vim/bundle/neorepl/plugin/neorepl.vim @ a362de5d1aa1

author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 23 Jan 2020 23:35:15 -0500
parents 3a0cb2d4dceb
children (none)
" ============================================================================
" File:        neorepl.vim
" Description: Send text from neovim buffers to neovim terminals.
" Maintainer:  Steve Losh <>
" License:     MIT/X11
" ============================================================================

" Init {{{

if !exists('g:neorepl_debug') && (exists('loaded_neorepl') || &cp)

let loaded_neorepl = 1
let g:neorepl_jobid = 0

" Functions {{{

function! s:NeoRepl(command) " {{{
    let result = termopen(a:command)

    let g:neorepl_jobid = result
endfunction " }}}

" Optional arguments:
" * ignoreBlankLines
function! NeoReplSendRaw(payload, ...) " {{{
    let ignoreBlankLines = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 0

    for line in (split(a:payload, '\n'))
        if !ignoreBlankLines || line != ""
            call jobsend(g:neorepl_jobid, line . "\n")
            sleep 2m " please kill me
endfunction " }}}

" Optional arguments:
" * ignoreBlankLines
" Make sure you've DESELECTED the text before calling this, otherwise it'll run
" once per text line because Vim hates me.
function! NeoReplSendSelection(...) " {{{
    let ignoreBlankLines = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 0

    let old_z = @z
    normal! gv"zy

    call NeoReplSendRaw(@z . "\n", ignoreBlankLines)
    let @z = old_z
endfunction " }}}

" }}}
" Command {{{

command! -range=0 -complete=shellcmd -nargs=1 NeoRepl call s:NeoRepl(<q-args>)

" }}}