
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sat, 29 Sep 2012 13:06:33 -0400 (2012-09-29)
parents df78607a7a38
children a59166904d96
branches/tags (none)
files .hgsub .hgsubstate fish/config.fish moom/com.manytricks.Moom.plist vim/autoload/repeat.vim vim/vimrc


--- a/.hgsub	Thu Sep 27 14:08:50 2012 -0400
+++ b/.hgsub	Sat Sep 29 13:06:33 2012 -0400
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 vim/bundle/orgmode        = [git]git://github.com/jceb/vim-orgmode.git
 vim/bundle/powerline      = [git]git://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline.git
 vim/bundle/python-mode    = [git]git://github.com/klen/python-mode.git
+vim/bundle/repeat         = [git]git://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat.git
 vim/bundle/salt           = [git]git://github.com/saltstack/salt-vim.git
 vim/bundle/slimv          = [hg]https://bitbucket.org/sjl/slimv
 vim/bundle/smartinput     = [git]git://github.com/kana/vim-smartinput.git
--- a/.hgsubstate	Thu Sep 27 14:08:50 2012 -0400
+++ b/.hgsubstate	Sat Sep 29 13:06:33 2012 -0400
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 f45b4529dd282393f2e08306ae161d77de0051a0 vim/bundle/orgmode
 20ab08c9a8fe6cdfb7c303aa3063f211d72f8b2f vim/bundle/powerline
 49ae47e66f51c92b0f467f9817d5d8745f627132 vim/bundle/python-mode
+613eb1c81261adfa5dead315089c432ff6dbbc51 vim/bundle/repeat
 61a7567a3cdd68cb65ceb3061071ce66d8110e65 vim/bundle/salt
 13c85f67a22848659f4365ae08567bb0d72bfc58 vim/bundle/slimv
 78ab4b3df24fa2753d3dfc1be75ed5a3df1565b8 vim/bundle/smartinput
--- a/fish/config.fish	Thu Sep 27 14:08:50 2012 -0400
+++ b/fish/config.fish	Sat Sep 29 13:06:33 2012 -0400
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 alias c 'clear'
 alias hl 'less -R'
 alias paththis 'set PATH (pwd) $PATH'
-alias clc './get-last-commit-url.py | pbcopy'
+alias clc './bin/get-last-commit-url.py | pbcopy'
 alias t '~/lib/t/t.py --task-dir="~/Dropbox/tasks" --list=tasks.txt'
 alias swank 'dtach -A /tmp/dtach-swank.sock -r winch lein swank'
Binary file moom/com.manytricks.Moom.plist has changed
--- a/vim/autoload/repeat.vim	Thu Sep 27 14:08:50 2012 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-" repeat.vim - Let the repeat command repeat plugin maps
-" Maintainer:   Tim Pope
-" Version:      1.0
-" Installation:
-" Place in either ~/.vim/plugin/repeat.vim (to load at start up) or
-" ~/.vim/autoload/repeat.vim (to load automatically as needed).
-" Developers:
-" Basic usage is as follows:
-"   silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>MappingToRepeatCommand",3)
-" The first argument is the mapping that will be invoked when the |.| key is
-" pressed.  Typically, it will be the same as the mapping the user invoked.
-" This sequence will be stuffed into the input queue literally.  Thus you must
-" encode special keys by prefixing them with a backslash inside double quotes.
-" The second argument is the default count.  This is the number that will be
-" prefixed to the mapping if no explicit numeric argument was given.  The
-" value of the v:count variable is usually correct and it will be used if the
-" second parameter is omitted.  If your mapping doesn't accept a numeric
-" argument and you never want to receive one, pass a value of -1.
-" Make sure to call the repeat#set function _after_ making changes to the
-" file.
-if exists("g:loaded_repeat") || &cp || v:version < 700
-    finish
-let g:loaded_repeat = 1
-let g:repeat_tick = -1
-function! repeat#set(sequence,...)
-    silent exe "norm! \"=''\<CR>p"
-    let g:repeat_sequence = a:sequence
-    let g:repeat_count = a:0 ? a:1 : v:count
-    let g:repeat_tick = b:changedtick
-function! s:repeat(count)
-    if g:repeat_tick == b:changedtick
-        let c = g:repeat_count
-        let s = g:repeat_sequence
-        let cnt = c == -1 ? "" : (a:count ? a:count : (c ? c : ''))
-        call feedkeys(cnt . s)
-    else
-        call feedkeys((a:count ? a:count : '') . '.', 'n')
-    endif
-function! s:wrap(command,count)
-    let preserve = (g:repeat_tick == b:changedtick)
-    exe 'norm! '.(a:count ? a:count : '').a:command
-    if preserve
-        let g:repeat_tick = b:changedtick
-    endif
-nnoremap <silent> .     :<C-U>call <SID>repeat(v:count)<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> u     :<C-U>call <SID>wrap('u',v:count)<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> U     :<C-U>call <SID>wrap('U',v:count)<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <C-R> :<C-U>call <SID>wrap("\<Lt>C-R>",v:count)<CR>
-augroup repeatPlugin
-    autocmd!
-    autocmd BufLeave,BufWritePre,BufReadPre * let g:repeat_tick = (g:repeat_tick == b:changedtick || g:repeat_tick == 0) ? 0 : -1
-    autocmd BufEnter,BufWritePost * if g:repeat_tick == 0|let g:repeat_tick = b:changedtick|endif
-augroup END
-" vim:set ft=vim et sw=4 sts=4:
--- a/vim/vimrc	Thu Sep 27 14:08:50 2012 -0400
+++ b/vim/vimrc	Sat Sep 29 13:06:33 2012 -0400
@@ -363,6 +363,9 @@
 " Toggle [i]nvisible characters
 nnoremap <leader>i :set list!<cr>
+" Unfuck my screen
+nnoremap U :syntax sync fromstart<cr>:redraw!<cr>
 " Drag Lines {{{
 " <m-j> and <m-k> to drag lines in any mode
@@ -1309,10 +1312,6 @@
     " Don't clobber the yank register when pasting over text in visual mode.
     vnoremap p :<c-u>YRPaste 'p', 'v'<cr>gv:YRYankRange 'v'<cr>
-    " Unfuck my screen
-    " nnoremap <leader>u :syntax sync fromstart<cr>:redraw!<cr>
-    nnoremap U :syntax sync fromstart<cr>:redraw!<cr>
 " }}}