vim/delimitMate.vba @ efbada5b228d

author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 12 May 2010 15:47:32 -0400
parents 5217b5c50200
children (none)
" Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Jr., Ph.D.
doc/delimitMate.txt	[[[1
*delimitMate*    Trying to keep those beasts at bay! v.2.1   *delimitMate.txt*

  =========================================================================  ~
  ====  =========  ==========================  =====  =====================  ~
  ====  =========  ==========================   ===   =====================  ~
  ====  =========  =====================  ===  =   =  ==========  =========  ~
  ====  ===   ===  ==  ==  =  = ===  ==    ==  == ==  ===   ===    ===   ==  ~
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  =  =  ==     ==  ==  ==  =  =  ==  ===  ===  =====  =====  ===  ===     =  ~
  =  =  ==  =====  ==  ==  =  =  ==  ===  ===  =====  ===    ===  ===  ====  ~
  =  =  ==  =  ==  ==  ==  =  =  ==  ===  ===  =====  ==  =  ===  ===  =  =  ~
  ==    ===   ===  ==  ==  =  =  ==  ===   ==  =====  ===    ===   ===   ==  ~
  =========================================================================  ~

                              REFERENCE MANUAL                               *

 0.- CONTENTS                                           *delimitMate-contents*

    1. Introduction____________________________|delimitMateIntro|
    2. Functionality___________________________|delimitMateFunctionality|
        2.1 Automatic closing & exiting________|delimitMateAutoClose|
        2.2 Expansion of space and CR__________|delimitMateExpansion|
        2.3 Backspace__________________________|delimitMateBackspace|
        2.4 Visual wrapping____________________|delimitMateVisualWrapping|
        2.5 Smart Quotes_______________________|delimitMateSmartQuotes|
    3. Customization___________________________|delimitMateOptions|
        3.1 Option summary_____________________|delimitMateOptionSummary|
        3.2 Options details____________________|delimitMateOptionDetails|
    4. Commands________________________________|delimitMateCommands|
    5. Functions_______________________________|delimitMateFunctions|
    6. TODO list_______________________________|delimitMateTodo|
    7. Maintainer______________________________|delimitMateMaintainer|
    8. Credits_________________________________|delimitMateCredits|
    9. History_________________________________|delimitMateHistory|

 1.- INTRODUCTION                                           *delimitMateIntro*

This plug-in provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets,
etc., besides some other related features that should make your time in insert
mode a little bit easier.

Most of the features can be modified or disabled permanently, using global
variables, or on a FileType basis, using autocommands. With a couple of
exceptions and limitations, this features don't brake undo, redo or history.

 2. FUNCTIONALITY                                   *delimitMateFunctionality*

   2.1 AUTOMATIC CLOSING AND EXITING                    *delimitMateAutoClose*

With automatic closing enabled, if an opening delimiter is inserted the plugin
inserts the closing delimiter and places the cursor between the pair. With
automatic closing disabled, no closing delimiters is inserted by delimitMate,
but when a pair of delimiters is typed, the cursor is placed in the middle.

When the cursor is inside an empty pair or located next to the left of a
closing delimiter, the cursor is placed outside the pair to the right of the
closing delimiter.

Unless |'delimitMate_matchpairs'| or |'delimitMate_quotes'|are set, this
script uses the values in '&matchpairs' to identify the pairs, and ", ' and `
for quotes respectively.

The following table shows the behaviour, this applies to quotes too (the final
position of the cursor is represented by a "|"):

With auto-close: >
                          Type   |  You get
                           (     |    (|)
                           ()    |    ()|
                        (<S-Tab> |    ()|
Without auto-close: >

                          Type    |  You get
                           ()     |    (|)
                           ())    |    ()|
                        ()<S-Tab> |    ()|
   2.2 EXPANSION OF SPACE AND CAR RETURN                *delimitMateExpansion*

When the cursor is inside an empty pair of delimiters, <Space> and <CR> can be
expanded, see |'delimitMate_expand_space'| and

Expand <Space> to: >

                    <Space><Space><Left>  |  You get
                              (|)         |    ( | )
Expand <CR> to: >

                      <CR><CR><Up>  |  You get
                           (|)      |    (
                                    |    |
                                    |    )

NOTE that the expansion of <CR> will brake the redo command.

Since <Space> and <CR> are used everywhere, I have made the functions involved
in expansions global, so they can be used to make custom mappings. Read
|delimitMateFunctions| for more details.

   2.3 BACKSPACE                                        *delimitMateBackspace*

If you press backspace inside an empty pair, both delimiters are deleted. When
expansions are enabled, <BS> will also delete the expansions. NOTE that
deleting <CR> expansions will brake the redo command.

If you type shift + backspace instead, only the closing delimiter will be

e.g. typing at the "|": >

                  What  |      Before       |      After
                  <BS>  |  call expand(|)   |  call expand|
                  <BS>  |  call expand( | ) |  call expand(|)
                  <BS>  |  call expand(     |  call expand(|)
                        |  |                |
                        |  )                |
                 <S-BS> |  call expand(|)   |  call expand(|

   2.4 WRAPPING OF VISUAL SELECTION                *delimitMateVisualWrapping*

When visual mode is active this script allows for the selection to be enclosed
with delimiters. But, since brackets have special meaning in visual mode, a
leader (the value of 'mapleader' by default) should precede the delimiter.
NOTE that this feature brakes the redo command and doesn't currently work on
blockwise visual mode, any suggestions will be welcome.

e.g. (selection represented between square brackets): >

                      Selected text    |       After \"
                  An [absurd] example! | An "absurd" example!

   2.5 SMART QUOTES                                   *delimitMateSmartQuotes*

Only one quote will be inserted following a quote, a "\" or an alphanumeric
character. This should cover closing quotes, escaped quotes and apostrophes.
Except for apostrophes, this feature can be disabled setting the option
|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'| to 0.

e.g. typing at the "|": >

                     What |    Before    |     After
                      "   |  "String|    |  "String"|
                      "   |  let i = "|  |  let i = "|"
                      '   |  I|          |  I'|
 3. CUSTOMIZATION                                         *delimitMateOptions*

You can create your own mappings for some features using the global functions.
Read |DelimitMateFunctions| for more info.

   3.1 OPTIONS SUMMARY                              *delimitMateOptionSummary*

The behaviour of this script can be customized setting the following options
in your vimrc file. You can use local options to set the configuration for
specific file types, see |delimitMateOptionDetails| for examples.

|'loaded_delimitMate'|          Turns off the script.

|'delimitMate_autoclose'|       Tells delimitMate whether to automagically
                                insert the closing delimiter.

|'delimitMate_matchpairs'|      Tells delimitMate which characters are
                                matching pairs.

|'delimitMate_quotes'|          Tells delimitMate which quotes should be

|'delimitMate_visual_leader'|   Sets the leader to be used in visual mode.

|'delimitMate_expand_cr'|       Turns on/off the expansion of <CR>.

|'delimitMate_expand_space'|    Turns on/off the expansion of <Space>.

|'delimitMate_excluded_ft'|     Turns off the script for the given file types.

|'delimitMate_apostrophes'|     Tells delimitMate how it should "fix"
                                balancing of single quotes when used as
                                apostrophes. NOTE: Not needed any more, kept
                                for compatibility with older versions.

|'delimitMate_smart_quotes'|    Turns on/off the "smart quotes" feature.

   3.2 OPTIONS DETAILS                              *delimitMateOptionDetails*

Add the shown lines to your vimrc file in order to set the below options.
Local options take precedence over global ones and can be used along with
autocmd to modify delimitMate's behavior for specific file types.

This option prevents delimitMate from loading.
e.g.: >
        let loaded_delimitMate = 1
        au FileType mail let b:loaded_delimitMate = 1
Values: 0 or 1.                                                              ~
Default: 1                                                                   ~

If this option is set to 0, delimitMate will not add a closing delimiter
automagically. See |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
e.g.: >
        let delimitMate_autoclose = 0
        au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 0
Values: A string with |matchpairs| syntax.                                   ~
Default: &matchpairs                                                         ~

Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered
matching pairs. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
e.g: >
        let delimitMate = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
        au FileType vim,html let b:delimitMate_matchpairs = "(:),[:],{:},<:>"
Values: A string of characters separated by spaces.                          ~
Default: "\" ' `"                                                            ~

Use this option to tell delimitMate which characters should be considered as
quotes. Read |delimitMateAutoClose| for details.
e.g.: >
        let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\" ' ` *"
        au FileType html let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\" '"
Values: Any character.                                                       ~
Default: q                                                                   ~

The value of this option will be used to wrap the selection in visual mode
when followed by a delimiter. Read |delimitMateVisualWrap| for details.
e.g: >
        let delimitMate_visual_leader = "f"
        au FileType html let b:delimitMate_visual_leader = "f"
Values: 1 or 0                                                               ~
Default: 0                                                                   ~

This option turns on/off the expansion of <CR>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
for details.
e.g.: >
        let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = "\<CR>\<CR>\<Up>"
        au FileType mail let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = "\<CR>"
Values: A key mapping.                                                       ~
Default: "\<Space>"                                                          ~

This option turns on/off the expansion of <Space>. Read |delimitMateExpansion|
for details.
e.g.: >
        let delimitMate_expand_space = "\<Space>\<Space>\<Left>"
        au FileType tcl let b:delimitMate_expand_space = "\<Space>"
Values: A string of file type names separated by single commas.              ~
Default: Empty.                                                              ~

This options turns delimitMate off for the listed file types, use this option
only if you don't want any of the features it provides on those file types.
e.g.: >
        let delimitMate_excluded_ft = "mail,txt"
Values: Strings separated by ":".                                            ~
Default: No longer used.                                                     ~

NOTE: This feature is turned off by default, it's been kept for compatibility
with older version, read |delimitMateSmartQuotes| for details.
If auto-close is enabled, this option tells delimitMate how to try to fix the
balancing of single quotes when used as apostrophes. The values of this option
are strings of text where a single quote would be used as an apostrophe (e.g.:
the "n't" of wouldn't or can't) separated by ":". Set it to an empty string to
disable this feature.
e.g.: >
        let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
        au FileType tcl let delimitMate_apostrophes = ""
 4. COMMANDS                                             *delimitMateCommands*

:DelimitMateReload                                        *:DelimitMateReload*

Re-sets all the mappings used for this script, use it if any option has been
changed or if the filetype option hasn't been set yet.

:DelimitMateTest                                            *:DelimitMateTest*

This command tests every mapping set-up for this script, useful for testing
custom configurations.

The following output corresponds to the default values, it will be different
depending on your configuration. "Open & close:" represents the final result
when the closing delimiter has been inserted, either manually or
automatically, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Delete:" typing backspace in an
empty pair, see |delimitMateBackspace|. "Exit:" typing a closing delimiter
inside a pair of delimiters, see |delimitMateAutoclose|. "Space:" the
expansion, if any, of space, see |delimitMateExpansion|. "Visual-L",
"Visual-R" and "Visual" shows visual wrapping, see
|delimitMateVisualWrapping|. "Car return:" the expansion of car return, see
|delimitMateExpansion|. The cursor's position at the end of every test is
represented by an "|": >

            * AUTOCLOSE:
            Open & close: (|)
            Delete: |
            Exit: ()|
            Space: ( |)
            Visual-L: (v)
            Visual-R: (v)
            Car return: (

            Open & close: {|}
            Delete: |
            Exit: {}|
            Space: { |}
            Visual-L: {v}
            Visual-R: {v}
            Car return: {

            Open & close: [|]
            Delete: |
            Exit: []|
            Space: [ |]
            Visual-L: [v]
            Visual-R: [v]
            Car return: [

            Open & close: "|"
            Delete: |
            Exit: ""|
            Space: " |"
            Visual: "v"
            Car return: "

            Open & close: '|'
            Delete: |
            Exit: ''|
            Space: ' |'
            Visual: 'v'
            Car return: '

            Open & close: `|`
            Delete: |
            Exit: ``|
            Space: ` |`
            Visual: `v`
            Car return: `

 5. FUNCTIONS                                           *delimitMateFunctions*

delimitMate_WithinEmptyPair()                    *delimitMate_WithinEmptyPair*

Returns 1 if the cursor is inside an empty pair, 0 otherwise.

DelimitMate_ExpandReturn()                        *DelimitMate_ExpandReturn()*

Returns the expansion for <CR>.

e.g.: This mapping could be used to select an item on a pop-up menu or expand
<CR> inside an empty pair: >

        inoremap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ? "\<c-y>" :
                 \ DelimitMate_WithinEmptyPair ?
                 \ DelimitMate_ExpandReturn() : "\<CR>"
DelimitMate_ExpandSpace()                          *DelimitMate_ExpandSpace()*

Returns the expansion for <Space>.
e.g.: >

	inoremap <expr> <Space> DelimitMate_WithinEmptyPair() ?
		\ DelimitMate_ExpandSpace() : "\<Space>"
DelimitMate_ShouldJump()                            *DelimitMate_ShouldJump()*

Returns 1 if there is a closing delimiter or a quote to the right of the
cursor, 0 otherwise.

DelimitMate_JumpAny()                                  *DelimitMate_JumpAny()*

This function returns a mapping that will make the cursor jump to the right.
e.g.: You can use this to create your own mapping to jump over any delimiter.
           inoremap <expr> <C-Tab> DelimitMate_ShouldJump() ?
                           \ DelimitMate_JumpAny() : "\<C-Tab>"

 6. TODO LIST                                                *delimitMateTodo*

- Automatic set-up by file type.
- Make visual wrapping work on blockwise visual mode.
- Limit behaviour by region.

 7. MAINTAINER                                         *delimitMateMaintainer*

Hi there! My name is Israel Chauca F. and I can be reached at:

Feel free to send me any suggestions and/or comments about this plugin, I'll
be very pleased to read them.

 8. CREDITS                                               *delimitMateCredits*

Some of the code that make this script is modified or just shamelessly copied
from the following sources:

   - Ian McCracken
     Post titled: Vim, Part II: Matching Pairs:

   - Aristotle Pagaltzis
     From the comments on the previous blog post and from:

   - Vim Scripts:

This script was inspired by the auto-completion of delimiters of TextMate.

 9. HISTORY                                               *delimitMateHistory*

  Version      Date      Release notes                                       ~
    2.1     2010-05-10   - Most of the functions have been moved to an
                           autoload script to avoid loading unnecessary ones.
                         - Fixed a problem with the redo command.
                         - Many small fixes.
    2.0     2010-04-01   New features:
                         - All features are redo/undo-wise safe.
                         - A single quote typed after an alphanumeric
                           character is considered an apostrophe and one
                           single quote is inserted.
                         - A quote typed after another quote inserts a single
                           quote and the cursor jumps to the middle.
                         - <S-Tab> jumps out of any empty pair.
                         - <CR> and <Space> expansions are fixed, but the
                           functions used for it are global and can be used in
                           custom mappings. The previous system is still
                           active if you have any of the expansion options
                         - <S-Backspace> deletes the closing delimiter.

                         * Fixed bug:
                         - s:vars were being used to store buffer options.

    1.6     2009-10-10   Now delimitMate tries to fix the balancing of single
                         quotes when used as apostrophes. You can read
                         |delimitMate_apostrophes| for details.
                         Fixed an error when |b:delimitMate_expand_space|
                         wasn't set but |delimitMate_expand_space| wasn't.

    1.5     2009-10-05   Fix: delimitMate should work correctly for files
                         passed as arguments to Vim. Thanks to Ben Beuchler
                         for helping to nail this bug.

    1.4     2009-09-27   Fix: delimitMate is now enabled on new buffers even
                         if they don't have set the file type option or were
                         opened directly from the terminal.

    1.3     2009-09-24   Now local options can be used along with autocmd
                         for specific file type configurations.
                         - Unnamed register content is not lost on visual
                         - Use noremap where appropiate.
                         - Wrapping a single empty line works as expected.

    1.2	    2009-09-07   Fixes:
                         - When inside nested empty pairs, deleting the
                         innermost left delimiter would delete all right
                         contiguous delimiters.
                         - When inside an empty pair, inserting a left
                         delimiter wouldn't insert the right one, instead
                         the cursor would jump to the right.
                         - New buffer inside the current window wouldn't
                         have the mappings set.

    1.1     2009-08-25   Fixed an error that ocurred when mapleader wasn't
                         set and added support for GetLatestScripts

    1.0     2009-08-23   Initial upload.


           ...           |"|         _     _       .      .         ___      ~
      o,*,(o o)         _|_|_      o' \,=./ `o   .  .:::.          /_\ `*    ~
     8(o o)(_)Ooo       (o o)         (o o)        :(o o):  .     (o o)      ~
---ooO-(_)---Ooo----ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo- ~

plugin/delimitMate.vim	[[[1
" ============================================================================
" File:        plugin/delimitMate.vim
" Version:     2.1
" Description: This plugin provides auto-completion for quotes, parens, etc.
" Maintainer:  Israel Chauca F. <>
" Manual:      Read ":help delimitMate".

" Initialization: {{{
if exists("g:loaded_delimitMate") "{{{
	" User doesn't want this plugin, let's get out!
let g:loaded_delimitMate = 1

if exists("s:loaded_delimitMate") && !exists("g:delimitMate_testing")
	" Don't define the functions if they already exist: just do the work
	" (unless we are testing):
	call s:DelimitMateDo()

if v:version < 700
	echoerr "delimitMate: this plugin requires vim >= 7!"

let s:loaded_delimitMate = 1 " }}}
let delimitMate_version = '2.1'


" Tools: {{{
function! s:Init() "{{{

	let b:loaded_delimitMate = 1

	" delimitMate_autoclose {{{
	if !exists("b:delimitMate_autoclose") && !exists("g:delimitMate_autoclose")
		let b:delimitMate_autoclose = 1
	elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_autoclose") && exists("g:delimitMate_autoclose")
		let b:delimitMate_autoclose = g:delimitMate_autoclose
		" Nothing to do.
	endif " }}}

	" delimitMate_matchpairs {{{
	if !exists("b:delimitMate_matchpairs") && !exists("g:delimitMate_matchpairs")
		let s:matchpairs_temp = &matchpairs
	elseif exists("b:delimitMate_matchpairs")
		let s:matchpairs_temp = b:delimitMate_matchpairs
		let s:matchpairs_temp = g:delimitMate_matchpairs
	endif " }}}

	" delimitMate_quotes {{{
	if exists("b:delimitMate_quotes")
		let s:quotes = split(b:delimitMate_quotes)
	elseif exists("g:delimitMate_quotes")
		let s:quotes = split(g:delimitMate_quotes)
		let s:quotes = split("\" ' `")
	let b:delimitMate_quotes_list = s:quotes " }}}

	" delimitMate_excluded_regions {{{
	if exists("b:delimitMate_excluded_regions")
		let s:excluded_regions = b:delimitMate_excluded_regions
	elseif exists("g:delimitMate_excluded_regions")
		let s:excluded_regions = g:delimitMate_excluded_regions
		let s:excluded_regions = "Comment"
	let b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list = split(s:excluded_regions, ',\s*')
	let b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_enabled = len(b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list) " }}}

	" delimitMate_visual_leader {{{
	if !exists("b:delimitMate_visual_leader") && !exists("g:delimitMate_visual_leader")
		let b:delimitMate_visual_leader = exists('b:maplocalleader') ? b:maplocalleader :
					\ exists('g:mapleader') ? g:mapleader : "\\"
	elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_visual_leader") && exists("g:delimitMate_visual_leader")
		let b:delimitMate_visual_leader = g:delimitMate_visual_leader
		" Nothing to do.
	endif " }}}

	" delimitMate_expand_space {{{
	if !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_space") && !exists("g:delimitMate_expand_space")
		let b:delimitMate_expand_space = 0
	elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_space") && exists("g:delimitMate_expand_space")
		let b:delimitMate_expand_space = g:delimitMate_expand_space
		" Nothing to do.
	endif " }}}

	" delimitMate_expand_cr {{{
	if !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_cr") && !exists("g:delimitMate_expand_cr")
		let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = 0
	elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_expand_cr") && exists("g:delimitMate_expand_cr")
		let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = g:delimitMate_expand_cr
		" Nothing to do.
	endif " }}}

	" delimitMate_smart_quotes {{{
	if !exists("b:delimitMate_smart_quotes") && !exists("g:delimitMate_smart_quotes")
		let b:delimitMate_smart_quotes = 1
	elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_smart_quotes") && exists("g:delimitMate_smart_quotes")
		let b:delimitMate_smart_quotes = split(g:delimitMate_smart_quotes)
		" Nothing to do.
	endif " }}}

	" delimitMate_apostrophes {{{
	if !exists("b:delimitMate_apostrophes") && !exists("g:delimitMate_apostrophes")
		"let s:apostrophes = split("n't:'s:'re:'m:'d:'ll:'ve:s'",':')
		let s:apostrophes = []
	elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_apostrophes") && exists("g:delimitMate_apostrophes")
		let s:apostrophes = split(g:delimitMate_apostrophes)
		let s:apostrophes = split(b:delimitMate_apostrophes)
		let b:delimitMate_apostrophes_list = s:apostrophes " }}}

	" delimitMate_tab2exit {{{
	if !exists("b:delimitMate_tab2exit") && !exists("g:delimitMate_tab2exit")
		let b:delimitMate_tab2exit = 1
	elseif !exists("b:delimitMate_tab2exit") && exists("g:delimitMate_tab2exit")
		let b:delimitMate_tab2exit = g:delimitMate_tab2exit
		" Nothing to do.
	endif " }}}

	let b:delimitMate_matchpairs_list = split(s:matchpairs_temp, ',')
	let b:delimitMate_left_delims = split(s:matchpairs_temp, ':.,\=')
	let b:delimitMate_right_delims = split(s:matchpairs_temp, ',\=.:')

	let b:delimitMate_buffer = []

	call delimitMate#UnMap()
	if b:delimitMate_autoclose
		call delimitMate#AutoClose()
		call delimitMate#NoAutoClose()
	call delimitMate#VisualMaps()
	call delimitMate#ExtraMappings()

endfunction "}}} Init()

function! s:TestMappingsDo() "{{{
	if !exists("g:delimitMate_testing")
		silent call delimitMate#TestMappings()
		let temp_varsDM = [b:delimitMate_expand_space, b:delimitMate_expand_cr, b:delimitMate_autoclose]
		for i in [0,1]
			let b:delimitMate_expand_space = i
			let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = i
			for a in [0,1]
				let b:delimitMate_autoclose = a
				call s:Init()
				call delimitMate#TestMappings()
				exec "normal i\<CR>"
		let b:delimitMate_expand_space = temp_varsDM[0]
		let b:delimitMate_expand_cr = temp_varsDM[1]
		let b:delimitMate_autoclose = temp_varsDM[2]
		unlet temp_varsDM
	normal gg
endfunction "}}}

function! s:DelimitMateDo() "{{{
	if exists("g:delimitMate_excluded_ft")
		" Check if this file type is excluded:
		for ft in split(g:delimitMate_excluded_ft,',')
			if ft ==? &filetype
				"echomsg "excluded"
				call delimitMate#UnMap()
				return 1
		"echomsg "included"
		let save_cpo = &cpo
		let save_keymap = &keymap
		set keymap=
		set cpo&vim
		call s:Init()
		let &cpo = save_cpo
		let &keymap = save_keymap
endfunction "}}}

" Commands: {{{
call s:DelimitMateDo()

" Let me refresh without re-loading the buffer:
command! DelimitMateReload call s:DelimitMateDo()

" Quick test:
command! DelimitMateTest call s:TestMappingsDo()

"command! DelimitMateRegions echo s:excluded_regions
" Turn

" Run on file type events.
"autocmd VimEnter * autocmd FileType * call <SID>DelimitMateDo()
autocmd FileType * call <SID>DelimitMateDo()

" Run on new buffers.
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter * if !exists("b:loaded_delimitMate") | call <SID>DelimitMateDo() | endif

" Flush the char buffer:
autocmd InsertEnter * call delimitMate#FlushBuffer()
autocmd BufEnter * if mode() == 'i' | call delimitMate#FlushBuffer() | endif

"function! s:GetSynRegion () | echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)), 'name') | endfunction


" GetLatestVimScripts: 2754 1 :AutoInstall: delimitMate.vim
" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4
autoload/delimitMate.vim	[[[1
" ============================================================================
" File:        autoload/delimitMate.vim
" Version:     2.1
" Description: This plugin provides auto-completion for quotes, parens, etc.
" Maintainer:  Israel Chauca F. <>
" Manual:      Read ":help delimitMate".

" Utilities {{{
function! delimitMate#ShouldJump() "{{{
	let col = col('.')
	let lcol = col('$')
	let char = getline('.')[col - 1]
	let nchar = getline('.')[col]
	let uchar = getline(line('.') + 1)[0]

	for cdel in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
		if char == cdel
			" Closing delimiter on the right.
			return 1

	if b:delimitMate_expand_space && char == " "
		for cdel in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
			if nchar == cdel
				" Closing delimiter with space expansion.
				return 1

	if b:delimitMate_expand_cr && char == ""
		for cdel in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
			if uchar == cdel
				" Closing delimiter with CR expansion.
				return 1

	return 0
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#IsBlockVisual() " {{{
	if mode() == "\<C-V>"
		return 1
	" Store unnamed register values for later use in delimitMate#RestoreRegister().
	let b:save_reg = getreg('"')
	let b:save_reg_mode = getregtype('"')

	if len(getline('.')) == 0
		" This for proper wrap of empty lines.
		let @" = "\n"
	return 0
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#Visual(del) " {{{
	let mode = mode()
	if mode == "\<C-V>"
		echom "delimitMate: delimitMate is disabled on blockwise visual mode."
		return ""
	" Store unnamed register values for later use in delimitMate#RestoreRegister().
	let b:save_reg = getreg('"')
	let b:save_reg_mode = getregtype('"')

	if len(getline('.')) == 0
		" This for proper wrap of empty lines.
		let @" = "\n"

	if mode ==# "V"
		let dchar = "\<BS>"
		let dchar = ""

	let index = index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, a:del)
	if index >= 0
		let ld = a:del
		let rd = b:delimitMate_right_delims[index]

	let index = index(b:delimitMate_right_delims, a:del)
	if index >= 0
		let ld = b:delimitMate_left_delims[index]
		let rd = a:del

	let index = index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, a:del)
	if index >= 0
		let ld = a:del
		let rd = ld

	return "s" . ld . "\<C-R>\"" . dchar . rd . "\<Esc>:call delimitMate#RestoreRegister()\<CR>"
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#IsEmptyPair(str) "{{{
	for pair in b:delimitMate_matchpairs_list
		if a:str == join( split( pair, ':' ),'' )
			return 1
	for quote in b:delimitMate_quotes_list
		if a:str == quote . quote
			return 1
	return 0
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#IsCRExpansion() " {{{
	let nchar = getline(line('.')-1)[-1:]
	let schar = getline(line('.')+1)[:0]
	let isEmpty = getline('.') == ""
	if index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, nchar) > -1 &&
				\ index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, nchar) == index(b:delimitMate_right_delims, schar) &&
				\ isEmpty
		return 1
	elseif index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) > -1 &&
				\ index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) == index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, schar) &&
				\ isEmpty
		return 1
		return 0
endfunction " }}} delimitMate#IsCRExpansion()

function! delimitMate#IsSpaceExpansion() " {{{
	let line = getline('.')
	let col = col('.')-2
	if col > 0
		let pchar = line[col - 1]
		let nchar = line[col + 2]
		let isSpaces = (line[col] == line[col+1] && line[col] == " ")

		if index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, pchar) > -1 &&
				\ index(b:delimitMate_left_delims, pchar) == index(b:delimitMate_right_delims, nchar) &&
				\ isSpaces
			return 1
		elseif index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, pchar) > -1 &&
				\ index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, pchar) == index(b:delimitMate_quotes_list, nchar) &&
				\ isSpaces
			return 1
	return 0
endfunction " }}} IsSpaceExpansion()

function! delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() "{{{
	let cur = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 2 )
	return delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( cur )
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#WriteBefore(str) "{{{
	let len = len(a:str)
	let line = getline('.')
	let col = col('.')-2
	if col < 0
		call setline('.',line[(col+len+1):])
		call setline('.',line[:(col)].line[(col+len+1):])
	return a:str
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#WriteAfter(str) "{{{
	let len = len(a:str)
	let line = getline('.')
	let col = col('.')-2
	if (col) < 0
		call setline('.',a:str.line)
		call setline('.',line[:(col)].a:str.line[(col+len):])
	return ''
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#RestoreRegister() " {{{
	" Restore unnamed register values store in delimitMate#IsBlockVisual().
	call setreg('"', b:save_reg, b:save_reg_mode)
	echo ""
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegion() "{{{
	return synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)), 'name')
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegionIf(char) "{{{
	let col = col('.')
	let origin_line = getline('.')
	let changed_line = strpart(origin_line, 0, col - 1) . a:char . strpart(origin_line, col - 1)
	call setline('.', changed_line)
	let region = synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col, 1)), 'name')
	call setline('.', origin_line)
	return region
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#IsForbidden(char) "{{{
	if b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_enabled = 0
		return 0
	let result = index(b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegion()) >= 0
	if result >= 0
		return result + 1
	let region = delimitMate#GetCurrentSyntaxRegionIf(a:char)
	let result = index(b:delimitMate_excluded_regions_list, region) >= 0
	"return result || region == 'Comment'
	return result + 1
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#FlushBuffer() " {{{
	let b:delimitMate_buffer = []
	return ''
endfunction " }}}
" }}}

" Doers {{{
function! delimitMate#JumpIn(char) " {{{
	let line = getline('.')
	let col = col('.')-2
	if (col) < 0
		call setline('.',a:char.line)
		call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
		"echom string(col).':'.line[:(col)].'|'.line[(col+1):]
		call setline('.',line[:(col)].a:char.line[(col+1):])
		call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
	return ''
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#JumpOut(char) "{{{
	let line = getline('.')
	let col = col('.')-2
	if line[col+1] == a:char
		return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
		return a:char
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#JumpAny() " {{{
	" Let's get the character on the right.
	let char = getline('.')[col('.')-1]
	if char == " "
		" Space expansion.
		"let char = char . getline('.')[col('.')] . delimitMate#Del()
		return char . getline('.')[col('.')] . delimitMate#Del() . delimitMate#Del()
		"call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
	elseif char == ""
		" CR expansion.
		"let char = "\<CR>" . getline(line('.') + 1)[0] . "\<Del>"
		let b:delimitMate_buffer = []
		return "\<CR>" . getline(line('.') + 1)[0] . "\<Del>"
		"call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
		return char . delimitMate#Del()
endfunction " delimitMate#JumpAny() }}}

function! delimitMate#SkipDelim(char) "{{{
	let cur = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 3 )
	if cur[0] == "\\"
		" Escaped character
		return a:char
	elseif cur[1] == a:char
		" Exit pair
		"return delimitMate#WriteBefore(a:char)
		return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
	"elseif cur[1] == ' ' && cur[2] == a:char
		"" I'm leaving this in case someone likes it. Jump an space and delimiter.
		"return "\<Right>\<Right>"
	elseif delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( cur[0] . a:char )
		" Add closing delimiter and jump back to the middle.
		call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
		return delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
		" Nothing special here, return the same character.
		return a:char
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#QuoteDelim(char) "{{{
	let line = getline('.')
	let col = col('.') - 2
	if line[col] == "\\"
		" Seems like a escaped character, insert one quotation mark.
		return a:char
	elseif line[col + 1] == a:char
		" Get out of the string.
		"return delimitMate#WriteBefore(a:char)
		return a:char . delimitMate#Del()
	elseif (line[col] =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9]' && a:char == "'") ||
				\(line[col] =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9]' && b:delimitMate_smart_quotes)
		" Seems like an apostrophe or a closing, insert a single quote.
		return a:char
	elseif (line[col] == a:char && line[col + 1 ] != a:char) && b:delimitMate_smart_quotes
		" Seems like we have an unbalanced quote, insert one quotation mark and jump to the middle.
		call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
		return delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
		" Insert a pair and jump to the middle.
		call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, a:char)
		call delimitMate#WriteAfter(a:char)
		return a:char
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#MapMsg(msg) "{{{
	echomsg a:msg
	return ""
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#ExpandReturn() "{{{
	if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() &&
				\ b:delimitMate_expand_cr
		" Expand:
		call delimitMate#FlushBuffer()
		return "\<Esc>a\<CR>x\<CR>\<Esc>k$\"_xa"
		return "\<CR>"
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#ExpandSpace() "{{{
	if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() &&
				\ b:delimitMate_expand_space
		" Expand:
		call insert(b:delimitMate_buffer, 's')
		return delimitMate#WriteAfter(' ') . "\<Space>"
		return "\<Space>"
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#BS() " {{{
	if delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair()
		"call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
		return "\<BS>" . delimitMate#Del()
"        return "\<Right>\<BS>\<BS>"
	elseif b:delimitMate_expand_space &&
				\ delimitMate#IsSpaceExpansion()
		"call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
		return "\<BS>" . delimitMate#Del()
	elseif b:delimitMate_expand_cr &&
				\ delimitMate#IsCRExpansion()
		return "\<BS>\<Del>"
		return "\<BS>"
endfunction " }}} delimitMate#BS()

function! delimitMate#Del() " {{{
	if len(b:delimitMate_buffer) > 0
		let line = getline('.')
		let col = col('.') - 2
		call delimitMate#RmBuffer(1)
		call setline('.', line[:col] . line[col+2:])
		return ''
		return "\<Del>"
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#Finish() " {{{
	let len = len(b:delimitMate_buffer)
	if len > 0
		let buffer = join(b:delimitMate_buffer, '')
		let line = getline('.')
		let col = col('.') -2
		"echom 'col: ' . col . '-' . line[:col] . "|" . line[col+len+1:] . '%' . buffer
		call setline('.', line[:col] . line[col+len+1:])
		let i = 1
		let lefts = ''
		while i < len
			let lefts = lefts . "\<Left>"
			let i += 1
		return substitute(buffer, "s", "\<Space>", 'g') . lefts
	return ''
endfunction " }}}

function! delimitMate#RmBuffer(num) " {{{
	if len(b:delimitMate_buffer) > 0
	   call remove(b:delimitMate_buffer, 0, (a:num-1))
	return ""
endfunction " }}}

" }}}

" Mappers: {{{
function! delimitMate#NoAutoClose() "{{{
	" inoremap <buffer> ) <C-R>=delimitMate#SkipDelim('\)')<CR>
	for delim in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
		exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#SkipDelim("' . escape(delim,'"') . '")<CR>'
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#AutoClose() "{{{
	" Add matching pair and jump to the midle:
	" inoremap <buffer> ( ()<Left>
	let i = 0
	while i < len(b:delimitMate_matchpairs_list)
		let ld = b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]
		let rd = b:delimitMate_right_delims[i]
		exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . ld . ' ' . ld . '<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpIn("' . rd . '")<CR>'
		let i += 1

	" Exit from inside the matching pair:
	for delim in b:delimitMate_right_delims
		exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#JumpOut("\' . delim . '")<CR>'

	" Add matching quote and jump to the midle, or exit if inside a pair of matching quotes:
	" inoremap <buffer> " <C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim("\"")<CR>
	for delim in b:delimitMate_quotes_list
		exec 'inoremap <buffer> ' . delim . ' <C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim("\' . delim . '")<CR>'

	" Try to fix the use of apostrophes (de-activated by default):
	" inoremap <buffer> n't n't
	for map in b:delimitMate_apostrophes_list
		exec "inoremap <buffer> " . map . " " . map
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#VisualMaps() " {{{
	let VMapMsg = "delimitMate: delimitMate is disabled on blockwise visual mode."
	let vleader = b:delimitMate_visual_leader
	" Wrap the selection with matching pairs, but do nothing if blockwise visual mode is active:
	for del in b:delimitMate_right_delims + b:delimitMate_left_delims + b:delimitMate_quotes_list
		exec "vnoremap <buffer> <expr> " . vleader . del . ' delimitMate#Visual("' . escape(del, '")') . '")'
endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#ExtraMappings() "{{{
	" If pair is empty, delete both delimiters:
	inoremap <buffer> <BS> <C-R>=delimitMate#BS()<CR>

	" If pair is empty, delete closing delimiter:
	inoremap <buffer> <expr> <S-BS> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<Del>" : "\<S-BS>"

	" Expand return if inside an empty pair:
	if b:delimitMate_expand_cr != 0
		inoremap <buffer> <expr> <CR> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandReturn()\<CR>" : "\<CR>"

	" Expand space if inside an empty pair:
	if b:delimitMate_expand_space != 0
		inoremap <buffer> <expr> <Space> delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandSpace()\<CR>" : "\<Space>"

	" Jump out ot any empty pair:
	if b:delimitMate_tab2exit
		inoremap <buffer> <expr> <S-Tab> delimitMate#ShouldJump() ? "\<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpAny()\<CR>" : "\<S-Tab>"

	" Fix the re-do feature:
	inoremap <buffer> <Esc> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Esc>

	" Flush the char buffer on mouse click:
	inoremap <buffer> <LeftMouse> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><LeftMouse>
	inoremap <buffer> <RightMouse> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><RightMouse>

	" Flush the char buffer on key movements:
	inoremap <buffer> <Left> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Left>
	inoremap <buffer> <Right> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Right>
	inoremap <buffer> <Up> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Up>
	inoremap <buffer> <Down> <C-R>=delimitMate#Finish()<CR><Down>

	inoremap <buffer> <Del> <C-R>=delimitMate#Del()<CR>

endfunction "}}}

function! delimitMate#UnMap() " {{{
	let imaps =
				\ b:delimitMate_right_delims +
				\ b:delimitMate_left_delims +
				\ b:delimitMate_quotes_list +
				\ b:delimitMate_apostrophes_list +
				\ ['<BS>', '<S-BS>', '<Del>', '<CR>', '<Space>', '<S-Tab>', '<Esc>'] +
				\ ['<Up>', '<Down>', '<Left>', '<Right>', '<LeftMouse>', '<RightMouse>']

	let vmaps =
				\ b:delimitMate_right_delims +
				\ b:delimitMate_left_delims +
				\ b:delimitMate_quotes_list

	for map in imaps
		if maparg(map, "i") =~? 'delimitMate'
			exec 'silent! iunmap <buffer> ' . map

	if !exists("b:delimitMate_visual_leader")
		let vleader = ""
		let vleader = b:delimitMate_visual_leader
	for map in vmaps
		if maparg(vleader . map, "v") =~? "delimitMate"
			exec 'silent! vunmap <buffer> ' . vleader . map
endfunction " }}} delimitMate#UnMap()


" Tools: {{{
function! delimitMate#TestMappings() "{{{
	exec "normal i*b:delimitMate_autoclose = " . b:delimitMate_autoclose . "\<CR>"
	exec "normal i*b:delimitMate_expand_space = " . b:delimitMate_expand_space . "\<CR>"
	exec "normal i*b:delimitMate_expand_cr = " . b:delimitMate_expand_cr . "\<CR>\<CR>"

	if b:delimitMate_autoclose
		for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_left_delims))
			exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]. "|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<BS>|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . " |"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . " \<BS>|"
			exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual-L: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]
			exec "normal A\<CR>Visual-R: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i]
			exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<CR>|"
			exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
		for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_quotes_list))
			exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]	. "|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: "
			exec "normal A". b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]
			exec "normal a\<BS>|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " |"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " \<BS>|"
			exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]
			exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>|"
			exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
		for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_left_delims))
			exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]	. b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<BS>|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . " |"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . " \<BS>|"
			exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual-L: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i]
			exec "normal A\<CR>Visual-R: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i]
			exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<CR>|"
			exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_left_delims[i] . b:delimitMate_right_delims[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
		for i in range(len(b:delimitMate_quotes_list))
			exec "normal GGAOpen & close: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]	. b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Delete: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<BS>|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Exit: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "|"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " |"
			exec "normal A\<CR>Delete space: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . " \<BS>|"
			exec "normal GGA\<CR>Visual: v\<Esc>v" . b:delimitMate_visual_leader . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i]
			exec "normal A\<CR>Car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>|"
			exec "normal GGA\<CR>Delete car return: " . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . b:delimitMate_quotes_list[i] . "\<CR>\<BS>|\<Esc>GGA\<CR>\<CR>"
	exec "normal \<Esc>i"
endfunction "}}}


" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4