[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 10 Jun 2018 09:16:22 -0700 (2018-06-10)
parents 9247b5bc73bb
children 0bf13c58fc21
branches/tags (none)
files roswell/clhs.lisp roswell/clhs.ros roswell/lispindent.lisp roswell/lispindent.ros weechat/lua.conf weechat/python/autoload/notification_center.py weechat/python/autoload/wee_slack.py


--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/roswell/clhs.lisp	Sun Jun 10 09:16:22 2018 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+A Roswell script to open the HyperSpec page of a specified symbol in the default browser.
+    $ clhs [SYMBOL]
+Just download this script, give execute permission, and move to somewhere your shell can find it (assuming `~/.roswell/bin/` is in $PATH in the following example).
+    $ wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/fukamachi/3510ea1609c1b52830c2/raw/clhs.ros -O clhs
+    $ chmod u+x clhs
+    $ mv clhs ~/.roswell/bin
+You may want to `ros build` for creating an executable file for fast execution.
+    $ ros build clhs.ros
+    $ mv clhs ~/.roswell/bin
+Environment variables
+      The base URL of HyperSpec. The default is LispWorks'.
+      Command name to open an URL with the default browser.
+      The default value is 'open' for Mac and 'xdg-open' for Linux.
+Copyright (c) 2015 Eitaro Fukamachi, Masatoshi Sano
+This script is licensed under the MIT License.
+(unless (find-package :uiop)
+  (ql:quickload '(:uiop) :silent t))
+(defun clhs-base-url ()
+  (or (uiop:getenv "CLHS_BASE_URL")
+      "http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/"))
+(defun clhs-cache-directory ()
+  (let ((cache-dir
+          (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname (uiop:getenv "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
+                                          (merge-pathnames ".cache/" (user-homedir-pathname)))))
+    (merge-pathnames #P"clhs/" cache-dir)))
+(defun clhs-cache-file ()
+  (merge-pathnames #P"symbols-map.sexp" (clhs-cache-directory)))
+(defun open-command ()
+  (or (uiop:getenv "CLHS_OPEN_COMMAND")
+      #+darwin "open"
+      #+linux  "xdg-open"
+      #+(or windows win32) "explorer"
+      #-(or darwin linux windows win32)
+      (error "CLHS_OPEN_COMMAND is not set.")))
+(defun terminate (code &optional message &rest args)
+  (when message
+    (format *error-output* "~&~A~%"
+            (apply #'format nil (princ-to-string message) args)))
+  (uiop:quit code))
+(defmacro with-package-functions (package-designator functions &body body)
+  (let ((args (gensym "ARGS")))
+    `(flet (,@(loop for fn in functions
+                    collect `(,fn (&rest ,args)
+                                  (apply
+                                   ,(if (and (listp fn) (eq (car fn) 'setf))
+                                        `(eval `(function (setf ,(intern ,(string (cadr fn)) ,package-designator))))
+                                        `(symbol-function (intern ,(string fn) ,package-designator)))
+                                   ,args))))
+       ,@body)))
+(defun retrieve-url (url)
+  (with-package-functions :drakma (http-request)
+    (tagbody retry
+       (multiple-value-bind (body status)
+           (http-request url)
+         (unless (= status 200)
+           (restart-case
+               (error "Failed to retrieve ~S (Code=~A)" url status)
+             (retry-request ()
+               :report "Retry the request to URL."
+               (go retry))))
+         (return-from retrieve-url body)))))
+(defun clhs-url (path)
+  (format nil "~A~A" (clhs-base-url) path))
+(defun retrieve-clhs-symbols-map ()
+  (ql:quickload '(:drakma :plump :clss) :silent t)
+  (with-package-functions :plump (parse text attribute)
+    (with-package-functions :clss (select)
+      (let ((body (retrieve-url (clhs-url "Front/X_AllSym.htm"))))
+        (map 'list
+             (lambda (a)
+               (cons (text a)
+                     (let ((path (attribute a "href")))
+                       ;; Omit "../" and URL fragment
+                       (subseq path 3 (position #\# path)))))
+             (select "a[rel=definition]" (parse body)))))))
+(defun clhs-symbols-map ()
+  (let ((cache (clhs-cache-file)))
+    (if (probe-file cache)
+      (uiop:read-file-form cache)
+      (let ((symbols (retrieve-clhs-symbols-map)))
+        (ensure-directories-exist cache)
+        (with-open-file (out cache
+                             :direction :output
+                             :if-does-not-exist :create)
+          (prin1 symbols out))
+        symbols))))
+(defun find-symbol-path (target-symbol)
+  (cdr (assoc target-symbol (clhs-symbols-map)
+              :test #'string-equal)))
+(defun main (&aux (target-symbol (second sb-ext:*posix-argv*)))
+  (unless target-symbol
+    (terminate -1 "Usage: clhs [SYMBOL]"))
+  (let ((path (find-symbol-path target-symbol)))
+    (if path
+        (let ((url (clhs-url path)))
+          (format t "~&Opening ~S~%" url)
+          (uiop:run-program `(,(open-command) ,url) :ignore-error-status t :output :interactive))
+        (terminate -1 "Symbol not found: ~A" target-symbol))))
+(defun build ()
+  (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "clhs" :executable t :toplevel 'main :save-runtime-options t))
--- a/roswell/clhs.ros	Sun Jun 10 09:15:28 2018 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
-exec ros -Q -- $0 "$@"
-A Roswell script to open the HyperSpec page of a specified symbol in the default browser.
-    $ clhs [SYMBOL]
-Just download this script, give execute permission, and move to somewhere your shell can find it (assuming `~/.roswell/bin/` is in $PATH in the following example).
-    $ wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/fukamachi/3510ea1609c1b52830c2/raw/clhs.ros -O clhs
-    $ chmod u+x clhs
-    $ mv clhs ~/.roswell/bin
-You may want to `ros build` for creating an executable file for fast execution.
-    $ ros build clhs.ros
-    $ mv clhs ~/.roswell/bin
-Environment variables
-      The base URL of HyperSpec. The default is LispWorks'.
-      Command name to open an URL with the default browser.
-      The default value is 'open' for Mac and 'xdg-open' for Linux.
-Copyright (c) 2015 Eitaro Fukamachi, Masatoshi Sano
-This script is licensed under the MIT License.
-;; Loading dependencies
-(unless (find-package :uiop)
-  (ql:quickload '(:uiop) :silent t))
-;; Special variables
-(defparameter *clhs-base-url*
-  (or (uiop:getenv "CLHS_BASE_URL")
-      "http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/"))
-(defparameter *clhs-cache-directory*
-  (let ((cache-dir
-          (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname (uiop:getenv "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
-                                          (merge-pathnames ".cache/" (user-homedir-pathname)))))
-    (merge-pathnames #P"clhs/" cache-dir)))
-(defparameter *clhs-cache-file*
-  (merge-pathnames #P"symbols-map.sexp" *clhs-cache-directory*))
-(defparameter *open-command*
-  (or (uiop:getenv "CLHS_OPEN_COMMAND")
-      #+darwin "open"
-      #+linux  "xdg-open"
-      #+(or windows win32) "explorer"
-      #-(or darwin linux windows win32)
-      (error "CLHS_OPEN_COMMAND is not set.")))
-;; Utilities
-(defun terminate (code &optional message &rest args)
-  (when message
-    (format *error-output* "~&~A~%"
-            (apply #'format nil (princ-to-string message) args)))
-  (uiop:quit code))
-;; Copied from Qlot
-(defmacro with-package-functions (package-designator functions &body body)
-  (let ((args (gensym "ARGS")))
-    `(flet (,@(loop for fn in functions
-                    collect `(,fn (&rest ,args)
-                                  (apply
-                                   ,(if (and (listp fn) (eq (car fn) 'setf))
-                                        `(eval `(function (setf ,(intern ,(string (cadr fn)) ,package-designator))))
-                                        `(symbol-function (intern ,(string fn) ,package-designator)))
-                                   ,args))))
-       ,@body)))
-(defun retrieve-url (url)
-  (with-package-functions :drakma (http-request)
-    (tagbody retry
-       (multiple-value-bind (body status)
-           (http-request url)
-         (unless (= status 200)
-           (restart-case
-               (error "Failed to retrieve ~S (Code=~A)" url status)
-             (retry-request ()
-               :report "Retry the request to URL."
-               (go retry))))
-         (return-from retrieve-url body)))))
-;; Here we go!
-(defun clhs-url (path)
-  (format nil "~A~A" *clhs-base-url* path))
-(defun retrieve-clhs-symbols-map ()
-  (ql:quickload '(:drakma :plump :clss) :silent t)
-  (with-package-functions :plump (parse text attribute)
-    (with-package-functions :clss (select)
-      (let ((body (retrieve-url (clhs-url "Front/X_AllSym.htm"))))
-        (map 'list
-             (lambda (a)
-               (cons (text a)
-                     (let ((path (attribute a "href")))
-                       ;; Omit "../" and URL fragment
-                       (subseq path 3 (position #\# path)))))
-             (select "a[rel=definition]" (parse body)))))))
-(defun clhs-symbols-map ()
-  (if (probe-file *clhs-cache-file*)
-      (uiop:read-file-form *clhs-cache-file*)
-      (let ((symbols (retrieve-clhs-symbols-map)))
-        (ensure-directories-exist *clhs-cache-file*)
-        (with-open-file (out *clhs-cache-file*
-                             :direction :output
-                             :if-does-not-exist :create)
-          (prin1 symbols out))
-        symbols)))
-(defun find-symbol-path (target-symbol)
-  (cdr (assoc target-symbol (clhs-symbols-map)
-              :test #'string-equal)))
-(defun main (&optional target-symbol &rest argv)
-  (declare (ignore argv))
-  (unless target-symbol
-    (terminate -1 "Usage: clhs [SYMBOL]"))
-  (let ((path (find-symbol-path target-symbol)))
-    (if path
-        (let ((url (clhs-url path)))
-          (format t "~&Opening ~S~%" url)
-          (uiop:run-program `(,*open-command* ,url) :ignore-error-status t :output :interactive))
-        (terminate -1 "Symbol not found: ~A" target-symbol))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/roswell/lispindent.lisp	Sun Jun 10 09:16:22 2018 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+;; Fork of lispindent https://github.com/ds26gte/scmindent
+;; Some day I need to rewrite this with smug or something, jesus.
+;Dorai Sitaram
+;Oct 8, 1999
+;last change 2014-09-16
+;this script takes lines of Lisp or Scheme code from its
+;stdin and produces an indented version thereof on its
+(defun safe-read (stream)
+  (let ((*read-eval* nil))
+    (read stream nil)))
+(defun safe-read-from-string (string)
+  (let ((*read-eval* nil))
+    (read-from-string string)))
+(defvar *lisp-keywords* '())
+(defvar *labels-keywords* '(labels flet macrolet labels* flet* labels-memoized))
+(defvar *labels2-keywords* '(state-machine))
+(defvar *lambda-list-keywords* '(defun defmethod defmacro define-compiler-macro defun* defmacro-clause defmacro-driver))
+(defvar *case-keywords* '(cond case))
+(defun define-with-lisp-indent-number (n syms)
+  (dolist (sym syms)
+    (let* ((x (symbol-name sym))
+           (c (assoc x *lisp-keywords* :test #'string-equal)))
+      (unless c
+        (push (setq c (cons x nil)) *lisp-keywords*))
+      (setf (cdr c) n))))
+(define-with-lisp-indent-number 0
+  '(block
+    handler-bind
+    loop))
+(define-with-lisp-indent-number 1
+  '(case
+    defpackage do-all-symbols do-external-symbols dolist do-symbols dotimes
+    ecase etypecase eval-when
+    flet
+    handler-case
+    labels lambda let let* let-values
+    macrolet
+    prog1
+    typecase
+    unless unwind-protect
+    when with-input-from-string with-open-file with-open-socket
+    with-open-stream with-output-to-string))
+(define-with-lisp-indent-number 2
+  '(assert
+    defun destructuring-bind do do*
+    if
+    multiple-value-bind
+    with-slots))
+(defparameter *config-files*
+  (list (merge-pathnames ".lispwords" (user-homedir-pathname))
+        ".lispwords" ))
+(defun source-config-files ()
+  (dolist (path *config-files*)
+    (with-open-file (i path :if-does-not-exist nil)
+      (when i
+        (loop
+          (let ((w (or (safe-read i) (return))))
+            (define-with-lisp-indent-number (car w) (cdr w))))))))
+(defstruct lparen
+  word
+  spaces-before
+  num-aligned-subforms
+  (num-finished-subforms 0)
+  (num-processed-subforms 0))
+(defun past-next-token (s i n)
+  (let ((escapep nil))
+    (loop
+      (when (>= i n) (return i))
+      (let ((c (char s i)))
+        (cond (escapep (setq escapep nil))
+              ((char= c #\\) (setq escapep t))
+              ((char= c #\#)
+               (let ((j (+ i 1)))
+                 (if (>= j n) (return i)
+                   (let ((c (char s j)))
+                     (cond ((char= c #\\) (setq escapep t i j))
+                           (t (return i)))))))
+              ((member c '(#\space #\tab #\( #\) #\[ #\] #\" #\' #\` #\, #\;))
+               (return i))))
+      (incf i))))
+(defun lisp-indent-number (s &optional (possible-keyword-p t))
+  (or (cdr (assoc s *lisp-keywords* :test #'string-equal))
+      (if (zerop (or (search "def" s :test #'char-equal)
+                     (search "with-" s :test #'char-equal)
+                     -1))
+        0
+        (if possible-keyword-p
+          (let ((p (position #\: s :from-end t)))
+            (if p
+              (lisp-indent-number (subseq s (1+ p)) nil)
+              -1))
+          -1))))
+(defun literal-token-p (s)
+  (let ((colon-pos (position #\: s)))
+    (if colon-pos
+        (if (= colon-pos 0) t nil)
+      (let ((s (safe-read-from-string s)))
+        (or (eql t s) (characterp s) (numberp s) (stringp s))))))
+;(trace lisp-indent-number literal-token-p read-from-string past-next-token)
+(defun current-word (s i n)
+  (let ((j (past-next-token s i n)))
+    (when (not (= i j))
+      (subseq s i j))))
+(defun in-labels-p (stack)
+  (let ((target (cadr stack)))
+    (or (and target
+             (member (lparen-word target) *labels-keywords*
+                     :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal)
+             (= (lparen-num-processed-subforms target) 0))
+        (and target
+             (member (lparen-word target) *labels2-keywords*
+                     :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal)
+             (= (lparen-num-processed-subforms target) 1)))))
+(defun in-lambda-list-p (stack)
+  (let ((target (car stack)))
+    (and target
+         (member (lparen-word target) *lambda-list-keywords*
+                 :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal)
+         (= (lparen-num-processed-subforms target) 0))))
+(defun in-case-p (stack)
+  (let ((target (car stack)))
+    (and target
+         (member (lparen-word target) *case-keywords*
+                 :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal))))
+(defun calc-subindent (stack s i n)
+  (let* ((j (past-next-token s i n))
+         (num-aligned-subforms 0)
+         (left-indent
+           (if (= j i) 1
+             (let ((w (subseq s i j)))
+               (if (and (>= i 2) (member (char s (- i 2)) '(#\' #\`))) 2
+                 (let ((nas (if (in-labels-p stack)
+                              1
+                              (lisp-indent-number w))))
+                   (cond ((or (in-lambda-list-p stack)
+                              (in-case-p stack)) 1)
+                         ((>= nas 0) (setq num-aligned-subforms nas)
+                          2)
+                         ((literal-token-p w) 1)
+                         ((= j n) 2)
+                         (t (+ (- j i) 2)))))))))
+    (values left-indent num-aligned-subforms (1- j))))
+(defun num-leading-spaces (s)
+  (let ((n (length s))
+        (i 0) (j 0))
+    (loop
+      (when (>= i n) (return 0))
+      (case (char s i)
+        (#\space (incf i) (incf j))
+        (#\tab (incf i) (incf j 8))
+        (t (return j))))))
+(defun string-trim-blanks (s)
+  (string-trim '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\return) s))
+(defun indent-lines ()
+  (let ((left-i 0)
+        (paren-stack '())
+        (stringp nil))
+    (loop
+      (let* ((curr-line (or (read-line nil nil) (return)))
+             (leading-spaces (num-leading-spaces curr-line))
+             (curr-left-i
+               (cond (stringp leading-spaces)
+                     ((null paren-stack)
+                      (when (= left-i 0) (setq left-i leading-spaces))
+                      left-i)
+                     (t (let* ((lp (car paren-stack))
+                               (nas (lparen-num-aligned-subforms lp))
+                               (nfs (lparen-num-finished-subforms lp))
+                               (extra-w 0))
+                          (when (< nfs nas) ;(and (>= nas 0) (< nfs nas))
+                            (incf (lparen-num-finished-subforms lp))
+                            (setq extra-w 2))
+                          (+ (lparen-spaces-before lp)
+                             extra-w))))))
+        (setq curr-line (string-trim-blanks curr-line))
+        (when (not (string= curr-line "")) ; don't add "trailing" whitespace
+          (dotimes (k curr-left-i) (write-char #\space)))
+        (princ curr-line)
+        (terpri)
+        ;
+        (let ((i 0) (n (length curr-line)) (escapep nil)
+              (inter-word-space-p nil))
+          (loop
+            (when (>= i n) (return))
+            (let ((c (char curr-line i)))
+              (cond (escapep (setq escapep nil))
+                    ((char= c #\\) (setq escapep t))
+                    (stringp (when (char= c #\") (setq stringp nil)))
+                    ((char= c #\;) (return))
+                    ((char= c #\") (setq stringp t))
+                    ((member c '(#\space #\tab) :test #'char=)
+                     (unless inter-word-space-p
+                       (setq inter-word-space-p t)
+                       (let ((lp (car paren-stack)))
+                         (when lp
+                           (incf (lparen-num-finished-subforms lp))))))
+                    ((member c '(#\( #\[) :test #'char=)
+                     (setq inter-word-space-p nil)
+                     (multiple-value-bind (left-indent num-aligned-subforms j)
+                         (calc-subindent paren-stack curr-line (1+ i) n)
+                       (push
+                         (make-lparen :word (current-word curr-line (1+ i) n)
+                                      :spaces-before (+ i curr-left-i left-indent)
+                                      :num-aligned-subforms num-aligned-subforms)
+                         paren-stack)
+                       (setq i j)))
+                    ((member c '(#\) #\]) :test #'char=)
+                     (setq inter-word-space-p nil)
+                     (cond (paren-stack (pop paren-stack))
+                           (t (setq left-i 0)))
+                     (let ((lp (car paren-stack)))
+                       (when lp
+                         (incf (lparen-num-processed-subforms lp)))))
+                    (t (setq inter-word-space-p nil)))
+              (incf i))))))))
+(defun main ()
+  (source-config-files)
+  (indent-lines)
+  t)
+(defun build ()
+  (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "lispindent"
+                            :toplevel 'main
+                            :executable t))
--- a/roswell/lispindent.ros	Sun Jun 10 09:15:28 2018 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
-exec ros +Q -- $0 "$@"
-Roswell version of my fork of lispindent
-Some day I need to rewrite this with smug or something, jesus.
-;Dorai Sitaram
-;Oct 8, 1999
-;last change 2014-09-16
-;this script takes lines of Lisp or Scheme code from its
-;stdin and produces an indented version thereof on its
-(defun safe-read (stream)
-  (let ((*read-eval* nil))
-    (read stream nil)))
-(defun safe-read-from-string (string)
-  (let ((*read-eval* nil))
-    (read-from-string string)))
-(defvar *lisp-keywords* '())
-(defvar *labels-keywords* '(labels flet macrolet labels* flet* labels-memoized))
-(defvar *labels2-keywords* '(state-machine))
-(defvar *lambda-list-keywords* '(defun defmethod defmacro define-compiler-macro defun* defmacro-clause defmacro-driver))
-(defvar *case-keywords* '(cond case))
-(defun define-with-lisp-indent-number (n syms)
-  (dolist (sym syms)
-    (let* ((x (symbol-name sym))
-           (c (assoc x *lisp-keywords* :test #'string-equal)))
-      (unless c
-        (push (setq c (cons x nil)) *lisp-keywords*))
-      (setf (cdr c) n))))
-(define-with-lisp-indent-number 0
-  '(block
-    handler-bind
-    loop))
-(define-with-lisp-indent-number 1
-  '(case
-    defpackage do-all-symbols do-external-symbols dolist do-symbols dotimes
-    ecase etypecase eval-when
-    flet
-    handler-case
-    labels lambda let let* let-values
-    macrolet
-    prog1
-    typecase
-    unless unwind-protect
-    when with-input-from-string with-open-file with-open-socket
-    with-open-stream with-output-to-string))
-(define-with-lisp-indent-number 2
-  '(assert
-    defun destructuring-bind do do*
-    if
-    multiple-value-bind
-    with-slots))
-(defparameter *config-files*
-  (list (merge-pathnames ".lispwords" (user-homedir-pathname))
-        ".lispwords" ))
-(defun source-config-files ()
-  (dolist (path *config-files*)
-    (with-open-file (i path :if-does-not-exist nil)
-      (when i
-        (loop
-          (let ((w (or (safe-read i) (return))))
-            (define-with-lisp-indent-number (car w) (cdr w))))))))
-(defstruct lparen
-  word
-  spaces-before
-  num-aligned-subforms
-  (num-finished-subforms 0)
-  (num-processed-subforms 0))
-(defun past-next-token (s i n)
-  (let ((escapep nil))
-    (loop
-      (when (>= i n) (return i))
-      (let ((c (char s i)))
-        (cond (escapep (setq escapep nil))
-              ((char= c #\\) (setq escapep t))
-              ((char= c #\#)
-               (let ((j (+ i 1)))
-                 (if (>= j n) (return i)
-                   (let ((c (char s j)))
-                     (cond ((char= c #\\) (setq escapep t i j))
-                           (t (return i)))))))
-              ((member c '(#\space #\tab #\( #\) #\[ #\] #\" #\' #\` #\, #\;))
-               (return i))))
-      (incf i))))
-(defun lisp-indent-number (s &optional (possible-keyword-p t))
-  (or (cdr (assoc s *lisp-keywords* :test #'string-equal))
-      (if (zerop (or (search "def" s :test #'char-equal)
-                     (search "with-" s :test #'char-equal)
-                     -1))
-        0
-        (if possible-keyword-p
-          (let ((p (position #\: s :from-end t)))
-            (if p
-              (lisp-indent-number (subseq s (1+ p)) nil)
-              -1))
-          -1))))
-(defun literal-token-p (s)
-  (let ((colon-pos (position #\: s)))
-    (if colon-pos
-        (if (= colon-pos 0) t nil)
-      (let ((s (safe-read-from-string s)))
-        (or (eql t s) (characterp s) (numberp s) (stringp s))))))
-;(trace lisp-indent-number literal-token-p read-from-string past-next-token)
-(defun current-word (s i n)
-  (let ((j (past-next-token s i n)))
-    (when (not (= i j))
-      (subseq s i j))))
-(defun in-labels-p (stack)
-  (let ((target (cadr stack)))
-    (or (and target
-             (member (lparen-word target) *labels-keywords*
-                     :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal)
-             (= (lparen-num-processed-subforms target) 0))
-        (and target
-             (member (lparen-word target) *labels2-keywords*
-                     :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal)
-             (= (lparen-num-processed-subforms target) 1)))))
-(defun in-lambda-list-p (stack)
-  (let ((target (car stack)))
-    (and target
-         (member (lparen-word target) *lambda-list-keywords*
-                 :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal)
-         (= (lparen-num-processed-subforms target) 0))))
-(defun in-case-p (stack)
-  (let ((target (car stack)))
-    (and target
-         (member (lparen-word target) *case-keywords*
-                 :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal))))
-(defun calc-subindent (stack s i n)
-  (let* ((j (past-next-token s i n))
-         (num-aligned-subforms 0)
-         (left-indent
-           (if (= j i) 1
-             (let ((w (subseq s i j)))
-               (if (and (>= i 2) (member (char s (- i 2)) '(#\' #\`))) 2
-                 (let ((nas (if (in-labels-p stack)
-                              1
-                              (lisp-indent-number w))))
-                   (cond ((or (in-lambda-list-p stack)
-                              (in-case-p stack)) 1)
-                         ((>= nas 0) (setq num-aligned-subforms nas)
-                          2)
-                         ((literal-token-p w) 1)
-                         ((= j n) 2)
-                         (t (+ (- j i) 2)))))))))
-    (values left-indent num-aligned-subforms (1- j))))
-(defun num-leading-spaces (s)
-  (let ((n (length s))
-        (i 0) (j 0))
-    (loop
-      (when (>= i n) (return 0))
-      (case (char s i)
-        (#\space (incf i) (incf j))
-        (#\tab (incf i) (incf j 8))
-        (t (return j))))))
-(defun string-trim-blanks (s)
-  (string-trim '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\return) s))
-(defun indent-lines ()
-  (let ((left-i 0)
-        (paren-stack '())
-        (stringp nil))
-    (loop
-      (let* ((curr-line (or (read-line nil nil) (return)))
-             (leading-spaces (num-leading-spaces curr-line))
-             (curr-left-i
-               (cond (stringp leading-spaces)
-                     ((null paren-stack)
-                      (when (= left-i 0) (setq left-i leading-spaces))
-                      left-i)
-                     (t (let* ((lp (car paren-stack))
-                               (nas (lparen-num-aligned-subforms lp))
-                               (nfs (lparen-num-finished-subforms lp))
-                               (extra-w 0))
-                          (when (< nfs nas) ;(and (>= nas 0) (< nfs nas))
-                            (incf (lparen-num-finished-subforms lp))
-                            (setq extra-w 2))
-                          (+ (lparen-spaces-before lp)
-                             extra-w))))))
-        (setq curr-line (string-trim-blanks curr-line))
-        (when (not (string= curr-line "")) ; don't add "trailing" whitespace
-          (dotimes (k curr-left-i) (write-char #\space)))
-        (princ curr-line)
-        (terpri)
-        ;
-        (let ((i 0) (n (length curr-line)) (escapep nil)
-              (inter-word-space-p nil))
-          (loop
-            (when (>= i n) (return))
-            (let ((c (char curr-line i)))
-              (cond (escapep (setq escapep nil))
-                    ((char= c #\\) (setq escapep t))
-                    (stringp (when (char= c #\") (setq stringp nil)))
-                    ((char= c #\;) (return))
-                    ((char= c #\") (setq stringp t))
-                    ((member c '(#\space #\tab) :test #'char=)
-                     (unless inter-word-space-p
-                       (setq inter-word-space-p t)
-                       (let ((lp (car paren-stack)))
-                         (when lp
-                           (incf (lparen-num-finished-subforms lp))))))
-                    ((member c '(#\( #\[) :test #'char=)
-                     (setq inter-word-space-p nil)
-                     (multiple-value-bind (left-indent num-aligned-subforms j)
-                         (calc-subindent paren-stack curr-line (1+ i) n)
-                       (push
-                         (make-lparen :word (current-word curr-line (1+ i) n)
-                                      :spaces-before (+ i curr-left-i left-indent)
-                                      :num-aligned-subforms num-aligned-subforms)
-                         paren-stack)
-                       (setq i j)))
-                    ((member c '(#\) #\]) :test #'char=)
-                     (setq inter-word-space-p nil)
-                     (cond (paren-stack (pop paren-stack))
-                           (t (setq left-i 0)))
-                     (let ((lp (car paren-stack)))
-                       (when lp
-                         (incf (lparen-num-processed-subforms lp)))))
-                    (t (setq inter-word-space-p nil)))
-              (incf i))))))))
-(defun main (&rest argv)
-  (declare (ignore argv))
-  (source-config-files)
-  (indent-lines)
-  t)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/weechat/lua.conf	Sun Jun 10 09:16:22 2018 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# weechat -- lua.conf
+# WARNING: It is NOT recommended to edit this file by hand,
+# especially if WeeChat is running.
+# Use /set or similar command to change settings in WeeChat.
+# For more info, see: https://weechat.org/doc/quickstart
+check_license = off
+eval_keep_context = on
--- a/weechat/python/autoload/notification_center.py	Sun Jun 10 09:15:28 2018 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# https://github.com/sindresorhus/weechat-notification-center
-# Requires `pip install pync`
-import weechat
-from pync import Notifier
-SCRIPT_NAME = 'notification_center'
-SCRIPT_AUTHOR = 'Sindre Sorhus <sindresorhus@gmail.com>'
-SCRIPT_DESC = 'Pass highlights and private messages to the OS X 10.8+ Notification Center'
-	'show_highlights': 'on',
-	'show_private_message': 'on',
-	'show_message_text': 'on',
-	'sound': 'off',
-for key, val in DEFAULT_OPTIONS.items():
-	if not weechat.config_is_set_plugin(key):
-		weechat.config_set_plugin(key, val)
-weechat.hook_print('', 'irc_privmsg', '', 1, 'notify', '')
-def notify(data, buffer, date, tags, displayed, highlight, prefix, message):
-	# ignore if it's yourself
-	own_nick = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_nick')
-	if prefix == own_nick or prefix == ('@%s' % own_nick):
-		return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
-	# passing `None` or `''` still plays the default sound so we pass a lambda instead
-	sound = 'Pong' if weechat.config_get_plugin('sound') == 'on' else lambda:_
-	if weechat.config_get_plugin('show_highlights') == 'on' and int(highlight):
-		channel = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_channel')
-		if weechat.config_get_plugin('show_message_text') == 'on':
-			Notifier.notify(message, title='%s %s' % (prefix, channel), sound=sound)
-		else:
-			Notifier.notify('In %s by %s' % (channel, prefix), title='Highlighted Message', sound=sound)
-	elif weechat.config_get_plugin('show_private_message') == 'on' and 'notify_private' in tags:
-		if weechat.config_get_plugin('show_message_text') == 'on':
-			Notifier.notify(message, title='%s [private]' % prefix, sound=sound)
-		else:
-			Notifier.notify('From %s' % prefix, title='Private Message', sound=sound)
-	return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/weechat/python/autoload/wee_slack.py	Sun Jun 10 09:16:22 2018 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file