
sub: vim/html5
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:01:28 -0500 (2010-11-16)
parents f9d21c2a44b3
children d06b84e6f55f
branches/tags (none)
files vim/bundle/html5.vim/Makefile vim/bundle/html5.vim/README.markdown vim/bundle/html5.vim/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim vim/bundle/html5.vim/autoload/xml/html5.vim vim/bundle/html5.vim/config.mk vim/bundle/html5.vim/syntax/html/html5.vim


--- a/vim/bundle/html5.vim/Makefile	Tue Nov 16 17:00:09 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-# vim:filetype=make:foldmethod=marker:fdl=0:
-# 	Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do,
-# 	Yeah they were all yellow, 
-# 	I came along, I wrote a song for you, And all the things you do And it was
-# 	called yellow.
-# 	So then I took my turn.  Oh all the things I've done And it was all yellow 
-# 														- Coldplay
-# Makefile: install/uninstall/link vim plugin files.
-# Author: Cornelius <cornelius.howl@gmail.com>
-# Date:   δΈ€  3/15 22:49:26 2010
-# Version:  1.0
-# LICENSE {{{
-# Copyright (c) 2010 <Cornelius (c9s)>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-# conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# }}}
-# {
-#           version => 0.2,    # record spec version
-#           generated_by => 'Vimana-' . $Vimana::VERSION,
-#           install_type => 'auto',    # auto , make , rake ... etc
-#           package => $self->package_name,
-#           files => \@e,
-# }
-# }}}
-README_FILES=`ls -1 | grep -i readme`
-WGET_OPT=-c -nv
-TAR=tar czvf
-record_file = \
-		PTYPE=`cat $(1) | perl -nle 'print $$1 if /^"\s*script\s*type:\s*(\S*)$$/i'` ;\
-		echo $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$PTYPE/$(1) >> $(2)
-# }}}
-# install file by inspecting content
-install_file = \
-		PTYPE=`cat $(1) | perl -nle 'print $$1 if /^"\s*script\s*type:\s*(\S*)$$/i'` ;\
-		cp -v $(1) $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$PTYPE/$(1)
-link_file = \
-		PTYPE=`cat $(1) | perl -nle 'print $$1 if /^"\s*script\s*type:\s*(\S*)$$/i'` ;\
-		cp -v $(1) $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$PTYPE/$(1)
-unlink_file = \
-		PTYPE=`cat $(1) | perl -nle 'print $$1 if /^"\s*script\s*type:\s*(\S*)$$/i'` ;\
-		rm -fv $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$PTYPE/$(1)
-# fetch script from an url
-fetch_url = \
-		@if [[ -e $(2) ]] ; then 				\
-			exit								\
-		; fi	 							    \
-		; echo " => $(2)"						\
-		; if [[ ! -z `which curl` ]] ; then   \
-			curl $(CURL_OPT) $(1) -o $(2) ;					\
-		; elif [[ ! -z `which wget` ]] ; then 	\
-			wget $(WGET_OPT) $(1) -O $(2)  				    \
-		; fi  									\
-		; echo $(2) >> .bundlefiles
-# fetch script from github
-fetch_github = \
-		@if [[ -e $(5) ]] ; then 				\
-			exit								\
-		; fi	 							    \
-		; echo " => $(5)"						\
-		; if [[ ! -z `which curl` ]] ; then                        	    \
-			curl $(CURL_OPT) http://github.com/$(1)/$(2)/raw/$(3)/$(4) -o $(5)      \
-		; elif [[ ! -z `which wget` ]] ; then                               \
-			wget $(WGET_OPT) http://github.com/$(1)/$(2)/raw/$(3)/$(4) -O $(5)  \
-		; fi									\
-		; echo $(5) >> .bundlefiles
-# fetch script from local file
-fetch_local = @cp -v $(1) $(2) \
-		; @echo $(2) >> .bundlefiles
-# 1: NAME , 2: URI
-dep_from_git = \
-		D=/tmp/$(1)-$$RANDOM ; git clone $(2) $$D ; cd $$D ; make install ; 
-dep_from_svn = \
-		D=/tmp/$(1)-$$RANDOM ; svn checkout $(2) $$D ; cd $$D ; make install ;
-# }}}
-# }}}
-# ======= DEFAULT CONFIG ======= {{{
-# Default plugin name
-NAME=`basename \`pwd\``
-# Files to add to tarball:
-DIRS=`ls -1F | grep / | sed -e 's/\///'`
-# Runtime path to install:
-# Other Files to be added:
-FILES=`ls -1 | grep '.vim$$'`
-MKFILES=Makefile `ls -1 | grep '.mk$$'`
-# ======== USER CONFIG ======= {{{
-#   please write config in config.mk
-#   this will override default config
-# Custom Name:
-# 	NAME=[plugin name]
-# Custom dir list:
-# 	DIRS=autoload after doc syntax plugin 
-# Files to add to tarball:
-# 	FILES=
-# Bundle dependent scripts:
-# 	bundle-deps:
-# 	  $(call fetch_github,[account id],[project],[branch],[source path],[target path])
-# 	  $(call fetch_url,[file url],[target path])
-# 	  $(call fetch_local,[from],[to])
--include ~/.vimauthor.mk
--include $(CONFIG_FILE)
-# }}}
-# }}}
-# ======= SECTIONS ======= {{{
--include ext.mk
-all: install
-	@if [[ -n `which wget` || -n `which curl` || -n `which fetch` ]]; then echo "wget|curl|fetch: OK" ; else echo "wget|curl|fetch: NOT OK" ; fi
-	@if [[ -n `which vim` ]] ; then echo "vim: OK" ; else echo "vim: NOT OK" ; fi
-	@rm -f $(CONFIG_FILE)
-	@echo "NAME="                                                                                      >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
-	@echo "VERSION="                                                                                           >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
-	@echo "#DIRS="
-	@echo "#FILES="
-	@echo ""                                                                                           >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
-	@echo "bundle-deps:"                                                                               >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
-	@echo "\t\t\$$(call fetch_github,ID,REPOSITORY,BRANCH,PATH,TARGET_PATH)" >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
-	@echo "\t\t\$$(call fetch_url,FILE_URL,TARGET_PATH)"                                           >> $(CONFIG_FILE)
-	@echo "AUTHOR=" > ~/.vimauthor.mk
-bundle: bundle-deps
-dist: bundle mkfilelist
-	@$(TAR) $(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz --exclude '*.svn' --exclude '.git' $(DIRS) $(README_FILES) $(FILES) $(MKFILES)
-	@echo "$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz is ready."
-	@mkdir -vp $(VIMRUNTIME)
-	@mkdir -vp $(VIMRUNTIME)/record
-	@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]] ; then find $(DIRS) -type d | while read dir ;  do \
-			mkdir -vp $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$dir ; done ; fi
-	if [[ -n `which vimup` ]] ; then \
-	fi
-	@echo "Using Shell:" $(SHELL) 
-	@echo "Installing"
-	@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]] ; then find $(DIRS) -type f | while read file ; do \
-			cp -v $$file $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$file ; done ; fi
-	@echo "$(FILES)" | while read vimfile ; do \
-		if [[ -n $$vimfile ]] ; then \
-			$(call install_file,$$vimfile) ; fi ; done
-install: init-runtime bundle pure-install record
-	@echo "Uninstalling"
-	@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]] ; then find $(DIRS) -type f | while read file ; do \
-			rm -fv $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$file ; done ; fi
-	@echo "$(FILES)" | while read vimfile ; do \
-		if [[ -n $$vimfile ]] ; then \
-			$(call unlink_file,$$vimfile) ; fi ; done
-uninstall: uninstall-files rmrecord
-link: init-runtime
-	@echo "Linking"
-	@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]]; then find $(DIRS) -type f | while read file ; do \
-			ln -sfv $(PWD)/$$file $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$file ; done ; fi
-	@echo "$(FILES)" | while read vimfile ; do \
-		if [[ -n $$vimfile ]] ; then \
-			$(call link_file,$$vimfile) ; fi ; done
-	@echo $(NAME) > $(RECORD_FILE)
-	@echo $(VERSION) >> $(RECORD_FILE)
-	@if [[ -n "$(DIRS)" ]] ; then find $(DIRS) -type f | while read file ; do \
-			echo $(VIMRUNTIME)/$$file >> $(RECORD_FILE) ; done ; fi
-	@echo "$(FILES)" | while read vimfile ; do \
-		if [[ -n $$vimfile ]] ; then \
-			$(call record_file,$$vimfile,$(RECORD_FILE)) ; fi ; done
-	find $(DIRS) -type f > .tmp_list
-	vim .tmp_list
-	vim .tmp_list -c ":MkVimball $(NAME)-$(VERSION)" -c "q"
-	@rm -vf .tmp_list
-	@echo "$(NAME)-$(VERSION).vba is ready."
-	find $(DIRS) -type f > .tmp_list
-	vim .tmp_list -c ":MkVimball $(NAME)-$(VERSION)" -c "q"
-	@rm -vf .tmp_list
-	@echo "$(NAME)-$(VERSION).vba is ready."
-		@echo ""  >  $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "fun! s:mkmd5(file)"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "  if executable('md5')"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "    return system('cat ' . a:file . ' | md5')"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "  else"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "    return \"\""  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "  endif"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "endf"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "let files = readfile('.record')"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "let package_name = remove(files,0)"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "let script_version      = remove(files,0)"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "let record = { 'version' : 0.3 , 'generated_by': 'Vim-Makefile' , 'script_version': script_version , 'install_type' : 'makefile' , 'package' : package_name , 'files': [  ] }"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "for file in files "  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "  let md5 = s:mkmd5(file)"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "  cal add( record.files , {  'checksum': md5 , 'file': file  } )"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "endfor"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "redir => output"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "silent echon record"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "redir END"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "let content = join(split(output,\"\\\\n\"),'')"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "let record_file = expand('~/.vim/record/' . package_name )"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "cal writefile( [content] , record_file )"  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-		@echo "echo \"Done\""  >> $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-record: mkfilelist mkrecordscript
-	vim --noplugin -V10install.log -c "so $(RECORD_SCRIPT)" -c "q"
-	@echo "Vim script record making log: install.log"
-	@echo "Removing Record"
-	@rm -vf $(VIMRUNTIME)/record/$(NAME)
-clean: clean-bundle-deps
-	@rm -vf $(RECORD_FILE)
-	@rm -vf $(RECORD_SCRIPT)
-	@rm -vf install.log
-	@rm -vf *.tar.gz
-	@echo "Removing Bundled scripts..."
-	@if [[ -e .bundlefiles ]] ; then \
-		rm -fv `echo \`cat .bundlefiles\``; \
-	fi
-	@rm -fv .bundlefiles
-	@echo "Updating Makefile..."
-	@URL=http://github.com/c9s/vim-makefile/raw/master/Makefile ; \
-	if [[ -n `which curl` ]]; then \
-		curl $$URL -o Makefile ; \
-	if [[ -n `which wget` ]]; then \
-		wget -c $$URL ; \
-	elif [[ -n `which fetch` ]]; then \
-		fetch $$URL ; \
-	fi
-	@echo version - $(MAKEFILE_VERSION)
-# }}}
--- a/vim/bundle/html5.vim/README.markdown	Tue Nov 16 17:00:09 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# html5.vim
-HTML5 omnicomplete funtion and syntax for Vim.
-Based on the default htmlcomplete.vim.
-## Feature
-- Support all new elements and attribute.
-- Support [microdata][microdata].
-- Support [RDFa][RDFa].
-- Support [WAI-ARIA][aria].
-## Install
-    curl http://github.com/othree/html5.vim/raw/master/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim > ~/.vim/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim
-    curl http://github.com/othree/html5.vim/raw/master/autoload/xml/html5.vim > ~/.vim/autoload/xml/html5.vim
-    curl http://github.com/othree/html5.vim/raw/master/syntax/html.vim > ~/.vim/syntax/html.vim
-    git clone git://github.com/othree/html5.vim.git
-    cd html5.vim
-    cp -R autoload ~/.vim/
-## Configure
-Disable event-handler attributes support:
-    let g:event_handler_attributes_complete = 0
-Disable RDFa attributes support:
-    let g:rdfa_attributes_complete = 0
-Disable microdata attributes support:
-    let g:microdata_attributes_complete = 0
-Disable WAI-ARIA attribute support:
-    let g:atia_attributes_complete = 0
-## Change Log
-### Version 0.2
-- attributes now must match from beginning
-- fix some attr(\w*on\w*) will use jscomplete for their value
-- add vim-makefile
-## References
-1. [HTML5 Spec][1]
-2. [HTML5 Markup][2]
-3. [Custom Data Attributes][3]
-4. [microdata][4]
-5. [RDFa 1.0 Rec][5]
-6. [RDFa 1.1 Core WD][6]
-7. [WAI-ARIA][7]
-8. [IANA Language Sub Tags][8]
-9. [IANA Charset][9]
--- a/vim/bundle/html5.vim/autoload/htmlcomplete.vim	Tue Nov 16 17:00:09 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,804 +0,0 @@
-" Vim completion script
-" Language:	HTML and XHTML
-" Maintainer:	Mikolaj Machowski ( mikmach AT wp DOT pl )
-" Last Change:	2006 Oct 19
-" Modified:     othree <othree@gmail.com>
-" Changes:      Add HTML5, WAI-ARIA support
-" Last Change:	2010 Sep 10
-function! htmlcomplete#CompleteTags(findstart, base)
-  if a:findstart
-    " locate the start of the word
-    let line = getline('.')
-    let start = col('.') - 1
-	let curline = line('.')
-	let compl_begin = col('.') - 2
-    while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\(\k\|[!:.-]\)'
-		let start -= 1
-    endwhile
-	" Handling of entities {{{
-	if start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '&'
-		let b:entitiescompl = 1
-		let b:compl_context = ''
-		return start
-	endif
-	" }}}
-	" Handling of <style> tag {{{
-	let stylestart = searchpair('<style\>', '', '<\/style\>', "bnW")
-	let styleend   = searchpair('<style\>', '', '<\/style\>', "nW")
-	if stylestart != 0 && styleend != 0
-		if stylestart <= curline && styleend >= curline
-			let start = col('.') - 1
-			let b:csscompl = 1
-			while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\(\k\|-\)'
-				let start -= 1
-			endwhile
-		endif
-	endif
-	" }}}
-	" Handling of <script> tag {{{
-	let scriptstart = searchpair('<script\>', '', '<\/script\>', "bnW")
-	let scriptend   = searchpair('<script\>', '', '<\/script\>', "nW")
-	if scriptstart != 0 && scriptend != 0
-		if scriptstart <= curline && scriptend >= curline
-			let start = col('.') - 1
-			let b:jscompl = 1
-			let b:jsrange = [scriptstart, scriptend]
-			while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\k'
-				let start -= 1
-			endwhile
-			" We are inside of <script> tag. But we should also get contents
-			" of all linked external files and (secondary, less probably) other <script> tags
-			" This logic could possible be done in separate function - may be
-			" reused in events scripting (also with option could be reused for
-			" CSS
-			let b:js_extfiles = []
-			let l = line('.')
-			let c = col('.')
-			call cursor(1,1)
-			while search('<\@<=script\>', 'W') && line('.') <= l
-				if synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.')-1,0),"name") !~? 'comment'
-					let sname = matchstr(getline('.'), '<script[^>]*src\s*=\s*\([''"]\)\zs.\{-}\ze\1')
-					if filereadable(sname)
-						let b:js_extfiles += readfile(sname)
-					endif
-				endif
-			endwhile
-			call cursor(1,1)
-			let js_scripttags = []
-			while search('<script\>', 'W') && line('.') < l
-				if matchstr(getline('.'), '<script[^>]*src') == ''
-					let js_scripttag = getline(line('.'), search('</script>', 'W'))
-					let js_scripttags += js_scripttag
-				endif
-			endwhile
-			let b:js_extfiles += js_scripttags
-			call cursor(l,c)
-			unlet! l c
-		endif
-	endif
-	" }}}
-	if !exists("b:csscompl") && !exists("b:jscompl")
-		let b:compl_context = getline('.')[0:(compl_begin)]
-		if b:compl_context !~ '<[^>]*$'
-			" Look like we may have broken tag. Check previous lines.
-			let i = 1
-			while 1
-				let context_line = getline(curline-i)
-				if context_line =~ '<[^>]*$'
-					" Yep, this is this line
-					let context_lines = getline(curline-i, curline-1) + [b:compl_context]
-					let b:compl_context = join(context_lines, ' ')
-					break
-				elseif context_line =~ '>[^<]*$' || i == curline
-					" We are in normal tag line, no need for completion at all
-					" OR reached first line without tag at all
-					let b:compl_context = ''
-					break
-				endif
-				let i += 1
-			endwhile
-			" Make sure we don't have counter
-			unlet! i
-		endif
-		let b:compl_context = matchstr(b:compl_context, '.*\zs<.*')
-		" Return proper start for on-events. Without that beginning of
-		" completion will be badly reported
-		if b:compl_context =~? 'on[a-z]*\s*=\s*\(''[^'']*\|"[^"]*\)$'
-			let start = col('.') - 1
-			while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\k'
-				let start -= 1
-			endwhile
-		endif
-		" If b:compl_context begins with <? we are inside of PHP code. It
-		" wasn't closed so PHP completion passed it to HTML
-		if &filetype =~? 'php' && b:compl_context =~ '^<?'
-			let b:phpcompl = 1
-			let start = col('.') - 1
-			while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff$]'
-				let start -= 1
-			endwhile
-		endif
-	else
-		let b:compl_context = getline('.')[0:compl_begin]
-	endif
-    return start
-  else
-	" Initialize base return lists
-    let res = []
-    let res2 = []
-	" a:base is very short - we need context
-	let context = b:compl_context
-	" Check if we should do CSS completion inside of <style> tag
-	" or JS completion inside of <script> tag or PHP completion in case of <?
-	" tag AND &ft==php
-	if exists("b:csscompl")
-		unlet! b:csscompl
-		let context = b:compl_context
-		unlet! b:compl_context
-		return csscomplete#CompleteCSS(0, context)
-	elseif exists("b:jscompl")
-		unlet! b:jscompl
-		return javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(0, a:base)
-	elseif exists("b:phpcompl")
-		unlet! b:phpcompl
-		let context = b:compl_context
-		return phpcomplete#CompletePHP(0, a:base)
-	else
-		if len(b:compl_context) == 0 && !exists("b:entitiescompl")
-			return []
-		endif
-		let context = matchstr(b:compl_context, '.\zs.*')
-	endif
-	unlet! b:compl_context
-	" Entities completion {{{
-	if exists("b:entitiescompl")
-		unlet! b:entitiescompl
-		if !exists("b:html_doctype")
-			call htmlcomplete#CheckDoctype()
-		endif
-		if !exists("b:html_omni")
-			"runtime! autoload/xml/xhtml10s.vim
-			call htmlcomplete#LoadData()
-		endif
-	    let entities =  b:html_omni['vimxmlentities']
-		if len(a:base) == 1
-			for m in entities
-				if m =~ '^'.a:base
-					call add(res, m.';')
-				endif
-			endfor
-			return res
-		else
-			for m in entities
-				if m =~? '^'.a:base
-					call add(res, m.';')
-				elseif m =~? a:base
-					call add(res2, m.';')
-				endif
-			endfor
-			return res + res2
-		endif
-	endif
-	" }}}
-	if context =~ '>'
-		" Generally if context contains > it means we are outside of tag and
-		" should abandon action - with one exception: <style> span { bo
-		if context =~ 'style[^>]\{-}>[^<]\{-}$'
-			return csscomplete#CompleteCSS(0, context)
-		elseif context =~ 'script[^>]\{-}>[^<]\{-}$'
-			let b:jsrange = [line('.'), search('<\/script\>', 'nW')]
-			return javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(0, context)
-		else
-			return []
-		endif
-	endif
-	" If context contains > it means we are already outside of tag and we
-	" should abandon action
-	" If context contains white space it is attribute.
-	" It can be also value of attribute.
-	" We have to get first word to offer proper completions
-	if context == ''
-		let tag = ''
-	else
-		let tag = split(context)[0]
-		" Detect if tag is uppercase to return in proper case,
-		" we need to make it lowercase for processing
-		if tag =~ '^[A-Z]*$'
-			let uppercase_tag = 1
-			let tag = tolower(tag)
-		else
-			let uppercase_tag = 0
-		endif
-	endif
-	" Get last word, it should be attr name
-	let attr = matchstr(context, '.*\s\zs.*')
-	" Possible situations where any prediction would be difficult:
-	" 1. Events attributes
-	if context =~ '\s'
-		" Sort out style, class, and on* cases
-		if context =~? "\\s\\(on[a-z]+\\|id\\|style\\|class\\)\\s*=\\s*[\"']"
-			" Id, class completion {{{
-			if context =~? "\\(id\\|class\\)\\s*=\\s*[\"'][a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*$"
-				if context =~? "class\\s*=\\s*[\"'][a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*$"
-					let search_for = "class"
-				elseif context =~? "id\\s*=\\s*[\"'][a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*$"
-					let search_for = "id"
-				endif
-				" Handle class name completion
-				" 1. Find lines of <link stylesheet>
-				" 1a. Check file for @import
-				" 2. Extract filename(s?) of stylesheet,
-				call cursor(1,1)
-				let head = getline(search('<head\>'), search('<\/head>'))
-				let headjoined = join(copy(head), ' ')
-				if headjoined =~ '<style'
-					" Remove possibly confusing CSS operators
-					let stylehead = substitute(headjoined, '+>\*[,', ' ', 'g')
-					if search_for == 'class'
-						let styleheadlines = split(stylehead)
-						let headclasslines = filter(copy(styleheadlines), "v:val =~ '\\([a-zA-Z0-9:]\\+\\)\\?\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-					else
-						let stylesheet = split(headjoined, '[{}]')
-						" Get all lines which fit id syntax
-						let classlines = filter(copy(stylesheet), "v:val =~ '#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-						" Filter out possible color definitions
-						call filter(classlines, "v:val !~ ':\\s*#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-						" Filter out complex border definitions
-						call filter(classlines, "v:val !~ '\\(none\\|hidden\\|dotted\\|dashed\\|solid\\|double\\|groove\\|ridge\\|inset\\|outset\\)\\s*#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-						let templines = join(classlines, ' ')
-						let headclasslines = split(templines)
-						call filter(headclasslines, "v:val =~ '#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-					endif
-					let internal = 1
-				else
-					let internal = 0
-				endif
-				let styletable = []
-				let secimportfiles = []
-				let filestable = filter(copy(head), "v:val =~ '\\(@import\\|link.*stylesheet\\)'")
-				for line in filestable
-					if line =~ "@import"
-						let styletable += [matchstr(line, "import\\s\\+\\(url(\\)\\?[\"']\\?\\zs\\f\\+\\ze")]
-					elseif line =~ "<link"
-						let styletable += [matchstr(line, "href\\s*=\\s*[\"']\\zs\\f\\+\\ze")]
-					endif
-				endfor
-				for file in styletable
-					if filereadable(file)
-						let stylesheet = readfile(file)
-						let secimport = filter(copy(stylesheet), "v:val =~ '@import'")
-						if len(secimport) > 0
-							for line in secimport
-								let secfile = matchstr(line, "import\\s\\+\\(url(\\)\\?[\"']\\?\\zs\\f\\+\\ze")
-								let secfile = fnamemodify(file, ":p:h").'/'.secfile
-								let secimportfiles += [secfile]
-							endfor
-						endif
-					endif
-				endfor
-				let cssfiles = styletable + secimportfiles
-				let classes = []
-				for file in cssfiles
-					if filereadable(file)
-						let stylesheet = readfile(file)
-						let stylefile = join(stylesheet, ' ')
-						let stylefile = substitute(stylefile, '+>\*[,', ' ', 'g')
-						if search_for == 'class'
-							let stylesheet = split(stylefile)
-							let classlines = filter(copy(stylesheet), "v:val =~ '\\([a-zA-Z0-9:]\\+\\)\\?\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-						else
-							let stylesheet = split(stylefile, '[{}]')
-							" Get all lines which fit id syntax
-							let classlines = filter(copy(stylesheet), "v:val =~ '#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-							" Filter out possible color definitions
-							call filter(classlines, "v:val !~ ':\\s*#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-							" Filter out complex border definitions
-							call filter(classlines, "v:val !~ '\\(none\\|hidden\\|dotted\\|dashed\\|solid\\|double\\|groove\\|ridge\\|inset\\|outset\\)\\s*#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-							let templines = join(classlines, ' ')
-							let stylelines = split(templines)
-							let classlines = filter(stylelines, "v:val =~ '#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+'")
-						endif
-                        " We gathered classes definitions from all external files
-                        let classes += classlines
-					endif
-				endfor
-				if internal == 1
-					let classes += headclasslines
-				endif
-				if search_for == 'class'
-					let elements = {}
-					for element in classes
-						if element =~ '^\.'
-							let class = matchstr(element, '^\.\zs[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\ze')
-							let class = substitute(class, ':.*', '', '')
-							if has_key(elements, 'common')
-								let elements['common'] .= ' '.class
-							else
-								let elements['common'] = class
-							endif
-						else
-							let class = matchstr(element, '[a-zA-Z1-6]*\.\zs[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\ze')
-							let tagname = tolower(matchstr(element, '[a-zA-Z1-6]*\ze.'))
-							if tagname != ''
-								if has_key(elements, tagname)
-									let elements[tagname] .= ' '.class
-								else
-									let elements[tagname] = class
-								endif
-							endif
-						endif
-					endfor
-					if has_key(elements, tag) && has_key(elements, 'common')
-						let values = split(elements[tag]." ".elements['common'])
-					elseif has_key(elements, tag) && !has_key(elements, 'common')
-						let values = split(elements[tag])
-					elseif !has_key(elements, tag) && has_key(elements, 'common')
-						let values = split(elements['common'])
-					else
-						return []
-					endif
-				elseif search_for == 'id'
-					" Find used IDs
-					" 1. Catch whole file
-					let filelines = getline(1, line('$'))
-					" 2. Find lines with possible id
-					let used_id_lines = filter(filelines, 'v:val =~ "id\\s*=\\s*[\"''][a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+"')
-					" 3a. Join all filtered lines
-					let id_string = join(used_id_lines, ' ')
-					" 3b. And split them to be sure each id is in separate item
-					let id_list = split(id_string, 'id\s*=\s*')
-					" 4. Extract id values
-					let used_id = map(id_list, 'matchstr(v:val, "[\"'']\\zs[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+\\ze")')
-					let joined_used_id = ','.join(used_id, ',').','
-					let allvalues = map(classes, 'matchstr(v:val, ".*#\\zs[a-zA-Z0-9_-]\\+")')
-					let values = []
-					for element in classes
-						if joined_used_id !~ ','.element.','
-							let values += [element]
-						endif
-					endfor
-				endif
-				" We need special version of sbase
-				let classbase = matchstr(context, ".*[\"']")
-				let classquote = matchstr(classbase, '.$')
-				let entered_class = matchstr(attr, ".*=\\s*[\"']\\zs.*")
-				for m in sort(values)
-					if m =~? '^'.entered_class
-						call add(res, m . classquote)
-					elseif m =~? entered_class
-						call add(res2, m . classquote)
-					endif
-				endfor
-				return res + res2
-			elseif context =~? "style\\s*=\\s*[\"'][^\"']*$"
-				return csscomplete#CompleteCSS(0, context)
-			endif
-			" }}}
-			" Complete on-events {{{
-			if context =~? 'on[a-z]*\s*=\s*\(''[^'']*\|"[^"]*\)$'
-				" We have to:
-				" 1. Find external files
-				let b:js_extfiles = []
-				let l = line('.')
-				let c = col('.')
-				call cursor(1,1)
-				while search('<\@<=script\>', 'W') && line('.') <= l
-					if synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.')-1,0),"name") !~? 'comment'
-						let sname = matchstr(getline('.'), '<script[^>]*src\s*=\s*\([''"]\)\zs.\{-}\ze\1')
-						if filereadable(sname)
-							let b:js_extfiles += readfile(sname)
-						endif
-					endif
-				endwhile
-				" 2. Find at least one <script> tag
-				call cursor(1,1)
-				let js_scripttags = []
-				while search('<script\>', 'W') && line('.') < l
-					if matchstr(getline('.'), '<script[^>]*src') == ''
-						let js_scripttag = getline(line('.'), search('</script>', 'W'))
-						let js_scripttags += js_scripttag
-					endif
-				endwhile
-				let b:js_extfiles += js_scripttags
-				" 3. Proper call for javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
-				call cursor(l,c)
-				let js_context = matchstr(a:base, '\k\+$')
-				let js_shortcontext = substitute(a:base, js_context.'$', '', '')
-				let b:compl_context = context
-				let b:jsrange = [l, l]
-				unlet! l c
-				return javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS(0, js_context)
-			endif
-			" }}}
-			let stripbase = matchstr(context, ".*\\(on[a-zA-Z]*\\|style\\|class\\)\\s*=\\s*[\"']\\zs.*")
-			" Now we have context stripped from all chars up to style/class.
-			" It may fail with some strange style value combinations.
-			if stripbase !~ "[\"']"
-				return []
-			endif
-		endif
-		" Value of attribute completion {{{
-		" If attr contains =\s*[\"'] we catched value of attribute
-		if attr =~ "=\s*[\"']" || attr =~ "=\s*$"
-			" Let do attribute specific completion
-			let attrname = matchstr(attr, '.*\ze\s*=')
-			let entered_value = matchstr(attr, ".*=\\s*[\"']\\?\\zs.*")
-			let values = []
-			" Load data {{{
-			if !exists("b:html_doctype")
-				call htmlcomplete#CheckDoctype()
-			endif
-			if !exists("b:html_omni")
-				"runtime! autoload/xml/xhtml10s.vim
-				call htmlcomplete#LoadData()
-			endif
-			" }}}
-			if attrname == 'href'
-				" Now we are looking for local anchors defined by name or id
-				if entered_value =~ '^#'
-					let file = join(getline(1, line('$')), ' ')
-					" Split it be sure there will be one id/name element in
-					" item, it will be also first word [a-zA-Z0-9_-] in element
-					let oneelement = split(file, "\\(meta \\)\\@<!\\(name\\|id\\)\\s*=\\s*[\"']")
-					for i in oneelement
-						let values += ['#'.matchstr(i, "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9%_-]*")]
-					endfor
-				endif
-			else
-				if has_key(b:html_omni, tag) && has_key(b:html_omni[tag][1], attrname)
-					let values = b:html_omni[tag][1][attrname]
-                elseif has_key(b:html_omni, 'aria_attributes') && attrname =~ '^aria-' && has_key(b:html_omni['aria_attributes'], attrname)
-					let values = b:html_omni['aria_attributes'][attrname]
-				else
-					return []
-				endif
-			endif
-			if len(values) == 0
-				return []
-			endif
-			" We need special version of sbase
-			let attrbase = matchstr(context, ".*[\"']")
-			let attrquote = matchstr(attrbase, '.$')
-			if attrquote !~ "['\"]"
-				let attrquoteopen = '"'
-				let attrquote = '"'
-			else
-				let attrquoteopen = ''
-			endif
-			for m in values
-				" This if is needed to not offer all completions as-is
-				" alphabetically but sort them. Those beginning with entered
-				" part will be as first choices
-				if m =~ '^'.entered_value
-					call add(res, attrquoteopen . m . attrquote)
-				elseif m =~ entered_value
-					call add(res2, attrquoteopen . m . attrquote)
-				endif
-			endfor
-			return res + res2
-		endif
-		" }}}
-		" Attribute completion {{{
-		" Shorten context to not include last word
-		let sbase = matchstr(context, '.*\ze\s.*')
-		" Load data {{{
-		if !exists("b:html_doctype")
-			call htmlcomplete#CheckDoctype()
-		endif
-		if !exists("b:html_omni")
-			call htmlcomplete#LoadData()
-		endif
-		" }}}
-		if has_key(b:html_omni, tag)
-			let attrs = keys(b:html_omni[tag][1])
-		else
-			return []
-		endif
-        if has_key(b:html_omni, 'aria_attributes') && has_key(b:html_omni, 'role_attributes') && context =~ 'role='
-            "let attrs = extend(attrs, keys(b:html_omni['aria_attributes']))
-            let start = matchend(context, "role=['\"]")
-            let end   = matchend(context, "[a-z ]\\+['\"]", start)
-            if start != -1 && end != -1
-                let roles = split(strpart(context, start, end-start-1), " ")
-                for i in range(len(roles))
-                    let role = roles[i]
-                    if has_key(b:html_omni['role_attributes'], role)
-                        let attrs = extend(attrs, b:html_omni['role_attributes'][role])
-                    endif
-                endfor
-            endif
-        endif
-		for m in sort(attrs)
-			if m =~ '^'.attr
-				call add(res, m)
-			elseif m =~ attr
-				call add(res2, m)
-			endif
-		endfor
-		"let menu = res + res2
-		let menu = res
-		if has_key(b:html_omni, 'vimxmlattrinfo')
-			let final_menu = []
-			for i in range(len(menu))
-				let item = menu[i]
-				if has_key(b:html_omni['vimxmlattrinfo'], item)
-					let m_menu = b:html_omni['vimxmlattrinfo'][item][0]
-					let m_info = b:html_omni['vimxmlattrinfo'][item][1]
-				else
-					let m_menu = ''
-					let m_info = ''
-				endif
-                if item =~ '^aria-'
-                    if len(b:html_omni['aria_attributes'][item]) > 0 && b:html_omni['aria_attributes'][item][0] =~ '^\(BOOL\|'.item.'\)$'
-                        let item = item
-                        let m_menu = 'Bool'
-                    else
-                        let item .= '="'
-                    endif
-                else
-                    if len(b:html_omni[tag][1][item]) > 0 && b:html_omni[tag][1][item][0] =~ '^\(BOOL\|'.item.'\)$'
-                        let item = item
-                        let m_menu = 'Bool'
-                    else
-                        let item .= '="'
-                    endif
-                endif
-				let final_menu += [{'word':item, 'menu':m_menu, 'info':m_info}]
-			endfor
-		else
-			let final_menu = []
-			for i in range(len(menu))
-				let item = menu[i]
-				if len(b:html_omni[tag][1][item]) > 0 && b:html_omni[tag][1][item][0] =~ '^\(BOOL\|'.item.'\)$'
-					let item = item
-				else
-					let item .= '="'
-				endif
-				let final_menu += [item]
-			endfor
-			return final_menu
-		endif
-		return final_menu
-	endif
-	" }}}
-	" Close tag {{{
-	let b:unaryTagsStack = "area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr"
-	if context =~ '^\/'
-		if context =~ '^\/.'
-			return []
-		else
-			let opentag = xmlcomplete#GetLastOpenTag("b:unaryTagsStack")
-			return [opentag.">"]
-		endif
-	endif
-	" }}}
-	" Load data {{{
-	if !exists("b:html_doctype")
-		call htmlcomplete#CheckDoctype()
-	endif
-	if !exists("b:html_omni")
-		"runtime! autoload/xml/xhtml10s.vim
-		call htmlcomplete#LoadData()
-	endif
-	" }}}
-	" Tag completion {{{
-	" Deal with tag completion.
-	let opentag = tolower(xmlcomplete#GetLastOpenTag("b:unaryTagsStack"))
-	" MM: TODO: GLOT works always the same but with some weird situation it
-	" behaves as intended in HTML but screws in PHP
-	if opentag == '' || &filetype == 'php' && !has_key(b:html_omni, opentag)
-		" Hack for sometimes failing GetLastOpenTag.
-		" As far as I tested fail isn't GLOT fault but problem
-		" of invalid document - not properly closed tags and other mish-mash.
-		" Also when document is empty. Return list of *all* tags.
-	    let tags = keys(b:html_omni)
-		call filter(tags, 'v:val !~ "^vimxml"')
-	else
-		if has_key(b:html_omni, opentag)
-			let tags = b:html_omni[opentag][0]
-		else
-			return []
-		endif
-	endif
-	" }}}
-	if exists("uppercase_tag") && uppercase_tag == 1
-		let context = tolower(context)
-	endif
-	" Handle XML keywords: DOCTYPE
-	if opentag == ''
-		let tags = [
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html>',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/frameset.dtd">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">',
-				\ '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'
-				\ ] + sort(tags)
-	endif
-	"for m in sort(tags)
-	for m in tags
-		if m =~ '^'.context
-			call add(res, m)
-		elseif m =~ context
-			call add(res2, m)
-		endif
-	endfor
-	let menu = res + res2
-	if has_key(b:html_omni, 'vimxmltaginfo')
-		let final_menu = []
-		for i in range(len(menu))
-			let item = menu[i]
-			if has_key(b:html_omni['vimxmltaginfo'], item)
-				let m_menu = b:html_omni['vimxmltaginfo'][item][0]
-				let m_info = b:html_omni['vimxmltaginfo'][item][1]
-			else
-				let m_menu = ''
-				let m_info = ''
-			endif
-			if &filetype == 'html' && exists("uppercase_tag") && uppercase_tag == 1 && item !~ 'DOCTYPE'
-				let item = toupper(item)
-			endif
-			if item =~ 'DOCTYPE'
-                if item =~ 'DTD'
-                    let abbr = 'DOCTYPE '.matchstr(item, 'DTD \zsX\?HTML .\{-}\ze\/\/')
-                else
-                    let abbr = 'DOCTYPE HTML 5'
-                endif
-			else
-				let abbr = item
-			endif
-			let final_menu += [{'abbr':abbr, 'word':item, 'menu':m_menu, 'info':m_info}]
-		endfor
-	else
-		let final_menu = menu
-	endif
-	return final_menu
-	" }}}
-  endif
-function! htmlcomplete#LoadData() " {{{
-	if !exists("b:html_omni_flavor")
-		if &filetype == 'html'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401t'
-		else
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10s'
-		endif
-	endif
-	" With that if we still have bloated memory but create new buffer
-	" variables only by linking to existing g:variable, not sourcing whole
-	" file.
-	if exists('g:xmldata_'.b:html_omni_flavor)
-		exe 'let b:html_omni = g:xmldata_'.b:html_omni_flavor
-	else
-		exe 'runtime! autoload/xml/'.b:html_omni_flavor.'.vim'
-		exe 'let b:html_omni = g:xmldata_'.b:html_omni_flavor
-	endif
-" }}}
-function! htmlcomplete#CheckDoctype() " {{{
-	if exists('b:html_omni_flavor')
-		let old_flavor = b:html_omni_flavor
-	else
-		let old_flavor = ''
-	endif
-	let i = 1
-	while i < 10 && i < line("$")
-		let line = getline(i)
-		if line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 3\.2'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html32'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.0 Transitional'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html40t'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.0 Frameset'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html40f'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.0'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html40s'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.01 Transitional'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401t'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.01 Frameset'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401f'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD HTML 4\.01'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html401s'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD XHTML 1\.0 Transitional'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10t'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD XHTML 1\.0 Frameset'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10f'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD XHTML 1\.0 Strict'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml10s'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*\<DTD XHTML 1\.1'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'xhtml11'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		elseif line =~ '<!DOCTYPE html'
-			let b:html_omni_flavor = 'html5'
-			let b:html_doctype = 1
-			break
-		endif
-		let i += 1
-	endwhile
-	if !exists("b:html_doctype")
-		return
-	else
-		" Tie g:xmldata with b:html_omni this way we need to sourca data file only
-		" once, not every time per buffer.
-		if old_flavor == b:html_omni_flavor
-			return
-		else
-			if exists('g:xmldata_'.b:html_omni_flavor)
-				exe 'let b:html_omni = g:xmldata_'.b:html_omni_flavor
-			else
-				exe 'runtime! autoload/xml/'.b:html_omni_flavor.'.vim'
-				exe 'let b:html_omni = g:xmldata_'.b:html_omni_flavor
-			endif
-			return
-		endif
-	endif
-" }}}
-" vim:set foldmethod=marker:
--- a/vim/bundle/html5.vim/autoload/xml/html5.vim	Tue Nov 16 17:00:09 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,922 +0,0 @@
-" Vim completion for HTML5 data file
-" Language:       HTML5
-" Maintainer:     othree <othree@gmail.com>
-" Last Change:    2010 Sep 09
-" Lang Tag: {{{
-" Ref: http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry
-" Version: 2010/09/07
-" Description: only get two-letter language tag
-let lang_tag = [
-    \ 'aa', 'ab', 'ae', 'af', 'ak', 'am', 'an', 'ar', 'as', 'av', 'ay', 'az', 'ba', 'be', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bm',
-    \ 'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'ce', 'ch', 'co', 'cr', 'cs', 'cu', 'cv', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'dv', 'dz', 'ee',
-    \ 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'ff', 'fi', 'fj', 'fo', 'fr', 'fy', 'ga', 'gd', 'gl', 'gn', 'gu',
-    \ 'gv', 'ha', 'he', 'hi', 'ho', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'hz', 'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'ig', 'ii', 'ik', 'in', 'io',
-    \ 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'iw', 'ja', 'ji', 'jv', 'jw', 'ka', 'kg', 'ki', 'kj', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'kr',
-    \ 'ks', 'ku', 'kv', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lb', 'lg', 'li', 'ln', 'lo', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv', 'mg', 'mh', 'mi', 'mk',
-    \ 'ml', 'mn', 'mo', 'mr', 'ms', 'mt', 'my', 'na', 'nb', 'nd', 'ne', 'ng', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'nr', 'nv', 'ny',
-    \ 'oc', 'oj', 'om', 'or', 'os', 'pa', 'pi', 'pl', 'ps', 'pt', 'qu', 'rm', 'rn', 'ro', 'ru', 'rw', 'sa', 'sc',
-    \ 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'sh', 'si', 'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'so', 'sq', 'sr', 'ss', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta',
-    \ 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl', 'tn', 'to', 'tr', 'ts', 'tt', 'tw', 'ty', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 've',
-    \ 'vi', 'vo', 'wa', 'wo', 'xh', 'yi', 'yo', 'za', 'zh', 'zu', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW']
-" }}}
-" Charset: {{{
-" Ref: http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets 
-" Version: 2010/09/07
-let charset = [
-    \ 'ANSI_X3.4-1968', 'ISO_8859-1:1987', 'ISO_8859-2:1987', 'ISO_8859-3:1988', 'ISO_8859-4:1988', 'ISO_8859-5:1988', 
-    \ 'ISO_8859-6:1987', 'ISO_8859-7:1987', 'ISO_8859-8:1988', 'ISO_8859-9:1989', 'ISO-8859-10', 'ISO_6937-2-add', 'JIS_X0201', 
-    \ 'JIS_Encoding', 'Shift_JIS', 'Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese', 'Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese',
-    \ 'BS_4730', 'SEN_850200_C', 'IT', 'ES', 'DIN_66003', 'NS_4551-1', 'NF_Z_62-010', 'ISO-10646-UTF-1', 'ISO_646.basic:1983', 
-    \ 'INVARIANT', 'ISO_646.irv:1983', 'NATS-SEFI', 'NATS-SEFI-ADD', 'NATS-DANO', 'NATS-DANO-ADD', 'SEN_850200_B', 'KS_C_5601-1987',
-    \ 'ISO-2022-KR', 'EUC-KR', 'ISO-2022-JP', 'ISO-2022-JP-2', 'JIS_C6220-1969-jp', 'JIS_C6220-1969-ro', 'PT', 'greek7-old', 
-    \ 'latin-greek', 'NF_Z_62-010_(1973)', 'Latin-greek-1', 'ISO_5427', 'JIS_C6226-1978', 'BS_viewdata', 'INIS', 'INIS-8', 
-    \ 'INIS-cyrillic', 'ISO_5427:1981', 'ISO_5428:1980', 'GB_1988-80', 'GB_2312-80', 'NS_4551-2', 'videotex-suppl', 'PT2', 
-    \ 'ES2', 'MSZ_7795.3', 'JIS_C6226-1983', 'greek7', 'ASMO_449', 'iso-ir-90', 'JIS_C6229-1984-a', 'JIS_C6229-1984-b', 
-    \ 'JIS_C6229-1984-b-add', 'JIS_C6229-1984-hand', 'JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add', 'JIS_C6229-1984-kana', 'ISO_2033-1983', 
-    \ 'ANSI_X3.110-1983', 'T.61-7bit', 'T.61-8bit', 'ECMA-cyrillic', 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-1', 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-2', 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr', 
-    \ 'ISO_8859-6-E', 'ISO_8859-6-I', 'T.101-G2', 'ISO_8859-8-E', 'ISO_8859-8-I', 'CSN_369103', 'JUS_I.B1.002', 'IEC_P27-1', 
-    \ 'JUS_I.B1.003-serb', 'JUS_I.B1.003-mac', 'greek-ccitt', 'NC_NC00-10:81', 'ISO_6937-2-25', 'GOST_19768-74', 'ISO_8859-supp', 
-    \ 'ISO_10367-box', 'latin-lap', 'JIS_X0212-1990', 'DS_2089', 'us-dk', 'dk-us', 'KSC5636', 'UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7', 'ISO-2022-CN', 
-    \ 'ISO-2022-CN-EXT', 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-13', 'ISO-8859-14', 'ISO-8859-15', 'ISO-8859-16', 'GBK', 'GB18030', 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_15', 
-    \ 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV', 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1', 'ISO-11548-1', 'KZ-1048', 'ISO-10646-UCS-2', 'ISO-10646-UCS-4', 'ISO-10646-UCS-Basic',
-    \ 'ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1', 'ISO-10646-J-1', 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1261', 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1268', 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1276', 
-    \ 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1264', 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1265', 'UNICODE-1-1', 'SCSU', 'UTF-7', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16', 'CESU-8', 
-    \ 'UTF-32', 'UTF-32BE', 'UTF-32LE', 'BOCU-1', 'ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.0-Latin-1', 'ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1', 
-    \ 'ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2', 'ISO-8859-9-Windows-Latin-5', 'hp-roman8', 'Adobe-Standard-Encoding', 'Ventura-US', 
-    \ 'Ventura-International', 'DEC-MCS', 'IBM850', 'PC8-Danish-Norwegian', 'IBM862', 'PC8-Turkish', 'IBM-Symbols', 'IBM-Thai', 
-    \ 'HP-Legal', 'HP-Pi-font', 'HP-Math8', 'Adobe-Symbol-Encoding', 'HP-DeskTop', 'Ventura-Math', 'Microsoft-Publishing', 
-    \ 'Windows-31J', 'GB2312', 'Big5', 'macintosh', 'IBM037', 'IBM038', 'IBM273', 'IBM274', 'IBM275', 'IBM277', 'IBM278', 
-    \ 'IBM280', 'IBM281', 'IBM284', 'IBM285', 'IBM290', 'IBM297', 'IBM420', 'IBM423', 'IBM424', 'IBM437', 'IBM500', 'IBM851', 
-    \ 'IBM852', 'IBM855', 'IBM857', 'IBM860', 'IBM861', 'IBM863', 'IBM864', 'IBM865', 'IBM868', 'IBM869', 'IBM870', 'IBM871', 
-    \ 'IBM880', 'IBM891', 'IBM903', 'IBM904', 'IBM905', 'IBM918', 'IBM1026', 'EBCDIC-AT-DE', 'EBCDIC-AT-DE-A', 'EBCDIC-CA-FR', 
-    \ 'HZ-GB-2312', 'IBM866', 'IBM775', 'KOI8-U', 'IBM00858', 'IBM00924', 'IBM01140', 'IBM01141', 'IBM01142', 'IBM01143', 
-    \ 'IBM01144', 'IBM01145', 'IBM01146', 'IBM01147', 'IBM01148', 'IBM01149', 'Big5-HKSCS', 'IBM1047', 'PTCP154', 'Amiga-1251', 
-    \ 'KOI7-switched', 'BRF', 'TSCII', 'windows-1250', 'windows-1251', 'windows-1252', 'windows-1253', 'windows-1254', 'windows-1255', 
-    \ 'windows-1256', 'windows-1257', 'windows-1258', 'TIS-620', ]
-" }}}
-" Attributes_and_Settings: {{{
-let core_attributes = {'accesskey': [], 'class': [], 'contenteditable': ['true', 'false', ''], 'contextmenu': [], 'dir': ['ltr', 'rtl'], 'draggable': ['true', 'false'], 'hidden': ['hidden', ''], 'id': [], 'lang': lang_tag, 'spellcheck': ['true', 'false', ''], 'style': [], 'tabindex': [], 'title': []}
-let xml_attributes = {'xml:lang': lang_tag, 'xml:space': ['preserve'], 'xml:base': [], 'xmlns': []}
-let body_attributes = {}
-let global_attributes = extend(core_attributes, xml_attributes)
-if !exists('g:event_handler_attributes_complete')
-    let g:event_handler_attributes_complete = 1
-" http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#attributes-1
-let attributes_value = {
-    \ 'accept': ['MIME', ''],
-    \ 'accept-charset': ['Charset', ''],
-    \ 'accesskey': ['Character', ''],
-    \ 'action': ['URL', ''],
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-    \ 'charset': ['Charset', ''],
-    \ 'checked': ['Bool', ''],
-    \ 'cite': ['URL', ''],
-    \ 'class': ['*Token', ''],
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-    \ 'colspan': ['Int', ''],
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-    \ 'contenteditable': ['true/false', ''],
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-    \ 'controls': ['Bool', ''],
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-    \ 'enctype': ['Token', ''],
-    \ 'for': ['ID', ''],
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-    \ 'formaction': ['URL', ''],
-    \ 'formenctype': ['Token', ''],
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-    \ 'headers': ['*ID', ''],
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-    \ 'hidden': ['Bool', ''],
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-    \ 'hreflang': ['Lang Tag', ''],
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-    \ 'keytype': ['Text', ''],
-    \ 'label': ['Text', ''],
-    \ 'lang': ['Lang Tag', ''],
-    \ 'list': ['ID', ''],
-    \ 'loop': ['Bool', ''],
-    \ 'low': ['Number', ''],
-    \ 'manifest': ['URL', ''],
-    \ 'max': ['Number', ''],
-    \ 'maxlength': ['Int', ''],
-    \ 'media': ['Text', ''],
-    \ 'method': ['HTTP Method', ''],
-    \ 'min': ['Number', ''],
-    \ 'multiple': ['Bool', ''],
-    \ 'name': ['Text', ''],
-    \ 'novalidate': ['Bool', ''],
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-    \ 'optimum': ['Number', ''],
-    \ 'pattern': ['Pattern', ''],
-    \ 'placeholder': ['Text', ''],
-    \ 'poster': ['URL', ''],
-    \ 'preload': ['Token', ''],
-    \ 'pubdate': ['Bool', ''],
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-    \ 'rel': ['*Token', ''],
-    \ 'required': ['Bool', ''],
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-    \ 'rowspan': ['Int', ''],
-    \ 'sandbox': ['*Token', ''],
-    \ 'spellcheck': ['true/false', ''],
-    \ 'scope': ['Token', ''],
-    \ 'scoped': ['Bool', ''],
-    \ 'seamless': ['Bool', ''],
-    \ 'selected': ['Bool', ''],
-    \ 'shape': ['Token', ''],
-    \ 'size': ['Int', ''],
-    \ 'sizes': ['*Token', ''],
-    \ 'span': ['Int', ''],
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-    \ 'srcdoc': ['Document', ''],
-    \ 'start': ['Int', ''],
-    \ 'step': ['Int', ''],
-    \ 'style': ['Style', ''],
-    \ 'summary': ['Text', ''],
-    \ 'tabindex': ['Int', ''],
-    \ 'target': ['Name', ''],
-    \ 'title': ['Text', ''],
-    \ 'type': ['Token', ''],
-    \ 'usemap': ['Name', ''],
-    \ 'value': ['Text', ''],
-    \ 'width': ['Int', ''],
-    \ 'wrap': ['soft/hard', ''],
-    \ 'xml:lang': ['Lang tag', ''],
-    \ 'xml:base': ['*URI', ''],
-    \ 'xml:space': ['preserve', ''],
-    \ 'xmlns': ['URI', ''],
-    \ 'version': ['HTML+RDFa 1.1', '']
-\ }
-if g:event_handler_attributes_complete == 1
-    let event_handler_attributes = {'onabort': [], 'onblur': [], 'oncanplay': [], 'oncanplaythrough': [], 'onchange': [], 'onclick': [], 'oncontextmenu': [], 'ondblclick': [], 'ondrag': [], 'ondragend': [], 'ondragenter': [], 'ondragleave': [], 'ondragover': [], 'ondragstart': [], 'ondrop': [], 'ondurationchange': [], 'onemptied': [], 'onended': [], 'onerror': [], 'onfocus': [], 'onformchange': [], 'onforminput': [], 'oninput': [], 'oninvalid': [], 'onkeydown': [], 'onkeypress': [], 'onkeyup': [], 'onload': [], 'onloadeddata': [], 'onloadedmetadata': [], 'onloadstart': [], 'onmousedown': [], 'onmousemove': [], 'onmouseout': [], 'onmouseover': [], 'onmouseup': [], 'onmousewheel': [], 'onpause': [], 'onplay': [], 'onplaying': [], 'onprogress': [], 'onratechange': [], 'onreadystatechange': [], 'onscroll': [], 'onseeked': [], 'onseeking': [], 'onselect': [], 'onshow': [], 'onstalled': [], 'onsubmit': [], 'onsuspend': [], 'ontimeupdate': [], 'onvolumechange': [], 'onwaiting': []}
-    let global_attributes = extend(global_attributes, event_handler_attributes)
-    let body_attributes = {'onafterprint': [], 'onbeforeprint': [], 'onbeforeunload': [], 'onblur': [], 'onerror': [], 'onfocus': [], 'onhashchange': [], 'onload': [], 'onmessage': [], 'onoffline': [], 'ononline': [], 'onpopstate': [], 'onredo': [], 'onresize': [], 'onstorage': [], 'onundo': [], 'onunload': []}
-    let event_attributes_value = {
-        \ 'onabort': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onafterprint': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onbeforeprint': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onbeforeunload': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onblur': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'oncanplay': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'oncanplaythrough': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onchange': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onclick': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'oncontextmenu': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ondblclick': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ondrag': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ondragend': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ondragenter': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ondragleave': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ondragover': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ondragstart': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ondrop': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ondurationchange': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onemptied': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onended': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onerror': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onfocus': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onformchange': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onforminput': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onhashchange': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'oninput': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'oninvalid': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onkeydown': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onkeypress': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onkeyup': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onload': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onloadeddata': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onloadedmetadata': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onloadstart': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onmessage': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onmousedown': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onmousemove': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onmouseout': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onmouseover': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onmouseup': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onmousewheel': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onoffline': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ononline': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onpagehide': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onpageshow': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onpause': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onplay': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onplaying': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onpopstate': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onprogress': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onratechange': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onreadystatechange': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onredo': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onresize': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onscroll': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onseeked': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onseeking': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onselect': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onshow': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onstalled': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onstorage': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onsubmit': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onsuspend': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'ontimeupdate': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onundo': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onunload': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onvolumechange': ['Script', ''],
-        \ 'onwaiting': ['Script', '']
-    \ }
-    let attributes_value = extend(attributes_value, event_attributes_value)
-if !exists('g:rdfa_attributes_complete')
-    let g:rdfa_attributes_complete = 1
-if g:rdfa_attributes_complete == 1
-    " http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#s_metaAttributes
-    " http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-core/#s_syntax
-    let relrev = ['chapter', 'contents', 'copyright', 'first', 'glossary', 'help', 'icon', 'index', 'last', 'license', 'meta', 'next', 'p3pv1', 'prev', 'role', 'section', 'stylesheet', 'subsection', 'start', 'top', 'up']
-    let rdfa_attributes = {'about': [], 'content': [], 'datatype': [], 'prefix': [], 'profile': [], 'property': [], 'resource': [], 'rel': relrev, 'rev': relrev, 'typeof': [], 'vocab': []}
-    let global_attributes = extend(global_attributes, rdfa_attributes)
-    let rdfa_attributes_value = {
-        \ 'about': ['SafeCURIEorCURIEorURI', ''],
-        \ 'content': ['CDATA String', ''],
-        \ 'datatype': ['CURIE', ''],
-        \ 'prefix': ['*Prefix', ''],
-        \ 'profile': ['String', ''],
-        \ 'property': ['*TERMorCURIEorAbsURIs', ''],
-        \ 'resource': ['URIorSafeCURIE', ''],
-        \ 'rel': ['*TERMorCURIEorAbsURIs', ''],
-        \ 'rev': ['*TERMorCURIEorAbsURIs', ''],
-        \ 'typeof': ['*TERMorCURIEorAbsURIs', ''],
-        \ 'vocab': ['URI', '']
-    \ }
-    let attributes_value = extend(attributes_value, rdfa_attributes_value)
-if !exists('g:microdata_attributes_complete')
-    let g:microdata_attributes_complete = 1
-if g:microdata_attributes_complete == 1
-    let microdata_attributes = {'itemid': [], 'itemscope': ['itemscope', ''], 'itemtype': [], 'itemprop': [], 'itemref': []}
-    let global_attributes = extend(global_attributes, microdata_attributes)
-    let microdata_attributes_value = {
-        \ 'itemid': ['URI', ''],
-        \ 'itemscope': ['Bool', ''],
-        \ 'itemtype': ['URI', ''],
-        \ 'itemprop': ['String', ''],
-        \ 'itemref': ['*ID', '']
-    \ }
-    let attributes_value = extend(attributes_value, microdata_attributes_value)
-" }}}
-" WAI_ARIA: {{{
-" Ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/
-" Version: Draft 15 December 2009
-let abstract_role = {}
-let role_attributes = {}
-if !exists('g:aria_attributes_complete')
-    let g:aria_attributes_complete = 1
-if g:aria_attributes_complete == 1
-    " Ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles
-    " Version: Draft 15 December 2009
-    let widget_role = ['alert', 'alertdialog', 'button', 'checkbox', 'combobox', 'dialog', 'gridcell', 'link', 'log', 'marquee', 'menuitem', 'menuitemcheckbox', 'menuitemradio', 'option', 'progressbar', 'radio', 'radiogroup', 'scrollbar', 'slider', 'spinbutton', 'status', 'tab', 'tabpanel', 'textbox', 'timer', 'tooltip', 'treeitem']
-    let document_structure = ['article', 'columnheader', 'definition', 'directory', 'document', 'group', 'heading', 'img', 'list', 'listitem', 'math', 'note', 'presentation', 'region', 'row', 'rowheader', 'separator']
-    let landmark_role = ['application', 'banner', 'complementary', 'contentinfo', 'form', 'main', 'navigation', 'search']
-    let role = extend(widget_role, document_structure)
-    let role = extend(role, landmark_role)
-    let global_attributes = extend(global_attributes, {'role': role})
-    " http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/states_and_properties#state_prop_taxonomy
-    let global_states_and_properties = {'aria-atomic': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-busy': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-controls': [], 'aria-describedby': [], 'aria-disabled': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-dropeffect': ['copy', 'move', 'link', 'execute', 'popup', 'none'], 'aria-flowto': [], 'aria-grabbed': ['true', 'false', 'undefined'], 'aria-haspopup': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-hidden': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-invalid': ['grammar', 'spelling', 'true', 'false'], 'aria-label': [], 'aria-labelledby': [], 'aria-live': ['off', 'polite', 'assertive'], 'aria-owns': [], 'aria-relevant': ['additions', 'removals', 'text', 'all']}
-    let widget_attributes = {'aria-autocomplete': ['inline', 'list', 'both', 'none'], 'aria-checked': ['true', 'false', 'mixed', 'undefined'], 'aria-disabled': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-expanded': ['true', 'false', 'undefined'], 'aria-haspopup': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-hidden': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-invalid': ['grammar', 'spelling', 'true', 'false'], 'aria-label': [], 'aria-level': [], 'aria-multiline': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-multiselectable': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-orientation': ['horizontal', 'vertical'], 'aria-pressed': ['true', 'false', 'mixed', 'undefined'], 'aria-readonly': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-required': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-selected': ['true', 'false', 'undefined'], 'aria-sort': ['ascending', 'descending', 'none', 'other'], 'aria-valuemax': [], 'aria-valuemin': [], 'aria-valuenow': [], 'aria-valuetext': []}
-    let live_region_attributes = {'aria-atomic': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-busy': ['true', 'false'], 'aria-live': ['off', 'polite', 'assertive'], 'aria-relevant': ['additions', 'removals', 'text', 'all', 'additions text']}
-    let drag_and_drop_attributes = {'aria-dropeffect': ['copy', 'move', 'link', 'execute', 'popup', 'none'], 'aria-grabbed': ['true', 'false', 'undefined']}
-    let relationship_attributes = {'aria-activedescendant': [], 'aria-controls': [], 'aria-describedby': [], 'aria-flowto': [], 'aria-labelledby': [], 'aria-owns': [], 'aria-posinset': [], 'aria-setsize': []}
-    let aria_attributes = widget_attributes
-    let aria_attributes = extend(aria_attributes, live_region_attributes)
-    let aria_attributes = extend(aria_attributes, drag_and_drop_attributes)
-    let aria_attributes = extend(aria_attributes, relationship_attributes)
-    " Abstract Roles
-    let abstract_role['roletype'] = ['aria-atomic', 'aria-busy', 'aria-controls', 'aria-describedby', 'aria-disabled', 'aria-dropeffect', 'aria-flowto', 'aria-grabbed', 'aria-haspopup', 'aria-hidden', 'aria-invalid', 'aria-label', 'aria-labelledby', 'aria-live', 'aria-owns', 'aria-relevant']
-    let abstract_role['structure'] = abstract_role['roletype']
-    let abstract_role['widget'] = abstract_role['roletype']
-    let abstract_role['window'] = abstract_role['roletype'] + ['aria-expanded']
-    let abstract_role['composite'] = abstract_role['widget'] + ['aria-activedescendant']
-    let abstract_role['input'] = abstract_role['widget']
-    let abstract_role['section'] = abstract_role['structure'] + ['aria-expanded']
-    let abstract_role['sectionhead'] = abstract_role['structure'] + ['aria-expanded']
-    let role_attributes['group'] = abstract_role['section']
-    let abstract_role['select'] = abstract_role['composite'] + role_attributes['group'] + abstract_role['input']
-    let abstract_role['range'] = abstract_role['input'] + ['aria-valuemax', 'aria-valuemin', 'aria-valuenow', 'aria-valuetext']
-    let role_attributes['region'] = abstract_role['section']
-    let abstract_role['landmark'] = role_attributes['region']
-    " Widget Roles
-    let role_attributes['list'] = role_attributes['region'] 
-    let role_attributes['listitem'] = abstract_role['section']
-    let role_attributes['dialog'] = abstract_role['window']
-    let role_attributes['menuitem'] = abstract_role['input'] 
-    let role_attributes['checkbox'] = abstract_role['input'] + ['aria-checked'] 
-    let role_attributes['menuitemcheckbox'] = role_attributes['menuitem'] + role_attributes['checkbox']
-    let role_attributes['option'] = abstract_role['input'] + ['aria-checked', 'aria-posinset', 'aria-selected', 'aria-setsize']
-    let role_attributes['radio'] = role_attributes['checkbox'] + role_attributes['option']
-    let role_attributes['directory'] = role_attributes['list'] 
-    let role_attributes['alert'] = role_attributes['region']
-    let role_attributes['alertdialog'] = role_attributes['alert'] + role_attributes['dialog']
-    let role_attributes['button'] = role_attributes['region'] + role_attributes['menuitemcheckbox']
-    let role_attributes['combobox'] = abstract_role['select'] + ['aria-expanded', 'aria-required'] 
-    let role_attributes['gridcell'] = abstract_role['section'] + abstract_role['widget']
-    let role_attributes['link'] = abstract_role['widget'] 
-    let role_attributes['log'] = role_attributes['region'] 
-    let role_attributes['marquee'] = role_attributes['region'] 
-    let role_attributes['menuitemradio'] = role_attributes['menuitemcheckbox'] + role_attributes['radio']
-    let role_attributes['progressbar'] = abstract_role['widget'] + ['aria-valuemax', 'aria-valuemin', 'aria-valuenow', 'aria-valuetext']
-    let role_attributes['radiogroup'] = abstract_role['select'] + ['aria-required']
-    let role_attributes['scrollbar'] = abstract_role['range'] + ['aria-controls', 'aria-orientation', 'aria-valuemax', 'aria-valuemin', 'aria-valuenow']
-    let role_attributes['slider'] = abstract_role['range'] + ['aria-valuemax', 'aria-valuemin', 'aria-valuenow']
-    let role_attributes['spinbutton'] = abstract_role['composite'] + abstract_role['range'] + ['aria-required'] 
-    let role_attributes['status'] = abstract_role['composite'] + role_attributes['region']
-    let role_attributes['tab'] = abstract_role['sectionhead'] + abstract_role['widget']
-    let role_attributes['tabpanel'] = role_attributes['region']
-    let role_attributes['textbox'] = abstract_role['input'] + ['aria-autocomplete', 'aria-multiline', 'aria-readonly', 'aria-required']
-    let role_attributes['timer'] = role_attributes['status'] 
-    let role_attributes['tooltip'] = abstract_role['section'] 
-    let role_attributes['treeitem'] = role_attributes['listitem'] + role_attributes['option']
-    let role_attributes['grid'] = abstract_role['composite'] + role_attributes['region'] + ['aria-level', 'aria-multiselectable', 'aria-readonly']
-    let role_attributes['listbox'] = role_attributes['list'] + abstract_role['select'] + ['aria-multiselectable', 'aria-required']
-    let role_attributes['menu'] =  role_attributes['list'] + abstract_role['select'] 
-    let role_attributes['menubar'] = role_attributes['menu'] 
-    let role_attributes['tablist'] = abstract_role['composite'] + role_attributes['directory']
-    let role_attributes['toolbar'] = role_attributes['group'] 
-    let role_attributes['tree'] = abstract_role['select'] + ['aria-multiselectable', 'aria-required']
-    let role_attributes['treegrid'] = role_attributes['grid'] + role_attributes['tree']
-    " Document Structure
-    let role_attributes['document'] = abstract_role['structure'] + ['aria-expanded'] 
-    let role_attributes['article'] = role_attributes['document'] + role_attributes['region'] 
-    let role_attributes['columnheader'] = role_attributes['gridcell'] + abstract_role['sectionhead'] + ['aria-sort']
-    let role_attributes['definition'] = abstract_role['section'] 
-    let role_attributes['heading'] = abstract_role['sectionhead'] + ['aria-level'] 
-    let role_attributes['img'] = abstract_role['section'] 
-    let role_attributes['math'] = abstract_role['section'] 
-    let role_attributes['note'] = abstract_role['section'] 
-    let role_attributes['presentation'] = abstract_role['structure']
-    let role_attributes['row'] = role_attributes['group'] + ['aria-level', 'aria-selected']
-    let role_attributes['rowheader'] = role_attributes['gridcell'] + abstract_role['sectionhead']
-    let role_attributes['separator'] = abstract_role['structure'] + ['aria-expanded'] 
-    " Landmark Roles
-    let role_attributes['application'] = abstract_role['landmark'] 
-    let role_attributes['banner'] = abstract_role['landmark'] 
-    let role_attributes['complementary'] = abstract_role['landmark'] 
-    let role_attributes['contentinfo'] = abstract_role['landmark'] 
-    let role_attributes['form'] = abstract_role['landmark'] 
-    let role_attributes['main'] = abstract_role['landmark'] 
-    let role_attributes['navigation'] = abstract_role['landmark'] 
-    let role_attributes['search'] = abstract_role['landmark']
-    " http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/states_and_properties#state_prop_def
-    let aria_attributes_value = {
-        \ 'aria-autocomplete': ['ID', ''],
-        \ 'aria-checked': ['Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-disabled': ['true/false', ''],
-        \ 'aria-expanded': ['Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-haspopup': ['true/false', ''],
-        \ 'aria-hidden': ['true/false', ''],
-        \ 'aria-invalid': ['Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-label': ['String', ''],
-        \ 'aria-level': ['Int', ''],
-        \ 'aria-multiline': ['true/false', ''],
-        \ 'aria-multiselectable': ['true/false', ''],
-        \ 'aria-orientation': ['Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-pressed': ['Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-readonly': ['true/false', ''],
-        \ 'aria-required': ['true/false', ''],
-        \ 'aria-selected': ['Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-sort': ['Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-valuemax': ['Number', ''],
-        \ 'aria-valuemin': ['Number', ''],
-        \ 'aria-valuenow': ['Number', ''],
-        \ 'aria-valuetext': ['String', ''],
-        \ 'aria-atomic': ['true/false', ''],
-        \ 'aria-busy': ['true/false', ''],
-        \ 'aria-live': ['Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-relevant': ['*Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-dropeffect': ['*Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-grabbed': ['Token', ''],
-        \ 'aria-activedescendant': ['ID', ''],
-        \ 'aria-controls': ['*ID', ''],
-        \ 'aria-describedby': ['*ID', ''],
-        \ 'aria-flowto': ['*ID', ''],
-        \ 'aria-labelledby': ['*ID', ''],
-        \ 'aria-owns': ['*ID', ''],
-        \ 'aria-posinset': ['Int', ''],
-        \ 'aria-setsize': ['Int', '']
-    \ }
-    let attributes_value = extend(attributes_value, aria_attributes_value)
-" }}}
-" Ref: http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/
-" Version: Draft 29 August 2010
-let phrasing_elements = ['a', 'em', 'strong', 'small', 'mark', 'abbr', 'dfn', 'i', 'b', 'code', 'var', 'samp', 'kbd', 'sup', 'sub', 'q', 'cite', 'span', 'bdo', 'br', 'wbr', 'ins', 'del', 'img', 'embed', 'object', 'iframe', 'map', 'area', 'script', 'noscript', 'ruby', 'video', 'audio', 'input', 'textarea', 'select', 'button', 'label', 'output', 'datalist', 'keygen', 'progress', 'command', 'canvas', 'time', 'meter']
-let metadata_elements = ['link', 'style', 'meta', 'script', 'noscript', 'command']
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-" http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#linkTypes
-let linktypes = ['alternate', 'archives', 'author', 'bookmark', 'external', 'first', 'help', 'icon', 'index', 'last', 'license', 'next', 'nofollow', 'noreferrer', 'pingback', 'prefetch', 'prev', 'search', 'stylesheet', 'sidebar', 'tag', 'up']
-" a and button are special elements for interactive, some element can't be its descendent
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-    \ global_attributes
-\ ],
-\ 'table': [
-    \ ['caption', 'col', 'colgroup', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody', 'tr'],
-    \ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'summary': []})
-\ ],
-\ 'tbody': [
-    \ ['tr'],
-    \ global_attributes
-\ ],
-\ 'td': [
-    \ flow_elements,
-    \ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'colspan': [], 'rowspan': [], 'headers': []})
-\ ],
-\ 'textarea': [
-    \ [''],
-    \ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'name': [], 'disabled': ['disabled', ''], 'form': [], 'readonly': ['readonly', ''], 'maxlength': [], 'autofocus': ['autofocus', ''], 'required': ['required', ''], 'placeholder': [], 'rows': [], 'wrap': ['hard', 'soft'], 'cols': []})
-\ ],
-\ 'tfoot': [
-    \ ['tr'],
-    \ global_attributes
-\ ],
-\ 'th': [
-    \ phrasing_elements,
-    \ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'scope': ['row', 'col', 'rowgroup', 'colgroup'], 'colspan': [], 'rowspan': [], 'headers': []})
-\ ],
-\ 'thead': [
-    \ ['tr'],
-    \ global_attributes
-\ ],
-\ 'time': [
-    \ phrasing_elements,
-    \ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'datetime': [], 'pubdate': ['pubdate', '']})
-\ ],
-\ 'title': [
-    \ [''],
-    \ global_attributes
-\ ],
-\ 'tr': [
-    \ ['th', 'td'],
-    \ global_attributes
-\ ],
-\ 'track': [
-    \ [],
-    \ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'kind': ['subtitles', 'captions', 'descriptions', 'chapters', 'metadata'], 'src': [], 'charset': charset, 'srclang': lang_tag, 'label': []})
-\ ],
-\ 'ul': [
-    \ ['li'],
-    \ global_attributes
-\ ],
-\ 'var': [
-    \ phrasing_elements,
-    \ global_attributes
-\ ],
-\ 'video': [
-    \ flow_elements + ['source', 'track'],
-    \ extend(copy(global_attributes), {'autoplay': ['autoplay', ''], 'preload': ['none', 'metadata', 'auto', ''], 'controls': ['controls', ''], 'loop': ['loop', ''], 'poster': [], 'height': [], 'width': [], 'src': []})
-\ ],
-\ 'wbr': [
-    \ [],
-    \ global_attributes
-\ ],
-\ 'vimxmlattrinfo' : attributes_value,
-\ 'vimxmltaginfo': {
-    \ 'area': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'base': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'br': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'col': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'command': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'embed': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'hr': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'img': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'input': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'keygen': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'link': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'meta': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'param': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'source': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'track': ['/>', ''],
-    \ 'wbr': ['/>', ''],
-\ },
-\ 'aria_attributes': aria_attributes,
-\ 'role_attributes': role_attributes
-\ }
--- a/vim/bundle/html5.vim/config.mk	Tue Nov 16 17:00:09 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
--- a/vim/bundle/html5.vim/syntax/html/html5.vim	Tue Nov 16 17:00:09 2010 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language:	HTML (version 5)
-" Maintainer:	Rodrigo Machado <rcmachado@gmail.com>
-" URL:		http://rm.blog.br/vim/syntax/html.vim
-" Last Change:  2009 Aug 19
-" License:      Public domain
-"               (but let me know if you like :) )
-" Note: This file just adds the new tags from HTML 5
-"       and don't replace default html.vim syntax file
-" Modified:     othree <othree@gmail.com>
-" Last Change:  2010/09/09
-" Changes:      update to Draft 28 August 2010
-"               add complete new attributes
-"               add wai-aria attributes
-"               add microdata attributes
-"               add rdfa attributes
-" HTML 5 tags
-syn keyword htmlTagName contained article aside audio canvas command
-syn keyword htmlTagName contained datalist details dialog embed figcaption figure footer
-syn keyword htmlTagName contained header hgroup keygen mark meter menu nav output
-syn keyword htmlTagName contained progress time ruby rt rp section source summary time track video wbr
-" HTML 5 arguments
-" Core Attributes
-syn keyword htmlArg contained accesskey class contenteditable contextmenu dir 
-syn keyword htmlArg contained draggable hidden id lang spellcheck style tabindex title
-" Event-handler Attributes
-syn keyword htmlArg contained onabort onblur oncanplay oncanplaythrough onchange 
-syn keyword htmlArg contained onclick oncontextmenu ondblclick ondrag ondragend ondragenter ondragleave ondragover 
-syn keyword htmlArg contained ondragstart ondrop ondurationchange onemptied onended onerror onfocus onformchange 
-syn keyword htmlArg contained onforminput oninput oninvalid onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onloadeddata 
-syn keyword htmlArg contained onloadedmetadata onloadstart onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup
-syn keyword htmlArg contained onmousewheel onpause onplay onplaying onprogress onratechange onreadystatechange 
-syn keyword htmlArg contained onscroll onseeked onseeking onselect onshow onstalled onsubmit onsuspend ontimeupdate 
-syn keyword htmlArg contained onvolumechange onwaiting
-" XML Attributes
-syn keyword htmlArg contained xml:lang xml:space xml:base
-" new features
-" <body>
-syn keyword htmlArg contained onafterprint onbeforeprint onbeforeunload onblur onerror onfocus onhashchange onload 
-syn keyword htmlArg contained onmessage onoffline ononline onpopstate onredo onresize onstorage onundo onunload
-" <video>, <audio>, <source>, <track>
-syn keyword htmlArg contained autoplay preload controls loop poster media kind charset srclang track
-" <form>, <input>, <button>
-syn keyword htmlArg contained form autocomplete autofocus list min max step
-syn keyword htmlArg contained formaction autofocus formenctype formmethod formtarget formnovalidate
-" <command>, <details>, <time>
-syn keyword htmlArg contained label icon open datetime pubdate
-" Custom Data Attributes
-" http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#custom-data-attribute
-syn match   htmlArg "\<\(data(\-[a-z]\+)\+\)=" contained
-" Microdata
-" http://dev.w3.org/html5/md/
-syn keyword htmlArg contained itemid itemscope itemtype itemprop itemref
-" RDFa
-" http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#a_xhtmlrdfa_dtd
-syn keyword htmlArg contained about typeof property resource content datatype rel rev 
-" WAI-ARIA States and Properties
-" http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/states_and_properties
-syn keyword htmlArg contained role
-" Global States and Properties
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(atomic\|busy\|controls\|describedby\)\>"
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(disabled\|dropeffect\|flowto\|grabbed\)\>"
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(haspopup\|hidden\|invalid\|label\)\>"
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(labelledby\|live\|owns\|relevant\)\>"
-" Widget Attributes
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(autocomplete\|checked\|disabled\|expanded\)\>"
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(haspopup\|hidden\|invalid\|label\)\>"
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(level\|multiline\|multiselectable\|orientation\)\>"
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(pressed\|readonly\|required\|selected\)\>"
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(sort\|valuemax\|valuemin\|valuenow\|valuetext\|\)\>"
-" Live Region Attributes
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(atomic\|busy\|live\|relevant\|\)\>"
-" Drag-and-Drop attributes
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(dropeffect\|grabbed\)\>"
-" Relationship Attributes
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(activedescendant\|controls\|describedby\|flowto\|\)\>"
-syn match  htmlArg contained "\<aria-\(labelledby\|owns\|posinset\|setsize\|\)\>"