.hgrc @ d6318c673b61

Add branches to the glog output.
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2009 19:47:44 -0400
parents 06adc73bb24a
children 8a766979b578
username = Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
editor = vim

hgext.graphlog =
hgext.record = 
hgext.bookmarks = 
hgext.rebase = 
hgext.purge = 
hgext.mq = 
hgext.patchbomb =
color = 

git = True

method = smtp
from = Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>

host = smtp.stevelosh.com
username = sjl
tls = True

status.modified = cyan bold
status.added = green bold
status.removed = red bold
status.deleted = yellow bold underline
status.unknown = magenta bold underline
status.ignored = black bold

track.current = True

glog = -l7 --template 'changeset:   {rev}:{node|short} \033[33;40m{tags}\033[37;40m \033[35;40m{branches}\033[37;40m\nsummary:     {desc|firstline|fill68|tabindent|tabindent}\n\n'
diff   = --color always
status = --color always
serve  = --style=gitweb
rebase = --keepbranches
addremove = --similarity 100