-    if repl_buf == -1
-        " REPL buffer not loaded
-        return
-    endif
-    let this_buf = bufnr( "%" )
-    if repl_buf != this_buf
-        " Switch to the REPL buffer/window
-        try
-            if g:slimv_repl_split
-                wincmd w
-            else
-                buf #
-            endif
-        catch /.*/
-            " Some Vim versions give an E303 error here
-            " but we don't need a swapfile for the REPL buffer anyway
-        endtry
-    endif
-    if g:slimv_updatetime > 0
-        let &updatetime = g:slimv_updatetime
-    endif
-    let s:last_update = localtime()
-    try
-        "execute "silent edit! " . s:repl_name
-        "silent execute "view! " . s:repl_name
-        execute "silent view! " . s:repl_name
-    catch /.*/
-        " Oops, something went wrong, the buffer will not be refreshed this time
-    endtry
-    syntax on
-    setlocal autoread
-    let insert = 0
-    if mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'I'
-        let insert = 1
-    endif
-    call SlimvEndOfReplBuffer( 0, insert )
-    if repl_buf != this_buf
-        " Switch back to the caller buffer/window
-        if g:slimv_repl_split
-            wincmd w
-        else
-            buf #
-        endif
-    endif
-" This function re-triggers the CursorHold event
-" after refreshing the REPL buffer
-function! SlimvTimer()
-    call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
-    if g:slimv_repl_open
-        if mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'I'
-            " Put an incomplete '<C-O>' command and an Esc into the typeahead buffer
-            call feedkeys("\x0F\e")
-        else
-            " Put an incomplete 'f' command and an Esc into the typeahead buffer
-            call feedkeys("f\e")
-        endif
-    endif
-" Switch refresh mode on:
-" refresh REPL buffer on frequent Vim events
-function! SlimvRefreshModeOn()
-    set readonly
-    setlocal autoread
-    execute "au CursorMoved  * :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()"
-    execute "au CursorMovedI * :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()"
-    execute "au CursorHold   * :call SlimvTimer()"
-    execute "au CursorHoldI  * :call SlimvTimer()"
-    call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
-" Switch refresh mode off
-function! SlimvRefreshModeOff()
-    execute "au! CursorMoved"
-    execute "au! CursorMovedI"
-    execute "au! CursorHold"
-    execute "au! CursorHoldI"
-    set noreadonly
-    " Remember the end of the buffer and the actual prompt
-    call setpos( "'s", [0, line('$'), col('$'), 0] )
-    let s:prompt = getline( "'s" )
-" Called when entering REPL buffer
-function! SlimvReplEnter()
-    call SlimvAddReplMenu()
-    execute "au FileChangedRO " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvRefreshModeOff()"
-    call SlimvRefreshModeOn()
-    call SlimvEndOfReplBuffer( 1, 0 )
-" Called when leaving REPL buffer
-function! SlimvReplLeave()
-    try
-        " Check if REPL menu exists, then remove it
-        aunmenu REPL
-        unmap <Leader>\
-    catch /.*/
-        " REPL menu not found, we cannot remove it
-    endtry
-    call SlimvRefreshModeOn()
-    call SlimvEndOfReplBuffer( 1, 0 )
-" Open a new REPL buffer or switch to the existing one
-function! SlimvOpenReplBuffer()
-    "TODO: check if this works without 'set hidden'
-    let repl_buf = bufnr( s:repl_name )
-    if repl_buf == -1
-        " Create a new REPL buffer
-        if g:slimv_repl_split
-            execute "silent sview! " . s:repl_name
-        else
-            execute "silent view! " . s:repl_name
-        endif
-    else
-        if g:slimv_repl_split
-            " REPL buffer is already created. Check if it is open in a window
-            let repl_win = bufwinnr( repl_buf )
-            if repl_win == -1
-                " Create windows
-                execute "silent sview! " . s:repl_name
-            else
-                " Switch to the REPL window
-                if winnr() != repl_win
-                    execute repl_win . "wincmd w"
-                endif
-            endif
-        else
-            execute "buffer " . repl_buf
-        endif
-    endif
-    " Add keybindings valid only for the REPL buffer
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent>        <CR>   <End><CR><C-O>:call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent>        <C-CR> <End><CR><C-O>:call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent>        <Up>   <C-O>:call SlimvHandleUp()<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent>        <Down> <C-O>:call SlimvHandleDown()<CR>
-    if exists( 'g:paredit_loaded' )
-        inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <BS>   PareditBackspace(1)
-    else
-        inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <BS>   SlimvHandleBS()
-    endif
-    if g:slimv_keybindings == 1
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>.      :call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>/      :call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader><Up>   :call SlimvPreviousCommand()<CR>
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader><Down> :call SlimvNextCommand()<CR>
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>z      :call SlimvRefresh()<CR>
-    elseif g:slimv_keybindings == 2
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>rs     :call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>ro     :call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>rp     :call SlimvPreviousCommand()<CR>
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>rn     :call SlimvNextCommand()<CR>
-        noremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>rr     :call SlimvRefresh()<CR>
-    endif
-    if g:slimv_repl_wrap
-        inoremap <buffer> <silent>        <Home> <C-O>g<Home>
-        inoremap <buffer> <silent>        <End>  <C-O>g<End>
-        noremap  <buffer> <silent>        <Up>   gk
-        noremap  <buffer> <silent>        <Down> gj
-        noremap  <buffer> <silent>        <Home> g<Home>
-        noremap  <buffer> <silent>        <End>  g<End>
-        noremap  <buffer> <silent>        k      gk
-        noremap  <buffer> <silent>        j      gj
-        noremap  <buffer> <silent>        0      g0
-        noremap  <buffer> <silent>        $      g$
-        set wrap
-    endif
-    hi SlimvNormal term=none cterm=none gui=none
-    hi SlimvCursor term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
-    " Add autocommands specific to the REPL buffer
-    execute "au FileChangedShell " . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()"
-    execute "au FocusGained "      . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()"
-    execute "au BufEnter "         . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvReplEnter()"
-    execute "au BufLeave "         . g:slimv_repl_file . " :call SlimvReplLeave()"
-    filetype on
-    setlocal autoread
-    redraw
-    let s:last_size = 0
-    call SlimvSend( ['SLIMV::OUTPUT::' . s:repl_name ], 0 )
-    call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
-" Select symbol under cursor and copy it to register 's'
-function! SlimvSelectSymbol()
-    "TODO: can we use expand('<cWORD>') here?
-    normal! viw"sy
-" Select extended symbol under cursor and copy it to register 's'
-function! SlimvSelectSymbolExt()
-    let oldkw = &iskeyword
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        setlocal iskeyword+=~,#,&,\|,{,},!,?
-    else
-        setlocal iskeyword+=~,#,&,\|,{,},[,],!,?
-    endif
-    normal! viw"sy
-    let &iskeyword = oldkw
-" Select bottom level form the cursor is inside and copy it to register 's'
-function! SlimvSelectForm()
-    normal! va(o
-    " Handle '() or #'() etc. type special syntax forms
-    " TODO: what to do with ` operator?
-    let c = col( '.' ) - 2
-    while c > 0 && match( ' \t()', getline( '.' )[c] ) < 0
-        normal! h
-        let c = c - 1
-    endwhile
-    normal! "sy
-" Select top level form the cursor is inside and copy it to register 's'
-function! SlimvSelectToplevelForm()
-    normal! 99[(
-    call SlimvSelectForm()
-" Return the contents of register 's'
-function! SlimvGetSelection()
-    return getreg( '"s' )
-" Find the given string backwards and put it in front of the current selection
-" if it is a valid Lisp form (i.e. not inside comment or string)
-function! SlimvFindAddSel( string )
-    normal ms
-    let found = 0
-    while search( '(\s*' . a:string . '\s', 'bcW' )
-        " Search for the previos occurrence
-        if synIDattr( synID( line('.'), col('.'), 0), 'name' ) !~ '[Ss]tring\|[Cc]omment'
-            " It is not inside a comment or string
-            let found = 1
-            break
-        endif
-    endwhile
-    if found
-        " Put the form just found at the beginning of the selection
-        let sel = SlimvGetSelection()
-        normal! v%"sy
-        call setreg( '"s', SlimvGetSelection() . "\n" . sel )
-        normal `s
-    endif
-" Find and add language specific package/namespace definition before the
-" cursor position and if exists then add it in front of the current selection
-function! SlimvFindPackage()
-    if !g:slimv_package
-        return
-    endif
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        call SlimvFindAddSel( 'in-ns' )
-    else
-        call SlimvFindAddSel( 'in-package' )
-    endif
-" Send argument to Lisp server for evaluation
-function! SlimvSend( args, open_buffer )
-    call SlimvClientCommand()
-    if g:slimv_client == ''
-        return
-    endif
-    let repl_buf = bufnr( s:repl_name )
-    let repl_win = bufwinnr( repl_buf )
-    if a:open_buffer && ( repl_buf == -1 || ( g:slimv_repl_split && repl_win == -1 ) )
-        call SlimvOpenReplBuffer()
-    endif
-    " Build a temporary file from the form to be evaluated
-    let ar = []
-    let i = 0
-    while i < len( a:args )
-        call extend( ar, split( a:args[i], '\n' ) )
-        let i = i + 1
-    endwhile
-    let tmp = tempname()
-    try
-        call writefile( ar, tmp )
-        " Send the file to the client for evaluation
-        if g:slimv_debug_client == 0
-            let result = system( g:slimv_client . ' -f ' . tmp )
-        else
-            execute '!' . g:slimv_client . ' -f ' . tmp
-        endif
-    finally
-        call delete(tmp)
-    endtry
-    if a:open_buffer
-        " Wait a little for the REPL output and refresh REPL buffer
-        " then return to the caller buffer/window
-        call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
-        if g:slimv_repl_split && repl_win == -1
-            execute "normal! \<C-w>p"
-        elseif repl_buf == -1
-            buf #
-        endif
-    endif
-" Eval arguments in Lisp REPL
-function! SlimvEval( args )
-    call SlimvSend( a:args, g:slimv_repl_open )
-" Send interrupt command to REPL
-function! SlimvInterrupt()
-    call SlimvSend( ['SLIMV::INTERRUPT'], 0 )
-    call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
-    startinsert!
-" Set command line after the prompt
-function! SlimvSetCommandLine( cmd )
-    let line = getline( "." )
-    if line( "." ) == line( "'s" )
-        " The prompt is in the line marked with 's
-        let promptlen = len( s:prompt )
-    else
-        let promptlen = 0
-    endif
-    if len( line ) > promptlen
-        let line = strpart( line, 0, promptlen )
-    endif
-    let line = line . a:cmd
-    call setline( ".", line )
-    call SlimvEndOfReplBuffer( 0, 0 )
-" Add command list to the command history
-function! SlimvAddHistory( cmd )
-    if !exists( 'g:slimv_cmdhistory' )
-        let g:slimv_cmdhistory = []
-    endif
-    let i = 0
-    while i < len( a:cmd )
-        " Trim trailing whitespaces from the command
-        let command = substitute( a:cmd[i], "\\(.*[^ ]\\)\\s*", "\\1", "g" )
-        call add( g:slimv_cmdhistory, command )
-        let i = i + 1
-    endwhile
-    let g:slimv_cmdhistorypos = len( g:slimv_cmdhistory )
-" Recall command from the command history at the marked position
-function! SlimvRecallHistory()
-    if g:slimv_cmdhistorypos >= 0 && g:slimv_cmdhistorypos < len( g:slimv_cmdhistory )
-        call SlimvSetCommandLine( g:slimv_cmdhistory[g:slimv_cmdhistorypos] )
-    else
-        call SlimvSetCommandLine( "" )
-    endif
-" Count the opening and closing parens or brackets to determine if they match
-function! s:GetParenCount( lines )
-    let paren = 0
-    let inside_string = 0
-    let i = 0
-    while i < len( a:lines )
-        let inside_comment = 0
-        let j = 0
-        while j < len( a:lines[i] )
-            if inside_string
-                " We are inside a string, skip parens, wait for closing '"'
-                if a:lines[i][j] == '"' && ( j < 1 || a:lines[i][j-1] != '\' )
-                    let inside_string = 0
-                endif
-            elseif inside_comment
-                " We are inside a comment, skip parens, wait for end of line
-            else
-                " We are outside of strings and comments, now we shall count parens
-                if a:lines[i][j] == '"'
-                    let inside_string = 1
-                endif
-                if a:lines[i][j] == ';'
-                    let inside_comment = 1
-                endif
-                if a:lines[i][j] == '(' || a:lines[i][j] == '['
-                    let paren = paren + 1
-                endif
-                if a:lines[i][j] == ')' || a:lines[i][j] == ']'
-                    let paren = paren - 1
-                    if paren < 0
-                        " Oops, too many closing parens in the middle
-                        return paren
-                    endif
-                endif
-            endif
-            let j = j + 1
-        endwhile
-        let i = i + 1
-    endwhile
-    return paren
-" Send command line to REPL buffer
-" Arguments: close = add missing closing parens
-function! SlimvSendCommand( close )
-    call SlimvRefreshModeOn()
-    let lastline = line( "'s" )
-    let lastcol  =  col( "'s" )
-    if lastline > 0
-        if line( "." ) >= lastline
-            " Trim the prompt from the beginning of the command line
-            " The user might have overwritten some parts of the prompt
-            let cmdline = getline( lastline )
-            let c = 0
-            while c < lastcol - 1 && cmdline[c] == s:prompt[c]
-                let c = c + 1
-            endwhile
-            let cmd = [ strpart( getline( lastline ), c ) ]
-            " Build a possible multi-line command
-            let l = lastline + 1
-            while l <= line("$") - 1
-                call add( cmd, strpart( getline( l ), 0) )
-                let l = l + 1
-            endwhile
-            " Count the number of opening and closing braces
-            let paren = s:GetParenCount( cmd )
-            if paren > 0 && a:close
-                " Expression is not finished yet, add missing parens and evaluate it
-                while paren > 0
-                    let cmd[len(cmd)-1] = cmd[len(cmd)-1] . ')'
-                    let paren = paren - 1
-                endwhile
-            endif
-            if paren == 0
-                " Expression finished, let's evaluate it
-                " but first add it to the history
-                call SlimvAddHistory( cmd )
-                call SlimvEval( cmd )
-            elseif paren < 0
-                " Too many closing braces
-                call SlimvErrorWait( "Too many closing parens found." )
-            else
-                " Expression is not finished yet, indent properly and wait for completion
-                " Indentation works only if lisp indentation is switched on
-                let indent = ''
-                let i = lispindent( '.' )
-                while i > 0
-                    let indent = indent . ' '
-                    let i = i - 1
-                endwhile
-                call setline( ".", indent )
-                call SlimvEndOfReplBuffer( 0, 0 )
-            endif
-        endif
-    else
-        call append( '$', "Slimv error: previous EOF mark not found, re-enter last form:" )
-        call append( '$', "" )
-        call SlimvEndOfReplBuffer( 1, 0 )
-    endif
-" Close current top level form by adding the missing parens
-function! SlimvCloseForm()
-    let l2 = line( '.' )
-    normal! 99[(
-    let l1 = line( '.' )
-    let form = []
-    let l = l1
-    while l <= l2
-        call add( form, getline( l ) )
-        let l = l + 1
-    endwhile
-    let paren = s:GetParenCount( form )
-    if paren < 0
-        " Too many closing braces
-        call SlimvErrorWait( "Too many closing parens found." )
-    elseif paren > 0
-        " Add missing parens
-        let lastline = getline( l2 )
-        while paren > 0
-            let lastline = lastline . ')'
-            let paren = paren - 1
-        endwhile
-        call setline( l2, lastline )
-    endif
-    normal! %
-" Handle insert mode 'Backspace' keypress in the REPL buffer
-function! SlimvHandleBS()
-    if line( "." ) == line( "'s" ) && col( "." ) <= col( "'s" )
-        " No BS allowed before the previous EOF mark
-        return ""
-    else
-        return "\<BS>"
-    endif
-" Recall previous command from command history
-function! s:PreviousCommand()
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_cmdhistory' ) && g:slimv_cmdhistorypos > 0
-        let g:slimv_cmdhistorypos = g:slimv_cmdhistorypos - 1
-        call SlimvRecallHistory()
-    endif
-" Recall next command from command history
-function! s:NextCommand()
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_cmdhistory' ) && g:slimv_cmdhistorypos < len( g:slimv_cmdhistory )
-        let g:slimv_cmdhistorypos = g:slimv_cmdhistorypos + 1
-        call SlimvRecallHistory()
-    else
-        call SlimvSetCommandLine( "" )
-    endif
-" Handle insert mode 'Up' keypress in the REPL buffer
-function! SlimvHandleUp()
-    if line( "." ) >= line( "'s" )
-        call s:PreviousCommand()
-    else
-        normal! gk
-    endif
-" Handle insert mode 'Down' keypress in the REPL buffer
-function! SlimvHandleDown()
-    if line( "." ) >= line( "'s" )
-        call s:NextCommand()
-    else
-        normal! gj
-    endif
-" Go to command line and recall previous command from command history
-function! SlimvPreviousCommand()
-    call SlimvEndOfReplBuffer( 0, 0 )
-    if line( "." ) >= line( "'s" )
-        call s:PreviousCommand()
-    endif
-" Go to command line and recall next command from command history
-function! SlimvNextCommand()
-    call SlimvEndOfReplBuffer( 0, 0 )
-    if line( "." ) >= line( "'s" )
-        call s:NextCommand()
-    endif
-" Handle interrupt (Ctrl-C) keypress in the REPL buffer
-function! SlimvHandleInterrupt()
-    call SlimvSend( ['SLIMV::INTERRUPT'], 0 )
-    call SlimvRefreshReplBuffer()
-" Start and connect slimv server
-" This is a quite dummy function that just evaluates the empty string
-function! SlimvConnectServer()
-    "call SlimvEval( [''] )
-    call SlimvSend( ['SLIMV::OUTPUT::' . s:repl_name ], 0 )
-" Refresh REPL buffer continuously
-function! SlimvRefresh()
-    if bufnr( s:repl_name ) == -1
-        " REPL not opened, no need to refresh
-        return
-    endif
-    if bufnr( s:repl_name ) != bufnr( "%" )
-        " REPL is not the current window, activate it
-        call SlimvOpenReplBuffer()
-    endif
-" Get the last region (visual block)
-function! SlimvGetRegion() range
-    if mode() == 'v' || mode() == 'V'
-        let lines = getline( a:firstline, a:lastline )
-        let firstcol = col( a:firstline ) - 1
-        let lastcol  = col( a:lastline  ) - 2
-    else
-        let lines = getline( "'<", "'>" )
-        let firstcol = col( "'<" ) - 1
-        let lastcol  = col( "'>" ) - 2
-    endif
-    if lastcol >= 0
-        let lines[len(lines)-1] = lines[len(lines)-1][ : lastcol]
-    else
-        let lines[len(lines)-1] = ''
-    endif
-    let lines[0] = lines[0][firstcol : ]
-    " Find and add package/namespace definition in front of the region
-    if g:slimv_package
-        call setreg( '"s', '' )
-        call SlimvFindPackage()
-        let sel = SlimvGetSelection()
-        if sel != ''
-            let lines = [sel] + lines
-        endif
-    endif
-    return lines
-" Eval buffer lines in the given range
-function! SlimvEvalRegion() range
-    let lines = SlimvGetRegion()
-    call SlimvEval( lines )
-" Eval contents of the 's' register
-function! SlimvEvalSelection()
-    let lines = [SlimvGetSelection()]
-    call SlimvEval( lines )
-" Eval Lisp form.
-" Form given in the template is passed to Lisp without modification.
-function! SlimvEvalForm( template )
-    let lines = [a:template]
-    call SlimvEval( lines )
-" Eval Lisp form, with the given parameter substituted in the template.
-" %1 string is substituted with par1
-function! SlimvEvalForm1( template, par1 )
-    let p1 = escape( a:par1, '&' )
-    let temp1 = substitute( a:template, '%1', p1, 'g' )
-    let lines = [temp1]
-    call SlimvEval( lines )
-" Eval Lisp form, with the given parameters substituted in the template.
-" %1 string is substituted with par1
-" %2 string is substituted with par2
-function! SlimvEvalForm2( template, par1, par2 )
-    let p1 = escape( a:par1, '&' )
-    let p2 = escape( a:par2, '&' )
-    let temp1 = substitute( a:template, '%1', p1, 'g' )
-    let temp2 = substitute( temp1,      '%2', p2, 'g' )
-    let lines = [temp2]
-    call SlimvEval( lines )
-" =====================================================================
-"  Special functions
-" =====================================================================
-" Evaluate top level form at the cursor pos
-function! SlimvEvalDefun()
-    call SlimvSelectToplevelForm()
-    call SlimvFindPackage()
-    call SlimvEvalSelection()
-" Evaluate the whole buffer
-function! SlimvEvalBuffer()
-    let lines = getline( 1, '$' )
-    call SlimvEval( lines )
-" Evaluate last expression
-function! SlimvEvalLastExp()
-    call SlimvSelectForm()
-    call SlimvFindPackage()
-    call SlimvEvalSelection()
-" Evaluate and pretty print last expression
-function! SlimvPprintEvalLastExp()
-    call SlimvSelectForm()
-    call SlimvFindPackage()
-    call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_pprint, SlimvGetSelection() )
-" Evaluate expression entered interactively
-function! SlimvInteractiveEval()
-    let e = input( 'Eval: ' )
-    if e != ''
-        call SlimvEval([e])
-    endif
-" Undefine function
-function! SlimvUndefineFunction()
-    call SlimvSelectSymbol()
-    call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_undefine, SlimvGetSelection() )
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" General part of the various macroexpand functions
-function! SlimvMacroexpandGeneral( command )
-    normal! 99[(
-    let line = getline( "." )
-    if match( line, '(\s*defmacro\s' ) < 0
-        " The form does not contain 'defmacro', put it in a macroexpand block
-        call SlimvSelectForm()
-        let m = "(" . a:command . " '" . SlimvGetSelection() . ")"
-    else
-        " The form is a 'defmacro', so do a macroexpand from the macro name and parameters
-        if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-            " Some Vim configs (e.g. matchit.vim) include the trailing ']' after '%' in Visual mode
-            normal! vt[%ht]"sy
-        else
-            normal! vt(])"sy
-        endif
-        let m = SlimvGetSelection() . '))'
-        let m = substitute( m, "defmacro\\s*", a:command . " '(", 'g' )
-        if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-            " Remove opening bracket from the parameter list
-            " TODO: fix this for multi-line macro header
-            let m = substitute( m, "\\[\\(.*\\)", "\\1", 'g' )
-        else
-            " Remove opening brace from the parameter list
-            " The nice regular expression below says: remove the third '('
-            " ( + something + ( + something + ( + something -> ( + something + ( + something + something
-            " TODO: fix this for multi-line macro header
-            let m = substitute( m, "\\(([^()]*([^()]*\\)(\\(.*\\)", "\\1\\2", 'g' )
-        endif
-    endif
-    return m
-" Macroexpand-1 the current top level form
-function! SlimvMacroexpand()
-    let m = SlimvMacroexpandGeneral( "macroexpand-1" )
-    call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_macroexpand, m )
-" Macroexpand the current top level form
-function! SlimvMacroexpandAll()
-    let m = SlimvMacroexpandGeneral( "macroexpand" )
-    call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_macroexpand_all, m )
-" Switch trace on for the selected function
-function! SlimvTrace()
-    call SlimvSelectSymbol()
-    let s = input( 'Trace: ', SlimvGetSelection() )
-    echo s
-    if s != ''
-        call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_trace, s )
-    endif
-" Switch trace off for the selected function
-function! SlimvUntrace()
-    call SlimvSelectSymbol()
-    let s = input( 'Untrace: ', SlimvGetSelection() )
-    if s != ''
-        call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_untrace, s )
-    endif
-" Disassemble the selected function
-function! SlimvDisassemble()
-    call SlimvSelectSymbol()
-    let s = input( 'Disassemble: ', SlimvGetSelection() )
-    if s != ''
-        call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_disassemble, s )
-    endif
-" Inspect symbol
-function! SlimvInspect()
-    call SlimvSelectSymbol()
-    let s = input( 'Inspect: ', SlimvGetSelection() )
-    if s != ''
-        call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_inspect, s )
-    endif
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Compile and load profiler
-function! SlimvLoadProfiler()
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        call SlimvError( "No profiler support for Clojure." )
-    elseif b:SlimvImplementation() == 'sbcl'
-        call SlimvError( "SBCL has a built-in profiler, no need to load it." )
-    else
-        let profiler = split( globpath( &runtimepath, 'ftplugin/**/metering.lisp'), '\n' )
-        if len( profiler ) > 0
-            let filename = profiler[0]
-            let filename = substitute( filename, '\\', '/', 'g' )
-            call SlimvEvalForm2( g:slimv_template_compile_file, filename, 'T' )
-        else
-            call SlimvError( "metering.lisp is not found in the Vim ftplugin directory or below." )
-        endif
-    endif
-" Switch profiling on for the selected function
-function! SlimvProfile()
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        call SlimvError( "No profiler support for Clojure." )
-    else
-        call SlimvSelectSymbol()
-        let s = input( 'Profile: ', SlimvGetSelection() )
-        if s != ''
-            call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_profile, s )
-        endif
-    endif
-" Switch profiling off for the selected function
-function! SlimvUnprofile()
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        call SlimvError( "No profiler support for Clojure." )
-    else
-        call SlimvSelectSymbol()
-        let s = input( 'Unprofile: ', SlimvGetSelection() )
-        if s != ''
-            call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_unprofile, s )
-        endif
-    endif
-" Switch profiling completely off
-function! SlimvUnprofileAll()
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        call SlimvError( "No profiler support for Clojure." )
-    else
-        call SlimvEvalForm( g:slimv_template_unprofile_all )
-    endif
-" Display list of profiled functions
-function! SlimvShowProfiled()
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        call SlimvError( "No profiler support for Clojure." )
-    else
-        call SlimvEvalForm( g:slimv_template_show_profiled )
-    endif
-" Report profiling results
-function! SlimvProfileReport()
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        call SlimvError( "No profiler support for Clojure." )
-    else
-        call SlimvEvalForm( g:slimv_template_profile_report )
-    endif
-" Reset profiling counters
-function! SlimvProfileReset()
-    if SlimvGetFiletype() == 'clojure'
-        call SlimvError( "No profiler support for Clojure." )
-    else
-        call SlimvEvalForm( g:slimv_template_profile_reset )
-    endif
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Compile the current top-level form
-function! SlimvCompileDefun()
-    "TODO: handle double quote characters in form
-    call SlimvSelectToplevelForm()
-    call SlimvFindPackage()
-    call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_compile_string, SlimvGetSelection() )
-" Compile and load whole file
-function! SlimvCompileLoadFile()
-    let filename = fnamemodify( bufname(''), ':p' )
-    let filename = substitute( filename, '\\', '/', 'g' )
-    call SlimvEvalForm2( g:slimv_template_compile_file, filename, 'T' )
-" Compile whole file
-function! SlimvCompileFile()
-    let filename = fnamemodify( bufname(''), ':p' )
-    let filename = substitute( filename, '\\', '/', 'g' )
-    call SlimvEvalForm2( g:slimv_template_compile_file, filename, 'NIL' )
-function! SlimvCompileRegion() range
-    "TODO: handle double quote characters in form
-    let lines = SlimvGetRegion()
-    let region = join( lines, ' ' )
-    call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_compile_string, region )
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Describe the selected symbol
-function! SlimvDescribeSymbol()
-    call SlimvSelectSymbol()
-    call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_describe, SlimvGetSelection() )
-" Apropos of the selected symbol
-function! SlimvApropos()
-    call SlimvSelectSymbol()
-    call SlimvEvalForm1( g:slimv_template_apropos, SlimvGetSelection() )
-" Generate tags file using ctags
-function! SlimvGenerateTags()
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_ctags' ) && g:slimv_ctags != ''
-        execute 'silent !' . g:slimv_ctags
-    else
-        call SlimvError( "Copy ctags to the Vim path or define g:slimv_ctags." )
-    endif
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Find word in the CLHS symbol database, with exact or partial match.
-" Return either the first symbol found with the associated URL,
-" or the list of all symbols found without the associated URL.
-function! SlimvFindSymbol( word, exact, all, db, root, init )
-    if a:word == ''
-        return []
-    endif
-    if !a:all && a:init != []
-        " Found something already at a previous db lookup, no need to search this db
-        return a:init
-    endif
-    let lst = a:init
-    let i = 0
-    let w = tolower( a:word )
-    if a:exact
-        while i < len( a:db )
-            " Try to find an exact match
-            if a:db[i][0] == w
-                " No reason to check a:all here
-                return [a:db[i][0], a:root . a:db[i][1]]
-            endif
-            let i = i + 1
-        endwhile
-    else
-        while i < len( a:db )
-            " Try to find the symbol starting with the given word
-            let w2 = escape( w, '~' )
-            if match( a:db[i][0], w2 ) == 0
-                if a:all
-                    call add( lst, a:db[i][0] )
-                else
-                    return [a:db[i][0], a:root . a:db[i][1]]
-                endif
-            endif
-            let i = i + 1
-        endwhile
-    endif
-    " Return whatever found so far
-    return lst
-" Lookup word in Common Lisp Hyperspec
-function! SlimvLookup( word )
-    " First try an exact match
-    let w = a:word
-    let symbol = []
-    while symbol == []
-        let symbol = b:SlimvHyperspecLookup( w, 1, 0 )
-        if symbol == []
-            " Symbol not found, try a match on beginning of symbol name
-            let symbol = b:SlimvHyperspecLookup( w, 0, 0 )
-            if symbol == []
-                " We are out of luck, can't find anything
-                let msg = 'Symbol ' . w . ' not found. Hyperspec lookup word: '
-                let val = ''
-            else
-                let msg = 'Hyperspec lookup word: '
-                let val = symbol[0]
-            endif
-            " Ask user if this is that he/she meant
-            let w = input( msg, val )
-            if w == ''
-                " OK, user does not want to continue
-                return
-            endif
-            let symbol = []
-        endif
-    endwhile
-    if symbol != []
-        " Symbol found, open HS page in browser
-        if match( symbol[1], ':' ) < 0 && exists( g:slimv_hs_root )
-            let page = g:slimv_hs_root . symbol[1]
-        else
-            " URL is already a fully qualified address
-            let page = symbol[1]
-        endif
-        if exists( "g:slimv_browser_cmd" )
-            " We have an given command to start the browser
-            silent execute '! ' . g:slimv_browser_cmd . ' ' . page
-        else
-            if g:slimv_windows
-                " Run the program associated with the .html extension
-                silent execute '! start ' . page
-            else
-                " On Linux it's not easy to determine the default browser
-                " Ask help from Python webbrowser package
-                let pycmd = "import webbrowser; webbrowser.open('" . page . "')"
-                silent execute '! ' . g:slimv_python . ' -c "' . pycmd . '"'
-            endif
-        endif
-        " This is needed especially when using text browsers
-        redraw!
-    endif
-" Lookup current symbol in the Common Lisp Hyperspec
-function! SlimvHyperspec()
-    call SlimvSelectSymbolExt()
-    call SlimvLookup( SlimvGetSelection() )
-" Complete function that uses the Hyperspec database
-function! SlimvComplete( findstart, base )
-    if a:findstart
-        " Locate the start of the symbol name
-        let line = getline( '.' )
-        let start = col( '.' ) - 1
-        while start > 0 && ( line[start - 1] =~ '\a' || match( '\*&', line[start - 1] ) >= 0 )
-            let start -= 1
-        endwhile
-        return start
-    else
-        " Find all symbols starting with "a:base"
-        let res = []
-        let symbol = b:SlimvHyperspecLookup( a:base, 0, 1 )
-        call sort( symbol )
-        for m in symbol
-            if m =~ '^' . a:base
-                call add( res, m )
-            endif
-        endfor
-        return res
-    endif
-" Define complete function only if none is defined yet
-if &omnifunc == ''
-    set omnifunc=SlimvComplete
-" =====================================================================
-"  Slimv keybindings
-" =====================================================================
-" <Leader> can be set in .vimrc, it defaults here to ','
-" <Leader> timeouts in 1000 msec by default, if this is too short,
-" then increase 'timeoutlen'
-if g:slimv_keybindings == 1
-    " Short (one-key) keybinding set
-    noremap <Leader>)  :<C-U>call SlimvCloseForm()<CR>
-    inoremap <C-X>0    <C-O>:call SlimvCloseForm()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>(  :<C-U>call PareditToggle()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>d  :<C-U>call SlimvEvalDefun()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>e  :<C-U>call SlimvEvalLastExp()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>E  :<C-U>call SlimvPprintEvalLastExp()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>r  :call SlimvEvalRegion()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>b  :<C-U>call SlimvEvalBuffer()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>v  :call SlimvInteractiveEval()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>u  :call SlimvUndefineFunction()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>1  :<C-U>call SlimvMacroexpand()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>m  :<C-U>call SlimvMacroexpandAll()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>t  :call SlimvTrace()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>T  :call SlimvUntrace()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>l  :call SlimvDisassemble()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>i  :call SlimvInspect()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>D  :<C-U>call SlimvCompileDefun()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>L  :<C-U>call SlimvCompileLoadFile()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>F  :<C-U>call SlimvCompileFile()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>R  :call SlimvCompileRegion()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>O  :call SlimvLoadProfiler()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>p  :call SlimvProfile()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>P  :call SlimvUnprofile()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>U  :call SlimvUnprofileAll()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>?  :call SlimvShowProfiled()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>o  :call SlimvProfileReport()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>x  :call SlimvProfileReset()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>s  :call SlimvDescribeSymbol()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>a  :call SlimvApropos()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>h  :call SlimvHyperspec()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>]  :call SlimvGenerateTags()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>c  :call SlimvConnectServer()<CR>
-elseif g:slimv_keybindings == 2
-    " Easy to remember (two-key) keybinding set
-    " Edit commands
-    noremap <Leader>tc  :<C-U>call SlimvCloseForm()<CR>
-    inoremap <C-X>0     <C-O>:call SlimvCloseForm()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>(t  :<C-U>call PareditToggle()<CR>
-    " Evaluation commands
-    noremap <Leader>ed  :<C-U>call SlimvEvalDefun()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>ee  :<C-U>call SlimvEvalLastExp()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>ep  :<C-U>call SlimvPprintEvalLastExp()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>er  :call SlimvEvalRegion()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>eb  :<C-U>call SlimvEvalBuffer()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>ei  :call SlimvInteractiveEval()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>eu  :call SlimvUndefineFunction()<CR>
-    " Debug commands
-    noremap <Leader>m1  :<C-U>call SlimvMacroexpand()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>ma  :<C-U>call SlimvMacroexpandAll()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>dt  :call SlimvTrace()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>du  :call SlimvUntrace()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>dd  :call SlimvDisassemble()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>di  :call SlimvInspect()<CR>
-    " Compile commands
-    noremap <Leader>cd  :<C-U>call SlimvCompileDefun()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>cl  :<C-U>call SlimvCompileLoadFile()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>cf  :<C-U>call SlimvCompileFile()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>cr  :call SlimvCompileRegion()<CR>
-    " Profile commands
-    noremap <Leader>pl  :call SlimvLoadProfiler()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>pp  :call SlimvProfile()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>pu  :call SlimvUnprofile()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>pa  :call SlimvUnprofileAll()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>ps  :call SlimvShowProfiled()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>pr  :call SlimvProfileReport()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>px  :call SlimvProfileReset()<CR>
-    " Documentation commands
-    noremap <Leader>ds  :call SlimvDescribeSymbol()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>da  :call SlimvApropos()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>dh  :call SlimvHyperspec()<CR>
-    noremap <Leader>dt  :call SlimvGenerateTags()<CR>
-    " REPL commands
-    noremap <Leader>rc  :call SlimvConnectServer()<CR>
-" =====================================================================
-"  Slimv menu
-" =====================================================================
-if g:slimv_menu == 1
-    " Works only if 'wildcharm' is <Tab>
-    ":map <Leader>, :emenu Slimv.<Tab>
-    if &wildcharm == 0
-        set wildcharm=<Tab>
-    endif
-    if &wildcharm != 0
-        execute ':map <Leader>, :emenu Slimv.' . nr2char( &wildcharm )
-    endif
-    amenu &Slimv.Edi&t.Close-&Form                     :<C-U>call SlimvCloseForm()<CR>
-    imenu &Slimv.Edi&t.&Complete-Symbol                <C-X><C-O>
-    amenu &Slimv.Edi&t.&Paredit-Toggle                 :<C-U>call PareditToggle()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Evaluation.Eval-&Defun               :<C-U>call SlimvEvalDefun()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Evaluation.Eval-Last-&Exp            :<C-U>call SlimvEvalLastExp()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Evaluation.&Pprint-Eval-Last         :<C-U>call SlimvPprintEvalLastExp()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Evaluation.Eval-&Region              :call SlimvEvalRegion()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Evaluation.Eval-&Buffer              :<C-U>call SlimvEvalBuffer()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Evaluation.Interacti&ve-Eval\.\.\.   :call SlimvInteractiveEval()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Evaluation.&Undefine-Function        :call SlimvUndefineFunction()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.De&bugging.Macroexpand-&1             :<C-U>call SlimvMacroexpand()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.De&bugging.&Macroexpand-All           :<C-U>call SlimvMacroexpandAll()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.De&bugging.&Trace\.\.\.               :call SlimvTrace()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.De&bugging.U&ntrace\.\.\.             :call SlimvUntrace()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.De&bugging.Disassemb&le\.\.\.         :call SlimvDisassemble()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.De&bugging.&Inspect\.\.\.             :call SlimvInspect()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Compilation.Compile-&Defun           :<C-U>call SlimvCompileDefun()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Compilation.Compile-&Load-File       :<C-U>call SlimvCompileLoadFile()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Compilation.Compile-&File            :<C-U>call SlimvCompileFile()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Compilation.Compile-&Region          :call SlimvCompileRegion()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Profiling.&Load-Profiler             :call SlimvLoadProfiler()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Profiling.&Profile\.\.\.             :call SlimvProfile()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Profiling.&Unprofile\.\.\.           :call SlimvUnprofile()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Profiling.Unprofile-&All             :call SlimvUnprofileAll()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Profiling.&Show-Profiled             :call SlimvShowProfiled()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Profiling.-ProfilingSep-             :
-    amenu &Slimv.&Profiling.Profile-Rep&ort            :call SlimvProfileReport()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Profiling.Profile-&Reset             :call SlimvProfileReset()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Documentation.Describe-&Symbol       :call SlimvDescribeSymbol()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Documentation.&Apropos               :call SlimvApropos()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Documentation.&Hyperspec             :call SlimvHyperspec()<CR>
-    imenu &Slimv.&Documentation.&Complete-Symbol       <C-X><C-O>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Documentation.Generate-&Tags         :call SlimvGenerateTags()<CR>
-    amenu &Slimv.&Repl.&Connect-Server                 :call SlimvConnectServer()<CR>
-" Add REPL menu. This menu exist only for the REPL buffer.
-function SlimvAddReplMenu()
-    if &wildcharm != 0
-        execute ':map <Leader>\ :emenu REPL.' . nr2char( &wildcharm )
-    endif
-    amenu &REPL.Send-&Input                            :call SlimvSendCommand(0)<CR>
-    amenu &REPL.Cl&ose-Send-Input                      :call SlimvSendCommand(1)<CR>
-    amenu &REPL.Interrup&t-Lisp-Process                <Esc>:<C-U>call SlimvInterrupt()<CR>
-    amenu &REPL.-REPLSep-                              :
-    amenu &REPL.&Previous-Input                        :call SlimvPreviousCommand()<CR>
-    amenu &REPL.&Next-Input                            :call SlimvNextCommand()<CR>
-    amenu &REPL.&Refresh                               :call SlimvRefresh()<CR>
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/indent/clojure.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-" clojure.vim:
-"               Clojure indent plugin for Slimv
-" Version:      0.5.4
-" Last Change:  15 Nov 2009
-" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-"               No warranty, express or implied.
-"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" =====================================================================
-"  Load Once:
-if exists("b:did_indent")
-   finish
-runtime indent/**/lisp.vim
-set lisp
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/plugin/paredit.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1226 +0,0 @@
-" paredit.vim:
-"               Paredit mode for Slimv
-" Version:      0.7.1
-" Last Change:  07 Nov 2010
-" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-"               No warranty, express or implied.
-"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" =====================================================================
-"  Load Once:
-if &cp || exists( 'g:paredit_loaded' )
-    finish
-let g:paredit_loaded = 1
-" =====================================================================
-"  Global variable definitions
-" =====================================================================
-" Paredit mode selector
-if !exists( 'g:paredit_mode' )
-    let g:paredit_mode = 1
-"TODO: automatic indentation
-" Automatic indentation after some editing commands
-"if !exists( 'g:paredit_autoindent' )
-"    let g:paredit_autoindent = 1
-" Match delimiter this number of lines before and after cursor position
-if !exists( 'g:paredit_matchlines' )
-    let g:paredit_matchlines = 100
-" Use short keymaps, i.e. J instead of <Leader>J
-if !exists( 'g:paredit_shortmaps' )
-    let g:paredit_shortmaps = 0
-" =====================================================================
-"  Other variable definitions
-" =====================================================================
-" Skip matches inside string or comment
-let s:skip_c  = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~ "[Cc]omment"'
-let s:skip_sc = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~ "[Ss]tring\\|[Cc]omment"'
-" Regular expressions to identify special characters combinations used by paredit
-"TODO: add curly brace
-let s:any_matched_char   = '(\|)\|\[\|\]\|\"'
-let s:any_matched_pair   = '()\|\[\]\|\"\"'
-let s:any_opening_char   = '(\|\['
-let s:any_closing_char   = ')\|\]'
-let s:any_openclose_char = '(\|\[\|)\|\]'
-let s:any_wsopen_char    = '\s\|(\|\['
-let s:any_wsclose_char   = '\s\|)\|\]'
-let s:any_macro_prefix   = "'" . '\|`\|#\|@\|\~'
-" Repeat count for some remapped edit functions (like 'd')
-let s:repeat             = 0
-let s:yank_pos           = []
-" =====================================================================
-"  General utility functions
-" =====================================================================
-" Buffer specific initialization
-function! PareditInitBuffer()
-    if g:paredit_mode
-        " Paredit mode is on: add buffer specific keybindings
-        inoremap <buffer> <expr>   (            PareditInsertOpening('(',')')
-        inoremap <buffer> <expr>   )            PareditInsertClosing('(',')')
-        inoremap <buffer> <expr>   [            PareditInsertOpening('[',']')
-        inoremap <buffer> <expr>   ]            PareditInsertClosing('[',']')
-        inoremap <buffer> <expr>   "            PareditInsertQuotes()
-        inoremap <buffer> <expr>   <BS>         PareditBackspace(0)
-        inoremap <buffer> <expr>   <Del>        PareditDel()
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> (            :<C-U>call PareditFindOpening('(',')',0)<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> )            :<C-U>call PareditFindClosing('(',')',0)<CR>
-        vnoremap <buffer> <silent> (            <Esc>:<C-U>call PareditFindOpening('(',')',1)<CR>
-        vnoremap <buffer> <silent> )            <Esc>:<C-U>call PareditFindClosing('(',')',1)<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x            :<C-U>call PareditEraseFwd()<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Del>        :<C-U>call PareditEraseFwd()<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> X            :<C-U>call PareditEraseBck()<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> s            :<C-U>call PareditEraseFwd()<CR>i
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> D            v$:<C-U>call PareditDelete(visualmode(),1)<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> C            v$:<C-U>call PareditChange(visualmode(),1)<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> d            :<C-U>call PareditSetDelete(v:count)<CR>g@
-        vnoremap <buffer> <silent> d            :<C-U>call PareditDelete(visualmode(),1)<CR>
-        vnoremap <buffer> <silent> x            :<C-U>call PareditDelete(visualmode(),1)<CR>
-        vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Del>        :<C-U>call PareditDelete(visualmode(),1)<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> c            :set opfunc=PareditChange<CR>g@
-        vnoremap <buffer> <silent> c            :<C-U>call PareditChange(visualmode(),1)<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> dd           :<C-U>call PareditDeleteLines()<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> cc           :<C-U>call PareditChangeLines()<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> p            :<C-U>call PareditPut('p')<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> P            :<C-U>call PareditPut('P')<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>w(   :<C-U>call PareditWrap('(',')')<CR>
-        vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>w(   :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection('(',')')<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>w[   :<C-U>call PareditWrap('[',']')<CR>
-        vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>w[   :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection('[',']')<CR>
-        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>w"   :<C-U>call PareditWrap('"','"')<CR>
-        vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>w"   :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection('"','"')<CR>
-        if g:paredit_shortmaps
-            " Shorter keymaps: old functionality of KEY is remapped to <Leader>KEY
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <            :<C-U>call PareditMoveLeft()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> >            :<C-U>call PareditMoveRight()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> O            :<C-U>call PareditSplit()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> J            :<C-U>call PareditJoin()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> W            :<C-U>call PareditWrap()<CR>
-            vnoremap <buffer> <silent> W            :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> S            :<C-U>call PareditSplice()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader><    :<C-U>normal! <<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>>    :<C-U>normal! ><CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>O    :<C-U>normal! O<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>J    :<C-U>normal! J<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>W    :<C-U>normal! W<CR>
-            vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>W    :<C-U>normal! W<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>S    :<C-U>normal! S<CR>
-        else
-            " Longer keymaps with <Leader> prefix
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> S            V:<C-U>call PareditChange(visualmode(),1)<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader><    :<C-U>call PareditMoveLeft()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>>    :<C-U>call PareditMoveRight()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>O    :<C-U>call PareditSplit()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>J    :<C-U>call PareditJoin()<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>W    :<C-U>call PareditWrap('(',')')<CR>
-            vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>W    :<C-U>call PareditWrapSelection('(',')')<CR>
-            nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Leader>S    :<C-U>call PareditSplice()<CR>
-        endif
-    else
-        " Paredit mode is off: remove keybindings
-        iunmap <buffer> (
-        iunmap <buffer> )
-        iunmap <buffer> [
-        iunmap <buffer> ]
-        iunmap <buffer> "
-        iunmap <buffer> <BS>
-        iunmap <buffer> <Del>
-        unmap  <buffer> (
-        unmap  <buffer> )
-        unmap  <buffer> x
-        unmap  <buffer> <Del>
-        unmap  <buffer> X
-        unmap  <buffer> s
-        unmap  <buffer> D
-        unmap  <buffer> C
-        unmap  <buffer> d
-        unmap  <buffer> c
-        unmap  <buffer> dd
-        unmap  <buffer> cc
-    endif
-" General Paredit operator function
-function! PareditOpfunc( func, type, visualmode )
-    let sel_save = &selection
-    let ve_save = &virtualedit
-    set virtualedit=all
-    let reg_save = @@
-    if a:visualmode  " Invoked from Visual mode, use '< and '> marks.
-        silent exe "normal! `<" . a:type . "`>"
-    elseif a:type == 'line'
-        let &selection = "inclusive"
-        silent exe "normal! '[V']"
-    elseif a:type == 'block'
-        let &selection = "inclusive"
-        silent exe "normal! `[\<C-V>`]"
-    else
-        let &selection = "inclusive"
-        silent exe "normal! `[v`]"
-    endif
-    if !g:paredit_mode || a:visualmode && a:type == 'block' || a:type == "\<C-V>"
-        " Block mode is too difficult to handle at the moment
-        silent exe "normal! d"
-        let putreg = getreg( '"' )
-    else
-        silent exe "normal! y"
-        let putreg = getreg( '"' )
-        " Find and keep unbalanced matched characters in the region
-        let matched = s:GetMatchedChars( putreg, s:InsideString( "'<" ), s:InsideComment( "'<" ) )
-        let matched = s:Unbalanced( matched )
-        let matched = substitute( matched, '\s', '', 'g' )
-        if matched == ''
-            silent exe "normal! gvx"
-        else
-            silent exe "normal! gvc" . matched
-            silent exe "normal! l"
-        endif
-    endif
-    let &selection = sel_save
-    let &virtualedit = ve_save
-    let @@ = reg_save
-    call setreg( '"', putreg ) 
-" Set delete mode also saving repeat count
-function! PareditSetDelete( count )
-    let s:repeat = a:count
-    set opfunc=PareditDelete
-" General delete operator handling
-function! PareditDelete( type, ... )
-    call PareditOpfunc( 'd', a:type, a:0 )
-    if s:repeat > 1
-        call feedkeys( (s:repeat-1) . "." )
-    endif
-    let s:repeat = 0
-" General change operator handling
-function! PareditChange( type, ... )
-    call PareditOpfunc( 'c', a:type, a:0 )
-    startinsert
-" Delete v:count number of lines
-function! PareditDeleteLines()
-    if v:count > 1
-        silent exe "normal! V" . (v:count-1) . "j\<Esc>"
-    else
-        silent exe "normal! V\<Esc>"
-    endif
-    call PareditDelete(visualmode(),1)
-" Change v:count number of lines
-function! PareditChangeLines()
-    if v:count > 1
-        silent exe "normal! V" . (v:count-1) . "j\<Esc>"
-    else
-        silent exe "normal! V\<Esc>"
-    endif
-    call PareditChange(visualmode(),1)
-" Paste text from put register in a balanced way
-function! PareditPut( cmd )
-    let reg_save = @@
-    let putreg = getreg( '"' )
-    " Find unpaired matched characters by eliminating paired ones
-    let matched = s:GetMatchedChars( putreg, s:InsideString( '.' ), s:InsideComment( '.' ) )
-    let matched = s:Unbalanced( matched )
-    " Replace all unpaired matched characters with a space in order to keep balance
-    let i = 0
-    while i < len( putreg )
-        if matched[i] !~ '\s'
-            let putreg = strpart( putreg, 0, i ) . ' ' . strpart( putreg, i+1 )
-        endif
-        let i = i + 1
-    endwhile
-    " Store balanced text in put register and call the appropriate put command
-    call setreg( '"', putreg ) 
-    if v:count > 1
-        silent exe "normal! " . v:count . a:cmd
-    else
-        silent exe "normal! " . a:cmd
-    endif
-    let @@ = reg_save
-" Toggle paredit mode
-function! PareditToggle()
-    let g:paredit_mode = 1 - g:paredit_mode
-    echo g:paredit_mode ? 'Paredit mode on' : 'Paredit mode off'
-    call PareditInitBuffer()
-" Does the current syntax item match the given regular expression?
-function! s:SynIDMatch( regexp, pos, match_eol )
-    let line = line( a:pos )
-    let col  = col ( a:pos )
-    if a:match_eol && col > len( getline( line ) )
-        let col = col - 1
-    endif
-    return synIDattr( synID( line, col, 0), 'name' ) =~ a:regexp
-" Is the current cursor position inside a comment?
-function! s:InsideComment( ... )
-    return s:SynIDMatch( '[Cc]omment', a:0 ? a:1 : '.', 1 )
-" Is the current cursor position inside a string?
-function! s:InsideString( ... )
-    return s:SynIDMatch( '[Ss]tring', a:0 ? a:1 : '.', 0 )
-" Autoindent current top level form
-function! PareditIndentTopLevelForm( level )
-    if a:level < g:paredit_autoindent
-        return
-    endif
-    let l = line( '.' )
-    let c =  col( '.' )
-    normal! ms
-    let matchb = max( [l-g:paredit_matchlines, 1] )
-    let [l0, c0] = searchpairpos( '(', '', ')', 'brmW', s:skip_sc, matchb )
-    "let save_exp = &expandtab
-    "set expandtab
-    normal! v%=`s
-    "let &expandtab = save_exp
-" Is this a Slimv REPL buffer?
-function! s:IsReplBuffer()
-    if exists( 'g:slimv_repl_dir' ) && exists( 'g:slimv_repl_file' )
-        let repl_name = g:slimv_repl_dir . g:slimv_repl_file
-        return bufnr( repl_name ) == bufnr( '%' )
-    else
-        return bufname( '%' ) =~ '.*\.repl\..*'
-    endif
-" Get Slimv REPL buffer last command prompt position
-" Return [0, 0] if this is not the REPL buffer
-function! s:GetReplPromptPos()
-    if !s:IsReplBuffer()
-        return [0, 0]
-    endif
-    return [ line( "'s" ), col( "'s" ) ]
-" Is the current top level form balanced, i.e all opening delimiters
-" have a matching closing delimiter
-function! s:IsBalanced()
-    let l = line( '.' )
-    let c =  col( '.' )
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let matchb = max( [l-g:paredit_matchlines, 1] )
-    let matchf = min( [l+g:paredit_matchlines, line('$')] )
-    let prompt = line( "'s" )
-    if s:IsReplBuffer() && l >= prompt && matchb < prompt
-        " Do not go before the last command prompt in the REPL buffer
-        let matchb = prompt
-    endif
-    let p1 = searchpair( '(', '', ')', 'brnmW', s:skip_sc, matchb )
-    let p2 = searchpair( '(', '', ')',  'rnmW', s:skip_sc, matchf )
-    if !(p1 == p2) && !(p1 == p2 - 1 && line[c-1] == '(') && !(p1 == p2 + 1 && line[c-1] == ')')
-        " Number of opening and closing parens differ
-        return 0
-    endif
-    let b1 = searchpair( '\[', '', '\]', 'brnmW', s:skip_sc, matchb )
-    if b1 == 0
-        " Outside of all bracket-pairs
-        return 1
-    endif
-    let b2 = searchpair( '\[', '', '\]',  'rnmW', s:skip_sc, matchf )
-    if !(b1 == b2) && !(b1 == b2 - 1 && line[c-1] == '[') && !(b1 == b2 + 1 && line[c-1] == ']')
-        " Number of opening and closing brackets differ
-        return 0
-    endif
-    return 1
-" Filter out all non-matched characters from the region
-function! s:GetMatchedChars( lines, start_in_string, start_in_comment )
-    let inside_string  = a:start_in_string
-    let inside_comment = a:start_in_comment
-    let matched = repeat( ' ', len( a:lines ) )
-    let i = 0
-    while i < len( a:lines )
-        if inside_string
-            " We are inside a string, skip parens, wait for closing '"'
-            " but skip escaped \" characters
-            if a:lines[i] == '"' && a:lines[i-1] != '\'
-                let matched = strpart( matched, 0, i ) . a:lines[i] . strpart( matched, i+1 )
-                let inside_string = 0
-            endif
-        elseif inside_comment
-            " We are inside a comment, skip parens, wait for end of line
-            if a:lines[i] == "\n"
-                let inside_comment = 0
-            endif
-        else
-            " We are outside of strings and comments, now we shall count parens
-            if a:lines[i] == '"'
-                let matched = strpart( matched, 0, i ) . a:lines[i] . strpart( matched, i+1 )
-                let inside_string = 1
-            endif
-            if a:lines[i] == ';'
-                let inside_comment = 1
-            endif
-            if a:lines[i] == '(' || a:lines[i] == '[' || a:lines[i] == ')' || a:lines[i] == ']'
-                let matched = strpart( matched, 0, i ) . a:lines[i] . strpart( matched, i+1 )
-            endif
-        endif
-        let i = i + 1
-    endwhile
-    return matched
-" Find unpaired matched characters by eliminating paired ones
-function! s:Unbalanced( matched )
-    let matched = a:matched
-    let tmp = matched
-    while 1
-        let matched = tmp
-        let tmp = substitute( tmp, '(\(\s*\))',   ' \1 ', 'g')
-        let tmp = substitute( tmp, '\[\(\s*\)\]', ' \1 ', 'g')
-        let tmp = substitute( tmp, '"\(\s*\)"',   ' \1 ', 'g')
-        if tmp == matched
-            " All paired chars eliminated
-            let tmp = substitute( tmp, ')\(\s*\)(',   ' \1 ', 'g')
-            let tmp = substitute( tmp, '\]\(\s*\)\[', ' \1 ', 'g')
-            if tmp == matched
-                " Also no more inverse pairs can be eliminated
-                break
-            endif
-        endif
-    endwhile
-    return matched
-" Find opening matched character
-function! PareditFindOpening( open, close, select )
-    let open  = escape( a:open , '[]' )
-    let close = escape( a:close, '[]' )
-    call searchpair( open, '', close, 'bW', s:skip_sc )
-    if a:select
-        call searchpair( open, '', close, 'W', s:skip_sc )
-        let save_ve = &ve
-        set ve=all 
-        normal! lvh
-        let &ve = save_ve
-        call searchpair( open, '', close, 'bW', s:skip_sc )
-    endif
-" Find closing matched character
-function! PareditFindClosing( open, close, select )
-    let open  = escape( a:open , '[]' )
-    let close = escape( a:close, '[]' )
-    if a:select
-        let line = getline( '.' )
-        if line[col('.')-1] != a:open
-            normal! h
-        endif
-        call searchpair( open, '', close, 'W', s:skip_sc )
-        call searchpair( open, '', close, 'bW', s:skip_sc )
-        normal! v
-        call searchpair( open, '', close, 'W', s:skip_sc )
-        normal! l
-    else
-        call searchpair( open, '', close, 'W', s:skip_sc )
-    endif
-" Insert opening type of a paired character, like ( or [.
-function! PareditInsertOpening( open, close )
-    if !g:paredit_mode || s:InsideComment() || s:InsideString() || !s:IsBalanced()
-        return a:open
-    endif
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let pos = col( '.' ) - 1
-    if line[pos] !~ s:any_wsclose_char && pos < len( line )
-        " Add a space after if needed
-        let retval = a:open . a:close . " \<Left>\<Left>"
-    else
-        let retval = a:open . a:close . "\<Left>"
-    endif
-    if pos > 0 && line[pos-1] !~ s:any_wsopen_char && line[pos-1] !~ s:any_macro_prefix
-        " Add a space before if needed
-        let retval = " " . retval
-    endif
-    return retval
-" Insert closing type of a paired character, like ) or ].
-function! PareditInsertClosing( open, close )
-    if !g:paredit_mode || s:InsideComment() || s:InsideString() || !s:IsBalanced()
-        return a:close
-    endif
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let pos = col( '.' ) - 1
-    if line[pos] == a:close
-        return "\<Right>"
-    else
-        let open  = escape( a:open , '[]' )
-        let close = escape( a:close, '[]' )
-        return "\<C-O>:call searchpair('" . open . "','','" . close . "','W','" . s:skip_sc . "')\<CR>\<Right>"
-        "TODO: indent after going to closing character
-    endif
-" Insert an (opening or closing) double quote
-function! PareditInsertQuotes()
-    if !g:paredit_mode || s:InsideComment()
-        return '"'
-    endif
-    if s:InsideString()
-        let line = getline( '.' )
-        let pos = col( '.' ) - 1
-        "TODO: skip comments in search(...)
-        if pos > 0 && line[pos-1] == '\' && (pos < 2 || line[pos-2] != '\')
-            " About to enter a \" inside a string
-            return '"'
-        elseif line[pos] == '"'
-            " Standing on a ", just move to the right
-            return "\<Right>"
-        elseif search('[^\\]"\|^"', 'nW') == 0
-            " We don't have any closing ", insert one
-            return '"'
-        else
-            " Move to the closing "
-            return "\<C-O>:call search('" . '[^\\]"\|^"' . "','eW')\<CR>\<Right>"
-        endif
-    else
-        " Outside of string: insert a pair of ""
-        return '""' . "\<Left>"
-    endif
-" Handle <BS> keypress
-function! PareditBackspace( repl_mode )
-    if a:repl_mode && line( "." ) == line( "'s" ) && col( "." ) <= col( "'s" )
-        " No BS allowed before the previous EOF mark in the REPL
-        " i.e. don't delete Lisp prompt
-        return ""
-    endif
-    if !g:paredit_mode || s:InsideComment()
-        return "\<BS>"
-    endif
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let pos = col( '.' ) - 1
-    if pos == 0
-        " We are at the beginning of the line
-        return "\<BS>"
-    elseif line[pos-1] !~ s:any_matched_char
-        " Deleting a non-special character
-        return "\<BS>"
-    elseif line[pos-1] != '"' && !s:IsBalanced()
-        " Current top-form is unbalanced, can't retain paredit mode
-        return "\<BS>"
-    endif
-    if line[pos-1:pos] =~ s:any_matched_pair
-        " Deleting an empty character-pair
-        return "\<Right>\<BS>\<BS>"
-    else
-        " Character-pair is not empty, don't delete just move inside
-        return "\<Left>"
-    endif
-" Handle <Del> keypress
-function! PareditDel()
-    if !g:paredit_mode || s:InsideComment()
-        return "\<Del>"
-    endif
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let pos = col( '.' ) - 1
-    if pos == len(line)
-        " We are at the end of the line
-        return "\<Del>"
-    elseif line[pos] !~ s:any_matched_char
-        " Erasing a non-special character
-        return "\<Del>"
-    elseif line[pos] != '"' && !s:IsBalanced()
-        " Current top-form is unbalanced, can't retain paredit mode
-        return "\<Del>"
-    elseif pos == 0
-        return "\<Right>"
-    endif
-    if line[pos-1:pos] =~ s:any_matched_pair
-        " Erasing an empty character-pair
-        return "\<Left>\<Del>\<Del>"
-    else
-        " Character-pair is not empty, don't erase just move inside
-        return "\<Right>"
-    endif
-" Initialize yank position list
-function! s:InitYankPos()
-    let @" = ''
-    let s:yank_pos = []
-" Add position to the yank list
-function! s:AddYankPos( pos )
-    let s:yank_pos = [a:pos] + s:yank_pos
-" Remove the head of yank position list and return it
-function! s:RemoveYankPos()
-    if len(s:yank_pos) > 0
-        let pos = s:yank_pos[0]
-        let s:yank_pos = s:yank_pos[1:]
-        return pos
-    else
-        return 0
-    endif
-" Forward erasing a character in normal mode, do not check if current form balanced
-function! s:EraseFwd( count, startcol )
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let pos = col( '.' ) - 1
-    let reg = @"
-    let c = a:count
-    while c > 0
-        if s:InsideString() && line[pos : pos+1] == '\"'
-            " Erasing a \" inside string
-            let reg = reg . line[pos : pos+1]
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, pos ) . strpart( line, pos+2 )
-        elseif s:InsideComment() && line[pos] == ';' && a:startcol >= 0
-            " Erasing the whole comment, only when erasing a block of characters
-            let reg = reg . strpart( line, pos )
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, pos )
-        elseif s:InsideComment() || ( s:InsideString() && line[pos] != '"' )
-            " Erasing any character inside string or comment
-            let reg = reg . line[pos]
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, pos ) . strpart( line, pos+1 )
-        elseif pos > 0 && line[pos-1:pos] =~ s:any_matched_pair
-            if pos > a:startcol
-                " Erasing an empty character-pair
-                let p2 = s:RemoveYankPos()
-                let reg = strpart( reg, 0, p2 ) . line[pos-1] . strpart( reg, p2 )
-                let reg = reg . line[pos]
-                let line = strpart( line, 0, pos-1 ) . strpart( line, pos+1 )
-                let pos = pos - 1
-                normal! h
-            else
-                " Can't erase character-pair: it would move the cursor before startcol
-                let pos = pos + 1
-                normal! l
-            endif
-        elseif line[pos] =~ s:any_matched_char
-            " Character-pair is not empty, don't erase just move inside
-            call s:AddYankPos( len(reg) )
-            let pos = pos + 1
-            normal! l
-        elseif pos < len(line) && pos >= a:startcol
-            " Erasing a non-special character
-            let reg = reg . line[pos]
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, pos ) . strpart( line, pos+1 )
-        endif
-        let c = c - 1
-    endwhile
-    call setline( '.', line )
-    let @" = reg
-" Backward erasing a character in normal mode, do not check if current form balanced
-function! s:EraseBck( count )
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let pos = col( '.' ) - 1
-    let reg = @"
-    let c = a:count
-    while c > 0 && pos > 0
-        if s:InsideString() && pos > 1 && line[pos-2:pos-1] == '\"'
-            let reg = reg . line[pos-2 : pos-1]
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, pos-2 ) . strpart( line, pos )
-            normal! h
-            let pos = pos - 1
-        elseif s:InsideComment() || ( s:InsideString() && line[pos-1] != '"' )
-            let reg = reg . line[pos-1]
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, pos-1 ) . strpart( line, pos )
-        elseif line[pos-1:pos] =~ s:any_matched_pair
-            " Erasing an empty character-pair
-            let p2 = s:RemoveYankPos()
-            let reg = strpart( reg, 0, p2 ) . line[pos-1] . strpart( reg, p2 )
-            let reg = reg . line[pos]
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, pos-1 ) . strpart( line, pos+1 )
-        elseif line[pos-1] =~ s:any_matched_char
-            " Character-pair is not empty, don't erase
-            call s:AddYankPos( len(reg) )
-        else
-            " Erasing a non-special character
-            let reg = reg . line[pos-1]
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, pos-1 ) . strpart( line, pos )
-        endif
-        normal! h
-        let pos = pos - 1
-        let c = c - 1
-    endwhile
-    call setline( '.', line )
-    let @" = reg
-" Forward erasing a character in normal mode
-function! PareditEraseFwd()
-    if !g:paredit_mode || !s:IsBalanced()
-        if v:count > 0
-            silent execute 'normal! ' . v:count . 'x'
-        else
-            normal! x
-        endif
-        return
-    endif
-    call s:InitYankPos()
-    call s:EraseFwd( v:count1, -1 )
-" Backward erasing a character in normal mode
-function! PareditEraseBck()
-    if !g:paredit_mode || !s:IsBalanced()
-        if v:count > 0
-            silent execute 'normal! ' . v:count . 'X'
-        else
-            normal! X
-        endif
-        return
-    endif
-    call s:InitYankPos()
-    call s:EraseBck( v:count1 )
-" Find beginning of previous element (atom or sub-expression) in a form
-" skip_whitespc: skip whitespaces before the previous element
-function! s:PrevElement( skip_whitespc )
-    let [l0, c0] = [line( '.' ), col( '.' )]
-    let symbol_pos = [0, 0]
-    let symbol_end = [0, 0]
-    " Move to the beginning of the prefix if any
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let c = col('.') - 1
-    if c > 0 && line[c-1] =~ s:any_macro_prefix
-        normal! h
-    endif
-    let moved = 0
-    while 1
-        " Go to previous character
-        if !moved
-            let [l1, c1] = [line( '.' ), col( '.' )]
-            normal! h
-        endif
-        let moved = 0
-        let [l, c] = [line( '.' ), col( '.' )]
-        if [l, c] == [l1, c1]
-            " Beginning of line reached
-            if symbol_pos != [0, 0]
-                let symbol_end = [l, c]
-                if !a:skip_whitespc && !s:InsideString()
-                    " Newline before previous symbol
-                    call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                    return [l, c]
-                endif
-            endif
-            normal! k$
-            let [l, c] = [line( '.' ), col( '.' )]
-            if [l, c] == [l1, c1]
-                " Beginning of file reached: stop
-                call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                return [0, 0]
-            endif
-            let moved = 1
-        elseif s:InsideComment()
-            " Skip comments
-        else
-            let line = getline( '.' )
-            if s:InsideString()
-                let symbol_pos = [l, c]
-            elseif symbol_pos == [0, 0]
-                if line[c-1] =~ s:any_closing_char
-                    " Skip to the beginning of this sub-expression
-                    let symbol_pos = [l, c]
-                    normal! %
-                    let line2 = getline( '.' )
-                    let c2 = col('.') - 1
-                    if c2 > 0 && line2[c2-1] =~ s:any_macro_prefix
-                        normal! h
-                    endif
-                elseif line[c-1] =~ s:any_opening_char
-                    " Opening delimiter found: stop
-                    call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                    return [0, 0]
-                elseif line[c-1] =~ '\S'
-                    " Previous symbol starting
-                    let symbol_pos = [l, c]
-                endif
-            else
-                if line[c-1] =~ s:any_opening_char || (a:skip_whitespc && line[c-1] =~ '\S' && symbol_end != [0, 0])
-                    " Previous symbol beginning reached, opening delimiter or second previous symbol starting
-                    call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                    return [l, c+1]
-                elseif line[c-1] =~ '\s' || symbol_pos[0] != l
-                    " Whitespace before previous symbol
-                    let symbol_end = [l, c]
-                    if !a:skip_whitespc
-                        call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                        return [l, c+1]
-                    endif
-                endif
-            endif
-        endif
-    endwhile
-" Find end of next element (atom or sub-expression) in a form
-" skip_whitespc: skip whitespaces after the next element
-function! s:NextElement( skip_whitespc )
-    let [l0, c0] = [line( '.' ), col( '.' )]
-    let symbol_pos = [0, 0]
-    let symbol_end = [0, 0]
-    while 1
-        " Go to next character
-        let [l1, c1] = [line( '.' ), col( '.' )]
-        normal! l
-        let [l, c] = [line( '.' ), col( '.' )]
-        " Skip comments
-        while [l, c] == [l1, c1] || s:InsideComment()
-            if symbol_pos != [0, 0]
-                let symbol_end = [l, c]
-                if !a:skip_whitespc && !s:InsideString()
-                    " Next symbol ended with comment
-                    call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                    return [l, c + ([l, c] == [l1, c1])]
-                endif
-            endif
-            normal! 0j0
-            let [l, c] = [line( '.' ), col( '.' )]
-            if [l, c] == [l1, c1]
-                " End of file reached: stop
-                call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                return [0, 0]
-            endif
-        endwhile
-        let line = getline( '.' )
-        if s:InsideString()
-            let symbol_pos = [l, c]
-        elseif symbol_pos == [0, 0]
-            if line[c-1] =~ s:any_macro_prefix && line[c] =~ s:any_opening_char
-                " Skip to the end of this prefixed sub-expression
-                let symbol_pos = [l, c]
-                normal! l%
-            elseif line[c-1] =~ s:any_opening_char
-                " Skip to the end of this sub-expression
-                let symbol_pos = [l, c]
-                normal! %
-            elseif line[c-1] =~ s:any_closing_char
-                " Closing delimiter found: stop
-                call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                return [0, 0]
-            elseif line[c-1] =~ '\S'
-                " Next symbol starting
-                let symbol_pos = [l, c]
-            endif
-        else
-            if line[c-1] =~ s:any_closing_char || (a:skip_whitespc && line[c-1] =~ '\S' && symbol_end != [0, 0])
-                " Next symbol ended, closing delimiter or second next symbol starting
-                call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                return [l, c]
-            elseif line[c-1] =~ '\s' || symbol_pos[0] != l
-                " Next symbol ending with whitespace
-                let symbol_end = [l, c]
-                if !a:skip_whitespc
-                    call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-                    return [l, c]
-                endif
-            endif
-        endif
-    endwhile
-" Move character from [l0, c0] to [l1, c1]
-" Set position to [l1, c1]
-function! s:MoveChar( l0, c0, l1, c1 )
-    let line = getline( a:l0 )
-    let c = line[a:c0-1]
-    if a:l1 == a:l0
-        " Move character inside line
-        if a:c1 > a:c0
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, a:c0-1 ) . strpart( line, a:c0, a:c1-a:c0-1 ) . c . strpart( line, a:c1-1 )
-            call setline( a:l0, line )
-            call setpos( '.', [0, a:l1, a:c1-1, 0] ) 
-        else
-            let line = strpart( line, 0, a:c1-1 ) . c . strpart( line, a:c1-1, a:c0-a:c1 ) . strpart( line, a:c0 )
-            call setline( a:l0, line )
-            call setpos( '.', [0, a:l1, a:c1, 0] ) 
-        endif
-    else
-        " Move character to another line
-        let line = strpart( line, 0, a:c0-1 ) . strpart( line, a:c0 )
-        call setline( a:l0, line )
-        let line1 = getline( a:l1 )
-        if a:c1 > 1
-            let line1 = strpart( line1, 0, a:c1-1 ) . c . strpart( line1, a:c1-1 )
-            call setline( a:l1, line1 )
-            call setpos( '.', [0, a:l1, a:c1, 0] )
-        else
-            let line1 = c . line1
-            call setline( a:l1, line1 )
-            call setpos( '.', [0, a:l1, 1, 0] ) 
-        endif
-    endif
-" Find a paren nearby to move
-function! s:FindParenNearby()
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let c0 =  col( '.' )
-    if line[c0-1] !~ s:any_openclose_char
-        " OK, we are not standing on a paren to move, but check if there is one nearby
-        if (c0 < 2 || line[c0-2] !~ s:any_openclose_char) && line[c0] =~ s:any_openclose_char
-            normal! l
-        elseif c0 > 1 && line[c0-2] =~ s:any_openclose_char && line[c0] !~ s:any_openclose_char
-            normal! h
-        endif
-    endif
-    " Skip macro prefix character    
-    let c0 =  col( '.' )
-    if line[c0-1] =~ s:any_macro_prefix && line[c0] =~ s:any_opening_char
-        normal! l
-    endif
-" Move delimiter one atom or s-expression to the left
-function! PareditMoveLeft()
-    call s:FindParenNearby()
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let l0 = line( '.' )
-    let c0 =  col( '.' )
-    if line[c0-1] =~ s:any_opening_char
-        let closing = 0
-    elseif line[c0-1] =~ s:any_closing_char
-        let closing = 1
-    else
-        " Can move only delimiters
-        return
-    endif
-    let [lp, cp] = s:GetReplPromptPos()
-    let [l1, c1] = s:PrevElement( closing )
-    if [l1, c1] == [0, 0]
-        " No previous element found
-        return
-    elseif [lp, cp] != [0, 0] && l0 >= lp && (l1 < lp || (l1 == lp && c1 < cp))
-        " Do not go before the last command prompt in the REPL buffer
-        return
-    endif
-    if !closing && c0 > 0 && line[c0-2] =~ s:any_macro_prefix
-        call s:MoveChar( l0, c0-1, l1, c1 )
-        call s:MoveChar( l0, c0 - (l0 != l1), l1, c1+1 )
-        let len = 2
-    else
-        call s:MoveChar( l0, c0, l1, c1 )
-        let len = 1
-    endif
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let c =  col( '.' ) - 1
-    if closing && line[c+1] !~ s:any_wsclose_char
-        " Insert a space after if needed
-        execute "normal! a "
-        normal! h
-    endif
-    if !closing && c > 0 && line[c-len] !~ s:any_wsopen_char
-        " Insert a space before if needed
-        if len > 1
-            execute "normal! hi "
-            normal! ll
-        else
-            execute "normal! i "
-            normal! l
-        endif
-    endif
-    return
-" Move delimiter one atom or s-expression to the right
-function! PareditMoveRight()
-    call s:FindParenNearby()
-    "TODO: move ')' in '() xxx' leaves space
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let l0 = line( '.' )
-    let c0 =  col( '.' )
-    if line[c0-1] =~ s:any_opening_char
-        let opening = 1
-    elseif line[c0-1] =~ s:any_closing_char
-        let opening = 0
-    else
-        " Can move only delimiters
-        return
-    endif
-    let [lp, cp] = s:GetReplPromptPos()
-    let [l1, c1] = s:NextElement( opening )
-    if [l1, c1] == [0, 0]
-        " No next element found
-        return
-    elseif [lp, cp] != [0, 0] && l0 < lp && l1 >= lp
-        " Do not go after the last command prompt in the REPL buffer
-        return
-    endif
-    if opening && c0 > 1 && line[c0-2] =~ s:any_macro_prefix
-        call s:MoveChar( l0, c0-1, l1, c1 )
-        call s:MoveChar( l0, c0-1, l1, c1 + (l0 != l1) )
-        let len = 2
-    else
-        call s:MoveChar( l0, c0, l1, c1 )
-        let len = 1
-    endif
-    let line = getline( '.' )
-    let c =  col( '.' ) - 1
-    if opening && c > 0 && line[c-len] !~ s:any_wsopen_char
-        " Insert a space before if needed
-        if len > 1
-            execute "normal! hi "
-            normal! ll
-        else
-            execute "normal! i "
-            normal! l
-        endif
-    endif
-    if !opening && line[c+1] !~ s:any_wsclose_char
-        " Insert a space after if needed
-        execute "normal! a "
-        normal! h
-    endif
-" Find closing of the innermost structure: (...) or [...]
-" Return a list where first element is the closing character,
-" second and third is its position (line, column)
-function! s:FindClosing()
-    let l = line( '.' )
-    let c = col( '.' )
-    call PareditFindClosing( '(', ')', 0 )
-    let lp = line( '.' )
-    let cp = col( '.' )
-    call setpos( '.', [0, l, c, 0] )
-    call PareditFindClosing( '[', ']', 0 )
-    let lb = line( '.' )
-    let cb = col( '.' )
-    call setpos( '.', [0, l, c, 0] )
-    if [lp, cp] == [l, c] && [lb, cb] == [l, c]
-        " Not found any kind of paren
-        return ['', 0, 0]
-    elseif [lb, cb] == [l, c] || lp < lb || (lp == lb && cp < cb)
-        " The innermost structure is a (...)
-        return [')', lp, cp]
-    else
-        " The innermost structure is a [...]
-        return [']', lb, cb]
-    endif
-" Split list or string at the cursor position
-" Current symbol will be split into the second part
-function! PareditSplit()
-    if !g:paredit_mode || s:InsideComment()
-        return
-    endif
-    if s:InsideString()
-        normal! i" "
-    else
-        " Go back to the beginning of the current symbol
-        let c = col('.') - 1
-        if getline('.')[c] =~ '\S'
-            if c == 0 || (c > 0 && getline('.')[c-1] =~ s:any_wsopen_char)
-                " OK, we are standing on the first character of the symbol
-            else
-                normal! b
-            endif
-        endif
-        " First find which kind of paren is the innermost
-        let [p, l, c] = s:FindClosing()
-        if p !~ s:any_closing_char
-            " Not found any kind of parens
-            return
-        endif
-        " Delete all whitespaces around cursor position
-        while getline('.')[col('.')-1] =~ '\s'
-            normal! x
-        endwhile
-        while col('.') > 1 && getline('.')[col('.')-2] =~ '\s'
-            normal! X
-        endwhile
-        if p == ')'
-            normal! i) (
-        else
-            normal! i] [
-        endif
-    endif
-" Join two neighboring lists or strings
-function! PareditJoin()
-    if !g:paredit_mode || s:InsideComment() || s:InsideString()
-        return
-    endif
-    "TODO: skip parens in comments
-    let [l0, c0] = searchpos(s:any_matched_char, 'nbW')
-    let [l1, c1] = searchpos(s:any_matched_char, 'ncW')
-    if [l0, c0] == [0, 0] || [l1, c1] == [0, 0]
-        return
-    endif
-    let line0 = getline( l0 )
-    let line1 = getline( l1 )
-    if (line0[c0-1] == ')' && line1[c1-1] == '(') || (line0[c0-1] == ']' && line1[c1-1] == '[') || (line0[c0-1] == '"' && line1[c1-1] == '"')
-        if l0 == l1
-            " First list ends on the same line where the second list begins
-            let line0 = strpart( line0, 0, c0-1 ) . ' ' . strpart( line0, c1 )
-            call setline( l0, line0 )
-        else
-            " First list ends on a line different from where the second list begins
-            let line0 = strpart( line0, 0, c0-1 )
-            let line1 = strpart( line1, 0, c1-1 ) . strpart( line1, c1 )
-            call setline( l0, line0 )
-            call setline( l1, line1 )
-        endif
-    endif
-" Wrap current visual block in parens of the given kind
-function! s:WrapSelection( open, close )
-    let l0 = line( "'<" )
-    let l1 = line( "'>" )
-    let c0 = col( "'<" )
-    let c1 = col( "'>" )
-    if &selection == 'inclusive'
-        let c1 = c1 + 1
-    endif
-    if [l0, c0] == [0, 0] || [l1, c1] == [0, 0]
-        " No selection
-        return
-    endif
-    if l0 > l1 || (l0 == l1 && c0 > c1)
-        " Swap both ends of selection to make [l0, c0] < [l1, c1]
-        let [ltmp, ctmp] = [l0, c0]
-        let [l0, c0] = [l1, c1]
-        let [l1, c1] = [ltmp, ctmp]
-    endif
-    let save_ve = &ve
-    set ve=all 
-    call setpos( '.', [0, l0, c0, 0] )
-    execute "normal! i" . a:open
-    call setpos( '.', [0, l1, c1 + (l0 == l1), 0] )
-    execute "normal! i" . a:close
-    let &ve = save_ve
-" Wrap current visual block in parens of the given kind
-" Keep visual mode
-function! PareditWrapSelection( open, close )
-    call s:WrapSelection( a:open, a:close )
-" Wrap current symbol in parens of the given kind
-" If standing on a paren then wrap the whole s-expression
-" Stand on the opening paren (if not wrapping in "")
-function! PareditWrap( open, close )
-    if a:open != '"' && getline('.')[col('.') - 1] =~ s:any_openclose_char
-        execute "normal! " . "v%\<Esc>"
-    else
-        execute "normal! " . "viw\<Esc>"
-    endif
-    call s:WrapSelection( a:open, a:close )
-    if a:open != '"'
-        normal! %
-    endif
-" Splice current list into the containing list
-function! PareditSplice()
-    if !g:paredit_mode
-        return
-    endif
-    " First find which kind of paren is the innermost
-    let [p, l, c] = s:FindClosing()
-    if p !~ s:any_closing_char
-        " Not found any kind of parens
-        return
-    endif
-    call setpos( '.', [0, l, c, 0] )
-    normal! %
-    let l = line( '.' )
-    let c = col( '.' )
-    normal! %x
-    call setpos( '.', [0, l, c, 0] )
-    normal! x
-    if c > 1 && getline('.')[c-2] =~ s:any_macro_prefix
-        normal! X
-    endif
-" =====================================================================
-"  Autocommands
-" =====================================================================
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.lisp call PareditInitBuffer()
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.clj  call PareditInitBuffer()
--- a/vim/bundle/slimv/syntax/clojure/slimv-syntax-clojure.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-" slimv-syntax-clojure.vim:
-"               Clojure syntax plugin for Slimv
-" Version:      0.5.4
-" Last Change:  15 Nov 2009
-" Maintainer:   Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>
-" License:      This file is placed in the public domain.
-"               No warranty, express or implied.
-"               *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
-" =====================================================================
-"  Load Once:
-if exists("b:current_syntax")
-  finish
-runtime syntax/**/lisp.vim
-" Add [] to the lisp_rainbow handling
-syn match			 lispSymbol			  contained			   ![^()\[\]'`,"; \t]\+!
-syn match			 lispBarSymbol			  contained			   !|..\{-}|!
-if exists("g:lisp_rainbow") && g:lisp_rainbow != 0
-    syn region lispParen0           matchgroup=hlLevel0 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen1 
-    syn region lispParen1 contained matchgroup=hlLevel1 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen2 
-    syn region lispParen2 contained matchgroup=hlLevel2 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen3 
-    syn region lispParen3 contained matchgroup=hlLevel3 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen4 
-    syn region lispParen4 contained matchgroup=hlLevel4 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen5 
-    syn region lispParen5 contained matchgroup=hlLevel5 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen6 
-    syn region lispParen6 contained matchgroup=hlLevel6 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen7 
-    syn region lispParen7 contained matchgroup=hlLevel7 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen8 
-    syn region lispParen8 contained matchgroup=hlLevel8 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen9 
-    syn region lispParen9 contained matchgroup=hlLevel9 start="`\=\[" end="\]" skip="|.\{-}|" contains=@lispListCluster,lispParen0
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/.hgignore	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-syntax: glob
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/.hgtags	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-e8d8859038f059eaa428bc062ba40572baf95959 v1.0.0
-2d2fd57659f1863b71a1da3867df7f4af9645b12 v1.0.2
-44f0257f69bfb51cd400e7e1fceb64daecf61eaa v1.1.0
-192e23be12b48b0d3b07b5167f767ec959ee780f v1.1.1
-d1bf8ed221afbf976617909a0ad31495f7146d36 v1.2.0
-71e475ca98d45ae5e29fae03961e5236c626aeab v1.2.1
-e0f82e2807b10dd718a6e20726154d16312fb64b v1.3.0
-bab4b136685bd12809ec7d755b3bf080cf24cd26 v2.0.0
-1a8128b68aab1d6e4c6b960b61b6684ac7e63b06 v2.1.0
-ebc7d51caa8f7aafdc916c4f681112f9be24444b v2.1.1
-3c4c4bc70e35280175aa9b60a2b438572619a692 v2.1.2
-d86f147b463088792300dc25a812a4ff43e604d6 v2.2.0
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/autoload/vimclojure.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ b/vim/bundle/vimclojure/autoload/vimclojure.vim	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -77,25 +77,6 @@
 	return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")
-function! vimclojure#GetExceptionFoldLevel(lnum)
-	if a:lnum == 1
-		return 0
-	endif
-	let pline = getline(a:lnum - 1)
-	let line  = getline(a:lnum)
-	if line[0] == '+' && pline[0] == '!'
-		return ">1"
-	endif
-	if line[0] != '+' && line[0] != '|'
-		return 0
-	endif
-	return "="
 function! vimclojure#WithSaved(closure)
 	let v = a:closure.get(a:closure.tosafe)
@@ -403,9 +384,7 @@
 function! vimclojure#ClojureResultBuffer.Init(instance) dict
 	call self.__superResultBufferInit(a:instance)
-	let b:vimclojure_clojure_result_buffer = 1
-	set filetype=clojure
+	setfiletype clojure
 	return a:instance
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/clj	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved.  The use and
+# distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
+# License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be
+# found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.  By
+# using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
+# terms of this license.  You must not remove this notice, or any other,
+# from this software.
+# clj-env-dir Launches Clojure, passing along command line arguments. This
+#             launcher can be configured using environment variables and
+#             makes it easy to include directories full of classpath roots
+#             in CLASSPATH.
+# scgilardi (gmail)
+# Created 7 January 2009
+# Modified to read in an optional .clojure file in the current directory
+# naming further items for the CLASSPATH.
+# Meikel Brandmeyer (mb ? kotka ! de)
+# Frankfurt am Main, 21.08.2009
+# Environment variables (optional):
+#  CLOJURE_EXT  Colon-delimited list of paths to directories whose top-level
+#               contents are (either directly or as symbolic links) jar
+#               files and/or directories whose paths will be in Clojure's
+#               classpath. The value of the CLASSPATH environment variable
+#               for Clojure will include these top-level paths followed by
+#               the previous value of CLASSPATH (if any).
+#               default:
+#               example: /usr/local/share/clojure/ext:$HOME/.clojure.d/ext
+#  CLOJURE_JAVA The command to launch a JVM instance for Clojure
+#               default: java
+#               example: /usr/local/bin/java6
+#  CLOJURE_OPTS Java options for this JVM instance
+#               default:
+#               example:"-Xms32M -Xmx128M -server"
+#  CLOJURE_MAIN The Java class to launch
+#               default: clojure.main
+#               example: clojure.contrib.repl_ln
+set -o errexit
+#set -o nounset
+#set -o xtrace
+if [ -n "${CLOJURE_EXT:-}" ]; then
+    OLD="$IFS"
+    IFS=":"
+    EXT="$(find -H ${CLOJURE_EXT} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | tr \\0 \:)"
+    IFS="$OLD"
+    if [ -n "${CLASSPATH:-}" ]; then
+    else
+        CLASSPATH="${EXT%:}"
+    fi
+if [ -f .clojure ]; then
+    for path in `cat .clojure`; do
+        if [ -n "${CLASSPATH:-}" ]; then
+            CLASSPATH="${path}:${CLASSPATH}"
+        else
+            CLASSPATH="${path%:}"
+        fi
+    done
+exec ${JAVA} ${OPTS} ${MAIN} "$@"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/clj.bat	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+REM # Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved.  The use and
+REM # distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
+REM # License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be
+REM # found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.  By
+REM # using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
+REM # terms of this license.  You must not remove this notice, or any other,
+REM # from this software.
+REM #
+REM # scgilardi (gmail)
+REM # Created 7 January 2009
+REM #
+REM # Modified by Justin Johnson <justin _ honesthacker com> to run on Windows
+REM # and to include a check for .clojure file in the current directory.
+REM #
+REM # Environment variables:
+REM #
+REM # Optional:
+REM #
+REM #  CLOJURE_EXT  The path to a directory containing (either directly or as
+REM #               symbolic links) jar files and/or directories whose paths
+REM #               should be in Clojure's classpath. The value of the
+REM #               CLASSPATH environment variable for Clojure will be a list
+REM #               of these paths followed by the previous value of CLASSPATH
+REM #               (if any).
+REM #
+REM #  CLOJURE_JAVA The command to launch a JVM instance for Clojure
+REM #               default: java
+REM #               example: /usr/local/bin/java6
+REM #
+REM #  CLOJURE_OPTS Java options for this JVM instance
+REM #               default:
+REM #               example:"-Xms32M -Xmx128M -server"
+REM #
+REM # Configuration files:
+REM # 
+REM # Optional:
+REM #
+REM #  .clojure     A file sitting in the directory where you invoke ng-server.
+REM #               Each line contains a single path that should be added to the classpath.
+REM #
+REM # Add all jar files from CLOJURE_EXT directory to classpath
+REM # If the current directory has a .clojure file in it, add each path
+REM # in the file to the classpath.
+IF EXIST .clojure FOR /F %%E IN (.clojure) DO SET CP=!CP!;%%~fE
+%CLOJURE_JAVA% %CLOJURE_OPTS% -cp "%CP%" clojure.main %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/kickoff.sh	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+if [ ! -e "${CACHE_DIR}" ]; then
+    mkdir "${CACHE_DIR}"
+if [ ! -e "${CACHE_GRADLE_ZIP}" ]; then
+    wget ${GRADLE_URL} -O "${CACHE_GRADLE_ZIP}"
+if [ ! -e "${CACHE_GRADLE_DIR}" ]; then
+    pushd .
+    cd "${CACHE_DIR}"
+    unzip "${GRADLE_ZIP}"
+    popd
+if [ ! -e "${CACHE_PLUGIN_DIR}" ]; then
+    wget ${PLUGIN_URL} -O "${CACHE_GRADLE_DIR}/lib/${PLUGIN_JAR}"
+echo "clojure=clojuresque.ClojurePlugin" >> "${CACHE_GRADLE_DIR}/plugin.properties"
+echo "Don't forget to set GRADLE_HOME!"
+echo "export GRADLE_HOME=\"${CACHE_GRADLE_DIR}\""
Binary file vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng-server	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved.  The use and
+# distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
+# License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be
+# found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.  By
+# using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
+# terms of this license.  You must not remove this notice, or any other,
+# from this software.
+# clj-env-dir Launches Clojure, passing along command line arguments. This
+#             launcher can be configured using environment variables and
+#             makes it easy to include directories full of classpath roots
+#             in CLASSPATH.
+# scgilardi (gmail)
+# Created 7 January 2009
+# Modified to act as launcher for the Nailgun server and to read in an
+# optional .clojure file in the current directory naming further items
+# for the CLASSPATH.
+# Meikel Brandmeyer (mb ? kotka ! de)
+# Frankfurt am Main, 21.08.2009
+# Environment variables (optional):
+#  CLOJURE_EXT  Colon-delimited list of paths to directories whose top-level
+#               contents are (either directly or as symbolic links) jar
+#               files and/or directories whose paths will be in Clojure's
+#               classpath. The value of the CLASSPATH environment variable
+#               for Clojure will include these top-level paths followed by
+#               the previous value of CLASSPATH (if any).
+#               default:
+#               example: /usr/local/share/clojure/ext:$HOME/.clojure.d/ext
+#  CLOJURE_JAVA The command to launch a JVM instance for Clojure
+#               default: java
+#               example: /usr/local/bin/java6
+#  CLOJURE_OPTS Java options for this JVM instance
+#               default:
+#               example:"-Xms32M -Xmx128M -server"
+#  .clojure     A file in the current directory. Every line names an item
+#               which will be added to the CLASSPATH.
+set -o errexit
+#set -o nounset
+#set -o xtrace
+if [ -n "${CLOJURE_EXT:-}" ]; then
+    OLD="$IFS"
+    IFS=":"
+    EXT="$(find -H ${CLOJURE_EXT} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | tr \\0 \:)"
+    IFS="$OLD"
+    if [ -n "${CLASSPATH:-}" ]; then
+        export CLASSPATH="${EXT}${CLASSPATH}"
+    else
+        export CLASSPATH="${EXT%:}"
+    fi
+if [ -f .clojure ]; then
+    for path in `cat .clojure`; do
+        if [ -n "${CLASSPATH:-}" ]; then
+            export CLASSPATH="${path}:${CLASSPATH}"
+        else
+            export CLASSPATH="${path%:}"
+        fi
+    done
+exec ${JAVA} ${OPTS} vimclojure.nailgun.NGServer "$@"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/bundle/vimclojure/bin/ng-server.bat	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+REM # Copyright (c) Stephen C. Gilardi. All rights reserved.  The use and
+REM # distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
+REM # License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be
+REM # found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.  By
+REM # using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
+REM # terms of this license.  You must not remove this notice, or any other,
+REM # from this software.
+REM #
+REM # scgilardi (gmail)
+REM # Created 7 January 2009
+REM #
+REM # Modified by Justin Johnson <justin _ honesthacker com> to act as Windows
+REM # launcher for the Nailgun server of VimClojure, and to include a check for
+REM # a .clojure file in the current directory.
+REM #
+REM # Environment variables:
+REM #
+REM # Optional:
+REM #
+REM #  CLOJURE_EXT  The path to a directory containing (either directly or as
+REM #               symbolic links) jar files and/or directories whose paths
+REM #               should be in Clojure's classpath. The value of the
+REM #               CLASSPATH environment variable for Clojure will be a list
+REM #               of these paths followed by the previous value of CLASSPATH
+REM #               (if any).
+REM #
+REM #  CLOJURE_JAVA The command to launch a JVM instance for Clojure
+REM #               default: java
+REM #               example: /usr/local/bin/java6
+REM #
+REM #  CLOJURE_OPTS Java options for this JVM instance
+REM #               default:
+REM #               example:"-Xms32M -Xmx128M -server"
+REM #
+REM # Configuration files:
+REM # 
+REM # Optional:
+REM #
+REM #  .clojure     A file sitting in the directory where you invoke ng-server.
+REM #               Each line contains a single path that should be added to the classpath.
+REM #
+REM # Add all jar files from CLOJURE_EXT directory to classpath
+REM # If the current directory has a .clojure file in it, add each path
+REM # in the file to the classpath.
+IF EXIST .clojure FOR /F %%E IN (.clojure) DO SET CP=!CP!;%%~fE
+REM # Since we do not provide any security we at least bind only to the loopback.
+%CLOJURE_JAVA% %CLOJURE_OPTS% -cp "%CP%" vimclojure.nailgun.NGServer %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ b/vim/bundle/vimclojure/ftplugin/clojure.vim	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -139,10 +139,4 @@
 call vimclojure#MapPlug("n", "p", "CloseResultBuffer")
-if exists("b:vimclojure_repl") || exists("b:vimclojure_clojure_result_buffer")
-	setlocal foldexpr=vimclojure#GetExceptionFoldLevel(v:lnum)
-	setlocal foldmethod=expr
-	setlocal foldenable
 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
--- a/vim/bundle/vimclojure/syntax/clojure.vim	Mon Dec 27 16:10:25 2010 -0500
+++ b/vim/bundle/vimclojure/syntax/clojure.vim	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
-syn cluster clojureAtomCluster   contains=clojureError,clojureFunc,clojureMacro,clojureCond,clojureDefine,clojureRepeat,clojureConstant,clojureVariable,clojureSpecial,clojureKeyword,clojureString,clojureCharacter,clojureNumber,clojureBoolean,clojureQuote,clojureUnquote,clojureDispatch,clojurePattern
+syn cluster clojureAtomCluster   contains=clojureError,clojureFunc,clojureMacro,clojureCond,clojureDefine,clojureRepeat,clojureException,clojureConstant,clojureVariable,clojureSpecial,clojureKeyword,clojureString,clojureCharacter,clojureNumber,clojureBoolean,clojureQuote,clojureUnquote,clojureDispatch,clojurePattern
 syn cluster clojureTopCluster    contains=@clojureAtomCluster,clojureComment,clojureSexp,clojureAnonFn,clojureVector,clojureMap,clojureSet
 syn keyword clojureTodo contained FIXME XXX TODO FIXME: XXX: TODO:
@@ -233,10 +233,6 @@
 syn region  clojureComment                              start="#!" end="\n"
 syn match   clojureComment "#_"
-if exists("b:vimclojure_repl") || exists("b:vimclojure_clojure_result_buffer")
-	syn region  clojureException start=/^!!/ end=/\n/
 syn sync fromstart
 if version >= 600
@@ -256,6 +252,7 @@
 HiLink clojureVariable  Identifier
 HiLink clojureCond      Conditional
 HiLink clojureDefine    Define
+HiLink clojureException Exception
 HiLink clojureFunc      Function
 HiLink clojureMacro     Macro
 HiLink clojureRepeat    Repeat
@@ -271,7 +268,6 @@
 HiLink clojureTodo      Todo
 HiLink clojureError     Error
-HiLink clojureException Error
 HiLink clojureParen0    Delimiter
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vim/ftplugin/clojure/clojurefolding.vim	Thu Jan 13 00:02:40 2011 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+if exists('loaded_clojurefolding') || &cp
+    finish
+let loaded_clojurefolding=1
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+"  Automagic Clojure folding on defn's and defmacro's
+function GetClojureFold()
+      if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defn.*\s'
+            return ">1"
+      elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defmacro.*\s'
+            return ">1"
+      elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*(defmethod.*\s'
+            return ">1"
+      elseif getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*$'
+            let my_cljnum = v:lnum
+            let my_cljmax = line("$")
+            while (1)
+                  let my_cljnum = my_cljnum + 1
+                  if my_cljnum > my_cljmax
+                        return "<1"
+                  endif
+                  let my_cljdata = getline(my_cljnum)
+                  " If we match an empty line, stop folding
+                  if my_cljdata =~ '^$'
+                        return "<1"
+                  else
+                        return "="
+                  endif
+            endwhile
+      else
+            return "="
+      endif
+function TurnOnClojureFolding()
+      setlocal foldexpr=GetClojureFold()
+      setlocal foldmethod=expr