vim: clean whitespace2010-05-28, by Steve Losh
vim: remove a few unused items2010-05-28, by Steve Losh
vim: change HALP2010-05-26, by Steve Losh
vim: add vimkata2010-05-26, by Steve Losh
vim: Fix BufExplorer mapping.2010-05-26, by Steve Losh
vim: pylint2010-05-21, by Steve Losh
vim: add pyflakes2010-05-21, by Steve Losh
Changes from work.2010-05-20, by Steve Losh
pianobar: do not scrobble2010-05-19, by Steve Losh
vim: scrolloff=32010-05-19, by Steve Losh
vim: CSS/Less stuff2010-05-18, by Steve Losh
Set a specific size for vimdiff windows.2010-05-17, by Steve Losh
vim: change the CSS leader. again.2010-05-17, by Steve Losh
Fix case collision.2010-05-17, by Steve Losh
vim: add some mappings2010-05-16, by Steve Losh
hg: add transplant2010-05-16, by Steve Losh
zsh: remove the damn colfm source line2010-05-16, by Steve Losh
hg: change editor to vim2010-05-16, by Steve Losh
vim: add ropevim2010-05-16, by Steve Losh
vim: messing around2010-05-15, by Steve Losh
vim: a lot2010-05-15, by Steve Losh
vim: add sparkup2010-05-15, by Steve Losh
vim: adjust Python snippets2010-05-15, by Steve Losh
vim: add snipmate2010-05-15, by Steve Losh
vim: add ctags2010-05-15, by Steve Losh
Add vimdiff for mercurial.2010-05-14, by Steve Losh
vim: ignore directories with fuzzyfinder, dammit2010-05-14, by Steve Losh
vim: add the sort-css shortcut2010-05-14, by Steve Losh
vim: add a clear-search shortcut2010-05-14, by Steve Losh
Add the Markdown syntax file.2010-05-14, by Steve Losh
No srsly, get the fuck out, delimitMate.2010-05-14, by Steve Losh
Get the fuck out of here, delimitMate.2010-05-14, by Steve Losh
vim: more ff ignores2010-05-13, by Steve Losh
vim: add the handy window nav keys back in2010-05-13, by Steve Losh
vim: ack, bufexplorer, -minibufexplorer, markdown2010-05-12, by Steve Losh
FuzzyBuffer2010-05-12, by Steve Losh
Add the LessCSS vim syntax.2010-05-12, by Steve Losh
Add VIM textile syntax files.2010-05-12, by Steve Losh
Fuzzyfinder settings.2010-05-12, by Steve Losh
Remap leader, add fuzzyfinder.2010-05-12, by Steve Losh
Remap leader, add fuzzyfinder.2010-05-12, by Steve Losh
Add Delimitmate.2010-05-11, by Steve Losh
Add NERDTree ignore filters.2010-05-11, by Steve Losh
Add NERDTree.2010-05-10, by Steve Losh
Merge.2010-05-10, by Steve Losh
Remove the subrepo.2010-05-10, by Steve Losh
Add the vim stuff.2010-05-10, by Steve Losh
Merge.2010-05-01, by Steve Losh
Remove some rarely used extensions.2010-05-01, by Steve Losh
Move some aliases to oh-my-zsh.2010-04-30, by Steve Losh
Move some aliases to omz.2010-04-30, by Steve Losh
Fix the git identity.2010-04-23, by Steve Losh
Minor changes.2010-04-23, by Steve Losh
Add the rip stuff.2010-04-12, by Steve Losh
Switch to the new version of virtualenvwrapper.2010-04-08, by Steve Losh
More hgrc stuff.2010-04-08, by Steve Losh
Move the django.zsh file to oh-my-zsh.2010-03-18, by Steve Losh
Add pushr and pullr and fix the gunicorn aliases.2010-03-16, by Steve Losh
Add the green unicorn aliases.2010-03-10, by Steve Losh
merge.2010-03-08, by Steve Losh