.gitconfig @ 9841a762fa2d

vim: fix Pathogen to work with annoying Linux distros
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 21 Sep 2010 12:51:12 -0400
parents 77915b6f0ed8
children 1d88d4630cf7
name = Steve Losh
email = steve@stevelosh.com

pager = cat
editor = vim

gl  = log -10 --color=always --all --graph --topo-order --pretty='format: %Cgreen%h%Creset %s%Cred%d%Creset%n'
gll = log     --color=always --all --graph --topo-order --pretty='format: %Cgreen%h%Creset %s%Cred%d%Creset%n'

com = commit
cm = commit -m

co = checkout

stat = status
st = status

unstage = reset HEAD
uns = reset HEAD

branch = auto
diff = auto
interactive = auto
status = auto

[difftool "Kaleidoscope"]
cmd = ksdiff-wrapper git \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"

prompt = false

tool = Kaleidoscope