hg: add the cbsl scheme
author |
Steve Losh <steve@dwaiter.com> |
date |
Thu, 05 Aug 2010 11:15:51 -0400 |
parents |
eb48ee0db2d3 |
children |
77c388175390 |
username = Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
editor = vim
transplant =
graphlog =
record =
bookmarks =
rebase =
purge =
mq =
patchbomb =
extdiff =
color =
parentrevspec =
schemes =
progress =
fetch =
attic = ~/lib/hg/hgattic/attic.py
paste = ~/lib/hg/hg-paste/paste.py
prompt = ~/lib/hg/hg-prompt/prompt.py
histedit = ~/lib/hg/histedit
crecord = ~/lib/hg/crecord/crecord
hggit = ~/lib/hg/hg-git/hggit
collapse = ~/lib/hg/hgcollapse/hgext/collapse.py
review = ~/src/hg-review/review
delay = 1.0
webf = ssh://sjl@sjl.webfactional.com/repos/
bbs = ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/
gh = git://github.com/
ghs = git+ssh://git@github.com/
cb = ssh://hg@codebasehq.com/
cbdw = ssh://hg@codebasehq.com/dwaiter/
cbsl = ssh://hg@codebasehq.com/stevelosh/
git = True
unified = 5
cmd.vd = mvim
opts.vd = -c 'set lines=70' -c 'set columns=240' -f '+next' '+execute "DirDiff" argv(0) argv(1)'
cmd.kd = /usr/local/bin/ksdiff-wrapper
opts.kd = hg
method = smtp
from = Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
host = smtp.gmail.com
port = 587
username = steve@stevelosh.com
tls = True
status.modified = cyan
status.added = green
status.removed = red
status.deleted = yellow bold underline
status.unknown = magenta bold underline
status.ignored = black bold
diff.diffline = none
diff.extended = cyan
diff.file_a = red
diff.file_b = green
diff.hunk = yellow bold
diff.deleted = red
diff.inserted = green
diff.changed = white
diff.trailingwhitespace = white_background
track.current = True
rebase = --keepbranches
addremove = --similarity 100
nudge = push --branch .
st = status -C
? = summary
pullr = pull --remotecmd '~/bin/hg'
pushr = push --remotecmd '~/bin/hg'
cm = commit -m
cus = commit -m 'Update subrepository state.'
cuf = commit -m 'Update fixtures.' -I '**fixtures**.json'
cmwn = commit -m 'Merge with Nick.'
#mlocal = merge --config 'ui.merge=internal:local'
#mother = merge --config 'ui.merge=internal:other'
#mfail = merge --config 'ui.merge=internal:fail'
fdiff = diff -U 10000000000000
qfdiff = qdiff -U 10000000000000
ks = kd -c
dlog = log --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.dlog
_ = dlog -l15
__ = _ -l100000000
o_ = outgoing -n --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.dlog
i_ = incoming -n --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.dlog
slog = log --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.slog
. = slog -l15
.. = . -l100000000
o. = outgoing -n --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.slog
i. = incoming -n --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.slog
sglog = glog --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.sglog
, = sglog -l7
,, = , -l100000000
o, = outgoing --graph --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.sglog
i, = incoming --graph --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.sglog
nlog = log --style=$HOME/lib/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.nlog
n = nlog -vr
show = nlog --color=always -vpr
fet = fetch --message 'Automated merge.'