vim/bundle/nerdcommenter/doc/NERD_commenter.txt @ a91f097c8c1c

mutt: add sig mutt/sig
author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 09 Nov 2010 12:08:39 -0500
parents 24c78d478e36
children (none)
*NERD_commenter.txt*         Plugin for commenting code

                        NERD COMMENTER REFERENCE MANUAL~

CONTENTS                                               *NERDCommenterContents*

    2.Functionality provided..................|NERDComFunctionality|
        2.1 Functionality Summary.............|NERDComFunctionalitySummary|
        2.2 Functionality Details.............|NERDComFunctionalityDetails|
            2.2.1 Comment map.................|NERDComComment|
            2.2.2 Nested comment map..........|NERDComNestedComment|
            2.2.3 Toggle comment map..........|NERDComToggleComment|
            2.2.4 Minimal comment map.........|NERDComMinimalComment|
            2.2.5 Invert comment map..........|NERDComInvertComment|
            2.2.6 Sexy comment map............|NERDComSexyComment|
            2.2.7 Yank comment map............|NERDComYankComment|
            2.2.8 Comment to EOL map..........|NERDComEOLComment|
            2.2.9 Append com to line map......|NERDComAppendComment|
            2.2.10 Insert comment map.........|NERDComInsertComment|
            2.2.11 Use alternate delims map...|NERDComAltDelim|
            2.2.12 Comment aligned maps.......|NERDComAlignedComment|
            2.2.13 Uncomment line map.........|NERDComUncommentLine|
        2.3 Supported filetypes...............|NERDComFiletypes|
        2.4 Sexy Comments.....................|NERDComSexyComments|
        2.5 The NERDComment function..........|NERDComNERDComment|
        3.1 Options summary...................|NERDComOptionsSummary|
        3.2 Options details...................|NERDComOptionsDetails|
        3.3 Default delimiter Options.........|NERDComDefaultDelims|
    4. Customising key mappings...............|NERDComMappings|
    5. Issues with the script.................|NERDComIssues|
        5.1 Delimiter detection heuristics....|NERDComHeuristics|
        5.2 Nesting issues....................|NERDComNesting|
    6.About..     ............................|NERDComAbout|

1. Intro                                                       *NERDCommenter*

The NERD commenter provides many different commenting operations and styles
which are invoked via key mappings and a menu. These operations are available
for most filetypes.

There are also options that allow to tweak the commenting engine to your

2. Functionality provided                               *NERDComFunctionality*

2.1 Functionality summary                        *NERDComFunctionalitySummary*

The following key mappings are provided by default (there is also a menu
with items corresponding to all the mappings below):

[count],cc |NERDComComment|
Comment out the current line or text selected in visual mode.

[count],cn |NERDComNestedComment|
Same as ,cc but forces nesting.

[count],c<space> |NERDComToggleComment|
Toggles the comment state of the selected line(s). If the topmost selected
line is commented, all selected lines are uncommented and vice versa.

[count],cm |NERDComMinimalComment|
Comments the given lines using only one set of multipart delimiters.

[count],ci |NERDComInvertComment|
Toggles the comment state of the selected line(s) individually.

[count],cs |NERDComSexyComment|
Comments out the selected lines ``sexily''

[count],cy |NERDComYankComment|
Same as ,cc except that the commented line(s) are yanked first.

,c$ |NERDComEOLComment|
Comments the current line from the cursor to the end of line.

,cA |NERDComAppendComment|
Adds comment delimiters to the end of line and goes into insert mode between

Adds comment delimiters at the current cursor position and inserts between.
Disabled by default.

,ca |NERDComAltDelim|
Switches to the alternative set of delimiters.

[count],cb    |NERDComAlignedComment|
Same as |NERDComComment| except that the delimiters are aligned down the
left side (,cl) or both sides (,cb).

[count],cu |NERDComUncommentLine|
Uncomments the selected line(s).

2.2 Functionality details                        *NERDComFunctionalityDetails*

2.2.1 Comment map                                             *NERDComComment*

Default mapping: [count],cc
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterComment
Applicable modes: normal visual visual-line visual-block.

Comments out the current line. If multiple lines are selected in visual-line
mode, they are all commented out.  If some text is selected in visual or
visual-block mode then the script will try to comment out the exact text that
is selected using multi-part delimiters if they are available.

If a [count] is given in normal mode, the mapping works as though that many
lines were selected in visual-line mode.

2.2.2 Nested comment map                                *NERDComNestedComment*

Default mapping: [count],cn
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterNest
Applicable modes: normal visual visual-line visual-block.

Performs nested commenting.  Works the same as ,cc except that if a line is
already commented then it will be commented again.

If |'NERDUsePlaceHolders'| is set then the previous comment delimiters will
be replaced by place-holder delimiters if needed.  Otherwise the nested
comment will only be added if the current commenting delimiters have no right
delimiter (to avoid syntax errors)

If a [count] is given in normal mode, the mapping works as though that many
lines were selected in visual-line mode.

Related options:

2.2.3 Toggle comment map                                *NERDComToggleComment*

Default mapping: [count],c<space>
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterToggle
Applicable modes: normal visual-line.

Toggles commenting of the lines selected. The behaviour of this mapping
depends on whether the first line selected is commented or not.  If so, all
selected lines are uncommented and vice versa.

With this mapping, a line is only considered to be commented if it starts with
a left delimiter.

If a [count] is given in normal mode, the mapping works as though that many
lines were selected in visual-line mode.

2.2.4 Minimal comment map                              *NERDComMinimalComment*

Default mapping: [count],cm
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterMinimal
Applicable modes: normal visual-line.

Comments the selected lines using one set of multipart delimiters if possible.

For example: if you are programming in c and you select 5 lines and press ,cm
then a '/*' will be placed at the start of the top line and a '*/' will be
placed at the end of the last line.

Sets of multipart comment delimiters that are between the top and bottom
selected lines are replaced with place holders (see |'NERDLPlace'|) if
|'NERDUsePlaceHolders'| is set for the current filetype. If it is not, then
the comment will be aborted if place holders are required to prevent illegal

If a [count] is given in normal mode, the mapping works as though that many
lines were selected in visual-line mode.

2.2.5 Invert comment map                                *NERDComInvertComment*

Default mapping: ,ci
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterInvert
Applicable modes: normal visual-line.

Inverts the commented state of each selected line. If the a selected line is
commented then it is uncommented and vice versa. Each line is examined and
commented/uncommented individually.

With this mapping, a line is only considered to be commented if it starts with
a left delimiter.

If a [count] is given in normal mode, the mapping works as though that many
lines were selected in visual-line mode.

2.2.6 Sexy comment map                                    *NERDComSexyComment*

Default mapping: [count],cs
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterSexy
Applicable modes: normal, visual-line.

Comments the selected line(s) ``sexily''... see |NERDComSexyComments| for
a description of what sexy comments are. Can only be done on filetypes for
which there is at least one set of multipart comment delimiters specified.

Sexy comments cannot be nested and lines inside a sexy comment cannot be
commented again.

If a [count] is given in normal mode, the mapping works as though that many
lines were selected in visual-line mode.

Related options:

2.2.7 Yank comment map                                    *NERDComYankComment*

Default mapping: [count],cy
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterYank
Applicable modes: normal visual visual-line visual-block.

Same as ,cc except that it yanks the line(s) that are commented first.

2.2.8 Comment to EOL map                                   *NERDComEOLComment*

Default mapping: ,c$
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterToEOL
Applicable modes: normal.

Comments the current line from the current cursor position up to the end of
the line.

2.2.9 Append com to line map                            *NERDComAppendComment*

Default mapping: ,cA
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterAppend
Applicable modes: normal.

Appends comment delimiters to the end of the current line and goes
to insert mode between the new delimiters.

2.2.10 Insert comment map                               *NERDComInsertComment*

Default mapping: disabled by default.
Map it to: <plug>NERDCommenterInInsert
Applicable modes: insert.

Adds comment delimiters at the current cursor position and inserts
between them.

NOTE: prior to version 2.1.17 this was mapped to ctrl-c. To restore this
mapping add >
    let NERDComInsertMap='<c-c>'
to your vimrc.

2.2.11 Use alternate delims map                              *NERDComAltDelim*

Default mapping: ,ca
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterAltDelims
Applicable modes: normal.

Changes to the alternative commenting style if one is available. For example,
if the user is editing a c++ file using // comments and they hit ,ca
then they will be switched over to /**/ comments.

See also |NERDComDefaultDelims|

2.2.12 Comment aligned maps                            *NERDComAlignedComment*

Default mappings: [count],cl   [count],cb
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterAlignLeft
Applicable modes: normal visual-line.

Same as ,cc except that the comment delimiters are aligned on the left side or
both sides respectively. These comments are always nested if the line(s) are
already commented.

If a [count] is given in normal mode, the mapping works as though that many
lines were selected in visual-line mode.

2.2.13 Uncomment line map                               *NERDComUncommentLine*

Default mapping: [count],cu
Mapped to: <plug>NERDCommenterUncomment
Applicable modes: normal visual visual-line visual-block.

Uncomments the current line. If multiple lines are selected in
visual mode then they are all uncommented.

When uncommenting, if the line contains multiple sets of delimiters then the
``outtermost'' pair of delimiters will be removed.

The script uses a set of heurisics to distinguish ``real'' delimiters from
``fake'' ones when uncommenting. See |NERDComIssues| for details.

If a [count] is given in normal mode, the mapping works as though that many
lines were selected in visual-line mode.

Related  options:

2.3 Supported filetypes                                     *NERDComFiletypes*

Filetypes that can be commented by this plugin:
abaqus abc acedb ada ahdl amiga aml ampl ant apache apachestyle asm68k asm asn
aspvbs atlas autohotkey autoit automake ave awk basic b bc bdf bib bindzone
bst btm caos catalog c cfg cg ch changelog cl clean clipper cmake conf config
context cpp crontab cs csc csp css cterm cupl csv cvs dcl debchangelog
debcontrol debsources def diff django docbk dns dosbatch dosini dot dracula
dsl dtd dtml dylan ecd eiffel elf elmfilt erlang eruby eterm expect exports
fetchmail fgl focexec form fortran foxpro fstab fvwm fx gdb gdmo geek
gentoo-package-keywords' gentoo-package-mask' gentoo-package-use' gnuplot
gtkrc haskell hb h help hercules hog html htmldjango htmlos ia64 icon idlang
idl indent inform inittab ishd iss ist jam java javascript jess jgraph
jproperties jproperties jsp kconfig kix kscript lace lex lftp lifelines lilo
lisp lite lotos lout lprolog lscript lss lua lynx m4 mail make maple masm
master matlab mel mf mib mma model moduala.  modula2 modula3 monk mush muttrc
named nasm nastran natural ncf netdict netrw nqc nroff nsis objc ocaml occam
omlet omnimark openroad opl ora otl ox pascal passwd pcap pccts perl pfmain
php phtml pic pike pilrc pine plaintex plm plsql po postscr pov povini ppd
ppwiz procmail progress prolog psf ptcap python python qf radiance ratpoison r
rc readline rebol registry remind rexx robots rpl rtf ruby sa samba sas sass
sather scheme scilab screen scsh sdl sed selectbuf sgml sgmldecl sgmllnx sh
sicad simula sinda skill slang sl slrnrc sm smarty smil smith sml snnsnet
snnspat snnsres snobol4 spec specman spice sql sqlforms sqlj sqr squid st stp
strace svn systemverilog tads taglist tags tak tasm tcl terminfo tex text
plaintex texinfo texmf tf tidy tli trasys tsalt tsscl tssgm uc uil vb verilog
verilog_systemverilog vgrindefs vhdl vim viminfo virata vo_base vrml vsejcl
webmacro wget winbatch wml wvdial xdefaults xf86conf xhtml xkb xmath xml
xmodmap xpm2 xpm xslt yacc yaml z8a

If a language is not in the list of hardcoded supported filetypes then the
&commentstring vim option is used.

2.4 Sexy Comments                                        *NERDComSexyComments*
These are comments that use one set of multipart comment delimiters as well as
one other marker symbol. For example: >
     * This is a c style sexy comment
     * So there!

    /* This is a c style sexy comment
     * So there!
     * But this one is ``compact'' style */
Here the multipart delimiters are /* and */ and the marker is *.

2.5 The NERDComment function                             *NERDComNERDComment*

All of the NERD commenter mappings and menu items invoke a single function
which delegates the commenting work to other functions. This function is
public and has the prototype: >
    function! NERDComment(isVisual, type)
The arguments to this function are simple:
    - isVisual: if you wish to do any kind of visual comment then set this to
      1 and the function will use the '< and '> marks to find the comment
      boundries. If set to 0 then the function will operate on the current
    - type: is used to specify what type of commenting operation is to be
      performed, and it can be one of the following: "sexy", "invert",
      "minimal", "toggle", "alignLeft", "alignBoth", "norm", "nested",
      "toEOL", "append", "insert", "uncomment", "yank"

For example, if you typed >
    :call NERDComment(1, 'sexy')
then the script would do a sexy comment on the last visual selection.

3. Options                                                    *NERDComOptions*

3.1 Options summary                                    *NERDComOptionsSummary*

|'loaded_nerd_comments'|              Turns off the script.
|'NERDAllowAnyVisualDelims'|          Allows multipart alternative delims to
                                      be used when commenting in
                                      visual/visual-block mode.
|'NERDBlockComIgnoreEmpty'|           Forces right delims to be placed when
                                      doing visual-block comments.
|'NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode'|      Changes behaviour of visual comments.
|'NERDCreateDefaultMappings'|         Turn the default mappings on/off.
|'NERDDefaultNesting'|                Tells the script to use nested comments
                                      by default.
|'NERDMenuMode'|                      Specifies how the NERD commenter menu
                                      will appear (if at all).
|'NERDLPlace'|                        Specifies what to use as the left
                                      delimiter placeholder when nesting
|'NERDUsePlaceHolders'|               Specifies which filetypes may use
                                      placeholders when nesting comments.
|'NERDRemoveAltComs'|                 Tells the script whether to remove
                                      alternative comment delimiters when
|'NERDRemoveExtraSpaces'|             Tells the script to always remove the
                                      extra spaces when uncommenting
                                      (regardless of whether NERDSpaceDelims
                                      is set)
|'NERDRPlace'|                        Specifies what to use as the right
                                      delimiter placeholder when nesting
|'NERDSpaceDelims'|                   Specifies whether to add extra spaces
                                      around delimiters when commenting, and
                                      whether to remove them when
|'NERDCompactSexyComs'|               Specifies whether to use the compact
                                      style sexy comments.

3.3 Options details                                    *NERDComOptionsDetails*

To enable any of the below options you should put the given line in your

If this script is driving you insane you can turn it off by setting this
option >
    let loaded_nerd_comments=1
Values: 0 or 1.
Default: 1.

If set to 1 then, when doing a visual or visual-block comment (but not a
visual-line comment), the script will choose the right delimiters to use for
the comment. This means either using the current delimiters if they are
multipart or using the alternative delimiters if THEY are multipart.  For
example if we are editing the following java code: >
    float foo = 1221;
    float bar = 324;
    System.out.println(foo * bar);
If we are using // comments and select the "foo" and "bar" in visual-block
mode, as shown left below (where '|'s are used to represent the visual-block
boundary), and comment it then the script will use the alternative delims as
shown on the right: >

    float |foo| = 1221;                   float /*foo*/ = 1221;
    float |bar| = 324;                    float /*bar*/ = 324;
    System.out.println(foo * bar);        System.out.println(foo * bar);
Values: 0 or 1.
Default: 1.

This option  affects visual-block mode commenting. If this option is turned
on, lines that begin outside the right boundary of the selection block will be

For example, if you are commenting this chunk of c code in visual-block mode
(where the '|'s are used to represent the visual-block boundary) >
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
   |int| main(){
   |   | printf("SUCK THIS\n");
   |   | while(1){
   |   |     fork();
   |   | }
   |}  |
If NERDBlockComIgnoreEmpty=0 then this code will become: >
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    /*int*/ main(){
    /*   */ printf("SUCK THIS\n");
    /*   */ while(1){
    /*   */     fork();
    /*   */ }
    /*}  */
Otherwise, the code block would become: >
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    /*int*/ main(){
    printf("SUCK THIS\n");
    /*}  */
Values: 0, 1 or 2.
Default: 0.

By default the script tries to comment out exactly what is selected in visual
mode (v). For example if you select and comment the following c code (using |
to represent the visual boundary): >
    in|t foo = 3;
    int bar =| 9;
    int baz = foo + bar;
This will result in: >
    in/*t foo = 3;*/
    /*int bar =*/ 9;
    int baz = foo + bar;
But some people prefer it if the whole lines are commented like: >
    /*int foo = 3;*/
    /*int bar = 9;*/
    int baz = foo + bar;
If you prefer the second option then stick this line in your vimrc: >
    let NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode=1

If the filetype you are editing only has no multipart delimiters (for example
a shell script) and you hadnt set this option then the above would become >
    in#t foo = 3;
    #int bar = 9;
(where # is the comment delimiter) as this is the closest the script can
come to commenting out exactly what was selected. If you prefer for whole
lines to be commented out when there is no multipart delimiters but the EXACT
text that was selected to be commented out if there IS multipart delimiters
then stick the following line in your vimrc: >
    let NERDCommentWholeLinesInVMode=2

Note that this option does not affect the behaviour of commenting in
|visual-block| mode.

Values: 0 or 1.
Default: 1.

If set to 0, none of the default mappings will be created.

See also |NERDComMappings|.

Values: 0 or 1.
Default: 1.

When uncommenting a line (for a filetype with an alternative commenting style)
this option tells the script whether to look for, and remove, comment
delimiters of the alternative style.

For example, if you are editing a c++ file using // style comments and you go
,cu on this line: >
    /* This is a c++ comment baby! */
It will not be uncommented if the NERDRemoveAltComs is set to 0.

Values: 0 or 1.
Default: 1.

By default, the NERD commenter will remove spaces around comment delimiters if
1. |'NERDSpaceDelims'| is set to 1.
2. NERDRemoveExtraSpaces is set to 1.

This means that if we have the following lines in a c code file: >
    /* int foo = 5; */
    /* int bar = 10; */
    int baz = foo + bar
If either of the above conditions hold then if these lines are uncommented
they will become: >
    int foo = 5;
    int bar = 10;
    int baz = foo + bar
Otherwise they would become: >
     int foo = 5;
     int bar = 10;
    int baz = foo + bar
If you want the spaces to be removed only if |'NERDSpaceDelims'| is set then
set NERDRemoveExtraSpaces to 0.

Values: arbitrary string.
    NERDLPlace: "[>"
    NERDRPlace: "<]"

These options are used to control the strings used as place-holder delimiters.
Place holder delimiters are used when performing nested commenting when the
filetype supports commenting styles with both left and right delimiters.
To set these options use lines like: >
    let NERDLPlace="FOO"
    let NERDRPlace="BAR"
Following the above example, if we have line of c code: >
    /* int horse */
and we comment it with ,cn it will be changed to: >
    /*FOO int horse BAR*/
When we uncomment this line it will go back to what it was.

Values: 0, 1, 2, 3.
Default: 3

This option can take 4 values:
    "0": Turns the menu off.
    "1": Turns the 'comment' menu on with no menu shortcut.
    "2": Turns the 'comment 'menu on with <alt>-c as the shortcut.
    "3": Turns the 'Plugin -> comment' menu on with <alt>-c as the shortcut.

Values: 0 or 1.
Default 1.

This option is used to specify whether place-holder delimiters should be used
when creating a nested comment.

Values: 0 or 1.
Default 0.

Some people prefer a space after the left delimiter and before the right
delimiter like this: >
    /* int foo=2; */
as opposed to this: >
    /*int foo=2;*/
If you want spaces to be added then set NERDSpaceDelims to 1 in your vimrc.

See also |'NERDRemoveExtraSpaces'|.

Values: 0 or 1.
Default 0.

Some people may want their sexy comments to be like this: >
    /* Hi There!
     * This is a sexy comment
     * in c */
As opposed to like this: >
     * Hi There!
     * This is a sexy comment
     * in c
If this option is set to 1 then the top style will be used.

Values: 0 or 1.
Default 1.

When this option is set to 1, comments are nested automatically. That is, if
you hit ,cc on a line that is already commented it will be commented again

3.3 Default delimiter customisation                     *NERDComDefaultDelims*

If you want the NERD commenter to use the alternative delimiters for a
specific filetype by default then put a line of this form into your vimrc: >
    let NERD_<filetype>_alt_style=1
Example: java uses // style comments by default, but you want it to default to
/* */ style comments instead. You would put this line in your vimrc: >
    let NERD_java_alt_style=1

See |NERDComAltDelim| for switching commenting styles at runtime.

4. Key mapping customisation                                *NERDComMappings*

To change a mapping just map another key combo to the internal <plug> mapping.
For example, to remap the |NERDComComment| mapping to ",omg" you would put
this line in your vimrc: >
    map ,omg <plug>NERDCommenterComment
This will stop the corresponding default mappings from being created.

See the help for the mapping in question to see which <plug> mapping to
map to.

See also |'NERDCreateDefaultMappings'|.

5. Issues with the script                                      *NERDComIssues*

5.1 Delimiter detection heuristics                         *NERDComHeuristics*

Heuristics are used to distinguish the real comment delimiters

Because we have comment mappings that place delimiters in the middle of lines,
removing comment delimiters is a bit tricky. This is because if comment
delimiters appear in a line doesnt mean they really ARE delimiters. For
example, Java uses // comments but the line >
clearly contains no real comment delimiters.

To distinguish between ``real'' comment delimiters and ``fake'' ones we use a
set of heuristics. For example, one such heuristic states that any comment
delimiter that has an odd number of non-escaped " characters both preceding
and following it on the line is not a comment because it is probably part of a
string. These heuristics, while usually pretty accurate, will not work for all

5.2 Nesting issues                                            *NERDComNesting*

If we have some line of code like this: >
    /*int foo */ = /*5 + 9;*/
This will not be uncommented legally. The NERD commenter will remove the
"outter most" delimiters so the line will become: >
    int foo */ = /*5 + 9;
which almost certainly will not be what you want. Nested sets of comments will
uncomment fine though. Eg: >
    /*int/* foo =*/ 5 + 9;*/
will become: >
    int/* foo =*/ 5 + 9;
(Note that in the above examples I have deliberately not used place holders
for simplicity)

6. About                                                        *NERDComAbout*

The author of the NERD commenter is Martyzillatron --- the half robot, half
dinosaur bastard son of Megatron and Godzilla. He enjoys destroying
metropolises and eating tourist busses.

Drop him a line at martin_grenfell at He would love to hear from you.
its a lonely life being the worlds premier terror machine. How would you feel
if your face looked like a toaster and a t-rex put together? :(

The latest stable versions can be found at

The latest dev versions are on github

8. Changelog                                                *NERDComChangelog*

    - remove the NERDShutup option and the message is suppresses, this makes
      the plugin silently rely on &commentstring for unknown filetypes.
    - add support for dhcpd, limits, ntp, resolv, rgb, sysctl, udevconf and
      udevrules. Thanks to Thilo Six.
    - match filetypes case insensitively
    - add support for mp (metapost), thanks to Andrey Skvortsov.
    - add support for htmlcheetah, thanks to Simon Hengel.
    - add support for javacc, thanks to Matt Tolton.
    - make <%# %> the default delims for eruby, thanks to tpope.
    - add support for javascript.jquery, thanks to Ivan Devat.
    - add support for cucumber and pdf. Fix sass and railslog delims,
      thanks to tpope

    - add support for newlisp and clojure, thanks to Matthew Lee Hinman.
    - fix automake comments, thanks to Elias Pipping
    - make haml comments default to -# with / as the alternative delimiter,
      thanks to tpope
    - add support for actionscript and processing thanks to Edwin Benavides
    - add support for ps1 (powershell), thanks to Jason Mills
    - add support for hostsaccess, thanks to Thomas Rowe
    - add support for CVScommit
    - add support for asciidoc, git and gitrebase. Thanks to Simon Ruderich.
    - use # for gitcommit comments, thanks to Simon Ruderich.
    - add support for mako and genshi, thanks to Keitheis.
    - add support for conkyrc, thanks to David
    - add support for SVNannotate, thanks to Miguel Jaque Barbero.
    - add support for sieve, thanks to Stefan Walk
    - add support for objj, thanks to Adam Thorsen.

    - rewrote the mappings system to be more "standard".
      - removed all the mapping options. Now, mappings to <plug> mappings are
      - see :help NERDComMappings, and :help NERDCreateDefaultMappings for
        more info
    - remove "prepend comments" and "right aligned comments".
    - add support for applescript, calbire, man, SVNcommit, potwiki, txt2tags and SVNinfo.
      Thanks to nicothakis, timberke, sgronblo, mntnoe, Bernhard Grotz, John
      O'Shea, François and Giacomo Mariani respectively.
    - bugfix for haskell delimiters. Thanks to mntnoe.
    - add support for llvm. Thanks to nicothakis.
    - add support for xquery. Thanks to Phillip Kovalev.
    - fixed haskell delimiters (hackily). Thanks to Elias Pipping.
    - add support for mailcap. Thanks to Pascal Brueckner.
    - add support for stata. Thanks to Jerónimo Carballo.
    - applied a patch from ewfalor to fix an error in the help file with the
      NERDMapleader doc
    - disable the insert mode ctrl-c mapping by default, see :help
      NERDComInsertComment if you wish to restore it

8. Credits                                                    *NERDComCredits*

Thanks to the follow people for suggestions and patches:

Nick Brettell
Matthew Hawkins
Mathieu Clabaut
Greg Searle
Jorge Scandaliaris
Shufeng Zheng
Martin Stubenschrott
Markus Erlmann
Brent Rice
Richard Willis
Igor Prischepoff
David Bourgeois
Eike Von Seggern
Torsten Blix
Alexander Bosecke
Stefano Zacchiroli
Norick Chen
Joseph Barker
Gary Church
Tim Carey-Smith
Markus Klinik
Seth Mason
James Hales
Cheng Fang
Yongwei Wu
David Miani
Jeremy Hinegardner
Ingo Karkat
Zhang Shuhan
Ben Schmidt
David Fishburn
Erik Falor
Elias Pipping
Mark S.

Thanks to the following people for sending me new filetypes to support:

The hackers                         The filetypes~
Sam R                               verilog
Jonathan                            Derque context, plaintext and mail
Vigil                               fetchmail
Michael Brunner                     kconfig
Antono Vasiljev                     netdict
Melissa Reid                        omlet
Ilia N Ternovich                    quickfix
John O'Shea                         RTF, SVNcommitlog and vcscommit, SVNCommit
Anders                              occam
Mark Woodward                       csv
fREW                                gentoo-package-mask,
                                    gentoo-package-use, and vo_base
Alexey                              verilog_systemverilog, systemverilog
Lizendir                            fstab
Michael Böhler                      autoit, autohotkey and docbk
Aaron Small                         cmake
Ramiro                              htmldjango and django
Stefano Zacchiroli                  debcontrol, debchangelog, mkd
Alex Tarkovsky                      ebuild and eclass
Jorge Rodrigues                     gams
Rainer Müller                       Objective C
Jason Mills                         Groovy, ps1
Normandie Azucena                   vera
Florian Apolloner                   ldif
David Fishburn                      lookupfile
Niels Aan de Brugh                  rst
Don Hatlestad                       ahk
Christophe Benz                     Desktop and xsd
Eyolf Østrem                        lilypond, bbx and lytex
Ingo Karkat                         dosbatch
Nicolas Weber                       markdown, objcpp
tinoucas                            gentoo-conf-d
Greg Weber                          D, haml
Bruce Sherrod                       velocity
timberke                            cobol, calibre
Aaron Schaefer                      factor
Mr X                                asterisk, mplayerconf
Kuchma Michael                      plsql
Brett Warneke                       spectre
Pipp                                lhaskell
Renald Buter                        scala
Vladimir Lomov                      asymptote
Marco                               mrxvtrc, aap
nicothakis                          SVNAnnotate, CVSAnnotate, SVKAnnotate,
                                    SVNdiff, gitAnnotate, gitdiff, dtrace
                                    llvm, applescript
Chen Xing                           Wikipedia
Jacobo Diaz                         dakota, patran
Li Jin                              gentoo-env-d, gentoo-init-d,
                                    gentoo-make-conf, grub, modconf, sudoers
SpookeyPeanut                       rib
Greg Jandl                          pyrex/cython
Christophe Benz                     services, gitcommit
A Pontus                            vimperator
Stromnov                            slice, bzr
Martin Kustermann                   pamconf
Indriði Einarsson                   mason
Chris                               map
Krzysztof A. Adamski                group
Pascal Brueckner                    mailcap
Jerónimo Carballo                   stata
Phillip Kovalev                     xquery
Bernhard Grotz                      potwiki
sgronblo                            man
François                            txt2tags
Giacomo Mariani                     SVNinfo
Matthew Lee Hinman                  newlisp, clojure
Elias Pipping                       automake
Edwin Benavides                     actionscript, processing
Thomas Rowe                         hostsaccess
Simon Ruderich                      asciidoc, git, gitcommit, gitrebase
Keitheis                            mako, genshi
David                               conkyrc
Miguel Jaque Barbero                SVNannotate
Stefan Walk                         sieve
Adam Thorsen                        objj
Thilo Six                           dhcpd, limits, ntp, resolv, rgb, sysctl,
                                    udevconf, udevrules
Andrey Skvortsov                    mp
Simon Hengel                        htmlcheetah
Matt Tolton                         javacc
Ivan Devat                          javascript.jquery
tpope                               cucumber,pdf
9. License                                                    *NERDComLicense*

The NERD commenter is released under the wtfpl.