lisp/example.lisp @ eb9f31c299b8

author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 02 Jul 2024 10:03:59 -0400
parents 8f0891b01663
children (none)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (ql:quickload '(:adopt) :silent t))

(defpackage :example
  (:use :cl)
  (:export :toplevel :*ui*))

(in-package :example)

;;;; Config -------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *default-name* "World")

;;;; Functionality ------------------------------------------------------------
(defun run (name)
  (format t "Hello, ~A~%" name))

;;;; CLI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *help*
  (adopt:make-option 'help
    :help "display help and exit"
    :long "help"
    :short #\h
    :reduce (constantly t)))

(defparameter *name*
  (adopt:make-option 'name
    :help (format nil "say hello to NAME (default ~A)" *default-name*)
    :long "name"
    :short #\n
    :parameter "NAME"
    :initial-value *default-name*
    :reduce #'adopt:last))

(defparameter *ui*
    :name "example"
    :usage "[-n NAME]"
    :summary "Say Hello."
    :help "An example program to show how to make well-behaved CLI tools in Common Lisp."
    :examples '(("Say hello:" . "example")
                ("Say hello to Alice:" . "example --name Alice"))
    :contents (list *help* *name*)))

(defun toplevel ()
      (multiple-value-bind (arguments options) (adopt:parse-options *ui*)
        (when (gethash 'help options)
          (adopt:print-help-and-exit *ui*))
        (unless (null arguments)
          (error "Unrecognized command-line arguments: ~S" arguments))
        (run (gethash 'name options)))
    (error (c) (adopt:print-error-and-exit c))))