vim/sadness/ropevim/src/rope/rope/refactor/ @ 48cacfdc2ca6

vim: add ropevim
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 06 Oct 2010 12:30:46 -0400
parents (none)
children (none)
import warnings

from rope.base import pyobjects, exceptions, change, evaluate, codeanalyze
from rope.refactor import sourceutils, occurrences, rename

class MethodObject(object):

    def __init__(self, project, resource, offset):
        self.pycore = project.pycore
        this_pymodule = self.pycore.resource_to_pyobject(resource)
        pyname = evaluate.eval_location(this_pymodule, offset)
        if pyname is None or not isinstance(pyname.get_object(),
            raise exceptions.RefactoringError(
                'Replace method with method object refactoring should be '
                'performed on a function.')
        self.pyfunction = pyname.get_object()
        self.pymodule = self.pyfunction.get_module()
        self.resource = self.pymodule.get_resource()

    def get_new_class(self, name):
        body = sourceutils.fix_indentation(
            self._get_body(), sourceutils.get_indent(self.pycore) * 2)
        return 'class %s(object):\n\n%s%sdef __call__(self):\n%s' % \
               (name, self._get_init(),
                ' ' * sourceutils.get_indent(self.pycore), body)

    def get_changes(self, classname=None, new_class_name=None):
        if new_class_name is not None:
                'new_class_name parameter is deprecated; use classname',
                DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
            classname = new_class_name
        collector = codeanalyze.ChangeCollector(self.pymodule.source_code)
        start, end = sourceutils.get_body_region(self.pyfunction)
        indents = sourceutils.get_indents(
            self.pymodule.lines, self.pyfunction.get_scope().get_start()) + \
        new_contents = ' ' * indents + 'return %s(%s)()\n' % \
                       (classname, ', '.join(self._get_parameter_names()))
        collector.add_change(start, end, new_contents)
        insertion = self._get_class_insertion_point()
        collector.add_change(insertion, insertion,
                             '\n\n' + self.get_new_class(classname))
        changes = change.ChangeSet('Replace method with method object refactoring')
        return changes

    def _get_class_insertion_point(self):
        current = self.pyfunction
        while current.parent != self.pymodule:
            current = current.parent
        end = self.pymodule.lines.get_line_end(current.get_scope().get_end())
        return min(end + 1, len(self.pymodule.source_code))

    def _get_body(self):
        body = sourceutils.get_body(self.pyfunction)
        for param in self._get_parameter_names():
            body = param + ' = None\n' + body
            pymod = self.pycore.get_string_module(body, self.resource)
            pyname = pymod[param]
            finder = occurrences.create_finder(self.pycore, param, pyname)
            result = rename.rename_in_module(finder, 'self.' + param,
            body = result[result.index('\n') + 1:]
        return body

    def _get_init(self):
        params = self._get_parameter_names()
        indents = ' ' * sourceutils.get_indent(self.pycore)
        if not params:
            return ''
        header = indents + 'def __init__(self'
        body = ''
        for arg in params:
            new_name = arg
            if arg == 'self':
                new_name = 'host'
            header += ', %s' % new_name
            body += indents * 2 + 'self.%s = %s\n' % (arg, new_name)
        header += '):'
        return '%s\n%s\n' % (header, body)

    def _get_parameter_names(self):
        return self.pyfunction.get_param_names()