lispwords @ 5e93682ea728

train my stupid fuckin brain to touch the yubikey
author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 24 Jul 2018 00:37:36 +0000 (2018-07-24)
parents a1d399ef7d54
children 4237c4d29d58 31ddcddb32bf
; unfuck normal shit
(1 catch)
(1 if)
(1 ccase)
(1 ctypecase)
(-1 loop)
(2 defmethod)
(2 define-compiler-macro)
(2 with-accessors)
(0 :use :export :documentation)
(1 :shadowing-import-from :import-from)
(1 symbol-macrolet)
(1 print-unreadable-object)
(1 pprint-logical-block)
(2 defmacro)
(1 multiple-value-call) ; maybe not...
(1 restart-case)

; my own weird things
(1 make-array)
(1 return-from)
(1 make-instance)
(1 dis)
(1 do-array)
(1 doseq)

; fiveam
(1 test)

; optima/trivia
(1 match match* ematch ematch*)

; defstar
(2 defun*)
(1 labels* flet*)
(1 *let)

; alexandria / utils
(1 switch eswitch cswitch)
(1 while until)
(1 with-gensyms)
(1 once-only)
(1 dohash)

; arrows
(1 -> ->> -<> -<>>)

; sketch
(1 with-pen with-font)
(2 defsketch)

; sbcl
(1 with-profiling)

; policy-cond
(1 policy-if)

; charms
(1 with-curses)

; dissect
(1 with-capped-stack with-truncated-stack)

; function-cache
(2 defcached)

; cffi
(2 defcfun)
(3 defcallback)

; maxpc
(2 =destructure)

; smug
(1 .let*)

; cl-losh
(1 recursively)
(1 when-found if-found)
(1 when-let* when-let)
(1 if-let* if-let)
(1 gathering-vector)
(1 multiple-value-bind*)
(1 do-repeat)

; qtools
(1 qtenumcase)
(1 with-main-window)

; portaudio
(1 with-default-audio-stream)

; beast
(1 create-entity)

; temperance
(1 push-logic-frame-with)

; blt
(1 key-case)

; conspack
(1 tracking-refs)

; asdf
(1 test-op)

; ppcre
(2 register-groups-bind do-register-groups)

; lparallel
(1 pdotimes)

; stumpwm
(3 defcommand)