3d37ca22c5c5 bpollack/use-command-to-explicitly-call-ag-and-us-1442506830050

Use command to explicitly call ag, and use compound if block
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author Benjamin Pollack <benjamin@bitquabit.com>
date Thu, 17 Sep 2015 16:20:42 +0000 (2015-09-17)
parents 4fd7ed35c546
children b44883779e1b
branches/tags bpollack/use-command-to-explicitly-call-ag-and-us-1442506830050
files fish/functions/ag.fish


--- a/fish/functions/ag.fish	Mon Sep 14 11:52:35 2015 +0000
+++ b/fish/functions/ag.fish	Thu Sep 17 16:20:42 2015 +0000
@@ -1,35 +1,10 @@
-set -g -x AG_BIN (which ag)
-function actual_ag
-    # Fuck you fish this is fucking ridiculous.  Let me use $AG_BIN as
-    # a command.  Or at least give me a way to do it like run $AG_BIN args or
-    # something jesus.
-    if test $AG_BIN = '/usr/local/bin/ag'
-        /usr/local/bin/ag $argv
+function ag -d "Run Ag with appropriate options."
+    if begin test -f '.agignore'; and grep -q 'pragma: skipvcs' '.agignore'; end
+        # If .agignore contains pragma: skipvcs, then we'll run ag in
+        # "disregard .gitignore/.hgignore/svn:ignore" mode.  This lets us
+        # still search in files the VCS has ignored.
+        command ag --search-files -U $argv
-        if test $AG_BIN = '/usr/bin/ag'
-            /usr/bin/ag $argv
-        else
-            echo "Fish is a dick, sorry."
-        end
+        command ag --search-files $argv
-function ag -d "Run Ag with appropriate options."
-    if test -f '.agignore'
-        # Extra if statement because I can't figure out how to && things in
-        # a fish conditional and the documentation does not see fit to explain
-        # that little tidbit and can we please get a shell without complete
-        # bullshit as a scripting language syntax?
-        if grep -q 'pragma: skipvcs' '.agignore'
-            # If .agignore contains pragma: skipvcs, then we'll run ag in
-            # "disregard .gitignore/.hgignore/svn:ignore" mode.  This lets us
-            # still search in files the VCS has ignored.
-            actual_ag --search-files -U $argv
-        else
-            actual_ag --search-files $argv
-        end
-    else
-        actual_ag --search-files $argv
-    end