vim/after/plugin/paredit.vim @ 70a831232f0f

Roswell and more
author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 10 Apr 2016 21:41:33 +0000
parents 9062792cfda3
children (none)
augroup unmap_paredit_bullshit

    " Quit fucking with my split-line mapping, paredit.
    au Filetype lisp,clojure,gdl,scheme nnoremap <buffer> S i<cr><esc>^mwgk:silent! s/\v +$//<cr>:noh<cr>`w

    " Also quit fucking with my save file mapping.
    au FileType lisp,clojure,gdl,scheme nunmap <buffer> s

    " Oh my god will you fuck off already
    au FileType lisp,clojure,gdl,scheme nnoremap <buffer> dp :diffput<cr>
    au FileType lisp,clojure,gdl,scheme nnoremap <buffer> do :diffobtain<cr>
augroup END