
Remove some unused Vim functions.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 11 Aug 2011 15:36:36 -0400 (2011-08-11)
parents 37d62e824144
children 39e899d00175
branches/tags (none)
files vim/.vimrc


--- a/vim/.vimrc	Wed Aug 10 16:10:11 2011 -0400
+++ b/vim/.vimrc	Thu Aug 11 15:36:36 2011 -0400
@@ -848,27 +848,6 @@
 nmap <silent> <f4> :QFixToggle<cr>
 " }}}
-" Persistent echo ------------------------------------------------------------- {{{
-" http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Make_echo_seen_when_it_would_otherwise_disappear_and_go_unseen
-" further improvement in restoration of the &updatetime. To make this
-" usable in the plugins, we want it to be safe for the case when
-" two plugins use same this same technique. Two independent
-" restorations of &ut can run in unpredictable sequence. In order to
-" make it safe, we add additional check in &ut restoration.
-let s:Pecho=''
-fu! s:Pecho(msg)
-  let s:hold_ut=&ut | if &ut>1|let &ut=1|en
-  let s:Pecho=a:msg
-  aug Pecho
-    au CursorHold * if s:Pecho!=''|echo s:Pecho
-          \|let s:Pecho=''|if s:hold_ut > &ut |let &ut=s:hold_ut|en|en
-          \|aug Pecho|exe 'au!'|aug END|aug! Pecho
-  aug END
-" }}}
 " Hg Diff --------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{
 function! s:HgDiff()
@@ -889,30 +868,6 @@
 nnoremap <leader>hd :HgDiff<cr>
 " }}}
-" Open quoted ----------------------------------------------------------------- {{{
-nnoremap <silent> ΓΈ :OpenQuoted<cr>
-command! OpenQuoted call OpenQuoted()
-" Open the file in the current (or next) set of quotes.
-function! OpenQuoted() " {{{
-    let @r = ''
-    exe 'normal! vi' . "'" . '"ry'
-    if len(@r) == 0
-        exe 'normal! i' . '"' . '"ry'
-    endif
-    if len(@r) == 0
-        exe 'normal! "ry'
-        let @r = ''
-    endif
-    exe "silent !open ." . @r
-endfunction " }}}
-" }}}
 " MacVim ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {{{
 if has('gui_running')