author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Wed, 06 Apr 2011 13:50:33 -0400 |
parents |
43e9e87b0120 |
children |
(none) |
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Clojure
" Maintainer: Toralf Wittner <>
" modified by Meikel Brandmeyer <>
" URL:
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Highlight superfluous closing parens, brackets and braces.
syn match clojureError "]\|}\|)"
" Special case for Windows.
call vimclojure#InitBuffer()
catch /.*/
" We swallow a failure here. It means most likely that the
" server is not running.
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg v:exception
echohl None
if g:vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins != 0
let s:builtins_map = {
\ "Constant": "nil",
\ "Boolean": "true false",
\ "Cond": "if if-not if-let when when-not when-let "
\ . "when-first cond condp case",
\ "Exception": "try catch finally throw",
\ "Repeat": "recur map mapcat reduce filter for doseq dorun "
\ . "doall dotimes map-indexed keep keep-indexed",
\ "Special": ". def do fn if let new quote var loop",
\ "Variable": "*warn-on-reflection* this *assert* "
\ . "*agent* *ns* *in* *out* *err* *command-line-args* "
\ . "*print-meta* *print-readably* *print-length* "
\ . "*allow-unresolved-args* *compile-files* "
\ . "*compile-path* *file* *flush-on-newline* "
\ . "*math-context* *print-dup* "
\ . "*print-level* *use-context-classloader* "
\ . "*source-path* *clojure-version* *read-eval* "
\ . "*1 *2 *3 *e",
\ "Define": "def- defn defn- defmacro defmulti defmethod "
\ . "defstruct defonce declare definline definterface "
\ . "defprotocol defrecord deftype",
\ "Macro": "and or -> assert with-out-str with-in-str with-open "
\ . "locking destructure ns dosync binding delay "
\ . "lazy-cons lazy-cat time assert doc with-precision "
\ . "with-local-vars .. doto memfn proxy amap areduce "
\ . "refer-clojure future lazy-seq letfn "
\ . "with-loading-context bound-fn extend extend-protocol "
\ . "extend-type reify with-bindings ->>",
\ "Func": "= not= not nil? false? true? complement identical? "
\ . "string? symbol? map? seq? vector? keyword? var? "
\ . "special-symbol? apply partial comp constantly "
\ . "identity comparator fn? re-matcher re-find re-matches "
\ . "re-groups re-seq re-pattern str pr prn print "
\ . "println pr-str prn-str print-str println-str newline "
\ . "macroexpand macroexpand-1 monitor-enter monitor-exit "
\ . "eval find-doc file-seq flush hash load load-file "
\ . "print-doc read read-line scan slurp subs sync test "
\ . "format printf loaded-libs use require load-reader "
\ . "load-string + - * / < <= == >= > dec inc min max neg? "
\ . "pos? quot rem zero? rand rand-int decimal? even? odd? "
\ . "float? integer? number? ratio? rational? "
\ . "bit-and bit-or bit-xor bit-not bit-shift-left "
\ . "bit-shift-right symbol keyword gensym count conj seq "
\ . "first rest ffirst fnext nfirst nnext second every? "
\ . "not-every? some not-any? concat reverse cycle "
\ . "interleave interpose split-at split-with take "
\ . "take-nth take-while drop drop-while repeat replicate "
\ . "iterate range into distinct sort sort-by zipmap "
\ . "line-seq butlast last nth nthnext next "
\ . "repeatedly tree-seq enumeration-seq iterator-seq "
\ . "coll? associative? empty? list? reversible? "
\ . "sequential? sorted? list list* cons peek pop vec "
\ . "vector peek pop rseq subvec array-map hash-map "
\ . "sorted-map sorted-map-by assoc assoc-in dissoc get "
\ . "get-in contains? find select-keys update-in key val "
\ . "keys vals merge merge-with max-key min-key "
\ . "create-struct struct-map struct accessor "
\ . "remove-method meta with-meta in-ns refer create-ns "
\ . "find-ns all-ns remove-ns import ns-name ns-map "
\ . "ns-interns ns-publics ns-imports ns-refers ns-resolve "
\ . "resolve ns-unmap name namespace require use "
\ . "set! find-var var-get var-set ref deref "
\ . "ensure alter ref-set commute agent send send-off "
\ . "agent-errors clear-agent-errors await await-for "
\ . "instance? bean alength aget aset aset-boolean "
\ . "aset-byte aset-char aset-double aset-float "
\ . "aset-int aset-long aset-short make-array "
\ . "to-array to-array-2d into-array int long float "
\ . "double char boolean short byte parse add-classpath "
\ . "cast class get-proxy-class proxy-mappings "
\ . "update-proxy hash-set sorted-set set disj set? "
\ . "aclone add-watch alias alter-var-root "
\ . "ancestors await1 bases bigdec bigint bit-and-not "
\ . "bit-clear bit-flip bit-set bit-test counted?"
\ . "char-escape-string char-name-string class? "
\ . "compare compile construct-proxy delay? "
\ . "derive descendants distinct? double-array "
\ . "doubles drop-last empty float-array floats "
\ . "force gen-class get-validator int-array ints "
\ . "isa? long-array longs make-hierarchy method-sig "
\ . "not-empty ns-aliases ns-unalias num partition "
\ . "parents pmap prefer-method primitives-classnames "
\ . "print-ctor print-dup print-method print-simple "
\ . "print-special-doc proxy-call-with-super "
\ . "proxy-super rationalize read-string remove "
\ . "remove-watch replace resultset-seq rsubseq "
\ . "seque set-validator! shutdown-agents subseq "
\ . "special-form-anchor syntax-symbol-anchor supers "
\ . "unchecked-add unchecked-dec unchecked-divide "
\ . "unchecked-inc unchecked-multiply unchecked-negate "
\ . "unchecked-subtract underive xml-seq trampoline "
\ . "atom compare-and-set! ifn? gen-interface "
\ . "intern init-proxy io! memoize proxy-name swap! "
\ . "release-pending-sends the-ns unquote while "
\ . "unchecked-remainder alter-meta! "
\ . "future-call methods mod pcalls prefers pvalues "
\ . "print-namespace-doc reset! "
\ . "reset-meta! type vary-meta unquote-splicing "
\ . "sequence clojure-version counted? "
\ . "chunk-buffer chunk-append chunk chunk-first "
\ . "chunk-rest chunk-next chunk-cons chunked-seq? "
\ . "deliver future? future-done? future-cancel "
\ . "future-cancelled? get-method promise "
\ . "ref-history-count ref-min-history ref-max-history "
\ . "agent-error assoc! boolean-array booleans bound-fn* "
\ . "bound? byte-array bytes char-array char? chars "
\ . "conj! denominator disj! dissoc! error-handler "
\ . "error-mode extenders extends? find-protocol-impl "
\ . "find-protocol-method flatten frequencies "
\ . "get-thread-bindings group-by hash-combine juxt "
\ . "munge namespace-munge numerator object-array "
\ . "partition-all partition-by persistent! pop! "
\ . "pop-thread-bindings push-thread-bindings rand-nth "
\ . "reductions remove-all-methods restart-agent "
\ . "satisfies? set-error-handler! set-error-mode! "
\ . "short-array shorts shuffle sorted-set-by take-last "
\ . "thread-bound? transient vector-of with-bindings* fnil "
\ . "spit"
\ }
for category in keys(s:builtins_map)
let words = split(s:builtins_map[category], " ")
let words = map(copy(words), '"clojure.core/" . v:val') + words
let s:builtins_map[category] = words
call vimclojure#ColorNamespace(s:builtins_map)
if g:vimclojure#DynamicHighlighting != 0 && exists("b:vimclojure_namespace")
let s:result = vimclojure#ExecuteNailWithInput("DynamicHighlighting",
\ b:vimclojure_namespace)
if s:result.stderr == ""
call vimclojure#ColorNamespace(s:result.value)
unlet s:result
catch /.*/
" We ignore errors here. If the file is messed up, we at least get
" the basic syntax highlighting.
syn cluster clojureAtomCluster contains=clojureError,clojureFunc,clojureMacro,clojureCond,clojureDefine,clojureRepeat,clojureException,clojureConstant,clojureVariable,clojureSpecial,clojureKeyword,clojureString,clojureCharacter,clojureNumber,clojureBoolean,clojureQuote,clojureUnquote,clojureDispatch,clojurePattern
syn cluster clojureTopCluster contains=@clojureAtomCluster,clojureComment,clojureSexp,clojureAnonFn,clojureVector,clojureMap,clojureSet
syn keyword clojureTodo contained FIXME XXX TODO FIXME: XXX: TODO:
syn match clojureComment contains=clojureTodo ";.*$"
syn match clojureKeyword "\c:\{1,2}[a-z?!\-_+*./=<>#$][a-z0-9?!\-_+*\./=<>#$]*"
syn region clojureString start=/L\="/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/
syn match clojureCharacter "\\."
syn match clojureCharacter "\\[0-7]\{3\}"
syn match clojureCharacter "\\u[0-9]\{4\}"
syn match clojureCharacter "\\space"
syn match clojureCharacter "\\tab"
syn match clojureCharacter "\\newline"
syn match clojureCharacter "\\return"
syn match clojureCharacter "\\backspace"
syn match clojureCharacter "\\formfeed"
let radixChars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
for radix in range(2, 36)
execute 'syn match clojureNumber "\c\<-\?' . radix . 'r['
\ . strpart(radixChars, 0, radix)
\ . ']\+\>"'
syn match clojureNumber "\<-\=[0-9]\+\(M\|\(\.[0-9]*\)\=\([eE][-+]\=[0-9]\+\)\=\)\=\>"
syn match clojureNumber "\<-\=0x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\>"
syn match clojureNumber "\<-\=[0-9]\+/[0-9]\+\>"
syn match clojureQuote "\('\|`\)"
syn match clojureUnquote "\(\~@\|\~\)"
syn match clojureDispatch "\(#^\|#'\)"
syn match clojureAnonArg contained "%\(\d\|&\)\?"
syn match clojureVarArg contained "&"
if vimclojure#ParenRainbow != 0
syn region clojureSexpLevel0 matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end=")" contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel1
syn region clojureSexpLevel1 matchgroup=clojureParen1 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen1 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel2
syn region clojureSexpLevel2 matchgroup=clojureParen2 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen2 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel3
syn region clojureSexpLevel3 matchgroup=clojureParen3 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen3 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel4
syn region clojureSexpLevel4 matchgroup=clojureParen4 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen4 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel5
syn region clojureSexpLevel5 matchgroup=clojureParen5 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen5 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel6
syn region clojureSexpLevel6 matchgroup=clojureParen6 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen6 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel7
syn region clojureSexpLevel7 matchgroup=clojureParen7 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen7 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel8
syn region clojureSexpLevel8 matchgroup=clojureParen8 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen8 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel9
syn region clojureSexpLevel9 matchgroup=clojureParen9 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen9 end=")" contained contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel0
syn region clojureSexp matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end=")" contains=@clojureTopCluster
syn region clojureAnonFn matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="#(" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end=")" contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureAnonArg,clojureSexpLevel0
syn region clojureVector matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="\[" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end="\]" contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureVarArg,clojureSexpLevel0
syn region clojureMap matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="{" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end="}" contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel0
syn region clojureSet matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="#{" matchgroup=clojureParen0 end="}" contains=@clojureTopCluster,clojureSexpLevel0
syn region clojurePattern start=/L\=\#"/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/
syn region clojureCommentSexp start="(" end=")" transparent contained contains=clojureCommentSexp
syn region clojureComment matchgroup=clojureParen0 start="(comment"rs=s+1 matchgroup=clojureParen0 end=")" contains=clojureCommentSexp
syn region clojureComment start="#!" end="\n"
syn match clojureComment "#_"
syn sync fromstart
if version >= 600
command -nargs=+ HiLink highlight default link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink highlight link <args>
HiLink clojureConstant Constant
HiLink clojureBoolean Boolean
HiLink clojureCharacter Character
HiLink clojureKeyword Operator
HiLink clojureNumber Number
HiLink clojureString String
HiLink clojurePattern Constant
HiLink clojureVariable Identifier
HiLink clojureCond Conditional
HiLink clojureDefine Define
HiLink clojureException Exception
HiLink clojureFunc Function
HiLink clojureMacro Macro
HiLink clojureRepeat Repeat
HiLink clojureQuote Special
HiLink clojureUnquote Special
HiLink clojureDispatch Special
HiLink clojureAnonArg Special
HiLink clojureVarArg Special
HiLink clojureSpecial Special
HiLink clojureComment Comment
HiLink clojureTodo Todo
HiLink clojureError Error
HiLink clojureParen0 Delimiter
if vimclojure#ParenRainbow != 0
if &background == "dark"
highlight default clojureParen1 ctermfg=yellow guifg=orange1
highlight default clojureParen2 ctermfg=green guifg=yellow1
highlight default clojureParen3 ctermfg=cyan guifg=greenyellow
highlight default clojureParen4 ctermfg=magenta guifg=green1
highlight default clojureParen5 ctermfg=red guifg=springgreen1
highlight default clojureParen6 ctermfg=yellow guifg=cyan1
highlight default clojureParen7 ctermfg=green guifg=slateblue1
highlight default clojureParen8 ctermfg=cyan guifg=magenta1
highlight default clojureParen9 ctermfg=magenta guifg=purple1
highlight default clojureParen1 ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=orangered3
highlight default clojureParen2 ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=orange2
highlight default clojureParen3 ctermfg=blue guifg=yellow3
highlight default clojureParen4 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=olivedrab4
highlight default clojureParen5 ctermfg=red guifg=green4
highlight default clojureParen6 ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=paleturquoise3
highlight default clojureParen7 ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=deepskyblue4
highlight default clojureParen8 ctermfg=blue guifg=darkslateblue
highlight default clojureParen9 ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=darkviolet
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "clojure"