vim/bundle/slimv/doc/slimv.txt @ f21eea8d6efc

New movement keys, OMG.
author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 17 Dec 2010 14:42:43 -0500
parents c4d3b4507707
children (none)
*slimv.txt*                    Slimv                 Last Change: 07 Nov 2010

Slimv                                                                  *slimv*
                               Version 0.7.1

The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim.
This plugin is aimed to help Lisp development by interfacing between Vim and
the Lisp REPL, similarly to Emacs/SLIME.
Slimv works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, however the newly introduced
paredit mode is operating system independent.

|slimv-installation|         Installation
|slimv-customization|        Customization
|slimv-usage|                Usage
|slimv-repl|                 Lisp REPL inside Vim
|slimv-clojure|              Clojure support
|slimv-package|              Package and Namespace handling
|slimv-profiling|            Profiling
|slimv-hyperspec|            Hyperspec Lookup and Completion
|slimv-paredit|              Paredit mode
|slimv-external|             External utilities
|slimv-faq|                  Frequently Asked Questions
|slimv-changelog|            Change Log
|slimv-issues|               Known Issues
|slimv-todo|                 Todo
|slimv-credits|              Credits

For Vim version 7.0 and above.
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.

{Vi does not have any of this}

INSTALLATION                                               *slimv-installation*


  Required components:
  - Lisp (any console Common Lisp implementation should be OK) or
    Clojure installed.
  - Python 2.4 or later installed.

  Optional components:
  - The interrupt functionality needs the pywin32 extension on Windows.
  - "Exuberant ctags" for tags file generation (if not bundled with Vim
    already). See |slimv-ctags|.

To install the script:

  - Download the
  - Extract the zip archive into your vimfiles or runtime directory.
    See Vim help file |usr_05.txt| for details on adding a plugin.
    The archive contains the following files:


    You might already have an ftdetect/clojure.vim file if you already use
    another Clojure filetype plugin. In this case just keep the original file.
    If you intend to use the script only for Lisp programming, then most of
    the files may be skipped, in this case it is enough to copy the following


  - Start Vim or goto an existing instance of Vim.
  - Execute the following command:
       :helptags <your runtime directory>/doc

    (e.g :helptags $VIMRUNTIME/doc)
    This will generate all the help tags for any file located in the doc
  - Enter path definitions into your vimrc (if the default values are not
    valid for your Vim/Python/Lisp installation, which is highly probable).
    See |slimv-customization| below on how to do this.
  - On Linux some login shells (like fish) might be incompatible with the Vim
    temporary file generation, which results in getting random E484 errors.
    This is because Vim expects a POSIX-compliant shell and the problem might
    occur in other Vim scripts as well.
    One solution is to add a similar block to the top of .vimrc:

        if $SHELL =~ 'bin/fish'
            set shell=/bin/sh

Upgrade from previous script versions:

0.1   - 0.4.x    The project went through a major reorganization, so users
                 who already installed previous versions of the plugin should
                 first delete the old files. These are: plugin/slimv.vim,
                 plugin/, plugin/metering.lisp and doc/slimv.txt
                 in the vimfiles directory.
0.1   - 0.2.x    Users having a custom |g:slimv_repl_file| setting should
                 consider attaching the .lisp or .clj extension to the name
                 of the REPL buffer, in order to have syntax highlighting
                 and autoindenting in the REPL buffer.
                 Users who already have done this are smarter than me :)


  - Exit all Vim instances and exit from the REPL server terminal window.
  - Delete the files that were copied to the vimfiles directory during


    (Special note on metering.lisp: if the profiler was compiled, then the
    compiled files should be deleted as well, hence the metering.* above.)

CUSTOMIZATION                                             *slimv-customization*

|slimv-options|              Options
|slimv-templates|            Templates
|slimv-keyboard|             Keyboard mappings


The list below contains an alphabetical collection of Slimv options.
Below that list follows the detailed explanation on each option.

|g:paredit_matchlines|       Number of lines to look backward and forward
                             when checking if the current form is balanced.

|g:paredit_mode|             If nonzero, paredit mode is switched on.

|g:paredit_shortmaps|        If nonzero, paredit is remapping some one-letter
                             Vim commands that are not frequently used.

|g:slimv_browser_cmd|        If nonempty, this command is used to open the
                             Common Lisp Hyperspec. 

|g:slimv_clhs_root|          Base URL for the Common Lisp Hyperspec.

|g:slimv_clhs_user_db|       User defined extension for Slimv's built-in
                             Common Lisp Hyperspec symbol database.

|g:slimv_clhs_user_root|     Base URL for the user defined CLHS extension.

|g:slimv_cljapi_root|        Base URL for the Clojure API.

|g:slimv_cljapi_user_db|     User defined extension for Slimv's built-in
                             Clojure API symbol database.

|g:slimv_cljapi_user_root|   Base URL for the user defined Clojure API

|g:slimv_client|             The whole OS command to start the Slimv client.
                             Used for advanced customization, like changing
                             the terminal emulator to use for the Lisp REPL.

|g:slimv_ctags|              OS command to generate tags file.

|g:slimv_debug_client|       Display the command to start client.

|g:slimv_impl|               The Lisp implementation. Defaults to 'clisp'.

|g:slimv_javadoc_root|       Base URL for the JavaDoc.

|g:slimv_keybindings|        Predefined Slimv keybindings. Possible values:
                             1 = set #1, 2 = set #2, other = no keybindings

|g:slimv_lisp|               Path for the Lisp interpreter.

|g:slimv_menu|               If nonzero, Slimv menu is added to the Vim menu.

|g:slimv_package|            If nonzero, Slimv package/namespace handling is
                             switched on.

|g:slimv_port|               TCP/IP port number to use in the Slimv client-
                             server communication.

|g:slimv_python|             Path for the Python interpreter.

|g:slimv_repl_dir|           Directory path for the Lisp REPL buffer file.

|g:slimv_repl_file|          Filename without path for the REPL buffer file.

|g:slimv_repl_open|          If nonzero, Slimv opens the Lisp REPL buffer
                             inside Vim when the server is started.

|g:slimv_repl_split|         Open the Lisp REPL buffer in a split window
                             or in a separate buffer.

|g:slimv_repl_wrap|          Set wrap mode for the REPL buffer.

|g:slimv_updatetime|         Alternative value for 'updatetime' during REPL

Note: Most options require to restart the Vim session when modified.

Slimv tries to autodetect the Python and Lisp installation directories,
however the algorithm is not very sophisticated.
If the installation directories are put in the path, then the autodetection
should find them (this is usually the case on Linux). Otherwise (on Windows)
some frequently used directories are searched under C:\ and C:\Program Files.
For a minimum, Slimv needs to know the path of the existing Python and Lisp
installations, so if autodetection does not work for you, then set the
following global variables in your vimrc.

Note: On Windows use the / (slash) character instead of \ (backslash) as the
      directory separator to avoid any incidental character escaping problems
      while the paths are beeing passed between the Slimv processes.
      On Linux this is not an issue.

This is the installation path of the Python interpreter.
    let g:slimv_python = 'C:/MyPythonDir/python.exe'

This is the installation path of the Lisp interpreter.
    let g:slimv_lisp = 'C:/MyLispDir/mylisp.exe'

This is the Lisp implementation used. Slimv tries to autodetect it at script
startup. If the autodetection fails, set this to the actual Lisp
    let g:slimv_impl = 'sbcl'

The default port used by Slimv is 5151. If this port is used by another
program then set this variable to a free port number.
It is also possible to run multiple REPLs from multiple Vim processes, just
set a different port number for each Vim instance.
    let g:slimv_port = 10101

You may want to use a shell frontend other then the default one (cmd.exe
on Windows, xterm on Linux) or put additional command line parameters
for starting the server.
In this case you can omit the variables above and use g:slimv_client instead.
This is the complete command that is used to start the client. If not set
by the user, this is automatically built from the variables above.

The command format is the following (items in [] are optional):
    <python> <slimv> [-p <port>] -r "<server_cmd>"
    <python>       is the command to start the Python interpreter
    <slimv>        is the path of
    <port>         is the port number to use (if other than default)
    <server_cmd>   is the command to start the server

The format of <server_cmd> is the following (please remember to enclose the
whole command in double quotes, as this will be passed as one parameter
to the client):
    [<terminal>] <python> <slimv> -l <lisp> -s
    <terminal>     is the command to open a new terminal window
    <python>       is the command to start the Python interpreter
    <slimv>        is the path of
    <lisp>         is the command to start the Lisp REPL
You can also pass the following shortcuts in <server_cmd>:
    @p             equals <python>
    @s             equals <slimv>
    @@             use it if you need to insert an @ character
    \"             use it to insert a " character
So <server_cmd> can be rewritten in this shorter form:
    [<terminal>] @p @s -l <lisp> -s

The reason behind the duplication of the <python> and <slimv> part is that
you may want to start the server/REPL in a shell frontend that needs
special command line options. For example on Windows I highly recommend
to use Console ( which is greatly
configurable and you also get usable select/copy/paste functions.

Note: Remember to escape with a \ all " characters that are supposed to be
      inside a command line argument, otherwise the argument will be split
      by the shell.

Example to start the Slimv server via Console on Windows:

  let g:slimv_client = 
  \ 'python -p 5152 -r "console -r \"/k @p @s -l clisp -s\""'

So the server will be started as if we typed at the command line:

  console -r "/k python -l clisp -s"

A similar situation is if you want to use a terminal program other than
xterm on Linux (e.g. Konsole). A typical g:slimv_client setup can be on
Linux for xterm:

  let g:slimv_client =
  \ 'python ~/.vim/plugin/ -r "xterm -T Slimv -e @p @s -l clisp -s"'

And this can be for Konsole:

  let g:slimv_client =
  \ 'python ~/.vim/plugin/ -r "konsole -T Slimv -e @p @s -l clisp -s"'

Set this to nonzero if you want to make Vim display the command used to start
the client and any occurrent error messages. This also makes Slimv keep the
Slimv client window open on Windows. This setting is useful to debug problems
when setting up a custom |g:slimv_client| command.

It is possible to generate tags file from within Vim. By default Slimv assumes
that ctags.exe is stored somewhere along with the standard Vim path designated
by $vim or $vimruntime. The command for generating tags file is then
automatically built at script startup.
If ctags.exe is stored somewhere else, or the default ctags options are
unsatisfactory, then override this option with the desired command.
The default ctags command is:
  "ctags.exe -a --language-force=lisp *.lisp *.clj"

Defines the keybinding set used by Slimv. Value 0 means no keybinding at all.
Value 1 defines the short keybinding with one-key bindings (after <Leader>).
Value 2 defines the easy keybinding with two-key bindings (after <Leader>).
Other values mean no predefined keybinding is wanted.
The <Leader> is set to ',' by default. 

If nonzero then the Slimv menu is added to the end of the global menu.
Also the Slimv menu can be shown by pressing <Leader>, (defaults to ,,).

Number of lines to look backward and forward when checking if the current
top level form is balanced in paredit mode. Default is 100.

If nonzero then paredit mode is switched on, i.e. Slimv tries to keep the
balanced state of parens. See |g:slimv-paredit|.

If nonzero, paredit is remapping some one-letter normal mode Vim commands that
are not frequently used. These are <, >, J, O, W, S. The original function of
these maps then can be reached via the <Leader> prefix (which is the ","
character by default in Slimv).
Otherwise these paredit functions can be reached via the <Leader> prefix.

Specifies the command to start the browser in order to display the Common Lisp
Hyperspec or the Clojure API. If the command contains spaces then enclose the
whole string in double quotes or escape the spaces with a backslash.
This option is empty by default, which means that the command associated with
the .html extension (on Windows) or returned by the Python webbrowser package
(on Linux) is used to start the browser.

Directory path for the Lisp REPL buffer file. By default this is a directory
for temporary files, something like /tmp/ on Linux or
"C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp\" on Windows.
The directory name must end with the pathname separator (/ or \).
See also |g:slimv_repl_file|.

The Lisp REPL output is written to a temporary file by the Slimv server.
|g:slimv_repl_file| defines the filename part of the REPL output file without
the directory path. The complete REPL filename is built from
|g:slimv_repl_dir| and |g:slimv_repl_file|.

Slimv opens the Lisp REPL buffer inside Vim by default when the Slimv server
is started, so there exist actually two REPL-s with the same contents:
one inside a Vim buffer and another one as a separate terminal window.
The reason behind this is that the simulation is not perfect, which is caused
by the lack of asynchronous update possibilities in Vim. Sometimes the REPL
buffer is not perfectly updated, this is the case for example when a Lisp
program is running too long and it has infrequent outputs only.
Slimv refreshes the REPL buffer at every keystroke or when the user doesn't
press a key for the time specified with 'updatetime'. It is also possible
to manually refresh the REPL buffer. The default value for 'updatetime' is
4 secs (=4000 ms), in cases when more precise refreshing is needed you can
lower the 'updatetime' option, e.g. to one second (=1000 ms):
    set updatetime=1000
However, it is not recommended to set this to a much lower value.
Optionally one may check the output of the separate REPL window.
The |g:slimv_repl_open| = 0 option can be used to disable the built-in REPL
buffer, so that only the separate REPL window is opened.

Open the Lisp REPL buffer in a split window or in a separate buffer in Vim.
Used only when |g:slimv_repl_open| is nonzero.

The REPL buffer is refreshed at every keystroke or when the user doesn't press
a key for the time specified with 'updatetime'. Slimv alters the value for
'updatetime' to a lower value when the REPL buffer is changed, so that the
update frequency gets higher while there is new REPL output. The original
value for 'updatetime' is restored when there is no REPL output.
The g:slimv_updatetime option defines the alternative (lower) value for
'updatetime' during REPL refresh. If you don't want that Slimv changes
'updatetime', then set g:slimv_updatetime to zero.
The default value is 200 (=0.2 sec).

If nonzero then Slimv package/namespace handling is switched on. Please find
details in the |slimv-package| section.

Set wrap mode for the REPL buffer, which means the lines longer than the
window width will not be hidden to the right. Instead they will be continued
in the next display line.
This is the default behaviour as it is how regular REPL windows work. This
mode also enables keybindings for cursor movements, so that an <Up> keypress
will move the cursor one line on the display and not one line in the document.

Base URL for the Common Lisp Hyperspec, Clojure API, and JavaDoc.
If the Hyperspec/API is downloaded to the hard disk, then set these variables
to the base path of the local copy, something like (where file:// specifies
the file protocol):
"file:///c:/doc/HyperSpec/" (Windows).
"file:///usr/local/doc/HyperSpec/" (Linux).
It is possible to extend the Hyperspec symbol database with user defined
symbols, see |g:slimv_clhs_user_db| and |g:slimv_cljapi_user_db|.

If you want to extend Slimv's built-in Hyperspec/API symbol database, define
the list of additional symbols in these variables. The format of this list is
the following: [["symbol1", "url1"], ["symbol2", "url2"], ...].
If the URL contains a ":" character then it is considered to be a fully
qualified URL, otherwise it is a relative address to the Hyperspec root
defined in |g:slimv_clhs_root| or |g:slimv_cljapi_root|.
It is also possible to define a separate base URL for the user extensions via
|g:slimv_clhs_user_root| or |g:slimv_cljapi_user_root|.

    let g:slimv_clhs_user_root = ""
    let g:slimv_clhs_user_db = [
        \["my-cool-function", "mycoolfunc.htm"],
        \["my-super-function", "mysuperfunc.htm"],
        \["my-awesome-function", "myawesomefunc.htm"]] 

Remember to insert a backslash at the beginning of each additional line of a
multi-line Vim command.


Many Slimv commands are performed by creating a special Lisp form from the
selected symbol (or list) and send it to the REPL for execution.
Slimv defines various templates to build these special Lisp forms.
You can override them to suit your needs. Use %1 for substituting the selected
symbol's name or the selected list.
Here follows a list of the templates defined in Slimv.

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Pprint' command.
    let g:slimv_template_pprint = '(dolist (o %1)(pprint o))'

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Undefine' command.
    let g:slimv_template_undefine = '(fmakunbound (read-from-string "%1"))'

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Describe' command.
    let g:slimv_template_describe = '(describe (read-from-string "%1"))'

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Trace' command.
    let g:slimv_template_trace = "(trace %1)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Untrace' command.
    let g:slimv_template_untrace = "(untrace %1)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Profile' command.
    let g:slimv_template_profile = "(mon:monitor %1)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Unprofile' command.
    let g:slimv_template_unprofile = "(mon:unmonitor %1)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Unprofile All' command.
    let g:slimv_template_unprofile_all = "(mon:unmonitor)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Show Profiled' command.
    let g:slimv_template_show_profiled = "(pprint mon:*monitored-functions*)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Profile Report' command.
    let g:slimv_template_profile_report = "(mon:report-monitoring)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'Profile Reset' command.
    let g:slimv_template_profile_reset = "(mon:reset-all-monitoring)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'disassemble' command.
    let g:slimv_template_disassemble = "(disassemble #'%1)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'inspect' command.
    let g:slimv_template_inspect = "(inspect %1)"

Lisp form built when issuing the 'apropos' command.
    let g:slimv_template_apropos = '(apropos "%1")'

Lisp form built when issuing the 'macroexpand-1' command, after "defmacro"
string is replaced with "macroexpand-1".
    let g:slimv_template_macroexpand = '(pprint %1)'

Lisp form built when issuing the 'macroexpand-all' command, after "defmacro"
string is replaced with "macroexpand".
    let g:slimv_template_macroexpand_all = '(pprint %1)'

Lisp form built when issuing the 'compile-file' command.
    let g:slimv_template_compile_file = '(compile-file "%1")'


The default keybindings (|g:slimv_keybindings|=1) and another easy to remember
built in keybinding set (|g:slimv_keybindings|=2) for Slimv are the following.
Please note that the leading ',' key below refers to <Leader>, which is set
by Slimv to ',' by default.
Vim defines timeout values for mapped key sequences. If you find that Vim does
not allow you enough time between pressing ',' and the last key(s) of the
sequence, then you may want to fine tune these Vim options:
|timeout|, |ttimeout|, |timeoutlen|, |ttimeoutlen|.

    Set#1   Set#2    Command
    ,,      ,,       Slimv Menu

    Edit commands:
    <C-X>0           Close-Form (Insert mode)
    <C-X><C-O>       Complete-Symbol (Insert mode)
    ,(      ,(t      Paredit Toggle

    Evaluation commands:
    ,d      ,ed      Eval Defun (current top level form)
    ,e      ,ee      Eval Last Expression (current subform)
    ,E      ,ep      Pprint Eval Last Expression
    ,r      ,er      Eval Region (visual selection)
    ,b      ,eb      Eval Buffer
    ,v      ,ei      Interactive Eval
    ,u      ,eu      Undefine Function

    Debug commands:
    ,1      ,m1      Macroexpand-1
    ,m      ,ma      Macroexpand
    ,t      ,dt      Trace
    ,T      ,du      Untrace
    ,l      ,dd      Disassemble
    ,i      ,di      Inspect

    Compile commands:
    ,D      ,cd      Compile Defun
    ,L      ,cl      Compile and Load File
    ,F      ,cf      Compile File
    ,R      ,cr      Compile Region

    Profile commands:
    ,O      ,pl      Load Profiler
    ,p      ,pp      Profile
    ,P      ,pu      Unprofile
    ,U      ,pa      Unprofile All
    ,?      ,ps      Show Profiled
    ,o      ,pr      Profile Report
    ,x      ,px      Profile Reset

    Documentation commands:
    ,s      ,ds      Describe Symbol
    ,a      ,da      Apropos
    ,h      ,dh      Hyperspec
    ,]      ,dt      Generate Tags

    Repl commands:
    ,c      ,rc      Connect to Server

    Set#1   Set#2    Command
    ,\      ,\       REPL Menu (separate menu, valid only for the REPL buffer)

    REPL menu commands:
    ,.      ,rs      Send Input
    ,/      ,ro      Close and Send Input
    <C-C>   <C-C>    Interrupt Lisp Process
    ,<Up>   ,rp      Previous Input
    ,<Down> ,rn      Next Input
    ,z      ,rr      Refresh REPL Buffer

Also see |slimv-repl| for additional keybindings valid only in the REPL buffer.

USAGE                                                             *slimv-usage*

After proper installation start Vim and load a *.lisp source file into a
buffer. When the first Slimv command is entered (either from the menu or
via keyboard shortcut or entering a :call Slimv...() at the Vim command line)
then Slimv checks if the server/REPL runs and starts it if nedeed.
When the server is running, the Slimv commands send the appropriate Lisp
forms to the server/REPL for processing. That's it.

All you need to know then is the list of possible Slimv commands, how to
enter them and under what conditions.

It is possible to interrupt a running Lisp program by pressing Ctrl-C,
at least in some Lisp implementations, like CLISP (does not work for example
with SBCL).
In Clojure Ctrl-C exits the REPL by default, but it is possible to change this
behaviour via the add-break-thread! function:
    user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils)
    user=> (add-break-thread!)
Then pressing Ctrl-C results in a SIGINT exception in the current thread.
This may however make bad things to your JVM, so use it with caution.

To end the Lisp session press EOF (Ctrl-D on Linux, Ctrl-Z on Windows)
in the Lisp REPL window. After exiting the REPL it is possible to open
a new one from Vim the same way as before.

LISP REPL                                                          *slimv-repl*

The Lisp REPL is displayed as a separate terminal window and also inside a
Vim buffer. The Lisp REPL buffer is opened when the Slimv server is started.
The REPL buffer is a more or less regular Vim buffer, all Vim keybindings and
commands can be used here as well.

There are however some subtle differences. The main idea is that the last line
in the REPL buffer is a "command line", just like in any REPL. The command
line usually begins with a prompt, something like "[1] > ". The user types the
command after the prompt in Insert mode. When Enter (<CR>) is pressed, the
contents of the command line (which can actually be multiple lines, when
pasted) is sent to the Lisp REPL for evaluation. It is not allowed to
backspace before the end of the command line prompt.
Please remember that this evaluation style is working only in Insert mode,
in Normal mode the function of <CR> is left unchanged.
Other areas of the REPL buffer can be used to eval Lisp forms, just like
from the .lisp source code. So it is possible to move the cursor inside a form
that was previously eval-ed, make some changes, then eval it again.
Please note, that after evaluation the REPL buffer is refreshed, so the
changes made to the form are restored at that location, but the changed form
will be evaluated at the end of the REPL buffer.

Another difference is the command line history, which can be activated by
pressing <Up> or <Down> in the command line (also only in Insert mode).
Outside of the command line the <Up> and <Down> keys move the cursor,
as usual.

The keys with modified meanings in the Lisp REPL buffer are listed below:

Insert Mode:

    <CR>           Sends the command typed in the last line to the Lisp REPL
                   for evaluation.

    <C-CR>         Adds missing closing parentheses at the end of the command,
                   then sends the command to the Lisp REPL for evaluation.

    <BS>           In the last line it deletes characters to the left only
                   until the end of the Lisp prompt reached.

    <Up>           Brings up the previous command typed and sent to the Lisp
                   REPL when in the command line.

    <Down>         Brings up the next command typed and sent to the Lisp REPL
                   when in the command line.

CLOJURE SUPPORT                                                 *slimv-clojure*

Vim has a built-in support for Lisp, however it has no Clojure support by
default. As Clojure is a Lisp dialect, Slimv simply reuses Vim's Lisp syntax
and indent plugins for Clojure. It this does not suit your needs, then it is
possible to download and install a separate Clojure plugin parallel to Slimv.

In order to launch the Clojure REPL the variable |g:slimv_lisp| must be
properly set up.
The simplest definition is something like this, which assumes that the
directory for clojure.jar is in the PATH. Please note that the whole expression
needs to be enclosed in double quotes, as it will be passed to the server in
one single command line argument:

  let g:slimv_lisp = '"java -cp clojure.jar;clojure-contrib.jar clojure.main"'

Here follows an example, which starts c:\Clojure\clojure.jar on Windows.
Remember to escape the backslashes:

  let g:slimv_lisp =
  \ '"java -cp c:\\Clojure\\clojure.jar;c:\\Clojure\\clojure-contrib.jar clojure.main"'

PACKAGE AND NAMESPACE HANDLING                                  *slimv-package*

Slimv has a basic support for handling Lisp packages and Clojure namespaces.
This means that at every form evaluation Slimv first searches the source file
for any preceding '(in-package ...)' form for Lisp and '(in-ns ...)' form for
Clojure. If found then each time the package/namespace definition is evaluated
first. This way it is possible to randomly re-evaluate forms in a source (or
multiple sources) that use multiple packages/namespaces, each time the correct
package/namespace will be used.
The package/namespace handling can be switched off via the |g:slimv_package|

PROFILING                                                     *slimv-profiling*

Slimv is capable of utilizing SBCL's built-in profiler, and also the same
monitoring/profiling package (metering.lisp) that is used by SLIME, at least
for CLISP and maybe for some other Common Lisp implementations.
Fortunately SLIME's metering.lisp is in public domain, so its current version
(at the time of writing this document) is included in Slimv.
The most recent version can be extracted from the main directory of SLIME.
SLIME can be downloaded from

SBCL's profiler is ready to use by just starting the Lisp REPL.
In order to use SLIME's profiler with CLISP it first must be compiled and
loaded into a running REPL. Perform this with the 'Load-Profiler' command.
If the compilation was successful then Slimv is ready to profile.

Use the 'Profile' command to select functions for profiling, 'Unprofile' to
deselect specific functions or 'Unprofile All' to deselect all functions.
Obtain a list of profiled functions with 'Show Profiled'.
use 'Profile-Report' to display profiling results.
Reset profiling counters with 'Profile-Reset'.

When the REPL is restarted, the profiler needs to be reloaded (only in case
of CLISP): select the 'Load-Profiler' command again (this re-compiles

It is possible to override the default profile commands via the following
templates (see |slimv_templates|):


HYPERSPEC AND COMPLETION                                      *slimv-hyperspec*

Slimv contains Common Lisp Hyperspec, Clojure API and JavaDoc symbol databases.
When you are looking for the definition of a symbol, just place the cursor on
the symbol and select the 'Hyperspec' function. If the symbol is found in the
symbol database then the corresponding web page is displayed in the default
browser. It is also possible to select this function having just the beginning
of the symbol name, then the first match is presented to the user, and he/she
is asked to confirm or edit the symbol name before the hyperspec lookup.

It is possible to use a local copy of the Hyperspec, for this you need to
define its base URL. See |g:slimv_clhs_root|, |g:slimv_cljapi_root| and
|g:slimv_javadoc_root| for details.

It is also possible to add user defined symbols to the Hyperspec database,
see |g:slimv_clhs_user_db| and |g:slimv_cljapi_user_db|.

Slimv uses the Hyperspec symbol database for symbol name completion, via
Vim's omni-completion feature (if it is enabled and 'omnifunc' is not
defined already to something else).
Start to enter the symbol in Insert mode, then at some point press the
<C-X> <C-O> (omni-complete) key combination or select the 'Complete Symbol'
function. The first match in the symbol database is inserted at the cursor
position and a list of matching symbols is displayed in a submenu.
Use <C-N> to select the next match, <C-P> to select the previous match.

See Vim help file |insert.txt| for details on the usage of the various
completion functions built in Vim.

PAREDIT MODE                                          *paredit* *slimv-paredit*

Paredit mode is a special editing mode that keeps all matched characters
(parentheses, square brackets, double quotes) balanced, i.e. all opening
characters have a matching closing character. Most text entering and erasing
commands try to maintain the balanced state, so no single matched character is
added or deleted, they are entered or removed in pairs.
The function takes care of strings and comments, so no parenthesis and square
bracket balancing is performed inside a string or comment.

The idea is taken from the paredit mode of Emacs, but not all paredit.el
editing functions are implemented or behave exactly the same way as they do
in Emacs.

When you enter a '(' then a matching ')' is automatically inserted.
If needed, spaces before and/or after the '()' pair are added.

When you press ')' in insert mode then there's no need to insert a closing
parenthesis mark (it is already there), so the cursor is simply advanced past
the next closing parenthesis (then the next outer closing parenthesis, etc.).
The result of this is however that when entering text with paredit mode
you can use the same keystrokes as without paredit mode and you get the same
result. Of course you can choose to not enter the closing parenthesis (as
required without paredit mode), because it is already there.

When you are trying to delete a ')' alone then it is not possible, the cursor
is simply moved inside the list, where all regular characters can be deleted.
When the list is finally empty: '()', then the deletion of the opening '('
makes both parentheses erased at once, so the balanced state is maintained.

All the above holds for [...] and "..." character pairs.

When you are deleting multiple characters at once, e.g. deleting a whole line,
or deleting till the end of the line, etc, then the deletion logic of a single
character is iterated. This means that the whole line or the characters till
the end of the line, etc are not necessarily deleted all. Depending on the
number of open/close parentheses, square brackets, double quotes some of them
might be kept in order to maintain the balanced state.
For example if you press D in Normal mode to delete till the end of line
between the a and b parameters of the following Clojure function definition:

(defn myfunc [a b c] (+ a b c))
               ^--- press D here

then the closing ] as well as the last closing ) will not be deleted, because
in the list you have an ( and a [ to be matched, so the result will be:

(defn myfunc [a])

If you are deleting multiple lines, then the above process is performed for
all lines involved. If a line was not completely cleared, then it is joined
with the next line and the process continues.

Of course not all Vim commands are compatible with the paredit mode (e.g.
you can yank and paste unbalanced code snippet, or comment out an asymmetrical
part of the code), and there is also the possibility to edit the source code
with paredit mode switched off or with another editor to make it unbalanced.
When paredit mode detects that the underlying code is not balanced, then the
paredit functionality is suspended until the top level form balance is fixed.
As soon as all parens are matched, the paredit mode is automatically resumed.
Paredit needs "syntax on" to identify the syntax elements of the underlying
code, so if syntax is switched off, then paredit will not be suspended inside
comments or strings.

Slurpage and Barfage known from Emacs is also possible but in a different
fashion: you don't move the symbols but move the opening or closing parenthesis
over the symbol or a sub-list. This way you can move any symbol or sub-list
into or out of the current list. It is not possible to move the parenthesis
over its pair, so for example if you move the opening parenthesis to the right,
then it will stop at the matched closing parenthesis.

Paredit mode is set by default for .lisp and .clj files, but it is possible
to switch it out by putting the following statement in the .vimrc file:

    let g:paredit_mode = 0

You can enable paredit mode for other file types as well. Here is how to set
it for Scheme files (meant to be added to your .vimrc file):

    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.scm call PareditInitBuffer()

It is also possible to use the paredit mode alone, without the other parts of
Slimv. The easiest way to do it is to delete all Slimv related files from the 
ftplugin directory. If you don't intend to use Slimv's indentation and syntax
files, then you need to keep only plugin/paredit.vim.
Another way to prevent Slimv from loading by adding this to your .vimrc file:

    let g:slimv_loaded = 1

Slimv core will not be loaded but paredit will be loaded and assigned to
.lisp and .clj files.

Here follows a list of paredit keybindings:

Insert Mode:

    (              Inserts '()' and moves the cursor inside. Also adds leading
                   or trailing spaces when needed.
                   Inserts '(' when inside comment or string.

    )              Moves the cursor to the next closing parenthesis mark of
                   the current list. When pressed again then moves to the next
                   outer closing parenthesis, etc, until the closing of the
                   top level form is reached.
                   Inserts ')' when inside comment or string.

    [              Inserts '[]' and moves the cursor inside. Also adds leading
                   or trailing spaces when needed.
                   Inserts '[' when inside comment or string.

    ]              Moves the cursor to the next closing square bracket of the
                   current list. When pressed again then moves to the next
                   outer closing square bracket, etc, until the closing of the
                   top level form is reached.
                   Inserts ']' when inside comment or string.

    "              When outside of string, inserts '""' and moves the cursor
                   inside. When inside string then moves to the closing '"'.                   
                   Inserts '"' when inside comment. Also insert '"' when inside
                   string and preceded by a '\'.

    <BS>           When about to delete a (, ), [, ], or " and there are other
                   characters inside, then just skip it to the left. When
                   about to delete the opening part of the matched character
                   with nothing inside, then the whole empty list is removed.

    <Del>          When about to delete a (, ), [, ], or " and there are other
                   characters inside, then just skip it to the right. When
                   about to delete the closing part of the matched character
                   with nothing inside, then the whole empty list is removed.

Normal Mode:

    (              Finds opening '(' of the current list. Can be pressed
                   repeatedly until the opening of the top level form reached.

    )              Finds closing ')' of the current list. Can be pressed
                   repeatedly until the closing of the top level form reached.

    <Leader><      If standing on a delimiter (parenthesis or square bracket)
                   then moves it to the left by slurping or barfing the
                   s-expression to the left, depending on the direction of the
                   Pressing '<' when standing on a ')' makes the s-expression
                   to the left of the ')' going out of the current list.
                   Pressing '<' when standing on a '(' makes the s-expression
                   to the left of the '(' coming into the current list.
                   For example pressing <Leader>< at position marked with |:
                       (aaa bbb|)        --->    (aaa) bbb
                       aaa |(bbb)        --->    (aaa bbb)

    <Leader>>      If standing on a delimiter (parenthesis or square bracket)
                   then moves it to the right by slurping or barfing the
                   s-expression to the right, depending on the direction of the
                   Pressing '>' when standing on a '(' makes the s-expression
                   to the right of the '(' going out of the current list.
                   Pressing '>' when standing on a ')' makes the s-expression
                   to the right of the ')' coming into the current list.
                   For example pressing <Leader>< at position marked with |:
                       (aaa|) bbb        --->    (aaa bbb)
                       |(aaa bbb)        --->    aaa (bbb)

    <Leader>J      Join two subsequent lists or strings. The first one must end
                   before the cursor, the second one must start after the
                   cursor position.
                   For example pressing <Leader>J at position marked with |:
                       (aaa)| (bbb)      --->    (aaa bbb)
                       "aaa"| "bbb"      --->    "aaa bbb"

    <Leader>O      Split ("Open") current list or string at the cursor position.
                   Opposite of Join. Key O is selected because for the original
                   Vim mapping J and O are also kind of opposites.
                   For example pressing <Leader>O at position marked with |:
                       (aaa |bbb)        --->    (aaa) (bbb)
                       "aaa|bbb"         --->    "aaa" "bbb"

    <Leader>W      Wrap the current symbol in a pair of parentheses. The cursor
    <Leader>w(     is then positioned on the opening parenthesis, as wrapping
                   is usually done because one wants to call a function with
                   the symbol as parameter, so by pressing "a" one can enter
                   the function name right after the newly inserted "(".
                   For example pressing <Leader>W at position marked with |:
                       (aaa b|bb ccc)    --->    (aaa (bbb) ccc)

    <Leader>w[     Wrap the current symbol in a pair of square brackets,
                   similarly to <Leader>W.
                   For example pressing <Leader>w[ at position marked with |:
                       (aaa b|bb ccc)    --->    (aaa [bbb] ccc)

    <Leader>w"     Wrap the current symbol in a pair of double quotes,
                   similarly to <Leader>W.
                   For example pressing <Leader>w" at position marked with |:
                       (aaa b|bb ccc)    --->    (aaa "bbb" ccc)

    <Leader>S      Splice the current list into the containing list, i.e.
                   remove the opening and closing parens. Opposite of wrap.
                   For example pressing <Leader>S at position marked with |:
                       (aaa (b|bb) ccc)  --->    (aaa bbb ccc)

    x  or  <Del>   When about to delete a (, ), [, ], or " and there are other
                   characters inside, then just skip it to the right. When
                   about to delete the closing part of the matched character
                   with nothing inside, then the whole empty list is removed.
                   When preceded by a <count> value then delete this many

    X              When about to delete a (, ), [, ], or " and there are other
                   characters inside, then just skip it to the left. When
                   about to delete the opening part of the matched character
                   with nothing inside, then the whole empty list is removed.

    D              Keep deleting characters towards the end of line,
                   maintaining the balanced state, i.e. keep the number of
                   opening and closing parens the same.

    C              Same as 'D' but go to insert mode at the end.

    s              Same as 'x' but go to insert mode at the end.

    dd             Delete whole line by keeping the balanced state, i.e.
                   keep the number of opening and closing parens the same.
                   When preceded by a <count> value then delete this many

    <Leader>S      Same as 'dd' but go to insert mode at the end.

    d{motion}      Delete text till {motion}. Keeps text balanced, so if the
                   surrounded text contains unpaired matched characters then
                   they are not removed.

    c{motion}      Delete text till {motion} and start insert mode. Keeps text
                   balanced just like d{motion}.

    p              Put the text after the cursor with all unbalanced matched
                   characters removed.

    P              Put the text before the cursor with all unbalanced matched
                   characters removed.

Visual Mode:

    (              Finds opening '(' of the current list and selects the whole
                   list. Can be pressed repeatedly until the top level form

    )              Finds closing ')' of the current list and selects the whole
                   list. Can be pressed repeatedly until the top level form

    d              Delete the current visual selection. Keeps text balanced,
    x              so the the selection contains unpaired matched characters
    <Del>          then they are not removed.

    c              Delete the current visual selection and start insert mode.
                   Keeps text balanced just like the 'd' command.

    <Leader>W      Wrap the current visual selection in a pair of parentheses.
    <Leader>w(     The visual selection is kept.

    <Leader>w[     Wrap the current visual selection in a pair of square
                   brackets. The visual selection is kept.

    <Leader>w"     Wrap the current visual selection in a pair of double
                   quotes. The visual selection is kept.

Please note that if variable |g:paredit_shortmaps| is nonzero then the
following normal mode mappings don't get a <Leader> prefix, they are mapped
to existing (but infrequently used) Vim functions and instead the original Vim
functions are mapped with the <Leader> prefix:

                   <, >, J, O, W, S

EXTERNAL UTILITIES                                             *slimv-external*

This section is about utilities, settings, etc., not related strongly to Slimv,
but may be used to aim Lisp development. These are mostly built-in Vim features
or options, and sometimes external Vim plugins.
Slimv does not want to copy these functionalities, if they exist and work well.

1. Syntax highlighting

The syntax highlighting is done via the default lisp.vim syntax plugin.
For Clojure files one has two options:
a. use the Lisp filetype also for Clojure files (that approach is used by Slimv
   for the REPL buffer if no other filetype is set)
b. install a Clojure Vim syntax plugin, like VimClojure.

2. Indentation

The indentation is also done via the default lisp.vim indent plugin, or an
optionally installed Clojure indent plugin, just like for the syntax
There are some built-in Vim reindentation commands that may come very handy
when editing Lisp files. One can define a custom key mapping for any of them,
such mappings are not defined by Slimv.

    :set autoindent         Copy indent from current line when starting
                            a new line.

    =                       Reindent selection, after a text has been selected.

    ==                      Reindent current line.

    vab=   or    [(v%=      Select current list and reindent it.

    99[(v%=                 Select top level form and reindent it.

3. Parenthesis handling

First of all there is paredit mode. If you don't like it, Vim still obtains
many tools to aid working with parentheses. This is a very important topic
for a Lisp programmer.

    :inoremap ( ()<Esc>i    Automatically insert closing parenthesis mark when
                            an opening one is inserted.

    :inoremap [ []<Esc>i    Same as above but for square brackets.

    :set showmatch          Briefly jump with the cursor to the matching
                            parenthesis or square bracket when a closing pair
                            is inserted.

    %                       Go to the matching parenthesis or square bracket.

    :source $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim
                            Adds extended matching with "%" to Vim.

    vab    or    [(v%       Select current list.
    vib                     Select current list without enclosing parentheses.
    yab                     Yank current list.
    dab                     Delete current list.

    99[(v%                  Select top level form.

    g:lisp_rainbow          Colorize differing levels of parenthesization with
                            different highlighting. Currently works only for
                            the 'lisp' filetype, hopefully it will be added
                            soon to the Clojure plugins as well.

4. Completion

    CTRL-N                  The built-in Vim keyword completion is a very handy
    CTRL-P                  feature. You start typing a word, and when CTRL-P
                            or CTRL-N is pressed, then Vim looks up the keyword
                            starting with the same letters as typed in up or
                            down direction in the current buffer.
                            This is not the same as the omni-completion
                            feature (see |slimv-hyperspec|). Omni-completion is
                            based on a symbol database and not on the contents
                            of the current buffer.

    :set complete           The |'complete'| option controls how keyword
                            completion works.

5. Tag lookup

Also see Slimv option |g:slimv_ctags|.

    |ctags|                 "Exuberant ctags" is a powerful utility for
                            generating tag database for different kind of
			    programming languages, including Lisp. Tag lookup
                            is then done via the CTRL-] (or :tag) command,
                            return to the previous positon with CTRL-T.

    ctags --language-force=lisp *.lisp *.clj
                            This or a similar command may be used to generate
                            tags file from .lisp and .clj files in a directory.

FAQ                                                                 *slimv-faq*

- Q: Why is this plugin called 'Slimv'?
- A: Because it is trying to mimic the popular Emacs extension 'SLIME'.
     In SLIME 'E' stands for 'Emacs', so here it is replaced with 'V' as Vim.
     To tell the truth, first I gave the name 'Slimvim' to the plugin but
     then I found an (already abandoned) project called 'Slim-Vim' and I did
     not want to interfere with it.

- Q: Why another 'Superior Lisp Mode' if there is already one (for Emacs)?
- A: Because many programmers prefer Vim as a program text editor over Emacs,
     including me. I don't want to start a holy war or whatsoever, I'm just
     happy if someone else finds this plugin useful.

- Q: But there are other similar projects for Vim. Why having yet another
     SLIMxxx for Vim?
- A: To my knowledge, none of the above mentioned Vim scripts/extensions
     contain all the functionalities of SLIME (nor does Slimv, to tell the
     truth). There is definitely room for improvement.
     It would be nice to make Vim as usable as Emacs for Lisp programming.
     In my opinion the main barrier is the lack of asynchronous buffer update
     in Vim, but this may change in the future.

- Q: How does Slimv work?
- A: Slimv consists of three parts: Vim plugin, client and server.
     The Slimv server is a swank server that embeds a console Lisp REPL
     via pipes, catching all REPL input/output.
     The Slimv client interfaces with the server and is responsible
     for sending Lisp commands to the Lisp REPL.
     The Vim plugin is translating editor commands to Lisp commands to be
     sent to the server by the client.
     So the dataflow is like this:
     Vim -> Vim plugin -> Slimv client -> Slimv server -> Lisp REPL
     The plugin resides in 'slimv.vim', the client and the server both
     located in ''.

- Q: Why is SLIME functionality XYZ missing from Slimv?
- A: There are two possible reasons:
     1. The dataflow of Slimv is one-directional: from client to server.
        There is no data sent back from the server to the client, so if a
        functionality requires that Slimv reads data from REPL, then
        currently it is not possible to implement it.
     2. It is possible to implement it, but I did not (yet) do it.
        Maybe future releases will contain it.

- Q: Why is the default port number 5151?
- A: Hint: what roman numerals are 5,1,5,1? Bingo: VI, doubled.

- Q: What is the version numbering concept?
- A: <major version>.<minor version>.<bugfix release>, where:
     major  version: Let's talk about it when it reaches 1...
     minor  version: New functionalities added, that are worth mentioning.
     bugfix release: Only bugfixes or tiny additions.

- Q: Why is the plugin distributed in zip file?
- A: I want that Windows/Linux/Mac users all can easily extract the plugin
     files. For this reason the vimball or zip format seems to be a good
     choice. There is no native .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 decompressors on
     Windows (however there exist free tools for the job, like 7zip).
     I'm relatively new to vimball and it looks like a good candidate, but
     I have some problems with it:
     1. It is uncompressed, and if I want to compress it then I will end up
        having it zipped.
     2. The .vba extension is also used for Visual Basic scripts on Windows
        and this frequently contains virus, so Windows users may dislike it.
        And remembering the very first time I met a vba file I was thinking
        that someone had created a Visual Basic installer for the script.
     3. Many Vim users don't know vimball but most of them know zip files.

- Q: Are you a Lisp expert?
- A: No, not at all. I'm just learning Lisp. Also just learning Vim
     scripting. And I'm not a Python expert either, however (at the moment)
     I have more experience with Python than with Lisp.

- Q: What about Clojure?
- A: I have even less experience with Clojure than with Lisp.
     But it looks like the Slimv functions can be easily ported for Clojure,
     and as there are not many (yet) Vim scripts written for Clojure, I gave
     it a try.

- Q: Why using Python for the client/server code? Why not Lisp?
- A: This is for historical reasons and may change in the future.
     Preliminary versions used Vim's built-in Python support.
     Later on the client/server code was separated from Vim but still remained
     written in Python. On Linux this should not be a problem, most Linux
     distributions contain a Python interpreter with high enough version.
     On Windows this means, you need to install Python, if you don't have
     one (at least version 2.4). Anyway, Python is a nice language and
     also a perfect replacement for calculator.exe :)

CHANGE LOG                                                    *slimv-changelog*

0.7.1  - Added option g:slimv_browser_cmd for opening hyperspec in a custom
         webbrowser (on behalf of Andreas Salwasser).
       - Added paredit handling for d<motion>, c<motion>, p and P commands:
         keep paren balance when deleting and pasting text.
       - Paredit Toggle function removes and re-adds paredit keybindings.
       - Bugfix: D and C deleted till beginning of line if () or [] found.
       - Bugfix: handle escaped \" characters inside string.

0.7.0  - Added package/namespace support.
       - New way of refreshing the REPL buffer via autocommands, removed
         'RUNNING' mode, cursor stays in the current buffer at evaluation.
       - Added option g:slimv_updatetime.
       - Removed options related to the old way of refreshing:
         g:slimv_repl_return and g:slimv_repl_wait.
       - Removed debug logging.
       - Updated Clojure API to version 1.2.
       - Extended keyword definition when selecting symbols.
       - Bugfix: defmacro detection problem (again).

0.6.3  - Added option g:slimv_repl_return to return cursor to the editor window
         from REPL buffer after evaluating an s-expression.
       - Wrap: if standing on a paren then wrap the whole s-expression.
       - Wrap selection: exit visual mode after command.
       - Bugfix: inserting double quotes in paredit mode (like "\"").
       - Bugfix: dd in paredit mode when unbalanced form is inside comment.
       - Bugfix: reopen REPL buffer after closing it via :q.
       - Bugfix: comment and string detection error with noignorecase setting
         (thanks to Brian Kropf).
       - Bugfix: wrong positioning when moving parenthesis to the right.
       - Bugfix: defmacro detection problem (thanks to Philipp Marek).
       - Bugfix: paredit wrap selection missed last character when 'selection'
         was not "exclusive".

0.6.2  - Added support for Mac OS X via (on behalf of Vlad Hanciuta).
       - Added string "clj" as a detector for Clojure (by Vlad Hanciuta).
       - Bugfix: paredit wrap function missed last character when 'selection'
         was not "exclusive" (thanks to Marcin Fatyga).
       - Bugfix: input was stuck inside SBCL debugger
         (on behalf of Philipp Marek and Dmitry Petukhov).
       - Bugfix: occasional error messages during REPL buffer update.
       - Bugfix: REPL menu was sometimes missing.
       - Bugfix: occasional command line color problems.

0.6.1  - Added Split, Join, Wrap, Splice functions to Paredit Mode.
       - Added g:paredit_shortmaps to select short/long paredit keymaps.
       - Bugfix: delete commands put erased characters into yank buffer.
       - Bugfix: D deletes only characters after the cursor position.

0.6.0  - Added paredit mode.
       - Set wrap mode for REPL buffer with keybindings.

0.5.6  - Improved REPL buffer response time.
       - Added debug log flushing frequency.
       - Bugfix: early exit of REPL refresh mode on some machines.

0.5.5  - Updated Clojure API to 1.1.
       - Expand tilde-prefix to home directory on Linux.
       - Autodetect Clojure in the user home directory on Linux.

0.5.4  - Added autodetection for clojure-contrib.jar.
       - Added autodetection for Clozure CL.
       - Applied lisp_rainbow to Clojure's [].
       - Renamed Clojure indent plugin to clojure.vim
         so that Vim finds and loads it.
       - Switched on lisp mode explicitly for Clojure filetype.

0.5.3  - Added Interrupt-Lisp-Process command.
       - Added mapping for the REPL menu.
       - Added special forms to Clojre API lookup.
       - Bugfix: put cursor after the last character in insert mode when
         continuously refreshing REPL buffer.
       - Fixed some Ctrl-C handling problems.

0.5.2  - Updated Clojure API.
       - Adapted Clojure autodetection to version 1.0 (clojure-1.0.0.jar).
       - Complete-Symbol command moved to separate Edit submenu.
       - Added Close-Form command to the Edit submenu.

0.5.1  - Added symbol name completion based on the Hyperspec database.

0.5.0  - Major project reorganization:
         Slimv is now a Lisp and Clojure filetype plugin.
       - Added Common Lisp Hyperspec, Clojure API, and JavaDoc lookup.
       - Separate menu for REPL buffer, menu items work in every Vim mode.
       - Fixed mark 's usage bug - thanks to Lorenzo Campedelli.

0.4.1  - Added profiler support for SBCL.
       - Added commands/menu items: Profiling: Show Profiled,
         REPL: Send Input, Close and Send Input, Previous Input, Next Input
       - Display Slimv error messages with ErrorMsg highlight.

0.4.0  - Added SLIME's profiling tool with support from Slimv.
       - Added command to generate tags file.
       - Fixed evaluation problems of large buffers on some systems.
       - Fixed Compile And Load filename problems with '\' on Windows.
       - Recycle old REPL temporary file at next server startup.

0.3.0  - Added syntax highlighting and automatic indentation for the REPL
         buffer (needs lisp and/or clojure Vim plugins).
       - It is possible to enter a multi-line command in the REPL buffer,
         until the opening and closing parens match.
       - Insert mode Up and Down keys move cursor when outside of the REPL
         command line.
       - Ctrl-C is working inside the REPL buffer (while waiting for output),
         so Ctrl-X and Ctrl-X Ctrl-X keybindings are removed.
       - REPL window performance enhancement on Linux.

0.2.2  - Fixed REPL input and output mix-up problems.
       - Evaluation performance enhancement.
       - Corrected some more macroexpand problems.

0.2.1  - Added basic Clojure support.
       - Corrected some macroexpand problems.
       - Fixed a REPL buffer refresh bug.

0.2.0  - Major update: Lisp REPL displayed in a Vim buffer.

0.1.4  - Corrected the delayed display of last line in REPL window on Linux.
       - Ctrl-C is propagated to Lisp REPL, so it is possible to interrupt
         a running program. Does not work however with some Lisp
         implementations (like SBCL).

0.1.3  - Handle DOS and Unix style newlines produced by various
         Lisp implementations on Windows.
       - Do not write debug logfile when debug level is zero.
       - Removed unused client command line argument: -c

0.1.2  - Windows users do not need pywin32 anymore.
       - Display buffer is more thread safe.

0.1.1  - Corrected memory fillup problem after a long REPL session.

0.1    - Initial release.

ISSUES, LIMITATIONS, KNOWN BUGS                                  *slimv-issues*

- Works only with the console Lisp and Python versions, does not work with the
  GUI Lisp versions or with a Python IDE (like IDLE).
- Does not work from within Cygwin.
- Vim register "s is used for all form selections, so its original content is
- Vim mark 's is used to mark the end of the REPL buffer, i.e. the beginning
  of the "command line".
- Limited profiling support: does not work for all Lisp implementations.
- Needs Vim version 7.0 or above, because of the intensive use of lists.
- Needs Python 2.4 or higher (uses the subprocess module)
- Sometimes a Python exception happens after a CTRL-C inside the REPL buffer
  followed by an EOF (CTRL-Z or CTRL-D) in the external REPL window.
- REPL buffer refresh on Vim focus gain works only in gvim, not in console vim.
- Interruption (Ctrl-C) does not work with all Lisp implementations.
  For example SBCL exits on Windows when receiving Ctrl-C.
  It does not work in Clojure.
  In this case use the Interrupt-Lisp-Process menu command.
- There are some functions that are not compatible or simply not working for
- It is not possible to run separate Lisp and Clojure REPL in the same
  Slimv session. Also some other features cannot switch language in the same
  session, e.g. profiling.

TODO                                                               *slimv-todo*

- Add Swank support, i.e. send commands to SLIME's Swank server.

CREDITS                                                         *slimv-credits*

Author: Tamas Kovacs <kovisoft at gmail dot com>

Please send comments, bug reports, suggestions, etc. to the e-mail address

Credit must go out to Bram Moolenaar and all the Vim developers for making
the world's (one of the) best editor.
Thanks to Eric Marsden and all the Emacs/SLIME developers for making SLIME.
Special thanks to Mark Kantrowitz, Chris McConnell, Skef Wholey and
Rob MacLachlan for creating the Metering System.
Also special thanks to Erik Naggum, Yuji Minejima and others for making the
Common Lisp Hyperspec lookup packages for SLIME, and thanks to
Taylor R. Campbell for the Emacs paredit.el script.
Thanks to the Vim community for testing, commenting and patching the script,
especially to Philipp Marek, Vlad Hanciuta, Marcin Fatyga, Dmitry Petukhov,
Daniel Solano Gómez, Brian Kropf, Len Weincier, Andreas Salwasser.
Last but not least many thanks to my wife Andrea (for the Italians out there:
hey, this is a female name in Hungary :) for her support and patience.
