highligh on lines with three or more instances of profanity2014-06-02, by Steve Losh
fix git review to be more sane2014-06-02, by Steve Losh
git review2014-06-02, by Steve Losh
more git alias shit2014-05-29, by Steve Losh
fuckin hell tmux2014-05-29, by Steve Losh
longass script2014-05-19, by Steve Losh
more shit2014-05-14, by Steve Losh
gtfo zsh2014-04-22, by Steve Losh
shit2014-04-22, by Steve Losh
Add ms2utc mapping2014-04-02, by Steve Losh
Add tslime22014-04-02, by Steve Losh
Remove tslime2014-04-02, by Steve Losh
MOAR2014-04-01, by Steve Losh
more wordss2014-03-19, by Steve Losh
oh hey look more2014-03-18, by Steve Losh
More2014-03-17, by Steve Losh
add shelve2014-03-12, by Steve Losh
Merge.2014-03-12, by Steve Losh
Minor stuff2014-03-12, by Steve Losh
Merge.2014-03-12, by Steve Losh
hank2014-03-12, by Steve Losh
More clojure shit2014-03-12, by Steve Losh
Merge.2014-03-05, by Steve Losh
yeam more2014-03-05, by Steve Losh
Fuck You Complete Me2014-03-02, by Steve Losh
moooroe2014-03-02, by Steve Losh
Add delimitmate2014-03-02, by Steve Losh
Remove smartinput2014-03-02, by Steve Losh
Merge.2014-02-26, by Steve Losh
more2014-02-26, by Steve Losh
yet more shit2014-02-25, by Steve Losh
more fuckery2014-02-24, by Steve Losh
sjl/dotfiles turns 10002014-02-24, by Steve Losh
mooooore shit2014-02-24, by Steve Losh
for2014-02-20, by Steve Losh
Merge.2014-02-19, by Steve Losh
Yax2014-02-19, by Steve Losh
please kill me2014-02-15, by Steve Losh
shit2014-02-15, by Steve Losh
shavin'2014-02-15, by Steve Losh
Add YCM2014-02-15, by Steve Losh
Merge.2014-02-15, by Steve Losh
oh look more shit2014-02-15, by Steve Losh
Add "fish/generated_completions/" to .hgignore.2014-02-15, by Steve Losh
Merge.2014-01-15, by Steve Losh
yet more shit2014-01-15, by Steve Losh
Merge.2014-01-14, by Steve Losh
more2014-01-14, by Steve Losh
moar2014-01-14, by Steve Losh
More updates2014-02-14, by Steve Losh
Every day I'm shufflin (files around)2014-02-11, by Steve Losh
Add "weechat/script/plugins.xml.gz" to .hgignore.2014-02-11, by Steve Losh
Add "weechat/python/autoload/" to .hgignore.2014-02-11, by Steve Losh
Random shit2014-02-11, by Steve Losh
more shit2014-01-31, by Steve Losh
unnecessary key2014-01-28, by Steve Losh
more shit2014-01-28, by Steve Losh
fzero better2014-01-16, by Steve Losh
fzero2014-01-15, by Steve Losh
ssi2014-01-15, by Steve Losh