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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:11:39 -0400 (2013-06-14)
parents d3919ecf6b45
children 78862604f6c8 2c5398cb1a36
branches/tags (none)
files .hgsubstate vim/bundle/yankring/doc/yankring.txt vim/bundle/yankring/plugin/yankring.vim


--- a/.hgsubstate	Fri Jun 14 17:10:17 2013 -0400
+++ b/.hgsubstate	Fri Jun 14 17:11:39 2013 -0400
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 2dee007ddae8156735cbae7f0cd4e0a24ba7287b vim/bundle/tslime
 84365f56fc87c11f1f04eed487d256cf8b128f7c vim/bundle/vitality
-8ebc225b364887c0557ab47ab2ca752a70123bee vim/bundle/yankring
+a884f3a161fa3cd8c996eb53a3d1c68631f60c21 vim/bundle/yankring
--- a/vim/bundle/yankring/doc/yankring.txt	Fri Jun 14 17:10:17 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1585 +0,0 @@
-*yankring.txt*      For Vim version 7.0. 
-Author:	        David Fishburn                             April 1, 2011
-Version:        14.0
-For instructions on installing this file, type
-	:help add-local-help |add-local-help| inside Vim.
-Homepage: http://vim.sourceforge.net/script.php?script_id=1234
-1. Contents                                      *yankring* *yankring-contents*
-    1. Contents...............................: |yankring-contents|
-    2. Description............................: |yankring-description|
-    3. Configuration..........................: |yankring-configure|
-       3.1 Global Variables...................: |yankring-globals|
-       3.2 Default Keys.......................: |yankring-mappings|
-       3.3 Customizing Maps...................: |yankring-custom-maps|
-       3.4 Customizing Menus..................: |yankring-custom-menus|
-    4. Using the YankRing Window..............: |yankring-window|
-    5. Commands...............................: |yankring-commands|
-       5.1  YRToggle..........................: |:YRToggle|
-       5.2  YRClear...........................: |:YRClear|
-       5.3  YRShow............................: |:YRShow|
-       5.5  YRGetElem.........................: |:YRGetElem|
-       5.6  YRGetMultiple.....................: |:YRGetMultiple|
-       5.7  YRPush............................: |:YRPush|
-       5.8  YRPop.............................: |:YRPop|
-       5.9  YRYankCount.......................: |:YRYankCount|
-       5.10 YRYankRange.......................: |:YRYankRange|
-       5.11 YRDeleteRange.....................: |:YRDeleteRange|
-       5.12 YRPaste...........................: |:YRPaste|
-       5.13 YRReplace.........................: |:YRReplace|
-       5.14 YRMapsCreate......................: |:YRMapsCreate|
-       5.15 YRMapsDelete......................: |:YRMapsDelete|
-       5.16 YRSearch..........................: |:YRSearch|
-       5.17 YRCheckClipboard..................: |:YRCheckClipboard|
-       5.18 YRRunAfterMaps....................: |:YRRunAfterMaps|
-    6. Tutorial...............................: |yankring-tutorial|
-       6.1  YRShow............................: |YRShow-example|
-       6.2  YRReplace.........................: |YRReplace-example|
-       6.3  YRPush............................: |YRPush-example|
-       6.4  YRClear...........................: |YRClear-example|
-       6.8  YRPop.............................: |YRPop-example|
-       6.9  Visual modes......................: |yankring-visual-example|
-       6.10 Using ranges......................: |YRYankRange-example|
-       6.11 :global...........................: |global-example|
-       6.12 YRSearch..........................: |YRSearch-example|
-    7. History................................: |yankring-history|
-2. Description                                   *yankring-description*
-Vim already maintains a list of numbered registers containing the last 9
-deletes.  These previous deletes can be referenced using [register]p, so 
-"1p will paste the last delete, "2p the 2nd last delete.  For more
-information see |quote_number|.
-Vim does not provide any mechanism to reference previously yanked text.  
-In Emacs this feature is called the "kill ring".
-The YankRing plugin allows the user to configure the number of yanked
-and deleted text.  After text has been pasted, it can be replaced with
-a previous value from the yankring.
-As of version 3.0, the yankring's content will persist (by default) 
-between starting and stopping Vim.
-The plugin can be toggled on and off, and supports:
-   Ranges
-   Registers
-   Counts
-   All visual modes
-   All motions
-   All text-objects
-If you have any suggestions for the improvement of this plugin, see the
-yankring.vim file for my email address.  Suggestions / bug reports are
-always welcome.
-For details on the changes between versions see |yankring-history|.
-3. Configuration                                 *yankring-configure*
-The YankRing allows the user to choose which keys are to be assigned to
-the various commands.  By default, the YankRing chose keys identical
-with Vim's standard behaviour/keys.  
-3.1 Global Variables                             *yankring-globals*
-You can customize the YankRing by setting various global variables in
-your |.vimrc|.
-    yankring_max_history 
-<       Default: 100
-        Controls how many elements to save in the yankring. >
-            let g:yankring_max_history = 100
-    yankring_min_element_length 
-<       Default: 1
-        If the yanked element has a length less than this value 
-        if will not be added to the YankRing.  This can be useful if 
-        you want to bypass single letter deletes by adding the 
-        following to your .vimrc: >
-            let g:yankring_min_element_length = 2
-    yankring_max_element_length 
-<       Default: 1048576 (1M)
-        Will truncate a new entry to the specified maximum.  If 
-        g:yankring_max_element_length is set to 0, there is no limit. >
-            let g:yankring_max_element_length = 4194304 " 4M
-    yankring_max_display  
-<       Default: 500
-        When the YankRing window is opened, each element is displayed on a
-        separate line.  Since each yank could be very large, the display of
-        the element is limited to the above default.  >
-            let g:yankring_max_display = 70
-    yankring_enabled
-<       Default: 1
-        If you do not want to YankRing enabled by default, set this 
-        variable in your |vimrc|. >
-            let g:yankring_enabled = 0  " Disables the yankring
-    yankring_persist  
-<       Default: 1
-        If you have enabled the storing of global variables in the |viminfo|
-        file, the YankRing will be default persist the contents of the ring
-        between starting and stopping Vim.  To disable this feature: >
-            let g:yankring_persist = 0
-    yankring_share_between_instances
-<       Default: 1
-        By default, any instance of Vim will share the same yankring
-        history file.  But if want each instance to have their own history
-        you can set this option to 0.  Setting g:yankring_persist = 0 and
-        g:yankring_share_between_instances = 0 will ensure no 2 instances
-        of Vim share the same YankRing history AND the history is not 
-        remembered the next time Vim is started. >
-            let g:yankring_share_between_instances = 0
-    yankring_dot_repeat_yank
-<       Default: Based on the Vim cpoption setting
-        By default Vim will not repeat (using '.') yanking of text.  This can
-        be controlled via the |'cpoptions'| setting.  The YankRing now respects
-        the cpoptions setting, if 'y' is included and you press '.', the
-        previous yank command is repeated and added to the yankring.
-        You can also add this behaviour by setting this in your |vimrc|: >
-            let g:yankring_dot_repeat_yank = 1
-    yankring_ignore_duplicate
-<       Default: 1
-        Duplicates will not be added to the YankRing by default.  If a
-        duplicate is found, that element will be moved to the top of the
-        yankring.  This can be controlled by setting this in your |vimrc|: >
-            let g:yankring_ignore_duplicate = 0 
-    yankring_map_dot
-<       Default: 1
-        If the '.' (repeat) command should be mapped by the yankring.  Since
-        most of the normal commands yy,dd,dw,... are mapped by the yankring,
-        if g:yankring_map_dot is false the . operator will not repeat these
-        operations.  The YankRing tracks several of the internal Vim registers
-        and decides whether an action was the result of the YankRing or an
-        action outside of it.  If the previous action was a result of the
-        yankring, it will be executed again.  If it was an action outside of
-        the yankring, it asks Vim to repeat the command. >
-            let g:yankring_map_dot = 1
-    yankring_paste_using_g
-<       Default: 1
-        By default [p] and [P] are mapped to interact with the yankring.  This
-        option controls whether [gp] and [gP] are also mapped.  Setting this
-        option to 0 will not create these maps.  >
-            let g:yankring_paste_using_g = 1
-    yankring_window_use_separate 
-<       Default: 1
-        This is a new feature as of the 2.0 release.  The YankRing now uses a
-        separate split buffer to display the yankring.  There are many buffer
-        specific maps that allow you to operate over the various elements from
-        within the yankring.  Setting this option to 0, uses the 1.0
-        interface. >
-            let g:yankring_window_use_separate = 0
-    yankring_window_auto_close
-<       Default: 1
-        By default once you choose an option in the YankRing buffer, the
-        action is performed and the buffer window is closed, returning you to
-        the original buffer.  This option can be toggled from within the
-        YankRing buffer by pressing [a].  The YankRing buffer status line
-        visually indicates where auto close is enabled or disabled.  There are
-        many times where you need to paste (or delete) many items from the
-        yankring.  Pressing [a], disables auto close, allows you to paste many
-        items, and finally you can press [a] to re-enable auto close, followed
-        by [q] to quit the buffer window. >
-            let g:yankring_window_auto_close = 1
-    yankring_window_use_horiz
-<       Default: 1
-        When the YankRing window is opened, it uses a horizontal split at the
-        bottom of the Vim window.  It can optionally use a vertical split by
-        setting this option to 0.  >
-            let g:yankring_window_use_horiz = 0  " Use vertical split
-    yankring_window_height
-<       Default: 1
-        If using a horizontal split, this option controls how high to make
-        the window.  >
-            let g:yankring_window_height = 8
-    yankring_window_width
-<       Default: 1
-        If using a vertical split, this option controls how wide to make the
-        window.  >
-            let g:yankring_window_width = 30
-    yankring_window_use_bottom
-<       Default: 1
-        If using a horizontal split, this option control whether the window is
-        opened at the top or bottom of the Vim window.  Setting this option to
-        0 forces the window to open at the top of the Vim window.  >
-            let g:yankring_window_use_bottom = 1
-    yankring_window_use_right
-<       Default: 1
-        If using a vertical split, this option control whether the window is
-        opened on the left or right side of the Vim window.  To force the
-        window to open on the left side, set this option to 0.  >
-            let g:yankring_window_use_right = 1
-    yankring_window_increment
-<       Default: 1
-        If using a vertical split the default width of the vertical window may
-        be too narrow to view enough of the elements.  Pressing [<space>] will
-        increase the size of the window by this number of columns.  Pressing
-        [<space>] again will toggle it back to the original size.  >
-            let g:yankring_window_increment = 50
-    yankring_manage_numbered_reg
-<       Default: 0
-        Vim already maintains a list of numbered registers containing the last
-        yanked item and the previous 9 deletes.  These items can be referenced
-        using [register]p, so "0p will paste the last yank, "1p will paste the
-        last delete, "2p the 2nd last delete.  For more information see
-        |quote_number|.
-        If you wish the YankRing to maintain these numbered registers so 
-        the top 10 elements in the YankRing are in the numbered reqisters 0-9
-        you can put the following in your |vimrc| >
-            let g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg = 1
-    yankring_ignore_operator
-<       Default: 'g~ gu gU ! = gq g? > < zf g@'
-        There are a number of Vim operations which do not change any 
-        registers, and therefore should not be captured by the yankring.
-        This list is used to ignore the appropriate operators.
-        You can put the following in your |vimrc| >
-            let g:yankring_ignore_operator = 'g~ gu gU ! = gq g? > < zf g@'
-    yankring_history_dir
-<       Default: $HOME
-        The YankRing stores the text in a file.  This global variable
-        allows you to customize where the file(s) will be stored.
-        You can put the following in your |vimrc| >
-            let g:yankring_history_dir = '$VIM'
-    yankring_history_file
-<       Default: 'yankring_history'
-        The history filename prefix can be controlled by setting this 
-        variable.
-        You can put the following in your |vimrc| >
-            let g:yankring_history_file = 'my_yankring_history_file'
-    yankring_clipboard_monitor
-<       Default: 1
-        When flipping between applications I find I often copy text
-        and attempt to use it inside of Vim.  This is typically easy
-        by simply using "+p, but there are times when I will repeatedly
-        want to use the same text later on.  By default, the YankRing
-        will detect when Vim regains focus and check if the clipboard
-        has changed since it last checked.  If so, it will add the contents
-        of the clipboard to the YankRing.  This is accomplished by the 
-        use of the FocusGained Vim event for the GUI Vim.  For console 
-        Vims, the FocusGained event does not fire, so additional logic 
-        is added to deal with it.  To disable this feature 
-        you can put the following in your |vimrc| >
-            let g:yankring_clipboard_monitor = 0
-    yankring_manual_clipboard_check
-<       Default: 0
-        If running in console mode, Vim's FocusGained event will not
-        fire as we flip back and forth between windows.  This normally
-        instructs the YankRing to check for updates to the system
-        clipboard.  When this option is set, the YankRing will check
-        the clipboard under many different circumstances:
-            Adding a new entry to the YankRing 
-            Replacing a previous paste 
-            Showing the YankRing window
-        If the YankRing is setup to check the clipboard and the 
-        GUI is not running, this option will be enabled by default.
-        To disable this feature you can put the following in your |vimrc| >
-            let g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check = 0
-    yankring_paste_check_default_buffer
-<       Default: 1
-        If the default register has changed without the YankRing registering
-        the change the YankRing will paste the top item from the history
-		rather than what is currently in the default register.
-        This option allows you to control the behaviour.  Plugins can
-        intentionally change the default buffer which the YankRing has
-		no way to noticing.  To disable this feature you can put the following
-		in your |vimrc| >
-            let g:yankring_paste_check_default_buffer = 0
-    yankring_default_menu_mode
-<       - Menus are useful for a number of reasons:
-              See a list of available commands.
-              Remember what the shortcut maps are.
-              Have a floating menu when using the plugin a lot.
-              Quick reference guide.
-          There are four settings that will control the placement
-          of the menu: 
-              "0": Turns the menu off.
-              "1": Turns the 'Yankring' menu on with no menu shortcut.
-              "2": Turns the 'Yankring 'menu on with <alt>-y as the shortcut.
-              "3": Turns the 'Plugin -> YankRing' menu on with <alt>-y as 
-                   the shortcut.
-          This option defaults to a value of 3 and can be changed
-          by adding the following to your vimrc: >
-            :let  g:yankring_default_menu_mode = 3
-    yankring_menu_root
-<       - Can be used in conjuction with g:yankring_default_menu_mode = 3 but 
-          it also allows you to control the fullname and location of the
-          YankRing menu.  To create the menu: 'MyPlugins -> YankRing' you 
-          can create the following variable: >
-            :let  g:yankring_menu_root = 'MyPlugin.&YankRing'
-    yankring_menu_priority
-<       - Menus are created in a documented order by Vim (|menu-priority|).
-          This option allows you to override the setting and shift the 
-          YankRing menu item to the left between the Edit and Tools menu. >
-            :let  g:yankring_menu_priority = 30
-3.2 Default Keys                                 *yankring-mappings*
-You can choose to override the default keys by creating these global
-variables in your |vimrc|.
-    yankring_n_keys
-<       n - normal mode
-        Default Vim 7.2: 
-            'Y D x X'
-        Default Vim 7.1 and below: 
-            'x yy dd yw dw ye de yE dE yiw diw yaw daw y$ d$ Y D yG dG ygg dgg'
-        With the introduction of some new features in Vim 7.2 it is no longer
-        necessary to list all cmds which the YankRing will act upon.  
-        The yankring_n_keys only lists actions which an omap cannot be used.
-        Using the yankring_separator, the above list is parsed and 
-        individual mappings are created.  For each of the above normal 
-        commands the YankRing will include the text those commands 
-        acted upon.   There are many ways to accomplish the same result 
-        in Vim, if you do not see a common key stroke you regularly use
-        simply add the following to your |vimrc| with the additional 
-        keys you wished mapped.  >
-            let g:yankring_n_keys = 'Y D x X'
-    yankring_o_keys
-<       o - omap mode
-        Default:
-            Standard motions: 'b B w W e E d y $ G ;'
-            Vim text objects: ' iw iW aw aW as is ap ip a] a[ i] i['
-                              'a) a( ab i) i( ib a> a< i> i< at it '
-                              'a} a{ aB i} i{ iB a" a'' a` i" i'' i`'
-        As of Vim 7.2 omaps are used to capture changes to the registers
-        in Vim.  All of the standard motion commands are captured.
-        New to YankRing 5.0 all default Vim text objects are also 
-        captured.
-        Using the yankring_separator, the above list is parsed and 
-        individual mappings are created.  For each of the above normal 
-        commands the YankRing will include the text those commands 
-        acted upon.   There are many ways to accomplish the same result 
-        in Vim, if you do not see a common key stroke you regularly use
-        simply add the following to your |vimrc| with the additional 
-        keys you wished mapped.  >
-            let g:yankring_o_keys = 'b B w W e E d y $ G ; iw iW aw aW'
-    yankring_zap_keys 
-<       Default: 'f F t T / ?'
-        omaps are enough for most operations except for f and t.
-        These motions prompt the user for a character or string which 
-        they should act upon.  These must be treated as a special case 
-        in YankRing. >
-            let g:yankring_zap_keys = 'f t'
-    yankring_ignore_operator
-<       Default: 'g~ gu gU ! = gq g? > < zf g@'
-        There are certain motions which do not update any registers
-        in Vim.  If the registers are not changed, there is nothing
-        the YankRing can capture.  This list instructs the YankRing
-        to ignore any action for these keys. >
-            let g:yankring_ignore_operator = 'g~ gu gU'
-    yankring_v_key
-<       v - visual mode
-        Default: y 
-        Yanks visually select text.   >
-    yankring_del_v_key
-<       n - normal mode
-        Default: d 
-        The visually select text is included in the YankRing and deleted. >
-    yankring_paste_n_bkey
-<       n - normal mode
-        b - before
-        Default: P
-        The default Vim paste key will retrieve from the yankring.  This 
-        will paste the text BEFORE the current position. 
-        There is a special check to see if the text in the default paste
-        register is the same as what is in the current position of the 
-        yankring.  If it is not, we assume the user used some other 
-        mechanism to yank text (ie yt<character>).  If this is the case
-        we paste the text in the default paste buffer.  Using <C-P> the
-        text can be replaced with the current entry from the yankring.
-        Since there are many ways to do things in Vim, this provides
-        the best integration. >
-    yankring_paste_n_akey
-<       n - normal mode
-        a - after
-        Default: p 
-        The default Vim paste key will retrieve from the yankring.  This 
-        will paste the text AFTER the current position. 
-        There is a special check to see if the text in the default paste
-        register is the same as what is in the current position of the 
-        yankring.  If it is not, we assume the user used some other 
-        mechanism to yank text (ie yt<character>).  If this is the case
-        we paste the text in the default paste buffer.  Using <C-P> the
-        text can be replaced with the current entry from the yankring.
-        Since there are many ways to do things in Vim, this provides
-        the best integration. >
-    yankring_paste_v_key
-<       n - normal mode
-        Default: p
-        This will replace the visually select text with the contents 
-        from the yankring.   See yankring_paste_n_akey for additional
-        details.  >
-    yankring_replace_n_pkey
-<       n - normal mode
-        Default: <C-P>
-        If you do not want to open the YankRing window to choose your
-        selection, then you can paste (as usual) then use a YankRing 
-        mapping to cycle through items in the YankRing.  This is especially
-        useful if you know you recently used the text you are looking for.
-        If you wish to cycle through the yankring, replacing the previously
-        pasted text with the previous yanked text you can repeatedly press
-        <C-P> (or whatever keystroke you choose to map it to).  This map
-        moves backwards through the yankring, so you will retrieve your
-        most recent yank.  
-        I prefer not to use <C-P> since I like using that key to cycle 
-        through all the matches in the QuickFix window.  You can add
-        something similar to this in your |.vimrc| to get similar 
-        functionality.
-        On Windows use the ALT-< character to move through the YankRing.
-        To determine what character # these are go into insert mode
-        in a new buffer.  Press CTRL-V then ALT and the < key.
-        Leave insert mode, move the cursor onto the character
-        and press ga.  This will display the decimal, hex and octal
-        representation of the character.  In this case it is 172. >
-            if has('win32')
-                let g:yankring_replace_n_pkey = '<Char-172>'
-                let g:yankring_replace_n_nkey = '<Char-174>'
-                " Instead map these keys to moving through items in the quickfix window.
-                nnoremap <C-P> :cp<cr>
-                nnoremap <C-N> :cn<cr>
-            endif
-<       Other users have also stated that this will work: >
-            let g:yankring_replace_n_pkey = '<m-p>'
-            let g:yankring_replace_n_nkey = '<m-n>'
-    yankring_replace_n_nkey
-<       n - normal mode
-        Default: <C-N>
-        If you do not want to open the YankRing window to choose your
-        selection, then you can paste (as usual) then use a YankRing 
-        mapping to cycle through items in the YankRing.  This is especially
-        useful if you know you recently used the text you are looking for.
-        If you wish to cycle through the yankring, replacing the previously
-        pasted text with the next yanked text you can repeatedly press
-        <C-N> (or whatever keystroke you choose to map it to).  This map
-        moves forwards through the YankRing, so you will retrieve your
-        most recent yank.  
-        I prefer not to use <C-N> since I like using that key to cycle 
-        through all the matches in the QuickFix window.  You can add
-        something similar to this in your |.vimrc| to get similar 
-        functionality.
-        On Windows use the ALT-> character to move through the YankRing.
-        To determine what character # these are go into insert mode
-        in a new buffer.  Press CTRL-V then ALT and the > key.
-        Leave insert mode, move the cursor onto the character
-        and press ga.  This will display the decimal, hex and octal
-        representation of the character.  In this case it is 174. >
-        if has('win32')
-            let g:yankring_replace_n_pkey = '<Char-172>'
-            let g:yankring_replace_n_nkey = '<Char-174>'
-            " Instead map these keys to moving through items in the quickfix window.
-            nnoremap <C-P> :cp<cr>
-            nnoremap <C-N> :cn<cr>
-        endif
-<       Other users have also stated that this will work: >
-            let g:yankring_replace_n_pkey = '<m-p>'
-            let g:yankring_replace_n_nkey = '<m-n>'
-3.3 Customizing Maps                             *yankring-custom-maps*
-The YankRing plugin uses the yankring_n_keys global variable to create 
-a number of defaults maps.  The maps are of the form: >
-    nnoremap Y  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'Y'<CR>
-When capital Y is pressed, the YankRing will execute 'Y' and capture the
-output from Vim.  But there are cases where you do not want the default
-behaviour of Vim, since you have customized some of these maps.
-In this case, I usually map Y to be |y$|, which makes it consistent with 
-the |D| and |C| operators.  The way yankring_n_keys works does not allow
-me to customize this behaviour.  Since many people may like to customize
-the behaviour of these maps the YankRing will check to see if a
-function called YRRunAfterMaps() exists.  If it does, it will call 
-this function after it has created the maps.  So in my case, I created
-the following function in my |vimrc|: >
-    function! YRRunAfterMaps()
-        nnoremap Y   :<C-U>YRYankCount 'y$'<CR>
-    endfunction
-You can do anything you need in this function.  >
-        nnoremap Y   :<C-U>YRYankCount 'y$'<CR>
-This line remaps Y (which the user presses) to the YRYankCount command.  The
-YRYankCount tells Vim to execute y$ instead.
-3.4 Customizing Menus                            *yankring-custom-menus*
-There are several global variables which can be created in your vimrc to
-allow you to customize where and what is displayed for the YankRing menu. 
-Simply look up the following global variables: >
-    yankring_default_menu_mode
-    yankring_menu_root
-    yankring_menu_priority
-4. Using the YankRing Window:                    *yankring-window*
-This is a new feature as of the 2.0 release.  The YankRing uses a
-separate split buffer to display the yankring.  There are many buffer
-specific maps that allow you to operate over the various elements from
-within the yankring.  
-To display the YankRing buffer you can issue the :YRShow command.  For
-convience you can map a key, <F11>, to this command: >
-	:nnoremap <silent> <F11> :YRShow<CR>
-Status line~
-The first line in the YankRing window is the status line. >
-    AutoClose=1;ClipboardMonitor=1;Cmds:[g]p,[g]P,1-9,d,r,s,a,c,u,q,<enter>,<space>;Help=?
-Help=?, pressing [?] will toggle the display of available commands the
-yankring window supports.  Pressing [?] again will remove the additional
-AutoClose=1 indicates the window will close when an action is performed
-against elements within the yankring.  If you wish to perform multiple
-yankring operations press [a] to toggle the auto close feature off.  Use the
-commands below and when finished you can press [a] to toggle auto close on and
-press [q] to close the window.  The Cmds displayed are simply reminders of 
-the available keys.
-ClipboardMonitor=1 indicates the YankRing will monitor the clipboard (+)
-during Focus change events.  If the clipboard has changed since the YankRing
-last checked, the contents are added to the YankRing.  Pressing [c] allows
-you to quickly toggle this setting since it may not be useful at times.
-YankRing window key list~
-The following table lists the description of the keys that can be used
-in the YankRing window.
-  Key           Description~
-  p             Puts text after the cursor.  In visual mode, all elements
-                selected will be pasted.
-  P             Puts text before the cursor.  In visual mode, all elements
-                selected will be pasted.
-  gp            Just like "p", but leave the cursor just after the new text.
-  gP            Just like "P", but leave the cursor just after the new text.
-  <CR>          Just like "p".
-  <Enter>       Just like "p".
-  <2-LeftMouse> Just like "p".  Normal mode only.
-  1-9           Short cut to paste the n'th number from the YankRing.
-  d             Removes the element from the yankring.  In visual mode all
-                elements selected will be removed.
-  r             Just like "p", but in visual mode if many lines are selected
-                it will paste these items in reverse order.
-  s             Prompts you for a regex to search the YankRing and display
-                only matching items.
-  a             Toggles the g:yankring_window_auto_close setting.
-  u             Updates the YankRing window.
-  q             Closes the YankRing window.
-  <Space>       Toggles the width of the vertical window by the
-                g:yankring_window_increment setting.
-  ?             Toggles the display of the help.
-5. Commands:                                     *yankring-commands*
-The predefined mappings call some specific commands with special parameters.
-If you are going to create additional maps, it is important you mirror
-the same parameters.  Most of these commands have been made obsolete by 
-the YankRing window, since it incorporates the functionality below, but
-through maps against a buffer, instead of commands.  This makes it much easier
-to use.
-5.1  YRToggle                                    :*YRToggle*
-         Allows you to enable and disable the YankRing quickly.  This 
-         command will remove the default maps and recreate them.
-         Examples: >
-            :YRToggle    " Toggles it
-            :YRToggle 1  " Enables it
-            :YRToggle 0  " Disables it
-5.2  YRClear                                     :*YRClear*
-         Clears all elements from the yankring.
-         See also |YRClear-example|.
-5.3  YRShow                                      :*YRShow*
-         Similar to |:register|, will display all the entries in the yankring.
-         The element at the top will be the next element pasted from the
-         yankring.
-         Examples:  >
-            :YRShow     " Shows all entries in the yankring
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     five^@
-            2     four^@
-            3     three^@
-            4     two^@
-            5     one^@
-5.5  YRGetElem                                   :*YRGetElem*
-        This command has two modes.  If no parameters are provided, it 
-        becomes interactive.  It uses YRShow to display the list and 
-        allows you to choose which element to paste.  If a parameter
-        is supplied it will paste that element from the yankring.  If the
-        number specified is outside of the YankRing an error is returned.
-        You may want to create a separate mapping for this call. >
-            nnoremap <silent> <Leader>yr :YRGetElem<CR>
-<       See also |YRSearch|.
-        Examples:
-            Assume there are 10 elements in the YankRing and element 6 is 
-            at the top of the ring. >
-            :YRGetElem     " Interactive mode, you choose from a list
-            :YRGetElem 4   " Will paste element 5.
-            :YRGetElem 12  " Will paste element 6.
-            :YRGetElem 99  " Error, invalid choice is reported
-            :YRGetElem 0   " Error, invalid choice is reported
-5.6  YRGetMultiple                               :*YRGetMultiple*
-        Will paste many elements from the YankRing in one command.
-        If the number specified is 1 or less, it is assumed you want
-        just the current element pasted.  If the number specified is 
-        greater than or equal to the number of elements in the yankring, 
-        it is assumed you want all elements pasted.  If a ! is included
-        as part of the command, paste the items in reverse order.  
-        See the |yankring-tutorial| for more examples.
-        Examples:
-            Assume there are 10 elements in the YankRing. >
-            :YRGetMultiple  4   " Will paste elements 1,2,3,4
-            :YRGetMultiple! 4   " Will paste elements 4,3,2,1
-            :YRGetMultiple      " Will paste element  1
-            :YRGetMultiple  12  " Will paste elements 1,2,...,10
-            :YRGetMultiple  99  " Will paste elements 1,2,...,10
-            :YRGetMultiple  0   " Will paste element  1
-5.7  YRPush                                      :*YRPush*
-         Allows the user to "push" additional entries into the yankring.
-         If you yanked text via a key mapping which does not use the 
-         YankRing (or there is text on the clipboard) you can use this
-         command to add the text to the yankring.
-         Examples: >
-            :YRPush      " Push the "  register's contents 
-            :YRPush '*'  " Push the "* register's contents (clipboard)
-            :YRPush '+'  " Push the "+ register's contents (clipboard)
-            :YRPush 'a'  " Push the "a register's contents 
-<           See also |YRPush-example|.
-5.8  YRPop                                       :*YRPop*
-         Allows you to pop any elements from the yankring.  If no parameters
-         are provided, the 1st element is removed from the yankring.  The
-         command optionally takes a second parameter to specify how many
-         elements to pop.  The default value is 1.
-         Examples: >
-            :YRPop      " Removes the highest numbered element from the 
-                          yankring
-            :YRPop 3    " Removes the 3rd element from the yankring
-            :YRPop 3,5  " Removes 5 elements from the YankRing beginning
-                          at element 3
-<           See also |YRPop-example|.
-5.9  YRYankCount                                 :*YRYankCount*
-         This command has the most mappings created for it.  If you are 
-         in normal mode and you are not specifying a range, this command
-         will add the text to the yankring.
-         The goal of this command is to allow the YankRing to be integrated
-         as seamlessly as possible with Vim.  So it supports counts and 
-         registers.  If you create a mapping to it, you must pass as a
-         parameter the action you want Vim to perform.  You could do the 
-         following: >
-            nnoremap \test  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'dd'<CR>
-<        This map is executed when you hit the '\test' keystrokes, but
-         it will actually delete the current line and add it to the 
-         yankring.
-         The following are the default mappings: >
-            nnoremap yy  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'yy'<CR>
-            nnoremap dd  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'dd'<CR>
-            nnoremap yw  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'yw'<CR>
-            nnoremap dw  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'dw'<CR>
-            nnoremap ye  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'ye'<CR>
-            nnoremap de  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'de'<CR>
-            nnoremap yiw :<C-U>YRYankCount 'yiw'<CR>
-            nnoremap diw :<C-U>YRYankCount 'diw'<CR>
-            nnoremap Y   :<C-U>YRYankCount 'Y'<CR>
-            nnoremap D   :<C-U>YRYankCount 'D'<CR>
-            nnoremap y$  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'y$'<CR>
-            nnoremap d$  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'd$'<CR>
-            nnoremap yG  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'yG'<CR>
-            nnoremap dG  :<C-U>YRYankCount 'dG'<CR>
-         Examples:
-                yy - Adds the current line to the yankring.
-                dd - Adds the current line to the YankRing and deletes it.
-               5yw - Adds 5 words to the yankring.
-              "ade - Deletes the word, and puts it into both the yankring
-                     and the "a register.
-            10"zyy - Places 10 lines into both the YankRing and the "z
-                     register.
-            See also |yankring-tutorial|.
-5.10 YRYankRange                                 :*YRYankRange*
-         This command by default is only called in visual mode.  All
-         visual modes (|characterwise-visual|, |linewise-visual|,
-         |blockwise-visual|) are supported.  Any visually selected text
-         is added to the yankring.  You can also call this command
-         directly using a range.
-         Examples:
-            Visual mode
-            -----------
-            Press v (to enter visual mode), highlight want you want, 
-            press y (to yank the selected area).
-            Repeat using V and Control-V.
-            Normal mode
-            ----------- >
-            :5,20YRYankRange   " Will yank lines 5-20 into the yankring
-            :5,20YRDeleteRange " Will delete lines 5-20 and add them to
-                                 the yankring
-<           See also |YRYankRange-example|.
-5.11 YRDeleteRange                               :*YRDeleteRange*
-         This command is identical to YRYankRange, except the range is
-         also deleted.
-5.12 YRPaste                                     :*YRPaste*
-        This command will paste elements from the yankring.  By default it has
-        been mapped to p and P to match Vim's native key strokes.  The text
-        pasted is exactly what was yanked, including newline characters and 
-        blockwise-visual mode behaviours.  It supports counts and registers.
-        Examples:
-            p   " Paste the current element from the YankRing after the cursor
-            P   " Paste the current element from the YankRing before the cursor
-           5p   " Paste the current element from the YankRing after the cursor
-                  5 times
-          "ap   " Ignore the YankRing and paste the contents of register "a
-         5"ap   " Ignore the YankRing and paste the contents of register "a
-                  5 times
-            See also |yankring-tutorial|.
-5.13 YRReplace                                   :*YRReplace*
-        The purpose of the YankRing is to gain access to previously yanked
-        (or deleted) elements.  This command will replace the previous
-        paste with a different entry from the yankring.
-        By default, I choose <C-P> (P for previous) to replace the last paste
-        while moving backwards through the yankring.  <C-N> (N for next)
-        replaces the last paste while moving forward through the yankring. 
-        Examples:
-            See the |yankring-tutorial| for examples.
-        On the Windows platform, I use ALT-< and ALT-> to move back and 
-        forwards through the yankring instead of C-P and C-N. ALT-< is
-        actually ALT-, since I do not press the Shift key to get the <.
-        To do this, I added the following to my .vimrc:
-            " Do not map the default <C-N> and <C-P> keys
-            " These two characters are the ALT-< and ALT->.
-            " To determine what character # these are go into insert mode
-            " in a new buffer.  Press CTRL-V then ALT and the > key.
-            " Leave insert mode, move the cursor onto the character
-            " and press ga.  This will display the decimal, hex and octal
-            " representation of the character.  In this case, they are
-            " 172 and 174.
-            if has('win32')
-                let g:yankring_replace_n_pkey = '<Char-172>'
-                let g:yankring_replace_n_nkey = '<Char-174>'
-            endif
-5.14 YRMapsCreate                                :*YRMapsCreate*
-        This public function is responsible for creating the maps which
-        enable the yankring.  This function is called by the YRToggle 
-        command.
-5.15 YRMapsDelete                                :*YRMapsDelete*
-        This public function removes the YankRing maps and disables
-        the yankring.  This function is called by the YRToggle command.
-5.16 YRSearch                                    :*YRSearch*
-        This command is similar to |YRGetElem|.  The command takes
-        one parameter which is a regular expression.  Similar to 
-        YRGetElem, it will display all items in the YankRing that match
-        the regular expression.  It is also interactive, and will 
-        prompt you to enter which match you wish pasted.
-        See also |YRSearch-example|.
-5.17 YRCheckClipboard                            :*YRCheckClipboard*
-        Normally the GUI Vims will automatically (via autocmds) 
-        check for changes to the system clipboard and add any new
-        changes to the YankRing.  Most console Vim's do not fire
-        the required autocmds.  This command will perform the check
-        manually.
-5.18 YRRunAfterMaps                              :*YRRunAfterMaps*
-        See the following section |yankring-custom-maps|.
-6. Tutorial                                      *yankring-tutorial*
-To understand how to use the yankring, the following example will
-demonstrate the various features.  Assume you have created the following
-mapping: >
-    nnoremap <silent> <F11> :YRShow<CR>
-    Assume we have this buffer: >
-        one
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        five
-<                                                *YRShow-example*     
-     Now yank (yy) each line separately starting at line 1.
-     Display the contents of the YankRing by executing the command
-     YRShow, or pressing <F11>.  The contents of the YankRing is
-     displayed in a new buffer.  The size, location and type of buffer
-     is configurable via various options.  See section 3 for more details. >
-        :YRShow or F11 
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     five^@
-            2     four^@
-            3     three^@
-            4     two^@
-            5     one^@
-<    Since we yanked the text starting at line 1 and finishing at
-     line 5, the most current YankRing element is the last one, the
-     contents of line 5.  "five^@" is displayed, the "^@" is a 
-     newline character (since we issued a "yy").
-                                                 *yankring-window-example*     
-     At this point, you have two options.  You can choose which element
-     from the YankRing you wish to paste and press <CR> or 'p' or 'P' 
-     and a variety of other options, see |yankring-window|. After pressing
-     the key, the YankRing window will close (default behaviour).  Pressing
-     '?' will display additional help for the commands that are active within
-     the YankRing window.  Pressing '?' will toggle the help.
-     You do not need to interact with the YankRing using the YankRing window.
-     Using the window makes many tasks must easier, but for speed using some
-     of the other maps can be preferrable if you know what you have yanked /
-     deleted recently.  It was designed to work with Vim in the usual manner.
-     You can press, 'p', to paste the last item in yanked or deleted.
-     Close the YankRing window by pressing 'q' or F11 (which toggles it).
-                                                 *YRReplace-example*     
-     Now, go to the end of the file and press 'p'.  The resulting
-     buffer appears as: >
-        one
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        five
-        five
-     Assume you did not want 'five", but a different entry from within the
-     yankring.  <C-P> moves backwards through the yankring, it will replace
-     the previous pasted text with a different item from the yankring.  This
-     allows you to quickly iterate through different elements.  <C-P> is the
-     default mapping, this can be user defined. See the following options for
-     more details: >
-        yankring_replace_n_nkey, yankring_replace_n_pkey
-     After pressing <C-P> the buffer results in: >
-        one
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        five
-        four
-<    Now press 2<C-P>.  This would be the same as pressing 
-     <C-P> two times in a row.  This results in: >
-        one
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        five
-        two
-<    Now press <C-N> to move forwards through the yankring, 
-     this results in: >
-        one
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        five
-        three
-<    Display the contents of the yankring. >
-        :YRShow  
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     five^@
-            2     four^@
-            3     three^@
-            4     two^@
-            5     one^@
-    Now lets yank some text with a key stroke that has not been 
-    mapped to the yankring.  Place your cursor at the start of 
-    line 4.  Press 'ytr', yank-to-(to the character r), which yanks
-    the 'fou' letters (no newline character).  Now press p.  Here is
-    the result: >
-        one
-        two
-        three
-        ffouour
-        five
-        three
-<   This is good, even though the keys 'ytr' has not been mapped
-    to YRYankCount, the YankRing still pasted the most recently 
-    yanked text.  Since the text did not have a newline character
-    the 'fou' was inserted after the 'f'.
-    Now replace that previous paste with the current element from
-    the YankRing by pressing <C-N>.  This is the result: >
-        one
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        one
-        five
-        three
-<   The #1 entry in the YankRing is still the line "five@".  When
-    choosing the next entry, it wraps around to the last entry in
-    the yankring, element #5.  The 'fou' was replaced with 'one^@'.
-    Since it had a newline character in it (when it was yanked) the
-    newline is included when it is pasted.
-                                                 *YRPush-example*     
-    Assume you need to paste text from the system clipboard, and this 
-    is text you will need routinely.  We can simulate this by running
-    this command (see |quote+|): >
-        :let @+ = "From the clipboard\n"
-        :echo @+
-<   With the cursor at the start of the line with the word 'five', press 'p'.
-    We still have pasted the 'fou' which is in the default paste buffer. >
-        one
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        two
-        ffouive
-        three
-<   We have the option of getting the text from the clipboard directly
-    with the following. >
-        First undo the previous change - u
-        Next - "+p
-<   The line changes since we bypassed the yankring, and specified
-    which register to get the text from: >
-        four
-        five
-        From the clipboard
-        three
-<   <C-P> replaces this with the #1 entry in the yankring: >
-        four
-        five
-        five
-        three
-<   Now add the contents of the clipboard to the yankring: >
-        :YRPush '+'
-<   Move the cursor to the last row 'three' and press 'p'.  The result is: >
-        four
-        five
-        one
-        three
-        From the clipboard
-<   YRPush '+' adds the value of the register '+' to the yankring, but it
-    also adds its contents to the default Vim paste buffer.  So pressing
-    'p' pasted this text.  Adding a new value to the YankRing we have
-    repositioned it which you can see with: >
-        :YRShow or F11
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     From the clipboard^@
-            2     five^@
-            3     four^@
-            4     three^@
-            5     two^@
-            6     one^@
-<                                                *YRClear-example*     
-    Now we will clear the yankring, and begin over again.  Delete all lines
-    from the buffer and replace them with the original rows: >
-        one
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        five 
-<   Now run this command to clear the YankRing to start over: >
-        :YRClear
-    Issue a 'yy' on each of the 5 lines.  If you run the YRShow command you
-    should see the following: >
-        :YRShow or F11
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     five^@
-            2     four^@
-            3     three^@
-            4     two^@
-            5     one^@
-<                                                *any-item-example*     
-    If you need to quickly browse the YankRing to determine which element you
-    wish to paste you can simply press 'p' or <CR> or <Enter> on any element
-    displayed in the YankRing window.  Press '?' for more detailed description
-    of the commands available.
-    Using the YankRing window can be much faster if you do not want to cycle
-    through the YankRing using <C-P> and <C-N> to find the element.   
-    As a short cut, when using the YankRing window, you can press the numbers 
-    1-9 to paste that item directly and close the YankRing window.  This can 
-    be faster than navigating to the correct line number and pressing 'p'.
-                                                 *multiple-items-example*     
-    There are times when you need to move through a buffer capturing many
-    different lines (or snippets of code) and eventually want to switch 
-    buffers and paste these elements.  With some advance planning you can do 
-    this without the YankRing by issuing commands of the form: >
-        "ayy
-        "Ayy
-<   When specifying the register using UPPERCASE, Vim appends the yanked text
-    to register "a, instead of replacing it.  Many times you forget the
-    advance planning (or didn't even know about this great feature) you can 
-    use the YankRing window to do this easily.  If this is the current
-    yankring: >
-        :YRShow or F11
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     five^@
-            2     four^@
-            3     three^@
-            4     two^@
-            5     one^@
-<   The YankRing works in |visual-mode|.  To demonstrate move the cursor in
-    the buffer to the line with 'two'.  Press 'F11' to display the yankring
-    window.  Move the cursor to element 2, press 'V' to enable
-    |linewise-visual| mode and then press 'j' twice.  This should have
-    visually highlighted elements 2,3,4.  Press 'p' to paste all the
-    highlighted elements: >
-        one
-        two
-        four
-        three
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        five 
-<   You can see here it has pasted four, three, two after the second line of
-    the buffer.  Now press 'u' to undo our last change.  Leave the cursor
-    on the second line 'two'.  Press 'F11' to show the YankRing again.
-    Visually select the same lines, but this time press 'r' instead of 'p'.
-    'r' is for reverse, so it will paste the following: >
-        one
-        two
-        two
-        three
-        four
-        three
-        four
-        five 
-                                                 *YRGetMultiple-example*     
-    The same behaviour listed above (by visually selecting items in the
-    YankRing window) can be achieved using the YRGetMultiple command.
-    Assume there are 10 elements in the YankRing. >
-        :YRGetMultiple  4   " Will paste elements 1,2,3,4
-        :YRGetMultiple! 4   " Will paste elements 4,3,2,1
-        :YRGetMultiple      " Will paste element  1
-        :YRGetMultiple  12  " Will paste elements 1,2,...,10
-        :YRGetMultiple  99  " Will paste elements 1,2,...,10
-        :YRGetMultiple  0   " Will paste element  1
-                                                 *YRSearch-example*     
-    The default size of the YankRing is 100 elements.  It can be
-    tedious searching through the YankRing to find the element you
-    need.  YRSearch is similar to YRShow except it will limit the 
-    items displayed to only those items matching the regex provided. >
-        :YRShow 
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     Three Mississippi
-            2     Two Mississippi
-            3     One Mississippi
-            4     @", '\\/.*$^~[]' )
-        :YRSearch Mississippi
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     Three Mississippi
-            2     Two Mississippi
-            3     One Mississippi
-<   Consider some items which require escaping the search string: >
-        :YRSearch @", '\\
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     @", '\\/.*$^~[]' )
-<   Forward slashes and various other symbols require escapes, in this
-    case the slash was not escaped enough: >
-        :YRSearch @", '\\/
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-<   There are enough escapes this time: >
-        :YRSearch @", '\\\\/
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     @", '\\/.*$^~[]' )
-<   Period, star, dollar and so on require one slash: >
-        :YRSearch @", '\\\\/\.\*\$\^\~\[\]
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     @", '\\/.*$^~[]' )
-<                                                *YRPop-example*     
-    You can remove any element from the YankRing by pressing pressing 'd' from
-    within the YankRing window.  Visual mode is also supported to remove more
-    than one element at a time.  >
-        :YRShow 
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     four^@
-            2     three^@
-            3     two^@
-            4     one^@
-<   Visually select elements 2,3.  Press 'd', the result is: >
-        :YRShow 
-            --- YankRing ---
-            Elem  Content
-            1     four^@
-            2     one^@
-<                                                *yankring-visual-example*     
-    There are 3 visual modes and all are supported.  Any visually selected 
-    text is added to the yankring.  You can try the various modes.  Move 
-    the cursor to inside the buffer (not the YankRing window).
-    |characterwise-visual|
-        Go to line 1, press 'v' and move using the cursor keys until you have
-        highlighted some text.  Then press y to yank the visually selected
-        area.  Pressing p with paste the yanked region.
-    |linewise-visual|
-        Go to line 2, press 'V' and move using the cursor keys until you have
-        highlighted some text.  Notice the entire line is selected (including
-        the carriage returns).  Then press y to yank the visually selected
-        area.  Pressing p with paste the yanked region.
-    |blockwise-visual|
-        Go to line 3 column 4, press CTRL-V and move to the right using the
-        cursor keys until you have highlighted some text.  Then press y to
-        yank the visually selected area.  Pressing p with paste the yanked
-        region.  Notice the pasted text retained its blockwise visual
-        characteristics.
-                                                 *YRYankRange-example*     
-    YRYankRange is called during visual modes, but it is also possible to
-    use this via the command line. >
-        :1,4YRYankRange
-        :3,$YRDeleteRange
-        :YRShow 
-                                                 *global-example*     
-    Using Vim's |:global| command can be very useful at times.  The example
-    adds all rows (in a buffer) to the YankRing if they have a certain
-    phrase: >
-        :g/addme/YRYankCount 'yy'
-<   This is the breakdown for the above command: >
-        :g                  - for each line in the buffer
-        /addme              - check if the string "addme" is in the line
-        /YRYankCount 'yy'   - Ask the YankRing to execute the 'yy' command
-7. History                                       *yankring-history*
-  14.0: April 1, 2012
-         NF: The YankRing window supports 1-9 to choose to paste those 
-             items for quicker access to the top 9 items.
-         NF: The YankRing now maps the @ key to run macros.  Not all actions
-             performed during the macro are recorded by the YankRing 
-             as a number of items had to be unmapped to support the replay
-             of actions which can prompt the user for input (i.e. t and f)
-             (Asis Hallab).
-         BF: When flipping between applications the system clipboard
-             was not added to the YankRing in all cases.
-         BF: The YankRing could report E121: Undefined variable:
-             g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check (Thilo Six).
-         BF: The YankRing could report: E132: Function call depth is higher 
-             than 'maxfuncdepth'.  When executing a YRClear or YRPop or 
-             when flipping between applications (Marcin Szamotulski).
-         BF: Strange behaviour when opening the YankRing with
-             :e [YankRing] instead of :YRShow (Marcin Szamotulski).
-  13.0: February 5, 2012
-         NF: [p, ]p, [P, ]P are now supported within the YankRing 
-             window (Alexandre Provencio).
-         NF: When using the console version of Vim the yankring was not
-             detecting the "+ register automatically as the FocusGained
-             event does not fire in console mode.  When new elements are
-             added or the YankRing is shown the clipboard will be
-             checked for new values (Giuseppe Rota).
-         NF: Added a new option, g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check which 
-             when enabled will manually check for clipboard changes at 
-             certain times within the YankRing.  This option is not used 
-             if the GUI is running as the FocusGained will perform checks 
-             at appropriate times (Erik Westrup).
-         BF: With clipboard=unnamed replacing the previous paste with a 
-             different value from the YankRing did not work in all cases 
-             (Chris Lott).
-         BF: Under certain conditions the YankRing would still check
-             the system clipboard even if g:yankring_clipboard_monitor == 0.
-             This can lead to delays when attempting to access the 
-             clipboard when running in console mode.  Starting Vim with
-             the -X switch removes the delay (Erik Westrup).
-         BF: Incorrect syntax setting cpoptions (Thilo Six).
-  12.0: October 15, 2011
-         NF: A console Vim does not necessarily react to a FocusGained event
-             which means as you switch Focus back and forth between a 
-             console Vim, the YankRing's feature to automatically gather 
-             changes to the system clipboard is not triggered.  Now special 
-             processing takes place in various spots when you are not running 
-             Vim with a GUI, to check for changes to the clipboard.  Those 
-             already running a GUI Vim, are unaffected by this change
-             (Giuseppe Rota).
-         NF: New command, YRCheckClipboard, which allows you to force 
-             the YankRing to check the system clipboard and if the 
-             value is not present already in the YankRing, it will add it.
-             This is typically done automatically, but certain console 
-             Vim's do not receive the necessary events for automation.
-         BF: Some additional changes were required for the "unnamedplus"
-             support.
-         BF: YRGetMultiple reported an error, though typically you would
-             use YRShow to paste the items.
-  12.0: September 16, 2011
-         NF: Added support for the clipboard option "unnamedplus" which was
-             added after 7.3 (Hong Xu).
-         NF: When displaying the YankRing using YRShow, a new command "R"
-             has been added to display all of Vim's registers [0-9a-z].
-         BF: YRMapsDelete did not remove the normal mode @ map, which 
-             interfers with recorded macros (Philippe Vaucher).
-  11.0: August 09, 2010
-         NF: Documented the global variables to customize the location
-             of the YankRing menu.
-         NF: The YankRing menu now shows the maps used for the default 
-             actions to help learn them more easily.
-         NF: Added g:yankring_menu_root and g:yankring_menu_priority 
-             (David Barsam).
-         NF: Added a warning indicating a stored value has been truncated 
-             based on g:yankring_max_element_length and a new option to
-             suppress this warning, g:yankring_warn_on_truncate (Hans-G�nter).
-         BF: The YRAfterMaps() function (if it exists) was not re-run if 
-             YRToggle was used to disable and enable the YankRing.
-         BF: Multibyte strings may not have been pasted correctly (Dr. Chip).
-         BF: When pasting a string of 1111's, and additional -1 could also 
-             be included in the output.
-  10.0: January 31, 2010
-         NF: Change the buffer name to [YankRing] to resemble other
-             non-user buffers.
-         NF: Added g:yankring_min_element_length which can prevent 
-             items from being added to the YankRing if they are too small.
-             For example, single character deletes (Vedran M).
-         BF: When shifting focus back to Vim, the YankRing may incorrectly
-             report: "YR:Failed to change to the yankring buffer, 
-             please contact author".
-         BF: When entering Vim for the first time and hitting "p"
-             nothing was pasted (Mark Huiskes).
-         BF: When entering Vim for the first time and the
-             yankring_clipboard_monitor = 1, the clipboard entry 
-             was not automatically added to the yankring.
-         BF: When overriding the default and setting 
-             g:yankring_window_use_bottom = 0, the YankRing would
-             report the error (Sergey Khorev): 
-                 E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
-  9.0: August 29, 2009: 
-         BF: You cannot execute a macro with ":normal @a".  It is still
-             not possible, but you can execute it with ":normal! @a"
-             (A S Budden).  
-         BF: When g:yankring_persist = 0 the YankRing could go into
-             an infinite loop (A S Budden).  
-         BF: When replaying a macro which used any of the zap
-             keys (f,F,t,T,/,?) you were prompted again for the 
-             string to match on (Ovidiu C).
-         BF: When checking the clipboard for changes 
-             (g:yankring_clipboard_monitor == 1) only add the item 
-             if it is not already in the ring.  Previously, the item
-             was moved to the top of the YankRing each time you flipped
-             focus.
-  8.0: December 21, 2008: 
-         NF: Changed the implementation of YRGetSearch() (David Liang).
-         BF: Under some unknown circumstances, the yankring can fail
-             to change to the correct buffer.  Put in code to double
-             check and abort.
-         BF: Yanking and pasting a line which ends in a backslash 
-             resulted in the backslash being replaced by "@@@".
-         BF: When repeating a command (".") which used any of the zap 
-             keys (f,F,t,T,/,?) you were prompted again for the 
-             string to match on (Vasilii Pascal).
-  7.0: November 14, 2008: 
-         NF: Added support for the / and ? motions so that y/search is 
-             supported (Vasilii Pascal).
-         NF: When the YankRing window is displayed (or updated) an additional 
-             check is made against the default register.  If it has changed
-             since the YankRing recorded it, the value will be added to the 
-             history.
-         NF: Added support for more motions h, j, k, l, H, M, L, ^, 0, -, +, _.
-             And a pile of g motions g_, g^, gm, g$, gk, gj, gg, ge, gE.
-         NF: The YankRing window will display a message it is operating
-             in a limited mode if not using Vim 7.2 or the correct patch 
-             level.
-         BF: Correction to some internal code which could lead to an 
-             endless loop (John Beckett).
-         BF: Opening and closing the YankRing window with "set report=0"
-             reported "1 line less" messages (Bill McCarthy).
-         BF: Changed the default value of g:yankring_paste_check_default_buffer
-		     to check if the default paste buffer has changed when pressing
-			 'p'.  For example, if a plugin has changed the default registers
-			 it will be pasted rather than the top item from the YankRing.
-         BF: YRMapsDelete did not remove all the maps created by the YankRing.
-         BF: Under particular circumstances, yanking text with embedded @
-             characters were not properly stored and retrieved from the
-             YankRing (Andrew Long).
-         BF: Changed to use xmaps instead of vmaps so that the maps only work
-             in visual mode and not select mode (David Liang).
-  6.1: October 31, 2008: 
-         BF: If the g:yankring_history_dir contains spaces (default on
-             Windows) an error was reported.  A simple work around was to 
-             let g:yankring_history_dir = 'c:\Vim' or no spaces (Matt).  
-  6.0: October 25, 2008: 
-         NF: The YankRing now maintains the history in a file.  This means
-             if you are running multiple instances of Vim, they all see
-             the same yankring.
-         NF: The location and name of the file is configurable by the user.
-         NF: The g:yankring_separator is no longer used and has been removed.
-         NF: The g:yankring_max_element_length can be used to limit the size 
-             of an element in the yankring.
-         NF: The g:yankring_share_between_instances can be used to indicate
-             whether each instance of Vim running on a machine should share
-             the history file or whether each should have their own 
-             individual history file.
-         NF: The g:yankring_clipboard_monitor can be used to indicate
-             whether changes to the system clipboard should be added to the
-             YankRing (default is on).
-         NF: The YankRing window can toggle the clipboard monitor by pressing
-             'c'.  See the help in the window by pressing ?.
-         NF: Added some highlighting to the YankRing window (Marty Grenfell).
-  5.0: September 21, 2008: 
-         NF: The YankRing can recognize certain Vim commands which do not
-             change the contents of a buffer and not attempt to capture it.
-         NF: The global variables which allow you to customize the behaviour
-             are now space separated instead of comma separated.  This
-             provides greater flexibility but will require you to modify
-             your vimrc (if you have customized it). (Andy Wokula)
-         BF: If using <C-O> from within insert mode, the YankRing inserted
-             characters into the buffer instead of capturing the changes,
-             this was fixed by Andy Wokula (Agathoklis Hatzimanikas).
-         BF: The YankRing did not properly account for all the different
-             forms of counts "5yy" worked but "y5y" did not (Edwin Shao).
-  4.1: August 9, 2008: 
-         NF: The YankRing now allows you to override which operators should
-             be ignored (yankring_ignore_operator).  By default this is
-             set for the standard Vim operators which do not modify any
-             registers (Examples: = and gu) (Andy Wokula).
-         NF: The YankRing did not map v_x (Matt Tolton).
-         BF: The expression register (quote=) was not accounted for correctly
-             (Agathoklis Hatzimanikas).
-         BF: Using the v:operator variable must be escaped when used in
-             a regular expression.
-  4.0: June 24, 2008: 
-         NF: The YankRing by default now captures all |text-objects| and 
-             all motions (|motion.txt|) which Vim supports.  Version 3.0 only
-             supported a subset of the basic motion commands.
-         NF: Prior to this version only predefined maps triggered the 
-             capture of data into the yankring.  These maps only supported
-             yanks and deletes.  The YankRing now also supports
-             operator-pending mode, which allows a greater range of operations
-             to be automatically captured and added to the yankring.  
-             Operating pending mode functionality requires Vim 7.2 or Vim 7.1
-             with patch #205.  If using Vim 7.1 you can determine this with: 
-                echo has("patch205")
-         NF: Prior to this version only yanks and deletes were registered
-             in the yankring.  Changes are now also captured into the
-             yankring.
-         NF: The YankRing will also capture the system cliboard when focus is
-             returned to the vim window.  This is useful if you copy text
-             between applications.
-         NF: The YankRing window always opened bottom horizontal.  Now it
-             can be opened top or bottom and horizontal or vertically.
-             This can be controlled via variables in your .vimrc.
-         BF: The YankRing has an option to persist between instances
-             of Vim by storing the values in global variables within
-             the viminfo.  This has led to some unusual ordering of
-             items in the ring from conflicts between instances.
-             This option has been turn off by default.
-         BF: Their was an issue with yanking using y$.
-  3.1: September 10, 2007: 
-         NF: YRClear will now unlet all global variables it uses to store
-             the data if the persist storage is specified (the default).
-             Large values in the viminfo file could possibly affect other
-             applications.
-  3.0: September 7, 2007: 
-         NF: Converted the YankRing to use the new Vim7's List object which
-             means it is no longer compatible with Vim6.
-         NF: By default the YankRing will now maintain the yankring's items
-             persistently by default.  It does this via the |viminfo| file.
-             This means the contents of the YankRing rely on the internal
-             variables of only 1 Vim instance.
-         BF: YRToggle was not unmapping 'gp' and 'gP'.
-         BF: YRSearch prompted the user for a regex even if one was provided
-             on the command line.
-         BF: If g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg is enabled, the "." operator
-             did not correctly repeat the previous action (Pedro DeRose).
-  2.2: November 1, 2005: 
-         NF: Added 'x' to the list of yankring_n_keys.  This is very useful
-             in visual mode since it can delete a lot of characters.
-  2.2: October 19, 2005: 
-         BF: If you pressed '?' to toggle the display of the help in the
-             YankRing window, the window would close.  This also applied to
-             'a', which allowed you to toggle the autoclose feature.
-  2.1: October 11, 2005: 
-         NF: Added the ability for the YankRing to override Vim's numbered 
-             registers.  Instead of the numbered registers holding the last
-             yanked value, and the 9 previous deletes, they will now reflect
-             the top 10 items in the yankring.  This allows you to reference
-             them directly with "5p.
-  2.0: August 20, 2005: 
-         NF: Much improved usability, the YankRing now has a "GUI" to service 
-             the yankring.  If YRShow or YRSearch is used, a split buffer is
-             opened which displays all the elements in the yankring.  There
-             are a number of maps that allow you to interact with the
-             contents.  The window can be positioned vertically or
-             horizontally as well as being sized all through options 
-             specified in your vimrc.
-	     NF: YRPop can now delete any items from the yankring, rather 
-		     that just from the top.
-	     NF: YRSetTop has been removed, it is no longer required as the
-		     internal representation of the YankRing has changed.
-	     BF: If g:yankring_ignore_duplicate is set (which is the default)
-		     you could get some unpredicable results when moving 
-			 backwards and forwards (<C-P> and <C-N>) through the 
-			 previous values.
-  1.7: June 10, 2005: 
-         BF: The expression register support added in version 1.6 used
-             getreg('='), which has the side effect of executing the 
-             expression register.  Depending on what was in the register
-             this could have unusual results.  Changed to use histget().
-  1.6: April 20, 2005: 
-         NF: YRSearch is similar to YRGetElem.  Given a regular expression
-             it will interactively display all the elements in the yankring
-             that match the regular expression.  You can enter the number
-             of the element to paste it.  If you have many elements within
-             the yankring, this can help you identify them more easily.
-         NF: Updated the default history size from 30 to 100, which is 
-             partially the reason for the YRSearch command.
-         NF: By default it supports "gp" and "gP", in addition to "p" and "P".
-         NF: Added support for the expression register (:h quote=).  Here
-             is an example of how it is used:
-                "="X"<CR>P
-  1.5: March 30, 2005: 
-         NF: The YankRing now respects the cpoptions setting, if 'y' is
-             included and you press '.', the previous yank command is executed
-             and added to the yankring.  You can also add this behaviour by
-             setting this in your |vimrc|: >
-                let g:yankring_dot_repeat_yank = 1
-<        NF: Duplicates will not be added to the YankRing by default.  If
-             a duplicate is found, the element will be moved to the top
-             of the yankring.  This can be controlled by setting this in 
-             your |vimrc|: >
-                let g:yankring_ignore_duplicate = 0 (1 is default)
-<        BF: Regression from version 1.4, the '.' operator may incorrectly
-             insert garbage.
-  1.4: March 28, 2005: 
-         NF: YRToggle has been updated.  If you toggle the YankRing off
-             (disable) the maps it creates are removed.  Calling YRToggle
-             again will recreate the maps.  This truly disables the yankring,
-             where the previous version attempted to do this via code.
-         BF: Using the '.' operator was not correctly replaying operations
-             that did not move text in some way (g~t_) changed the case
-             of the text but a '.' did not replay it.
-         BF: When replacing previously pasted text the YankRing did not
-             respect what key was used to paste the text originally.
-             All replaced items were pasted using 'p', even if you had
-             originally pasted the text with 'P'.
-  1.3: March 16, 2005: 
-         BF: The '.' operator did not handle the <<, >> shift operator.
-             Pressing '.' would result in the previous YankRing operation
-             instead of repeating the shift.
-  1.2: March 14, 2005: 
-         NF: Added support for '.' operator to repeat the last change.
-         NF: Changed YRGetElem to show the contents of the yankring
-             and allow you to choose which element you want pasted.
-             It is only interactive if you do not provide a parameter.
-         NF: Added 'ygg,dgg' default maps by extending the yankring_n_keys
-             variable.
-  1.1: March 09, 2005: 
-         NF: Added support for the black hole register |quote_|.
-         NF: Custom Maps allows the user to more finely tune the yankring
-             maps to perform whatever action they require.  This function,
-             YRRunAfterMaps(), is run automatically after the YankRing 
-             creates it's default mappings.  See |yankring-custom-maps|.
-         NF: Added some more default maps by extending the yankring_n_keys
-             variable.  It now contains:
-                yy,dd,yw,dw,ye,de,yE,dE,yiw,diw,yaw,daw,y$,d$,Y,D,yG,dG
-             NOTE:  You can easily extend these default mappings by 
-             creating this global variable in your |vimrc|, you do not
-             have to wait for the plugin to be updated.
-         NF: Added support for Dr. Chips GetLatestVimScripts plugin.
-         BF: The check for g:yankring_n_keys was incorrect, so it was not
-             possible to override the default maps.
-  1.0: March 08, 2005: 
-         NF: Initial release.
-vim: ts=4 ft=help tw=78
--- a/vim/bundle/yankring/plugin/yankring.vim	Fri Jun 14 17:10:17 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2766 +0,0 @@
-" yankring.vim - Yank / Delete Ring for Vim
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------
-" Version:       14.0
-" Author:        David Fishburn <dfishburn dot vim at gmail dot com>
-" Maintainer:    David Fishburn <dfishburn dot vim at gmail dot com>
-" Last Modified: 2012 Mar 23
-" Script:        http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1234
-" Based On:      Mocked up version by Yegappan Lakshmanan
-"                http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vim/post?act=reply&messageNum=34406
-" License:       GPL (Gnu Public License)
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 1234 1 :AutoInstall: yankring.vim
-if exists('loaded_yankring')
-    finish
-if v:version < 700
-  echomsg 'yankring: You need at least Vim 7.0'
-  finish
-let loaded_yankring = 140
-" Turn on support for line continuations when creating the script
-let s:cpo_save = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-let s:yr_has_voperator     = 0
-if v:version > 701 || ( v:version == 701 && has("patch205") )
-    let s:yr_has_voperator = 1
-if !exists('g:yankring_history_dir')
-    let g:yankring_history_dir = expand('$HOME')
-    let g:yankring_history_dir = expand(g:yankring_history_dir)
-if !exists('g:yankring_history_file')
-    let g:yankring_history_file = 'yankring_history'
-" Allow the user to override the # of yanks/deletes recorded
-if !exists('g:yankring_max_history')
-    let g:yankring_max_history = 100
-elseif g:yankring_max_history < 0
-    let g:yankring_max_history = 100
-" Specify the minimum length of 1 entry
-if !exists('g:yankring_min_element_length')
-    let g:yankring_min_element_length = 1
-" Specify the maximum length of 1 entry (1MB default)
-if !exists('g:yankring_max_element_length')
-    let g:yankring_max_element_length = 1048576
-" Warn if truncation occurs
-if !exists('g:yankring_warn_on_truncate')
-    let g:yankring_warn_on_truncate = 1
-" Allow the user to specify if the plugin is enabled or not
-if !exists('g:yankring_enabled')
-    let g:yankring_enabled = 1
-" Specify max display length for each element for YRShow
-if !exists('g:yankring_max_display')
-    let g:yankring_max_display = 0
-" Check if yankring should persist between Vim instances
-if !exists('g:yankring_persist')
-    let g:yankring_persist = 1
-" Check if yankring share 1 file between all instances of Vim
-if !exists('g:yankring_share_between_instances')
-    let g:yankring_share_between_instances = 1
-" Specify whether the results of the ring should be displayed
-" in a separate buffer window instead of the use of echo
-if !exists('g:yankring_window_use_separate')
-    let g:yankring_window_use_separate = 1
-" Specifies whether the window is closed after an action
-" is performed
-if !exists('g:yankring_window_auto_close')
-    let g:yankring_window_auto_close = 1
-" When displaying the buffer, how many lines should it be
-if !exists('g:yankring_window_height')
-    let g:yankring_window_height = 8
-" When displaying the buffer, how many columns should it be
-if !exists('g:yankring_window_width')
-    let g:yankring_window_width = 30
-" When displaying the buffer, where it should be placed
-if !exists('g:yankring_window_use_horiz')
-    let g:yankring_window_use_horiz = 1
-" When displaying the buffer, where it should be placed
-if !exists('g:yankring_window_use_bottom')
-    let g:yankring_window_use_bottom = 1
-" When displaying the buffer, where it should be placed
-if !exists('g:yankring_window_use_right')
-    let g:yankring_window_use_right = 1
-" If the user presses <space>, toggle the width of the window
-if !exists('g:yankring_window_increment')
-    let g:yankring_window_increment = 50
-" Controls whether the . operator will repeat yank operations
-" The default is based on cpoptions: |cpo-y|
-"	y	A yank command can be redone with ".".
-if !exists('g:yankring_dot_repeat_yank')
-    let g:yankring_dot_repeat_yank = (s:cpo_save=~'y'?1:0)
-" Only adds unique items to the yankring.
-" If the item already exists, that element is set as the
-" top of the yankring.
-if !exists('g:yankring_ignore_duplicate')
-    let g:yankring_ignore_duplicate = 1
-" Vim automatically manages the numbered registers:
-" 0   - last yanked text
-" 1-9 - last deleted items
-" If this option is turned on, the yankring will manage the
-" values in them.
-if !exists('g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg')
-    let g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg = 0
-" Allow the user to specify what characters to use for the mappings.
-if !exists('g:yankring_n_keys')
-    " 7.1.patch205 introduces the v:operator function which was essential
-    " to gain the omap support.
-    if s:yr_has_voperator == 1
-        " Use omaps for the rest of the functionality
-        let g:yankring_n_keys = 'Y D x X'
-    else
-        let g:yankring_n_keys = 'x yy dd yw dw ye de yE dE yiw diw yaw daw y$ d$ Y D yG dG ygg dgg'
-    endif
-" Allow the user to specify what operator pending motions to map
-if !exists('g:yankring_o_keys')
-    " o-motions and text objects, without zap-to-char motions
-    let g:yankring_o_keys  = 'b B w W e E d h j k l H M L y G ^ 0 $ , ;'
-    let g:yankring_o_keys .= ' g_  g^ gm g$ gk gj gg ge gE - + _ '
-    let g:yankring_o_keys .= ' iw iW aw aW as is ap ip a] a[ i] i[ a) a( ab i) i( ib a> a< i> i< at it a} a{ aB i} i{ iB a" a'' a` i" i'' i`'
-if !exists('g:yankring_zap_keys')
-    let g:yankring_zap_keys = 'f F t T / ?'
-" Allow the user to specify what operator pending motions to map
-if !exists('g:yankring_ignore_operator')
-    let g:yankring_ignore_operator = 'g~ gu gU ! = gq g? > < zf g@'
-let g:yankring_ignore_operator = ' '.g:yankring_ignore_operator.' '
-" Whether we should map the . operator
-if !exists('g:yankring_map_dot')
-    let g:yankring_map_dot = 1
-" Whether we sould map the "g" paste operators
-if !exists('g:yankring_paste_using_g')
-    let g:yankring_paste_using_g = 1
-if !exists('g:yankring_v_key')
-    let g:yankring_v_key = 'y'
-if !exists('g:yankring_del_v_key')
-    let g:yankring_del_v_key = 'd x'
-if !exists('g:yankring_paste_n_bkey')
-    let g:yankring_paste_n_bkey = 'P'
-if !exists('g:yankring_paste_n_akey')
-    let g:yankring_paste_n_akey = 'p'
-if !exists('g:yankring_paste_v_bkey')
-    let g:yankring_paste_v_bkey = 'P'
-if !exists('g:yankring_paste_v_akey')
-    let g:yankring_paste_v_akey = 'p'
-if !exists('g:yankring_paste_check_default_buffer')
-    let g:yankring_paste_check_default_buffer = 1
-if !exists('g:yankring_replace_n_pkey')
-    let g:yankring_replace_n_pkey = '<C-P>'
-if !exists('g:yankring_replace_n_nkey')
-    let g:yankring_replace_n_nkey = '<C-N>'
-if !exists('g:yankring_clipboard_monitor')
-    let g:yankring_clipboard_monitor = (has('clipboard')?1:0)
-if !exists('g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check')
-    let g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check = 0
-    if g:yankring_clipboard_monitor == 1
-        if has("gui_running")
-            " FocusGained event will take care of
-            " monitoring the clipboard.
-            let g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check = 0
-        else
-            " If the GUI is not running and the user wants to monitor the
-            " clipboard, we need to manually check for clipboard entries as
-            " the FocusGained event does not fire in console mode.
-            let g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check = 1
-        endif
-    endif
-if !exists('g:yankring_default_menu_mode')
-    let g:yankring_default_menu_mode = 3
-" Script variables for the yankring buffer
-let s:yr_buffer_name       = '[YankRing]'
-let s:yr_buffer_last_winnr = -1
-let s:yr_buffer_last       = -1
-let s:yr_buffer_id         = -1
-let s:yr_search            = ''
-let s:yr_remove_omap_dot   = 0
-let s:yr_history_version   = 'v2'
-let s:yr_history_v1_nl     = '@@@'
-let s:yr_history_v1_nl_pat = '\%(\\\)\@<!@@@'
-let s:yr_history_v2_nl     = "\2" " Use double quotes for a special character
-let s:yr_history_v2_nl_pat = "\2"
-let s:yr_history_last_upd  = 0
-let s:yr_history_file_v1   =
-            \ g:yankring_history_dir.'/'.
-            \ g:yankring_history_file.
-            \ (g:yankring_share_between_instances==1?'':'_'.v:servername).
-            \ '.txt'
-let s:yr_history_file_v2   =
-            \ g:yankring_history_dir.'/'.
-            \ g:yankring_history_file.
-            \ (g:yankring_share_between_instances==1?'':'_'.v:servername).
-            \ '_v2.txt'
-" Vim window size is changed by the yankring plugin or not
-let s:yr_winsize_chgd      = 0
-let s:yr_maps_created      = 0
-let s:yr_maps_created_zap  = 0
-let s:yr_last_motion       = ''
-" Enables or disables the yankring
-function! s:YRToggle(...)
-    " Default the current state to toggle
-    let new_state = ((g:yankring_enabled == 1) ? 0 : 1)
-    " Allow the user to specify if enabled
-    if a:0 > 0
-        let new_state = ((a:1 == 1) ? 1 : 0)
-    endif
-    " YRToggle accepts an integer value to specify the state
-    if new_state == g:yankring_enabled
-        return
-    elseif new_state == 1
-        call s:YRMapsCreate()
-        call s:YRWarningMsg('YR: The YankRing is now enabled')
-    else
-        call s:YRMapsDelete()
-        call s:YRWarningMsg('YR: The YankRing is now disabled')
-    endif
-" Enables or disables the yankring
-function! s:YRDisplayElem(disp_nbr, script_var)
-    if g:yankring_max_display == 0
-        if g:yankring_window_use_separate == 1
-            let max_display = 500
-        else
-            let max_display = g:yankring_window_width +
-                        \ g:yankring_window_increment -
-                        \ 12
-        endif
-    else
-        let max_display = g:yankring_max_display
-    endif
-    let elem = matchstr(a:script_var, '^.*\ze,.*$')
-    if s:yr_history_version == 'v1'
-        " v1
-        " let elem = substitute(elem, '\%(\\\)\@<!@@@', '\\n', 'g')
-        " v2
-        let elem = substitute(elem, s:yr_history_v1_nl_pat, '\\n', 'g')
-        let elem = substitute(elem, '\\@', '@', 'g')
-    else
-        let elem = substitute(elem, s:yr_history_v2_nl_pat, '\\n', 'g')
-    endif
-    let length = strlen(elem)
-    " Fancy trick to align them all regardless of how many
-    " digits the element # is
-    return a:disp_nbr.
-                \ strtrans(
-                \ strpart("      ",0,(6-strlen(a:disp_nbr+1))).
-                \ (
-                \ (length>max_display)?
-                \ (strpart(elem,0,max_display).
-                \ '...'):
-                \ elem
-                \ )
-                \ )
-    return ""
-" Enables or disables the yankring
-function! s:YRShow(...)
-    " Prevent recursion
-    if exists('s:yankring_showing') && s:yankring_showing == 1 
-        " call s:YRWarningMsg('YR: YRShow aborting for recursion')
-        return
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_enabled == 0
-        call s:YRWarningMsg('YR: The YankRing is disabled, use YRToggle to re-enable')
-        return
-    endif
-    " Prevent recursion
-    let s:yankring_showing = 1
-    " If the GUI is not running, we need to manually check for clipboard
-    " entries as the FocusGained event does not fire in console mode.
-    if g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check == 1
-        call s:YRCheckClipboard()
-    endif
-    " If no parameter was provided assume the user wants to
-    " toggle the display.
-    let toggle = 1
-    if a:0 > 0
-        let toggle = matchstr(a:1, '\d\+')
-    endif
-    let show_registers = 0
-    if a:0 > 1 && a:2 ==# 'R'
-        let show_registers = 1
-    endif
-    if toggle == 1
-        if bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_id) > -1
-            " If the YankRing window is already open close it
-            exec bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_id) . "wincmd w"
-            hide
-            " Switch back to the window which the YankRing
-            " window was opened from
-            if bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_last) != -1
-                " If the buffer is visible, switch to it
-                exec s:yr_buffer_last_winnr . "wincmd w"
-            endif
-            " Prevent recursion
-            let s:yankring_showing = 0
-            return
-        endif
-    endif
-    " Reset the search string, since this is automatically called
-    " if the yankring window is open.  A previous search must be
-    " cleared since we do not want to show new items.  The user can
-    " always run the search again.
-    let s:yr_search = ""
-    " It is possible for registers to be changed outside of the
-    " maps of the YankRing.  Perform this quick check when we
-    " show the contents (or when it is refreshed).
-    if g:yankring_paste_check_default_buffer == 1
-        let save_reg = 0
-        let register = ((&clipboard=~'\<unnamed\>')?'*':((&clipboard=~'\<unnamedplus\>' && has('unnamedplus'))?'+':'"'))
-        if &clipboard =~ '\<unnamed\>' && getreg('*') != s:yr_prev_clipboard_star
-            let save_reg = 1
-        endif
-        if has('unnamedplus') && &clipboard =~ '\<unnamedplus\>' && getreg('+') != s:yr_prev_clipboard_plus
-            let save_reg = 1
-        endif
-        if register == '"' && getreg('"') != s:yr_prev_reg_unnamed
-            let save_reg = 1
-        endif
-        if save_reg == 1
-            " The user has performed a yank / delete operation
-            " outside of the yankring maps.  Add this
-            " value to the yankring.
-            call YRRecord(register)
-        endif
-    endif
-    " List is shown in order of replacement
-    " assuming using previous yanks
-    let output = "--- YankRing ---\n"
-    let output = output . (show_registers == 1 ? 'Reg ' : 'Elem')."  Content\n"
-    if show_registers == 1
-        for reg_name in map( range(char2nr('0'), char2nr('9')) +
-                    \ (range(char2nr('a'), char2nr('z')))
-                    \, 'nr2char(v:val)'
-                    \ )
-            let output  = output . s:YRDisplayElem(reg_name, getreg(reg_name).',') . "\n"
-        endfor
-    else
-        call s:YRHistoryRead()
-        let disp_item_nr = 1
-        for elem in s:yr_history_list
-            let output  = output . s:YRDisplayElem(disp_item_nr, elem) . "\n"
-            let disp_item_nr   += 1
-        endfor
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_window_use_separate == 1
-        call s:YRWindowOpen(output)
-    else
-        echo output
-    endif
-    " Prevent recursion
-    let s:yankring_showing = 0
-" Used in omaps if a following character is required
-" like with motions (f,t)
-function! s:YRGetChar()
-    let msg = "YR:Enter character:"
-    echomsg msg
-    let c = getchar()
-    if c =~ '^\d\+$'
-        let c = nr2char(c)
-        echomsg msg.c
-    endif
-    return c
-" Used in omaps if a following string is required
-" like with motions (/,?)
-" function! s:YRGetSearch()
-"     " let msg = "YR:Enter string:"
-"     " echomsg msg
-"     let str = input("YR:Enter string:")
-"     " let str = ''
-"     " while 1==1
-"     "     let c = getchar()
-"     "     if c =~ '^\d\+$'
-"     "         let c = nr2char(c)
-"     "         if c == "\<C-C>"
-"     "             return c
-"     "         endif
-"     "         if c == "\<CR>"
-"     "             break
-"     "         endif
-"     "         let str = str.c
-"     "         echomsg msg.str
-"     "     else
-"     "         break
-"     "     endif
-"     " endwhile
-"     return str
-" endfunction
-" Paste a certain item from the yankring
-" If no parameter is provided, this function becomes interactive.  It will
-" display the list (using YRShow) and allow the user to choose an element.
-function! s:YRGetElem(...)
-    if g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check == 1
-        call s:YRCheckClipboard()
-    endif
-    if s:yr_count == 0
-        call s:YRWarningMsg('YR: yankring is empty')
-        return -1
-    endif
-    let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'\<unnamed\>')?'*':((&clipboard=~'\<unnamedplus\>' && has('unnamedplus'))?'+':'"'))
-    let direction = 'p'
-    if a:0 > 1
-        " If the user indicated to paste above or below
-        " let direction = ((a:2 ==# 'P') ? 'P' : 'p')
-        if a:2 =~ '\(p\|gp\|P\|gP\)'
-            let direction = a:2
-        endif
-    endif
-    " Check to see if a specific value has been provided
-    let elem = 0
-    if a:0 > 0
-        " Ensure we get only the numeric value (trim it)
-        let elem = matchstr(a:1, '\d\+')
-        let elem = elem - 1
-    else
-        " If no parameter was supplied display the yankring
-        " and prompt the user to enter the value they want pasted.
-        call s:YRShow(0)
-        if g:yankring_window_use_separate == 1
-            " The window buffer is used instead of command line
-            return
-        endif
-        let elem = input("Enter # to paste:")
-        " Ensure we get only the numeric value (trim it)
-        let elem = matchstr(elem, '\d\+')
-        if elem == ''
-            " They most likely pressed enter without entering a value
-            return
-        endif
-        let elem = elem - 1
-    endif
-    if elem < 0 || elem >= s:yr_count
-        call s:YRWarningMsg("YR: Invalid choice:".elem)
-        return -1
-    endif
-    let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'\<unnamed\>')?'*':((&clipboard=~'\<unnamedplus\>' && has('unnamedplus'))?'+':'"'))
-    call setreg(default_buffer
-                \ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((elem), 'v')
-                \ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((elem), 't')
-                \ )
-    exec 'normal! "'.default_buffer.direction
-    " Set the previous action as a paste in case the user
-    " press . to repeat
-    call s:YRSetPrevOP('p', '', default_buffer, 'n')
-" Starting the top of the ring it will paste x items from it
-function! s:YRGetMultiple(reverse_order, ...)
-    if g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check == 1
-        call s:YRCheckClipboard()
-    endif
-    if s:yr_count == 0
-        call s:YRWarningMsg('YR: yankring is empty')
-        return
-    endif
-    let max = 1
-    if a:0 == 1
-        " If the user provided a range, exit after that many
-        " have been displayed
-        let max = matchstr(a:1, '\d\+')
-    endif
-    if max > s:yr_count
-        " Default to all items if they specified a very high value
-        let max = s:yr_count
-    endif
-    " Base the increment on the sort order of the results
-    let increment = ((a:reverse_order==0)?(1):(-1))
-    if a:reverse_order == 0
-        let increment = 1
-        let elem = 1
-    else
-        let increment = -1
-        let elem = max
-    endif
-    if a:0 > 1
-        let iter = 1
-        while iter <= a:0
-            let elem = (a:{iter} - 1)
-            call s:YRGetElem(elem)
-            let iter = iter + 1
-        endwhile
-    else
-        while max > 0
-            " Paste the first item, and move on to the next.
-            call s:YRGetElem(elem)
-            let elem = elem + increment
-            let max  = max - 1
-        endwhile
-    endif
-" Given a regular expression, check each element within
-" the yankring, display only the matching items and prompt
-" the user for which item to paste
-function! s:YRSearch(...)
-    if s:yr_count == 0
-        call s:YRWarningMsg('YR: yankring is empty')
-        return
-    endif
-    let s:yr_search = ""
-    " If the user provided a range, exit after that many
-    " have been displayed
-    if a:0 == 0 || (a:0 == 1 && a:1 == "")
-        let s:yr_search = input('Enter [optional] regex:')
-    else
-        let s:yr_search = a:1
-    endif
-    if s:yr_search == ""
-        " Show the entire yankring
-        call s:YRShow(0)
-        return
-    endif
-    " List is shown in order of replacement
-    " assuming using previous yanks
-    let output        = "--- YankRing ---\n"
-    let output        = output . "Elem  Content\n"
-    let valid_choices = []
-    let search_result = filter(copy(s:yr_history_list), "v:val =~ '".s:yr_search."'")
-    let disp_item_nr = 1
-    for elem in s:yr_history_list
-        if elem =~ s:yr_search
-            let output  = output . s:YRDisplayElem(disp_item_nr, elem) . "\n"
-            call add(valid_choices, disp_item_nr.'')
-        endif
-        let disp_item_nr   += 1
-    endfor
-    if len(valid_choices) == 0
-        let output = output . "Search for [".s:yr_search."] did not match any items "
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_window_use_separate == 1
-        call s:YRWindowOpen(output)
-    else
-        if len(valid_choices) > 0
-            echo output
-            let elem = input("Enter # to paste:")
-            " Ensure we get only the numeric value (trim it)
-            let elem = matchstr(elem, '\d\+')
-            if elem == ''
-                " They most likely pressed enter without entering a value
-                return
-            endif
-            if index(valid_choices, elem) != -1
-                exec 'YRGetElem ' . elem
-            else
-                " User did not choose one of the elements that were found
-                " Remove leading ,
-                call s:YRWarningMsg( "YR: Item[" . elem . "] not found, only valid choices are[" .
-                            \ join(valid_choices, ',') .
-                            \ "]"
-                            \ )
-                return -1
-            endif
-        else
-            call s:YRWarningMsg( "YR: The pattern [" .
-                        \ s:yr_search .
-                        \ "] does not match any items in the yankring"
-                        \ )
-        endif
-    endif
-" Resets the common script variables for managing the ring.
-function! s:YRReset()
-    call s:YRHistoryDelete()
-    " Update the history file
-    call s:YRHistorySave()
-" Clears the yankring by simply setting the # of items in it to 0.
-" There is no need physically unlet each variable.
-function! s:YRInit(...)
-    let s:yr_next_idx              = 0
-    let s:yr_last_paste_idx        = 1
-    let s:yr_count                 = 0
-    let s:yr_history_last_upd      = 0
-    let s:yr_history_list          = []
-    let s:yr_paste_dir             = 'p'
-    " For the . op support
-    let s:yr_prev_op_code          = ''
-    let s:yr_prev_op_mode          = 'n'
-    let s:yr_prev_count            = ''
-    let s:yr_prev_reg              = ''
-    let s:yr_prev_reg_unnamed      = getreg('"')
-    let s:yr_prev_reg_small        = ''
-    let s:yr_prev_reg_insert       = ''
-    let s:yr_prev_reg_expres       = ''
-    let s:yr_prev_clipboard_star   = ''
-    let s:yr_prev_clipboard_plus   = ''
-    let s:yr_prev_vis_lstart       = 0
-    let s:yr_prev_vis_lend         = 0
-    let s:yr_prev_vis_cstart       = 0
-    let s:yr_prev_vis_cend         = 0
-    let s:yr_prev_changenr         = 0
-    let s:yr_prev_repeating        = 0
-    " This is used to determine if the visual selection should be
-    " reset prior to issuing the YRReplace
-    let s:yr_prev_vis_mode         = 0
-    if a:0 == 0 && g:yankring_persist == 0
-        " The user wants the yankring reset each time Vim is started
-        call s:YRClear()
-    endif
-    call s:YRHistoryRead()
-" Clears the yankring by simply setting the # of items in it to 0.
-function! s:YRClear()
-    call s:YRReset()
-    call s:YRInit('DoNotClear')
-    " If the yankring window is open, refresh it
-    call s:YRWindowUpdate()
-" Determine which register the user wants to use
-" For example the 'a' register:  "ayy
-function! s:YRRegister()
-    " v:register can be blank in some (unknown) cases
-    " so test for this condition and return the
-    " default register
-    let user_register = ((v:register=='')?('"'):(v:register))
-    if &clipboard =~ '\<unnamed\>' && user_register == '"'
-        let user_register = '*'
-    endif
-    if has('unnamedplus') && &clipboard =~ '\<unnamedplus\>' && user_register == '"'
-        let user_register = '+'
-    endif
-    return user_register
-" Allows you to push a new item on the yankring.  Useful if something
-" is in the clipboard and you want to add it to the yankring.
-" Or if you yank something that is not mapped.
-function! s:YRPush(...)
-    let user_register = s:YRRegister()
-    if a:0 > 0
-        " If no yank command has been supplied, assume it is
-        " a full line yank
-        let user_register = ((a:1 == '') ? user_register : a:1)
-    endif
-    " If we are pushing something on to the yankring, add it to
-    " the default buffer as well so the next item pasted will
-    " be the item pushed
-    let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'\<unnamed\>')?'*':((&clipboard=~'\<unnamedplus\>' && has('unnamedplus'))?'+':'"'))
-    call setreg(default_buffer, getreg(user_register),
-                \ getregtype(user_register))
-    call s:YRSetPrevOP('', '', '', 'n')
-    call YRRecord(user_register)
-" Allows you to pop off any element from the yankring.
-" If no parameters are provided the first element is removed.
-" If a vcount is provided, that many elements are removed
-" from the top.
-function! s:YRPop(...)
-    if s:yr_count == 0
-        call s:YRWarningMsg('YR: yankring is empty')
-        return
-    endif
-    let v_count = 1
-    if a:0 > 1
-        let v_count = a:2
-    endif
-    " If the user provided a parameter, remove that element
-    " from the yankring.
-    " If no parameter was provided assume the first element.
-    let elem_index = 0
-    if a:0 > 0
-        " Get the element # from the parameter
-        let elem_index = matchstr(a:1, '\d\+')
-        let elem_index = elem_index - 1
-    endif
-    " If the user entered a count, then remove that many
-    " elements from the ring.
-    while v_count > 0
-        call s:YRMRUDel('s:yr_history_list', elem_index)
-        let v_count = v_count - 1
-    endwhile
-    " If the yankring window is open, refresh it
-    call s:YRWindowUpdate()
-" Adds this value to the yankring.
-function! YRRecord(...)
-    let register = '"'
-    if a:0 > 0
-        " If no yank command has been supplied, assume it is
-        " a full line yank
-        let register = ((a:1 == '') ? register : a:1)
-    endif
-    " v:register can be blank in some (unknown) cases
-    " if v:register == '' || v:register == '_'
-    if v:register == '_'
-        " Black hole register, ignore recording the operation
-        return ""
-    endif
-    let register = ((&clipboard=~'\<unnamed\>')?'*':((&clipboard=~'\<unnamedplus\>' && has('unnamedplus'))?'+':register))
-    " let s:yr_prev_changenr    = changenr()
-    if register == '"'
-        " If the change has occurred via an omap, we must delay
-        " the capture of the default register until this event
-        " since register updates are not reflected until the
-        " omap function completes
-        let s:yr_prev_reg_unnamed = getreg('"')
-        let s:yr_prev_reg_small   = getreg('-')
-    endif
-    " Add item to list
-    " This will also account for duplicates.
-    call s:YRMRUAdd( 's:yr_history_list'
-                \ , getreg(register)
-                \ , getregtype(register)
-                \ )
-    if g:yankring_clipboard_monitor == 1
-        let s:yr_prev_clipboard_plus = getreg('+')
-        let s:yr_prev_clipboard_star = getreg('*')
-    endif
-    " Manage the numbered registers
-    if g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg == 1
-        " Allow the user to define an autocmd to dynamically
-        " setup their connection information.
-        silent! doautocmd User YRSetNumberedReg
-    endif
-    " If the yankring window is open, refresh it
-    call s:YRWindowUpdate()
-    " Reset the past paste entry to the top of the ring.
-    " When the user hits replace last entry it should
-    " start from the top (not from the last previous
-    " replace) after capturing a new value in the YankRing.
-    let s:yr_last_paste_idx = 1
-    return ""
-" Adds this value to the yankring.
-function! YRRecord3(...)
-    let register = '"'
-    if a:0 > 0 && a:1 != '' 
-        let register = a:1
-    else
-        " v:register can be blank in some (unknown) cases
-        " if v:register == '' || v:register == '_'
-        if v:register == '_'
-            " Black hole register, ignore recording the operation
-            return ""
-        endif
-        let register = s:YRRegister()
-        if &clipboard =~ '\<unnamed\>' && register == '*'
-            " unnamed  A variant of "unnamed" flag which uses the clipboard
-            "          register '*' (|quote|) for all operations except yank.
-            "          Yank shall copy the text into register '*' when "unnamed"
-            "          is included.
-            "
-            let register = '*'
-            " The + and * registers are not modified by yank operations.
-            " We do not know what operation triggered this event so do a
-            " simple check if the register values have changed.
-            " If not, check it against the " register.  Use which ever
-            " one has changed.
-            if s:yr_prev_clipboard_star == '' || getreg(register) == s:yr_prev_clipboard_star
-                if getreg('"') != getreg(register)
-                    let register = '"'
-                endif
-            endif
-        endif
-        if has('unnamedplus') && &clipboard =~ '\<unnamedplus\>' && register == '+'
-            " unnamedplus    A variant of "unnamed" flag which uses the clipboard
-            "         register '+' (|quoteplus|) instead of register '*' for all
-            "         operations except yank.  Yank shall copy the text into
-            "         register '+' and also into '*' when "unnamed" is included.
-            "
-            let register = '+'
-            " The + and * registers are not modified by yank operations.
-            " We do not know what operation triggered this event so do a
-            " simple check if the register values have changed.
-            " If not, check it against the " register.  Use which ever
-            " one has changed.
-            if s:yr_prev_clipboard_plus == '' || getreg(register) == s:yr_prev_clipboard_plus
-                if getreg('"') != getreg(register)
-                    let register = '"'
-                endif
-            endif
-        endif
-    endif
-    if register == '"'
-        " If the change has occurred via an omap, we must delay
-        " the capture of the default register until this event
-        " since register updates are not reflected until the
-        " omap function completes
-        let s:yr_prev_reg_unnamed = getreg('"')
-        let s:yr_prev_reg_small   = getreg('-')
-    endif
-    if s:yr_remove_omap_dot == 1
-        call s:YRMapsCreate('add_only_zap_keys')
-    endif
-    " Add item to list
-    " This will also account for duplicates.
-    call s:YRMRUAdd( 's:yr_history_list'
-                \ , getreg(register)
-                \ , getregtype(register)
-                \ )
-    if g:yankring_clipboard_monitor == 1
-        let s:yr_prev_clipboard_plus = getreg('+')
-        let s:yr_prev_clipboard_star = getreg('*')
-    endif
-    " Manage the numbered registers
-    if g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg == 1
-        " Allow the user to define an autocmd to dynamically
-        " setup their connection information.
-        silent! doautocmd User YRSetNumberedReg
-    endif
-    " If the yankring window is open, refresh it
-    call s:YRWindowUpdate()
-    " Reset the past paste entry to the top of the ring.
-    " When the user hits replace last entry it should
-    " start from the top (not from the last previous
-    " replace) after capturing a new value in the YankRing.
-    let s:yr_last_paste_idx = 1
-    return ""
-" Record the operation for the dot operator
-function! s:YRSetPrevOP(op_code, count, reg, mode)
-    let s:yr_prev_op_code     = a:op_code
-    let s:yr_prev_op_mode     = a:mode
-    let s:yr_prev_count       = a:count
-    let s:yr_prev_changenr    = changenr()
-    let s:yr_prev_reg         = a:reg
-    let s:yr_prev_reg_unnamed = getreg('"')
-    let s:yr_prev_reg_small   = getreg('-')
-    let s:yr_prev_reg_insert  = getreg('.')
-    let s:yr_prev_vis_lstart  = line("'<")
-    let s:yr_prev_vis_lend    = line("'>")
-    let s:yr_prev_vis_cstart  = col("'<")
-    let s:yr_prev_vis_cend    = col("'>")
-    let s:yr_prev_reg_expres  = histget('=', -1)
-    if a:mode == 'n'
-        " In normal mode, the change has already
-        " occurred, therefore we can mark the
-        " actual position of the change.
-        let s:yr_prev_chg_lstart  = line("'[")
-        let s:yr_prev_chg_lend    = line("']")
-        let s:yr_prev_chg_cstart  = col("'[")
-        let s:yr_prev_chg_cend    = col("']")
-    else
-        " If in operator pending mode, the change
-        " has not yet occurred.  Therefore we cannot
-        " use the '[ and ]' markers.  But we can
-        " store the current line position.
-        let s:yr_prev_chg_lstart  = line(".")
-        let s:yr_prev_chg_lend    = line(".")
-        let s:yr_prev_chg_cstart  = col(".")
-        let s:yr_prev_chg_cend    = col(".")
-    endif
-    " If storing the last change position (using '[, '])
-    " is not good enough, then another option is to:
-    " Use :redir on the :changes command
-    " and grab the last item.  Store this value
-    " and compare it is YRDoRepeat.
-" Adds this value to the yankring.
-function! s:YRDoRepeat()
-    let dorepeat = 0
-    if s:yr_has_voperator == 1
-        " Let Vim handle the repeat, just capture the updates
-        " as usual.
-        return 0
-    endif
-    if s:yr_prev_op_code =~ '^c'
-        " You cannot repeat change operations, let Vim's
-        " standard mechanism handle these, or the user will
-        " be prompted again, instead of repeating the
-        " previous change.
-        return 0
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_manage_numbered_reg == 1
-        " When resetting the numbered register we are
-        " must ignore the comparision of the " register.
-        if s:yr_prev_reg_small  == getreg('-') &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_reg_insert == getreg('.') &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_reg_expres == histget('=', -1) &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_vis_lstart == line("'<") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_vis_lend   == line("'>") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_vis_cstart == col("'<") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_vis_cend   == col("'>") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_chg_lstart == line("'[") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_chg_lend   == line("']") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_chg_cstart == col("'[") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_chg_cend   == col("']")
-            let dorepeat = 1
-        endif
-    else
-        " Check the previously recorded value of the registers
-        " if they are the same, we need to reissue the previous
-        " yankring command.
-        " If any are different, the user performed a command
-        " command that did not involve the yankring, therefore
-        " we should just issue the standard "normal! ." to repeat it.
-        if s:yr_prev_reg_unnamed == getreg('"') &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_reg_small  == getreg('-') &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_reg_insert == getreg('.') &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_reg_expres == histget('=', -1) &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_vis_lstart == line("'<") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_vis_lend   == line("'>") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_vis_cstart == col("'<") &&
-                    \ s:yr_prev_vis_cend   == col("'>")
-            let dorepeat = 1
-        endif
-        if dorepeat == 1 && s:yr_prev_op_mode == 'n'
-            " Hmm, not sure why I was doing this now
-            " so I will remove it
-            " let dorepeat = 0
-            " if s:yr_prev_chg_lstart == line("'[") &&
-            "             \ s:yr_prev_chg_lend   == line("']") &&
-            "             \ s:yr_prev_chg_cstart == col("'[") &&
-            "             \ s:yr_prev_chg_cend   == col("']")
-            "     let dorepeat = 1
-            " endif
-        elseif dorepeat == 1 && s:yr_prev_op_mode == 'o'
-            " Hmm, not sure why I was doing this now
-            " so I will remove it
-            " let dorepeat = 0
-            " if s:yr_prev_chg_lstart == line("'[") &&
-            "             \ s:yr_prev_chg_lend   == line("']") &&
-            "             \ s:yr_prev_chg_cstart == col("'[") &&
-            "             \ s:yr_prev_chg_cend   == col("']")
-            "     let dorepeat = 1
-            " endif
-        endif
-    endif
-    " " If another change has happened that was not part of the
-    " " yankring we cannot replay it (from the yankring).  Use
-    " " the standard ".".
-    " " If the previous op was a change, do not use the yankring
-    " " to repeat it.
-    " " changenr() is buffer specific, so anytime you move to
-    " " a different buffer you will definitely perform a
-    " " standard "."
-    " " Any previous op that was a change, must be replaced using "."
-    " " since we do not want the user prompted to enter text again.
-    " if s:yr_prev_changenr == changenr() && s:yr_prev_op_code !~ '^c'
-    "     let dorepeat = 1
-    " endif
-    " If we are going to repeat check to see if the
-    " previous command was a yank operation.  If so determine
-    " if yank operations are allowed to be repeated.
-    if dorepeat == 1 && s:yr_prev_op_code =~ '^y'
-        " This value be default is set based on cpoptions.
-        if g:yankring_dot_repeat_yank == 0
-            let dorepeat = 0
-        endif
-    endif
-    return dorepeat
-" Manages the Vim's numbered registers
-function! s:YRSetNumberedReg()
-    let i = 0
-    while i <= 10
-        if i > s:yr_count
-            break
-        endif
-        call setreg( (i)
-                    \ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((i),'v')
-                    \ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((i),'t')
-                    \ )
-        let i += 1
-    endwhile
-    " There are a few actions that Vim automatically takes
-    " when modifying the numbered registers.
-    " Modifying register 1 - changes the named register.
-    " It is impossible to set register 2 to a value, since Vim will change it.
-    " This will at least preserve the default register
-    let @" = @0
-" This internal function will add and subtract values from a starting
-" point and return the correct element number.  It takes into account
-" the circular nature of the yankring.
-function! s:YRGetNextElem(start, iter)
-    let needed_elem = a:start + a:iter
-    " The yankring is a ring, so if an element is
-    " requested beyond the number of elements, we
-    " must wrap around the ring.
-    if needed_elem > s:yr_count
-        let needed_elem = needed_elem % s:yr_count
-    endif
-    if needed_elem == 0
-        " Can happen at the end or beginning of the ring
-        if a:iter == -1
-            " Wrap to the bottom of the ring
-            let needed_elem = s:yr_count
-        else
-            " Wrap to the top of the ring
-            let needed_elem = 1
-        endif
-    elseif needed_elem < 1
-        " As we step backwards through the ring we could ask for a negative
-        " value, this will wrap it around to the end
-        let needed_elem = s:yr_count
-    endif
-    return needed_elem
-" Lets Vim natively perform the operation and then stores what
-" was yanked (or deleted) into the yankring.
-" Supports this for example -   5"ayy
-" This is a legacy function now since the release of Vim 7.2
-" and the use of omaps with YankRing 5.0 and above.
-" If Vim 7.1 has patch205, then the new omaps and the v:operator
-" variable is used instead.
-function! s:YRYankCount(...) range
-    let user_register = s:YRRegister()
-    let v_count = v:count
-    " Default yank command to the entire line
-    let op_code = 'yy'
-    if a:0 > 0
-        " If no yank command has been supplied, assume it is
-        " a full line yank
-        let op_code = ((a:1 == '') ? op_code : a:1)
-    endif
-    if op_code == '.'
-        if s:YRDoRepeat() == 1
-            if s:yr_prev_op_code != ''
-                let op_code       = s:yr_prev_op_code
-                let v_count       = s:yr_prev_count
-                let user_register = s:yr_prev_reg
-            endif
-        else
-            " Set this flag so that YRRecord will
-            " ignore repeats
-            let s:yr_prev_repeating = 1
-            exec "normal! ."
-            return
-        endif
-    else
-        let s:yr_prev_repeating = 0
-    endif
-    " Supports this for example -   5"ayy
-    " A delete operation will still place the items in the
-    " default registers as well as the named register
-    exec "normal! ".
-            \ ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):'').
-            \ (user_register=='"'?'':'"'.user_register).
-            \ op_code
-    if user_register == '_'
-        " Black hole register, ignore recording the operation
-        return
-    endif
-    call s:YRSetPrevOP(op_code, v_count, user_register, 'n')
-    call YRRecord(user_register)
-" Handles ranges.  There are visual ranges and command line ranges.
-" Visual ranges are easy, since we pass through and let Vim deal
-" with those directly.
-" Command line ranges means we must yank the entire line, and not
-" just a portion of it.
-function! s:YRYankRange(do_delete_selection, ...) range
-    let user_register  = s:YRRegister()
-    let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'\<unnamed\>')?'*':((&clipboard=~'\<unnamedplus\>' && has('unnamedplus'))?'+':'"'))
-    " Default command mode to normal mode 'n'
-    let cmd_mode = 'n'
-    if a:0 > 0
-        " Change to visual mode, if command executed via
-        " a visual map
-        let cmd_mode = ((a:1 == 'v') ? 'v' : 'n')
-    endif
-    if cmd_mode == 'v'
-        " We are yanking either an entire line, or a range
-        exec "normal! gv".
-                    \ (user_register==default_buffer?'':'"'.user_register).
-                    \ 'y'
-        if a:do_delete_selection == 1
-            exec "normal! gv".
-                        \ (user_register==default_buffer?'':'"'.user_register).
-                        \ 'd'
-        endif
-    else
-        " In normal mode, always yank the complete line, since this
-        " command is for a range.  YRYankCount is used for parts
-        " of a single line
-        if a:do_delete_selection == 1
-            exec a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 'delete '.user_register
-        else
-            exec a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 'yank ' . user_register
-        endif
-    endif
-    if user_register == '_'
-        " Black hole register, ignore
-        return
-    endif
-    call s:YRSetPrevOP('', '', user_register, 'n')
-    call YRRecord(user_register)
-" Paste from either the yankring or from a specified register
-" Optionally a count can be provided, so paste the same value 10 times
-function! s:YRPaste(replace_last_paste_selection, nextvalue, direction, ...)
-    if g:yankring_manual_clipboard_check == 1
-        call s:YRCheckClipboard()
-    endif
-    " Disabling the yankring removes the default maps.
-    " But there are some maps the user can create on their own, and
-    " these would most likely call this function.  So place an extra
-    " check and display a message.
-    if g:yankring_enabled == 0
-        call s:YRWarningMsg(
-                    \ 'YR: The yankring is currently disabled, use YRToggle.'
-                    \ )
-        return
-    endif
-    let user_register  = s:YRRegister()
-    let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'\<unnamed\>')?'*':((&clipboard=~'\<unnamedplus\>' && has('unnamedplus'))?'+':'"'))
-    let v_count        = v:count
-    " Default command mode to normal mode 'n'
-    let cmd_mode = 'n'
-    if a:0 > 0
-        " Change to visual mode, if command executed via
-        " a visual map
-        let cmd_mode = ((a:1 == 'v') ? 'v' : 'n')
-    endif
-    " User has decided to bypass the yankring and specify a specific
-    " register
-    if user_register != default_buffer
-        if a:replace_last_paste_selection == 1
-            call s:YRWarningMsg( 'YR: A register cannot be specified in replace mode' )
-            return
-        else
-            " Check for the expression register, in this special case
-            " we must copy it's evaluation into the default buffer and paste
-            if user_register == '='
-                " Save the default register since Vim will only
-                " allow the expression register to be pasted once
-                " and will revert back to the default buffer
-                let save_default_reg = @"
-                call setreg(default_buffer, eval(histget('=', -1)) )
-            else
-                let user_register = '"'.user_register
-            endif
-            exec "normal! ".
-                        \ ((cmd_mode=='n') ? "" : "gv").
-                        \ ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):'').
-                        \ ((user_register=='=')?'':user_register).
-                        \ a:direction
-            if user_register == '='
-                let @" = save_default_reg
-            endif
-            " In this case, we have bypassed the yankring
-            " If the user hits next or previous we want the
-            " next item pasted to be the top of the yankring.
-            let s:yr_last_paste_idx = 1
-        endif
-        let s:yr_paste_dir     = a:direction
-        let s:yr_prev_vis_mode = ((cmd_mode=='n') ? 0 : 1)
-        return
-    endif
-    " Try to second guess the user to make these mappings less intrusive.
-    " If the user hits paste, compare the contents of the paste register
-    " to the current entry in the yankring.  If they are different, lets
-    " assume the user wants the contents of the paste register.
-    " The user could have:
-    "     let @" = 'test string'
-    " would not be in the yankring as no mapping triggered this action.
-    if a:replace_last_paste_selection != 1
-            " Only check the default buffer is the user wants us to.
-            " This was necessary prior to version 4.0 since we did not
-            " capture as many items as 4.0 and above does. (A. Budden)
-            if g:yankring_paste_check_default_buffer == 1
-                if ( default_buffer == '"' &&  getreg(default_buffer) != s:yr_prev_reg_unnamed )
-                    " There are only a couple of scenarios where this would happen
-                    " 1.  set clipboard = unnamed[plus]
-                    "     The user performs an action which changes the
-                    "     unnamed register (i.e. x - delete character)
-                    " 2.  Any type of direct manipulation of the registers
-                    "     let @" = 'something'
-                    " 3.  Something changed the system clipboard outside of Vim
-                    if getreg('"') != s:yr_prev_reg_unnamed
-                        let default_buffer = '"'
-                    endif
-                    " The user has performed a yank / delete operation
-                    " outside of the yankring maps.  First, add this
-                    " value to the yankring.
-                    call YRRecord(default_buffer)
-                elseif ( default_buffer == '+' &&
-                        \ len(getreg(default_buffer)) != 0 &&
-                        \ getreg(default_buffer) != s:yr_prev_clipboard_plus
-                        \ )
-                    " The user has performed a yank / delete operation
-                    " outside of the yankring maps.  First, add this
-                    " value to the yankring.
-                    call YRRecord(default_buffer)
-                elseif ( default_buffer == '*' &&
-                        \ len(getreg(default_buffer)) != 0 &&
-                        \ getreg(default_buffer) != s:yr_prev_clipboard_star
-                        \ )
-                    " The user has performed a yank / delete operation
-                    " outside of the yankring maps.  First, add this
-                    " value to the yankring.
-                    call YRRecord(default_buffer)
-                endif
-            endif
-            exec "normal! ".
-                        \ ((cmd_mode=='n') ? "" : "gv").
-                        \ ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):'').
-                        \ a:direction
-                        "\ '"'.default_buffer.
-            let s:yr_paste_dir     = a:direction
-            let s:yr_prev_vis_mode = ((cmd_mode=='n') ? 0 : 1)
-            return
-    endif
-    " if s:yr_count > 0 || (
-    "             \ default_buffer != '"' &&
-    "             \ len(getreg(default_buffer)) == 0
-    "             \ )
-    "     " Nothing to paste
-    "     return
-    " endif
-    if a:replace_last_paste_selection == 1
-        " Replacing the previous put
-        let start = line("'[")
-        let end = line("']")
-        if start != line('.')
-            call s:YRWarningMsg( 'YR: You must paste text first, before you can replace' )
-            return
-        endif
-        if start == 0 || end == 0
-            return
-        endif
-        " If a count was provided (ie 5<C-P>), multiply the
-        " nextvalue accordingly and position the next paste index
-        " let which_elem = a:nextvalue * ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):1) * -1
-        let which_elem = matchstr(a:nextvalue, '-\?\d\+') * ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):1) * -1
-        let s:yr_last_paste_idx = s:YRGetNextElem(
-		    \ s:yr_last_paste_idx, which_elem
-		    \ )
-        let save_reg            = getreg(default_buffer)
-        let save_reg_type       = getregtype(default_buffer)
-        call setreg( default_buffer
-                    \ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((s:yr_last_paste_idx-1),'v')
-                    \ , s:YRGetValElemNbr((s:yr_last_paste_idx-1),'t')
-                    \ )
-        " First undo the previous paste
-        exec "normal! u"
-        " Check if the visual selection should be reselected
-        " Next paste the correct item from the ring
-        " This is done as separate statements since it appeared that if
-        " there was nothing to undo, the paste never happened.
-        exec "normal! ".
-                    \ ((s:yr_prev_vis_mode==0) ? "" : "gv").
-                    \ '"'.default_buffer.
-                    \ s:yr_paste_dir
-        call setreg(default_buffer, save_reg, save_reg_type)
-        call s:YRSetPrevOP('', '', '', 'n')
-    else
-        " User hit p or P
-        " Supports this for example -   5"ayy
-        " And restores the current register
-        let save_reg            = getreg(default_buffer)
-        let save_reg_type       = getregtype(default_buffer)
-        let s:yr_last_paste_idx = 1
-        call setreg(default_buffer
-                    \ , s:YRGetValElemNbr(0,'v')
-                    \ , s:YRGetValElemNbr(0,'t')
-                    \ )
-        exec "normal! ".
-                    \ ((cmd_mode=='n') ? "" : "gv").
-                    \ ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):'').
-                    \ '"'.default_buffer.
-                    \ a:direction
-        call setreg(default_buffer, save_reg, save_reg_type)
-        call s:YRSetPrevOP(
-                    \ a:direction
-                    \ , v_count
-                    \ , default_buffer
-                    \ , 'n'
-                    \ )
-        let s:yr_paste_dir     = a:direction
-        let s:yr_prev_vis_mode = ((cmd_mode=='n') ? 0 : 1)
-    endif
-" Handle any omaps
-function! YRMapsExpression(sid, motion, ...)
-    let cmds     = a:motion
-    " echomsg "YRMapsE:".localtime()
-    " echomsg "YRMapsE 1:".cmds.":".v:operator.":".s:yr_maps_created_zap
-    if (a:motion =~ '\.' && s:yr_remove_omap_dot == 1) || a:motion =~ '@'
-        " If we are repeating a series of commands we must
-        " unmap the _zap_ keys so that the user is not
-        " prompted when a command is replayed.
-        " These maps must be re-instated in YRRecord3()
-        " after the action of the replay is completed.
-        call s:YRMapsDelete('remove_only_zap_keys')
-    endif
-    " Check if we are in operator-pending mode
-    if a:motion =~ '\('.substitute(g:yankring_zap_keys, ' ', '\\|', 'g').'\)'
-        if a:motion =~ '\(/\|?\)'
-            let zapto = (a:0==0 ? "" : input("YR:Enter string:"))
-            if zapto != ""
-                let zapto = zapto . "\<CR>"
-            else
-                let zapto = "\<C-C>"
-            endif
-        else
-            let zapto = (a:0==0 ? "" : s:YRGetChar())
-        endif
-        if zapto == "\<C-C>"
-            " Abort if the user hits Control C
-            call s:YRWarningMsg( "YR:Aborting command:".v:operator.a:motion )
-            return "\<C-C>"
-        endif
-        let cmds = cmds . zapto
-    endif
-    " There are a variety of commands which do not change the
-    " registers, so these operators should be ignored when
-    " determining which operations to record
-    " Simple example is '=' which simply formats the
-    " the selected text.
-    if ' \('.escape(join(split(g:yankring_ignore_operator), '\|'), '/.*~$^[]' ).'\) ' !~ escape(v:operator, '/.*~$^[]')
-        " Check if we are performing an action that will
-        " take us into insert mode
-        if '[cCsS]' !~ escape(v:operator, '/.*~$^[]') && a:motion !~ '@'
-        " if '[cCsS]' !~ escape(v:operator, '/.*~$^[]')
-            " If we have not entered insert mode, feed the call
-            " to record the current change when the function ends.
-            " This is necessary since omaps do not update registers
-            " until the function completes.
-            " The InsertLeave event will handle the motions
-            " that place us in insert mode and record the
-            " changes when insert mode ends.
-            " let cmds .= a:sid. "yrrecord ".a:motion
-            let cmds .= a:sid. "yrrecord"
-        endif
-    endif
-    " This will not work since we are already executing an expression
-    " if a:motion =~ '@'
-    "     let cmds = 'normal! ' . cmds
-    " endif
-    " YRRecord3() will use this value to determine what operation
-    " the user just initiated.
-    let s:yr_last_motion = cmds
-    " echomsg "YRMapsE 5:".a:motion.":'".cmds."':".s:yr_maps_created_zap
-    return cmds
-" Handle macros (@).
-" This routine is not used, YRMapsExpression is used to
-" handle the @ symbol.
-function! s:YRMapsMacro(bang, ...)
-    " If we are repeating a series of commands we must
-    " unmap the _zap_ keys so that the user is not
-    " prompted when a command is replayed.
-    " These maps must be re-instated in YRRecord3()
-    " after the action of the replay is completed.
-    call s:YRMapsDelete('remove_only_zap_keys')
-    " let zapto = (a:0==0 ? "" : s:YRGetChar())
-    let zapto = s:YRGetChar()
-    if zapto == "\<C-C>"
-        " Abort if the user hits Control C
-        call s:YRWarningMsg( "YR:Aborting macro" )
-        return ""
-    endif
-    let v_count    = v:count
-    " If no count was specified it will have a value of 0
-    " so set it to at least 1
-    let v_count = ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):'')
-    " let range = ''
-    " if a:firstline != a:lastline
-    "     let rannge = a:firstline.','.a:lastline
-    " endif
-    " let cmd = range."normal! ".v_count.'@'.zapto
-    let cmd = "normal! ".v_count.'@'.zapto
-    " DEBUG
-    " echomsg cmd
-    exec cmd
-    call s:YRMapsCreate('add_only_zap_keys')
-" Create the default maps
-function! s:YRMapsCreate(...)
-    " 7.1.patch205 introduces the v:operator function which was
-    " essential to gain the omap support.
-    if s:yr_has_voperator == 1
-        let s:yr_remove_omap_dot   = 1
-        for key in split(g:yankring_zap_keys)
-            try
-                if key != '@'
-                    exec 'omap <expr>' key 'YRMapsExpression("<SID>", "'. key. '", 1)'
-                endif
-            catch
-            endtry
-        endfor
-    endif
-    " silent! nmap <expr> @ YRMapsExpression("<SID>", "@", "1")
-    silent! nmap @ :<C-U>YRMapsMacro<CR>
-    let s:yr_maps_created_zap = 1
-    if a:0 > 0
-        " We have only removed the _zap_ keys temporarily
-        " so abandon further changes.
-        return
-    endif
-    " 7.1.patch205 introduces the v:operator function which was essential
-    " to gain the omap support.
-    if s:yr_has_voperator == 1
-        let s:yr_remove_omap_dot   = 1
-        " Set option to add and remove _zap_ keys when
-        " repeating commands
-        let o_maps = split(g:yankring_o_keys)
-        " Loop through and prompt the user for all buffer connection parameters.
-        for key in o_maps
-            exec 'omap <expr>' key 'YRMapsExpression("<SID>", "'. escape(key,'\"'). '")'
-        endfor
-    endif
-    " Iterate through a space separated list of mappings and create
-    " calls to the YRYankCount function
-    let n_maps = split(g:yankring_n_keys)
-    " Loop through and prompt the user for all buffer connection parameters.
-    for key in n_maps
-        " exec 'nnoremap <silent>'.key." :<C-U>YRYankCount '".key."'<CR>"
-        " exec 'nnoremap <silent>'.key." :<C-U>YRYankCount '".key."'<CR>"
-        " Andy Wokula's suggestion
-        exec 'nmap' key key."<SID>yrrecord"
-    endfor
-    if g:yankring_map_dot == 1
-        if s:yr_has_voperator == 1
-            nmap <expr> . YRMapsExpression("<SID>", ".")
-        else
-            nnoremap <silent> . :<C-U>YRYankCount '.'<CR>
-        endif
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_v_key != ''
-        exec 'xnoremap <silent>'.g:yankring_v_key." :YRYankRange 'v'<CR>"
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_del_v_key != ''
-        for v_map in split(g:yankring_del_v_key)
-            if strlen(v_map) > 0
-                try
-                    exec 'xnoremap <silent>'.v_map." :YRDeleteRange 'v'<CR>"
-                catch
-                endtry
-            endif
-        endfor
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_paste_n_bkey != ''
-        exec 'nnoremap <silent>'.g:yankring_paste_n_bkey." :<C-U>YRPaste 'P'<CR>"
-        if g:yankring_paste_using_g == 1
-            exec 'nnoremap <silent> g'.g:yankring_paste_n_bkey." :<C-U>YRPaste 'gP'<CR>"
-        endif
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_paste_n_akey != ''
-        exec 'nnoremap <silent>'.g:yankring_paste_n_akey." :<C-U>YRPaste 'p'<CR>"
-        if g:yankring_paste_using_g == 1
-            exec 'nnoremap <silent> g'.g:yankring_paste_n_akey." :<C-U>YRPaste 'gp'<CR>"
-        endif
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_paste_v_bkey != ''
-        exec 'xnoremap <silent>'.g:yankring_paste_v_bkey." :<C-U>YRPaste 'P', 'v'<CR>"
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_paste_v_akey != ''
-        exec 'xnoremap <silent>'.g:yankring_paste_v_akey." :<C-U>YRPaste 'p', 'v'<CR>"
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_replace_n_pkey != ''
-        exec 'nnoremap <silent>'.g:yankring_replace_n_pkey." :<C-U>YRReplace '-1', 'P'<CR>"
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_replace_n_nkey != ''
-        exec 'nnoremap <silent>'.g:yankring_replace_n_nkey." :<C-U>YRReplace '1', 'p'<CR>"
-    endif
-    let g:yankring_enabled    = 1
-    let s:yr_maps_created     = 1
-    if exists('*YRRunAfterMaps')
-        " This will allow you to override the default maps if necessary
-        call YRRunAfterMaps()
-    endif
-" Create the default maps
-function! s:YRMapsDelete(...)
-    let o_maps = split(g:yankring_zap_keys)
-    for key in o_maps
-        try
-            " Why not remove the @ map?
-            if key != '@'
-                silent! exec 'ounmap' key
-            endif
-        catch
-        endtry
-    endfor
-    let s:yr_maps_created_zap = 0
-    if a:0 > 0
-        " We have only removed the _zap_ keys temporarily
-        " so abandon further changes.
-        return
-    endif
-    " Iterate through a space separated list of mappings and create
-    " calls to an appropriate YankRing function
-    let n_maps = split(g:yankring_n_keys)
-    " Loop through and prompt the user for all buffer connection parameters.
-    for key in n_maps
-        try
-            silent! exec 'nunmap' key
-        catch
-        endtry
-    endfor
-    let o_maps = split(g:yankring_o_keys)
-    for key in o_maps
-        try
-            silent! exec 'ounmap' key
-        catch
-        endtry
-    endfor
-    if g:yankring_map_dot == 1
-        silent! exec "nunmap ."
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_v_key != ''
-        silent! exec 'vunmap '.g:yankring_v_key
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_del_v_key != ''
-        for v_map in split(g:yankring_del_v_key)
-            if strlen(v_map) > 0
-                try
-                    silent! exec 'vunmap '.v_map
-                catch
-                endtry
-            endif
-        endfor
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_paste_n_bkey != ''
-        silent! exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_paste_n_bkey
-        if g:yankring_paste_using_g == 1
-            silent! exec 'nunmap g'.g:yankring_paste_n_bkey
-        endif
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_paste_n_akey != ''
-        silent! exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_paste_n_akey
-        if g:yankring_paste_using_g == 1
-            silent! exec 'nunmap g'.g:yankring_paste_n_akey
-        endif
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_paste_v_bkey != ''
-        silent! exec 'vunmap '.g:yankring_paste_v_bkey
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_paste_v_akey != ''
-        silent! exec 'vunmap '.g:yankring_paste_v_akey
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_replace_n_pkey != ''
-        silent! exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_replace_n_pkey
-    endif
-    if g:yankring_replace_n_nkey != ''
-        silent! exec 'nunmap '.g:yankring_replace_n_nkey
-    endif
-    " silent! exec 'nunmap @'
-    let g:yankring_enabled    = 0
-    let s:yr_maps_created     = 0
-function! s:YRGetValElemNbr( position, type )
-    let needed_elem = a:position
-    " The List which contains the items in the yankring
-    " history is also ordered, most recent at the top
-    let elem = s:YRMRUGet('s:yr_history_list', needed_elem)
-    if a:type == 't'
-        let elem = matchstr(elem, '^.*,\zs.*$')
-    else
-        let elem = matchstr(elem, '^.*\ze,.*$')
-        if s:yr_history_version == 'v1'
-            " Match three @@@ in a row as long as it is not
-            " preceeded by a @@@
-            " v1
-            let elem = substitute(elem, s:yr_history_v1_nl_pat, "\n", 'g')
-            let elem = substitute(elem, '\\@', '@', 'g')
-        else
-            let elem = substitute(elem, s:yr_history_v2_nl_pat, "\n", 'g')
-        endif
-    endif
-    return elem
-function! s:YRMRUReset( mru_list )
-    let {a:mru_list} = []
-    return 1
-function! s:YRMRUSize( mru_list )
-    return len({a:mru_list})
-function! s:YRMRUElemFormat( element, element_type )
-    let elem    = a:element
-    if g:yankring_max_element_length != 0
-        let elem    = strpart(a:element, 0, g:yankring_max_element_length)
-        if (g:yankring_warn_on_truncate > 0)
-            let bytes = len (a:element) - len(elem)
-            if (bytes > 0)
-                call s:YRWarningMsg("Yankring truncated its element by ".
-                                        \ bytes.
-                                        \ " bytes due to a g:yankring_max_element_length of ".
-                                        \ g:yankring_max_element_length
-                                        \ )
-            endif
-        endif
-    endif
-    if s:yr_history_version == 'v1'
-        let elem    = escape(elem, '@')
-        let elem    = substitute(elem, "\n", s:yr_history_v1_nl, 'g')
-    else
-        let elem    = substitute(elem, "\n", s:yr_history_v2_nl, 'g')
-    endif
-    " Append the regtype to the end so we have it available
-    let elem    = elem.",".a:element_type
-    return elem
-function! s:YRMRUHas( mru_list, find_str )
-    " This function will find a string and return the element #
-    let find_idx = index({a:mru_list}, a:find_str)
-    return find_idx
-function! s:YRMRUGet( mru_list, position )
-    " This function will return the value of the item at a:position
-    " Find the value of one element
-    let value = get({a:mru_list}, a:position, -2)
-    return value
-function! s:YRMRUAdd( mru_list, element, element_type )
-    " Only add new items if they do not already exist in the MRU.
-    " If the item is found, move it to the start of the MRU.
-    let found   = -1
-    " let elem    = a:element
-    " if g:yankring_max_element_length != 0
-    "     let elem    = strpart(a:element, 0, g:yankring_max_element_length)
-    " endif
-    " if s:yr_history_version == 'v1'
-    "     let elem    = escape(elem, '@')
-    "     let elem    = substitute(elem, "\n", s:yr_history_v1_nl, 'g')
-    " else
-    "     let elem    = substitute(elem, "\n", s:yr_history_v2_nl, 'g')
-    " endif
-    " " Append the regtype to the end so we have it available
-    " let elem    = elem.",".a:element_type
-    if strlen(a:element) < g:yankring_min_element_length
-        return 1
-    endif
-    let elem = s:YRMRUElemFormat(a:element, a:element_type)
-    " Refresh the List
-    call s:YRHistoryRead()
-    let found   = s:YRMRUHas(a:mru_list, elem)
-    " Special case for efficiency, if it is first item in the
-    " List, do nothing
-    if found != 0
-        if found != -1
-            " Remove found item since we will add it to the top
-            call remove({a:mru_list}, found)
-        endif
-        call insert({a:mru_list}, elem, 0)
-        call s:YRHistorySave()
-    endif
-    return 1
-function! s:YRMRUDel( mru_list, elem_nbr )
-    if a:elem_nbr >= 0 && a:elem_nbr < s:yr_count
-        call remove({a:mru_list}, a:elem_nbr)
-        call s:YRHistorySave()
-    endif
-    return 1
-function! s:YRHistoryDelete()
-    let s:yr_history_list = []
-    let yr_filename       = s:yr_history_file_{s:yr_history_version}
-    if filereadable(yr_filename)
-        let rc = delete(yr_filename)
-        if rc != 0
-            call s:YRErrorMsg(
-                        \ 'YRHistoryDelete: Unable to delete the yankring history file: '.
-                        \ yr_filename
-                        \ )
-        endif
-    endif
-    return 0
-function! s:YRHistoryRead()
-    let refresh_needed  = 1
-    let yr_history_list = []
-    let yr_filename     = s:yr_history_file_{s:yr_history_version}
-    if filereadable(yr_filename)
-        let last_upd = getftime(yr_filename)
-        if s:yr_history_last_upd != 0 && last_upd <= s:yr_history_last_upd
-            let refresh_needed = 0
-        endif
-        if refresh_needed == 1
-            let s:yr_history_list = readfile(yr_filename)
-            let s:yr_history_last_upd = last_upd
-            let s:yr_count = len(s:yr_history_list)
-            return
-        else
-            return
-        endif
-    else
-        if s:yr_history_version == 'v2'
-            " Check to see if an upgrade is required
-            " else, let the empty yr_history_list be returned.
-            if filereadable(s:yr_history_file_v1)
-                " Perform upgrade to v2 of the history file
-                call s:YRHistoryUpgrade('v1')
-                return
-            endif
-        endif
-    endif
-    let s:yr_history_list = yr_history_list
-    call s:YRHistorySave()
-function! s:YRHistorySave()
-    let yr_filename     = s:yr_history_file_{s:yr_history_version}
-    if len(s:yr_history_list) > g:yankring_max_history
-        " Remove items which exceed the max # specified
-        call remove(s:yr_history_list, g:yankring_max_history)
-    endif
-    let rc = writefile(s:yr_history_list, yr_filename)
-    if rc == 0
-        let s:yr_history_last_upd = getftime(yr_filename)
-        let s:yr_count = len(s:yr_history_list)
-    else
-        call s:YRErrorMsg(
-                    \ 'YRHistorySave: Unable to save yankring history file: '.
-                    \ yr_filename
-                    \ )
-    endif
-function! s:YRHistoryUpgrade(version)
-    if a:version == 'v1'
-        if filereadable(s:yr_history_file_v1)
-            let v1_list = readfile(s:yr_history_file_v1)
-            let v2_list = []
-            for elem in v1_list
-                " Restore from version 1
-                let elem = substitute(elem, s:yr_history_v1_nl_pat, "\n", 'g')
-                let elem = substitute(elem, '\\@', '@', 'g')
-                " Encode to version 2
-                let elem = substitute(elem, "\n", s:yr_history_v2_nl, 'g')
-                call add(v2_list, elem)
-            endfor
-            let s:yr_history_list = v2_list
-            call s:YRHistorySave()
-            call s:YRWarningMsg(
-                        \ "YR:History file:".
-                        \ s:yr_history_file_v1.
-                        \ ' has been upgraded.'
-                        \ )
-        endif
-    endif
-" YRWindowUpdate
-" Checks if the yankring window is already open.
-" If it is, it will refresh it.
-function! s:YRWindowUpdate()
-    let orig_win_bufnr = bufwinnr('%')
-    " Switch to the yankring buffer
-    " only if it is already visible
-    if bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_id) != -1
-        call s:YRShow(0)
-        " Switch back to the original buffer
-        exec orig_win_bufnr . "wincmd w"
-    endif
-" YRWindowStatus
-" Displays a brief command list and option settings.
-" It also will toggle the Help text.
-function! s:YRWindowStatus(show_help)
-    let full_help      = 0
-    let orig_win_bufnr = bufwinnr('%')
-    let yr_win_bufnr   = bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_id)
-    if yr_win_bufnr == -1
-        " Do not update the window status since the
-        " yankring is not currently displayed.
-        return ""
-    endif
-    " Switch to the yankring buffer
-    if orig_win_bufnr != yr_win_bufnr
-        " If the buffer is visible, switch to it
-        exec yr_win_bufnr . "wincmd w"
-    endif
-    let msg = 'AutoClose='.g:yankring_window_auto_close.
-                \ ';ClipboardMonitor='.g:yankring_clipboard_monitor.
-                \ ';Cmds:<enter>,[g]p,[g]P,1-9,d,r,s,a,c,u,R,q,<space>;Help=?'.
-                \ (s:yr_search==""?"":';SearchRegEx='.s:yr_search)
-    if s:yr_has_voperator == 0
-        let msg = msg . "\nYankRing has limited functionality without Vim 7.2 or higher"
-    endif
-    " Toggle help by checking the first line of the buffer
-    if a:show_help == 1 && getline(1) !~ 'selection'
-        let full_help = 1
-        let msg =
-                    \ '" <enter>      : [p]aste selection'."\n".
-                    \ '" double-click : [p]aste selection'."\n".
-                    \ '" [g]p         : [g][p]aste selection'."\n".
-                    \ '" [g]P         : [g][P]aste selection'."\n".
-                    \ '" 1-9          : Paste # entry from the YankRing (shortcut for speed)'."\n".
-                    \ '" d            : [d]elete item from the YankRing'."\n".
-                    \ '" r            : [p]aste selection in reverse order'."\n".
-                    \ '" s            : [s]earch the yankring for text'."\n".
-                    \ '" u            : [u]pdate display show YankRing'."\n".
-                    \ '" R            : [R]egisters display'."\n".
-                    \ '" a            : toggle [a]utoclose setting'."\n".
-                    \ '" c            : toggle [c]lipboard monitor setting'."\n".
-                    \ '" q            : [q]uit / close the yankring window'."\n".
-                    \ '" ?            : Remove help text'."\n".
-                    \ '" <space>      : toggles the width of the window'."\n".
-                    \ '" Visual mode is supported for above commands'."\n".
-                    \ '" YankRing Version: '.g:loaded_yankring."\n".
-                    \ msg
-    endif
-    let saveMod = &modifiable
-    " Go to the top of the buffer and remove any previous status
-    " Use the blackhole register so it does not affect the yankring
-    setlocal modifiable
-    exec 0
-    silent! exec 'norm! "_d/^---'."\n"
-    call histdel("search", -1)
-    silent! 0put =msg
-    " Erase it's contents to the blackhole
-    silent! exec '%g/^\s*$/delete _'
-    call histdel("search", -1)
-    call cursor(1,1)
-    if full_help == 0
-        call search('^\d', 'W')
-    endif
-    let &modifiable = saveMod
-    if orig_win_bufnr != s:yr_buffer_id
-        exec orig_win_bufnr . "wincmd w"
-    endif
-" YRWindowOpen
-" Display the Most Recently Used file list in a temporary window.
-function! s:YRWindowOpen(results)
-    " Setup the cpoptions properly for the maps to work
-    " and to not set the alternate buffer
-    let old_cpoptions = &cpoptions
-    set cpoptions&vim
-    set cpoptions-=a
-    set cpoptions-=A
-    " Save the current buffer number. The yankring will switch back to
-    " this buffer when an action is taken.
-    let s:yr_buffer_last       = bufnr('%')
-    let s:yr_buffer_last_winnr = winnr()
-    if bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_id) == -1
-        if g:yankring_window_use_horiz == 1
-            if g:yankring_window_use_bottom == 1
-                let location = 'botright'
-            else
-                let location = 'topleft'
-                " Creating the new window will offset all other
-                " window numbers.  Account for that so we switch
-                " back to the correct window.
-                let s:yr_buffer_last_winnr = s:yr_buffer_last_winnr + 1
-            endif
-            let win_size = g:yankring_window_height
-        else
-            " Open a horizontally split window. Increase the window size, if
-            " needed, to accomodate the new window
-            if g:yankring_window_width &&
-                        \ &columns < (80 + g:yankring_window_width)
-                " one extra column is needed to include the vertical split
-                let &columns             = &columns + g:yankring_window_width + 1
-                let s:yr_winsize_chgd = 1
-            else
-                let s:yr_winsize_chgd = 0
-            endif
-            if g:yankring_window_use_right == 1
-                " Open the window at the rightmost place
-                let location = 'botright vertical'
-            else
-                " Open the window at the leftmost place
-                let location = 'topleft vertical'
-                " Creating the new window will offset all other
-                " window numbers.  Account for that so we switch
-                " back to the correct window.
-                let s:yr_buffer_last_winnr = s:yr_buffer_last_winnr + 1
-            endif
-            let win_size = g:yankring_window_width
-        endif
-        " Special consideration was involved with these sequence
-        " of commands.
-        "     First, split the current buffer.
-        "     Second, edit a new file.
-        "     Third record the buffer number.
-        " If a different sequence is followed when the yankring
-        " buffer is closed, Vim's alternate buffer is the yanking
-        " instead of the original buffer before the yankring
-        " was shown.
-        let cmd_mod = ''
-        if v:version >= 700
-            let cmd_mod = 'keepalt '
-        endif
-        exec 'silent! ' . cmd_mod . location . ' ' . win_size . 'split '
-        " Using :e and hide prevents the alternate buffer
-        " from being changed.
-        exec ":e " . escape(s:yr_buffer_name, ' ')
-        " Save buffer id
-        let s:yr_buffer_id = bufnr('%') + 0
-    else
-        " If the buffer is visible, switch to it
-        exec bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_id) . "wincmd w"
-    endif
-    " Perform a double check to ensure we have entered the correct
-    " buffer since we don't want to do the %d_ in the wrong buffer!
-    if (bufnr('%') + 0) != s:yr_buffer_id
-        call s:YRWarningMsg(
-                    \ "YR:Failed to change to the yankring buffer, please contact author id:".
-                    \ s:yr_buffer_id.
-                    \ ' last:'.s:yr_buffer_last
-                    \ )
-        return -1
-    endif
-    " Mark the buffer as scratch
-    setlocal buftype=nofile
-    setlocal bufhidden=hide
-    setlocal noswapfile
-    setlocal nowrap
-    setlocal nonumber
-    setlocal nobuflisted
-    setlocal noreadonly
-    setlocal nospell
-    setlocal modifiable
-    " set up syntax highlighting
-    syn match yankringTitle #^--- YankRing ---$#hs=s+4,he=e-4
-    syn match yankringHeaders #^Elem  Content$#
-    syn match yankringItemNumber #^\d\+#
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*<enter>#hs=e-6
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*\[g\]p#hs=e-3 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*\[p\]P#hs=e-3 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*,d,#hs=e-1,he=e-1 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*,r,#hs=e-1,he=e-1 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*,s,#hs=e-1,he=e-1 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*,a,#hs=e-1,he=e-1 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*,c,#hs=e-1,he=e-1 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*,u,#hs=e-1,he=e-1 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*,q,#hs=e-1,he=e-1 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*<space>#hs=e-6 contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^AutoClose.*?$#hs=e contains=yankringKey
-    syn match yankringKey #^".*:#hs=s+1,he=e-1
-    syn match yankringHelp #^".*$# contains=yankringKey
-    hi link yankringTitle directory
-    hi link yankringHeaders keyword
-    hi link yankringItemNumber constant
-    hi link yankringKey identifier
-    hi link yankringHelp string
-    " Clear all existing maps for this buffer
-    " We should do this for all maps, but I am not sure how to do
-    " this for this buffer/window only without affecting all the
-    " other buffers.
-    mapclear <buffer>
-    " Create a mapping to act upon the yankring
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-LeftMouse> :call <SID>YRWindowActionN('p'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR>          :call <SID>YRWindowActionN('p'   , 'n')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR>          :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('p'   , 'v')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> p             :call <SID>YRWindowActionN('p'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [p            :call <SID>YRWindowActionN('[p'  , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]p            :call <SID>YRWindowActionN(']p'  , 'n')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> p             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('p'   , 'v')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> [p            :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('[p'  , 'v')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]p            :call <SID>YRWindowAction (']p'  , 'v')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> P             :call <SID>YRWindowActionN('P'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [P            :call <SID>YRWindowActionN('[P'  , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]P            :call <SID>YRWindowActionN(']P'  , 'n')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> P             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('P'   , 'v')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> [P            :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('[P'  , 'v')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]P            :call <SID>YRWindowAction (']P'  , 'v')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gp            :call <SID>YRWindowActionN('gp'  , 'n')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> gp            :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('gp'  , 'v')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gP            :call <SID>YRWindowActionN('gP'  , 'n')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> gP            :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('gP'  , 'v')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> d             :call <SID>YRWindowActionN('d'   , 'n')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> d             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('d'   , 'v')<CR>
-    xnoremap <buffer> <silent> r             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('r'   , 'v')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> s             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('s'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> a             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('a'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> c             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('c'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ?             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('?'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> u             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('u'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> R             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('R'   , 'n')<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> 1             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>:call <SID>YRGetElem(1)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> 2             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>:call <SID>YRGetElem(2)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> 3             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>:call <SID>YRGetElem(3)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> 4             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>:call <SID>YRGetElem(4)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> 5             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>:call <SID>YRGetElem(5)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> 6             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>:call <SID>YRGetElem(6)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> 7             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>:call <SID>YRGetElem(7)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> 8             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>:call <SID>YRGetElem(8)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> 9             :call <SID>YRWindowAction ('q' ,'n')<CR>:call <SID>YRGetElem(9)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <space>     \|:silent exec 'vertical resize '.
-                \ (
-                \ g:yankring_window_use_horiz!=1 && winwidth('.') > g:yankring_window_width
-                \ ?(g:yankring_window_width)
-                \ :(winwidth('.') + g:yankring_window_increment)
-                \ )<CR>
-    " Erase it's contents to the blackhole
-    silent! exec '%delete _'
-    " Display the status line / help
-    call s:YRWindowStatus(0)
-    exec 'normal! G'
-    " Display the contents of the yankring
-    silent! put =a:results
-    if getline('$') == ''
-        " Erase last blank line
-        silent! exec '$delete _'
-    endif
-    " Move the cursor to the first line with an element
-    exec 0
-    call search('^\d','W')
-    setlocal nomodifiable
-    "
-    " Restore the previous cpoptions settings
-    let &cpoptions = old_cpoptions
-function! s:YRWindowActionN(op, cmd_mode)
-    let v_count    = v:count
-    " If no count was specified it will have a value of 0
-    " so set it to at least 1
-    let v_count = ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):1)
-    if v_count > 1
-        if !exists("b:yankring_show_range_error")
-            let b:yankring_show_range_error = v_count
-        else
-            let b:yankring_show_range_error = b:yankring_show_range_error - 1
-        endif
-        if b:yankring_show_range_error == 1
-            call s:YRWarningMsg("YR:Use visual mode if you need to specify a count")
-            unlet b:yankring_show_range_error
-        endif
-        return
-    endif
-    call s:YRWindowAction(a:op, a:cmd_mode)
-    let v_count = v_count - 1
-    if g:yankring_window_auto_close == 1 && v_count == 0 && a:op != 'd'
-        " If autoclose is set close the window unless
-        " you are removing items from the YankRing
-        exec 'bdelete '.s:yr_buffer_id
-        return ""
-    endif
-    return ""
-function! s:YRWindowAction(op, cmd_mode) range
-    let default_buffer = ((&clipboard=~'\<unnamed\>')?'*':((&clipboard=~'\<unnamedplus\>' && has('unnamedplus'))?'+':'"'))
-    let opcode     = a:op
-    let lines      = []
-    let v_count    = v:count
-    let cmd_mode   = a:cmd_mode
-    let firstline  = a:firstline
-    let lastline   = a:lastline
-    if a:lastline < a:firstline
-        let firstline = a:lastline
-        let lastline  = a:firstline
-    endif
-    if cmd_mode == 'n'
-        let v_count = 1
-        " If a count was provided (5p), we want to repeat the paste
-        " 5 times, but this also alters the a:firstline and a:lastline
-        " ranges, which while in normal mode we do not want
-        let lastline = firstline
-    endif
-    " If no count was specified it will have a value of 0
-    " so set it to at least 1
-    let v_count = ((v_count > 0)?(v_count):1)
-    if '[dr]' =~ opcode
-        " Reverse the order of the lines to act on
-        let begin = lastline
-        while begin >= firstline
-            call add(lines, getline(begin))
-            let begin = begin - 1
-        endwhile
-    else
-        " Process the selected items in order
-        let begin = firstline
-        while begin <= lastline
-            call add(lines, getline(begin))
-            let begin = begin + 1
-        endwhile
-    endif
-    if opcode ==# 'q'
-        " Close the yankring window
-        if s:yr_winsize_chgd == 1
-            " Adjust the Vim window width back to the width
-            " it was before we showed the yankring window
-            let &columns= &columns - (g:yankring_window_width)
-        endif
-        " Hide the YankRing window
-        hide
-        if bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_last) != -1
-            " If the buffer is visible, switch to it
-            exec s:yr_buffer_last_winnr . "wincmd w"
-        endif
-        return
-    elseif opcode ==# 's'
-        " Switch back to the original buffer
-        exec s:yr_buffer_last_winnr . "wincmd w"
-        call s:YRSearch()
-        return
-    elseif opcode ==# 'u'
-        " Switch back to the original buffer
-        exec s:yr_buffer_last_winnr . "wincmd w"
-        call s:YRShow(0)
-        return
-    elseif opcode ==# 'R'
-        " Switch back to the original buffer
-        exec s:yr_buffer_last_winnr . "wincmd w"
-        call s:YRShow(0, 'R')
-        return
-    elseif opcode ==# 'a'
-        let l:curr_line = line(".")
-        " Toggle the auto close setting
-        let g:yankring_window_auto_close =
-                    \ (g:yankring_window_auto_close == 1?0:1)
-        " Display the status line / help
-        call s:YRWindowStatus(0)
-        call cursor(l:curr_line,0)
-        return
-    elseif opcode ==# 'c'
-        let l:curr_line = line(".")
-        " Toggle the clipboard monitor setting
-        let g:yankring_clipboard_monitor =
-                    \ (g:yankring_clipboard_monitor == 1?0:1)
-        " Display the status line / help
-        call s:YRWindowStatus(0)
-        call cursor(l:curr_line,0)
-        return
-    elseif opcode ==# '?'
-        " Display the status line / help
-        call s:YRWindowStatus(1)
-        return
-    endif
-    " Switch back to the original buffer
-    exec s:yr_buffer_last_winnr . "wincmd w"
-    " Intentional case insensitive comparision
-    if opcode =~? 'p'
-        let cmd   = 'YRGetElem '
-        let parms = ", '".opcode."' "
-    elseif opcode ==? 'r'
-        let opcode = 'p'
-        let cmd    = 'YRGetElem '
-        let parms  = ", 'p' "
-    elseif opcode ==# 'd'
-        let cmd   = 'YRPop '
-        let parms = ""
-    endif
-    " Only execute this code if we are operating on elements
-    " within the yankring
-    if '[auq?]' !~# opcode
-        while v_count > 0
-            " let iter  = 0
-            " let index = 0
-            for line in lines
-                let elem = matchstr(line, '^\d\+')
-                if elem > 0
-                    if elem > 0 && elem <= s:yr_count
-                        " if iter > 0 && opcode =~# 'p'
-                        if opcode =~# 'p'
-                            " Move to the end of the last pasted item
-                            " only if pasting after (not above)
-                            " ']
-                        endif
-                        exec cmd . elem . parms
-                        " let iter += 1
-                    endif
-                endif
-            endfor
-            let v_count = v_count - 1
-        endwhile
-        if opcode ==# 'd'
-            call s:YRShow(0)
-            " Return the user to their last known position, assuming
-            " it is still available after the delete
-            if firstline < line("$")
-                call cursor(firstline,0)
-            else
-                call cursor(line("$"),0)
-            endif
-            return ""
-        endif
-        if g:yankring_window_auto_close == 1 && cmd_mode == 'v'
-            exec 'bdelete '.s:yr_buffer_id
-            return ""
-        endif
-    endif
-    return ""
-function! s:YRWarningMsg(msg)
-    echohl WarningMsg
-    echomsg a:msg
-    echohl None
-function! s:YRErrorMsg(msg)
-    echohl ErrorMsg
-    echomsg a:msg
-    echohl None
-function! s:YRWinLeave()
-    " Track which window we are last in.  We will use this information
-    " to determine where we need to paste any contents, or which
-    " buffer to return to.
-    if s:yr_buffer_id < 0
-        " The yankring window has never been activated
-        return
-    endif
-    if winbufnr(winnr()) == s:yr_buffer_id
-        " Ignore leaving the yankring window
-        return
-    endif
-    if bufwinnr(s:yr_buffer_id) != -1
-        " YankRing window is visible, so save off the previous buffer ids
-        let s:yr_buffer_last_winnr = winnr()
-        let s:yr_buffer_last       = winbufnr(s:yr_buffer_last_winnr)
-    " else
-    "     let s:yr_buffer_last_winnr = -1
-    "     let s:yr_buffer_last       = -1
-    endif
-function! s:YRFocusGained()
-    " FocusGained is not available in general by console vim.
-    " There are some terminal windows which support it though.
-    " This thread on vim_use covers some of it:
-    "     http://groups.google.com/group/vim_use/browse_thread/thread/8dd3fb054ee922c6/59bee226473a9eea?lnk=gst&q=console+FocusGained#59bee226473a9eea
-    "     http://groups.google.com/group/vim_dev/browse_thread/thread/ba58fb493a3cf4ba/dc1a22ba1e92579d?lnk=gst&q=terminal+FocusGained#dc1a22ba1e92579d
-    " Does not work:
-    "     urxvt terminal
-    " Works:
-    "     GTK2 GUI, on Fedora 11, both as gvim and as vim in a GNOME Terminal
-    "
-    " Simple test, create the following autocmd and gain and loose focus in
-    " the terminal:
-    "     autocmd FocusLost * echomsg "focus lost"
-    "     autocmd FocusGained * echomsg "focus gained"
-    call s:YRCheckClipboard()
-    " If the yankring window is open, refresh it
-    call s:YRWindowUpdate()
-function! s:YRCheckClipboard()
-    if g:yankring_clipboard_monitor == 1
-        " If the clipboard has changed record it inside the yankring
-        " echomsg "YRCheckClipboard[".len(@*)."][".@*.']['.s:yr_prev_clipboard_star.']'
-        if has('unnamedplus') && &clipboard =~ '\<unnamedplus\>'
-            if len(@+) > 0 && @+ != s:yr_prev_clipboard_plus
-                let elem    = s:YRMRUElemFormat(
-                            \   getreg('+')
-                            \ , getregtype('+')
-                            \ )
-                let found   = s:YRMRUHas('s:yr_history_list', elem)
-                " Only add the item to the "top" of the ring if it is
-                " not in the ring already.
-                if found == -1
-                    call YRRecord3("+")
-                endif
-                let s:yr_prev_clipboard_plus = @+
-            endif
-        else
-            if len(@*) > 0 && @* != s:yr_prev_clipboard_star
-                let elem    = s:YRMRUElemFormat(
-                            \   getreg('*')
-                            \ , getregtype('*')
-                            \ )
-                let found   = s:YRMRUHas('s:yr_history_list', elem)
-                " Only add the item to the "top" of the ring if it is
-                " not in the ring already.
-                if found == -1
-                    call YRRecord3("*")
-                endif
-                let s:yr_prev_clipboard_star = @*
-            endif
-        endif
-    endif
-function! s:YRInsertLeave()
-    " The YankRing uses omaps to execute the prescribed motion
-    " and then appends to the motion a call to a YankRing
-    " function to record the contents of the changed register.
-    "
-    " We cannot append a function call to the end of a motion
-    " that results in Insert mode.  For example, any command
-    " like 'cw' enters insert mode.  Appending a function call
-    " after the w, simply writes out the call as if the user
-    " typed it.
-    "
-    " Using the InsertLeave event, allows us to capture the
-    " contents of any changed register after it completes.
-    call YRRecord(s:YRRegister())
-    " When performing a change (not a yank or delete)
-    " it is not possible to call <SID>yrrecord at the end
-    " of the command (or it's contents will be inserted
-    " into the buffer instead of executed).
-    " So, when using ".", we have to remove the _zap_
-    " keys and then re-add them back again after we
-    " record the updates.
-    if s:yr_remove_omap_dot == 1
-        call s:YRMapsCreate('add_only_zap_keys')
-    endif
-" Deleting autocommands first is a good idea especially if we want to reload
-" the script without restarting vim.
-" Call YRFocusGained to check if the clipboard has been updated
-augroup YankRing
-    autocmd!
-    autocmd VimEnter    * :if has('clipboard') | call <SID>YRFocusGained() | endif
-    autocmd WinLeave    * :call <SID>YRWinLeave()
-    autocmd FocusGained * :if has('clipboard') | call <SID>YRFocusGained() | endif
-    autocmd InsertLeave * :call <SID>YRInsertLeave()
-    autocmd User        YRSetNumberedReg :call <SID>YRSetNumberedReg()
-    " autocmd User        YRSetNumberedReg :let i = 0 | while i <= 10 | if i > s:yr_count | break | endif | call setreg( (i), s:YRGetValElemNbr((i),'v'), s:YRGetValElemNbr((i),'t') ) | let i += 1 | endwhile
-augroup END
-" copy register
-inoremap <script> <SID>YRGetChar <c-r>=YRGetChar()<CR>
-" inoremap <script> <SID>YRGetSearch <c-r>=YRGetSearch()<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <SID>yrrecord :call YRRecord3()<cr>
-inoremap <silent> <SID>yrrecord <C-R>=YRRecord3()<cr>
-" Public commands
-command!                           YRClear          call s:YRClear()
-command!                  -nargs=0 YRMapsCreate     call s:YRMapsCreate()
-command!                  -nargs=0 YRMapsDelete     call s:YRMapsDelete()
-command! -range -bang     -nargs=? YRDeleteRange    <line1>,<line2>call s:YRYankRange(<bang>1, <args>)
-command!                  -nargs=* YRGetElem        call s:YRGetElem(<args>)
-command!        -bang     -nargs=? YRGetMultiple    call s:YRGetMultiple(<bang>0, <args>)
-command! -count -register -nargs=* YRPaste          call s:YRPaste(0,1,<args>)
-command!                  -nargs=? YRPop            <line1>,<line2>call s:YRPop(<args>)
-command!        -register -nargs=? YRPush           call s:YRPush(<args>)
-command!                  -nargs=* YRReplace        call s:YRPaste(1,<f-args>)
-command!                  -nargs=? YRSearch         call s:YRSearch(<q-args>)
-command!                  -nargs=? YRShow           call s:YRShow(<args>)
-command!                  -nargs=? YRToggle         call s:YRToggle(<args>)
-command!                  -nargs=? YRCheckClipboard call s:YRCheckClipboard(<args>)
-command! -count -register -nargs=* YRYankCount      call s:YRYankCount(<args>)
-command! -range -bang     -nargs=? YRYankRange      <line1>,<line2>call s:YRYankRange(<bang>0, <args>)
-command! -count=1 -bang   -nargs=0 YRMapsMacro      call s:YRMapsMacro(<bang>0, <args>)
-" Menus
-" 0: Turns the menu off.
-if has("menu") && g:yankring_default_menu_mode != 0
-    if g:yankring_default_menu_mode == 1
-        " 1: Turns the 'Yankring' menu on with no menu shortcut.
-        let menuRoot = 'YankRing'
-        let menuPriority = ''
-    elseif g:yankring_default_menu_mode == 2
-        " 2: Turns the 'Yankring 'menu on with <alt>-y as the shortcut.
-        let menuRoot = '&YankRing'
-        let menuPriority = ''
-    elseif g:yankring_default_menu_mode == 3
-        " 3: Turns the 'Plugin -> YankRing' menu on with <alt>-y as the shortcut.
-        let menuRoot = exists("g:yankring_menu_root") ? g:yankring_menu_root : '&Plugin.&YankRing'
-        let menuPriority = exists("g:yankring_menu_priority") ? yankring_menu_priority : ''
-    else
-        " 3: Turns the 'Plugin -> YankRing' menu on with <alt>-y as the shortcut.
-        let menuRoot = '&Plugin.&YankRing'
-        let menuPriority = ''
-    endif
-    let leader = '\'
-    if exists('g:mapleader')
-        let leader = g:mapleader
-    endif
-    let leader = escape(leader, '\')
-    exec 'noremenu  <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.YankRing\ Window  :YRShow<CR>'
-    exec 'noremenu  <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.YankRing\ Search  :YRSearch<CR>'
-    exec 'noremenu  <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.Replace\ with\ Previous<TAB>'.leader.g:yankring_replace_n_pkey.' :YRReplace -1, ''P''<CR>'
-    exec 'noremenu  <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.Replace\ with\ Next<TAB>'.leader.g:yankring_replace_n_pkey.' :YRReplace 1, ''P''<CR>'
-    exec 'noremenu  <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.Clear  :YRClear<CR>'
-    exec 'noremenu  <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.Toggle :YRToggle<CR>'
-    exec 'noremenu  <script> '.menuPriority.' '.menuRoot.'.Check\ Clipboard :YRCheckClipboard<CR>'
-if g:yankring_enabled == 1
-    " Create YankRing Maps
-    call s:YRMapsCreate()
-call s:YRInit()
-call s:YRCheckClipboard()
-let &cpo = s:cpo_save
-unlet s:cpo_save
-" vim:fdm=marker:nowrap:ts=4:expandtab: