
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 13 Apr 2012 10:27:44 -0400 (2012-04-13)
parents 02bd6c042190
children a244d44b1728
branches/tags (none)
files .hgsub .hgsubstate dotjs/github.com.js vim/.vimrc


--- a/.hgsub	Thu Apr 12 14:25:02 2012 -0400
+++ b/.hgsub	Fri Apr 13 10:27:44 2012 -0400
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 vim/bundle/python-mode = [git]git://github.com/sjl/python-mode.git
 vim/bundle/slimv = [hg]https://bitbucket.org/sjl/slimv
 vim/bundle/threesome = [hg]https://bitbucket.org/sjl/threesome.vim
+vim/bundle/vitality = [hg]https://bitbucket.org/sjl/vitality.vim
 vim/bundle/vim-makegreen = [git]git://github.com/sjl/vim-makegreen.git
 vim/bundle/supertab = [git]git://github.com/ervandew/supertab.git
 vim/bundle/linediff = [git]git://github.com/AndrewRadev/linediff.vim.git
--- a/.hgsubstate	Thu Apr 12 14:25:02 2012 -0400
+++ b/.hgsubstate	Fri Apr 13 10:27:44 2012 -0400
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 d2bb7878622e4c16203acf1c92a0f4bc7ac58003 vim/bundle/AnsiEsc.vim
 9895285042a2fd5691b2f6582aa979e4d1bdffea vim/bundle/ack
 b85d43f6560154269b965e5d9ad9e4a787ca410f vim/bundle/badwolf
-2b5144befdbb88a4606c62f891741d21656232b5 vim/bundle/clam
+b528cf3de72884dd6cf5fdbeda375d7437ea811f vim/bundle/clam
 c4fe3045653877518ddbe776a9cb7cbd4fdd0bc8 vim/bundle/ctrlp
 667a668e114e9ec0e5d4cbcb0962d835b23614c4 vim/bundle/easymotion
 4f7af188fec24330e7dff99c8758588ae9780347 vim/bundle/fugitive
-8078f3e3ed0f8a954d83ab35f238881e9fce479a vim/bundle/gundo
+ab9d330375e42d05b63fc87b30797b84828dbe24 vim/bundle/gundo
 9b71f09cb0665560ef23b0c5a7d158b572fb8118 vim/bundle/html5
 78fffa609b3e6b84ef01ee4c9aba6d7435d7b18e vim/bundle/indent-object
 9543eec44e5cb75b67f0e5eaf1377ca82ced7b90 vim/bundle/linediff
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
 5a38ce8b600e11941f695523363fe04e6478549a vim/bundle/supertab
 489a1e8c676ad47dd358dbf883bfaf492148d38b vim/bundle/surround
 b4e85a87629c3db9900fed82f507c43d634fe7c0 vim/bundle/syntastic
-bbc5193de145ba5334cf02693d959f475a3e850b vim/bundle/threesome
+c3f318a26db29fcbb65da43dc31d214be3b3b242 vim/bundle/threesome
 2dee007ddae8156735cbae7f0cd4e0a24ba7287b vim/bundle/tslime
 50b055633580c65c381ebb310bc1786ff14e3340 vim/bundle/vim-commentary
 a8ce721701fdd015695406f7df315f48bb447ebb vim/bundle/vim-javascript
 f21fbd8759d7fa6c3cb1bbb9fe05eae90422f01a vim/bundle/vim-makegreen
 1c039193c59357dd09ddda28aefc6809bd0f90dc vim/bundle/vim-orgmode
+0a617f63ae49981b0184cc0edb978da820a581c6 vim/bundle/vitality
 e42cac0d8d84be5602109f4e614caa0854470fc1 vim/bundle/yankring
--- a/dotjs/github.com.js	Thu Apr 12 14:25:02 2012 -0400
+++ b/dotjs/github.com.js	Fri Apr 13 10:27:44 2012 -0400
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 $(function() {
     if ($('body').hasClass('page-commits')) {
-        $('ul.pagehead-actions').prepend('<li><a class="minibutton btn-watch" href="#" id="toggle-merges-button"><span><span class="icon"></span><span class="text">Review</span></span></a></li>');
+        $('ul.pagehead-actions').prepend('<li><a class="minibutton btn-watch" href="#reviewing" id="toggle-merges-button"><span><span class="icon"></span><span class="text">Review</span></span></a></li>');
         $('#toggle-merges-button').toggle(function() {
             $('li.commit').each(function() {
@@ -36,9 +36,22 @@
             $('span.text', this).text('Stop reviewing');
+            $('a#toggle-merges-button').attr('href', '#');
+            window.location.hash = '#reviewing';
+            return false;
         }, function() {
             $('span.text', this).text('Review');
+            window.location.hash = '';
+            return false;
+    if (window.location.hash === '#reviewing') {
+        $('a#toggle-merges-button').click();
+    }
--- a/vim/.vimrc	Thu Apr 12 14:25:02 2012 -0400
+++ b/vim/.vimrc	Fri Apr 13 10:27:44 2012 -0400
@@ -263,6 +263,13 @@
 " Send visual selection to paste.stevelosh.com
 vnoremap <c-p> :w !curl -sF 'sprunge=<-' 'http://paste.stevelosh.com' \| tr -d '\n ' \| pbcopy && open `pbpaste`<cr>
+" Make backspace work sanely in visual mode
+vnoremap <bs> x
+" Select entire buffer
+vnoremap vaa ggvGg_
+vnoremap Vaa ggVG
 " Change case
 inoremap <C-u> <esc>gUiwea
@@ -898,7 +905,9 @@
 " Clam {{{
 nnoremap ! :Clam<space>
+vnoremap ! :ClamVisual<space>
 let g:clam_autoreturn = 1
+let g:clam_debug = 1
 " }}}
 " Commentary {{{
@@ -1654,88 +1663,6 @@
     " Mouse support
     set mouse=a
-    " iTerm2 allows you to turn "focus reporting" on and off with these
-    " sequences.
-    "
-    " When reporting is on, iTerm2 will send <Esc>[O when the window loses
-    " focus and <Esc>[I when it gains focus.
-    "
-    " TODO: Look into how this works with iTerm tabs.  Seems a bit wonky.
-    let enable_focus_reporting  = "\<Esc>[?1004h"
-    let disable_focus_reporting = "\<Esc>[?1004l"
-    " These sequences save/restore the screen.
-    " They should NOT be wrapped in tmux escape sequences for some reason!
-    let save_screen    = "\<Esc>[?1049h"
-    let restore_screen = "\<Esc>[?1049l"
-    " These sequences tell iTerm2 to change the cursor shape to a bar or block.
-    let cursor_to_bar   = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"
-    let cursor_to_block = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
-    if exists('$TMUX')
-        " Some escape sequences (not all, lol) need to be properly escaped to
-        " get them through tmux without being eaten.
-        "
-        " To escape a sequence through tmux:
-        "
-        " * Wrap it in these sequences.
-        " * Any <Esc> characters inside it must be doubled.
-        let tmux_start = "\<Esc>Ptmux;"
-        let tmux_end   = "\<Esc>\\"
-        let enable_focus_reporting  = tmux_start . "\<Esc>" . enable_focus_reporting  . tmux_end
-        let disable_focus_reporting = tmux_start . "\<Esc>" . disable_focus_reporting . tmux_end
-        let cursor_to_bar   = tmux_start . "\<Esc>" . cursor_to_bar   . tmux_end
-        let cursor_to_block = tmux_start . "\<Esc>" . cursor_to_block . tmux_end
-    endif
-    " When starting Vim, enable focus reporting and save the screen.
-    " When exiting Vim, disable focus reporting and save the screen.
-    "
-    " The "focus/save" and "nofocus/restore" each have to be in this order.
-    " Trust me, you don't want to go down this rabbit hole.  Just keep them in
-    " this order and no one gets hurt.
-    let &t_ti = enable_focus_reporting . save_screen
-    let &t_te = disable_focus_reporting . restore_screen
-    " When entering insert mode, change the cursor to a bar.
-    " When exiting insert mode, change it back to a block.
-    let &t_SI = cursor_to_bar
-    let &t_EI = cursor_to_block
-    " Map some of Vim's unused keycodes to the sequences iTerm2 is going to send
-    " on focus lost/gained.
-    "
-    " If you're already using f24 or f25, change them to something else.  Vim
-    " support up to f37.
-    "
-    " Doing things this way is might nicer than just mapping the raw sequences
-    " directly, because Vim won't hang after a bare <Esc> waiting for the rest
-    " of the mapping.
-    execute "set <f24>=\<Esc>[O"
-    execute "set <f25>=\<Esc>[I"
-    " Handle the focus gained/lost signals in each mode separately.
-    "
-    " The goal is to fire the autocmd and restore the state as cleanly as
-    " possible.  This is easy for some modes and hard/impossible for others.
-    "
-    " EXAMPLES:
-    nnoremap <silent> <f24> :doautocmd FocusLost %<cr>
-    nnoremap <silent> <f25> :doautocmd FocusGained %<cr>
-    onoremap <silent> <f24> <esc>:doautocmd FocusLost %<cr>
-    onoremap <silent> <f25> <esc>:doautocmd FocusGained %<cr>
-    vnoremap <silent> <f24> <esc>:doautocmd FocusLost %<cr>gv
-    vnoremap <silent> <f25> <esc>:doautocmd FocusGained %<cr>gv
-    inoremap <silent> <f24> <c-o>:doautocmd FocusLost %<cr>
-    inoremap <silent> <f25> <c-o>:doautocmd FocusGained %<cr>
 " }}}