"""ropevim, a vim mode for using rope refactoring library"""
import os
import tempfile
import re
import ropemode.decorators
import ropemode.environment
import ropemode.interface
import vim
class VimUtils(ropemode.environment.Environment):
def ask(self, prompt, default=None, starting=None):
if starting is None:
starting = ''
if default is not None:
prompt = prompt + ('[%s] ' % default)
result = call('input("%s", "%s")' % (prompt, starting))
if default is not None and result == '':
return default
return result
def ask_values(self, prompt, values, default=None,
starting=None, show_values=None):
if show_values or (show_values is None and len(values) < 14):
if default is not None:
prompt = prompt + ('[%s] ' % default)
starting = starting or ''
_completer.values = values
answer = call('input("%s", "%s", "customlist,RopeValueCompleter")' %
(prompt, starting))
if answer is None:
if 'cancel' in values:
return 'cancel'
if default is not None and not answer:
return default
if answer.isdigit() and 0 <= int(answer) < len(values):
return values[int(answer)]
return answer
def _print_values(self, values):
numbered = []
for index, value in enumerate(values):
numbered.append('%s. %s' % (index, str(value)))
echo('\n'.join(numbered) + '\n')
def ask_directory(self, prompt, default=None, starting=None):
return call('input("%s", ".", "dir")' % prompt)
def ask_completion(self, prompt, values, starting=None):
if self.get('vim_completion') and 'i' in call('mode()'):
if not self.get('extended_complete', False):
proposals = u','.join(u"'%s'" % self._completion_text(proposal)
for proposal in values)
proposals = u','.join(self._extended_completion(proposal)
for proposal in values)
col = int(call('col(".")'))
if starting:
col -= len(starting)
command = u'call complete(%s, [%s])' % (col, proposals)
return None
return self.ask_values(prompt, values, starting=starting,
def message(self, message):
def yes_or_no(self, prompt):
return self.ask_values(prompt, ['yes', 'no']) == 'yes'
def y_or_n(self, prompt):
return self.yes_or_no(prompt)
def get(self, name, default=None):
vimname = 'g:ropevim_%s' % name
if str(vim.eval('exists("%s")' % vimname)) == '0':
return default
result = vim.eval(vimname)
if isinstance(result, str) and result.isdigit():
return int(result)
return result
def get_offset(self):
result = self._position_to_offset(*self.cursor)
return result
def _get_encoding(self):
return vim.eval('&encoding')
def _encode_line(self, line):
return line.encode(self._get_encoding())
def _decode_line(self, line):
return line.decode(self._get_encoding())
def _position_to_offset(self, lineno, colno):
result = min(colno, len(self.buffer[lineno -1]) + 1)
for line in self.buffer[:lineno-1]:
line = self._decode_line(line)
result += len(line) + 1
return result
def get_text(self):
return self._decode_line('\n'.join(self.buffer)) + u'\n'
def get_region(self):
start = self._position_to_offset(*self.buffer.mark('<'))
end = self._position_to_offset(*self.buffer.mark('>'))
return start, end
def buffer(self):
return vim.current.buffer
def _get_cursor(self):
lineno, col = vim.current.window.cursor
line = self._decode_line(vim.current.line[:col])
col = len(line)
return (lineno, col)
def _set_cursor(self, cursor):
lineno, col = cursor
line = self._decode_line(vim.current.line)
line = self._encode_line(line[:col])
col = len(line)
vim.current.window.cursor = (lineno, col)
cursor = property(_get_cursor, _set_cursor)
def filename(self):
return self.buffer.name
def is_modified(self):
return vim.eval('&modified')
def goto_line(self, lineno):
self.cursor = (lineno, 0)
def insert_line(self, line, lineno):
self.buffer[lineno - 1:lineno - 1] = [line]
def insert(self, text):
lineno, colno = self.cursor
line = self.buffer[lineno - 1]
self.buffer[lineno - 1] = line[:colno] + text + line[colno:]
self.cursor = (lineno, colno + len(text))
def delete(self, start, end):
lineno1, colno1 = self._offset_to_position(start - 1)
lineno2, colno2 = self._offset_to_position(end - 1)
lineno, colno = self.cursor
if lineno1 == lineno2:
line = self.buffer[lineno1 - 1]
self.buffer[lineno1 - 1] = line[:colno1] + line[colno2:]
if lineno == lineno1 and colno >= colno1:
diff = colno2 - colno1
self.cursor = (lineno, max(0, colno - diff))
def _offset_to_position(self, offset):
text = self.get_text()
lineno = text.count('\n', 0, offset) + 1
colno = offset - text.rindex('\n', 0, offset) - 1
except ValueError:
colno = offset
return lineno, colno
def filenames(self):
result = []
for buffer in vim.buffers:
if buffer.name:
return result
def save_files(self, filenames):
def reload_files(self, filenames, moves={}):
initial = self.filename()
for filename in filenames:
self.find_file(moves.get(filename, filename), force=True)
if initial:
def find_file(self, filename, readonly=False, other=False, force=False):
if filename != self.filename() or force:
if other:
vim.command('e %s' % filename)
if readonly:
vim.command('set nomodifiable')
def create_progress(self, name):
return VimProgress(name)
def current_word(self):
return vim.eval('expand("<cword>")')
def push_mark(self):
vim.command('mark `')
def prefix_value(self, prefix):
return prefix
def show_occurrences(self, locations):
def _quickfixdefs(self, locations):
filename = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), tempfile.mktemp())
self._writedefs(locations, filename)
vim.command('let old_errorfile = &errorfile')
vim.command('let old_errorformat = &errorformat')
vim.command('set errorformat=%f:%l:\ %m')
vim.command('cfile ' + filename)
vim.command('let &errorformat = old_errorformat')
vim.command('let &errorfile = old_errorfile')
def _writedefs(self, locations, filename):
tofile = open(filename, 'w')
for location in locations:
err = '%s:%d: - %s\n' % (location.filename,
location.lineno, location.note)
def show_doc(self, docs, altview=False):
if docs:
def preview_changes(self, diffs):
return self.y_or_n('Do the changes? ')
def local_command(self, name, callback, key=None, prefix=False):
self._add_command(name, callback, key, prefix,
def global_command(self, name, callback, key=None, prefix=False):
self._add_command(name, callback, key, prefix,
def add_hook(self, name, callback, hook):
mapping = {'before_save': 'FileWritePre,BufWritePre',
'after_save': 'FileWritePost,BufWritePost',
'exit': 'VimLeave'}
self._add_function(name, callback)
vim.command('autocmd %s *.py call %s()' %
(mapping[hook], _vim_name(name)))
def _add_command(self, name, callback, key, prefix, prekey):
self._add_function(name, callback, prefix)
vim.command('command! -range %s call %s()' %
(_vim_name(name), _vim_name(name)))
if key is not None:
key = prekey + key.replace(' ', '')
vim.command('map %s :call %s()<cr>' % (key, _vim_name(name)))
def _add_function(self, name, callback, prefix=False):
globals()[name] = callback
arg = 'None' if prefix else ''
vim.command('function! %s()\n' % _vim_name(name) +
'python ropevim.%s(%s)\n' % (name, arg) +
def _completion_data(self, proposal):
return proposal
_docstring_re = re.compile('^[\s\t\n]*([^\n]*)')
def _extended_completion(self, proposal):
# we are using extended complete and return dicts instead of strings.
# `ci` means "completion item". see `:help complete-items`
ci = {'word': proposal.name}
scope = proposal.scope[0].upper()
type_ = proposal.type
info = None
if proposal.scope == 'parameter_keyword':
scope = ' '
type_ = 'param'
if not hasattr(proposal, 'get_default'):
# old version of rope
default = proposal.get_default()
if default is None:
info = '*'
info = '= %s' % default
elif proposal.scope == 'keyword':
scope = ' '
type_ = 'keywd'
elif proposal.scope == 'attribute':
scope = 'M'
if proposal.type == 'function':
type_ = 'meth'
elif proposal.type == 'instance':
type_ = 'prop'
elif proposal.type == 'function':
type_ = 'func'
elif proposal.type == 'instance':
type_ = 'inst'
elif proposal.type == 'module':
type_ = 'mod'
if info is None:
obj_doc = proposal.get_doc()
if obj_doc:
info = self._docstring_re.match(obj_doc).group(1)
info = ''
if type_ is None:
type_ = ' '
type_ = type_.ljust(5)[:5]
ci['menu'] = ' '.join((scope, type_, info))
ret = u'{%s}' % \
u','.join(u'"%s":"%s"' % \
(key, value.replace('"', '\\"')) \
for (key, value) in ci.iteritems())
return ret
def _vim_name(name):
tokens = name.split('_')
newtokens = ['Rope'] + [token.title() for token in tokens]
return ''.join(newtokens)
class VimProgress(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.last = 0
echo('%s ... ' % self.name)
def update(self, percent):
except vim.error:
raise KeyboardInterrupt('Task %s was interrupted!' % self.name)
if percent > self.last + 4:
echo('%s ... %s%%%%' % (self.name, percent))
self.last = percent
def done(self):
echo('%s ... done' % self.name)
def echo(message):
if isinstance(message, unicode):
message = message.encode(vim.eval('&encoding'))
print message
def call(command):
return vim.eval(command)
class _ValueCompleter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.values = []
vim.command('python import vim')
vim.command('function! RopeValueCompleter(A, L, P)\n'
'python args = [vim.eval("a:" + p) for p in "ALP"]\n'
'python ropevim._completer(*args)\n'
'return s:completions\n'
def __call__(self, arg_lead, cmd_line, cursor_pos):
result = [proposal.name for proposal in self.values \
if proposal.name.startswith(arg_lead)]
vim.command('let s:completions = %s' % result)
variables = {'ropevim_enable_autoimport': 1,
'ropevim_autoimport_underlineds': 0,
'ropevim_codeassist_maxfixes' : 1,
'ropevim_enable_shortcuts' : 1,
'ropevim_autoimport_modules': '[]',
'ropevim_confirm_saving': 0,
'ropevim_local_prefix': '"<C-c>r"',
'ropevim_global_prefix': '"<C-x>p"',
'ropevim_vim_completion': 0,
'ropevim_guess_project': 0}
shortcuts = {'code_assist': '<M-/>',
'lucky_assist': '<M-?>',
'goto_definition': '<C-c>g',
'show_doc': '<C-c>d',
'find_occurrences': '<C-c>f'}
insert_shortcuts = {'code_assist': '<M-/>',
'lucky_assist': '<M-?>'}
def _init_variables():
for variable, default in variables.items():
vim.command('if !exists("g:%s")\n' % variable +
' let g:%s = %s\n' % (variable, default))
def _enable_shortcuts(env):
if env.get('enable_shortcuts'):
for command, shortcut in shortcuts.items():
vim.command('map %s :call %s()<cr>' %
(shortcut, _vim_name(command)))
for command, shortcut in insert_shortcuts.items():
command_name = _vim_name(command) + 'InsertMode'
vim.command('func! %s()\n' % command_name +
'call %s()\n' % _vim_name(command) +
'return ""\n'
vim.command('imap %s <C-R>=%s()<cr>' % (shortcut, command_name))
def _add_menu(env):
project = ['open_project', 'close_project', 'find_file', 'undo', 'redo']
refactor = ['rename', 'extract_variable', 'extract_method', 'inline',
'move', 'restructure', 'use_function', 'introduce_factory',
'change_signature', 'rename_current_module',
'move_current_module', 'module_to_package']
assists = ['code_assist', 'goto_definition', 'show_doc', 'find_occurrences',
'lucky_assist', 'jump_to_global', 'show_calltip']
vim.command('silent! aunmenu Ropevim')
for index, items in enumerate([project, assists, refactor]):
if index != 0:
vim.command('amenu <silent> &Ropevim.-SEP%s- :' % index)
for name in items:
item = '\ '.join(token.title() for token in name.split('_'))
for command in ['amenu', 'vmenu']:
vim.command('%s <silent> &Ropevim.%s :call %s()<cr>' %
(command, item, _vim_name(name)))
ropemode.decorators.logger.message = echo
ropemode.decorators.logger.only_short = True
_completer = _ValueCompleter()
_env = VimUtils()
_interface = ropemode.interface.RopeMode(env=_env)