vim/sadness/bike/ide-integration/Pymacs-0.20/Pymacs/ @ 5df6c98525ca

vim: sparkup tweaks
author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 28 Jan 2011 15:52:20 -0500
parents cfd5d659d737
children (none)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright © 1991-1998, 2000, 2002 Progiciels Bourbeau-Pinard inc.
# François Pinard <>, April 1991.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

Handling of boxed comments in various box styles.


For comments held within boxes, it is painful to fill paragraphs, while
stretching or shrinking the surrounding box "by hand", as needed.  This piece
of Python code eases my life on this.  It may be used interactively from
within Emacs through the Pymacs interface, or in batch as a script which
filters a single region to be reformatted.  I find only fair, while giving
all sources for a package using such boxed comments, to also give the
means I use for nicely modifying comments.  So here they are!

Box styles

Each supported box style has a number associated with it.  This number is
arbitrary, yet by _convention_, it holds three non-zero digits such the the
hundreds digit roughly represents the programming language, the tens digit
roughly represents a box quality (or weight) and the units digit roughly
a box type (or figure).  An unboxed comment is merely one of box styles.
Language, quality and types are collectively referred to as style attributes.

When rebuilding a boxed comment, attributes are selected independently
of each other.  They may be specified by the digits of the value given
as Emacs commands argument prefix, or as the `-s' argument to the `rebox'
script when called from the shell.  If there is no such prefix, or if the
corresponding digit is zero, the attribute is taken from the value of the
default style instead.  If the corresponding digit of the default style
is also zero, than the attribute is recognised and taken from the actual
boxed comment, as it existed before prior to the command.  The value 1,
which is the simplest attribute, is ultimately taken if the parsing fails.

A programming language is associated with comment delimiters.  Values are
100 for none or unknown, 200 for `/*' and `*/' as in plain C, 300 for `//'
as in C++, 400 for `#' as in most scripting languages, 500 for `;' as in
LISP or assembler and 600 for `%' as in TeX or PostScript.

Box quality differs according to language. For unknown languages (100) or
for the C language (200), values are 10 for simple, 20 for rounded, and
30 or 40 for starred.  Simple quality boxes (10) use comment delimiters
to left and right of each comment line, and also for the top or bottom
line when applicable. Rounded quality boxes (20) try to suggest rounded
corners in boxes.  Starred quality boxes (40) mostly use a left margin of
asterisks or X'es, and use them also in box surroundings.  For all others
languages, box quality indicates the thickness in characters of the left
and right sides of the box: values are 10, 20, 30 or 40 for 1, 2, 3 or 4
characters wide.  With C++, quality 10 is not useful, it is not allowed.

Box type values are 1 for fully opened boxes for which boxing is done
only for the left and right but not for top or bottom, 2 for half
single lined boxes for which boxing is done on all sides except top,
3 for fully single lined boxes for which boxing is done on all sides,
4 for half double lined boxes which is like type 2 but more bold,
or 5 for fully double lined boxes which is like type 3 but more bold.

The special style 221 is for C comments between a single opening `/*'
and a single closing `*/'.  The special style 111 deletes a box.

Batch usage

Usage is `rebox [OPTION]... [FILE]'.  By default, FILE is reformatted to
standard output by refilling the comment up to column 79, while preserving
existing boxed comment style.  If FILE is not given, standard input is read.
Options may be:

  -n         Do not refill the comment inside its box, and ignore -w.
  -s STYLE   Replace box style according to STYLE, as explained above.
  -t         Replace initial sequence of spaces by TABs on each line.
  -v         Echo both the old and the new box styles on standard error.
  -w WIDTH   Try to avoid going over WIDTH columns per line.

So, a single boxed comment is reformatted by invocation.  `vi' users, for
example, would need to delimit the boxed comment first, before executing
the `!}rebox' command (is this correct? my `vi' recollection is far away).

Batch usage is also slow, as internal structures have to be reinitialised
at every call.  Producing a box in a single style is fast, but recognising
the previous style requires setting up for all possible styles.

Emacs usage

For most Emacs language editing modes, refilling does not make sense
outside comments, one may redefine the `M-q' command and link it to this
Pymacs module.  For example, I use this in my `.emacs' file:

     (add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'fp-c-mode-routine)
     (defun fp-c-mode-routine ()
       (local-set-key "\M-q" 'rebox-comment))
     (autoload 'rebox-comment "rebox" nil t)
     (autoload 'rebox-region "rebox" nil t)

with a "rebox.el" file having this single line:

     (pymacs-load "Pymacs.rebox")

Install Pymacs from `'.

The Emacs function `rebox-comment' automatically discovers the extent of
the boxed comment near the cursor, possibly refills the text, then adjusts
the box style.  When this command is executed, the cursor should be within
a comment, or else it should be between two comments, in which case the
command applies to the next comment.  The function `rebox-region' does
the same, except that it takes the current region as a boxed comment.
Both commands obey numeric prefixes to add or remove a box, force a
particular box style, or to prevent refilling of text.  Without such
prefixes, the commands may deduce the current box style from the comment
itself so the style is preserved.

The default style initial value is nil or 0.  It may be preset to another
value through calling `rebox-set-default-style' from Emacs LISP, or changed
to anything else though using a negative value for a prefix, in which case
the default style is set to the absolute value of the prefix.

A `C-u' prefix avoids refilling the text, but forces using the default box
style.  `C-u -' lets the user interact to select one attribute at a time.

Adding new styles

Let's suppose you want to add your own boxed comment style, say:

    // This is the style mandated in our company.

You might modify `' but then, you will have to edit it whenever you
get a new release of `'.  Emacs users might modify their `.emacs'
file or their `rebox.el' bootstrap, if they use one.  In either cases,
after the `(pymacs-load "Pymacs.rebox")' line, merely add:

    (rebox-Template NNN MMM ["//-----+"
                             "// box  "

If you use the `rebox' script rather than Emacs, the simplest is to make
your own.  This is easy, as it is very small.  For example, the above
style could be implemented by using this script instead of `rebox':

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import sys
    from Pymacs import rebox
    rebox.Template(226, 325, ('//-----+',
                              '// box  ',
    apply(rebox.main, tuple(sys.argv[1:]))

In all cases, NNN is the style three-digit number, with no zero digit.
Pick any free style number, you are safe with 911 and up.  MMM is the
recognition priority, only used to disambiguate the style of a given boxed
comments, when it matches many styles at once.  Try something like 400.
Raise or lower that number as needed if you observe false matches.

On average, the template uses three lines of equal length.  Do not worry if
this implies a few trailing spaces, they will be cleaned up automatically
at box generation time.  The first line or the third line may be omitted
to create vertically opened boxes.  But the middle line may not be omitted,
it ought to include the word `box', which will get replaced by your actual
comment.  If the first line is shorter than the middle one, it gets merged
at the start of the comment.  If the last line is shorter than the middle
one, it gets merged at the end of the comment and is refilled with it.


I first observed rounded corners, as in style 223 boxes, in code from
Warren Tucker, a previous maintainer of the `shar' package, circa 1980.

Except for very special files, I carefully avoided boxed comments for
real work, as I found them much too hard to maintain.  My friend Paul
Provost was working at Taarna, a computer graphics place, which had boxes
as part of their coding standards.  He asked that we try something to get
him out of his misery, and this how `rebox.el' was originally written.
I did not plan to use it for myself, but Paul was so enthusiastic that I
timidly started to use boxes in my things, very little at first, but more
and more as time passed, still in doubt that it was a good move.  Later,
many friends spontaneously started to use this tool for real, some being very
serious workers.  This convinced me that boxes are acceptable, after all.

I do not use boxes much with Python code.  It is so legible that boxing
is not that useful.  Vertical white space is less necessary, too.  I even
avoid white lines within functions.  Comments appear prominent enough when
using highlighting editors like Emacs or nice printer tools like `enscript'.

After Emacs could be extended with Python, in 2001, I translated `rebox.el'
into `', and added the facility to use it as a batch script.

## Note: This code is currently compatible down to Python version 1.5.2.
## It is probably worth keeping it that way for a good while, still.

## Note: a double hash comment introduces a group of functions or methods.

import re, string, sys

def main(*arguments):
    refill = 1
    style = None
    tabify = 0
    verbose = 0
    width = 79
    import getopt
    options, arguments = getopt.getopt(arguments, 'ns:tvw:', ['help'])
    for option, value in options:
        if option == '--help':
        elif option == '-n':
            refill = 0
        elif option == '-s':
            style = int(value)
        elif option == '-t':
            tabify = 1
        elif option == '-v':
            verbose = 1
        elif option == '-w':
            width = int(value)
    if len(arguments) == 0:
        text =
    elif len(arguments) == 1:
        text = open(arguments[0]).read()
        sys.stderr.write("Invalid usage, try `rebox --help' for help.\n")
    old_style, new_style, text, position = engine(
        text, style=style, width=width, refill=refill, tabify=tabify)
    if text is None:
        sys.stderr.write("* Cannot rebox to style %d.\n" % new_style)
    if verbose:
        if old_style == new_style:
            sys.stderr.write("Reboxed with style %d.\n" % old_style)
            sys.stderr.write("Reboxed from style %d to %d.\n"
                             % (old_style, new_style))

def pymacs_load_hook():
    global interactions, lisp, Let, region, comment, set_default_style
    from Pymacs import lisp, Let
    emacs_rebox = Emacs_Rebox()
    # Declare functions for Emacs to import.
    interactions = {}
    region = emacs_rebox.region
    interactions[region] = 'P'
    comment = emacs_rebox.comment
    interactions[comment] = 'P'
    set_default_style = emacs_rebox.set_default_style

class Emacs_Rebox:

    def __init__(self):
        self.default_style = None

    def set_default_style(self, style):
Set the default style to STYLE.
        self.default_style = style

    def region(self, flag):
Rebox the boxed comment in the current region, obeying FLAG.
        self.emacs_engine(flag, self.find_region)

    def comment(self, flag):
Rebox the surrounding boxed comment, obeying FLAG.
        self.emacs_engine(flag, self.find_comment)

    def emacs_engine(self, flag, find_limits):
Rebox text while obeying FLAG.  Call FIND_LIMITS to discover the extent
of the boxed comment.
        # `C-u -' means that box style is to be decided interactively.
        if flag == lisp['-']:
            flag = self.ask_for_style()
        # If FLAG is zero or negative, only change default box style.
        if type(flag) is type(0) and flag <= 0:
            self.default_style = -flag
            lisp.message("Default style set to %d" % -flag)
        # Decide box style and refilling.
        if flag is None:
            style = self.default_style
            refill = 1
        elif type(flag) == type(0):
            if self.default_style is None:
                style = flag
                style = merge_styles(self.default_style, flag)
            refill = 1
            flag = flag.copy()
            if type(flag) == type([]):
                style = self.default_style
                refill = 0
                lisp.error("Unexpected flag value %s" % flag)
        # Prepare for reboxing.
        checkpoint = lisp.buffer_undo_list.value()
        start, end = find_limits()
        text = lisp.buffer_substring(start, end)
        width = lisp.fill_column.value()
        tabify = lisp.indent_tabs_mode.value() is not None
        point = lisp.point()
        if start <= point < end:
            position = point - start
            position = None
        # Rebox the text and replace it in Emacs buffer.
        old_style, new_style, text, position = engine(
            text, style=style, width=width,
            refill=refill, tabify=tabify, position=position)
        if text is None:
            lisp.error("Cannot rebox to style %d" % new_style)
        lisp.delete_region(start, end)
        if position is not None:
            lisp.goto_char(start + position)
        # Collapse all operations into a single one, for Undo.
        # We are finished, tell the user.
        if old_style == new_style:
            lisp.message("Reboxed with style %d" % old_style)
            lisp.message("Reboxed from style %d to %d"
                         % (old_style, new_style))

    def ask_for_style(self):
Request the style interactively, using the minibuffer.
        language = quality = type = None
        while language is None:
Box language is 100-none, 200-/*, 300-//, 400-#, 500-;, 600-%%")
            key = lisp.read_char()
            if key >= ord('0') and key <= ord('6'):
                language = key - ord('0')
        while quality is None:
Box quality/width is 10-simple/1, 20-rounded/2, 30-starred/3 or 40-starred/4")
            key = lisp.read_char()
            if key >= ord('0') and key <= ord('4'):
                quality = key - ord('0')
        while type is None:
Box type is 1-opened, 2-half-single, 3-single, 4-half-double or 5-double")
            key = lisp.read_char()
            if key >= ord('0') and key <= ord('5'):
                type = key - ord('0')
        return 100*language + 10*quality + type

    def find_region(self):
Return the limits of the region.
        return lisp.point(), lisp.mark(lisp.t)

    def find_comment(self):
Find and return the limits of the block of comments following or enclosing
the cursor, or return an error if the cursor is not within such a block
of comments.  Extend it as far as possible in both directions.
        let = Let()
        # Find the start of the current or immediately following comment.
        lisp.skip_chars_forward(' \t\n')
        if not language_matcher[0](self.remainder_of_line()):
            temp = lisp.point()
            if not lisp.re_search_forward('\\*/', None, lisp.t):
                lisp.error("outside any comment block")
            if lisp.point() > temp:
                lisp.error("outside any comment block")
            temp = lisp.point()
            lisp.skip_chars_forward(' \t')
            if lisp.point() != temp:
                lisp.error("text before start of comment")
        start = lisp.point()
        language = guess_language(self.remainder_of_line())
        # Find the end of this comment.
        if language == 2:
            if not lisp.looking_at('[ \t]*$'):
                lisp.error("text after end of comment")
        if lisp.eobp():
        end = lisp.point()
        # Try to extend the comment block backwards.
        while not lisp.bobp():
            if language == 2:
                lisp.skip_chars_backward(' \t\n')
                if not lisp.looking_at('[ \t]*\n[ \t]*/\\*'):
                if lisp.point() < 2:
                if not lisp.looking_at('\\*/'):
                temp = lisp.point()
                lisp.skip_chars_forward(' \t')
                if lisp.point() != temp:
                if not language_matcher[language](self.remainder_of_line()):
            start = lisp.point()
        # Try to extend the comment block forward.
        while language_matcher[language](self.remainder_of_line()):
            if language == 2:
                lisp.re_search_forward('[ \t]*/\\*')
                if lisp.looking_at('[ \t]*$'):
                    end = lisp.point()
                end = lisp.point()
        return start, end

    def remainder_of_line(self):
Return all characters between point and end of line in Emacs buffer.
        return lisp('''\
(buffer-substring (point) (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward "^\n") (point)))

    def clean_undo_after_old(self, checkpoint):
Remove all intermediate boundaries from the Undo list since CHECKPOINT.
        # Declare some LISP functions.
        car =
        cdr = lisp.cdr
        eq = lisp.eq
        setcdr = lisp.setcdr
        # Remove any `nil' delimiter recently added to the Undo list.
        cursor = lisp.buffer_undo_list.value()
        if not eq(cursor, checkpoint):
            tail = cdr(cursor)
            while not eq(tail, checkpoint):
                if car(tail):
                    cursor = tail
                    tail = cdr(cursor)
                    tail = cdr(tail)
                    setcdr(cursor, tail)

    def clean_undo_after(self, checkpoint):
Remove all intermediate boundaries from the Undo list since CHECKPOINT.
(let ((undo-list %s))
  (if (not (eq buffer-undo-list undo-list))
      (let ((cursor buffer-undo-list))
	(while (not (eq (cdr cursor) undo-list))
	  (if (car (cdr cursor))
	      (setq cursor (cdr cursor))
	    (setcdr cursor (cdr (cdr cursor)))))))
             % (checkpoint or 'nil'))

def engine(text, style=None, width=79, refill=1, tabify=0, position=None):
Add, delete or adjust a boxed comment held in TEXT, according to STYLE.
STYLE values are explained at beginning of this file.  Any zero attribute
in STYLE indicates that the corresponding attribute should be recovered
from the currently existing box.  Produced lines will not go over WIDTH
columns if possible, if refilling gets done.  But if REFILL is false, WIDTH
is ignored.  If TABIFY is true, the beginning of produced lines will have
spaces replace by TABs.  POSITION is either None, or a character position
within TEXT.  Returns four values: the old box style, the new box style,
the reformatted text, and either None or the adjusted value of POSITION in
the new text.  The reformatted text is returned as None if the requested
style does not exist.
    last_line_complete = text and text[-1] == '\n'
    if last_line_complete:
        text = text[:-1]
    lines = string.split(string.expandtabs(text), '\n')
    # Decide about refilling and the box style to use.
    new_style = 111
    old_template = guess_template(lines)
    new_style = merge_styles(new_style,
    if style is not None:
        new_style = merge_styles(new_style, style)
    new_template = template_registry.get(new_style)
    # Interrupt processing if STYLE does not exist.
    if not new_template:
        return, new_style, None, None
    # Remove all previous comment marks, and left margin.
    if position is not None:
        marker = Marker()
        marker.save_position(text, position, old_template.characters())
    lines, margin = old_template.unbuild(lines)
    # Ensure only one white line between paragraphs.
    counter = 1
    while counter < len(lines) - 1:
        if lines[counter] == '' and lines[counter-1] == '':
            del lines[counter]
            counter = counter + 1
    # Rebuild the boxed comment.
    lines =, width, refill, margin)
    # Retabify to the left only.
    if tabify:
        for counter in range(len(lines)):
            tabs = len(re.match(' *', lines[counter]).group()) / 8
            lines[counter] = '\t' * tabs + lines[counter][8*tabs:]
    # Restore the point position.
    text = string.join(lines, '\n')
    if last_line_complete:
        text = text + '\n'
    if position is not None:
        position = marker.get_position(text, new_template.characters())
    return, new_style, text, position

def guess_language(line):
Guess the language in use for LINE.
    for language in range(len(language_matcher) - 1, 1, -1):
        if language_matcher[language](line):
            return language
    return 1

def guess_template(lines):
Find the heaviest box template matching LINES.
    best_template = None
    for template in template_registry.values():
        if best_template is None or template > best_template:
            if template.match(lines):
                best_template = template
    return best_template

def left_margin_size(lines):
Return the width of the left margin for all LINES.  Ignore white lines.
    margin = None
    for line in lines:
        counter = len(re.match(' *', line).group())
        if counter != len(line):
            if margin is None or counter < margin:
                margin = counter
    if margin is None:
        margin = 0
    return margin

def merge_styles(original, update):
Return style attributes as per ORIGINAL, in which attributes have been
overridden by non-zero corresponding style attributes from UPDATE.
    style = [original / 100, original / 10 % 10, original % 10]
    merge = update / 100, update / 10 % 10, update % 10
    for counter in range(3):
        if merge[counter]:
            style[counter] = merge[counter]
    return 100*style[0] + 10*style[1] + style[2]

def refill_lines(lines, width):
Refill LINES, trying to not produce lines having more than WIDTH columns.
    # Try using GNU `fmt'.
    import tempfile, os
    name = tempfile.mktemp()
    open(name, 'w').write(string.join(lines, '\n') + '\n')
    process = os.popen('fmt -cuw %d %s' % (width, name))
    text =
    if process.close() is None:
        return map(string.expandtabs, string.split(text, '\n')[:-1])
    # If `fmt' failed, do refilling more naively, wihtout using the
    # Knuth algorithm, nor protecting full stops at end of sentences.
    new_lines = []
    new_line = ''
    start = 0
    for end in range(len(lines)):
        if not lines[end]:
            margin = left_margin_size(lines[start:end])
            for line in lines[start:end]:
                counter = len(re.match(' *', line).group())
                if counter > margin:
                    if new_line:
                        new_lines.append(' ' * margin + new_line)
                        new_line = ''
                    indent = counter - margin
                    indent = 0
                for word in string.split(line):
                    if new_line:
                        if len(new_line) + 1 + len(word) > width:
                            new_lines.append(' ' * margin + new_line)
                            new_line = word
                            new_line = new_line + ' ' + word
                        new_line = ' ' * indent + word
                        indent = 0
            if new_line:
                new_lines.append(' ' * margin + new_line)
                new_line = ''
            if lines[end] is not None:
                start = end + 1
    return new_lines

class Marker:

    ## Heuristic to simulate a marker while reformatting boxes.

    def save_position(self, text, position, ignorable):
Given a TEXT and a POSITION in that text, save the adjusted position
by faking that all IGNORABLE characters before POSITION were removed.
        ignore = {}
        for character in ' \t\r\n' + ignorable:
            ignore[character] = None
        counter = 0
        for character in text[:position]:
            if ignore.has_key(character):
                counter = counter + 1
        self.position = position - counter

    def get_position(self, text, ignorable, latest=0):
Given a TEXT, return the value that would yield the currently saved position,
if it was saved by `save_position' with IGNORABLE.  Unless the position lies
within a series of ignorable characters, LATEST has no effect in practice.
If LATEST is true, return the biggest possible value instead of the smallest.
        ignore = {}
        for character in ' \t\r\n' + ignorable:
            ignore[character] = None
        counter = 0
        position = 0
        if latest:
            for character in text:
                if ignore.has_key(character):
                    counter = counter + 1
                    if position == self.position:
                    position = position + 1
        elif self.position > 0:
            for character in text:
                if ignore.has_key(character):
                    counter = counter + 1
                    position = position + 1
                    if position == self.position:
        return position + counter

## Template processing.

class Template:

    def __init__(self, style, weight, lines):
Digest and register a single template.  The template is numbered STYLE,
has a parsing WEIGHT, and is described by one to three LINES.
STYLE should be used only once through all `declare_template' calls.

One of the lines should contain the substring `box' to represent the comment
to be boxed, and if three lines are given, `box' should appear in the middle
one.  Lines containing only spaces are implied as necessary before and after
the the `box' line, so we have three lines.

Normally, all three template lines should be of the same length.  If the first
line is shorter, it represents a start comment string to be bundled within the
first line of the comment text.  If the third line is shorter, it represents
an end comment string to be bundled at the end of the comment text, and
refilled with it.
        assert not template_registry.has_key(style), \
               "Style %d defined more than once" % style = style
        self.weight = weight
        # Make it exactly three lines, with `box' in the middle.
        start = string.find(lines[0], 'box')
        if start >= 0:
            line1 = None
            line2 = lines[0]
            if len(lines) > 1:
                line3 = lines[1]
                line3 = None
            start = string.find(lines[1], 'box')
            if start >= 0:
                line1 = lines[0]
                line2 = lines[1]
                if len(lines) > 2:
                    line3 = lines[2]
                    line3 = None
                assert 0, "Erroneous template for %d style" % style
        end = start + len('box')
        # Define a few booleans.
        self.merge_nw = line1 is not None and len(line1) < len(line2)
        self.merge_se = line3 is not None and len(line3) < len(line2)
        # Define strings at various cardinal directions.
        if line1 is None:
            self.nw = self.nn = = None
        elif self.merge_nw:
            self.nw = line1
            self.nn = = None
            if start > 0:
                self.nw = line1[:start]
                self.nw = None
            if line1[start] != ' ':
                self.nn = line1[start]
                self.nn = None
            if end < len(line1):
       = string.rstrip(line1[end:])
       = None
        if start > 0:
            self.ww = line2[:start]
            self.ww = None
        if end < len(line2):
   = line2[end:]
   = None
        if line3 is None:
            self.sw = = = None
        elif self.merge_se:
            self.sw = = None
   = string.rstrip(line3)
            if start > 0:
                self.sw = line3[:start]
                self.sw = None
            if line3[start] != ' ':
       = line3[start]
       = None
            if end < len(line3):
       = string.rstrip(line3[end:])
       = None
        # Define parsing regexps.
        if self.merge_nw:
            self.regexp1 = re.compile(' *' + regexp_quote(self.nw) + '.*$')
        elif self.nw and not self.nn and not
            self.regexp1 = re.compile(' *' + regexp_quote(self.nw) + '$')
        elif self.nw or self.nn or
            self.regexp1 = re.compile(
                ' *' + regexp_quote(self.nw) + regexp_ruler(self.nn)
                + regexp_quote( + '$')
            self.regexp1 = None
        if self.ww or
            self.regexp2 = re.compile(
                ' *' + regexp_quote(self.ww) + '.*'
                + regexp_quote( + '$')
            self.regexp2 = None
        if self.merge_se:
            self.regexp3 = re.compile('.*' + regexp_quote( + '$')
        elif self.sw and not and not
            self.regexp3 = re.compile(' *' + regexp_quote(self.sw) + '$')
        elif self.sw or or
            self.regexp3 = re.compile(
                ' *' + regexp_quote(self.sw) + regexp_ruler(
                + regexp_quote( + '$')
            self.regexp3 = None
        # Save results.
        template_registry[style] = self

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(self.weight, other.weight)

    def characters(self):
Return a string of characters which may be used to draw the box.
        characters = ''
        for text in (self.nw, self.nn,,
            if text:
                for character in text:
                    if character not in characters:
                        characters = characters + character
        return characters

    def match(self, lines):
Returns true if LINES exactly match this template.
        start = 0
        end = len(lines)
        if self.regexp1 is not None:
            if start == end or not self.regexp1.match(lines[start]):
                return 0
            start = start + 1
        if self.regexp3 is not None:
            if end == 0 or not self.regexp3.match(lines[end-1]):
                return 0
            end = end - 1
        if self.regexp2 is not None:
            for line in lines[start:end]:
                if not self.regexp2.match(line):
                    return 0
        return 1

    def unbuild(self, lines):
Remove all comment marks from LINES, as hinted by this template.  Returns the
cleaned up set of lines, and the size of the left margin.
        margin = left_margin_size(lines)
        # Remove box style marks.
        start = 0
        end = len(lines)
        if self.regexp1 is not None:
            lines[start] = unbuild_clean(lines[start], self.regexp1)
            start = start + 1
        if self.regexp3 is not None:
            lines[end-1] = unbuild_clean(lines[end-1], self.regexp3)
            end = end - 1
        if self.regexp2 is not None:
            for counter in range(start, end):
                lines[counter] = unbuild_clean(lines[counter], self.regexp2)
        # Remove the left side of the box after it turned into spaces.
        delta = left_margin_size(lines) - margin
        for counter in range(len(lines)):
            lines[counter] = lines[counter][delta:]
        # Remove leading and trailing white lines.
        start = 0
        end = len(lines)
        while start < end and lines[start] == '':
            start = start + 1
        while end > start and lines[end-1] == '':
            end = end - 1
        return lines[start:end], margin

    def build(self, lines, width, refill, margin):
Put LINES back into a boxed comment according to this template, after
having refilled them if REFILL.  The box should start at column MARGIN,
and the total size of each line should ideally not go over WIDTH.
        # Merge a short end delimiter now, so it gets refilled with text.
        if self.merge_se:
            if lines:
                lines[-1] = lines[-1] + '  ' +
                lines = []
        # Reduce WIDTH according to left and right inserts, then refill.
        if self.ww:
            width = width - len(self.ww)
            width = width - len(
        if refill:
            lines = refill_lines(lines, width)
        # Reduce WIDTH further according to the current right margin,
        # and excluding the left margin.
        maximum = 0
        for line in lines:
            if line:
                if line[-1] in '.!?':
                    length = len(line) + 1
                    length = len(line)
                if length > maximum:
                    maximum = length
        width = maximum - margin
        # Construct the top line.
        if self.merge_nw:
            lines[0] = ' ' * margin + self.nw + lines[0][margin:]
            start = 1
        elif self.nw or self.nn or
            if self.nn:
                line = self.nn * width
                line = ' ' * width
            if self.nw:
                line = self.nw + line
                line = line +
            lines.insert(0, string.rstrip(' ' * margin + line))
            start = 1
            start = 0
        # Construct all middle lines.
        for counter in range(start, len(lines)):
            line = lines[counter][margin:]
            line = line + ' ' * (width - len(line))
            if self.ww:
                line = self.ww + line
                line = line +
            lines[counter] = string.rstrip(' ' * margin + line)
        # Construct the bottom line.
        if self.sw or or and not self.merge_se:
                line = * width
                line = ' ' * width
            if self.sw:
                line = self.sw + line
            if and not self.merge_se:
                line = line +
            lines.append(string.rstrip(' ' * margin + line))
        return lines

def regexp_quote(text):
Return a regexp matching TEXT without its surrounding space, maybe
followed by spaces.  If STRING is nil, return the empty regexp.
Unless spaces, the text is nested within a regexp parenthetical group.
    if text is None:
        return ''
    if text == ' ' * len(text):
        return ' *'
    return '(' + re.escape(string.strip(text)) + ') *'

def regexp_ruler(character):
Return a regexp matching two or more repetitions of CHARACTER, maybe
followed by spaces.  Is CHARACTER is nil, return the empty regexp.
Unless spaces, the ruler is nested within a regexp parenthetical group.
    if character is None:
        return ''
    if character == ' ':
        return '  +'
    return '(' + re.escape(character + character) + '+) *'

def unbuild_clean(line, regexp):
Return LINE with all parenthetical groups in REGEXP erased and replaced by an
equivalent number of spaces, except for trailing spaces, which get removed.
    match = re.match(regexp, line)
    groups = match.groups()
    for counter in range(len(groups)):
        if groups[counter] is not None:
            start, end = match.span(1 + counter)
            line = line[:start] + ' ' * (end - start) + line[end:]
    return string.rstrip(line)

## Template data.

# Matcher functions for a comment start, indexed by numeric LANGUAGE.
language_matcher = []
for pattern in (r' *(/\*|//+|#+|;+|%+)',
                r'',            # 1
                r' */\*',       # 2
                r' *//+',       # 3
                r' *#+',        # 4
                r' *;+',        # 5
                r' *%+'):       # 6

# Template objects, indexed by numeric style.
template_registry = {}

def make_generic(style, weight, lines):
Add various language digit to STYLE and generate one template per language,
all using the same WEIGHT.  Replace `?' in LINES accordingly.
    for language, character in ((300, '/'),  # C++ style comments
                                (400, '#'),  # scripting languages
                                (500, ';'),  # LISP and assembler
                                (600, '%')): # TeX and PostScript
        new_style = language + style
        if 310 < new_style <= 319:
            # Disallow quality 10 with C++.
        new_lines = []
        for line in lines:
            new_lines.append(string.replace(line, '?', character))
        Template(new_style, weight, new_lines)

# Generic programming language templates.

make_generic(11, 115, ('? box',))

make_generic(12, 215, ('? box ?',
                       '? --- ?'))

make_generic(13, 315, ('? --- ?',
                       '? box ?',
                       '? --- ?'))

make_generic(14, 415, ('? box ?',

make_generic(15, 515, ('???????',
                       '? box ?',

make_generic(21, 125, ('?? box',))

make_generic(22, 225, ('?? box ??',
                       '?? --- ??'))

make_generic(23, 325, ('?? --- ??',
                       '?? box ??',
                       '?? --- ??'))

make_generic(24, 425, ('?? box ??',

make_generic(25, 525, ('?????????',
                       '?? box ??',

make_generic(31, 135, ('??? box',))

make_generic(32, 235, ('??? box ???',
                       '??? --- ???'))

make_generic(33, 335, ('??? --- ???',
                       '??? box ???',
                       '??? --- ???'))

make_generic(34, 435, ('??? box ???',

make_generic(35, 535, ('???????????',
                       '??? box ???',

make_generic(41, 145, ('???? box',))

make_generic(42, 245, ('???? box ????',
                       '???? --- ????'))

make_generic(43, 345, ('???? --- ????',
                       '???? box ????',
                       '???? --- ????'))

make_generic(44, 445, ('???? box ????',

make_generic(45, 545, ('?????????????',
                       '???? box ????',

# Textual (non programming) templates.

Template(111, 113, ('box',))

Template(112, 213, ('| box |',

Template(113, 313, ('+-----+',
                    '| box |',

Template(114, 413, ('| box |',

Template(115, 513, ('*=====*',
                    '| box |',

Template(121, 123, ('| box |',))

Template(122, 223, ('| box |',

Template(123, 323, ('.-----.',
                    '| box |',

Template(124, 423, ('| box |',

Template(125, 523, ('/=====\\',
                    '| box |',

Template(141, 143, ('| box ',))

Template(142, 243, ('* box *',

Template(143, 343, ('*******',
                    '* box *',

Template(144, 443, ('X box X',

Template(145, 543, ('XXXXXXX',
                    'X box X',
# C language templates.

Template(211, 118, ('/* box */',))

Template(212, 218, ('/* box */',
                    '/* --- */'))

Template(213, 318, ('/* --- */',
                    '/* box */',
                    '/* --- */'))

Template(214, 418, ('/* box */',
                    '/* === */'))

Template(215, 518, ('/* === */',
                    '/* box */',
                    '/* === */'))

Template(221, 128, ('/* ',
                    '   box',

Template(222, 228, ('/*    .',
                    '| box |',

Template(223, 328, ('/*----.',
                    '| box |',

Template(224, 428, ('/*    \\',
                    '| box |',

Template(225, 528, ('/*====\\',
                    '| box |',

Template(231, 138, ('/*    ',
                    ' | box',
                    ' */   '))

Template(232, 238, ('/*        ',
                    ' | box | ',
                    ' *-----*/'))

Template(233, 338, ('/*-----* ',
                    ' | box | ',
                    ' *-----*/'))

Template(234, 438, ('/* box */',

Template(235, 538, ('/*-----*/',
                    '/* box */',

Template(241, 148, ('/*    ',
                    ' * box',
                    ' */   '))

Template(242, 248, ('/*     * ',
                    ' * box * ',
                    ' *******/'))

Template(243, 348, ('/******* ',
                    ' * box * ',
                    ' *******/'))

Template(244, 448, ('/* box */',

Template(245, 548, ('/*******/',
                    '/* box */',

Template(251, 158, ('/* ',
                    ' * box',
                    ' */   '))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    apply(main, sys.argv[1:])