Fixing random stuff.2010-10-28, by Steve Losh
vim: update snipmate2010-10-27, by Steve Losh
hg: add qpp alias2010-10-27, by Steve Losh
A bunch.2010-10-27, by Steve Losh
Merge.2010-10-27, by Steve Losh
Lots.2010-10-27, by Steve Losh
mutt: add mutt configs2010-10-27, by Steve Losh
vim: gundo stuff2010-10-26, by Steve Losh
Merge.2010-10-19, by Steve Losh
Ignore gundo so I can symlink it.2010-10-19, by Steve Losh
vim: add the gundo mapping2010-10-19, by Steve Losh
Fixes.2010-10-15, by Steve Losh
Merge.2010-10-13, by Steve Losh
vim: add hexhighlight2010-10-13, by Steve Losh
vim: lots2010-10-11, by Steve Losh
vim: add Vat2010-10-08, by Steve Losh
vim: moar2010-10-07, by Steve Losh
vim: cwiki wordwrap2010-10-07, by Steve Losh
vim: cwiki syntax2010-10-06, by Steve Losh
vim: cwiki ft2010-10-06, by Steve Losh
vim: add confluence shortcuts2010-10-06, by Steve Losh
zsh: screeninator and remove title junk2010-10-06, by Steve Losh
vim: fix ctags2010-10-06, by Steve Losh
vim: add ropevim2010-10-06, by Steve Losh
mercurial: add real merge aliases2010-10-01, by Steve Losh
Merge.2010-10-01, by Steve Losh
vim: add creole syntax2010-10-01, by Steve Losh
Merge.2010-09-30, by Steve Losh
vim: cram updates2010-09-30, by Steve Losh
vim: add taglist2010-09-30, by Steve Losh