
Restructure the prompt.  A lot.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 05 Jun 2009 20:07:13 -0400 (2009-06-06)
parents 8a766979b578
children cc98f087d46b
branches/tags (none)
files .bashrc


--- a/.bashrc	Wed Jun 03 23:54:18 2009 -0400
+++ b/.bashrc	Fri Jun 05 20:07:13 2009 -0400
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 alias ls='ls -Goh '
 alias less='less -R '
-alias webf-mysql-tunnel='ssh -NL 3306:sjl.webfactional.com:3306 webf'
 alias hl='less -R'
 alias pm='python manage.py '
 alias tunnel_webf_mysql='ssh -NL 3306/web45.webfaction.com/3306 webf'
@@ -12,34 +11,36 @@
 # Extra shell extensions like j and tab completion for Mercurial -------------
 source ~/lib/j/j.sh
-source ~/lib/hg/hg-tab-completion
+source ~/lib/hg/bash_completion
 source ~/lib/virtualenvwrapper_bashrc
 # Prompt stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------
 hg_dirty() {
     hg status --no-color 2> /dev/null \
-    | awk '$1 == "?" { print "?" } $1 != "?" { print "!" }' \
-    | sort | uniq | head -c1
-hg_in_repo() {
-    [[ `hg branch 2> /dev/null` ]] && echo 'on '
+    | awk '$1 == "?" { unknown = 1 } 
+           $1 != "?" { changed = 1 }
+           END {
+             if (changed) printf "!"
+             else if (unknown) printf "?" 
+           }'
 hg_branch() {
-    hg branch 2> /dev/null
+    hg branch 2> /dev/null | \
+        awk '{ printf "\033[37;0m on \033[35;40m" $1 }'
+    hg bookmarks 2> /dev/null | \
+        awk '/\*/ { printf "\033[37;0m at \033[33;40m" $2 }'
+export PS1='\n\e${PINK}\u \
+\e${DEFAULT}at \e${ORANGE}\h \
+\e${DEFAULT}in \e${GREEN}\w\
+\e${DEFAULT}\n$ '
-export PS1='\n\[\e${COLOR_PINK}\]\u \
-\[\e${COLOR_DEFAULT}\]at \[\e${COLOR_ORANGE}\]\h \
-\[\e${COLOR_DEFAULT}\]in \[\e${COLOR_GREEN}\]\w \
-\[\e${COLOR_PINK}\]$(hg_branch)\[\e${COLOR_GREEN}\]$(hg_dirty) \
-\[\e${COLOR_DEFAULT}\]\n$ '