More remote bins
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Tue, 04 Feb 2020 09:23:46 -0500 (2020-02-04) |
parents |
a8ceb657d88f |
children |
dccf3005b8fe |
username = Steve Losh <>
editor = nvim
commitsubrepos = False
ignore = ~/.hgignore
paginate = never
transplant =
graphlog =
record =
bookmarks =
rebase =
purge =
mq =
patchbomb =
extdiff =
color =
parentrevspec =
schemes =
progress =
fetch =
shelve =
histedit =
prompt = ~/src/dotfiles/mercurial/hg-prompt/
hggit = ~/.hg-git/hggit
delay = 1.0
cacerts =
bb =
bbs = ssh://
gh = git://
ghs = git+ssh://
sh =
shs = ssh://
hsl = ssh://hsl/repos/
git = True
unified = 5
cmd.vd = nvim
opts.vd = -c 'set lines=70' -c 'set columns=240' '+next' '+execute "DirDiff" argv(0) argv(1)'
splice.executable = nvim
splice.args = -f $base $local $other $output -c 'SpliceInit'
splice.premerge = keep
splice.priority = 1
keepthat.executable = sh
keepthat.args = -c 'cp "$local" "$output.original" && cp "$other" "$output"'
keepthat.premerge = True
keepthis.executable = sh
keepthis.args = -c 'cp "$other" "$output.incoming" && cp "$local" "$output"'
keepthis.premerge = True
unityyamlmerge.executable = /Applications/Unity/
unityyamlmerge.args = merge -p --force $base $other $local $output
unityyamlmerge.checkprompt = True
unityyamlmerge.premerge = False
unityyamlmerge.binary = False
**.unity = unityyamlmerge
**.prefab = unityyamlmerge
method = msmtp-stevelosh
from = Steve Losh <>
git:allowed = true
host =
port = 465
username =
tls = True
status.modified = cyan
status.added = green
status.removed = red
status.deleted = yellow bold underline
status.unknown = magenta bold underline
status.ignored = black bold
diff.diffline = none
diff.extended = cyan
diff.file_a = red
diff.file_b = green
diff.hunk = yellow bold
diff.deleted = red
diff.inserted = green
diff.changed = white
diff.trailingwhitespace = white_background
track.current = True
rebase = --keepbranches
addremove = --similarity 100
# Nudge: just push the current branch.
nudge = push --branch .
# Some useful little aliases.
st = status -SC
? = summary
fdiff = diff -U 10000000000000
# Push to the git mirror at the same time.
pg = !"$HG" push; "$HG" push git
# Push to all
pa = !"$HG" paths -q | xargs -l1 "$HG" push
# Commit message shortcuts.
cm = commit -m
cus = commit -m 'Update subrepository state.'
cmm = commit -m 'Merge.'
cb = commit -m 'Close branch.' --close-branch
# Merge shortcuts.
mergelocal = !$HG --config ui.merge=internal:local merge $@
mergeother = !$HG --config ui.merge=internal:other merge $@
mergefail = !$HG --config ui.merge=internal:fail merge $@
# Shortcuts to resolve merge conflicts by taking one side or the other.
takelocal = !"$HG" revert --rev 'p1()' $@ && "$HG" resolve -m $@
takeother = !"$HG" revert --rev 'p2()' $@ && "$HG" resolve -m $@
# Diff.
d = diff -p --color=auto
# Run a colored diff and pipe it to less.
dl = !"$HG" diff -p --color=never $@ | nvim -R -c 'set ft=diff' -
# Log shortcuts --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Each of these can be used with -v to add a bit more info.
# Datelog: short, pretty hg log with dates.
dlog = log --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.dlog
_ = dlog -l15
__ = _ -l100000000
o_ = outgoing -n --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.dlog
i_ = incoming -n --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.dlog
# Shortlog: short, pretty hg log.
slog = log --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.slog
. = slog -l15
.. = . -l100000000
o. = outgoing -n --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.slog
i. = incoming -n --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.slog
# Short graphlog: short, pretty hg log with a graph.
sglog = glog --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.sglog
, = sglog -l7
,, = , -l100000000
o, = outgoing --graph --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.sglog
i, = incoming --graph --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.sglog
# Incoming and Outgoing all in one
inout = !heading smallslant incoming; "$HG" incoming $@; heading smallslant outgoing; "$HG" outgoing $@
# hg n . -- show a summary of rev . without diff.
# hg show . -- show a summary of rev . with diff.
# hg sl . -- show a summary of rev . with diff, piped to less
nlog = log --style=$HOME/src/dotfiles/mercurial/templates/map-cmdline.nlog
n = nlog -vr
show = nlog --color=always -vpr
sl = !"$HG" nlog --color=always -vpr $@ | less -R
# Simple glog command that doesn't look bad and doesn't require my CLI templates.
gl = glog -l10 --template='\033[0;33m{rev}\033[0m {desc|firstline|strip} \033[0;35m{branches}\033[0m \033[0;33m{tags}\033[0m\n\033[1;30m({date|age} by {author|person})\033[0m\n\n'
# Edit the current repo's hgrc file.
erc = !$EDITOR `$HG root`/.hg/hgrc
# Easily add ignore patterns to .hgignore and commit.
ignore = ![ -n "$@" ] && echo '$@' >> `$HG root`/.hgignore && \
$HG commit `$HG root`/.hgignore -Am 'Add "$@" to .hgignore'
# Show in Vim
vshow = !$HG show $@ --color=never | nvim -c 'setlocal buftype=nofile ft=diff' -
vdiff = !$HG diff -p --color=always $@ | nvim -c ':AnsiEsc' -c 'setlocal buftype=nofile' -
git-hash = log --template '{gitnode}' --rev
# Local settings
%include ~/.hgrc_local