--- a/vim/bundle/ooze/plugin/ooze.vim Fri Aug 18 12:10:38 2017 -0400
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-" TODO:
-" fix showmode awfulness
-" Disassembly mapping
-" error handling
-" multi-packet messages
-if !exists("g:ooze_connection")
- let g:ooze_connection = 0
-let s:pending = ''
-function! s:IsString(a) " {{{
- return type(a:a) == 1
-endfunction " }}}
-function! s:GetString(msg, key, extra) " {{{
- let val = get(a:msg, a:key)
- if s:IsString(val)
- return val . a:extra
- else
- return ''
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-let g:ooze_scratch_buffer_name = '__OozeScratch__'
-let g:ooze_traceback_buffer_name = '__OozeTraceback__'
-function! s:OpenOrGotoBuffer(name) " {{{
- let existing_buffer = bufnr(a:name)
- if existing_buffer == -1
- " The buffer doesn't exist at all.
- " Split and edit.
- wincmd s
- execute "edit " . a:name
- else
- " The buffer exists, now we look for a window.
- let existing_window = bufwinnr(existing_buffer)
- if existing_window == -1
- " The window doesn't exist. Split and show the (existing) buffer.
- execute "split +buffer" . existing_buffer
- else
- " The window exists. Are we already in it?
- let current_window = winnr()
- if current_window != existing_window
- " We're not in it. Jump to it.
- execute existing_window . "wincmd w"
- else
- " We're already where we need to be. Noop.
- endif
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-function! s:OpenOozeScratch(contents) " {{{
- if bufname('%') != g:ooze_scratch_buffer_name
- " Preserve the current window's package (lame hack)
- if exists("b:ooze_buffer_package")
- let package = b:ooze_buffer_package
- else
- let package = ""
- endif
- call s:OpenOrGotoBuffer(g:ooze_scratch_buffer_name)
- if package != ""
- let b:ooze_buffer_package = package
- endif
- endif
- set filetype=lisp
- setlocal foldlevel=99
- setlocal buftype=nofile
- setlocal bufhidden=hide
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal buflisted
- " setlocal noreadonly
- normal! gg"_dG
- call append(0, a:contents)
- normal! gg=G
- " setlocal readonly
-endfunction " }}}
-function! s:DumpTraceback(frames) " {{{
- let current = bufnr('%')
- let bn = bufnr(g:ooze_traceback_buffer_name)
- if bn == -1
- execute "edit " . g:ooze_traceback_buffer_name
- setlocal buftype=nofile
- setlocal bufhidden=hide
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal buflisted
- else
- execute "buffer " . bn
- endif
- normal! gg"_dG
- for frame in a:frames
- let call_form = frame[0]
- let file = frame[1]
- let line = frame[2]
- call append(line('$'), call_form . "\t" . file . "\t" . line)
- endfor
- normal! gg"_dd
- set errorformat=%m\ %f\ %l,%m\ %f\
- execute "cbuffer"
- execute "buffer " . current
- return 1
-endfunction " }}}
-function! s:HandleMacroexpand(msg) " {{{
- let moutput = s:GetString(a:msg, 'macroexpand-1', "")
- call s:OpenOozeScratch(split(moutput, "\n"))
-endfunction " }}}
-function! s:HandleStackTrace(msg) " {{{
- call s:DumpTraceback(get(a:msg, 'stack-trace'))
- let output = ''
- let output .= s:GetString(a:msg, 'error', "\n\n")
- let output .= s:GetString(a:msg, 'original', "\n\n")
- if output != ''
- echo substitute(output, '\n\+$', '', '')
- endif
- copen
-endfunction " }}}
-function! s:HandleMessage(msg) " {{{
- if has_key(a:msg, 'macroexpand-1')
- return s:HandleMacroexpand(a:msg)
- endif
- if has_key(a:msg, 'stack-trace')
- return s:HandleStackTrace(a:msg)
- endif
- let output = ''
- let output .= s:GetString(a:msg, 'stdout', "")
- let output .= s:GetString(a:msg, 'stderr', "")
- let output .= s:GetString(a:msg, 'value', "")
- let output .= s:GetString(a:msg, 'function-arglist', "\n\n")
- let output .= s:GetString(a:msg, 'function-docstring', "\n")
- if output != ''
- echo substitute(output, '\n\+$', '', '')
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-function! s:HandleData(data) " {{{
- let s:pending .= a:data
- try
- let messages = bencode#BdecodeAll(s:pending)
- catch /bencode.*truncated/
- return
- endtry
- let s:pending = ''
- for msg in messages
- call s:HandleMessage(msg)
- endfor
-endfunction " }}}
-" NeoVim job-handling {{{
-silent! function s:JobHandler(job_id, data, event) " {{{
- if a:event == 'stdout'
- call s:HandleData(join(a:data, "\n"))
- elseif a:event == 'stderr'
- 1
- else
- 1
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-let s:callbacks = {
-\ 'on_stdout': function('s:JobHandler'),
-\ 'on_stderr': function('s:JobHandler'),
-\ 'on_exit': function('s:JobHandler')
-\ }
-function! OozeSendMessage(msg)
- if !g:ooze_connection
- throw "Not connected!"
- endif
- try
- call jobsend(g:ooze_connection, bencode#Bencode(a:msg))
- catch /E900/
- echo "Ooze connection died!"
- let g:ooze_connection = 0
- endtry
-" }}}
-function! s:FindPackage() " {{{
- if !exists("b:ooze_buffer_package")
- let view = winsaveview()
- let result = ""
- call cursor(1, 1)
- if search('\v^\(in-package>\s*(\n\s*)?\k', 'c', 40)
- normal! W
- execute "normal v\<plug>(sexp_inner_element)"
- let old_z = @z
- normal! "zy
- let result = @z
- let b:ooze_buffer_package = result
- let @z = old_z
- endif
- call winrestview(view)
- return result
- else
- return b:ooze_buffer_package
- endif
- return ""
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeDisconnect() " {{{
- if g:ooze_connection
- call jobstop(g:ooze_connection)
- let g:ooze_connection = 0
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeConnectToPort(port) " {{{
- if g:ooze_connection
- call OozeDisconnect()
- endif
- let g:ooze_connection = jobstart(['nc', 'localhost', a:port], s:callbacks)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeConnect() " {{{
- call OozeConnectToPort('8675')
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeMacroexpand(form) " {{{
- let msg = {"op": "macroexpand", "form": a:form}
- let package = s:FindPackage()
- if package != ""
- let msg["in-package"] = package
- endif
- call OozeSendMessage(msg)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeMacroexpandSelection() " {{{
- let z = @z
- normal! gv"zy
- call OozeMacroexpand(@z)
- let @z = z
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeDocument(symbol) " {{{
- let msg = {"op": "documentation", "symbol": a:symbol}
- let package = s:FindPackage()
- if package != ""
- let msg["in-package"] = package
- endif
- call OozeSendMessage(msg)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeDocumentSelection() " {{{
- let z = @z
- normal! gv"zy
- call OozeDocument(@z)
- let @z = z
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeDocumentFormHead() " {{{
- let view = winsaveview()
- execute "normal v\<plug>(sexp_inner_list)o\<plug>(sexp_inner_element)"
- call OozeDocumentSelection()
- call winrestview(view)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeArglist(symbol) " {{{
- if !g:ooze_connection
- return
- endif
- let msg = {"op": "arglist", "symbol": a:symbol}
- let package = s:FindPackage()
- if package != ""
- let msg["in-package"] = package
- endif
- set noshowmode
- call OozeSendMessage(msg)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeArglistSelection() " {{{
- let z = @z
- normal! gv"zy
- call OozeArglist(@z)
- let @z = z
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeArglistFormHead() " {{{
- let view = winsaveview()
- let syntaxElement = synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name")
- if syntaxElement == "Comment" || syntaxElement == "String"
- " bail if we're in a comment or string
- " TODO: make this suck less
- else
- execute "normal v\<plug>(sexp_inner_list)o\<plug>(sexp_inner_element)"
- call OozeArglistSelection()
- endif
- call winrestview(view)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeEval(code) " {{{
- let msg = {"op": "eval", "code": a:code}
- let package = s:FindPackage()
- if package != ""
- let msg["in-package"] = package
- endif
- call OozeSendMessage(msg)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeEvalSelection() " {{{
- let z = @z
- normal! gv"zy
- call OozeEval(@z)
- let @z = z
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeLoad(path) " {{{
- let msg = {"op": "load-file", "path": a:path}
- call OozeSendMessage(msg)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeLoadCurrent() " {{{
- call OozeLoad(expand('%:p'))
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeSelectTopLevelForm() " {{{
- execute "normal v\<Plug>(sexp_outer_top_list)"
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeHyperspec(symbol) " {{{
- vnew
- call termopen('clhs ' . a:symbol)
- normal! a
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeHyperspecForm() " {{{
- let view = winsaveview()
- let z = @z
- execute "normal v\<plug>(sexp_inner_element)o\<plug>(sexp_inner_element)"
- normal! gv"zy
- call OozeHyperspec(@z)
- let @z = z
- call winrestview(view)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeSpaceMap() " {{{
- if exists("b:ooze_vblock") || mode() == "R"
- " Don't fuck with visual block mode or replace mode
- return "\<space>"
- else
- return "\<space>\<esc>:\<c-u>call OozeArglistFormHead()\<cr>a"
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeTrackVblock() " {{{
- " end my life
- let b:ooze_vblock = 1
- return "I"
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeUntrackVblock() " {{{
- " end my life
- if exists("b:ooze_vblock")
- unlet b:ooze_vblock
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-function! OozeMapKeys() " {{{
- " [C]onnect and [K]ill
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>C :call OozeConnect()<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>K :call OozeDisconnect()<cr>
- " [h]yperspec
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>h :call OozeHyperspecForm()<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>H :call OozeHyperspec(input("? "))<cr>
- " [e]val ([f]orm)
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>E :call OozeEval(input("? "))<cr>
- vnoremap <buffer> <localleader>e :<c-u>call OozeEvalSelection()<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>e mz:call OozeSelectTopLevelForm()<cr>:<c-u>call OozeEvalSelection()<cr>`z
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>f mzvab:<c-u>call OozeEvalSelection()<cr>`z
- " [M]anual and [D]ocument
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>D :call OozeDocument(input("? "))<cr>
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-d> <c-o>:<c-u>call OozeDocumentFormHead()<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> M mzviw:<c-u>call OozeDocumentSelection()<cr>`z
- " [m]acroexpand
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>M :call OozeMacroexpand(input("? "))<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>m mzvab:<c-u>call OozeMacroexpandSelection()<cr>`z
- " [r]eload
- nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r :call OozeLoadCurrent()<cr>
- " magic arglist shit
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <space> OozeSpaceMap()
- vnoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> I OozeTrackVblock()
- augroup ooze_vblock
- au!
- autocmd InsertLeave <buffer> call OozeUntrackVblock()
- augroup END
-endfunction " }}}
-augroup ooze_dev " {{{
- au!
- autocmd BufWritePost ooze.vim source %
-augroup END " }}}
-augroup ooze_showmode_save
- au!
- " We save showmode around insert mode because the arglist command needs
- " to disable it.
- au InsertEnter * :let g:ooze_save_showmode=&showmode
- au InsertLeave * :let &showmode=g:ooze_save_showmode
- au InsertLeave * :let &showmode=g:ooze_save_showmode
-augroup END