vim/bundle/conque/plugin/conque_term_pylab.vim @ e42e595b17c2

vim: space and conque
author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 29 Jun 2010 09:39:49 -0400
parents (none)
children (none)
" FILE:     plugin/conque_term_pylab.vim {{{
" AUTHOR:   Gökhan Sever
"           Nico Raffo <>
" VERSION:  __VERSION__, for Vim 7.0
" }}}
" Summary: Ipython shortcuts contributed by Gökhan Sever
" Installation: place this file in your .vim/plugin/ directory.

" Key mappings {{{

" create a new ipython buffer below
map <F6> :cd %:p:h <CR> :call conque_term#open('ipython -pylab', ['belowright split'])<CR>

" run the current buffer in ipython
nnoremap <silent> <F8> :<C-u>call conque_term_pylab#ipython_run()<CR>

" }}}

" Functions {{{

" run the current buffer in ipython
function! conque_term_pylab#ipython_run()
    let cmd = "run " . expand("%:t")
    silent execute 'python ' . g:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(''' . cmd . ''' + "\n")'

" }}}