vim/ftplugin/python/pyflakes/pyflakes/test/ @ d6e9fd358013

vim: add pyflakes
author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 21 May 2010 14:59:02 -0400
parents (none)
children (none)

Tests for L{pyflakes.scripts.pyflakes}.

import sys
from StringIO import StringIO

from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase

from pyflakes.scripts.pyflakes import checkPath

def withStderrTo(stderr, f):
    Call C{f} with C{sys.stderr} redirected to C{stderr}.
    (outer, sys.stderr) = (sys.stderr, stderr)
        return f()
        sys.stderr = outer

class CheckTests(TestCase):
    Tests for L{check} and L{checkPath} which check a file for flakes.
    def test_missingTrailingNewline(self):
        Source which doesn't end with a newline shouldn't cause any
        exception to be raised nor an error indicator to be returned by
        fName = self.mktemp()
        FilePath(fName).setContent("def foo():\n\tpass\n\t")

    def test_checkPathNonExisting(self):
        L{checkPath} handles non-existing files.
        err = StringIO()
        count = withStderrTo(err, lambda: checkPath('extremo'))
        self.assertEquals(err.getvalue(), 'extremo: no such file\n')
        self.assertEquals(count, 1)